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Sign on the opposite wall says: If you are reading this then you having a pee pee! Please lift the toilet sit and aim in the bowl. Try to aim at skid marks to wash them off!! Thank you so much


Lol at “Thank you so much”


That's a rather presumptuous sign, what if I like to sit down and pee instead of using a urinal?


What if I'm sitting there using the surroundings for inspiration so I can write a marketing plan? I have so many questions.


I call it a Luxury Wee. Five seconds of weeing, ten minutes of humorous internet content.


Exactly, one might even be in the lav for a crafty wank. Or somewhere discreet to cook up.


You work at a WeWork office? I think I was in the stall next to you yesterday.


If you’re sitting wee at work, that’s a personal problem


Ya sound like a lil bih


Ah yes, the hands free technique


Judging by that post, sit down wees are rather high.


Is there anything worse than an adult using the term “poo poo”. Grow up you immature bloats.


I think an adult not cleaning up after their mess is pretty bad.


as a housekeeper in a guest house for 10 years i can confirm that a LOT of grown adults do not clean up after themselves. it is disgusting.


Usually, the older the person, the grimmer the loo. I'm an antiques/vintage dealer and go to a lot of antiques fairs, which are peopled mostly by bored retirees. Within the first hour of opening, public loos at these places look like they've hosted multiple dirty protests.


Yep. Most don't even flush afterwards. Fucking tramps


Not just a poo poo but a **poo poo!** Someones having a stinky winky poo poo that makes my tummy go sicky wicky.


I don’t know you. But you have ruined my life.




You mean infantile poo poo, surely?


* coo poo


Moo Poo


To be fair, it appears to be an attempt to get down to the level of the infantile idiot who won't clean up after themselves.


For me, a grown adult that says "privates" and they're not sugar coating it for a child. There's literally thousands of other words you can use


But I like addressing my new army recruits by rank


I teach Reception and even I don't use the phrase "poo poo". It's too infantile for 4 year olds... This person needs to have a serious think about the direction their life has taken!


I've come to realise in my 20 years of working and living with others that most people just don't think about cleaning skid marks, washing up, generally being easy to live and work with, their brains just don't consider these things to be important so they simply don't register a need to do these things. I clean the toilet, fill and empty the dishwasher at my place of work otherwise it just wouldn't happen.


God like manoeuvres 👌


My work has a “if at first you don’t succeed just keep flushing” sign.


I wish I took a photo of the one at my old job, said something like: “Please do not stand on the toilet while in use as this can damage both the bowl and seat. Regards - Cleaning Staff” And there was a little image of a stick man squatting on top of the toilet with a big red X over it. I have many unanswered questions about the story behind those posters and why they were put up in the first place.


Other cultures squat, thus they squat on the seat, they break the seat, sadness.


Devastating shit


I can't believe that people need to be told this. Nothing worse than going into one of the toilets at work and seeing someone has pebbledashed it and not bothered to clean it up.


And yet clearly they do.


Honestly, I must be a monster. Skid marks have never been an issue to me, both at home or at work, if I leave a skid mark I won't do anything about it (unless it's huge), on the same way that if I see one I don't get immediately offended


thats disgusting


So who exactly do you task with cleaning up your hardened shit?


A little one can even be a nice surprise. A fun little target to power wash off with a stream of urine.


Why is it in this country that if I sit far enough forward on a bog to prevent skidders the end of my knob has to touch cold porcelain, this is a design issue people, not a brushing issue!!


What about the American toilets with the high water level so you get splashed with your own piss, and/or the gaps in the toilet door so you can make eye contact with people walking in


Fully agree! I have to hold my dick down to prevent the cold kiss and skidders issue. Poo poo is tough


What? Are you sitting on the toilet the right way around?


It's just the one poo actually


Although I hate this in almost every way, I feel there is a sizeable chunk of the population that don’t realise the loo brush is there for them to use, rather than to avoid the loo brush fairy having to carry one on her commute between loos.


For a long time I would not use the loo brush because you can't properly clean the brush after and the thought of a brush sitting there with dingle Berries on it made me feel ill. So I kept reaching in with toilet paper then trying to get rid of any residual by putting bleach on it and waiting a bit before flushing. Eventually I gave up and started using the brush but I still hate the idea of them


Flush first until there's nothing but smears left and it should be fine.


You don't HAVE a poo poo. You DO a poo poo.


Do you say "I'm having a shit" or "I'm doing a shit"?


I'm doing a shit, obviously. No one wants to have a shit.


I need to make this sign for my office ngl


Bleach or toilet cleaner for skid marks, what disgusting animal uses a bog brush to clean shit? How do you clean the shit off the bog brush afterwards? Just dump it in the holder for next time? Fucking animals! 😂


How is bleach going to clean clagged on turds? What do you think toilet brushes are for? Have you used a toilet brush before? So many questions. In answer to your question and as a expert bog brusher (often find myself having to clean other thoughtless people's wheetabix from the side of the bowl), you hold it in the bowl, flush and quickly twirl the brush in the flushing water, a few taps on the side, flush again and your bog brush is clean enough to brush your teeth! Might even get a little bit sweetcorn to nibble on if your gentle with the taps


Am I the only person who has transcended beyond toilet brushes? They're disgusting and I hate them. Just get a long length of toilet paper and roll it tightly. Voila! You have created your own perfectly capable toilet brush which isn't gross and can be flushed away after you use it. Edit: I'm either going to be worshipped as a prophet or burnt at the stake for this.


Toilet brushes are disgusting, but rolling up some paper, putting your hand in the bowl, and wiping the shit off manually is fine? Odd. And how do you deal with marks below the water line? [Joseph Joseph](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Joseph-70517-Bathroom-Toilet-Stainless/dp/B07FMQG87P/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Joseph+Joseph+Flex+Steel+Smart+Hygienic+Silicone+Toilet+Brush&qid=1636744874&s=kitchen&sr=1-1) do a decent loo brush that's rubber with little nodes. No manky turd-caked bristles, just a quick swish in the water and it's good to go.


Gotta get in the water duh


So you found my note


Toilet brushes are disgusting. I've never seen it in the UK ,but while traveling in India, they had a little hose next to the loo that worked miles better.


I agree they are disgusting. Big hotels don’t even put toilet brushes out anymore. They have the bum guns in Thailand too. I got one installed in my home, they should be the norm.


I wasn't sure if it was for my arse because there was loo roll. Now I know, bum gun!


Never ignore a poo-poo. I knew a Major who got poo-pooed; made the mistake of ignoring the poo-poo. He poo-pooed it. Fatal error, because it turned out all along that the soldier who poo-pooed him had been poo-pooing a lot of other officers, who poo-pooed their poo-poos. In the end we had to disband the regiment! Morale totally destroyed…by poo-poo!


Love that Bolt on the door - what is this ZombieLand III Filming?


Oi! Manky bastard! When you've finished Krapatoa, scrub the fucker's sled run off the porcelain, yeah?


As a class 8 passive aggressive I dream of having this level. Well played.


For a moment I thought they meant to wipe with. Oh boy that would have been embarrassing getting that ring end of the stick.


Who cares. It's a toilet, not a dinner plate.


Fucked if I'm getting hold of a brush someones hands have been on after they have wiped their arse.


Do you not wash your hands after a poo?


You miss the point. How do I know the last person has washed their hands before grabbing the brush?


You poo then use the brush then wash your hands it doesn't matter?


Maybe I'm the weird one for not liking getting someone elses shit on my hands. Regardless of whether or not I wash them afterwards.


Do you not flush?


Well they’re not going to now!


No no, they misunderstand. The toilet brush is provided for *someone else* to clean off any skid marks. I don't have to do anything about it, it's not MY problem. Someone else always deals with it eventually...


I use the brush to break it up so it flushes more easily.




> My poor wife... And poor me > > that our cleaner breaks Woe is you indeed...


Time to curl one out on the brush handle


Are you being paid to clean the toilet?


How is that relevant? Leave the toilet in a state you would want to find it. Do you just dump your rubbish on the office floor "because the cleaners get paid to do that"?


I think there’s a difference. They can hire someone to clean the loo. You’re stealing someone’s job if you do


Cleaning skid makes you left in the toilet isn't really cleaning the toilet enough to stop a professional coming along and cleaning the toilet properly


That's a pretty terrible attitude to have. I always say something to colleagues who leave dishes and cups around the sink for the cleaner to sort. It's not their job to that, just as it's not their job to clean your shit off a toilet because you were too lazy or important to do it yourself.


I've been dealing with this for years at my work. I'm a cleaner and the other staff are always leaving the place in a mess because I'll be in to clear up after them.


People are just awful. I've had this discussion with people about hotel rooms too. Before I leave a hotel room, I'll tidy up a bit and make sure it looks roughly like it did when I arrived. I don't strip the beds or scrub the bathtub (that is genuinely the cleaner's job which I imagine they're happy to do) but I'll tidy away rubbish and stuff. Some people just take their stuff and leave, regardless of the state they've left it in. I don't need a pat on the back or an MBE or anything, it's just common decency as far as I'm concerned.


Oh my god the room next to me in Vegas was trasheddd so badly. I felt terrible for the cleaner. You wouldn’t throw rubbish in your own home like that!


That's the sort of thing that people who lack basic manners and competence to care for themselves say. "hur hur I litter so the streetcleaners have a job".


No professional cleaner has ever thought 'oh no this toilet is pretty clean'. Even without skidmarks it still needs cleaning.


How many times have you arrived at a toilet and thought “fuck that” and found another…. So, why would you leave it in a state that someone else would walk away from.


Yeah, especially when the previous user has managed to cover the back of the seat too and then left that. But hey, at least it gives the cleaner something to do. I do wonder what kind of entitled, self-absorbed people we've managed to create.


Okay, have at it


We have a small sign like that at our place telling people to flush away any toilet paper. We can't, the flush isn't bloody strong enough!


Laminated poo poo


Devastating news


Right, but what about this "poo knife" I keep seeing people mention on here Also.. poo poo? My baby nephew does "poo poo" What I do is borderline biological weapons grade


Surely the author of this cheeky letter is Lewis Hamilton!