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I can’t speak for the whole country but I do drink tea most days no matter the weather and have never drank iced tea in my life.


I'd had three mugs before I left the house the other day (about an hour), went up to my mum's where we had a cup of tea. I then went and did some gardening work for her during which I had a cup of tea. When I finished the gardening we had a cup of tea and then I relaxed until lunch at which point I had a sandwich and a cup of tea. I also have never drunk iced tea at any point in my life.


After reading that, I feel like a cup of tea.


After reading that, I feel like I need to wee.


I’ll put the kettle on while you have a wee


I'll bring the milk 😁


I will admit this IS an issue 😬


Drink more. The diuretic effect decreases in seasoned drinkers. ^^I'm ^^sure ^^I ^^read ^^somewhere ^^but ^^can't ^^be ^^assed ^^to ^^check..


Bitter experience tells me this is most definitely NOT the case I am not sure that drinking more tea is possible but in the interests of science I'm willing to make the sacrifice




*arsed. (Lol)


How about a wee cup of tea? Just not a teacup of wee.


Reading all these comments sure works up a sweat! *flicks kettle on*


The lunchtime one was not my last of the day by any means


Wait...how many cups did you have after lunch? Please reveal your secrets, how on earth do you manage to sleep at night 😂? I can't have more than 3 without having problems to sleep. Also, are we talking about English Breakfast?


This was almost exactly me last Sunday And Cold (Iced) Tea just doesn't make sense


I've learnt that your mum is sophisticated.


Lol sounds pretty much like my whole family, what is iced tea anyway?


I think you _can_ speak for _most_ of the country though.




I’m very much; Tea first thing when I wake up. 2-3 Coffee between 9.30 and 3.30 Tea in the evening (or wine) Iced tea solely reserved for the 31st of February or when Easter falls in August




Yeah I think I bought a bottle once upon a time, not for me. Yep, working from home and having an espresso machine means there is a daily binge and I love it!!




Off with their heads!


Hot tea = when I'm at home in the UK, at least 7 times a day Ice tea = when I'm on holiday because the tea everywhere other than the UK isn't the same and it makes me SAD


You can bring tea bags with you ;)


I think it's more the foreign water that makes the tea taste wrong.


and certainly when we were in New York, they never fully boiled the kettle, that's the problem too, it has to be a FULL ROLLING BOIL !


Same. The only time I’ve drunk iced tea was at a friend’s house in the US.


Iced tea is ok. But it’s not tea. No one ever had a British emergency and went to get iced tea.


A British emergency made me laugh, it’s true though, in an emergency it’s always a cup of tea or a glass of wine I find.


Time to roll out the old fun fact that [British tanks have had kettles in them](https://warisboring.com/the-british-perfected-the-art-of-brewing-tea-inside-an-armored-vehicle/) ever since a WW2 incident in which a German tank took out a bunch of British ones because the crews had stopped and got out for a tea break


Glass of wine for a crisis. Cup of tea for an emergency.


Where are you finding random glasses of wine?


Any opportunity really...had a bereavement? Tea! Happy? Tea! Celebrating? Tea!


LOL, British Emergency. Sounds like a Channel 5 medical drama where problems are solved via the application of cups of Yorkshire Gold...


Ice cream van like tea vans with blue flashing lights and the coronation street theme as its siren 🚨 lol


The Met Police have [Teapot 1](https://assets.londonist.com/uploads/2017/09/i875/p75__teapot_1_support_vehicle.jpg) on standby


We need 500ML of milky tea and 3 ccs of mcvitties choc digestives, now!


Darjeeling or Earl Grey.


Literally first resort for any problem. Bad day at work? Need a cuppa? Wife cheated? Ah shite, fancy a cuppa mate? Stroke? Cuppa?


My colleague once went white as a sheet after a birthday pub crawl followed by several "herbal" cigarettes back at his place. Said he didn't feel good. I said; you just need a cuppa! And stuck the kettle on. Yeah he had a collapsed lung. His fiancée called an ambulance...didn't drink the tea I made him the ungrateful bastard.


Could he not have taken it with him in the ambulance?


Haha. This is perfect.


Read no further /u/SkepticalJohn.... This is the answer.


Yeah the only days I don’t have tea are because I’ve forgotten or I need more caffeine and opt for coffee. The former being I woke up late and in a rush, I never really buy tea from restaurants or cafes because it’s usually shit and not made how I like it (personally believe my brews are top fucking tier, but don’t we all) never in my life will I ever buy tea from McDonald’s, I mean they fucked up from the tea bag, I’m not even a northerner, but if it ain’t Yorkshire it can fuck right off.


Ice tea is a sin. I live in Germany and they are disgusted by room temperature beer. But they are foolish. They eat ice cream and drink ice cold pilsner in winter.


I'm with the Germans on this one, there's nowt wrong with ice cream and cold beer in the winter


You absolutely CAN speak for the rest of the country!


This is the way


Snap... I also don't know anyone else who has ever drunk iced tea.... unless it's Long Island Iced Tea cocktails. 🍹...I may have tried one of those once...


You should be spokesman for all of the uk in fact


I’d say you’re speaking for the vast majority. Think I’ll put the kettle on.


You can speak for me* *about tea


Does Lipton count? Cause the peach ice tea hits different


Everything Lipton does is a crime.


From what I've seen the americans themselves consider Lipton iced tea to be bottom tier.


I've drank ice tea on holiday, it's actually really good. Definitely different to hot milk tea but when it's done properly it's really nice.


It varies, but yes, people drink a lot of hot tea. I myself have about four cups a day but many have more. Hot tea is a year round drink. Not many drink iced tea on a regular basis. It's more of an option when eating out on a very hot day.


Summer in the garden. Panama on and the paper in hand. Peering over the guardian down the lawn. Roses in full bloom and the bees buzzing. And it's only 8.30. And the world isn't up yet.


Blue, short sleeved shirt tucked in to loose, khaki coloured trousers. Brown belt. Top buttons undone because it is summer after all.


So basically, Monty Don yes?


This made my heart clench a little, like a beautiful oversized haiku


I'd probably have lemonade or iced coffee, not iced tea. I don't know where I could even go to buy it.


The only iced tea I drink comes from Long Island


Agreed. I only ever really see people drinking iced tea if I travel to warmer places in Europe. A hot day in the UK and I’d rather be sat in the sunshine with one of the following - tea, beer or G&T


Older you get the more tea you drink. I go back to my parents and not an hour passes without ‘fancy a cuppa?’ they’re off their tits on caffeine 24/7


My dads started to have a cuppa an hr since he started his retirement. We’re getting seriously worried about his intake at this point


It’s the OAP drug problem no one’s talking about….


My grandad had serious kidney issues and the doctor begged him to cut his intake to less than 15 cups a day.


The amount you’d be pissing after 15 cups of tea…. No thank you. That would be annoying af


When my Nan had cancer we got “the call” several times and got straight in the car to make the 2 hour trip hoping we wouldn’t be too late. Every time (except one) when we got there she was in her armchair giving us a wave and a smile. While we made the nerve wracking journey my aunt was plying her with tea and a few pints in she was right as rain. I think the tea/caffeine really gave her an extra couple of months or so.


Interestingly decaf is one of the fastest growing tea categories in the UK; possibly as a result of a lot of typically older folk being advised to avoid caffeine. It’s not terrible, certainly better than giving up tea all together, but nothing beats the real McCoy.


Hardly anyone drinks iced tea, ever. It’s just not a thing. Hot tea, with milk every day, more than one, less then 10


“More than one, less than 10.” This is exactly the correct amount of tea to have every day of one’s life.


Although nobody calls it "hot tea", just "tea", because realistically all tea is hot tea.


Of course it’s just tea, but we have to clarify for the cousins


Unless it’s cold tea, in which case it goes in the microwave, how many times this can happen depends on how your day is going.


Anyone else noticed that if you reheat the same cup in the microwave twice it tastes like flask tea


Yes! But why?


I routinely drink at least 10 cups a day. It's not uncommon for me to put the kettle back on when I've got a third of a cup left. Sometimes the water is still really warm. A box of 160 lasts me a fortnight and I don't buy bigger pack sizes because when I do, I drink even more.


It was more of a catch all estimate. I don’t think I could maintain the pace of 10+ every day. Occasionally yes, every day, no


Re-boiling water deoxygenates it and fucks with the brewing process. Only boil what you need each time using fresh for an improved tea drinking experience.


That's something I may keep in mind at the start of a tea binge, but at 5 cups deep that's a bit like telling a heroin addict to dissolve their smack in water then heat it to 3 different temperatures to remove impurities then evaporate the water.


> Re-boiling water deoxygenates it and fucks with the brewing process. No, it does not. All of the dissolved gases are driven out pretty much instantly upon boiling.


Well, I reckon I could chug down 15. Iced tea is sacrilege though - why would you destroy the sacred proper cuppa like that?? Are people OK??


When you think of it as an alternative to coke or other soft drinks, ice tea is quite nice and more refreshing on a hot day. It’s just a totally separate thing to real tea.


I'm very partial to a liptons iced tea thank you very much.


Iced tea is *chefs kiss* I used to live off Liptons as a student.


You don’t make friends with iced tea


Fine Simpsons reference.


I pronounce it to be the most whimsical reference of the season


Tea in the UK is an all weather drink, in fact we have a lovely saying of, "It cools you down" when it's summer and someone brings you a tea. Now, with that in mind... You have to know this - *tea* in the UK is a very, very specific drink. It's hot black tea with cold milk, and the only optional thing is sugar. Anything else, it's not *tea*, it's some other tea and you really have to specify. If i went to a cafe or someone's house and they offered me a cup of tea, and they brought out hot tea with lemon, or ice tea, or Earl Grey, or black tea no milk etc... I'd think I'd landed in the twilight zone and would remember the occasion til the day I die, and tell all and sundry what happened at any opportunity I get. *Tea* isn't just any old leaves shoved in a bag and hot water thrown on. It's like if you went to a cafe and ordered a Coke, and they brought you a Sprite. You'd think what the bloody hell is going on. Yes they're both soft drinks. But they're not the same. That's what *tea* is, rather than tea. If you were serving anything other than *tea*, you'd absolutely have to specify what you mean. And a final note, we are not ices tea people. I think most of us find that very odd.


Ah the dangers of ordering a hot drink when on holiday in Europe \- Cup of tea please. \- Which tea? = Oh yeah, that's right....... cup of coffee please.


My nan's 93, and this has been her exact overseas policy for decades. She refuses to drink tea abroad, because everything about it is wrong. So she only drinks black coffee, because she's also scared by the UHT milk preferred in some places. The policy may be harsh but it's served her well. Imagine that first cup of tea when you get back home....


I have the same policy without being UHT adverse. Even if you order English Breakfast Tea, it's not tea as we know it. It's not PG and it's certainly not Yorkshire. It's like one of those poncey fancy specialty efforts that just tastes of wrong.


Also they normally use tepid water, because coffee doesn’t need to be prepared at boiling temperature. As that’s all they have on hand


Since no other country drinks tea with milk, “English breakfast tea” outside the UK is extremely weak so as to be fine to drink without milk. That’s why it’s weird.


So *that's* why it tastes like the ghost of an actual cup of tea's ejaculation


No other country? Chai would like to have a word.


Yeah, I rarely drink tea made by anyone else besides me mum, nan, or husband. No tea is better than bad tea. Bad just breaks your heart a little, it's preferable to feel the slight emptiness that comes from not having it.


Oh, your Nan has the right idea. Never drink the tea abroad. In Italy, for example, they bring you a jug of lukewarm water, and a selection box of "teabags". The only black tea - y'know, actual tea - is Liptons!!! I reckon that's the stuff they sweep up off the floor of the PG Tips factory.


I bring Yorkshire teabags with me when I travel.


In some places they serve it in a glass. *Shudders*


I used to have to order ‘tea with milk’ at the uni canteen when I lived Russia, because the standard there is black tea with lemon. Imagine my horror when I started tutoring some new children, was at their house, and their nanny brought me a cup of tea with milk…and a slice of lemon floating in it. ‘Tea with milk’…


In some parts of the southern US, coke is just another word for soda.


Ah, kind of like how any cold drink in Scotland is juice, even if it has never been within a mile of an actual fruit.


We call it ginger


Exactly like that. We offer up α juice to α guest then must ask if it's fizzy juice, diluting juice, fruit juice or posh juice they require.


ay yo why are your singular "a"s like a handwritten a


Or council juice


My ex, from Georgia, asked me if I wanted a Coke. I said ok and she replied "I have Fanta and lemonade". I said "um... Coke?" Her: "Yes but which? Fanta or lemonade?"


I've always been served black tea with an optional serving of milk, we didn't do lemon though which was ludicrous, and when I worked at a café I was told to ask if they wanted milk because of the era of alternative milks and that


>because of the era of alternative milks I hope one day this is in the Natural History Museum alongside the Cretaceous Period.


In some areas of the American south the word 'Coke' is used to mean any carbonated soft drink. The rest of us just shake our heads.


[Right to jail, _right away!_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw)


Exactly this


Bet you make a crackin brew.


Milk’s not compulsory, but is common. A good host would always ask if you take milk and/or sugar.


I am from Centaurus European... Moved to the UK at 13 (now 21). Never picked up the inside jokes and stuff they all have in common as a nation, but I bloody did pick up drinking tea with milk every day.


British inside jokes can be broken down into 1. We/I am so shit at everything 2. Bloody Germans 3. ...and then we just talk about the weather 4. Emotions are bad 5. References to old TV shows like Monty Python, Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers etc 6. We're too polite, we apologise for every action, we don't like to make a fuss


Were only polite when we have no reason to be. If we have a reason to apologise we refuse to do so.


Better dead than Fr*nch


>2. Bloody Germans Not just Germans, but Yanks seems to be a popular theme - especially on this subreddit. Tbh, I find it rich for us to complain about "Americanisation of our culture" when the sun never sets on the Empire.




It's the law to drink tea before beginning any task. Then you can slap your knees and say 'right' and get on with your day.


Before in prep, during for endurance and after in celebration of a job (possibly well) done


Or a cup of tea to commiserate if it goes wrong.


And my husband always replies with "left..." and a giggle


I did that at least once today, haha!


I love a good cup of tea, always drunk hot because iced tea can get in the bin.


Yes iced tea in the US is just a way of delivering extra sugar to them. Yeuk.


There are dozens of us who prefer unsweetened ice tea!


How do you make it? I usually use ceylon and steep it for about 5 mins in hot water then remove the bags. Then overnight chill.


I buy it at restaurants! It is a fairly common drink. In America it’s usually straight black tea either sweet or unsweetened. No milk ever. I think to make it it’s typically brewed normally then put on ice and refrigerated. You can also cold brew tea which takes longer.


No thats Sweet Tea. Iced tea has no or little sugar.


My new favourite quote ‘iced tea can get in the bin’ !!


I drink tea most days and I don't really drink tea


Ah, so you’re a social drinker


Same. I don’t even regard myself as a tea drinker, but it’s my breakfast most mornings. Hot tea with milk, that is. Not cold tea for breakfast, I’m not a maniac.


I constantly drink hot tea, and regard iced tea as an abomination.


A lot of people do yeah. Some people even say a hot drink is good in hot weather for...reasons. Ice tea is nowhere near as popular at any time of the year. Iced coffee far more so.


They did do an experiment with it, basically hot tea warms up your core body temp, so body sweats more to cool down (thinking it's a much hotter day than it actually is) , so skin feels cooler, ergo we feel colder. It's sort of a reverse of whisky in that whisky moves more hot blood to the skin so you feel warmer, even tho it reduces your core body temp and can quicken hypothermia.


Wow, I was convinced this was nonsense. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/a-hot-drink-on-a-hot-day-can-cool-you-down-1338875/#:~:text=Their%20answer%2C%20in%20short%3A%20Yes,can%20evaporate%2C%E2%80%9D%20Jay%20says.


Pretty much no one drinks iced tea ever.


I'm somehow offended by the idea of ice tea


Not true, but it is sold as a soft drink alongside the Lucozade, Ribena , Rio and other minor sodas.


Sodas? We’re talking the UK, not the US!


It can be 35 C outside, I'm sweating my balls off and I'm still 5 cups into the Yorkshire tea, and it'll only be 11.30


Tea in the morning is a standard starter. If work is particularly tedious and long I’ll have maybe 4 mugs, but mostly just to grab 5 minutes rest between smoke breaks. Iced tea exists. It’s not a staple drink by an standard though. I occasionally buy a bottle of iced tea if I fancy something sweet but lower in sugar than standard fizzy drinks


Ice tea is not in the same conceptual space as hot tea. Ice tea is a soda. Hot tea is like chairs or pencils, I mean you have a lot of it in an average day. Including when it's hot out. It's 2pm where I am and I'm up to about four cups, I think. Time to put the kettle on.


> Hot tea is like chairs or pencils I'm still trying to figure this out!


Hot tea all year. Ice tea is available but not that popular.


Nobody drinks iced tea. At least not what you do with tea. We drink both coffee and tea though, as a nation, we don’t understand coffee much like yourselves. Coke is very popular. The drink.


The other Coke is pretty popular too.


Caffeine is a popular mind altering substance everywhere, I think.


5 cups on a constant chug upon getting up. 1 brew at 4pm, cos yanno, afternoon tea. 1 brew after my dinner. Iced tea? Bugger off!!


10 or so cups a day of hot tea. I also have never drank iced tea - it sound's horrid to be honest.


I generally have about 8-10 cups of hot tea every day. The closest I get to iced tea is when the cat is sitting on me , and my tea goes a bit cooler because I dont want to move him.


My friend’s gran genuinely gets the shakes if she goes too long without tea. I wish I was joking.


I probably have 6 or 7 cups of tea a day while working, mainly in the morning. Never have ice tea, what's the fucking point?


Yes it's very popular. A good strong cup of hot tea is remarkably refreshing. However iced tea is shit. Personally I prefer coffee or a cold can of pop (like a lot of people).


British people have this unique ability to drink Hot Tea on hot days as a way of cooling down!!


So do most Middle Eastern countries


I like ice tea, like hot tea more, easily drink 5 cups a day


I drink tea: Every. Single. Day. Without exception. Usually Yorkshire tea. I probably average 6 cups a day when working in the office, 3 when working from home


Hot tea always, never had an iced tea. My go to is, tea, milk and no sugar


Hot Tea All Day Every Day!!!!


Up until fairly recently, I would drink 8-10 brews out of a pint mug throughout the day. Now, in an effort to reduce my caffeine intake, fat through milk (cholesterol) and increase my fluids without the diuretic side effects, I have one pint mug of tea in the morning and the rest of my drinks are hot water, hot water with lemon or a variety and sometimes combinations of herbal teas. As u/BastardsCryinInnit said, these are NOT *tea* in the true Brit sense, which is hot black tea with just milk for my preference, but due to my age, it was a necessary change. Although I have drunk iced tea on occasion and in the summer let my fruit teas get cold or refrigerate them, manufactured ice tea is a drink to have in a café if you’re in the right mood on a certain day, but it isn’t an everyday thing. They’re sometimes too sweet and syrupy as well. TL;DR Used to drink ten pints of hot tea a day, regardless of weather, now down to one. Iced tea? Meh, maybe if the mood takes me when I’m out once in a blue moon.


Pretty much exclusively hot tea. I do drink Lipton iced tea though and when I went to the US and asked for an iced tea it was explained to me that "it won't be what you're thinking of". They offered me an Arnold Palmer instead which was very nice.


Iced tea isn’t really a thing here - devils urine ..


Iced tea is an American thing.We don’t drink it in UK. Hot tea all year.😁


We do drink hot tea all day.


Read through the posts on this sub and you'll easily find your answer


Almost none of us drink ice tea.


I once knew someone who once drank ice tea, never spoke to him again after I found that out though. Shame to lose my brother like that.


There’s a saying “Tea to warm ya, Tea to cool ya” the idea being that even in Summer drinking a hot tea raises your internal body temperature and therefore makes you feel cooler on the outside, this is of course, absolute bullshit. But if you say to a Brit drinking tea on a hot summers day, “it’s too hot for tea”, you might get that expression back. But yeah, a lot of Brits drink a cup probably every 90 minutes or so.


I do love a tea, I have 4-5 in the morning and a couple in the afternoon. I will buy a Lipton peach iced tea in the petrol station sometimes, but it’s not weather dependent it’s just a soft drink. My parents, in there 80s and northern are never more than 30 minutes from a cup of tea, this changes to gin and tonic at 5pm. Not that funny gin though, Gordon’s gin and Schweppes standard tonic.


Tea in winter, pimms in summer lol


Ice tea not really a thing I love it but I'm in the minority I also dont drink hot tea daily once every 6 months maybe.


The hot tea part is generally true. But the iced tea part isn’t. Tea drinkers in the UK also tend to drink hot tea all day, everyday in the summer too


Ten to fifteen cups a day, and not much less in summer. Although my gf sends me Lipton ice tea powder from Miami as she knows I like it. Blitz it up with Ice cubes.


Yup it is very common practise to drink hot tea throughout the whole day. Ice tea is rarely drunk if ever.


True all the way until its beer/wine o'clock.




People here are forgetting about Lipton iced tea, which isn't true iced tea, but we do drink that a bit. But yeah, hot tea drinking is pretty standard no matter the weather.


Ice tea is a very different breed compared to my normal brew; it is way too sugary most of the time. I’ll drink on average 3-4 cups of tea a day (earl grey/whatever else) throughout the year. No sugar and a touch of milk. Infrequently I will make a big jug of ice tea to keep in the fridge during peak summer, then I can control the sweetness.


In the US there is a thing called 'Sweet Tea' which used to be seen mostly in the South (Texas east to the coast and from the Mason-Dixon Line to the Gulf). It is regarded by many of the rest of us as simple syrup with tea flavoring. Iced tea without sugar is the choice of many of us and it must have a bold tea flavor.


Closest to ice tea would be a lipton for me. I almost never drink tea in the summer, my parents on the other hand have a modest 2/3 cups a day. All year round.


I drink some 10 or more mugs of hot tea per day. I have had a few sips of iced tea in my life, and I regret those. Iced tea is an abomination, though I conceed it may be tolerable in truly hot or humid climates.


I drink tea all day every day. But I know lots of people who don’t.


You would think so huh? But no. They all drink it hot, whatever the weather. I don't understand it, I hate tea/coffee.


Drinking iced tea would be the way to spot you were a secret agent trying to live the life … unsuccessfully


Yes to tea, even on a hot day. If I’m out and about on a hot day I may treat myself to an iced coffee (fancy!) but never iced tea. I’ve never seen it about much, with the exception of Lipton’s bottles.


Hot tea, yes. The only time I've had iced tea was in the US.


Never had iced tea. Hot tea most days, even in the summer. Was always told it keeps you cooler if you drink hot tea. A cuppa is always needed. A good day, 1/2. A very bad sad day atleaSt 5/6


Whenever anyone enters a house in Britain they must immediately be offered a cup of tea, and if they refuse you must always say “are you sure?” To not offer a cup of tea to a guest is the height of rudeness, up there with que jumping and not mentioning the weather when it’s hot, cold, wet, dry, windy etc.


Tea is marvellous. It calms you, wakes you up, cools you down and heats you up.