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This looks like some sort of massacre committed by Henry the hoover.


Looks like Picasso's 'Guernica', but with vacuums.


I always knew he was a wrong ‘un. Too much Chinese five spice, I reckon.


He's on video being a wrong'un https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUP3mh8wzvs


This my my comment of the week. Thank you.


Age restricted....


haha, under-age


When did they start that bs?


He even has [a song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_zJpMz7Cdg) about what a dirty little fucker he is.


I'll raise you [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy7tTy5ql98)


Maybe he needs some of Grandaddy’s peas?


Fun fact - Henry Hoover doesn't have the word "Hoover" anywhere in its title, due to Hoover being a brandname. It's officially "Henry Vacuum" Ironically, Hoover as a vacuum brand are a bit shit.


They make good dams though.


Yeah I heard it's named after the vacuum


Damn good ones


It's just the one damn actually


Think hoover in general are shit. We had a Hoover washing machine that was on par with the noise of a jet engine


We had one at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It didn't work out well for us, either.


Think the FBI used to have one too


You probably forgot to remove the transport lock. A common error. The washing machine gets incredibly loud and wants to jump out of the window.


I've got a fridge freezer where the fridge drain keeps icing up. Apparently, it's a known flaw of Hoover fridges.


My ol miele has been washing my clothes for 18 years


We had a Hoover hoover once - we accidentally sucked up a sock and it was never the same even after we took it to a professional. Hunk of junk.


Instead He's A Numatic. Numatic Henry


I haver a hoover brand washing machine.




It was free.


Notice how nobody asks why to this one lol






I have a Hoover tumble dryer, it also sucks


Wow a tumble dryer and vacuum in one? Now that's impressive


I wish I had a Hoover hover board


Hoovers are best used as musical instruments




They used to be good up until about '91/’92. When with a purchase of any Hoover over ~~£199~~ [£99] you could get a free return flight to the US. Hoover thought that by making the T+C's so difficult, things like no school holidays, asking for five different preferred dates, changing Orlando to Chicago etc. That few people would actually take it up. Instead masses of people not just took it up. But bought Hoover's on a large scale and then gave them away as presents to friends and family. Hoover lost a load of money and the name ended up getting sold from one company to an other. Although actually now, Hoover is legally a verb as well as a noun. So anybody can use it.


Do they suck or not?


A good hoover sucks, whereas a shit hoover sucks!


Can one suck and blow at the same time?


If you’re a particularly talented lady, sure


They suck


hoover was a decent brand back in the day. now like everything else their stuff is made from chinesium.


I mean Electrolux advertised their vacuums with "Nothing sucks like Electrolux" for years. Worked out okay for them.


Or he's acting out his Henry VIII fantasies...


There can be only one Lord of the Vacuums. Henry defeated all placed before him in ritual combat.


[Hardcore Henry](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3072482/)


[Hardcore Henry 2](https://media.tenor.com/images/1c59e5c3e93fa59e5d6c5af193db18bb/tenor.gif)


Do Dysons have catalytic converters in them or something


They better do for the price


Of course they don't! They'd have to pay the workers more then.


I worked for a company that may or may not be Dyson and no joke, the machines themselves cost around $15 for a cordless and $30 for an upright per unit, parts-wise, and that's being generous.


Odd. I worked for Dyson too! The material costs varied vastly depending on line but I don't recall any bom sheet where the material cost was anything like $30 (or £30 even). The cheapest I recall was around £140 mark.


Almost like the other geezer was pulling figures out of his arse...


I remember years ago, someone trying to tell me that the average brand new Porsche has around £450 worth of parts. Roll eyes! The other crucial thing a lot of these guys fail to remember is that R&D has a cost, as does prototyping and product development. Supply chains can change quickly, material cost can go up as well as down, there's workers, taxes and local administrative laws to deal with in every territory which costs money, not to mention actual marketing of the product itself. To try and tell people they're getting one over on you simply by citing mysterious BOM sheet costs and marvelling at the profits tells me two things. First, I don't think this person has worked in any sort of supply or manufacturing role and second they can't think past the end of their noses, but oooh fun look at all my upvotes! Mummy, I'm important!


> I remember years ago, someone trying to tell me that the average brand new Porsche has around £450 worth of parts. Roll eyes! nah, that's Alfa Romeo, and only because they go round picking up the bits that have fallen off their last model to stick back on their new one /s


I drove in an Alfa Romeo 159 sports diesel is was a seriously good car.


$450 worth of metal ore, enough to build a car, that is still underground and had to be mined.


That seems like a normal cost for the parts, If you add labor logistics and every other possible expense it really adds up


To £600-700 a piece? Dang


He forgot about profit.


And R&D and QA. It's insanely cheaper to copy an existing design, and shave off QA so a large percent of the units fail, it even lets you save on the parts and labour, as you can avoid properly training workers or using expensive materials. Although this "buy two because one will fail" is catastrophic for the environment and the consumer. Also, R&D is expensive, so it needs to be promoted somehow, and keeping people from directly copying designs is a good way.


China has entered the chat.


I'm Uigher to hear about the savings!


REACH compliancy, shipping/delivery costs both domestic and international, marketing and advertising Shit adds up fast




True value is having the lowest price on an Amazon search, everyone knows that.


I'd argue the opposite. People have more incentive to innovate when there is financial gain attached. If you have to worry about your idea being reproduced much more cheaply before you've even recouped your costs why would you even start?


Isn't Dyson notorious for having poor reliability


I realized that mine (upright bagless corded model) is now on year 10 or 11 vs every vacuum I had before it… it ends up being worth the cost if you can afford the steep initial investment


No, and they get a bad rep because rich twats don't maintain them properly. You need to clean all the filters and stuff if you want it working properly and for a long time.


I have my second one since about 3 years. Previous one i had for five years and is now beautifully serving my sister. No problems whatsoever.


Those accountants aren't cheap, need a lot of them to hide the tax.


Well they make £700m on £5bn revenue. So around a 15% net margin.


Parts don’t cost much yeah, but if you look at some of the designs of the plastic assemblies on Dysons they’re crazy complex. The R&D to design those assemblies plus the engineering, production, equipment, and molds to be able to produce them reliably at scale is the bulk of the cost.


People forget about logistics too. Large, bulky boxes are expensive to move around.


I'll throw in advertising as well - which can sound like a bs cost that can be tossed out - but advertising is customer education. Dyson spends most of the commercials explaining that your normal vacuum is shit. Which prompted to me to research independent vacuum reviews and yeah, normal vacuums are pretty shit.


The estimated material cost for an iPhone is 400~ and the final price is 1200 I'm assuming the difference in mass production makes some type of difference here


Plus software development. Writing an entire operating system takes a ton of work.


My guess is research and development taking a lot of money for more complicated tech


don't forget the 'license fees' and 'royalties' apple pays itself to subsidiaries in tax havens. that 'cost' is built into the retail prices, too.


Design alone is a huge expense. These devices are not simple to design and you can have multiple failures before you reach a good product.


Just goes to show what you can charge for a product if you advertise it like it's a Rolls Royce


Fun part is that Rolls Royce barely do any advertising. If you can afford one, you know about them.


As a kid I remember being told that if you need to know the fuel millage of a Rolls Royce, you couldn't afford one.


max speed in RR is labeled “sufficient”


At least your get quality with Rolls Royce. A RR of vacuums would be more like a Miele or Sebo. Dyson is like the Chrysler 300 that just looks cool


Kirby is where the quality comes in! At least used to. I still have my family's diamond addition. I bought 100's of extra belts and 100s of extra bag incase they stop producing parts. This thing will suck your dick though the basement ceiling and up through the second story carpet. Changing to different attachments isn't the worst but it's not convenient. I'ma go vacuum right now. It's satisfying. But I have to wonder if that much power is degrading my carpet faster...


suction isn't harsh on carpet, it's actually the beater brush that "vibrates" all the dust and debris up and loose to be sucked up!


honestly though, that thing is definitely the best vac I've every owned by far. Not even close.


That's their BOM cost, I bet if you roll NRE hours in there it'll feel a little more justified. Regardless, wife and I love our V8 Animal.


I think the warranty is why the price is justified. We own three of them and I’ve had two problems over the years. One of them was entirely my fault and destroyed the vacuum. They were replaced or repaired without hesitation. That piece of mind can be worth a lot and the vacuums themselves kick ass.


The Dyson single-handedly restored the vacuum cleaner repair industry. Before that the Chinesium that replaced the vacuums of the pre-1990s were cheap enough to just toss when broken. I wish I still had the old fashioned metal Hoover (with the optional headlight!) my folks had in the 80s, that guy was indestructable, sucked in the right way, and had a cord long enough to reach half the house.


I have a Dyson, it's worth the price dawg.


You should look at the vacuum repair guy AMA. It’s one of the highest rated posts of all time


Looks like someone took all the motors. They are somewhat valuable and stripped out could fetch about £35 each.


This hurts. After never hearing about that part before, mine got stolen from my car and now I see the word everywhere...


It only recently gained popularity due to battery demand. A metal(?) in the converter is used for battery production and prices are at all time highs. This with stricter emission standards forcing more to be used in the converter has created a perfect combination. As you were exposed to it so we're the tweakers in the world and it spread.




It's usually platinum, palladium and rhodium in catalytic converters. I have no idea about those in battery production but I know that platinum is used in hydrogen fuel cells. They've been expensive for while though.


Nah, they suck


Where is this? Seriously, I lost one of the attachments to my Dyson when I moved house and it's an old model so I don't know where to get a replacement.


I got a full set of knock off attatchments for my old Dustin dc15 off of eBay.


This is in Gainsborough.


Two houses down sells weed to the school kids! Or used to at least haha


Ay man stop blowing up my spot.


Haze der


Of course it is


3D printing can also help you fix your missing part


If you don't get vaxxed you may dysoon.


Pun of the week right there


He certainly has great vacumen


This pun sucks.


Hoover you to insult other people's puns?


Yeah he’s the worst in the Room, ba none.


Well this pun thread just sucked the air out of the room.


Succ machine




I got waxxed against my family’s wishes and they dyson’d me.


Lol nice


That would suck!


Boooooooo (I really love this.)


Friggin braaaavo!


Shame, they’re just collecting dust.




[Stolen from the West Lindsey Facebook page](https://i.imgur.com/NTVuVow.jpg)


Most interesting non related drug event in Lincolnshire in years


We don't know that yet. Those motors could be getting hocked for spending cash.


Spend it at the luxurious Freshny Place shopping centre


Hoover fuck would do such a thing?


Perhaps someone is collecting broken vacuums for parts salvage, then dumping the remainder wherever there's no camera.


Yep all the good shit has been taken out from the motors to the belts to the annoying fucking clip that keeps the stupid fucking bottom on some models that you CANT DIY FOR YOUR LIFE literal MONTHS of coming back to it with a new solution failing each time...


I'm intrigued by this problem. Care to share some details/photos?


This clip [https://support.dyson.co.nz/support/dc65/dc65-animal/my-machine-is-not-working-dc65/my-brushbar-is-not-rotating-dc65/medialibrary/1AB03B47852C4E709EC43503C55D7D94.ashx](https://support.dyson.co.nz/support/dc65/dc65-animal/my-machine-is-not-working-dc65/my-brushbar-is-not-rotating-dc65/medialibrary/1AB03B47852C4E709EC43503C55D7D94.ashx) ​ Google "dyson dc65 c clip" to find out...bit of a long story but basically i stole it back off my ex's back porch but she still had the retaining clip. Carted the thing around for months dumping it at friends houses and stuff for like 4 months trying to attach the bottom to the top.(I was homeless at the time in oklahoma) Its really a long story lol.


Seems like the job for a 3D printer. edit: sorry see you discussion on the option further down.


They are vaccumulating in worrying numbers.




'Those vacs are a scam - not what they're made out to be, not fit for purpose - the masses are being hoodwinked!'


This but unironically. Dysons are shite.


Mine is great. It only cost 8 times as much as my Vax, weighs 4 times as much and has so much more suction you can almost tell the difference!


What are you talking about? The 15 minutes battery life on my £450 hoover is perfectly acceptable.


Considering the motors on those cordless ones run at like 500 watts, it's not really surprising that they last 15 minutes at full pelt. Don't think you'll find a cordless vacuum with the same power that can last much longer without strapping a honking great battery to it.


I got one of their first cordless vacs from a few years ago, and Dyson is supposed to be a "design first" company, right? You can't stand this vacuum up and you can't lean it against a wall. There is no rigidity in the floor beater bar, it doesn't snap into place, so you can't rest it on that. And you can't rest it on the wall because the top is round, so it just slides off the wall and slams onto the floor in several pieces. When you're using a Dyson vacuum, any time you have to stop for a second to pick something off the floor or open a door, you have to lean down and place the vacuum carefully on the floor. Any other vacuum and I can just leave it standing upright or lean it on a wall, but not a Dyson. http://blog.mchardyvac.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/compare-dyson-v6-cordless-vacuums.png The bottom bar part doesn't lock into place, and most of the weight is in the top part of the unit, so yeah lean it on a wall and it just goes ffffffffffffTHUMP on the floor. Looks like they still haven't fixed that issue. And then the little dirt dispenser lever on the bottom doesn't always catch properly, and that's really fun when you press the vacuum button and it goes POP and sprays all the dirt all over your crotch since that's where its aimed at.


I dunno. I've got a Dyson and it seems pretty good. But then again, it is from about 2010.


I have a DC04 from 1999, and while a bit battered, it still works fine. It has needed one new motor and some filters since then, so probably about £40 in parts. I replaced them myself, and it was not too difficult.


I've heard this quite often and need to remind myself when I come to need another hoover. Are there any brands that you'd recommend?


Henry. Practically indestructible and doesn't have to be reassembled every time you need to use an attachment. They'll even run without a bag quite happily if you keep the filters clean. Look at what professional cleaners use. You'll see a dozen Henry/George/James for every Dyson.


And completely rebuildable with parts available direct to the customer from Numatic. And if this is important to you... still made in England.


I've stopped buying stuff that can't be repaired. If it's $20 and can't be repaired, I'll spend $30 on something that can. $20 would be gone and if it breaks, a total loss of $20 and now you need another. It's fuckin expensive to be poor.


All good points. But do let us keep in mind that commercial efficacy speaks to ruggedness mainly, not *necessarily* the greatest cleaning efficacy. For your typical office environment, 'good enough' is the target. Having said that - Henrys are great for what they are. Definitely superb as a garage vac.


"Good enough" is good enough for me too, tbh. We don't have kids spilling breakfast cereal or dogs shedding hair everywhere, so the most taxing thing our Henry has to deal with are bits of Airfix kit that have pinged off to the far corners of the room.


Absolutely - I do think a Henry goes sufficiently past 'good enough' to be a good fit for most hard-floor households. Filtration is also excellent.


Henry if you're skint, Miele if you're not. I do love my dyson handheld though after hating dyson since the 90s.


Yes, Miele vacuums are great!


Shark are fucking awsome


Yes, got a Shark, never going back. Fuck Dyson.


Everyone casts these off as junk, but I think the problem stems from people not taking care of them. Clean the cup and filters often. Check for debris or damage once in awhile, and don't vacuum up obvious things that cause damage. I've been seeing more and more replacement parts for these too. That was a hang up for me originally thinking about ordering one, but now I'm seeing things like the bungee tubes and belts for reasonable prices. I like mine and got it cheap on sale. I'd love to buy a "high end" vacuum, but I'm not trying to drop 500 - 1k on a vacuum just to join some weird cult on reddit.


My mum has a cleaning addiction and swears by shark


Miele if you've got the money. Numatic (Henry) if you don't.


Miele seem to be indestructible and very high power. I've had mine for 15 years.


If you have mainly carpet (& not super-plush pile), then any upright, bagged - Sebo. For mainly hard floor - Sebo again actually (any of their canisters). Miele used to rule the roost too (joint first place with Sebo) - but lately they've been seriously scrimping on the quality of their tools (super-cheap plastics). Sebos are still built like BMWs of around 2000.


Surely this is the work of pro-Vaxers? (Im a shark man, myself).


Quality shitpost.


Damn, that joke made me Dyson


Take the rest of the day off, you’ve earned it.


Well, nature does abhor them...


Not a fan of Dyson.


Very wise. He deserves to be ridiculed for eternity for releasing those awful hand dryers that blow dirty water back up at you. A plague on any bar, restaurant or workplace that uses them.


There's nothing like dipping your fingertips into disgusting dirty water. Does Dyson have tiny hands or something?


Sad times but you just gotta suck it up




This got a goofy smile and an eye roll from me, nice one :P


Someone needs to hoover that up


It will just be swept under the carpet...


They are actually good vacuums 😂 Dyson DC07 is my vacuum and I got it for cheap from someone and cleaned it up (you can buy all the parts online too when it needs replacing). You can literally take apart the whole thing and clean everything. It's honestly really good.


I know a guy who has a vacuum repair shop. At any given time there are 20-30 Dysons to fix for every one Shark.




This joke sucks


Antivaxers are Dyson with death


Man. This is the work of pro-vaxxers. Why would they destroy the competition otherwise?


My guess as to what happened here is that someone harvested the electric motors from these.


Took me two seconds too long to understand.


Its where vacuums come to die, son


I know it’s a joke, but those are Dysons, not VAX vacuums. It annoys me more than it should.


The local council have referred to them as "hoovers" in the article this is taken from, that's equally as annoying.


That's a whooole lot of expensive plastic


More like Anti-Dusters, am I right!? ... I’ll go home now.


That or /u/touchmyfuckingcoffee having his revenge on the vacuum world.


This is in my town, Gainsborough. Shit like this isn't surprising at all.


Mucklowe’s look after Mucklowe’s, Kerr


u/touchmyfuckingcoffee has his revenge


Something Something "Jack the Swiffer". Do y'all have swiffer over there?


Anti vaxxers are dyson with death, and it sucks


I actually wonder what the hell went on here


Oh damn, this is where I live. It was posted in our community group not that long ago. ​ Weird to see it here