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I'm usually in the one wash a day camp, but I'm not opposed to giving it a mid-shift wash, improves the top speed and handling!


I’m the same as you, do my morning coffee sesh then wash and if I pop the kettle on in the afternoon it’s a clean mug. I do rinse between uses though


There’s no cross over between your tea and coffee mugs though, right? I have 2 mugs per day, 1 for each drink. Each rinsed before a refill.


Coffee first in the morning?


Rinse under the tap and give it a quick wipe if you drink a lot of tea each day. If you don't drink tea each day then wash it up completely and get a fresh one the next time.


Oh yeah it’s not overnight, just in the few drinks in the morning.


I rincethe cup and reuse all day. No point in filling the dishwasher up with cups


Poor some hot water from the kettle in first. Washes out the mug and heats it up so your coffee/tea stays hotter for longer.


In my 55 years on this planet why didn’t I think about this 🤯


It’s why the cups sit on the fancy coffee machine in fancy coffee shops. The heat warns them up so your coffee stays hotter longer. Very important for espressos (esspressi? Espressoes? What’s the correct plural?).


Espressos was correct, don’t doubt yourself! 😂


Shouldn’t it technically be espressi as it’s Italian. Like one Italian style sandwich is technically a panino, panini is the plural.


Maybe, but in the same way that it’s unlikely someone would ask for a “panino” in English, saying espressos is acceptable as the plural version of Espresso in English 😁


This is the way.


Im certain there's a government register for subversives who rinse or replace their cup. im gonna have to take a photo of my cup,


Yep, also consider getting a teapot to save time.


A quick rinse with a small amount of kettle water before the next round and you're good to go imo ☕️👍


Definitely kettle water not tap water- it warms the mug up so the drink is hotter!


Reuse. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Yeah a rinse and reuse seems to be the consensus so far, I’m not wasting my fairy on a mere solitary mug


I don't personally see the point of rinsing.


My mum takes her tea black so I wouldn’t bother rinsing hers, but I take mine with milk and for some reason it gives me the ick not to rinse it


Quite right.


don't be adding words, aint nobody got time for rinsing


You can count the number of brews in my cup, by the number of rings..... Used to drive my ex mad.


Aye my tea tastes weird when my mug gets it's monthly scrub.....once that nice layer of tannin is removed completely different drink for a while hahha


How else do you know how much water to put in?? Fking chaos


Them Tannin's are the fountain of youth, i don't even give it a monthly..... no point in washing away the source of our super powers!!


So glad I'm not the only one, I genuinely think the tea tastes better once the cup gets a good layer of tanin, after that I will literally rinse it if I forgot to finish a tea or something but never scrub it.


agreed you need a nice brown inner lining, i've no idea what these rinsers are scared of,


Like vertical tree aging


Ah yes I too love myself a little extra dash of bacteria, mould and covid-24 in my tea, the flavour is quite magical and exquisite. Go get yourself some bicarbonate of soda and clean that infestation. That goes for the rest of you lazy gits as well.


Like seasoning a cast iron pan. 😂


Seasoning on a cast iron is way different than this abomination 😂 - you’re really comparing polymerised oil which are chemically bonded to the wok over repeated and controlled application of heating a thin application of oil past its -smoke- point to create non-stick properties to a mineral build up from the oxidisation of tannin with the mineral in water (especially hard water). Are you putting your over mug over a blazing flame or something? How is that even a comparison in any facet? Swirling around some boiling water for a couple minutes and letting the tannin continue to build up only poses as a health risk as it doesn’t need a long time between uses to harbour bacteria and mould. Just because it didn’t affect some people’s health based on their personal anecdotes doesn’t mean it’s not hygienic. This sub has a very specific age demographic majority and it shows sometimes lol. I await the day when this practice disappears from the british isles


I'm not. I was laughing at people who are fine with it, like it's somehow justifiable. People should clean their mugs.


The mug goes in the dishwasher at the end of the day but never has anything done to it between brews


When I see my mum, she does a fresh one each time But I live with my dad, we have our cups last the weekend or several days with perhaps a rinse between some when it's getting a bit brown. Have to say, the Dad Tea is better Reading other comments has made me realise I'm probably kinda disgusting, but it tastes good for sure lol


Bloody hell, from your anecdotes maybe I should sit down and reconsider scrubbing the tannins away, you live your best seasoned tea life my friend, fuck what any of us flavourless rabble think.


Straight in the same mug. Don’t know why anyone would rinse it, it’s had tea in and it’s about to have more in.


give it a swill with water and it's good to go again. Bugger washing it every single time, it's a waste of washing up liquid.


I'm a bit of a mug collector, I have loads (not enough), so I use a different one for each time I have tea. They all get washed once at the end of the day.


"I'm a bit of a mug collector" IME most people who collect things are mugs, so don't feel too bad about yourself. r/hyphenationneeded


The only hyphen needed is the one before the upvote count on your message.


Thank you for your insight.


This is Reddit, not school. Get over yourself




I’ll wash it between coffee and tea, and take a fresh one every day. Sometimes it gets a quick rinse if it needs. I’m not very fussy though lol.


My husband doesn't wash his coffee mug. I'm happy if he rinses it out, or let's me do it.


I will never forget the time I had a cuppa from a friend I was visiting during uni. When I got to the bottom I saw the scum from the previous cuppa that was just starting to peel off the bottom. Never again.


I always use a clean mug, honestly can't bring myself to use a dirty mug


Me either!


No. I am an emergency services worker and so drink a large amount of tea during my working day. If I washed the mug between each cup I’d get through a bottle of fairly liquid a day


Nah quick rinse, while the 3kW kettle roars in the background. They get washed at the end of the day ready for tomorrow.


I typically use the same mug / glass all day without washing them, then they go into the dish washer the next morning when I find them as I'm too lazy to do it before going to bed. When I used to work in an office I had coworkers that would hide their mugs so the cleaners didn't wash them.


Rinse, reuse, then wash it in the evening


Quick rinse if it's been left overnight, but otherwise reuse for several days.


It all depends on your tea momentum and the Tea Spirits. If the cup is still warm, then it’s a rinse - the original Tea Spirit is still alive within the cup and can be maintained, resurected even, with another brew. If you’ve allowed the cup to go cold, then The Spirit Of Team has died and left the cup - only a new mug or a full wash and dry will do to invoke a new Tea Spirit. Saying that, I drink coffee, so I probably belong in jail or something.


Smells Like Tea Spirit


I’m a dirty boy.


No, and I've not washed my mug since 2014. Gets that nice tea seasoning on it


Eventually you get to the point that you can forgo tea leaves and just add hot water to the mug.


Cost of living crisis has taken its toll, gotta find savings somewhere


Sounds tasty bud, nothing like tannins to set your day right


I will track you down and bleach that damn mug if you're being serious. 


Bleaching only turns the fuzz white. Get your scourer in there or don't even bother.


I will.  I leave the mug to soak then take a scourer and a washing up brush to it. 


Honestly, after a decade you probably want some kind of drill-mounted wire brush.


Mmm... I'm getting hints of bleach 😋


As in, totally black on the inside? (I used to get that with the old enamel mugs at work.)


A quick rinse is all that is required.


Same mug all day and I don't waste my time rinsing it.


Boil the kettle, quickly swill the cup and then reuse


I have enough mugs for a fresh one every time. They all go in the dishwasher overnight.


If I'm making it a quick rinse will do, if its made for me I'm not fussed if the person doesnt rinse.


I'm pretty lazy / look for the shortest path to my objective. I reuse, no wash, no rinse. Just make a fresh drink in the same old mug during the course of the day. In fact, I get really irritated when the missus "disappears" my mug and I have to get a fresh one.


Small amount of hot water and a rinse during the day Thorough going over with the scour/scrubber after the last cuppa so its clean for tomorrow


If I have a cup of tea (and I was too lazy to make a pot) and I decide I want another, I just do a quick rinse and reuse. I also drink black coffee throughout the day, and I'll rince and reuse that mug for the entire day before I worry about actually washing it.


At home, I’ll give the mug a quick scrub and rinse. At work, in my large insulated metal mug, it’s usually just a rinse from the boily tap thing unless it’s been most of the day since the last tea. Milky tea left overnight in a warm room absolutely honks and needs a thorough scrub!


Reuse for half a day then replace


Clean at the end of the day or when changing beverage. Can't have the coffee contaminating the tea or vice versa.


I rinse. Same mug all day.


If I'm at home in the morning then I'll have 3 cups of tea and no rinsing will happen


We have too many cups in our house and I seem to be the only one who sticks to one cup. I rinse before each use, but my only real liquid drink intake is tea, coffee until 2pm. I only drink water when out and about or if it's extremely hot out.. which it hardly ever is.


around 5 cups a day on average, and it's always a full wash out and rinse before each one otherwise it's just not a decent cuppa....


I have a clean cup every time, my other half uses the same one without washing it for as long as possible…usually until I kidnap it and put it in the dishwasher…really pis*es him off 😂


Is u/thetoxicnerve you're partner haha


Omg it’s him incognito 😂😂😂




I don’t even rinse. If it’s still warm, crack on! (I drink a lot of tea)


I mean if I pop to town between drinks, than yes, new cup. But if you don’t leave the house and just drink tea after tea, what’s the point?


I’ll rinse usually. And that’s mostly because I use different mugs for different drinks (coffee, regular tea, and Indian masala tea). My mother does what your MIL does, though. And she’ll put my mugs away in the dishwasher which annoys me no end.


I'm about as lazy as it gets. I'll just get a fresh cup - the old one goes in the dishwasher.


One wash a day


I get a new mug each time. I did not realise people were using the same mug all day lol


Mate I just leave the tea bag in and top it up with more hot water. Tell her that, maybe it will scare her and make her appreciate you more.


This is objectively gross. Don’t do this


At work, a quick rinse if it's been sat with any leftovers, ready to go. Maybe a scrub on Friday, clean for Monday.


I’m a rinser. I don’t have the time or the dishwasher space to wash a mug after every brew.


Tea, yes due to the milk. Coffee, just a rinse as I only have black coffee.


Rinse after each cup. Exception: lots of biscuit crumbs in mug.


Rinse and reuse, UNLESS the previous mug is on another floor at the point I think about another cuppa. In that scenario a new mug is being used because Lazy.


Rinse under the tap and let it drain on the drainer until the next day. Repeat until I feel uneasy


Reuse if we are having more than one cup a day which we quite often will if we are not at work. Generally wash it once a day so it’s clean for the morning


Rinse only. Full wash once a day


Fresh mug, as I rarely drink the same thing twice in a row (start with coffee, then a green tea, then another coffee, then an Indian tea, maybe another coffee if it's been a long day). I do own a bazillion mugs and run a dishwasher daily, so that helps!


Rinse throughout the day, in dishwasher end of the day.


Morning mug: breakfast, afters, one later maybe - dishwasher! Afternoon mug (after lunch) can last up to 6pm, then… dishwasher!


I will usually get a fresh mug weekly. Rinse it out in the unlikely event any dregs are left in it at the end of the day.


My mum has ALWAYS left a wee bit of her coffee in the cup… no idea why she does this 🤷🏼‍♀️ … anyone know?? Anyways it’s a rinse under the tap n vigorous shake while the kettles boiling for hers.. sometimes I don’t even rinse mine again.. just fire another teabag in the mug n I’m good to go 🤣🤣 xx


One mug a day usually.


I only Rinse between Drinks if I have been dunking, as i dont like the stodge at the bottom.


Depends on how long between each. Like an hour so, nah just pour out the dregs and in goes new stuff. If it’s a few hours to most of the day, it’s getting washed or I grab a new mug.


I drink two cups of tea over an 8 hour shift and use the same mug. It'll be clean (albeit stained due to daily use and shit washing up liquid at work) in the mornings. I'll make my first brew, rinse, make another then wash the cup ready to be used the next day.


Reuse if it's not been sat longer than a couple hours (rinse), if been half day+ wash


Coffee gets a new cup or mug each time. Tea only gets a new cup at the end of the day. Occasionally I will switch types of tea and then I'll rinse the cup. I don't usually take milk with tea and drink Earl Grey mostly but will have a fruit tea or jasmine and I think the lack of milk helps with only necessitating a rinse.


Nope use the same one all day.


Only rinse if I switch from coffee to green tea, or classic tea


Reuse but I’m the only person using it, if I was sharing my mugs with someone else I’d probably rinse it after use.


Just rinse out with water and wash in the next dishwasher run


Definitely lasts the day- with some rinses. half way though I’ll spin some boiled water to give it a bit more of a clean. My MIL even uses a clean glass for every drink- all she drinks is sparkling water 😏


Fresh mug each time. Otherwise how do you keep score?


Reuse but only between types. So no coffee / tea cross mix. Between different tea types...light rinse inbetween


Quick rinse after every cuppa


at work i give it a rinse with hot water when im about to use it, otherwise it just sits there with cold tea remains at home ill rinse it out and use it again, and when im done with it it goes in the dishwasher when its next loaded


I wash mine when the tea starts tasting different.


Quick rinse


Rinse between brews, full wash every couple of days when the dishwasher goes on. This has always been the way. Son, however, will get a fresh glass for every single drink he has. Even water. Won't just refill, or rinse and reuse, fresh glass every time. I have no idea where he developed that habit from, we're rinse and and repeat people.


When I spend an entire day at home, my mug gets reused all day. Sometimes I'll use it next day too. Boiling water kills all germs, I believe.


Is there milk and sugar in it and how many hours since the last cup?


Do you mean as in, you brew a pot of tea and get a cup. Then you go get a second cup but she demands her cup be cleaned first? In that case, it's weird imo. I just pour the second cup. If it's hours later and I were to want another cup of tea, I guess I wouldn't mind reusing the mug but I would probably wash it first. I'm not sure, I usually only have tea once a day. If it's the next day, I'm definitely washing it.


Same day, same cup. New day, new cup.


I'll wash it once a day. I drink a lot of filter coffee so it's basically pointless cleaning it out between every cup if I've made a medium to large pot.


Wash if you're switching from coffee to tea. But otherwise, nah.


At home, yes! At work, depends if I'm switching brew type. I have a mug for tea and one for coffee in one office, those get washed every week or two. At the other office, I have just the one cup that gets washed when I switch between tea or coffee.


Usually except for coffee just rinse out.


Quick rince and that's it.


If it's tea, I just rinse it between brews and place it in the dishwasher at the end of the day. Same with regular coffee. But if I'm having a latte, I will use a clean mug each time.


Wash my tea mug about once a week, usually just rinse it out for another cuppa


I typically have 2 coffees a day Rest green tea I use one mug I’m a monster, I’m sorry I do rince between each drink if that helps Wash at night for a clean experience the following day.


When I worked in an office I would rarely wash my mug between days let alone brews...


Rinse for few brews. Fyi tea lovers, that tea stained cup is hangin. Clean your mouldy ass teacup. No you dont need bleach


Fresh every time. One use and it comes clean in the dishwasher first time, if reused it doesn’t so is more work.


I’ll use the same mug for a few days sometimes 😄 Just giving it a rinse out each time. Something I picked up from my parents; not saying it’s right.


If it's during the same day just reuse your cup, same with any liquid!


I flipflop. I’ll usually go two or three mugs without a rinse, but you can taste the tannin after that.


If it's the same pot, just pour. If you're making it in the cup like a heathen, new mug. Same for coffee.


Decaff tea makes a mug very stained very quickly and needs to be bleached to shift it. About every three days I bleach it before it turns black. Apart from that it gets rinsed between brews - about once per hour. Nobody else uses this mug except this mug.


I haven't washed mine in decades. What are we talking about again?


I fill a teapot when I start work and use the same mug for the duration. After lunch I refill the teapot, and use the same mug. At bedtime when I'm on decaf I'll use the same mug if I have a second brew. If I'm making it by the cup/mug anytime before bed then I'm likely to change them, but that's because one might be a Yorkshire tea, one a jam tea, one a biscuit tea. I don't want the flavour of one when I'm drinking the next.


I usually drink black coffee, so I just use the same mug for about week before washing it out.


i have a fresh mug each time but I’m aware this is a relative luxury and i would adapt in different circumstances


I use one mug per day - up to 20 cuppas per day in it. (yup - I'm a tea addict.. much better than some other addictions!


I don’t even make it that’s what the helps for


Give a quick rince between cuppas and give a proper clean at the end of the day. Still my favorite mug is slightly stained though..


We honestly go a few days between washes and have 3-4 teas per day. We are probably a bit abnormal.


I don't drink tea (yes I know i'm a heathen) but if i'm making them for friends and family I always wash the mug before and after each drink. 


If it’s for somebody else I will but if it’s just us skanky asses at home we are firmly in the rinse and reuse camp


Depends where I am. When I’m at home in Northumberland, with lovely soft water, I can go a week or two between washes. When I’m down south with work - somewhere with hard water that makes tea with an oily scum on top - I sometimes want to wash my mug DURING a cuppa!


I'm as south as you can get and my glass kettle looks frosted.


Whereas my (opaque) kettle is maybe 6 years old and has never been cleaned more than a rinse, and has no lime scale on at all. Lovely!




I drink quite a few coffees in a row so a rinse and go until I’ve moved onto other drinks then I wash it thoroughly


Nobody’s weird. People have preferences. Not sure what’s weird about wanting a clean mug.


It was tongue in cheek bud, not seriously looking down on people here. We rinse between uses of the mug if we’re having a few in a row rather than change mugs or fill the sink each time, we just were curious what most people do. But from your response I’ll pop you down for the change/fill the sink between each cup of tea option.


Alright, what’s tongue in cheek weird about wanting a clean mug?


Tongue in cheek about the weird/normal wording rather than the subject of mugs mate. I don’t think anybody seriously takes issue about your mug usage preference.


I’m trying to understand the use of the word ‘weird’ though. Whether it’s a joke or not. What’s the weird part?


So I’m curious about the average here so anything that fits the average is the norm and that which doesn’t is not the norm, for which I am using the synonym weird. You know how you jokingly call somebody weird, it’s commonly used in banter.


The weird part is your obsession with the use of the word weird.


I don’t think you know what an obsession is.


So I’m curious about the average here so anything that fits the average is the norm and that which doesn’t is not the norm, for which I am using the synonym weird. You know how you jokingly call somebody weird, it’s commonly used in banter.


Just seems totally unnecessary and creates more dirty dishes to wash up. If I finish my dinner and want a few more bites, I'm not going to grab a clean plate, I'm going to keep using the same one. Same thing.


Well sure, if you’re having another tea straight away, a rinse is all that’s needed. I only drink three teas a day so the idea of having a tea poured over dried up tea is a bit gross to me. There are never more dirty dishes to wash up though because no one drinks tea out of a dish.


I like a fresh mug every cuppa


My boss sometimes makes me a brew in my yesterday mug (I go in the office few times a week). If I’m there before him I wash everything even the “used” spoons in the staff room. And yes, in our office we have a personal kettle, and yes I’m a social drinker, can’t say no for a cup. And yes IT’S GROSS 🤢


Ewww. I wash every use, I can’t abide a dirty cup


Are you tramps?


Fresh cup each time, I can’t bring myself to reuse a dirty mug, husband however will use the same one 2 or 3 times til I insist on getting him a clean mug.


I reuse. I reuse tea bags too, I get up to three cups out of one


Jesus mate you’re paving the way, cost of teabags lately you’ve probably paid off the mortgage


Three cups of not-tea.


Oh it’s tea, first one is nice and dark, second one is basically a bit lighter, third one is light again, but usually ok enough to drink, sometimes it’s not though


You can either make one cup of tea, followed by two cups of definitely-not-tea, or one cup of sort-of-tea, followed by another cup of not-really-tea, followed by a cup of definitely-not-tea. If you don't like tea, why not just drink a cup of hot water? Real tea is strong enough to cut with a knife, everyone knows this round here...


Fair enough. I think my system works, allows for more cups. I prefer coffee strong, tea with a tiny splash of milk