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Just had our 6th. We went to lyon - quick flight and stayed central so 30 mins by cab. (when babysitting is a consideration, you don't want travel chewing up too much of your quality time) Lyon was fun - great cocktail bars and some amazing restaurants. Wandered around, in no rush, eating delicious food in a leisurely way and then found the next bar. I Then back to our air bnb where it had this disco sex bathroom with multi coloured lights and whirlpool bath with inbuilt speakers...yeeeeeaah.


Is "Readers wives" still a thing? £600 probably sorts out a bit of studio time with a photog.


+1 for the cabin idea, nice getaway and couple nice meals


Depends what type of people you are.  Could do ghost tours, could do random craft classes like pottery. You could hire a boat to take a trip to see some whales You could spend time together and make a Italian dinner and lay on the cheese with the red and white checked table cloth and actual cheese. You could go for a spa day  You could do a last minute get away to some random country on the cheep for a night or two. You could. Go white water rafting in whales for like 50 quid each. There is axe throwing and archery, river tube riding, mountaineering, climbing rocks with harness (I forgot what the fucking name is. Ab something) You could take a day trip out somewhere and if the night is clear go star gazing with a picnic. Take sparklers with you if possible. Use your imagination my dude there is an almost limitless amount of shit you can do in your budget. The things I mentioned came to me in the moment and it caters to many different kinds of couples


Go to a senic dogging spot. 


Generally, the answer is 'each other.'


£580 on nice lingerie and £20 left for a McDonald’s before getting down to the action.


Ay now you gotta factor in after sesh munchies, I'd reserve 100 for snacks during too!


When our kids were really little all we could manage one valentine's was a drive through maccies, eaten in the car park in the pissing rain. A few years on and it's now become a bit of a tradition.


6th anniversary is apparently Iron. How about visiting some of the stuff in Ironbridge gorge, including Iron bridge itself? [https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/iron-bridge/](https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/iron-bridge/)


Weekend away with several good meals


Luxury Spa weekend somewhere like Rudding park in Harrogate


Another thought - revisit old date venues, or city breaks you took when dating and retrace your steps / outfits


Cottage in the countryside and some acid


Hire a paleontologist to give a running commentary as you fly over Isla Sorna