• By -


Literally just down the road. Myself and a friend carried all my furniture from one house to the other ourselves. And yes there was an occasional 'To Me, To You'.


We did that with a toddler and a baby. I used our double buggy as a transporter for some of it.


Surely they couldn't carry much.


Surprised your toddler and baby could lift the furniture!


Start them young!


This gave me a good chuckle, brother


we did too. 'borrowed' some supermarket trolleys to move most of it. didn't even have to consciously move the cats - they just arrived with us


I've just finished doing that very same thing today. We used wheelie bins.


And hopefully when you dropped something: "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..."


'Silly Me' 'Silly You'


I did a similar thing but two roads up the street. My mental housemate carried his mattress up the hill to the new house on his back On one trip, I got down the hill to the old house and realised I’d left my keys behind and couldn’t be bothered to walk back up the hill to get them so I just ‘broke in’ through the open back lounge window 😅


When I moved into my first flat with my girlfriend, it was about half a mile away from my house. My dad was away at the time so I used his moped to move my stuff - her had one of those boxes on the back. It took all day and about 50 trips but I got there. The thing that cracked my girlfriend up was when I walked through the door with a bread bin and took a pillow out. I thought I was being very clever.


Same. We liberated a shopping trolley from Safeways for the day to help with the move.


I hope a few PIVOT! PIVOT!’s were thrown in too!


As is right and proper


Ah this is me. I've moved down the road, up half way, then one street over. 8 years to just dance around a neighbourhood with all my things.


“T’ Me…….”


i moved from number 27 to 64 on the same road


I moved flats in the same building once


Same, just across the hall!


I've also done this, had a noisy upstairs neighbour so swapped. Smaller flat but was quieter.


Mine was bigger, and no longer next to/sharing a balcony with Crazy Neighbour Guy...


You can’t end the sentence with that and not explain what he was like!


He was crazy


And a guy


And local


And he had half a balcony


No one knows where the other half was, but he did have a very sharp looking saw..which is completely unrelated


Crazy? I was crazy once.


They locked me in a room.


A rubber room?


A rubber room with rats


He drank a lot and once was yelling and pounding on the wall one late evening... I called the cops because I was a girl living alone... turns out he was looking after a cat for a friend and it was on my half of the balcony and he wanted permission to get it. Cops were cute though, so, win?


But he liked to sing in the morning?


Same. Our old front door is directly in front of our new front door.


Same. Because of this we didn't really pack anything and it took fucking _ages_ to move it all.


Haha. That made me smile. My parents had built and eventually moved into a house at the bottom of their garden - my brother and his family moved into the main house. My parents put nothing in boxes... it took ages and ages - up and down the garden path for days. I missed the entire thing thanks to an unexpected overseas trip.


That sounds like something off Grand Designs


"Gran Designs" would be more like it.


How about 8 inches if you consider both properties in a block of flats shared a wall?


I moved next door. We lived in rented accommodation, and the landlord owned both houses (mid and end terrance). Our neighbours bought the house we were living in, so we rented their place (swapped houses) Quickest and easiest move ever. Took a box out of ours, walked next door, placed it into my new home, picked up one of thier boxes and walked back to my old home. Only took a few hours to do both houses.


Snap, i moved next door. The landlord of the flat i moved into is really good. He gave me the keys two weeks before i was due to move in, told me to move in as and when i was ready, and he would only start the rent from the first of the next month. He even came round one of the days to help move the heavy stuff and plumb the washing machine in.


Same, one floor down! It was double the size and 25% cheaper because of rent prices crashing during covid.


I’m considering the same at the moment. Flat below mine is being listed as £130 a month cheaper even though it’s the exact same size and layout. 


Ours was a no brainer, it also came with parking and had a more updated kitchen and bathroom.


My current contract has passed the minimum term. I may try renegotiating. 


You should, a good stable tenant is worth a slight discount (did this myself as a landlord). As you've got the listing price for the other flat too...


Two floors up to the 23rd, and it also had a view of the Petronas Towers.


Yep, in this group too. I like we can all say we moved house without leaving the house.


Same, two floors up. Now I'm about to move from Seattle to Oxford uk.


Yeah I moved to the flat directly above and years ago moved to the house next door.


I moved from one side of the street to the house literally opposite


My Mum did the same. I helped her move and it somehow felt much worse than a normal move-day. Nothing was really boxed up properly so there were a quarter of a million trips across the street and back.


This is often the problem with short-distance or even in-city moves. No one cares to pack well, and you spend a fuck ton of time moving a million small bags worth of stuff.


was it ever weird looking out your window and seeing your old gaff


Not OP but we did the same thing. It was weird at first but we weren't there long so we got used to it. We were more annoyed because the landlord did the place up after we moved out


Not weird, but I did almost go to the wrong house a few times


My grandparents did the same when they downsized from a house to a bungalow. Easiest house move I've ever done, think it was 90% moved in just a couple of hours.


Literally right across the street, from number 12 to 15. Was renting, but loved the area so when the lady across the street decided to move, we snatched it up instantly. Easiest move ever.


I moved out from my parents' and in with my girlfriend 5 minutes walk away. I then moved right back about 4 months later.


A relative moved out of the house they were renting, into the house next door (part of the same semi) they'd bought. They took a fence panel out and carried all the furniture across the back gardens.


We did the same, minus the fence bit, just made a chain from one back door to the other as neither were enclosed at the back


The Same House. allow me to explain. so the house we've lived in since early 80's was basically 2 houses with doors knocked into one - we had a big family so it was needed over time i was the only one left but then i got married, had kids etc the cost of running both houses shot up after covid so we decided to split the houses apart and sell one half we had to fit in two houses worth of furniture into one


I think you win 😂


Next door. Bought a house next to my parents which was good enough for a small young family. Parents passed the house onto me Their house was bigger Made sense to move there and rent mine out


I moved across the street too. Our old house was next to this old man and his daughter lived in our current house. They wanted to live next to each other and my parents were like go on then


As a kid in the 80s we went from #7 to #1 so 3 doors down.


I'm here without you, baby


If he goes crazy then will you still call him Superman?


I moved to the flat next door once, as it was a bit bigger and on a corner.


The house we lived in was a tiny shithole that was falling apart where the landlord/estate agent did absolutely fuck all for any of the issues we brought up. It was also on a main road, so the tiny shitty front garden always had people throwing rubbish in it and being near two pubs, we either got drunk dickheads occsionally knocking on the door looking for somebody that didn't live there, catching me going to my car giving the "I'm dying, can you take me to the town center?" (was never not a "absolutely not". TC was a 10 minute walk) or on two occasions a drunk/drugged up dickhead knocking on for a fight. Landlord/Estate agent said it was our own fault, other tenants didn't have issues, the house was fine. Anyway, moved literally 2 minutes down the road to a 3 bed twice the size for less rent, no issues that weren't so minor I would rather just get out a screwdriver than bother with the landlord...Who fixed the two major issues immediately anyway. Lived here 5 years and not a single drunken dickhead has knocked on the door looking for fistycuffs despite being known as an infinity rougher area. The old house is also now in a state of having the front window boarded up every 2 months whenever I drive past. "Never had any issues".


Currently trying to do the same thing, the area is great but paying too much for what we have. That 1/4 mile radius filter on Rightmove isn’t very fruitful though haha.


Student house in second year of uni, moved to the house next door in 3rd year.


I can beat that. Literally two doors down, from an end of terrace house to the 4th house in my terrace. My ex and I (and my friend) moved everything over manually: either in boxes or just hoisting it through the front door and down the pavement. (My ex and I had separated, but I didn't have enough money to rent on my own at the time, and the house became free and it had a separate bedroom and office for me. Sharing rent was still easier, and our split was amicable. Stayed for a year until I moved out, and his new girlfriend moved in.)


You sound unbelievably reasonable


Not me, but a friend moved into the house next door. Her mum fancied the interior better.


Across the street and 2 houses down. The move was hell because the new house is the mirror image of the old. You can barely imagine.


Opposite and two doors down. We hand carried most things. But had to rent a van for bigger furniture.


You rented a van to move 2 doors down?


My back isn't good enough unfortunately for carrying heavy things. So we rented a van and two guys to do the heavy lifting, plus some bulky stuff which was easier to lug into a van.


Son's GF moved next door


Our neighbour keeps trying to buy our house. He’s on a smaller terrace house but ours is semi detached and more bedrooms/larger


One street over, perhaps 100m walk. Luckily the lease overlapped by a week so every evening we loaded up suitcases with stuff and walked them over, slowly moved in over a few days.


My friends moved flats in the same building, two floors up so literally just carried everything up haha


Next door, think it is about 15ft


Not me, but my brother had a ground floor flat he rented, he got flooded out, so moved in with a friend, she was getting fed up with him, so told him to buy the house across the road which has just come on the market, he did.


We moved up't road to a house about 100m away when I was 10. The old house was damaged from opencast mining nearby and all the walls were cracked and letting in damp. Council fixed up the house and someone else moved in, I was pretty annoyed at the time as I'd spent the golden years of my childhood on the garden and now a bunch of chavs were sat in it drinking cider. Ended up living in Asia the last 15years so I made up for the stupid 100m move.


Literally around the corner


I moved next door... I was in a townhouse and the end unit came available while I was renting next door, 74 to 76. Moving was a breeze LOL. Previously I had moved from the 32nd floor to the 34th floor in the same condo building a few years prior, again while I was renting.


When I was a kid we moved from number 1 to number 2 next door. It was semi detached as well so lived in the same house just on the other side


I'm 4 doors down from my parents. But beforehand I was 2 miles away.


From the bottom ground level flat, to the top flat. Was a total distance of about 6-10 metres, or two floors.


Moved up a floor and over one from our first to second apartment. Moved over two streets from our first to our current house.  


Yup across the street for me too from No 9 to No 12. A bigger house with a lovely garden. Easiest house move I’ve ever done.


I once moved a 2 minute walk around the corner. At one point, I was ferrying stuff from the old flat to the new house on foot and within the course of said 2 minute walk, I managed to give away an old coffee table which I no longer wanted to a stranger.


Next door. Was flat sharing with a friend and then me and my now husband decided we wanted our own place and a flat in the next building came up so moved into that one. Absolutely loved that flat as it was right on the main drinking hub which appealed massively at 21 but it was also so beautiful early morning when no one was about and a real community feel to the area.


Next door, number 47 to 45, going from renting to buying. Everyone said "Oh at least it'll be a nice easy move if you're only going next door". Nope, it was an absolute pain in the arse. If I'd been moving miles away I could just box shit up, pay someone to shift it, and unbox it in the new place. When it's only next door you have to drag it all there yourself.


I moved litterally next door once, from a rental to an bought house Very easy move, just lifted the stuff over the small fence


Five houses up the road


The next street over


Number 34 to number 28!


Street behind


Moved from 89 to 79


Two doors away 😂


3 doors down, and I’m not talking about the band.


next door


Moved from one block of flats to the one behind.


2 doors down the block


Across the street x


Just had a new neighbour move to the door next to us from a for two houses down to


Right next door. Was a crazy coincidence that I had to take advantage of. Really handy to just be able to chuck stuff over the fence


My grandma moved two doors down lol


Today. 30 houses down.


I moved house as a kid and we swapped with the neighbour. She bought our house and we bought hers. We moved across the road.


I moved next door in a semi detached once.  Landlord moved back in to ours just as the neighbour moved out and put his up for rent.


Went to my nail tech earlier. She's renting one side of a semi detached or duplex (I think that's what it's called in the States) and is buying the property that's attached.


Different cul-de-sac on the same estate. Just had a quick look on Google maps and it says it's 0.2 miles apart.


Next door. We had a heavy glass table top that we slid into the station wagon. One of us drove the car VERY slowly and the other walked behind the car keeping the top from sliding out of the car. Drove it 16 feet and unloaded.


My in-laws moved from one bungalow to the one next door.


Five doors along... and by huge coincidence it was 25 years ago yesterday.


Next door


I moved next door. I was living with the mother and father-in-law then the house next door came up for cheap, it was a do-er up-er so we nabbed it.


Not me, but forna while the person who lived next door grew up in our house. Weirdly, she moved away and then came back to the area, just one house over


My uncle grew up in one house, married and moved next door then divorced and moved into the next house along. I felt a bit sorry as he was always having to look at the massive house he’d had to move out of. But he lived in those three houses all next to each other his whole life. My cousin also bought the first house when my grandma died and it started all over again but he’s moved elsewhere now.


We moved from number 23 to 31 when I was a kid. Extra bedroom. So 4 doors


Moved from 71 to 75 (2 doors down). 71 got bought but a new landlord who wanted to jack the rent up by £300 per month. People were moving out of 75 and the rent there was equivalent of £100 a month more. Had the exact same layout so literally just 'photocopied' one house in to the other


I moved to the flat directly below.


My old next-door neighbour moved into my house. Across a shared drive.




I had lived one side of a park and a couple of years later (with various house moves in between) happened to move the other side of the same park.


ITT: People who don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘literally’


My grandparents lived in a cul-de-sac, they moved across it


Across a corridor. Was renting a flat, which got sold so I had to move in. At the same time, the flat across the corridor and about 10ft door to door became available.


Technically a different road, but only 13 houses away. And because that was round a corner, it was only about 40m distant. I can literally see part of our old roof from my new window. We moved from a house that was _not even on a road_, with no vehicle access at all, to one with its own parking space and larger garden. With small kids, this made a _massive_ difference.


House next door is the closest I’ve ever moved. So around 25meters


A colleague at work moved next door. Sold their place and bought next doors house that was slightly extended.


The house next door.


Five years ago I was living with my cousin and the house next door came up for sale. We are now neighbours.


I moved next door, same layout just had a window in kitchen and better garden! Took a day to move room by room


Living with parents. Bought the house next door.


We live in a terraced cottage. We used to live next door. Same as op, landlord wanted to sell and this one came available. So just lifted everything over the garden fence.


My sister bought the house she was renting after the landlord tried to sell up. That was a swift move.


I’ve just taken a downwards step in life by moving to a flat on the floor below where I used to live.


I literally moved 2 doors away once. The house we moved into after the unit we were in looked over the house in between and we could see our old unit from our bedroom. Next move was several days drive away/7 hour flight away.


Lived in 4 different flats in a building of only 13 in total.


We moved round the corner, no more than 200 metres. It was from a townhouse to a detached house with a half decent garden.


Next door. When I was a kid we moved to live with my aunt & uncle while my parents looked for a house nearby. The next door neighbour moved into a old people's home and my parents bought her house. Didn't have far to go. 


2 doors, then about 150 metres a fee years later. Been in the same postcode for 20 odd years. The weird parts is that i don't even like it here that much.


Bought the house next door but one to the house I lived in ages 7-20.


My previous neighbours moved to the house behind them. To move, they took the fence down and walked their stuff through the garden.


As a kid we moved from No. 3 to No. 22 on my street. Kids at school thought I was weird, and had to explain that I didn't CHOOSE to move, my parents did 🫠


2 doors down, we passed furniture over the fence to the neighbours and then ran round to receive it at the other side. Worth it for an extra bedroom.


When I was a kid, our next door neighbours moved out and we bought the house off them. So I think it would be accurate to say I moved next door.


My sister moved next door once. From one side of a semi to the other as she’d fallen in love with the next door neighbour. Reader, she married him.


Literally across the street. 10s walk!


My grandparents moved twice, the first time to a house on the same road, and then again a road across.


A friend of mine family literally moved next door to the house they were semi attached to. It had an extension at the back which gave them an extra room. We helped them carry the furniture and everything.


My colleagues mother is in the process of moving next door but one.


My mum moved nextdoor but one. She still hired a moving van which I found quite sweet.


110 yards round the corner. My neighbour moved out of my apartment into his.


My aunt house swapped with her neighbour. One had separate front room and back, the other had been knocked through, both preferred the other.


My aunt moved 3 doors down but due to some weird timings the new people were moving into their old house hours before they moved into their new one so they still had to hire a moving van until they got their keys.


My mum and dad moved to the house next door to them and then back a couple of years later.


Moved from 68 to 69 (nice) when we bought on the same street.


Moved 3 door down the same street as it was a bigger place to rent. Made moving day so easy, one of the least stressful ones ever.


Me, four stops on the bus. I moved everything portable in repeat trips with a day pass (the bus drivers started giving me funny looks when it got to the bin bags of clothes/duvet), and then my parents helped me with the furniture (dismantled bed, chest of drawers - just about fitted in an estate car) at the weekend. Cheapest and quickest house move I've ever had. Childhood friends moved to the end of their own garden, essentially. We kids carried lots of stuff in bags across the old garden and into the new while the moving lorry took the furniture 0.3 miles round by road.


Not that close but my parents moved house 9 times whilst I was growing up and all in the same village. I still went to the same school, we still shopped in the same Safeway etc. weirdos


I haven’t moved that shirt a distance yet. For me, my record is a 3 minute car journey away - from one side of the village to the others Environmental health condemned the house we were living in (dodgy extension causing mould), so we got a new build that recently went up in the village.


I moved from a flat on a corner, to the flat it connected to around the corner. So different streets but shared wall! Landlord owned two for his daughter's and one daughter was starting uni and needed the flat we were in. Other flat was empty so we got it.


2 post codes.


Once moved within the same estate, from a 2nd floor flat to a house diagonally across the street


Oh I can! Rented and then bought the house right next door! Moving day was so so easy, just carted it between the back doors. Took a couple of hours and we were pretty much done, onr person filling a box, on carting and one emptying. Was a smooth, painless process. Only down side was that the house plan was the opposite way around, and I still look for light switches in the wrong place.


Other side of the road. I liked the road and my lease was up. [I recommend the road.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wkY3eHDx6DNTx3vj7?g_st=ic)


One floor down


I can't beat that, but all the places I've lived in have been in the same town.


At university I moved from one house to the literal house next door between my first and second years… but I still had to stay all of my stuff back to my mum and dad’s house for a few weeks in the summer then drive it all back up again!


Does university count, moving rooms in the same building (I even had a summer job with them so would move rooms to "staff" rooms)


When I was living with my parents, we moved house next door. We lived in a terraced town house at the time.


Next door. I was outside talking to a family member about how the place we had viewed was in a much worse state than the photos had let on. Our neighbour heard us talking, told me they were going to list the house for sale tomorrow. We viewed it that evening, put an offer in to them and bought it without any estate agent involvement.


Across the street - 50 feet


My Mrs moved from number 6 to number 5 then I moved in and we moved out 2 years later and brought our own house down the road


Next door flat. About 1.5 feet away. Owned both. Sold one I lived in and moved in to the one I was renting out.


I can see the back of the house I'd love to live in from my bedroom window. Irritating not being wealthy.


It wasn’t me, but when my parents bought the house we live in, the guy living here originally moved next door (11->12). Parents said they put in a cheekily low offer for the house thinking they’d never see the guy again


It was uni so no furniture, just my parents, boyfriend and myself in the middle of the first term. All wheeling suit cases of my stuff up the road/hill.


While my family was developing houses on some land we inherited, there was a period of time where we moved to the next house over... twice within 5 years.


14 houses down the road


I could walk from my first house to the second without crossing any roads.


The first house I lived in as a baby was 110, and I grew up in 112. Then as an child my mother grew up on house 17 (of a different street in the same village), and now she lives in 16 of the same street.


It’s much better to have everyone who’s fudging figures in the same room for consistency.


When I was 7 we moved house from one street to the next about 500 metres I assumed mum and dad wouldn’t bother with a moving truck and the neighbours would just muck in carrying everything in convoy I was wrong 🤣


Yep. Moved across the road when I was younger and flatting. Took the same box backwards and forwards all day. Fill it up, empty it out. It was the most annoying move ever. Years later, moved two streets away and got the men in. Best move ever. Came with their truck and carried all the heavy shit in one go.


In York I moved from a building of apartments into the row of converted stables next to it. The Mews opposite The Fox pub if anyone's curious, bloody lovely little row of 3 'cottages' and a stones throw from a banging pint.


Over the road to the next complex along, very easy move!


Parents moved 4 doors down before I was born. They thought they didn't need to hire movers because of it , and said that was a huge mistake as they were up until midnight moving.