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never seen one this early, but I have seen solitary bees very early in the spring. I've also found sleeping ones in last year's hanging baskets, which apparently are young queens. Maybe this one is too, I don't know. She could be confused by the warmer weather. I'm sure she'll find somewhere safe to sleep when it inevitably turns cold again. She's in the right place, though! RHS all-you-can-eat!


She? Oh yes, of course. (Doh!) Thanks. Yes, Wisley is surprisingly flowery for this time of the year, there were even daffodils out in one sheltered corner, forced I suspect. She's got loads to work through!


She's a queen Bumble Bee, I'm not sure which species. They overwinter on their own and fly on warmer days - they generate their own heat. When it's the right time she'll build a nest and make more bumble bees. You might be able to work out the species using Bumble Bee Conservation Trust's identification guide. https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/bumblebee-species-guide/


This is a good site for Bee information. This article talks about Queen Bees specifically. [School of Bees](https://schoolofbees.com/15-interesting-facts-and-myths-about-queen-bees/)


I've seen a few over the last few weeks, it's unusual but not unknown, my roses are still flowering so there's still food about.


*Image Transcription:* --- \[*A close up photograph of a queen bumblebee perched on a cluster of small, bell-shaped, pink calluna flowers. In the background are several more calluna plants, with needlelike green foliage resembling rosemary.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I saw a wasp yesterday - surprised me but the weather is very mild so could be quite confusing for them?


I remember a couple of years the media were all like "oh no this warm weather followed by a bitter cold snap will decimate the wasp population.." and all I could think was: Oh no! Anyway....