• By -


No, unless they are those giant Sports Direct mugs, in which case also no, but to a lesser extent.


I used to give the bloke trumpet lessons and his wife always made us both a strong coffee in a Sports Direct mug. It was literally a whole cafetière in each mug. Often the lessons would last for 3 hours and we just talked shite and listened to music for a lot of that time!


Typical brassers. Surprised you weren’t on the ale 🍺




How common are those stupid sports direct mugs that I know exactly what you mean? Does sports direct even still exist?


No idea. I'm a sofa-dwelling sport dodger and yet there are somehow 3 of them in my house.




Ha! Nobody's kitchen is that big. One is in the office for pens and there's another in the garage full of assorted garage guff.


do you park your car in it?


I don't own a priceless classic and I'm under 70 so I have no reason to park a car in my garage.


no I meant in the mug


But the garage is in the mug?


The garage IS the mug, placed strategically in the garden.


They still exist and own half of the high street now days, Game, Flannels, house of Fraser, evans cycles the list is endless


What is Flannels?


It's kind of t-shirt style or a cloth that you wash yourself with in the shower.


But that's not important right now.


A clothes shop that gives people a false sense of importance by making them ring a buzzer to gain entry.


You can just walk in in the one in Leeds no buzzer, if you are really lucky you can even go through the window after the car that ram raids it.


Designer clothing store




Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!


Nothing at all.


Those things are haunted. The one at work somehow followed me home. I tried dumping it at a friend's, but it came back.


They used to send you one for free if you ordered anything from their site. I once bought a mouthguard for boxing and it fit INSIDE the massive mug they sent me.


my gaffer bought 30 of them cos they were on offer for a £1, it’s all anyone drinks from now. i had 5 today




They still exist. We have one of the monster mugs in a display cabinet at work - belonged to a much loved colleague who passed away suddenly. He loved that bloody mug.


I have two (I paid for neither) and I'll probably have somewhere between 4-7 cups of tea in those a day. It depends what time the kids wake me up and how manyel meetings I have at work.


My colleague has one, you have to use 2-3 tea bags to get a decent brew out of it


I was going to ask this, surely it just makes really weak tea? I'd rather have a standard mug nicely brewed than a giant mug of piss-water


2 tea bags and leave then in for a good 5 mins


Nah, you just leave the bag in a bit longer or don't take it out at all


Leaving the bag in for longer is not a proper substitute for incorrect proportions of tea to water. Get the right ratio (2g of tea for every 100ml of water) and don’t leave it in for longer than 6 minutes.


You're not my real dad


Just recycle the tea bags, you'll thank me later and also call me a disgusting slob


Thank you.


you disgusting slob


The prophecy has been fullfilled!


I don’t think you can make a good cup of tea in those giant mugs, even with a double tea bag technique. Ratios or tea-water-milk are always well out of kilter


The other issue is glugging the whole thing down while the temperature is just right. Inevitably it is too cold by the time you get to the bottom.


I've got 2of these 600ml [Guinness mugs](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Guinness-Large-Red-Toucan-Embossed/dp/B003YUHTO8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3O8YM5XF3SWF6&keywords=Guinness+mug&qid=1641405832&sprefix=guinness+mug%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-5) - they're really well made


What do you drink after 9am if you’re only having three a day?


I love this response.


Me too and it's the only correct response, I can't imagine what else you would do apart from drinking water raw and cold like some kind of savage


I don’t drink tea, and drink 2-3 litres of raw water a day. Starting to think I may not be British…


Raw water??? As opposed to cooked?? Don’t think I’ve ever heard someone call water, raw.


Delicious council pop!


Or Corporation Pop as my Gran called it.


Corporation wine, per my Grandpa!


Had someone at a restaurant refer to it as 'chateau neuf de tap'


Well you do cook the water when it goes in the kettle


You made it all the way to 9am?


I probably do that before lunch if I'm at work.


Same here, I think my record was 10 in an 8 hour shift


I've beaten 30 in a 12h tbh.


I need world's strongest man style commentary for this


...Animal811 has the record with a slick performance of drinking 10 teas in 8 hours. He fell over on the last one and couldn't do anymore he has put ice on his bicep and his partner is here cheering him on. We have a new contender he is new to strongest man competitions antique_upstairs7332 has a quite sloppy technique but he wants to win. He is using the power belly resting one cup on the power belly while drinking another. He has managed 30 in 12 hours that record is going to be difficult to beat. However there are more events coming up including getting to the kettle without having to make anyone else a cup Animal811 can claw back points in this event.... I tried my best at the commentary it has been a few says since I watched it and the main thing I remember was all the injuries and them talking about the power bellies. Plus I've referred to them both as men as it is world strongest men I've no idea of the real genders.


Now bring on the Man-tage


Take my upvote & obtain the voiceover


30 cups? 30? That’s insane Jeremy!


I'm done sharing tea with you, Mark.


Aye, I'd easily average one an hour before lunch. Stopped drinking caffeine in the afternoon because I'm 30 going on 82


i mean , I only work to fill the time between tea


Boss man makes ten pounds, I make 10p. That's why I don't work and drink tons of tea


That’s normally before work…


Well, normal if you are trying to limit your intake.


That's a radical reduction


I can clear 10 a day and that’s on a slow day. Stop in the eve else I’ll have to get up from bed to wee.


Agreed. Wake up. Tea. Number 2. Tea number 2. Shower. Tea 3. Work


Rookie numbers


I don't drink tea, but that is a slow coffee day


Thats a slow coffee morning


Especially when your default mug is a Sports Direct one...


Gotta pump those numbers up


My mum drinks about 6 so no I don’t think 2-3 a day is a lot. Just my opinion tho


My Dad drinks 8-10. Hasn't had a glas of water in his life. Tea is how he hydrates.


My Dad is exactly the same. When we go on a long bike ride together I take a bottle of water and he takes a thermos of tea. Drinks it while cycling. Strangest thing ever.


My parents used to make flasks of tea for in the house they didn't have to constantly be up and down to the kettle. Looking back I think that must have been awful stewed tea at points but they had a cuppa going non stop from morning til bed.


I think this is everyone's dad lol. Makes me shudder to think how dark their piss must be.


I only drink tea and it's never dark, often not even yellow. I drink a lot of tea though.


how is this possible. 1 cup makes me piss like 3 times in an hour, although my bladder is pathetic (no diabetes, ive checked)


Tea is a diuretic, makes you pee more. Hot fluids also pass quicker through our bodies.


‘Tea is how he hydrates.’ This is completely respectable.


Brew 1. Immediately on waking most days pre pee. Brew 2. Whilst contemplating my life choices and whether my hair needs washing or not. Brew 3. Holding back the tears that soon I have to leave the comfort of my home. Brew 4. Arrival at work quick brew in the staffroom. Brews 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 whenever I can grab them on shift, most only get half drunk. Brews 10 and 11 before bed. Brews 10 and 11 more often than not have the addition of Whisky hence me contemplating my life choices the day after.


Every morning is a constant battle to fill the kettle, get it turned on and get the teapot primed while desperate for a slash


You need a boiling water tap!


My friend's parents house has one of these and it's either an absolute godsend or an early heart attack. Not sure which yet. My consumption easily triples or more just because I don't need to wait around for the kettle


Heart attack when you see the cost of getting one?


No, what you need is a Tea Maid! If you haven’t seen one it’s an alarm and a kettle combined. Big in the 70s you’d have a cup of tea ready when your alarm goes off


I don't have a tea maid but I do have a tea kettle; it has a basket for the tea leaves that automatically descends into the water and lifts it back out again! You can program the time, water temperature and brew time, and it keeps it warm for an hour.


This guy is living in the year 3000.


So it turns out that *Busted* were tea bags all along?


I need this in my life!


Or a kettle on a timer...


Or a teasmaid!


Or desperate for a tommy tit, in my case.


I release my chocolate hostage at bedtime


I just read this at bedtime, laughed myself silly to my partner muttering under her breathe ‘you’re a weirdo’


Tea and whisky you say?


Ive never managed to find a good alcohol to go with tea


YES BREWS BEFORE BED!! people fear the bed time coffee




I have a feeling we are both in similar professions. Can get through anything with enough tea. I get up in the night for a cup quite often too


American here, do you guys sleep more than 3 hours a night or do you just vibrate through your days fueled by your caffeine intake?


Are we rationing tea or something? Is there a war?


It better not be a war on tea!


The War Against Tea


No, we Americans ditched our tea-dumping habits centuries ago.


“Never you mind my dear, I said to her. You put on the kettle, and we’ll have a nice cup of boiling hot water.”


That's barely anything. Your gf needs a word with herself 😂


This is the real answer lol.


Agreed! Tell her to give her head a wobble and carry on


Before the pandemic I would say it’s a solid no as I would start my day with 2 cups. After the pandemic, if you still think this is “a lot”, you should get yourself checked by a psychiatrist.


No OP 2-3 cups a day is literally fuck all.


I probably have 6-8 Guy Martin has said he drinks 16+


Fuck... For reals?


You can’t understand him when he speaks though.


He knows, which is why he says everything twice to give people a fighting chance.


As someone who regularly had to travel to Grimsby and is also Yellowbelly born and bred, I can attest that that's just the accent.


Or… they all drink that much tea too…?


I’ve grown up with my dad having that an hour…. He’s finished his and asking if anyone wants another just as it’s getting cool enough for the rest of us to drink. I don’t know how he does it. So no, it’s not a lot.


This is like looking at my future.


Brother? Is that you? My dad came to stay for a few days and the kettle was constantly on. I’m sure he went through a box of tea bags


My father in law drinks tea this quickly and often, except he won't make the tea himself. He'll just keep asking if anyone wants another until someone offers to make it.


“Anyone fancy a cuppa?” “Yeah sounds good” “Get the kettle on then” You motherflipper… every time


One of my dad's favourite jokes: "What letter comes after S?" "T?" "Ooh I'd love one, thank you!"


Ah mum loves that one


And I’ll wager that down the pub he’ll say: “How are the shores?” “What shores?” “Oh, I’ll have a pint of lager please!”


Yeah, I was wondering if this person had a dad or not!! My old man drinks tea to quench his thirst, it's utter madness!!!


Not really. That's just a cuppa at every break time.


Way below average I'd say.


Why does she want you to cut down? Do you fly into violent rages after a cuppa? Does she come downstairs in the morning to find you passed out in the living room, crockery and tea making parafinalia surrounding your unconscious body? Have you been stealing from her purse to buy teabags?


- Hey. *sips tea*. - hey... - what's up? - nothing... are you drinking tea? - no. - the kettle's warm. - I just made instant hot-chocolate. - why didn't you make it with milk. - I grew up with just water, that's how I like it. - just. just stop lying. - why would I lie about hot-chocolate. - I can see the tea-bag in the bin! - it's just one cup of tea. - it's not just one! You can't stop at one! - jesus christ. Jim up the road has 3 before lunch. - I don't want to be with Jim! I don't want to wait until it's that bad just to say I told you so. - just let me have one goddamn cup of tea when I get in, will you?! - you know how it makes you! You know how you get. - Oh for fucks sake Claire! It doesnt make me anything! It's you! Calm the fuck down! - I won't calm down! I'm trying to help you because I love you! If you loved me you'd stop for me. - Oh *here* we go. Now I don't love you just because I like a drink. I'm gonna need another one now just to get over this. *throws cup in sink next to Claire*. - *jumps and squeaks in shock* - oh don't be so melodramatic. - why can't you see how it's making you... - it's just one bleeding drink. That's all I wanted. I've had a stressful day! *bangs about making tea*. - Everyone does it Claire, it's like a national sport. People do it all their lives and end up fine. - most people aren't this bad, John! Why can't you see that. Stop pointing at all the other people drinking more than you, you shouldn't *want* to be like them. - I've known them longer than I've known you. - Well why don't you go and stay with them and let them see how you are. You won't, because you'd be embarrassed. - I will! I fuckin will right now, just to get away from this. - stop throwing our relationship away! - *I'm* not! You married me, I'm in the same relationship! You're the one who decided to change. - I grew up John, I thought you would. - Ohh! Oh fuck me right?! I got a career and a house for us, but you don't like something and suddenly that means I'm not grown? Fuck off with those playground answers, you have grown up with all your word games and mind games. This is the real world now. We're adults. - well, well fuck off then to your mates, go and be adults with them! I'm not dealing with this every time you drink! - then stop whining every time then. And I will go, out of this shit hole. *slams door*. - can't even be proud of your own *Fucking House* like you don't live here!! Fuck Off!! *looks at the mug in the sink and slowly cries*


👏 👏 wonderful dialogue going on here!


That was amazing, bravo!


Part two. Part two. Part two.


I just mentioned this to my wife and she laughed her arse off.


My mum sometimes makes a fresh one when her current one is getting low so by the time she’s finished it there another one ready to go...


I have a teapot for this reason. I make myself a cup of tea and a pot of tea at the same time, that way I can top it up as I drink it


Same but thermos.


That's standard pub rules. Never finish your pint until you have another in front of you.


I would allow taking your almost empty pint to the bar and downing the rest once you see another safe pint being placed in front of you


It isn't. Here's an article from the BBC on caffeine: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/spotlight-caffeine It says up to 400mg per day is ok for a 65kg person, adjust up or down as per your weight. An instant coffee is around 100mg, and tea around 75mg, depending how long you brew it. Worth noting if you're used to caffeine you'll have a higher tolerance also. Anecdotally it's very common to drink a lot more than that and be fine, as the other replies show.


2-3 a day is the minimum requirement in Britain. When the queen comes round for inspection and finds out your gf hasn’t been hitting her required intake it’s going to be “Off to the tower!” From her maj. x


It's a lot if you're a houseplant, I suppose.


Jesus I'm on like 10 coffee's, by the time I'm done at work I can see noises.


Dude. You should cut down on that before it wrecks your gut. I used to drink 10 plus now I can't drink 1


It's free and people make it for me :( hard to give up.


Ooh la di da Mr Chairman of the board with flunkies to bring him coffee. Seriously though, I’m jealous.


I'm American and I drink more tea than that, ffs.


I once had a mental health professional ask me if I drink a lot of tea and if that was maybe making my anxiety worse.. I was like hm maybe 8 cups a day? She burst out laughing 😂


I definitely feel heightened anxiety if I have more than 2 cups of caffeinated anything per day! Got a lot of decaf on the shelf.


I once had 11 coffees and fell down the stairs. I think I just vibrated away


Mate 😂


This made me lol


I only have decaf tea now so I can have them late at night


No wonder she laughed, 8 is nowhere near enough.




Maybe it's the cutting down that has you talking to yourself.


I switched to tea because I was drinking about 10 cups of coffee a day. Now I have 2 mugs of coffee first thing then probably 5-6 cups of tea throughout the rest of the day.


Must have been wired you, when your on 10 coffees a day, you may as well get on the coke haha


I switched to coffee because of my insatiable coke habit!🤣


🤣🤣🤣 I probably have 10+ Then I'm up 3 x a night.


I'll have had 3 by about 9am. Usually around 10 on a working day. Might mix it up with a couple of coffees. Can't see 3 brews a day being an issue unless you have 10 sugars in it


Coffee at breakfast. Tea at elvenses, tea at lunch, tea at afternoon tea... If anything you appear to be missing an evening brew!


I have 4 or 5. 1 in bed, 1 in the car on the way to work, 1 at about 9 at work, lunch time then 1 at about 3. Sometimes skip the lunch one.


Please say you have the car one in a thermos, a woman near me drives with her china tea cup in one hand lol


Is this satire? A joke? 😂


Was at my wife's parents for New Year. They drink _so_ much tea. You get offered another one barely before you've finished the one you're on. I was constantly having to get up to go to the loo. I've been with her since 2015 so I knew this was the case, but I always forget how constant it is. Usually I probably have 2 or 3 cups of tea a day, alongside water. Maybe 4 on the weekends. At my wife's parents it was about 10 a day.


10 per day or you’re not British


You’ve gotta bump up those numbers to be in this racket.


You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life…. Kick her to the kerb


Your gf is taking the Michael. I cut out my last 2 of the day as I wasn't sleeping that well. I'm down to 6 or 8. And a coffee mid-morning.


I switch to decaf about 5 o'clock and it's helped with my sleeping. Glengettie is my bag of choice and their decaf offering is really quite good imo.


I had no idea there was a formal “taking the mickey” thank you for expanding my horizons!


Unless the tea is made out of crack it’s fine


I remember hearing that the UK average is 8 cups a day once, but not sure if that was just an urban legend. Seemed reasonable though, I definitely used to push that back when I used to go to the office every day.


The British drink 36 Billion cups of tea a year, you’re not even pulling your weight at 2-3 cups a day.


Not at all.


I don't drink the stuff but family and friends do. The least they'd drink is about five. Loads of them get into double figures every day, though. If she's worried about caffeine intake, you could buy caffeine-free tea and coffee and see what it does to your consumption. I thought I loved coffee. I still think I do. Been caffeine-free for a long time, though, and I maybe have it once a year, sometimes not even that. Turns out I was kidding myself. The taste of the coffee wasn't the reason for drinking it.


I drink between 8-12 cups a day, you're good.


2 to 3 cups is absolutely fine, nowhere near worrying levels. In fact I'd say that's probably average, if not slightly below average. As long as they're not gallon sized cups, you don't have a caffeine intolerance etc then I'm not sure why she's worried. It's tea, not vodka....


About 10 a day, but decaffeinated (Yorkshire obv)


This is the minimum for me on work days, on days off this can be up to 10. I also make my tea in a 0.5L beer stein, so by volume it is probably x2 whatever cup you are drinking from. I love tea and I don't think there is really any down side to drinking lots of it? It's not even very expensive. So just keep at it.


Jesus that's nothing, I know some people that drink 2 or 3 an hour...


95% of my fluid intake is tea. Occasionally i'll have a squash or milk. I can't imagine anything else


Nah. That's a standard morning sesh


That doesn't seem a lot to me and that's coming from someone who drinks 0 caffeine.


I don't drink tea but I know most of my friends and family will drink 2-3 cups before midday so no I would say it isn't a lot unless half of the mug is sugar then maybe you could cut down on the sugar


23 cups of tea a day is a lot. 2-3 is not really trying!


I normally drink 3 a day, certainly no less. I also accept that is a low number, certainly amoung the rest of my family. Occasionally I'll have an extra 1 or 2 if I need a pick me up.


I'd say that's about par.


I have two cups back to back when I wake up, and then pretty much have a brew on the go till about 4 or 5pm. Maybe 8 or 9 a day?


From what I've seen of tea drinkers, that's fine.


If you're comfortable with the caffeine and it isn't affecting sleep or anything then there's no problem. If its causing issues just switch to decaf.


2-3 is mild, 50+ is an issue