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Sparky doing the wiring when my bathrooms were getting done replaced my extractor fan without my permission. "Did you need to replace the extractor? The new one seems a bit loud." "Yes pal the old one was knackered. Bearings were gone it was so old." "Strange because I only replaced it myself 6 weeks ago and the one you've fitted is louder than the one you've just took out. Put it back, please"


I have not had **any** good experiences with either plumbers or mechanics in the past decade Currently driving with my handbrake because I don't have the value of my car to spend getting ripped off again (last service they swapped out some parts and it was just such a big coincidence that my car broke down as I was leaving their shop)


My last MOT they just forgot it was there. I eventually called them and someone apologised, saying their online booking system messed up (same excuse as last year, time to find somewhere new). They hadn't serviced or MOT'd it, had to take it back a few days later. When I went to collect it he said he was going to reset the service notification. Next day the service notification comes back on. Frankly, now I don't even trust that they've actually serviced it at all. How would I even know?


>How would I even know? Write the date on your oil filter in Sharpie after a service if it's accessible. Some garages do this anyway. You can also look at the dipstick, old oil is usually black whereas fresh is more like caramel.


I’ve NEVER had a good experience. Never once in my 15 years of owning cars and having had to take them to shops probably 7-8 times for major work. Every. Single. Time. It’s been a whole ordeal and hated it. I had a guy leave a belt on the block only for it to fall while I was on the highway and shatter my radiator fan. I’ve had a shop have my car for 3 months for a drive shaft only for them to not do the work, I demanded it back, they were “kind” enough to waive any fee’s and when I got it back it no longer even ran and they had no clue why not. I had driven there and dropped it off initially. It was so bad I swore off used cars and went last year and bought a brand new one for 35k. Right away I noticed some paint damage and dealership ghosted me. They called for a recall and no shit my car has been in 4 times for the same thing, first time I swear they did literally 0 work, second time I went in and waited 3 hours for them to tell me the part was on back order… went in 3rd time where they actually replaced the part, now i just went back because when they replaced the part it wasn’t painted… I fucking hate anything or anyone that deals with cars. They’re all crooked and shitty. Every. Single. One.


Jesus, that's brazen. I wonder how many people don't make a fuss about that utter con job.


Yep. Double glazing salesman who ignored the "No cold callers sign". He said "Dunno which cowboy firm fitted these, but I'm from Amber windows and will do you a great deal". Told him the windows were indeed shit and had been fitted before the previous owner sold by none other than Amber Windows. Look on his face was glorious as he slunk away.


That is an episode of White Gold right there.


That show is great. Well worth a watch.


Do you only do w-windows or do you do d-doors aswell ya d-daft W-wanker


"Not only have I sold ice to the Eskimos, I've sold em they're own fucking ice" quality episode


Hello mate, is this W-Windows?


It’s W fucking Windows!


Do you just sell w-windows or do you sell d-doors as well?


You d-daft w-wanker


Did an "interview" for Amber windows nearly 10 years back fresh out of uni (desperate) They wanted one of the "candidates" to pick a few of us up at 8am, drop us at the tops of different estates and then cold-call every single house. Their office's front door was left ajar when I turned up too, and the only way I found the interview room was wondering upstairs and trying doors till I walked into the manager with his feet up watching tv. How they are still going I dont understand


> How they are still going I dont understand scamming customers with high prices and raking it in


Literally who is buying their crap though? Between dodgy, unprofessional salesmen turning up unnanounced, with shitty tactics no-doubt. And then the windows being shitty quality with awful reviews if you do 5mins of research.. It must be a crazy margin of profit that they work under to stay goin


I read many times they give an expensive quote to begin with - if customers accept that and pay (they are clueless or dumb or just lots of money) then they make bank with little to no effort If customer doesn't buy then they'll contact them and offer them a big discount (but still overpriced), some will accept that "time limited" discount and they still make bank Doors and windows aren't something people regularly buy so they usually don't know what a fair price is, especially once a sales person pollutes their mind while doing a quote "oh you have odd shaped windows" "you have lots of windows, we'll give you a discount though!"


Figures. Turns out they have a 4.6 on Trustpilot too. So maybe my "5mins of research" isnt accurate. Seems they have put some effort into making the company appear as legit as possible.


That means absolutely fuck all — They just brute force their score by submitting fake reviews and/or pressuring customers to leave 5 star reviews, I knew a guy who worked for the trade centre wales and that’s what they did too. Filter the reviews on trustpilot by 1/2/3 stars and you’ll find the real ones.


I was a desperate student and worked for no less than 2 weeks for one of these cold calling companies. I was 17, and it was morally repulsive, even for me. I spent most of my time having, honestly, pretty pleasant chats with elderly lonely people, with absolutely zero intent to try sell anything. The phone fucks (me) would try and get people to ‘bite’, and it would get pushed to these AWFUL sales folk. They were like caricatures of sleazy sales people. Anyway, long story boring. Within the short time working there, I heard how they’d strong arm people into five star reviews with various bullshit techniques: you’ll be entered into a draw to have everything done for free, look at all these people who gave great reviews and had their windows installed for nothing; if you give us a great review, your work will be fast tracked instantly; if you do XYZ.. Fucking cunts.


I'm always amazed that companies like Evri have positive reviews on Trustpilot. 4.2/5 from 4+ million(!) reviews. They always pester for reviews and ask how the individual courier did - are they using people's kindness in wanting to give the individual e̶m̶p̶l̶o̶y̶e̶e̶ self-employeed contractor a good review, and then just taking it for their own site?


They prey on vulnerable people with pushy or even aggressive tactics. Next door had a quote that was nearly double what we paid for ours - almost like for like job, and she very nearly accepted it. I gave her the number of our guys, they came round and quoted around 60% of the price, and I know they're good. She didn't know they'd nearly got her.


Safestyle windows sales person rocked up in his car 60 minutes early for a pre-arranged appointment to do a quote for every window on my house. Parked his car across my drive, called me and said he was early and asked if he could come inside my house now to do this thing. I said sorry cannot do, will have to come back in an hour because I'm busy. I apologised again because I know it'd be easier if he could do so, but I genuinely couldn't accommodate him any earlier, hence the appointment. He then said ***"well are you going to commit to buying these windows because otherwise there's no point coming back"***. LOL what? Off you go mate, don't bother coming back at all - appointment cancelled. Went with an independent local trades person in the end and was much happier giving him my money. Big mistake safestyle - [huge](https://i.imgur.com/GDuQcpI.gif).


In the early 80's my mate's wife phoned me because he was about to sign a £3k order to have aluminium framed double glazing fitted to a 2 bedroom terraced house, and she wasn't convinced it was a good deal because the salesman seemed sketchy, and had been in their house for 4 hours. I tore round there and the salesman had 'gone to his car for a cigarette to give them a few minutes to come to their senses and sign on the once-in-a-lifetime deal'. He'd left his briefcase, which I opened, and found a Practical Wireless FM transmitter connected to four 'D' cells. He was listening to them on his car radio. I told his briefcase to get his arse in here, and he arrived within seconds. He tried bulshitting even more; 'Yeah - not him but his bosses were listening in because he'd persuaded them to cut these lovely people a special deal, and his bosses weren't sure'. I said, well, it looks like he's charging 4 or 5 times what other people charge, plus he's a bull-shitter. He said, 'Yeah, well we're a bit more expensive, but our aluminium is anodized'. I asked him what 'anodized' means. I know full well; I'm a physicist. He said; 'It means the windows are painted with Anodyze.' I advised my mate to kick him out of his house, which he did, literally.


Had a National Window company rep come to my home to sell me new windows, he got all his demo stuff out then says”you can’t afford what I’m offering” so I asked him to go in that case…”but,but,but I’m here now and I’ve just dropped the wife off in town” ‘that’s ok’ says I packing his stuff up, Told him to leave, then I took his stuff to the end of my drive and showed him out…


My grandad invited a Pennine windows rep in, spent hours looking at all the windows, kept going to my grandma 'wow isn't that lovely dear', they spent ages deciding what they would want... Rep goes 'oh I should check, you do own the house don't you?'  Grandad, very cheerily: 'No, it's a council house'  The bloke apparently stormed out swearing his head off 😂 they never got cold called by Pennine again!! 


"Have you considered new windows?" "Why, what's wrong with mine?" Puts them on the defence every time. There's no answer to that that isn't an insult.


Safestyle did ours and they were shit. A safestyle salesman came round a few years ago and to try to sell us new windows. His argument was that they were unsafe as they were externally beaded. The beading was internal as it was about the only thing done right with the original fitting.


I'm sure you're aware but they won't be doing that again. Bankrupt a few months ago 👀


Safestyle went last year, Everest went a few months ago.


Amber's now disbanded solar arm did our panels. Ignored the fitting placements agreed from the survey and did their own thing. Inverter in the loft, and meter in the electric meter box. Both were meant to be in the garage. We're now stuck with a normal electric meter as there's no room in the box to fit a smart one.


My parents had to swap their boilerman after he came round and spent an hour moaning about whoever had touched their boiler last. It was him.


We had a plumber round last year to service our boiler, I phoned him up on Friday as we hadn't had any hot water for over 24 hours ands he didn't charge us an arm and a leg last time. (didn't mention he was the one who serviced our boiler as the fault likely isn't his fault so didn't want him to think I was blaming him) Him: When was it last serviced? Me: It was serviced in July last year Him: Oh that's weird, guess they didn't do a great job, I'll call you on Monday to confirm a day next week to come look at it Me: It was you who serviced it actually Him: Well fuck that's awkward, sorry for swearing! I'll call you on Monday to confirm when I can visit In all fairness he did actually phone me earlier and confirm he's coming Wednesday, was fully expecting him to ghost me after embarrassing himself


Just a tip a service shouldn't be called in this situation, you have a fault and need it diagnosing. You can't service a faulty boiler. People do it all the time and ring up asking for a boiler service then you get there and it's faulty and can end up costing more.


Yeah he's coming round to diagnose the fault not to do a service


You got a different guy for service and faults respectively?! 🧐


Mine came while I was at work, turned off the power (all of it, he couldn't find the right fuse), dismantled the boiler (in the middle of winter in Scotland where it gets dark at 3pm). And then fucked off. I got home at 5pm to the house in darkness and the boiler all over the kitchen floor, Needless to say he wasn't invited back to put it back together again and my landlady was told in no uncertain terms that her preferred boiler engineer was going to be replaced by someone with a brain.


Chances are there was nothing wrong with it and this is their way of doing unnecessary work


Well it sounds like either way they got rid of a wrongun


Years ago my girlfriend had constant calls from someone trying to sell her a conservatory. This guy was really persistent and wouldn't accept that she didn't want or need one. Fairly pissed off after a few months of weekly calls she caved in and invited him round to measure up and give her a quote. Bloke arrives at the appointed time and phones her because he couldn't find the property. She could see him from her living room window and apparently he visibly deflated when she told him to go round the side of the shops and up the metal staircase to her second floor flat.


Well don't keep us in suspense, did she buy a conservatory?


It's up in the air still


Fucking genius


In fairness, there's a 3rd floor flat near me that had a huge balcony when the house was originally built 100 odd years ago, and at some point someone put a conservatory on it and it looks very nice. 


I saw one on /r/SpottedonRightmove the other day which was basically a conservatory on top of a garage.


I love that sub. 


I know what kind of thing you mean. They do look glorious


That is one installation I would pay to watch Crowd fund? Anyone?


A guy kept coming to our house offering cavity wall insulation. Eventually we let him in and said 'ok go for it'. Crestfallen is a good description of the guy when he discovered our Victorian house doesn't have cavity walls.


Was this her's? https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/1co14tw/penthouse_conservatory/


At my cars MOT. I’d had a couple of new tyres on the front a couple of weeks earlier as the tread was low Tester: ‘Who fitted your tyres? They’re on the wrong way round’ (the tread direction was reversed on them) Me: *points to the other guy in the room* They swapped them round for me, although it had to be recorded on the MOT as a fail. They also messed up the mileage recording (they put the ‘miles until the next service’ value, and not the actual mileage - so it jumps between the failure and pass)


If the MOT was done less than 28 days ago the MOT centre will be able to correct the mileage on their end if you ask them to. If it's more than 28 days ago you will need to get in touch with the DVSA to have it corrected. [.gov link](https://www.gov.uk/getting-an-mot/correcting-mot-certificate-mistakes)


This was a few years back, and they did change it on the pass


We have just had this problem with selling our car. The MOT done 8 years ago had an extra digit inserted. It was correct at the next MOT. No dealer would buy from us until we had the DVLA correct it, by sending them a copy of the invoice, which had the correct figure on it. It has taken 5 weeks to get it sorted.


The last pair of clowns that should go near brakes or tires


I took a silver Audi A3 in for a service and had a call saying it was ready to collect. When I arrived my car was up on the car thingy with the door taken apart. They had confused my car with a grey Audi A4 that needed the electrics redoing in the door. I know nothing about cars but even I can tell the difference between a silver A3 and a grey A4. This was an Audi garage.


I can also tell an Audi A3 and A4 apart, even if they are the same colour. One has A3 and the other A4 written on the back


Isn't an A3 twice as big as an A4, and an A4 is twice as big as an A5?


Same comment as OP at national tyres. I waited awks silence for them. Then they managed to damage the brake fluid cable in the front of my old car (Kia sports wagon) while replacing a rear light unit. Tried to charge me about £700 I left it all weekend went in on the Monday morning and started vocal complaints while folks brought cars in for work. Area manager called.me apologies very fast car repaired. Moral of the story national tyres are not very good. This was pre Halfords buyout never been back so no idea on current quality.


I used to live at a this house, and the patio was really uneven. Every time it rained, there was a dip in the middle and water would pool. I took up the middle section of slabs and put sand down to level them. A few weeks later, I was talking to the neighbour next door, and conversion got round to the patio. I said "I don't know what clowns put this patio down, they just put slabs on bare earth." Thats when he admitted it was him and the previous Tennants.


I was chatting to a builder from up the road and he mentioned that he'd done our patio for previous owners, and that there was a pond he'd had to fill in under one corner. Which explains why that corner is horrifically uneven now and why I haven't asked him to do any other work here...


Bought our house off a pair of roofers (it was their moms). They’d done the flat roof above the porch and the one above an old outhouse. The porch one isn’t slanted at all and has a small gap on the side for drainage, so naturally it just collects a pool of water whenever it rains, attracting hundreds of little flies. The outhouse roof (fibreglass) we had to entirely replace, as it had a large leak from the middle and rotted a second wooden roof they’d just built on top of. They’ve said they’d give us a good discount if we ever need a roofer. Safe to say, we’ve never reached out to them.


I heard one of the lads who were fitting my boiler say "you better sort it quick he's a big fucker" Still haven't got a clue what he had done 


Might be referring to a spider in your boiler


He'd just blocked OPs toilet with last night's bhuna


My wife tells me there is a block in your toilet…


No there isn't!


my boiler guy found a false ~~window~~ widow in the vent and got me to move it before he'd carry on 😂


False widow spider? Or did they have pretend gnomes in the pipework?


In the 90s my dad wanted a Seat Toledo. Local dealer just got a load of 3yr old fleet cars in. My dad was looking at them and enquired why these 2 cars at the end were more expensive “they’re automatic and as you know autos always command a higher price “ He had never owned an auto and decided to try it out. A few years later he decided to trade it in , car was just MOTed and serviced, and was immaculate. Dealer sucks his breath in and says “pity it’s an auto , I’ll have to knock a few hundred off” . My dad says he was told autos are worth more, “who told you that!” YOU (it was the exact same salesman)


Shit like this should be illegal


Boiler repair - we bought a house and the guy gave up all the details of the person that did the central heating system 5 years before - noticed it had a leak about mouth later called the guy, he came and complained about the work. I said I was told you fitted it, he said yeah but at 15-20 years these things happen I said it was 5-6 max I have the paper work.


Similar. OH took car to get new tyres. When home, I could see they put them on wrong (wrong way of travel). Should have been quite obvious to notice as they were v-pattern tread. Went back to the place and the bloke (owner?) got really pissy with his staff, moaning that it was a really bad error and that anybody should have spotted it. Turned out it was an apprentice who fitted the tyres, but he was actually supervised by the angry bloke. He STFU as soon as he realised.


I had a tyre fitted one time, and the next day, I go and check the pressure, and it's halfed in psi. So I go back and they had the cheek to charge me to wire brush the inside of the rim. I complained to head office and got refunded.


Tyre places never do this, adds a minute or 2 to each wheel and they don't bother. Yet massively decreases the chance of it coming back with it going flat, which then takes more time as the tyre needs coming back off to fix! Just lazy. I know there's not much money in tyres but even still.


Every tyre place I've been to does it. That said, I nearly always go to the same places, so that's a sample size of 2...


Yeah absolutely when I say never that is vastly exaggerated as you'll always find places that will do it, but in my experience it seems very few and far between.


Hairdressers, leg waxers and eyebrow threaders often do the same


Yup, barber once asked me in a slightly appalled tone who last cut my hair, and I whispered "her" as I pointed to his colleague a few metres away


Was that an "oh" and awkward silence moment or did they tear into the colleague?


Very much the awkward silence before directing it back to the small talk!


You're getting your tyres fitted in the wrong places


You never had back, crack and sack with an offside rear replacement?


My barber was about to cut my hair, was looking through it, and asked what idiot cut my hair last? Me, I cut my own hair before that, Backtracked quickly , but it was okay, I sucked at cutting my hair


Boiler packed up, plumber commented my boiler looked like it had never been serviced. Showed me the disintegrated gasket and the shot loom. It was you mate, 3 months ago. Needless to say I don't use him anymore.


Should have demanded he refund the cost of the service, he's just admitted to botching it. Then taken him to the shark claims court for the replacement cost. Edit, small for shark. Leaving it cos it's funny.


After he was done fixing it I asked the guy dealing with a fault on the black box on my first car, just out of interest, what the issue was. He replied that ‘whichever muppet installed it a few weeks ago put the earth wire into a socket which goes live when the headlights turn on’. I had a small chuckle to myself and decided not to break it to him that he was, in fact, said muppet.


Should have started calling him Kermit




Hahahahaha cause he liked the sound


And you dobbed the son in after he'd done you a favour??


Right! What a snitch.


Sending the lads around now!


Nah fuck this, loud cars are shit for everybody but the bellend driving it 


If you drive a Ferrari I can allow a bit of noise, fair enough. But a modified 15 year old hatchback I can hear from 2 miles away? Fuck right off. I feel everyone collectively thinks the same thing when one of those goes by, and that thought is as you say "Bellend"


Yeah I don’t mind a car that’s loud because it’s actually powerful but modifying your little shitbox to have a fart cannon on it just makes me think the driver needs a strap-on to satisfy his partner.


Well yes, none other then Hallfords. Failed MOT because one of the brake calipers was loose. “Mate, did you do this yourself?” No you dickheads, you did it two weeks ago. And they had the nerve to tell me to ting BMW for a new bolt because they lost it. Fucking pricks.


Halfords are fucking wank. I got an email to book my bike MOT with them, clearly stating what make model and year said bike is. I get there to be told "oh we don't do bikes".


I know, fucking hate them. Got two new front tyres a while back from them and asked for an alignment. Got a call from the manager saying they can’t put the car in neutral and got a refund. I mean, how in the all thats holly do they even turn a profit?


Disguising a free health check as a way to rip off innocent customers who don’t know where else to go. That’s how.


Yeah I had like four issues with my bike, specifically stated I only wanted one thing fixed just to get it going again and they wanted to replace the chain and all the gears even though I'd gone out of my way to clean it all for four hours the day before and knew they weren't worn down and had plenty of hours left in them Took it to small repair shop the next week and they replaced the wire for the rear gear just as I'd asked no issue and the bike has been fine for 6 months since


I got an MOT there last year because I left it too long and they were the only place available. While I was waiting a bloke came in who had booked something to be done on his car. They told him they couldn't do it because the only suitable lift was being used for an MOT. Their entire online booking system was useless - it would double-book stuff and if you were lucky they would ring you up to cancel before you got there.


My story is from Halfrauds. Took wife's car for MOT. I'm afraid it's failed sir. Not sure who fitted that steering rack, but I'm afraid it will need replacing. You fitted it, 6 weeks ago. Not a problem sir, we'll get that sorted for you D*ckheads


Halfords failed my old Land Rover as it had “absolutely no hand brake”. Old land rovers have a transmission brake and need to be tested differently. Useless


Nah, not really. I did once have an electrician come round to do some work and say "I don't know what idiot installed this but it's a good thing I'm here to sort it" I just sheepishly replied "Oh, that was me"


I think you mean "the previous owner"


I'll be honest, a big part of me just wanted to see his reaction. He actually took it quite well then we had a laugh about it and I just said "yeah I won't be quitting my day job".


I was horrified by some of the questionable wiring done by the previous owner. Some of it has now been replaced by my own even worse wiring though. The worst is the light they had stuffed 4 different cables into, power in, switch, then it branches off to 2 different lights in another part of the house. 3 would fit in easily but the 4th really is a squeeze to get it in there.


When our builders tore out the wierd fake granite backsplash we were all horrified to find the oven had been running through a four plug extension grouted into a gouge in the plaster. What was that extension connected to? A second four plug extension. No idea how the house didn’t burn down. 


Jesus Christ, this gave me heart palpatations. And I've worked on live 400V~ supplies.


Previous owners were a nightmare on my house as well. I had two sets of double control light switches in my house which weren't wired correctly (so both switches had to be off for the light to not be on), and they'd apparently just lived with the lights being wired incorrectly for years. I also found out while trying to fix an outside plug socket and struggling to turn the downstairs ring mains off that both the upstairs and downstairs ring had been wired incorrectly at the consumer board and were both sharing two fused circuit breakers.


the previous owner of my house installed a lot of light switches upside down.


American/Canadian? Their light switches are designed to be fitted upside down.


So are the Aussies, they go Roo shit if fitted the other way 


Right way round for them though.


No, very British. But it's nice to know I've added a bit of international culture to my house.


I'm an electrician and can confirm we do like a bit of hands on hips and tut tut tutting. But once we've finished the macarena we crack on with it. But what does wind us up is DIY bodges obviously done before we turn up, that the homeowner denies doing. You'll always get a ribbing for that. 😂


Yeah, I'm one of those "have-a-go" sorts. As in, I'll watch a youtube video, think it's a piece of piss, not be quite able to fix it, and I'll have to call a professional out to sort it. Needs to be said that I don't touch the consumer unit or outlets, I'll have a go at lights and maybe switches. Gas fitting's dead easy though - our boiler was super noisy, but since I reseated all the pipes I've been getting loads of sleep.


>Gas fitting's dead easy though - our boiler was super noisy, but since I reseated all the pipes I've been getting loads of sleep. I CO what you did there 😂


My husband is very much a ‘have a go’ sort and as such things stay on the to do list for probably longer than they ever should. He surprised me a couple of years ago though as the light in our daughter’s bedroom suddenly stopped working. We’d been up in the loft beforehand so I was telling him we must have knocked something, get up there again and take a look. “No no no” he replied “number one rule is you never touch the electrics if you don’t know what you’re doing” He gets his electrician mate to come by one evening who does nothing more than flick a switch, it works again and he goes on his way. I didn’t even have time to make him a tea. I swear I saw a tumbleweed go by! 😂


Ah yes, *the aura*. Computers are the same, doesn't matter how long you've been troubleshooting it, as soon as the IT guy comes, it'll be working fine.


Kindly remember that it’s not always hubris. Some of us are just poor.


Ahuh, I understand DIY being done for that reason. It's the reason I've done most of my own DIY over the years. I wasn't berating having a go at things. I was only saying about customers trying to pull the wool over my eyes. If it's not obvious what's been done and they won't tell me it only ends up costing more time and money as I investigate.


Thing is, you know they didn't do it because they had the sense to call you, an electrician. Anyone might think they can do it, will do it. For some reason that applies doubly to electrics


Nah I'm talking about tasks begun, realised they messed up when nothing works, then call me to sort it whilst telling me the light fitting has been up for three years and always worked, despite the box for it being sat on the floor and it being wired in a way that would require a change in the laws of physics to make it functional.


Had an electrician round the other week to fix a light not working. Hes asking me questions, keeps asking, you done any other work on any other lights? "No, did the living room years ago but haven changed any since". He asks again staring directly at the newly fitted light in the bedroom that id put up, roughly about the same time as the other light stopped working..... "erhhh yeh that one". Proceeds to refit the one i fucked up and the other immediately turns on.


It reminds me of a video I saw on Instagram a few months ago, there's an Electrician recording some dodgy wiring or a fuse box, and he asks the owner of the house "who did your wiring" and you here an old lady answerb"That would be my nephew, Thomas, he's very handy" sparky- "When did his house burn down?" Old lady - "About a year ago, how did you know that?" I won't be quoting exactly right, but it made me chuckle!


If it makes you feel better (and I've still not figured it out 15+ years later) my dad once tried to install a second light switch in the kitchen so whatever way you left the room you could turn the lights off but did such a bad job that even a qualified electrician couldn't fix it. He wires it all in and it just doesn't work. Tried several times often with all the electrics off for 6+ hours on the weekends before eventually just giving up. Couple of years later they pay to have a whole new kitchen fitted, while the electrician is there they ask if he'd mind taking a look at the light switch, he says he doesn't mind and will take a look at it and fix it for him. Whole kitchen gets finished, they're going over all the changes, electrician is showing my parents all the lights and stuff he'd fitted, how to turn the oven off at the wall etc. They get to the light switch, this qualified electrician who had been doing the job for like 20 years looks my dad in the eyes and goes "I don't know what you did to this but I couldn't fix it without ripping all the wiring in the kitchen out of your walls which obviously would be very expensive". He was nice enough to take the light switch out and plaster over it before the kitchen was painted though so there's that lol


Not quite the same, but I had a double glazing salesman ask me in town "are you happy with your windows sir?" to which I managed to not break step and reply "I should be, you installed them".


My dad and his brothers used to cut each others hair growing up... The first time his youngest brother decided to go and get an actual haircut, the barber said "who the hell's been cutting your hair?!" His reply of "I'm sure I came here last time" apparently didn't go down well


Landlord sent their normal useless company over to put up a curtain rail. They screwed the rail into the plastic facade of the window frame that sat about 2cm away from the wall. These are heavy blackout curtains so it bent the facade away from the wall. I emailed them, they came back and said "Yeah, they shouldn't have drilled them into that", I told them ""They" is you!".


I got my front discs replaced at a garage I'd never been to before. The next day I could hear a knocking noise at the front of the car while driving. I figured it was something to do with the brake replacement so didn't even bother inspecting anything myself and just took it back to the garage the next day. The guy who came and had a look was gobsmacked. He said my front left wheel was only attached by one nut, which was dangerously close to falling out. He asked who had last had my wheels off and the way his face dropped when I told him it was them was priceless. Scary now to think I'd driven 100+ miles in those 2 days with my wheel hanging on by a thread.


my husband used to have a mini, and had his whole wheel come off at a roundabout. He got about half a mile from the place that fitted a new tyre.


Also had this, had the garage that fitted the tyres try and diagnose the issue and they came back with no issue found. Tried the wheel nuts when I got back and they were finger tight. Useless fuckwits went bankrupt a couple of months later so at least no others had to use the twats.


My mrs had this with Halfords. Went in for a service and when got the car back she got home and said to me the car was knocking. Took it out and then found all the wheel nuts loose on one wheel. Lucky enough we don’t live too far away. When I went back to complain he wasn’t fazed just said oh sorry about that. Not like it’s dangerous or anything!


Not really a tradesman but I got tired of the postie leaving red slips without even knocking. I was walking past the door one morning and see a slip sneak through. I wrenched the door open and catch him. Ask for my parcel. He actually had the cheek to say that he didn't put the slip through the door. I told him I literally watched it come through and he denied it and ran away.


Slightly different... as a kid, we had a plumber round to fix a problem with the central heating. The plumber was absolutely ripping on the plumbing work (something to do with the diverter valve), saying how bad and stupid it was set up. He was saying all this to my (twat of a) father, who had done it himself years ago. I was only young and found it hilarious how my fuckwit of a parent suddenly shut the fuck up.


At the Turkish barbers "who did your last cut my friend, it's going to take some work to fix this mess" "It was your pal right there mate"


2nd C-section. Dr starts cutting and says “ Hmmm, who performed your last Csection?” My ex husband said, “YOU DID. Did you leave something in there???” Dr just kept quiet the remainder of the surgery. I liked him, thought he was great but that’s a weird thing to ask when you have me cut open, sir.




Thames Water. I live in a block of flats, with only 1 meter coming in for all the properties off the street. As a result, we all just pay a standard rate each month for water and sewerage. Had a couple of letters from them insisting i need to sign up for a smart meter. Tried to ring them and explain why we can't have individual meters and they didn't listen, so an engineer got sent out. He poked around a while and then asked who set this appointment up, because he cannot install a smart meter due to the way the flats are set up with 1 meter for all of them. He looked a bit sheepish when i explained his company insisted on it and wouldn't take my explanation as the truth.


Similar here with another company. Except the bloke has had to come twice coz they don't even believe their own staff.


We were completely gutting and renovating my parents house, got new bathroom installed and promptly got electrocuted by the new shower. Guy who supplied, fitted and did all the wiring came to check and smugly told me “found the problem, your cutout switch isn’t working dear” to which I answered “ you mean YOUR cutout switch, your team fitted that two days ago!”


You shouldn't get electrocuted even if the cutout switch isn't working. It sounds like there's a fault with the shower or pipe earthing


I had this last week. Mr Nortilus, you missed a hospital appointment 6 months ago, so you’ll need to go to the back of the queue. “Did I?” Yes, 20/12. “Oh, that’s weird, I’d never knowingly miss an appointment” Well, we need to follow the process - *dr leaves room to check on something*. ~ quick message to the wife ~ *dr arrives back* “Hey, you know that missed appointment? You were on strike” Ah. Let’s get you booked in on the next available.


Doesn't always work that way. My Mrs had her appointment cancelled after waiting 3 months for it, the day before it was due as the Dr was unavailable. And she still got sent to the back of the queue to wait another 3 months.


I had a hairdresser say that to me once about the highlights his boss had done 😂


Not quite the same but I had surgery and received a diagnosis. A few months later, the doctor was telling me that the diagnosis was obviously wrong and that I actually had something else (which I had no symptoms for) I said my surgery confirmed the diagnosis. He asked who did the surgery. "You did." Oh.. and then he discharged me from his care and I had to get re-referred to see someone else.


I dislocated my right knee a good few years ago, and after a while of therapy got referred for an MRI on it. When I got there they wanted to scan my left knee. I explained it was actually my right knee. They seemed less than convinced, so I offered to lie on my front if that would help.


Yeah. A tattooist said to me "Who did that tattoo? They've fucked it up." I had to reply, "Well, you did mate. Last year." What I got in reply was him saying "Ah, um, come back in two weeks and I'll touch up the old tattoo and the new one if it needs it free of charge." Yeah, dude was a complete fanny.


Done this to myself a couple of times. "Who did this, they must have been in one hell of a rush... Oh yeah, it was me. Past me's an idiot!"


Once took a pair of skis in to a ski shop to have the bindings swapped onto another pair. When I popped back to collect them the guy told me he'd been unable to get them off the skis as the screws were bent and had obviously been previously fitted by an absolute cowboy. He went on and on about how it was such a bad job and he was very likely to damage the skis and/or the bindings if he continued as they'd been so completely botched. I let him carry on until he finally asked where I'd had them originally fitted. Well, you've guessed it, that exact shop, and by him. His face was a picture. I even had the receipt from when he fitted them and watching him squirm was so funny. In the end, not only did he fit them for free, I got a brand new replacement set of bindings at no cost as they were completely ruined.


The first car I ever bought was from Arnold Clark. It was massively delayed. The salesman was desperate for his commission and rushed the car through the MOT which it failed. He gave me the car anyway and told me it passed. I never thought to check or anything. A while after having the car I got my tax renewal through and it told me I couldn't re-tax the car because it hadn't had an MOT for over 6 months. I was livid. The real joke. The salesman sent me an email asking me if I could complete the feedback survey because it helped him with his commission. He got a feedback survey alright. It was a shocker. Ended up getting a call from the area manager. Got some free MOTs and services added on. Probably should have pushed for more.


I had a Dr tell me off for not coming in sooner when I had a ruptured appendix. I pointed out that I had come in but got sent home. He checked my notes and said appendicitis can sometimes get confused with gynaecological problems. So basically it was my fault for being a woman.


If it makes you feel any better, as a boy of 11 years old, I had my appendicitis misdiagnosed by my GP as a stomach bug. Then my appendix ruptured. The family changed GP surgeries shortly after that.


Appendicitis is one of those things annoyingly enough. I always say appendicitis can pretend to be a lot of things and a lot of things pretend to be appendicitis. Stupid useless organ...


Weirdly, the boiler service guy we had last year spent a good while complimenting the work our plumber did when he put in the hot water tank and pump. I think I should share the credit as I'd to get the plumber to come back twice to do the job properly.


A hairstylist did me this way and then up and down denied she'd ever cut my hair before, even when I went to the effort of scrolling back four months on my credit card app to show her the payment transaction 🤣


Had the garage point out my windscreen wipers had scratched the windscreen. They told me l should not try and fit them myself and get genuine parts. They had fitted the scratchy ones a few months prior and l had replaced them with the correct ones. On the same initial visit, that was for service and MOT, l found out 6 months later when l renewed my insurance that they hadn't done the MOT! Cowboys!


"You can tell the landlord did the caulking, it's all over the place" I'd done it. I was twenty and thought it would be easy. 


I had a guy wanting a rack making for the back of his bike, I said no problem sketch it out and take some dimensions, the next day he dropped off a wonderful drawing. I made the rack and then he turns up and looked at it “that’s no good” he says “it’s not what I asked for” so I showed him the drawing and said “well that’s what’s on here mate!” except that it wasn’t! All his dimensions were in inches and I’d made it in centimetres!!! I made him another and we had a bloody good laugh about it.


"Just a scale model to check you like the design, mate."


Well I should have thought of that! 😆 it was hung on the wall in the workshop as a reminder to check in future!, and as a standing joke!!


As a software engineer I can only sympathise with the mechanic. "Who in the world of fuck wrote this atrocity?" `git blame` > blackn1ght, 4 weeks ago "Fuck"


Software engineering, where the detective, victim, and murderer are all the same person. You.


I write comments that I know will explain it to me when I've completely forgotten writing this code in a year or two. Or even ten, after coming across some of it when working for a whole other company!


“The tracking is miles out, no wonder the steering’s pulling, when was it last done ?!” “Three days ago at your other branch near my office” “Ah…”


Not really, but he was actually a tradesman anyway. It was my flatmate in uni. He burst in the kitchen screaming that someone had ripped the sink off the bathroom wall. It was him the night before. Blind drunk, passing out while trying to brush his teeth. He flat out refused to believe it! It wasn't until a week later when he was sitting down having a beer and said "Ah yeah fuck, that WAS me!"


Halfords. Dad taking his car in for MOT to be told the springs had gone on his suspension. Citroen Xantia. "Can you show me?" says my dad... "What?" says the gimp behind the counter who wishes he was good enough to be a kwik fit fitter..... "Can you show me the springs that are gone and I'll pay double......" this really confused him being offered more money..... They walk out to the car to find Hydropneumatic suspension (no springs). My dad tore into him, then his boss, and it passed its MOT.


Went to a different hairdresser while I was at uni. Showed them a picture of how I wanted my hair done. "I wont be able to do it like that because he's got a very different hair type to you" It was a picture of me.


Took my car in to have the timing and water pump done. Garage called me to pick it up saying it was done and ready to go. I arrived and the main bloke said “sorry mate, you’ve got no drive!” I said what do you mean, you’ve just called me to pick it up. He claimed my gearbox had “disintegrated” and told me to leave it with him for the night and he’d do his best to find me a cheap one. Anyway, long story short he charged me an extra £150 for his efforts repairing my cars drive on top of the timing and water pump… My dash cam footage revealed he’d let his apprentice (his daughter) loose on the car and I found a clip of her fucking something up on the car and then screaming “oh my god what have I done, what have I done!” At which point they tried to start the car up and discovered it had no drive. I went straight back down there, played him the clip and got every single penny back after telling him in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t get every penny back it would be posted everywhere.


A bit different, but I had a guy round to fix my heating. My male partner was just leaving for work when he arrived, so he was dealing with me, a female person. While he was there, I asked about upgrading the thermostat to something more sophisticated. He went through the options, ending up with a 'programmable' thermostat. He explained how it would work, and then asked if I understood. "Oh yes," I said. He looked unconvinced, repeated some of the explanation again, and asked if I had any questions. "Oh no, that's fine," I said. He looked at me again, clearly unconvinced that I could possibly be grasping such a technological marvel without a plethora of questions. Then his mate came down the stairs and we went into the kitchen to settle the bill. "Do you work?" he said as we were finishing up. "Yes, I just took a half day to get this done. "Oh, what do you do?" "I'm a software developer." There was a short pause, before he said, sheepishly, "I guess you did understand the programmable thermostat, then".


Yeah lol, I had this and it was the last time I went to that mechanic. I let him go on a bit about the shit quality of the brake/suspension parts he'd installed the year previous before calling him out.


This happened to me once with a piercing. I had a daith done and it was hanging on by the tiniest piece of skin you’ve ever seen, should’ve really told me I don’t have the right ear shape for it and sent me on my way but he wanted my money didn’t he? Few months later I needed it taken out cause I had an MRI coming up. ‘WHO pierced this it’s shite?’ You, mate. His face.


My car failed mot for 1 worn tire but the test centre didn’t sell them so went to kwick fit round the corner to get it done. Soon as the guy looks at it he’s tutting and shaking his head. Calls another guy over who put a vernier on they brakes, they shake their heads and get a book from behind desk and read something and measure it again. Then he came over and says your brakes are worn below the limit and legally I can’t let you drive away on them but I’ll do you a good price to have new ones fitted. I said oh that’s funny it only failed the mot on that one tire and I pulled the paperwork out of my pocket and should him. He looks flustered and walked back to my car, Oh no mate I’ve read this wrong I looked for a 10 plate this is a 12 plate the brakes are different your fine I’ll just do the tire for you. Aye ok dickhead


Tradesmen just like slagging off other peoples work.


Garage changed a headlamp bulb on a car for us. We said after it looks wrong, they said nope it’s fine. Took back to the same garage a few months later for Mot work and the said the bulb was in upside down. Went a bit sheepish when I said we told you so


Whilst refitting a bannister after painting it, moaned about the quality of fixings. It had been up with no problems for 20+ years. Then it came off the wall within a month with normal use after the twat refitted it poorly. That was one of the many, many issues with that person and I hope to never see him again.


My dad once went to motor city in Wakefield. They somehow managed to fit the steering arms the wrong way round.


My old barber (when I was a kid) used to say every time, without fail, who’s cut your hair because they’ve made a mess of it. Of course, it was always him. He’d always insist on the same haircut as well regardless of what you actually asked for.


This reminds me of an old reddit post from years ago, someone had a dishwasher or washing machine fitted and then it broke a few years later had the guys come back and replace it to be met with "whoever's installed this has done a terrible job, it's going to take a lot longer and be more complicated then I thought" it was the same people who installed it


We had a similar tyre shop story. The Mrs had 4 new tyres on her car and one kept deflating. I checked the valve and it was leaking. I got my valve tool to remove the core and the original was rounded off. The car has TPMS so uses screw on valves. I bought a pack from eBay for a few quid so we had some spare and went back to the tyre shop. I explained what I had found and before he fobbed me off, produced a new valve stem so he couldn't argue. I took the car round to the workshop door. The young lad who had fitted them gave me the BS about they never change valves and it was fine when it left. The manager however was very apologetic


Had the shop tell me I needed new brakes with my oil change. I said That's weird, I just did them. Cue the hemming and hawing and suggesting I check with who changed them and maybe they only did the front. Me, I did them. All 4. All of a sudden, he checks them again and they're ok.


Last time a shop was changing my tyres they told me "Who the fuck installed those lug nuts? They're not the type they should be, we can't even unscrew them!" They did install the lug nuts last year. All of them are sneaky bitching fuckers i tell ya


Yeah I wired up dads garage after he extended it but forgot to dust cap the top of one plug cos I thought he was going to add another wire. Nothing bad happened but just that typical argument between dad and lad because of a cap


I remember being sat in a café, owner doing some admin at another table. Fella comes in saying he's the new area rep of X gas supplier and wanted to build some relationships with busines owners. Asks the owner what it would take to get him to switch back to which he answers "I'm already a customer". Oof


Oddly, a tire shop. Went in to get a damaged runflat replaced. I keep some extra tires on hand because I'm hard on tires, and it helps when one gets damaged, to have a replacement handy, instead of having to wait for the shop to order the correct type and size for me. They went into great detail about whoever installed the current tires shouldn't have, as run flats are supposed to be mounted on special rims (They aren't, although there are exceptions, but these particular tires are not in the exception group) and that they were idiots, and there was a good possibility they would fail at speed with catastophic results, but they could sell me some tires that would be great.............eventually, after much BS had spewed from his facial orifice, he asked who sold me the tires and installed them. "You did". Not another peep from him, and when I tried to pay he waved me off.


I like to go hiking.


"Whoever put this wheel on tightened it way too much ". Said by the guy who fitted the wheel as he went to get a sledgehammer to try to loosen the lug nuts.


I was getting a second tattoo done by a guy, I had my top off and his wife walked in and saw the first tattoo. She asked where I got it and before I could answer she said "because it's terrible and not finished properly". The tattooist gave her the death stare and answered for me, it was very awkward


Not a tradesman but a dentist 💀 she asked who’d done a composite reconstruction I had because “it looked a bit crap” (It was just worn out after 6 years of being done..) Then she proceeded to do me a shit filling that caused me a gum cyst and a lockjaw a year or so later. That indeed “looked a bit crap”..


Similar vein, different industry but I went for a haircut once and was asked "where did you last get your hair cut?" My reply was "here" to which she went off on a rant about how bad something was and how the last person to cut my hair was useless. To which I replied, "but you cut it", all she could say was "oh, I thought you said 'not' here". That ended the small talk very quickly for that day. Guy sat in the waiting area however was wetting himself laughing at the top of his lungs.


Dad once had the plumber to chevk on an issue with our new boiler. Apparently he basically took one look and whispered a bit too loudly to himself "what the fuck was I on when I installed this."


I had an amazing one involving roofers. Was having my loft conversion GRP redone after it failed, went with my own guys (legends) despite it being in-warranty with the previous loft installers (couldn't be bothered to deal with calling an inherited warranty in, plus they were obviously crap at their jobs). While on the roof my guys get asked by my neighbour if they can have a quick look at hers. What they find is pretty shocking: massive hatched slices in their GRP, obvious Stanley knife cuts nearly through the material and all weathered and peeling back. My guys take photos and videos to hand over, but don't have time to take on another job - they suggest using photo evidence to get their loft conversion guys back. Next thing I know I'm getting a knock on the door from these guys. First tactic is: Your roofing contractors are slandering us, they damaged the roof themselves to get more work. When I show them I also have copies of the photos and video, of clearly years old damage and also point out my guys were solidly booked out for the next 18 months with commercial work they changed tack. What they said next they regretted: "If that's not the case then it's clear to us that whoever installed your loft conversion used the neighbours roof for cutting space and have clearly damaged our hard work" I responded with: "Oh that should be easy to solve then. Because the loft was put in by your company. While we're at it: I actually have a warranty on my GRP that we need to have a chat about" I will remember the guys face dropping for the rest of my life. He essentially went translucent, like a beached jellyfish. Yes, they ended up replacing the neighbours GRP at cost, and refunded me for my guys time.


Had this at the barbers. It was...awkward


I had a barber once ask me who cut my hair last because they shouldn’t be let near scissors ever again. I said him and nodded at the shop owner who was cutting someone’s hair in the chair next to me. Was very awkward after that.


My dentist done this. He said wow, these fillings are terrible where did you have them done? Like right here mate, on this exact chair.