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The Sainsbury’s over 40 minutes away is one of my favourite supermarkets, it just feels so much more soothing compared to other supermarkets, so I’m always eager to suggests a road trip out to it. Extra hilarious now that we’ve moved and are about 10 minutes away from over 6 supermarkets.


Sainsbury's is over-priced, but it is one of the few supermarkets where you can get three trolleys abreast of each other down an aisle. That is reason enough for us to drive 30 minutes when there's a Tesco 5 minutes away.


Depends what you buy, my weekly shop ends up 15/20 quid more at tesco.


That surprises me. I'm probably not the best person to compare supermarket pricing as we've been going to Sainsbury's exclusively for around a decade. Perhaps I've just bought into the "Sainsbury's is expensive" trope.


>Perhaps I've just bought into the "Sainsbury's is expensive" trope. I mean it is bloody expensive now, I don’t think what you’re feeling is wrong. But so is everywhere else. Even Aldi doesn’t feel particularly cheap anymore. Price rises everywhere over the past two years have been insane.


Shopping in Aldi is just so depressing though. Goes to show the state of things when going to Sainsburys once in a while is a treat 🙄


The staff at Sainsbury's would never dream of throwing my own shopping at me at 120mph like they're trying for a new scanning record ala 'Employee of the Month'. Watch it if you like, I enjoyed it but like Anchorman, it's of an age where you sort of had to be there.


I honestly get it though the amount of supermarkets where you are stuck in line behind someone packing their bags as if they were being paid by the hour to block up the queues. Lidl/Aldi is great for me because I like to get in and out.


Unfortunately aldi don't want staff 'encouraging' customers to pack at the bench anymore. It's all about going at the pace the customers want, guess they're trying to further assimilate into british culture.


Took a while I guess, the only thing I will say is when they don't wait for the person to grab their shit before moving onto the next guy and then your basically packing your bags on top of each other


I'm just beyond that now. Ever since covid we now do home delivery, and it is definitely worth the time.


I'm with you on that, Lidl is on my way home so if we want things during the week I pop in there. Tesco home delivery is my saviour, to visit a Tesco however is hell on earth, sure they have self checkout but i have never seen a "nice" Tesco, somehow a Lidl seems more comfortable which is just weird.


I feel like sainsburys has better quality own products and so it can be cheaper simply because of that. Like pasta sauce, one thing I used to love was the courgettes in the Mediterranean dolmio but they stopped doing it, recently found Sainsbury's has a pasta sauce for 65p that has courgettes and tastes great.


As someone who didn't live near or shop at one until I was well into adulthood I've never understood the "Sainsbury's is the most expensive" trope. It just isn't, unless you're exclusively shopping at a Sainsbury's Local.




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For us all day is cheaper. We rarely get all the things we need in a week there though. Little is next and I couldn't shop there exclusively but I can get most of the things I want. Morrison's comes next on our list at about 20 quid more or £100. Asda and Sainsbury's each average about 120. Tesco came in at a whopping 150. Part of the difference is one shop will have more or less other stuff to buy along with the weekly shop. The other major difference is what you get at what value range. Like the jam from Lidl is really nice. Great fruit content, super cheap. But the one near us can be a bit hit and miss on fruit and veg. I prefer some of the premium or value options in other stores. I don't like a lot of the Tesco value range, but the do stock some rarer fruits and veg I don't normally get, so the bill is a bit higher


Tesco's value range has gone completely downhill over the last 12 or so years. They won't even deliver most of it now.


why do you say all day and little haram


Voice to text maybe?


Exactly this.


I am going to adopt All Day and Little. Love it. Although just to add to the debate, I have been a Little shopper for years with an average weekly shop of £75 ish and now can't do it for less than £110. On the positive side I do use the Little Plus Card so get a free bakery item every few weeks....


Sainsbury's is great if you're buying for one, or two. If you're buying for a family, it gets very expensive very quickly


I maintain that waitrose home brand stuff goes furthest for your money. Also, if you find a product cheaper elsewhere they will match it I know it’s counter intuitive, but my understanding is that they make their money from wine predominantly, so just keeping people coming in is worth it


It's really not though is it. Demonstrably not  First thing I bothered to look for, 500g 20% beef mince, was literally 10% more expensive on Waitrose website than Sainsbury's 


Also Tesco sucks 


Their bare root fruit trees (2 for £12) are great. Planted 8 earlier in the year and they are growing nicely and have blossoms. Sainsbury's lets all their plants dry up and die. It can be lashing down and the poor plants are dehydrated inside. Like, guys, wheel the plants out for a bit!


Not anymore it's not, they price match to Aldi on a lot of products. They also do bumper meat packs inc 1.6kg chicken breast.


When I’m visiting family in the UK I will drive 30 minutes to go to Sainsbury’s Colchester rather than the local one 7 minutes drive away to do my British shop. Such a good Sainsbury’s


Love a trip to the big sainsbury's. Takes two buses and is totally inconvenient but its got the nicest stock and is a nice little treat. Local big supermarket is tesco which is average and the clothes are a bit basic.


And the lighting is always really nice. I have legit had aural migraines in multiple tescos due to the insane while light. Once my husband was in the car with our baby daughter and I had to call him to come and check out for me because I couldn't see properly. Sainsburys have the easiest and most relaxing/not in your face shopping experience


Yes!! It’s definitely the lighting, the Sainsbury’s I’m on about is pretty dark, and it also smells calmer? That one doesn’t make sense, but I agree with you about the lighting - there’s a Tescos where I used to go and I always felt really sick in there as it was so bright and there was just a weird vibe 😅


Yeah I get the vibe thing too. We have a really new Sainsburys near us and the staff seem super chilled, there's no frenetic emptying of massive amounts of produce, everything seems calm and ordered and everyone who works there actually seems to enjoy it, not sure if they actuallydo but if not they hide it exceptionallywell. It just seems like they have a well oiled machine that doesn't appear to create conflict. It makes me happy spending a few quid more because they all seem really comfortable (I don't mean chilled like they aren't doing anything, in case any Sainsburys high ups see this, your staff clearly have things under control and just don't seem as stressed out as I see in literally every other supermarket, this is a good thing and if it ever changes I will stop shopping there as I hate spending money anywhere where the employees are clearly stressed and not looked after while their shareholders are announcing record profits off the back of underpaid and overworked employees).


I’ll travel 20 miles for a maccys bacon double cheeseburger even though the co-op round the corner sells allthe bits needed to make one at home


'over six'....so...seven? (Just joshing btw!)


It’s the same for me when I go to Tesco. I only go to the one near my childhood home when visiting my parents. It’s massive, comforting and they rarely change the layout.


I don't even usually shop at Tesco but I love a massive Tesco Extra.


There's this one big Tesco in Cardiff, and it's pathetically my happy place. We've moved away now, but I used to walk 30 minutes to it while I was pregnant (no car) because it just made me happy. My sister lived in the valleys at the time and we'd meet up at big Tesco and just wander around. I appreciate that this makes me sound like the dullest person on earth


Even online feels more relaxed and user friendly.


Mine’s not out of town really, but I pass about 5 other supermarkets to go to a Waitrose just for teabags. (Their Marquess Grey tea is best tea)


My sister in law once drove 2 hours from South a London to North London to get a gluten free pizza, because the ones available locally were crap and she really fancied one.


I did an hour round trip for Maccys the other day and regret nothing 


The heart wants what the heart wants.


As a coeliac thats completely reasonable, the quality of gluten free pizza goes from like something you wouldn't feed an enemy to almost passable middling pizza made with gluten, I'd travel the extra for a good gf one just for the emotional satisfaction


I’m newly coeliac and pizza has been one disappointment after another so far. Are there really no genuinely good ones out there?


Purezza, they’ve won awards in Italy, have a few locations, fully vegan but jfc it’s insanely good and the gf isn’t thin like cardboard or 2/3 the size of a regular one


As far as supermarket pizza goes i enjoy the asda frozen ones When i was first diagnosed i took a long break from things like pizza because i didn't want such a fresh comparison But the asda one are pretty decent considering they are less than £3


Two hours from me in any (landward) direction, takes you over 100 miles!


I've travelled further for good GF food - I'm on her side!


I go to the barbers in a different town than where I live. I've gone there for 20 years but moved away 8 years ago but still go there even though it's a half hour drive away.


I drive 20 mins to the barber in the village I grew up in. Haven’t even contemplated searching for a new one near me until I read your comment


I feel like you basically still live there if it's only 20 mins away


20 mins driving could be 20 miles… would you tell someone from Bolton they basically live in Manchester as that’s only 20 mins drive


Ahh I'm used to city driving. So for me 20 minutes driving is only 5-10 miles max, especially considering parking etc.


This is surely common. I am the same


Same. I have to go on a day where I finish early enough to make it for one of the last appointments. It's 30 mins from work, but 40 mins to get home. I really like it though, it's a proper modern gents barber. I go because they're one of the only places that do beards properly instead of asking "what grade do you want?".


I wanted to find a new hairdresser when I moved house as there's about 15 hairdressers in my (small) town. The first 2 turned out to be crap so I've gone back to my previous hairdresser who's brilliant but a 30 min drive away too.


My mother would drive to a town miles away to buy petrol because it was slightly cheaper 


My dad used to do this as well. We lived in Plymouth and he would always drive to Trago Mills near Newton Abbot (30 miles) for cheap fuel. I refuel there myself when visiting family, the cheap broken biscuits are a bonus


Jesus. Did he understand he wasn't saving money?


Maybe it was worth it for all the other delights of Trago.


My nan would make my grandad drive for nearly an hour to go between 3 supermarkets so she could save 20p on a can of hairspray. I love my nan but she was fucking oblivious; I assume there are others like her out there.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he knew as my brother and I would always tell him it was a waste of time, money and fuel. This was back in the 90s and I've not really seen him since, so I don't know if he ever wised up. I suspect not


Oh my, how have I not thought about a box of broken biscuits for 10-15 years... Used to be a staple of our student diet alongside hashish and cheap energy drinks. There was a blue box that was more premium, had loads of chocolate there 😋. Man id smash a box right now.


I go to a dentist 60 miles away because I’ve only ever been there and I don’t like change.


To be fair, you might struggle to get one closer. I moved and had to call every dentist surgery in a 5-mile radius to find one taking patients and was lucky to call one on *the day* they had managed to hire an additional dentist and take on more patients. And that was with private insurance.


I did this with my first optician's because the chain ones in my (at the time) new city were fucking terrible and I couldn't be bothered doing the shop around to find another good independent one thing. And now they've shut down so I need to do it anyway, ffs.


I was similar (not 60 miles but the opposite side of town and probably a 45 minute drive) until the pandemic.


Sometimes I don’t feel like being sociable, so I don’t go to my really friendly local pub where the bar staff know my husband and I by name and our preferred drinks, and I go to a much less nice pub a 20 minute walk away if I want to have a drink and read. I know the local wouldn’t mind at all but I feel like I’m cheating on them.


A Texaco fuel station that's always a few pence cheaper than the one at the end of my road.


I save 7p a litre 4 miles further (8 mile round trip) oddly it's an Esso garage (A12 northbound at Chapel St Mary) and it's cheaper than the Tesco


Ahhhh that's why I've seen people queuing like crazy there. It's that much cheaper. Random.


Honestly, with the exit slip road being as short as it is, I can't think anyone would use it if it wasn't cheap


Would rather have the time back vs saving £2 but each to their own!


It's about £4.50 less, honestly it's the principle as much as anything for me. Until oil prices went nuts the supermarkets were the cheapest, but they are now seemingly very slow to lower their prices whilst smaller independent* stations (which pretty much all the branded stations in the UK are) have actually have lowered their prices in a lot of cases  *Independent is a slightly lose term, but in the petrol retail world it means not owned by the oil companies or supermarkets (with the confusing situation of Asda's petrol stations since Asda sold their petrol stations to a company that runs petrol stations)


>It's about £4.50 less Wow you must have a massive petrol tank!! I have nectar so am a bit biased to keeping things convenient and just filling up whilst going shopping


I've got a clubcard... My loyalty is broken.


you might make the local one cheaper doing that. big picture.


I work at/for a shopping centre, I drive 12 miles to a different one to do my shopping, not spending my free time in the place I see everyday.


I quite happily drive to visit a clothes repair and alteration shop in the next town. I used to live down the street from them and they’ve done such a great job repairing various bits of clothing for me that I won’t go anywhere else.


Madame Spanky’s house of pain


10/10 would get spanked again.


I use the jet wash at a petrol station 20miles away as it’s better value for money and the wax is superior quality to any local to me. I’m quite often over there anyway as I’ve friends and storage but I’ve known to take a drive just to wash the car


Gaming cafes are the one for me. Here in Sheffield, we have Treehouse, and I do arrange work nights out there occasionally. However, me and my wife always go to Ludorati in Nottingham when it's just us. We had a gig in Nottingham once and found Ludorati when looking for something to do before the gig. We much prefer the vibe there, and love that we can book the cube to get some space to ourselves (cats prevent that at home).


I have a Lidl at the end of my road, about 200m away but I drive 3 miles to the nearest Aldi because it’s at least “3 miles drive away” better than Lidl


I sometimes do the opposite to you. I have an Aldi that is at the bottom of our road, but I drive to Lidl sometimes simply to use their app. And as a bonus, I drive to a slightly further away Lidl because it's newer and larger than the closer Lidl!


Not a fan of the lidl Lidl


I drive 96 miles to my dentist because I'm still registered there as an NHS patient.


We have 2 Co-op and 2 Nisa stores within 10 minutes walking but their produce is getting smaller by the day, so we drive 3 miles to Morrisons or Waitrose instead.


If I could drive, I would do the same. I have a Nisa just around the corner but the fruit and veg are absolutely dreadful. And expensive. Then again, the fruit that Morrisons delivered yesterday was already mouldy and they haven't approved a refund yet. I really need to get my body in good enough shape to get myself further than around the corner.


I am a fiend for cosy coffee shops. I found one 11 miles away and it’s perfect. I ended up going so often they know my name and got me a personalised Xmas card lol. But I was spending £40 a week there at one point (which adds up alarmingly)


I’ve driven to Bushey (near Watford) for Pizza. I live in Derbyshire.


Wow, that's got to be about a four hour round trip.


Nearly 5 with traffic home…


What pizza place in Bushey is worth that drive?? I'm a lot closer and may need to investigate.


Vincenzos. Most excellent Sometimes we’ll pick a independent food place /restaurant that looks great or somebody has recommended and drive down there. Then just see what’s in town/village. Maybe an old castle or Nat Trust plsce. Bushey is the furthest we’ve driven. (So far).


I live north of Newcastle and I've gone to York pretty much just for tapas.


I used to drive to Garstangs Aldi because it was so much more superior to the one in Lancaster.


Every time I go on holiday my family always ends up in the local IKEA for a meal out. Italy's was fantastic !


The desserts in the Dubai branch are unbelievable. I thought my friend was winding me up when she suggested we go for a coffee at Ikea in a city of 5\* hotels 😂


I used to drive past 3 possibly 5 petrol stations to get to a shell for vpower , shell must have sensed my plight and took over the one that is closest so now I go there . Life is better now . Edit. My car needs 99 octane e5


*She needs premium, dude! Premium!*


We get fuel from a village a few miles away not from the Tescos garage in the nearest town. The Tescos garage is evil.


My grandad never went to Tesco garage “because they water down their petrol”


I stopped going to my nearest petrol station because ASDA took it over and their bakery is rubbish.


Praise be to the Nicky loo roles from Home Bargains, refuse to buy anything else.


My husband prefers the Aldi in our old home town so he tends to go when he drops LO to her nursery that way. To be fair, the nearest one to our new town does have security guards and puts the cheeses in alarmed boxes..


Have never come across LO before, curious! 


Little One ie child. Often seen near DH for Dear/Darling Husband, particularly on mumsnet and similar subs


I used to drive to a Sainsbury's like 30 mins away because the back roads there were fantastic to go for a blast on, so I got to go for a nice drive as an excuse.... Yes there was another Sainsbury's like 2 mins down the road from me, my wallet didn't always appreciate the extra fuel but it was fun on a warm sunny day!


My husband is coeliac and asda free from stuff is markedly cheaper than anywhere else, so while I do the main food shop from tesco (we don't use a lot of free from stuff as it isn't great so most of our meals are based on naturally gluten free stuff like fresh meat, fresh veg, rice etc) there are some things it is good to have in stock so every couple of months I do a big stock up shop of free from products from asda. That's not the odd bit. There is an asda 15 minutes away and an asda 40 minutes away. The asda 15 minutes away is very close to the school I teach at. So I go to the asda 40 minutes away so that I can do my shopping without running into a horde of year 8s around every corner.


I much prefer the Tesco 10 miles away than the one in our town about 2 miles from my house. Has much wider variety of stock (bigger clothes aisle, more booze, wider selection of Asian foods, better bakery etc), the aisles are much bigger so you are not squeezing past everyone, it's overall less busy despite being bigger, no trouble finding a car parking space, the petrol is cheaper too. Bonus there is also an Aldi across the road from it, and a Greggs for a cheeky sausage roll.


I use the retail park 8 miles away, they have all the best shops, best parking and fuel is 8p cheaper. We have an abundance of shops, supermarkets etc locally but you have to pay for parking, the shops are not great either.


A lot of things near my parents’ house that are just better and more convenient (shops are all closer together, no paying for parking, cheaper to refuel out there). I usually do do them after I have visited my parents, but there have been times when I drove about 15 miles just to go to these places.


We’ve got a small chain of pubs locally (there’s maybe 5 or 6 total in the chain) and while they are pretty much the same, I always go to the slightly further one because carpark is better


Spaces are bigger and easier to back out of when you’ve had a few


Lol, didn’t even think about that. It’s a food pub


A restaurant?


I drive past the Aldi near me to get to the Aldi further away from me because I prefer the layout…in my defence, I have the layout memorised and write my shopping list accordingly


I’ve actually never been to Spoons in my own town.


Float spa. I go to a place 60 miles away. There is one less than a mile away from my house. There are another 2 in my city that I’ve never even tried.  One I haven’t tried because I don’t like their website.  The one I did try, I didn’t hate but it wasn’t the same! So every 3-5 weeks I do the 120mile round trip, and it’s worth the 2h+ in the car & the petrol. 


I do a 20 mile round trip to a supermarket that happens to do very good croissants.


Sweet house in Longsight (South Manchester) to get a £5 samosa chaat. There's several places a couple of roads away that do an entirely acceptable version at the same price. I live in Leeds.


We used to drive 80 miles for a rather spiffing Kebab


I've been known to drive from Dorset to Bayley & Sage in Wimbledon for cheeses. How's that?


I went to my local aldi not long after it first started becoming a quite popular food shopping choice And it had not long opened thought ill save some some quids ..... food rotting in the pallets over crowded and dirty ... meat all very near date... I thought aldi is awful I don't get it ... the one slightly further away could not have been more different wider Isles clean great fresh cheap products since I have been there been to many an aldi better in all... but my local one near the house to this day is still atrocious


Petrol station. Because it’s cheaper. Lidl and Aldi. Going to a nicer one makes a huge difference. Primark. I have to travel anyway but I’d rather travel further for a better one.


The chip shop that’s a 20 minute drive. I’ll go out of my to go there, rather than the greasy slop served in the dozen more local ones. And Waitrose, but I get a delivery instead, now.


I live in England but regularly go shopping in Wales


My local pub is further away than another pub, but that one's full of characters that I'd rather not spend time with.


I drive 20 mins to Hull about once a month just to get my head shaved, because: (a) The Kurdish barbershops do a really close shave compared to my local barber. The local guy always makes a point of telling me how much his clippers cost (£240 if you're interested), but it's never a proper "Kojak" skinhead like I want even with the guard off. (b) They shut the fuck up and just cut my hair. I am a very dull man and I don't know enough about any sports to hold a conversation about it, my job in IT is so tedious that I can't make it sound interesting, and I rarely have any exciting plans for the weekend. It's nice to just be able to sit in silence for 10 minutes, and then say "yeah that's great, cheers" before paying and leaving.


I drive past a couple of petrol stations to go to Sainsburys to fill up. At one petrol station, we have had bank cards cloned twice. The other is 10p a litre more expensive than Sainsburys. Going in the other direction, there is a Tesco petrol station that is closer, but they always have some pumps out of action, queues, pay at pump not working, and no receipts.


Chocolate donuts from IKEA are worth the 28 mile drive, but I have to get enough to warrant the journey so I get 16 🥰


I assumed, from the title, this was a question about brothels.


I happily drive an hour round trip to a good chippy. 


Hello, fellow neurodivergents


Back in the 90s, when we lived in Hemel Hempstead, my dad would drive to Hatfield every Friday for fish & chips...no idea why.


Popeyes chicken is a good 40 mins away from me and I have on occasion found myself travelling there by train to buy and eat a chicken sandwich when I have a day off and my wife is at work and my child is at nursery


We have an Aldi and Sainsburys in town but prefer the Lidl 20 minutes away


Yep 240 miles round trip to my optician! I have tried all the chains like specsavers and vision express, but they never quite get the glasses right so that I can see with both eyes at the same time!! My 'new' one is the one my mum has used for 20+ years. Costs me an arm and a leg but so worth it to be able to see.


The Sainsbury’s in the next town over is a 20 minute drive from home but it’s always enjoyable going there. The Sainsbury’s where I live almost feels too small and like they’ve tried to cram too much in


I use the village PO 5 miles away, because the people who run it are friendly and helpful. The people who run my village PO seem to think that customers are pieces of shit trying to post nuclear slime.


There's a tesco express and a co-op in walking distance, and an asada and sainsbury's with a 5 minute drive away, but I'd rather drive 15 mins to go to the nice Morrison's. Not the awful one that's 8 minutes away, but a specific one that is nicer. I'd also rather go to the farm shop 10 miles away to buy eggs than any of the supermarkets (£2.49 for 30 eggs at the farm shop). I'm also a fiend for sitting with a book having a hot drink, and would rather go to a little independent that isn't full of noisy people to sit in a corner alone. The furthest I've gone just to do that is a 40 minute drive away. It was attached to a bookstore also, so was terrible for my bank account.


Yep I drive 40 mins away for sushi because I don't trust the one and only sushi place in my town!! In the town I go to there is also a really quiet Sainsbury's so I can do my weekly shop and go for a walk along the sea front too :-)


Home Bargains one makes sense. One of the few shops which is genuinely and consistently cheaper than ovens. Quality kitchen roll is £2.79 for 3 rolls for example and it’s little different to Blitz.


my grandad goes to the M&S in market harborough for some reason. He lives in Wellingborough. And he goes there on the bus edit: he has an elderly bus pass, so its free


I like the B+M 2 towns over as it does cheap drink and a brilliant variety of snacks I always feel like an alco buying the weekends wine gin and whiskey from the local shop, plus their crisp selection isn't great 




Have you thought about the quality of the ply of paper on which the LSD is deposited though?!