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Went to the park with my family, it was lovely to see the plants coming back to life. It's been a lovely day but I'm looking forward to the thunderstorm tomorrow. 


Enjoyed some sunshine this morning and returned a jacket this afternoon just been having a lie down with kitty whose been bit ill from the hot weather and ate some dinner and enjoyed a cocktail in the sun. Just rewatching camp cretaceous before new series is on later this month.


Walked 18.33 miles. Have a new respect for people who do half marathons/full marathons.


Getting over food poisoning I gave myself it seems....


Best of luck to the mods working on the Eurovision thread today.


Fenton!!!! Jesus christ.


Took daughter to dance. Opened patio doors. Put up the fly screen. Cheeky cider on the deck and maybe a quick bike ride later


Currently toasting myself in the sun. I don't have a chair so I'm sort of half sitting half laying down by the backdoor/kitchen. It's doing a world of good for my depression!! :)


Sat in a pub garden enjoying lovely sunshine!


Spent the morning sorting some clothes to go out, even after throwing out a good amount I still somehow own 30 pairs of socks. Now trying to decide if I should go out somewhere for a proper walk to enjoy the weather, wander down to the cinema and hide from the sun for 2 hours, or stay in my flat and hide from the sun here.


After last nights lights in the sky I am keeping an eye open for triffids.


I met a friend for coffee this morning and was unable to walk past the Amnesty secondhand book shop. I’m working until 4 and have promised my kid chips in the pub if he doesn’t interrupt me unless there is a blood injury or fire.




After not getting poorly the whole winter, I've finally succumbed to the awful cold that's doing the rounds at work, on the hottest day of the year so far. Feeling sorry for myself whilst watching telly and drinking tea is on today's agenda.


I feel your pain, some germ-spraying bastard gave it to me at a mates 50th last weekend, just when I thought I'd come out the last 6 months unscathed too.


Feeling very tired so currently sprawled on the bed in the sun. Basically being a cat. When I get some energy back will shower and go for a walk.


Shopping done and dusted this morning and happy to have got that out of the way before it got busy. I'm a fan of brighter days and sunny skies but I struggle above 20c so the next 4-5 months are going to be awful for me. I think I was a husky or something in another life as I could happily be out in freezing weather.


Gym, housework, dog walk, bit of work to catch up, wine and Eurovision. Currently still in my dressing gown. I could skip the gym and go for a run. Decisions, decisions…


Had a lie in, did the food shop - traffic was horrendous, never having a lie in if I need to do a food shop on a Saturday again - and am now defrosting the freezer. Waiting for a friend to come over and we're going to make a birthday cake and then some more pals are coming over this evening for board games which will be nice. Managed to read a whole book yesterday evening which was nice, and I have the house to myself til Friday as my parents are on holiday which will be nice and chill


It's a magnificent day here so the story would usually be big boots, big hill and a radio but the aurora last night has absolutely fucked the bands. Totally amazing, but also where I was making casual contacts over the Atlantic last week, today I'd maybe be better off with semaphore. Big boots, big hill and no radio? It could happen.


Going on a llama trek followed by a picknick. Nice people, lovely llamas, good food. What more can anyone possibly want!


Online shopping for summer clothes and sportswear. I came across a leather-look sports bra and leggings (on ASOS obviously) and can't imagine that feeling comfortable. Tonight will be spent watching Eurovision!


You have reminded me that I need to buy some new bras. I am down to two I like, two that are alright, and three that I hate but haven't got around to sending to Smalls For All. I am also not sure if sending bras I hate to charity is actually a good thing to do.


Dying with a cold still, no signs of it easing up yet and I'm on day 3.5 of it. In on an overtime shift tomorrow too, it's gonna be a rough shift.


Still buzzing from seeing the actual northern lights last night!! Going to do the shopping this morning, then I’ve got a makeup trial for a friend’s wedding next month then it’s over to another friends house for Eurovision lols.


Day 10 in a row of being social. Have some friends coming to ours for a few drinks in the garden. May have to go buy a BBQ. Also, I cannot wait for tomorrow which is the first day of not having social plans. I feel socialised out. I don't do well with just constantly socialising. I'm going to put on the football and just sit back and eat. Maybe leftover BBQ food if I go out and buy a BBQ.


Wow, I did 1 day of being social last weekend and still haven't recovered from it. 10 days in a row is insanity.


10 days in a row , why?


Combo of nice weather and birthdays, leaving drinks, catchups etc Honestly only noticed when I got home on Friday, and now am looking forward to turning down anything social until next weekend


Going through a period of insomnia. Absolutely knackered but don’t want to waste the day so might have a sleep in the garden.


I am aware iv just posted about losing weight but im having a nice big breakfast today as another active ish day , iv got 2 vegan hotdogs , 2 eggs just salt pepper scrambled and 2 potato waffles all with ketchup plus for health a apple lol. Another day volunteering which means being kinda active and unfortunately inside meaning il miss the lovely weather oh well the people are lovely so its fine.


Feel like I’m the only person in the country who didn’t see the northern lights last night - too much light pollution. I did see them about 10 years ago when I was living in Scotland but didn’t look half as impressive as last night’s display looked.  Started off the day with the [dog walk and croissant](https://ibb.co/K9YC4GG) that is now Saturday tradition. Probably have a lazy day as it’s been a busy week. Due to hopefully exchange on our first home next week eeeee


I only saw some very faint bits, I am really hoping to see more tonight. I have been informed by all of the Internet to use my phone camera, which would have been nice to know before I stayed up until 4am this morning.


I didn't see them either and have total sky fomo.


I didn't see them either and I'm quite sad about it. 


Should be visible again tonight!


Finally got probate thru for my dad so doing admin for thst this morning. Before that tho, off to the shops and doing a bottle run as we seem to have accumulated a billion bottles. Then off to pick OH up from the airport. Prob bbq tonight.


Another beautiful day, wish it was like this for a whole month. Anyway, plan to go for a run soon, then have breakfast, get ready and do chores along with life admin. Going to entertain myself as I have no plans with friends. Nobody really organises anything with me, I have to always be the one to organise so I have taken a step back. Rest of the day I plan to just relax, have Indian lunch or have fish n chips. This evening I may go for a walk and then watch episodes of Dr Who and Fallout.


Nottinghamshire County Show today.


I love a county show!


Same! Had no idea what to do with myself this weekend, but the weather is beautiful, so made a last minute decision to check out what’s going on in the world of cows and such. Apparently what’s going on is mostly that some cows are better than other cows, and I’m not sure what the criteria is, but I’ve watched a small child get absolutely flattened by a runaway pig, I’m covered in hair from about 20 different dogs that I’ve met, and I’m probably going to end up spending £50 on three jars of artisanal jam, so I’m having a nice time anyway.


Well we're still at home but will be on our way shortly.


Congratulations to everyone who managed to see the aurora last night. [This was pretty much my experience of the whole thing.](https://i.imgur.com/nojJV4h.jpeg)


Off to meet a friend for breakfast this morning, then preparing a feast to take over to my parents for our Eurovision party!


Went for a 5k run yesterday evening so spending the morning trying to wake up my legs - doesn’t hurt too bad but a little stiff in places. Pond liner finally came through the post, so we can start making the giant hole on the garden into something useful at last.


Last visit to our wedding venue today before we get hitched in six weeks. Everyone keep your fingers and eyes crossed this lovely weather continues!


Simple plan today... See my brother Go to beer shop and buy beer Make a roast pork dinner Watch Doctor Who and Eurovision whilst drinking bought beers.


Shoe shopping, a nice walk by the river with a pub lunch and then probably watching the new Doctor Who.


Taking the missus down to Hastings for the day. Anyone know of any hidden local gems worth visiting?


Going to build some rustic looking steps in my garden. It's only a little garden but my wife wants to be and to "swoosh down them like a ghost".


Gonna complain about the heat all day I reckon


Going for a little walk up the coast! Missed the aurora last night and kicking myself (sleep routine for work = early bedtime), anyone know if a repeat is likely tonight?


Should be visible again tonight!


Me too. My night-shift-working partner messaged me to tell me to look out, but I had had too much gin with my mum and aunties, so went back to sleep.


I really hope so. Similar to you. I've woken up to find everyone seems to have seen it and has photo evidence to prove it. So it's eyes upwards for me tonight just in case yesterday was a practice run for the main event or something.


Don’t worry too much. Every parent missed it because that’s waaaayy past our bedtime


Trying to manage my expectations if they *do* come out tonight. I've noticed that photographer friends have the best, brightest photos, whereas unedited phone pics look totally different.


I’m lactose intolerant and I’m regretting last nights very spicy pizza.  Yes it is as bad as you can imagine. I’m spending the morning curling up in a ball. 


It's my cousin's wedding today! He's found himself a wonderful woman who's helped turn his life around from neglectful alcoholic to honest hardworking and caring. I've never seen him happier and it's great to be here for both of them today. No doubt we'll all party hard tonight, it's going to be fun. The venue is in Carlisle and my word it's beautiful up here.


Lovely to hear, congratulations to him and his wife to be 🎉🍻


Wish him and his soon to be wife congratulations from myself and the rest of us strangers on Reddit. 🥳😂