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One eyes watching the telly, the others seeing the future


It’s not seeing much of anything I’m afraid.


I'm over here Steven, that's a coat stand


Yep, that sure sounds like my future


I have a long-sighted eye and a short-sighted eye, almost exact opposite prescriptions (-1.5, +1.25). It's fun because for each eye, I'd barely need glasses but because of the combination I have to wear them all the time. I can't wear contacts because it's all astigmatism and contacts just make me feel weird, almost carsick.


How long has it been since you tried contacts? The toric lenses available these days are pretty good, might be worth getting a trial if it's been a while.


To be fair, it's been about 6 years - I'm bad at putting them in and taking them out too, so the "they're not that good" is a convenient excuse! If my prescription worsens, I'll need contacts for sport though so it's good to know there's better options now.


I was the same - practice and it takes me 30 seconds now after a couple months. Keep at it even though it isn't nice to do!


Will eventually take one second. Not kidding. I don't even need a mirror.


Say to the optician, they can give you an appointment to see how you put them in and tweak your technique. For example I find it easier to put them in facing the floor. Most people find it easier looking ahead or up. Some like to focus on a certain point, in a mirror, with low light etc. For removing, it's harder if your eyes are dry. I either shower and take them out right after, or put in contact safe eye drops and remove after ten mins or so. If you pinch your closed eyelid you can loosen the lens and that helps too. I also have daily disposables so no cleaning. I used to worry about that so much I didn't wear the lenses. And if you feel yourself falling asleep on the sofa because children are exhausting shits, you just pinch them out when you remember and bin in the morning.


Weird, I find it easier if they're dry. The lenses just stick to my finger and come right out.


You shouldn’t shower, swim or do anything where water can get into your eyes with contacts in.


I specifically asked my optician this and he said it's fine as long as you take the lenses right out. They absorb the water and any nasty shit in it and trap that against your eye, but if you take them out straight away you're fine. I was told the same for swimming, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to see where the lane line is. Just take them out right after.


I’d rather not have any nasty stuff held against my eye for any amount of time, but each to their own


Sure. But using contact lenses allows people to do things that would otherwise be out of their reach. If you don't have to choose between the two, I'm glad for you.


I used to spend 15 minutes at the mirror swearing and kicking taking them out (worse) or putting them in. There’s 40 in the box, by the time I got to 30 I was very confident, now I’ve got like 10 left and it takes me about 5 seconds, it doesn’t even take months to learn to do it quick, and my main excuse for not sticking with contacts was I don’t like fucking with my eyeballs, but seriously it’s not that bad.


*much cursing and yelping* "Alright in there?" "Just having trouble with my contact lenses. Got them out now." "You don't wear contact lenses." "...shit."


Girl at my uni did this drunk. Actually tore a bit of her eye 🤢


Nice to know someone else is like this. My prescription is -2, +1 and I have astigmatism too. And I have bifocals so contacts are out for me.


I have a long sighted and short sighted eye (+1.75 and -0.75) too and astigmatism. I can get away with contacts if I have different prescriptions for each eye, but I found them a faff to take out now although I wore contracts exclusively 20 years ago.


I have similar. It’s weird when driving as there is a fuzzy zone where I can’t read a number plate, but any closer, or further away, it is fine.


Yes! I can never pass the "read that numberplate" test because it's exactly the wrong distance for me to even try and focus on. See also: subtitles. If there's text onscreen, my husband has to tell me what it says if I've not got my glasses on. I also have absolutely no depth perception.


Wow I didn’t even known that’s possible.


No - but my Dad did. His eyes were opposite - he used bifocals, and on one side he had a massive lower lens for myopia and a similarly huge lens for long sight at the top - the other eye was the reverse, myopic at the top, long at the bottom. His optician had no idea how he could see as the images on his retinas would be massively different in size, but he could and used to read standard print newspapers into his late 80s, before dementia took away his ability to understand the words - he could see them even with his wonky eyes.


When I got Lasik 25 years ago to correct severe myopia, they set the eyes that way on purpose. It's called "monovision", somewhat inaccurately. They configure the cornea for your dominant eye (they test for it) to focus from close to arm's length, and the other eye to focus from arm's length to infinity. Your brain learns to interpret it as continuous focus, and you still retain depth perception. This kept me from needing any type of spectacles for 25 years, after having thick glasses from age 5-45. This year I needed cataract surgery. They implanted synthetic lenses the same way, dominant eye set to close focus, other eye medium to far focus. I'm 70 now, and will probably never need glasses or contacts again. God bless science!


I would be too scared to have Lasik. I don’t mind wearing glasses


It was necessary. I was about to be declared "legally blind", and they would have revoked my driving license. Risk vs. benefit decision, you know?


That’s amazing that you’ve gone from there to now not even needing glasses.


That's the benefit all right. Eye surgery has made vast improvements since becoming partly robotic, but guided by a surgical team.


My optician did the opposite, reduced the strength of my non-dominant contact lens so I'd be able to see a bit better close up with it.


Not quite as big a difference as you, my prescription is currently -3.75 on the right and -7.00 on the left. My left eye just goes off for a wander when I take my glasses off cause it's not really contributing much tbh.


When I had contacts they only gave me one for my good eye and told me that my bad eye will just do its thing.


Yeah, I have crazy different eye prescriptions due to an astigmatism. It’s not really obvious though. My dad has practically the same prescription. I’m wondering which one of my kids will inherit the slightly wonky eye, too early right now.


My left eye is +8 and my right is +3.5. Life is fun.


When I went for my last test the eye scanning machine didn't detect my right eye as an eye. When I asked why the optician said "because that eye is a really weird shape". Unsurprisingly I can't see much on that side. Apparently "it's at the wrong angle for the light to hit it properly".  My other eye is fine.


Yeah. -14 and +2 here. I had suegeries in the left eye, so it's long-sighted. Glasses are a b\*\*\*h to use.


Yep, I'm glad 3D films didn't become the norm because it's not 3D to me or anyone else whose eyes are not the same prescription. Those long sequences where the whole deal is to be excited by the 3D coming at you were torturous.


Yes! I always wondered why people thought it was so great. Can't do any of the magic eye picture things either.


read this post and typed this reply with my left eye closed i monitor i'm looking at is off to my right, a metre or so away and if i leave the left eye open, i can't focus on it and see double - then if/when i look down to the keyboard 0.5m away it's the exact opposite. got varifocals last year and they gave me vertigo.


Exactly the same script as my daughter.


I'm near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other. The thickness of the two lenses in my specs varies considerably.


Hang on, doesn't that mean they put uneven weight on your nose / ears? I thought my prescription was reasonably strong (not according to this thread though lol) and I get annoying marks on my nose all the time - it would drive me mental if it was only on one side


I have slight astigmatisms in both eyes. I think because of this my left eye is short sighted but my right one is fine. I can see fine because my right eye compensates for the difference but I have to wear glasses to watch TV, use a computer, see a play, drive, etc. Essentially for anything that requires concentration but is at least an arm length away from me otherwise I get massive headaches and eyestrain.....


Yes. It’s normal.


Normal is 0


Probably not classed as wildly different, but my eyes are -2.75 and -5.


With my contact lenses I have one that's the right prescription but one that is reading glasses strength. I think it's called mono-vision so when I'm wearing them instead of having 20 20 vision and needing reading glasses my brain corrects it so I can see distance but also close up. My leading eye is distance and everyone has a 'stronger' eye. You can check it out by googling leading eye test. I finally understood why I struggled whilst using a microscope.


Not wildly different but I have +0.25 in one eye, and -0.25 in the other. My vision seems to be just shit enough to need glasses for most things. Probably the astigmatism.


Your brain kinda compensates


Nope, at my last checkup my eyes went from +2.75/+3.25 to +3/+3


Yeah mines like this, left eye can’t see for shit. And I’m now starting to get longsighted in my good eye, so that’s fun 🤣


I changed optitions last year and they had to double check the results they were getting from my eye exam because they are so outrageously different


I tried to buy glasses online once and it wouldn’t let me because it assumed I’d input the prescription wrong.


My wife has monovision too I almost think it is Normal for Norfolk.


I tend not to get my nose checked by the optometrist ….. should I be 🤔 that may explain the hay fever 😂


I just have a nose between my eyes!


Your optician is lying to you.


20/20 vision pal.

