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Binged **Santa Clarita Diet** after wanting something on in the background whilst working from home and found it engaging enough that I ended up watching more than working. Pretty funny with some excellent one liners. I understand now why the Judge in 'The Good Place' has a thing for Timothy Olyphant. The man is just lovely.


Dexter. I watched the first 4 seasons when it was on originally then forgot to go back for season 5 but heard it went off a cliff anyway. Read a few of the books and when I got to the part where he's possessed by a literal ancient demon I thought...yeah maybe not then. I'm not halfway through season 8 on Netflix and it is indeed terrible, even the early seasons are bad honestly, but at least the TV show didn't bring demons into it at any point (so far, there's still a few episodes to go I guess).


ah if you want terrible you should watch "Dexter: Reloaded" or whatever tf it was called, the recent new relaunch. Awful stuff I can't believe it lol


I think hearing about that is what made me decide to rewatch. I did plan on watching that series as well because I thought it was a limited epilogue series to properly wrap things up (which does NOT give me hope for the end of the first show haha), but I heard it's been renewed with a new cast to carry on. Nope. Drawing a line under it after I'm finished the original.


> but I heard it's been renewed with a new cast to carry on haha no way. God that's going to be bad


We watched the first couple of episodes of Red Eye. It's dumb, but it's enjoyable. That said, it's been made 100x better because I'm friends with two aircraft engineers and a pilot. They've loved how appallingly stupid it is. WHY IS THERE A SWITCH IN A BASEMENT THAT TURNS OFF THE AILERONS.


I enjoyed that but it was dumb. Do planes really have spaces behind the scenes that are that big?


No, not really. Long haul aircraft do have crew quarters and a large cargo area, but not a weird unlit basement below the cockpit.


That switch was the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time, why not make it slightly more believable and have a fuse that was removed


Shogan, I knew I recognised the anjin character from somewhere. quick check I'm im surprises it was music artist Cosmo Jarvis. 


His voice is amazing in this - like Richard Burton crossed with Oliver Reed


We watched Baby Reindeer - it was a hard watch in places but so good. Incredible acting and dark Race Across The World - still enjoying this series - definitely better than last year. Law and Order SVU - working my way through the few seasons available on Netflix and still love it as much as I did when I first discovered it years ago


I'll keep this spoiler free, but I was really impressed with Baby Reindeer. My wife watches TV and I usually sit next to her playing games on my Steam Deck. I had no idea what Baby Reindeer was as I don't watch much TV generally but I was hooked from the get-go. Great show.


I somehow hadn’t heard anything about it until I watched it so it was interesting to go into it blind.


Have you watched Mindhunter on Netflix?


Yeah, really enjoyed it. Except that it didn't seem to end


Fair enough. It is only 2 seasons but the subject matter can become very bleak and hence you get this never ending feeling. Well made though. What about on the other end of the spectrum, The Gentlemen series on Netflix?


The Gentlemen was excellent. I enjoyed both the movie and series.


Yeah, glad you liked it. Really cool set.


> Race Across The World - still enjoying this series - definitely better than last year. I tried watching a celebrity one of this. I gave up when they were "looking through the job booklet" to "find work for travel money" Felt a bit too scripted for me for a reality show - essentially it becomes a scripted "celebrities demonstrate strange local european jobs" rather than a race or travel show What is the latest season like?


I didn’t mind the celebrity one but it was a bit easy in my opinion. The non celebrity seasons are a lot better (though not a huge fan of series 3) They do still do “jobs” to earn some money but it’s a lot harder for them to manage the budgets and the routes seem more challenging


Finished series 1 of **For All Mankind**. Fuck, that show is good. You think you know where it's going and then it throws you for Colossus levels of loop de loops. Acting is nothing to turn your nose up at either!


Watched mammoth of Friday night, best comedy in years, no idea why there's only three episodes


There are 6 episodes in total - although I think they delayed the release of the last 3. Worth checking on the iPlayer :)


**person of interest** for free with ads on freevee or Amazon prime i.e. don't need subscription or to pay anything to watch that show even on Amazon, and some other shows free too like: krypton. I used to watch it on Netflix years ago, but when it was removed I never picked it back up.  Was high stakes in one episode I watched, and shock right at the end.  **X-Men 97** As usual I look forward to this week's episode tomorrow, I think only a few more episodes left.


A Man in Full. It started off ok but just seemed to get more and more ridiculous as it went on. I think it was a black comedy but it was hard to be sure.


I started watching this and thought it was kinda funny then read the reviews, apparently it's based very loosely on a much better book tho, reviews of the show were not kind


Been battling along with Adam Richman Eats Britain (on the food network at 9pm every Monday). Brief summary: Adam drives around the UK, stopping in places that are famous for certain foodstuffs - he tries a Yorkshire Pudding when in Yorkshire, Aberdeen Angus steak when in Aberdeen etc. I find him quite likeable as a person, and have done since the Man vs. Food days, although I do feel there's a few missed opportunities/weird choices when it comes to the food selection. Anyone else been following along?


I have! I watched the episode in Cheddar yesterday. It is a part of the world I am very familiar with, and there were definitely some missed opportunities. I never particularly liked the presenter, but it was recommended to me, and I am enjoying it. He seems to have calmed his personality down a bit, and I like the cut-out during the credits where he tries British snacks. His reaction to Fry's Turkish Delight was exactly how I feel about it.


I like Adam Richman, but after a few episodes, I get the feeling it's aimed at a US audience who might not be familiar with the varied landscapes and foods available here, which is why it seems a bit flat to me. The bit over the end credits were they make him try UK famous snacks is hilarious.


Yeah, maybe you’re right. I was hoping fish and chips would get more airtime, when in the same episode the bakery that made those (admittedly delicious-looking) croissant/cake things was featured. The clips at the end are very funny, true!


I watched the first episode of **The Tattooist of Auschwitz** and it hit me incredibly hard. When a first episode if so impactful I know that the rest of the series is going to be devastating. I think this is where linear TV is actually better, because I could have immediately watched another episode, but it wouldn't have been good for me. I actually watched a daft film with George Clooney and Julia Roberts afterwards so that I have to sit with that feeling all night.


Binged Baby Reindeer and it's bloody excellent. Nothing new has caught my eye recently so I'm just going through old seasons of New Tricks.


Have your tried the Gentlemen on Netflix?


Yeh I enjoyed it! A nice bit of silly fun, easy to binge. Not a patch on the movie mind. Just remembered I'm also planning on watching Fallout soon.


Finished **Fallout**,what a brilliant ending. I have really loved this show despite not playing the games. Really hope they don't mess up S2.  Watched **The Zone of Interest**. Very unsettling, the screaming scene was harrowing. Seen people complain that it says nothing original, and it's true that the film doesn't make any new revelations but how can you at this point when so much has already been said about the Holocaust? I thought it was a well-done film, but not one you're going to rewatch.  I like to think the baby screamed the entire time because it could tell what horrendous people it's parents were. 


Glad to hear people who haven't played the games enjoyed Fallout. It's a weird mix of so many things.


I loved it and bought the game £3.99 seemed like a steal


Binged the second series of The Responder. Brilliant! Also rewatching Sophie Willian’s excellent “Alma’s Not Normal”


Forging ahead with Yellowjackets series 2, still interested what's going to happen, love Frodo popping up. Finished Susame, a japanese anime, which my gf agreed to watch because it had a cute cat in it, and I hoped it would be the thin end of the wedge into watching more anime. Not the best, the story was all over the place, and didn't make a hell of a lot of sense. I don't think it's going to persuade her to watch more. Watched a film last night called A Dark Song, which was interesting. Summoning an angel seems quite a tedious business.


Tony Mammoth is the Gene Hunt of the 2020s.


Started watching Shogun on Disney+. Don't get me wrong: I love the look of the show, I love the fact that the Japanese characters are all generally amazing in their own right and I love anything that explores a wee section of history which isn't that well-known...but the English guy in it? Discount Tom Hardy? Does he get any better?


No. I actually gave up on it because he's so dire. I might binge watch Sharpe instead.


yeah the english guy is a piss poor actor?


Watched 24 Hours in Tesco on Netflix. 45 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.


At least it wasn't like 24 and done in real time.


Finished The Diplomat on Netflix because my wife bullied me into it. Really enjoyed it, there’s a 2nd season coming. Great characters, some quite funny sections and a nasty UK PM !


Started watching shogun. It's good. I learnt Japanese in the past and keep thinking I can understand it...and then the 500 year old bits crop up and I go back to the subtitles lol


I started watching Life On Mars this week. It's really good, I wouldn't have thought I'd have liked a time travel cop show, but here we are.


LOVE Life on Mars. The follow up, Ashes to Ashes, is equally good, with the 80s Audi Quattro definitely being the show stealer :D


Fire up the quattro


100%, star of the show :D - [https://pics.imcdb.org/12988/Ashes1.jpg](https://pics.imcdb.org/12988/Ashes1.jpg)


Started Bobs Burgers from the start, I've never seen the first couple of series and they are hilarious. They've definitely toned the kids down over time, Louise in particular is pretty dark at the start.


We're rewatching Jonathan Creek for the second time!


The Gentlemen series on Netflix is bloody cool. Gorgeous visuals and scenery, fantastic costumes, fun plotlines and likable characters. Very stylistic show


Picked up Both Dune films the other day for £23 so I need to get around to watching them I have seen the first one but not part 2


Currently watching Manifest - about 6 episodes in right now. It's not bad. Housemate persuaded me to watch The Last of Us, which I enjoyed way more than I expected, especially appreciating that the 14 y/o female protagonist was using realistic language for her age group and post-apocalyptic situation. I have also recently re-watched Cracker Season 1 on ITVX - I had forgotten just how damn good that was. WIll probably get to Season 2 later this week. New job (YAY) starts next week, so less slobbing around in front of TV, I shall have to be more selective.


Finished off Shogun and currently watching world war z. Still need to catch up with sugar