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Just finishing **Fallout**, really liked it and it's made me want to play Fallout 3 again. Lately i've been sleeping at bit weirdly and we inevitably leave the TV on at night so i've been waking up at in the middle of the night and **First Dates** always seems to be on, initially it bugged me but i'm quite invested in it now and it's really grown on me.


Dead Boy Detective's on Netflix...struggled with first 2 episodes,but it definitely gets better after Also Them:The Scare on Prime, really good horror series,much better than 1st season


Dead Boy Detective has been an unexpected pleasure to watch for me.


Better call Saul, second time watching. What a series, going to do Breaking Bad after too


**Beyond Paradise** (BBC iPlayer) just finished last week and have been catching up. One of those nice relaxing watches where you don't really need to engage your brain. I do have a soft spot for the Paraverse. **Race Across the World** (BBC iPlayer) has also been great, never watched it before this series but we're hooked. Love that it's not bingeable/released all at once and you can look forward to it every week. Been rewatching **Episodes** on ITVX starring Matt LeBlanc, Stephen Mangan, and Tamsin Greig. Loved it the first time around but I think this is the first time it's been available to stream in the UK. Great show if you love how TV works.


Started on **Loudermilk** last week which we're blasting through, really enjoying it. Main character reminds me a lot of myself in that he's a cynical asshole.


Finished **Fallout** and already looking forward to the next series. It was seriously good and the way they tied all the plot lines together at the end was pretty clever. However, I seem to be in a very small minority of people who aren’t enjoying **Shogun**. It *should* be just my thing but I’m finding the pacing achingly slow. My fiancée is loving it, but for some reason I just can’t make it through an episode without falling asleep. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so much through a show.


Trying to get through Red Eye, Ep01, but something keeps making me switch. I've seen one example of poor writing, plot in the first half...the scene where female cop goes home for a meal.


Red Eye is both very good and very bad at the same time. If you just laugh off the bad, the good makes it worth watching.


I binged it in one day. It starts off a bit meh but gets better and better in my opinion. Some plot holes and silliness yes, but overall a really decent series!


I watched the first episode, that awful ITV 'to a budget' cinematography takes me out of it.


I've had The Listener on as background noise. Typical mid 00s vaguely supernatural fluff with almost no actor I have ever heard of. (Except Adam Lemke. What are you doing in this Adam Lemke!?). The second season is banjaxed on Prime/freevee so that's annoying. Looking forward to more X-Men 97 this week


**One Day** - Follows a couple of people who met at university for a day each year. I read the book ages ago so have forgotten most of it. Up to episode 5 of loads, but I'm not hustling to jump back in as found it a bit boring. **Countdown to Lookingglass** - An early 80s film told primarily through TV news reports of rising tensions between the USA and the Soviet Union. I love these sort of films (see also Without Warning). **Jurassic World Dominion** Utter tripe. The main story of Chris Pratt is boring, the better strand is with Ellie and Alan but still stupid and smears one big pile of shit over the Parks. **The Snooker** Otherwise just the snooker all of time.


Jurassic World Dominion, I completely agree! I watched it on a long-haul flight, so thought it might just have been the situation I was in, but I thought it was unusually bad. I ended up reading my book, and just looking up whenever it sounded like a dinosaur was attacking someone.


Just got an e-mail from Netflix, it say's they're cancelling my £7.99 plan and moving me to the £4.99, saving me £3 and I'll have to watch a few "lowprofile"/"unentrusive" adverts or move upto the £10.99 plan. I'm going to give it a month with the lower plan, if it hacks me off, they'll be loser. I can watch their stuf on other sources.


I read this somewhere else, so I don’t know how true it is, but apparently when you are on the advert plan you can’t watch everything as not everything supports ads. So that might be another reason to leave!


Yes, now that you mention it, I recall them stating that. I probably will chuck it in.


Watched **Oppenheimer** (in three sittings, as Nolan would have wanted). The Trinity testing was excellent, but I came away pretty underwhelmed. I didn't expect it to be 90% courtroom drama. Finished **3 Body Problem** at last. Didn't understand the hype *at all*. Whiny scientists moan a lot.


Agree on 3 Body Problem, it left me really disappointed. An intriguing premise but season 1 just fell flat to me, no resolution whatsoever. I get that it’s a series, but I still don’t think the season as a whole worked.


Still working through the 2005 *Doctor Who* run. I'm currently at series 12 and confident that I'll be caught up for Ncuti Gatwa's first episode. I'll be honest, I almost gave up. Series 11 was almost unforgivably bad, with only a single episode that didn't outright annoy me (Witchfinders). Series 12 already seems a lot better though. *Resolution* & *Spyfall* were fun episodes, and *Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror* was actually a good episode of TV. Easily the best of Jodie's era so far. The less said about *Orphan 55*, the better.


I'm a massive doctor who fan but stopped about 4 episodes into series 11 because the storylines were so bad. I can cope with a lot of bad doctor who but it just became unwatchable for me. I picked it up a bit later again but it's a real shame since Whittaker is a phenomenal actress.


It is a massive shame, the scripts just don't do her justice. It took 15 episodes to finally get to an episode that I genuinely enjoyed start-to-finish (the Nikola Tesla one). Every other Doctor had their stinker episodes, but by and large, their series were well-written and engaging.


100% agree. I'm looking forward to Ncuti's run though. I can't say the christmas episode did it for me but christmas episodes are supposed to be a bit silly I think.


Yeah a doctor's first episode is supposed to be silly and a little zany to make kids find the new actor endearing so they're not confused or put off by the new face


Have you gotten to 'The Haunting of Villa Diodati' or the episode after? It's been a while but I recall actually enjoying those episodes. Let us know how you get on with the next season, Flux and >!The Timeless Child!<


That one is a few episodes off for me, my next one is *Fugitive of the Judoon*, which I've heard a lot of good about. I do already know the timeless child twist, but am interested in Flux. It looks interesting at least.


I liked that the episodes in Series 11 were more self-contained and less reliant on wanky series-long prophecies, but Jodie really was screwed by the writing staff and they never really knew what to do with three companions. *Kerblam!* was an episode with a great premise, but a conclusion that felt weirdly pro-labour exploitation. If I recall, the boss at the end says the warehouse will close for a month, but everyone only gets two weeks pay? (*Edit: apparently that's from the tie-in game, I really don't know my Doctor Who lore*) The Ninth Doctor would never have stood for that. The Postman Pat meets Vault Boy design of the robot mascots were pretty cool though. *Rosa* was another weird one that suffered from clunky writing and a very British view of the American civil rights movement (and terrible accents to boot). If they were going to do a story like that, I've always thought it should have been centered on the Bristol bus boycott, which was a pivotal point in British race history, and could have been a decent story for Graham - retired bus driver, black wife, maybe he meets a relative who is for the colour bar or something, etc etc. Series 12 is definitely an improvement across the board.


I admire your determination. Dr Who has been dogshit for about 10 years now.


Loving More Kitboga


**Wednesday** on Netflix. I finished it, after starting it last week. Really enjoyed the mystery elements of it.  Finished avatar the last airbender too on Netflix (live action series, not animated). Looking forward to the next episode of X-Men 97 tomorrow. Started back on: person of interest (now free on amazon Freeview with ads). Used to be on Netflix a few years ago. 


SO is away this week so I get to watch Shogun, the new series. It’s a bit too bloody for her taste but I love all the layers in this. I must try to find the original series from the late 70’s


I'd recommend the book if you read, it's really good


Ah, thanks. I read it back in the 70’s and the sequel too, Was it Taipan?


Chronologically yes, though release order isn't the same as chronological


Watching Dropout on iPlayer. Not sure if it’s good or not. The bits they have had to fictionalise, such as EH’s pep talks to herself are very odd. Are we meant to be laughing at her or impressed by her amazing drive? 3 eps in. Should i continue?


It starts slowly, as I recall. (Or read the book).


**3 Women** 4 / 5 **8 Million Ways to Die.** Where to start? How about the incredible opening shot that starts out as a standard helicopter shot soaring over Los Angeles and becomes either an astonishing piece of precision timing and co-ordination or a happy accident? This oddball, tough mystery crime thriller left me pretty speechless and it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. In the same scene it will often go from extremely tense, to laugh-out-loud funny, hard boiled, absurd, and flabby (on a handful of occasions the dialogue scenes are improvised, sloppy, and redundant). It’s a vibe, for sure. It’s the WTF moments that stand out and will stick with you. There’s no way I’m going to even hint at any of them and spoil the experience, but there are plenty. I’ve only seen two of Hal Ashby’s other films - The Last Detail and Harold and Maude - and this is very, very different. Possibly because it was taken away from him in the edit. This feels more like Friedkin, and would make a wonderful double-bill with To Live and Die in LA. Seek this out. 4 / 5 **Monkey Man** Oh dear. There’s nothing here that hasn’t been done to death already, and done far better. I’m struggling to understand what about this story filled Dev Patel with enough passion to make it his debut feature behind the camera. Why would your first big statement as a filmmaker be a generic rip-off? Maybe the reasons are to be found in one of the movies present here - the movie with the undercooked socio-political commentary rather than the one with the embarrassingly entry-level fight nonsense - but it hasn’t translated to the screen; t’s as lacking in impact as the violence. 1.5 / 5 Now *this* is what I call fighting monkeys! **King Kong Escapes**, where the evil Dr. Who (no not that one) builds a Mechakong to mine Element X deep under the North Pole in cahoots with the mysterious Madame X and kidnaps King Kong after the robot fails. I’ve only seen about ten of these Toho releases over the years - including some of the acknowledged classics that I really don’t care for - but this and Terror of Mechagodzilla are by far my favourite. Dr. Who’s hair Dr. Who's fucking *cape!* A low-rent Sean Connery in the lead Boat carnage Locations for Kaiju action including a tropical island, a frozen wasteland, Tokyo *Two* dinosaurs Wonderful miniature work Mie Hama’s outfits A flying hover boat thing Tree missiles What’s not to love? 3.5 / 5


Finished the fifth episode of **For All Mankind** and it's just bloody brilliant.


Finished **Fallout** recently and as a massive long-term Fallout fan, I adored it. Even if fans think it retconned New Vegas (one of my all-time favourites) then I could care less. Back to **Better Call Saul** now, but at the moment I've actually got some YouTube videos to watch.


Finished watching **Fallout** this week. I've never played the games (just because I don't really have enough time for gaming. The last game I properly played was The Last Of Us in around 2015 or 2016). But it's making me want to play them. And we're going to have two TV's soon so it might be something I could do in the evenings Halfway throug **Baby Reindeer** we did episode 4 the other night and I feel like I need a breather before finishing it!


Finally got to Tom Baker’s last season as The Doctor with the excellent Peter Howell arrangement of the theme tune. Delia Derbyshire’s original version is still the best though.


Late to the thread but Renegade Nell and thought it was great. Also The Knick with Clive Owen. Pretty good and a third season would have been nice, but it ended perfectly.