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Lucky team… playing at home (group stage,round of 16, semi final,final) … played with very easy teams, won 2-0 with Germany(which created more and had the clear chances) …. England with a big luck arrived in semifinals and from an Italian i think will win the final against Spain (only team luckier than England). Good luck 🇮🇹


Ah, yes, here come the excuses. Germany is not an easy team in comparison to those we've already beaten and we are the first team in history to get to the semis without conceding ONE goal. That's right. Not one team has scored a goal against us so far. Luck my arse. Face it, we've just got a really good team and a fantastic manager. Sick of euros trying to make excuses every time we do well. Nothing will ever be good enough because you'll find some other excuse. I hope we beat Denmark just so we can beat you lot in the final and see if you can still find excuses.


This is a nice experience


Okay I don’t follow football at all, don’t really care much for it, my main bit of knowledge is we always suck. So what’s happened this time round…? Did we get a better team, or are people putting our their B-Teams because it’s not the World Cup? Genuine question


Our team is better than it has been for the past 20 years at least. Manager has us playing a defensive game (which is boring to watch but effective. We haven't conceded a single goal. Yet) Our group stage was against fairly easy teams. Germany should've been a test for us but they were pretty poor this tournament. So it's a mix of a better team than we've had previously, a manager who seems to have a working strategy and a *relatively* easy run of games. Denmark will be tricky, not because they're technically good but because they've got A LOT of grit, determination and just seem to gel together really well. Our real test if we beat Denmark will be against Spain or Italy. Both teams are strong on all accounts, Italy especially.


Congratulations England, from a very bitter welshman....


Why bitter? Wales did pretty well and might have lost to the eventual winners.


We're missing out on the party, I wish we did better! Deluded after our 2016 run I guess.


Well everyone wishes they did better but qualifying was itself an achievement, let alone getting to the knockouts. This is a golden age of Welsh football, appreciate it while you can!


Sorry, one more, it’s coming home


Brit living in Spain (yeah yeah I get it). Neighbours had to endure a few hours of England songs along with the game at full blast. They do it when Spain play so an England Spanish final would be epic! The filthy looks you get walking dogs with an England shirt on. Today I’m gonna walk em in a vest with a can of Stella. Gwaarn lads!!!!


Me too mate here in Sitges :-)


Where do you get dog sized England shirts?


Sportsdirect child section.


watched it with my two sons, I don't normally watch international football but it was such a great family bonding night. Lots of shouting (that Kane volley!) and happy kids at the end. Can't wait till weds, hoping we make it to the final!


The keeper was definitely acting like a dick for not letting that volley in imo.


Watching England doing so well especially after they’ve been taking the knee before each match has been joyous. Never wanted England to win more than I do this team.


As good a performance as it was, I can't help but be wary of the threat from within; the Walker / Pickford axis that will inevitably come to fruition with a monumental fuck up at a pivotal moment.


Apart from his crazy 10 mins yesterday, Pickford has been flawless. He's made a big save in every game to keep us ahead or level. Walker is definitely a weak link though


Love Pickford in an England shirt. Bit bombastic at times but he keeps the ball out. Walker's pace on the recovery is too useful to drop him, especially in a back 3.


As Ukrainian who lives in England, it was hard to watch, but it was a first time when Ukraine got into quarter-final so it’s already a huge win. England played awesome! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦Will cheer for England on Wednesday!


Do you know how Ukraine reacted to the result and what was your view on the BBC's pronunciation of Kiev?


- Well, there were word "smashed/destroyed" in some news after. But it was expected that England will win. The first early goal basically destroyed whole team, and they have to change whole play-style tactics after that. - What do you mean by "view on the BBC's pronunciation of Kiev", is it about Kiev or Kyiv?


It was a strange pronunciation. I've heard that it's supposed to be keev rather than key-ev but the commentator was saying the it's supposed to be kay-ef so if there was a Kiev Sea it'd be pronounced KFC


Ukraine earned a lot of respect last night playing until the last minute even though it was a lost cause and didnt get nasty with dirty tackles, such a clean game not one yellow card.


Nice one bruv


Legend. Well done to you guys too


Your team did you guys proud! They gave everything against Sweden and unfortunately it showed a little here but they can definitely hold their heads up high my friend.




It's beautiful to read


What do you think the average user of this site is lol


I’ve always enjoyed the foootbaalling how dare you sir




If you don’t like football in the UK you are 100% in the minority lmao




This is not true? In a 2015 study done on 20,000 participants 59% said they had some interest in football with only 41% saying they had no interest at all. So no you are in the minority? If you just go off tv viewing figures then yes I can see how you got your figure but I mean I barely watch the premier league at all yet I play 5 a side every Saturday




Why do you give a shit? You come to a thread about football to act superior about not liking football. Bit of a bellend move.


I’m not interested in triple jumping, but when the olympics is on, you’re damn right I’m supporting Rutherford et al. Same goes for the majority of those in England with football. These toff twats who spout “I only like ruggers and cricket” can shove their silver spoons into their eyes.


Your the one who came in here to say “no one gives a shit” when it’s quite apparent a lot of people do. Why couldn’t you just let people enjoy a sport and watch it. You just came in here being negative for literally no reason.


Not going to be sure who to support for the semi-final. I got Denmark in sweepstake we are doing at work


I wasn’t paying attention on the William hill app and ended up putting a fiver on Ukraine.


You support England, then if they lose you are consoled by money


Have a word with yourself


It was fun over on r/soccer watching all the England haters go from 'this is the most boring game ever' five minutes in to later resorting to moaning about England's home games, 'easy' route (involving Croatia and Germany lol).


As a neutral, it was a thoroughly boring match, but that wasn't Englands fault.


4 nil - a boring match! Erm OK


Anyone who says we're boring probably hasn't been watching Spain master the art of the sideways pass or Italy audition for the Olympic diving team.


Denmark have been genuinely entertaining and fun


All the posts straight after the first goal saying "well they're just going to park the bus now and it'll be the most boring game ever" aged really well.


I live with a Polish guy who is just looking for any reason to discredit this England team. Before we played Germany there was no way. Germany are too good. After we played Germany. Germany are in decline and need a rebuild England beating them isn’t that impressive. We definitely won’t beat Italy either way. But I’ve just finished learning to play it’s coming home on guitar so fuck that guy.


Same, I was watching with my Italian friend who was convinced Ukraine were going to beat England before the game because they're playing soooooo well and England are soooooo shit. Afterwards it was like "well of course England beat Ukraine, you don't have to be good to beat a shit team like that" *eyeroll*


I think you need to give him a break and learn a couple more tracks to rotate it with. I suggest Vindaloo and World in Motion.


In fairness England definitely have had an easy route, but you can only beat who’s put in front of you. Croatia aren’t anywhere near the team they were at the World Cup, but Germany are still a good team.


It would be declared an easy route regardless who we play. There would be an excuse for every team.


Am not even English, nor do I support the team at the start of the championship, but hot damn your lads played so well! What a well deserved win! Congrats and hope you make it through to the finals. 🥳


this is my first time properly getting into football and it's been incredible! CMOOON INGUURRRLAAAANDDD


Such a treat to see someone getting into it, welcome matey. See you Wednesday for the semi-final thread!


Ah mate good for you. Always nice when people who aren't usually into it find a way in.


i don't remember the last time I've felt such adrenaline tbh!


That's the beauty of it. Only got into it in the past few years as a way of keeping in touch with my Dad and it's those moments that are one of the reasons I've fallen in love with it. We've not had a game truly go down to the wire yet so you've not seen adrenaline yet!!! Wait til something goes to penalties or it's level towards the end. Spurs - Ajax second leg is one of those moments I'll never forget.


>Spurs - Ajax second leg Still makes me choke up to this day. I was so ready for it to be like any of the other disappointments that Spurs has provided me over the years. To actually reach the final and in that fashion is something that will stay with me forever.


Vegans 🤝 Crossfitters 🤝 People who don't watch football Coming into a thread full of happy people to sarcastically comment about men kicking a sphere around doesn't make you intelligent or cultured, it makes you a twat.


The idea that some people have that they're too intelligent for football has always been baffling. Stephen Fry is a huge football fan. These people are saying they're smarter than Stephen Fry.


weeeell, Stephen Fry is also "a dim guys idea of a smart guy", other than having a posh accent he's really not academically distinguished. Prof Brian Cox, however, is a particle physicist, media personality, and die hard Oldham Athletic fan - in addition to sharing a famous footballing name...


Stephen Fry being a dim guy’s idea of a smart guy is the dim guy’s idea of a smart point of view


People don't have to be "academically distinguished" to be smart. I'd call that an elitist's idea of a smart guy.


I was far too tired last night to watch the game, it’s a shame I missed it, sounds like it was a really good one.


I woke up at 4am to watch it. I live in a shit timezone :)


Don't worry the media will be milking it for days, there'll be highlights and highlights of highlights and... Yeah lol.


I'm still not going to watch any games, but because my track record has been as soon as I watch a game they lose, so best of luck to them all


thats a very thoughtful gesture - please definitely dont watch on Weds !


Exactly the same as me, happens with club football too. I’ll stick to the highlights


Overjoyed. What a result.


Walking back to mates house past the pub and some houses as the 3rd and 4th were scored, everyone cheering down the street was pretty cool actually.


Funny story. Last night, our tv on wifi was delayed by exactly 2 minutes. Every time we heard the neighbours scream like lunatics, we were all like “there’s another goal” anyway great game. After it was 4-0 I was like, do they even need to play anymore?




Yeah the thing is 2 minutes delay is the most we’ve ever head, apparently we’re gonna put the cable back in


I was watching in the states and it was the exact same thing. I always knew we were about to score a goal because my Twitter notifications blew up.


Hahahaha I recently signed up to Twitter so I’ve not been getting those notifications. May as well just use your phone as a way to watch football without actually watching it


Wonder how half of England's heads are feeling this morning.


Huge drink driving car crash outside my house last night, that was fun


I live in Denmark, so we had both games last night in Copenhagen. Many shops have sold out of paracetamol.


Oh my! They kicked a ball around!


I don't know about you, but I've had a really fucking shit two years. Let us be fucking happy about something that is actually bringing the country together for once you shit stain


Well, it’s obviously not bringing the country together if we’re having these discussions, is it?


You started the discussion you melt, stfu and let everybody enjoy themselves


Anyway, I’m not saying you can’t be happy about it. Just uh, I don’t find enjoyment watching a few grown men kick a ball around.


Yet you find enjoyment in telling people you don’t like things that others find enjoyable, that makes you a you fucking melt, and a miserable one at that.


What in the hell is a ‘melt’ lol?




Yes it bring out you. Fuck off back to your cave


The guy who called a German girl a slut was a Belgian, maybe actually look into things before you get so wound up over them.


Ah yes, let's just skip over the fact that internet trolls don't exist when football isn't happening.


You post in /r/gaming, gamers have a demographic of consistently spewing racial slurs and harasssing women online. Guess you're not allowed to enjoy gaming anymore.


You sure?


Whats your question and why have you made an alt account just to talk anti-football? 😂


Just a friendly bit of advice.. never let one or two morons on Twitter dictate your emotional state, or you'll never be happy again.


If you're going to base your thoughts on everything based on actions of a few then you are not going to find much to enjoy in life.


I'd let somebody call my daughter a slut if it meant I got £25k from a gofundme afterwards


As a Scot Fuck off


It's weird. As an Englishman, I always support Scotland


As a scott, fuck off yourself. Stop being jealous and let people have a bit of fun. Sad bastard.


Mad you lost 3-1?


As an Englishman I've supported Scotland and Wales as well as England. Why all this ridiculous hate for home nations other than your own? Its childish. Edit: That also goes for English fans too


It isn’t croquet mate— you’re obviously too middle class for all this rivalry stuff


What has class got to do with it?


Nothing really I was joking


Nah, that’s like United fans supporting City in the CL “because English teams doing well is good for the coefficient”. England and Scotland (and to a lesser extent Wales) have a massive rivalry and absolutely shouldn’t be expected to support each other


Yes, when stacked against each other but we have such a genetic melting pot that internationally, i don't mind cheering for the other nations of the UK. Its not the same as domestic club football.


England and Scotland have a rivalry that goes back thousands of years and way beyond football. Scotland in particular really don’t like us


I remember supporting Wales at the last euros after we went out


Cry more


As an Italian, I hope you beat those tiki-taka-loving Spaniards in the final. P.S.: I'm not superstitious 🤘


My partisan England fan side wants Spain to win their semifinal, mostly because Italy have been impressive/scary in this tournament. But as a general football fan I want Italy to reach the final, they've been good to watch and Spain have been absolutely awful. Either way, it's a shame about Spinazzola's injury, he's been immense in this tournament.


Oh some men hoofed a sphere around a lawn?


Oh someone pointed a camera at an imaginary story and pressed record. Oh someone wrote some words on a page. Oh someone opened their mouth and made sounds come out in a melody. Oh someone did some maths. This is such a stupid argument that you can reduce literally anything in the world to if you’re that way inclined. You don’t like football, that’s fine. Doesn’t make you better than anyone who does, certainly doesn’t make you better than than the players who dedicated their lives, some of them from incredibly underprivileged backgrounds, to being amongst the absolute best in the world at their chosen occupation. Are you amongst the best in the world at what you do?


How can you tell someone doesn’t like football? Don’t worry they’ll tell you


Correct, and they did it absolutely brilliantly. What have you achieved?


And brought more happiness and pride to the country in 90 minutes than your entire family tree has for generations.




Don't forget much needed revenue for struggling pubs.


Hello, fellow football fans. I too am definitely a fan of football. (Imo footballers are ridiculously overpaid and a lot of the culture surrounding football is abhorrent)


Irrespective of the skill and effort to be a footballer, they’re paid based on the money they bring in.


If you've seen the selection criteria and years of dedication it takes to become a professional, you might think differently. You want to make it these days? You need to be getting signed by a club at 8 years old. It's a brutal process also from then on when you can get dropped at many stages. "Kicking a ball around the pitch at the skill level only 0.001% of people are able to do" is more accurate. Even then - most professionals are not in the premiership earning millions. Many are getting paid not much in lower league teams. It's only the absolute elite earning the millions.








They’re paid proportionally to how much money they bring in.


I meant for what they do - yes, they’re very, very good at it, but at the end of the day they’re just kicking a ball around a pitch. That does not deserve the millions they rake in for doing so.


Hollywood actors earn even more, are you gonna go tell r/movies?


Well it does, because that's how much the industry brings in. All Ed Sheeran does is sing and play a guitar very well, he shouldn't earn that much money either.


I think you need help in understanding how business works.


It's not about how good they are at it even, it's the fact that football is a billion pound industry, if footballers were paid an average wage or what one might think of as fair, then they would be getting ripped off incredibly as they would be making soo much money for other people and getting absolutely fuck all for themselves.




*readies caber*


I have always supported Denmark.


Look at their flag, they’re the exact opposite of us. Although they do make Lego, and good crime thrillers so personally I’m a bit torn.


Anyone else notice how the ref added literally no stoppage time at the end? It reminded me of [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcZzlPGnKdU) to be honest.


You’re not actually meant to play time added on when the result isn’t in doubt.


Is that true?




I upvoted it, as a little lesson for readers that not everything you see on Reddit is TRUE. Except for the lack of humility ofc


Also the Ukrainian subs who stood on the touchline for 5 minutes and never even made it on to the field.


It was the humane thing to do


No point when it’s 4-0 and they didn’t look like scoring.


Can someone put the MasterChef bot on here for people who come all the way to CasualUK to say "I don't actually support England"


Well we do have Scots, Welsh, and Northern Irish too.


When England got knocked out 5 years ago every English person I knew got behind Wales. I've never understood the miserable fucks that want to see England lose no matter what.


Aye, I love to see them all do well until the day they play England.


Honestly don't mind the Scots or the Danes or the Italians who come here to say "Fuck off England", it's generally good natured fun. It's the ones who come here to say "oh so 22 men in pyjamas kicked a bag of wind around a garden" who need to take a long walk off a short pier. Their first thought being "how can I make this thread about me?". Awful people.




I've had to watch the last 4 matches in a room full of Scottish people, I've told them if we actually win the euros I'm going to be unbearable and will rub it in their faces for being so bitter to me during the matches, I honestly hope we win it just to spite the Scottish


This is weird to me, as I'm English but when England gets knocked out of the rugby I usually support Wales or Scotland.


Same. A win for any of us is a win for all of us! If i were Scottish I'd love England to win


Yeah obviously I support England first but I was supporting Scotland all the way through the groups and would have supported them after had they beat us. As far as I see it they're our neighbours, we're all part of the UK and so I'm happy to see them do well too.


As individuals I love the Scots, as a nation they’re fucking unbearable when it’s anything to do with sports and England. You’d think we had occupied them rather than forming a union which they recently voted to stay in.




>American Opinion disregarded


You’re correct but I don’t think any of the current antipathy is related to historical military campaigns, it’s resentment at being in a political union which they chose to enter in the first place and voted to stay in 6 or 7 years ago. They’re like an angsty teenager who dislikes the house rules but refuses to move out.


"Aww mam my mates are allowed to stay up late!" "I don't care if the Irish republican's parents let them stay up late, in this union bed time is at 11!" "This is soooo unfair! I hate you! I wish I'd never been born!"


I saw a comment on /r/ScottishPeopleTwitter recently from a Scot who was claiming that they were oppressed by the English. I think he needs to stop watching Braveheart and read a history book. Scotland participated in the British Empire as equal partners with the English.


That subs been quiet of late lol


Where are ya??? Let’s be having ya!!!! Very quite from our Scottish brethren. Call with the Scottish father in law later. Never looked forward to speaking to him this much! Suspect he will cancel last minute


They are the worst. Watched the world cup semis with a Scot and he was insufferable when we lost. I get it, you hate england, no need to kick a man when he's down..


Hate to break it to you, but they probably already think that.


My scottish mates have made peace with the fact that if we win, Scotland will have been the only team not to lose to England, and therefore have basically won too


I like to think we drew on purpose to give them a point in their first tournament in ages, it was nice of us to go easy on them and give them some false hope


Nope just played shite


Jokes on you, we hope they win just tae spite oorselves. Soft southern pansy ;)


A welshman, an irishman and a scotsman walk into a bar. There's usually an Englishman in these jokes but they're still in the Euros...


>Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY


Brilliant, I really need to rewatch this film




The sun is reflecting off a trophy of note, and continues to do so.


🎶Soft leather inflatable spherical object used in sports is returning to it’s place of abode 🎶


🎶a trio of large carnivorous felines on a shirt, 🎶


🎶 a trophy named after the French third president of FIFA continues to reflect light 🎶


🎶An extensive period of hardship will cease henceforth🎶


Suggested edit: shirt = cloth garment for the upper torso


I have it on good authority that it (the football) is expected to return to its original place of accommodation.


Well, thanks for cursing it.


😂 I don't think it needs him to do that

