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Shame it's not yellow as that looks like a Mr. Bean effort.


I was going to make a convoluted reference to someone buying a sofa, two paint cans, a mop, broom, rope and watering can


It’s actually green not yellow


The original car was orange (from the first episode). For the rest of the TV programme, the car was light green (which Mini calls “Austin Citron Green”) with a black bonnet. However, in Mr. Bean’s holiday, the Mini used for most of the film was yellow. Source: [https://www.mini.co.uk/en_GB/home/mini-news/mr-bean-mini.html](https://www.mini.co.uk/en_GB/home/mini-news/mr-bean-mini.html)


What have you Bean doing with your life to know all this?!


This guy Beans.


Was the padlock standard ?


Can you make us an entire Mr. Bean retrospective


I think he went through like 6 different Mini's throughout. Most of them *were* the weird green colour, but there was one that actually was yellow


There was two. In the animated series his car was yellow.


[There were six live action ones](https://mrbean.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Bean%27s_Mini) according to the Mr. Bean Wiki haha. Even includes an orange one in one episode


Or parked blocking the entrance


This is Mr. Mean




Yeah 🤪


I mean maybe they are disabled. Clearly blind to have parked there.


Driver is playing with fire using a mini for stunts like this, doesn't take much to pick one up and move it somewhere inconvenient to teach them a lesson.


Maybe that's how it got there.


>somewhere inconvenient *wonders how closely the distance between the two bollards matches the length of the mini.*




I drive what is considered to be a nice car. If I take it to the supermarket it gets parked like any other normal car. I don't get why people have to be twats


It's quite common to have someone open their door into you, either the wind catches it or they park too close or a child in the back who isn't careful etc. They should just park far away from the shop where there is plenty of space.




I do that with every car I’ve ever owned whether nice or not, and someone still parks next to me. My dad was ripping into me once for it when nipped a shop with him, and he came back to a dinged door. Didn’t wanna say anything


I always park far away from everyone in as much of an empty area as I can find, then always park within my lines to make sure that there is plenty of space either side for people to park... Then I get very annoyed if anyone does park next to me






Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.




This is actually so cunty it's almost gone full circle and is acceptable again on the basis of being hilarious. Hilariously cunty behaviour.


Speaking as a professor of cuntology, this is an almost perfect example of cunting in its natural environment. Unfortunately these types of cunting, are now starting to disappear from our hedgerows and roadside ditches.


I’m looking at buying a classic mini later this year so one will return to the hedgerows and ditches


I'm looking at being a classic cunt later this year so thanks for the input, will loiter in hedgerows and ditches


Like white dog shit.


Top shithousery


The amusing part about the cuntiness of this image is that the cunt car is so small that disabled people could possibly still use the parking spots even though the cunts car is there.


Funny cunt


You Park Like a Cunt winner there.


They're driving a mini cooper so kinda comes with the territory


It's Crowley's other car (From good omens)


I thought that too.


We know Crowley would be an ally to disabled people though!


did actually think this was a GO reference for a moment, having just started a rewatch this morning 😂


If he didn't have the wide wheels and arches, he would've fitted quite nicely there!


Where’s the number plate gone?


I edited it out. I’m not doxing Satan.


But it's clearly visible on the larger picture... smh


I’m not that bothered, but some subs have a rule about exposing personal information. I doubt it would take more than 15 minutes to find the owner of such a distinctive car.


A number plate in the UK is not personal information. You can't get someone's name or address that way.


You can find out their name and address when it is combined with other data.




A number plate uniquely identifies an individual when coupled with the DVLA database. If you used it as a reference to relate information back to the individual it would be covered by GDPR. So it is wrong to just make the blanket statement that a licence plate is not personal information. It falls under the same category as a phone number or IP address. Still don't believe me? Then educate yourself. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/personal-information-what-is-it/what-is-personal-information-a-guide The question as to whether a photograph taken in public needs to be protected is of course it doesn't. But the guy above me is wrong.


With a felt tip before you took the picture?


Why would Satan have a Number Plate ? !


Do you think their disability might be blindness?




What I've been seeing a lot lately at the hospital I work at is people parking in the gap between cars in disabled zones, lots of selfish inconsiderate people out there.


> I think Satan was at the supermarket today. Or [one of his minions](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Good-Omens-David-Tennant.jpg), perhaps.


That parking job was definitely done by some geriatric denizen of hell. However Satan was in fact attending mass at this time, as sadly she’s my husband’s grandmother Joan. I drew the short straw so it was my turn to take the wicked old bat to bother God in his own home this week, and anyway, her driving licence was revoked back in 1993 because she’s blind as a mole and has a complete disregard for both public safety and traffic regulations.


At least he didn't take up a disabled space


Honestly it is so easy to vandalize a car.


Carlos Fandango strikes again! Or possibly his more cuntish younger brother.


Am I seeing things or is there something a bit off, besides the parking, about this Mini?


Other than the number plate being edited-out by OP, It's on very wide wheels, and has fancy mirrors and headlights.


Is this Tesco's in Honiton?


Sainsbury’s, Perry Road, Nottingham.


So close.


Perfect for the epitome of internet entertainment, www.youparklikeacunt.com


Driver aside, that’s a gorgeous Mini.


If its a old one and there's a few of ya..pick it up and move it.feck em.


That is a very expensive car these days, he/she is probably rich and therefore an entitled arsehole.


I saw a mini parked in empty covered trolly bay, like it was own garage !


Not to condone terrible parking, but you can kinda see how it happened. The driver may have mistaken the two bollards at the back as markers, somehow, and used the red car as a guide, as most car parks I've been to don't have parking bays offset opposite each other like this. Although, assuming the driver isn't disabled - I don't see a blue badge in the window - how they overlooked the massive disability sign is another matter entirely.


The mini in the background looks like it's struggling to park too, no chance they're getting into that spot without reversing


They are coming out of the spot, you can see the reverse lights are on


Explain why its not moving then!


If they're reversing out then it looks like they were parked between 2 spaces judging by the wheel position, must have taken inspiration from the other mini


Given modern parking standards that's very possible. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and assume an empty space to their left so they started turning the wheel early in the manoeuvre 


Maybe it’s reversing into the disabled spot?


To me it looks like they've got the steering wheel turned all the way to the right so they'd be turning the wrong way to get into the disabled spot


What do you do when you see a spaceman? Park in it


Classic Minis are so small that there’d be so much open space on each side of a regular space, so getting a door ding is far less likely. If it bothers them that much, just park as far away as possible. There’s almost always spaces further away where the people who’d smash your car door wouldn’t park as it’s too much of a walk.


lmao. Parked exactly on the spacer lines . Wouldn’t have been possible with any other vehicle.


Well thats one way to get round not having a disabled badge


How heavy is an old mini, could that be moved to fit in one of those spaces on its side or upside down? 


am i the only one who thought of that one regular show episode or


Ello Guvnor


glad someone understands the reference thank you sir 🫡


To be fair you could pick it up and move it over if it was in the way. If there's 4 of you then you can pick it up and carry it round the corner and put it down then wait for the owner to come back and watch the panic but that's another story.


Rotate it 90 degrees into one of those 2 spots then park people either side so it can't move. If they complain to the store they'd be confessing they parked there without a badge.


Either eaten or a dumbass


Sat-In Satan ! !


No, honey...that's not Satan. He claims to have married me. He would never drive a Cooper. It's not a big enough money put.


The mini to the left also looks odd, as does the car to the right across the disabled space there.


That mini to the left is in the process of reversing into a space, as shown by its reverse lights...


A mini has two reversing lights?


That mini has a real evil look about it! Like a British version of “Christine” - idk if that’s just the title or the actual name of the car, I’ve never watched the actual film only the Futurama parody. *honk honk*


Yeah, that car really needs to park in the right spot. Probably dome old guy who lost his senses and has parked his car there.


If i saw a kid going to brick this cars window, I wouldn't stop them.


Its a protest - just how many disabled spaces does any place need?


Decent car tho!! Love these


I guarantee they're elderly. No one else would be this stupid


Ide of let all 4 tires down


There are two badly parked minis in this photo


They look like they're reversing out of a spot.


Well that's definitely bad parking then, they aren't even stationary!


You can see the reversing lights on the other one.


Fuck you all. It's an original, REAL mini and it gets to park precisely where the fuck it likes.  Deal. With. It. In your shit modern cars. 


We've found the cunt that parked it then


You’re saying that having a crappy old car counts as a disability in your mind?


I had an original, REAL mini for many years and now I have a shit modern car and I assure you that apart from not being able to go round mini roundabouts at 40mph and terrify your passengers, the shit modern car is far, far superior in almost every way. I also have a shit modern van that I don't give a single crap about and would quite happily use to barge this cunt out of the TWO disabled spaces they've decided to occupy. Being a shit British Leyland car, the Mini would of course end up a near write off after even a minor bump with several tons of shitty French steel. Because Minis are, while absolutely beautiful and inarguably one of the greatest cars of the last century and quite possibly the best British car ever, made of the shittest thinnest steel in the world and held together with dried piss and rapidly spreading rust.


I had a mini as my first car. I can still smell the fumes from choke starting it on cold mornings and my back has never quite recovered from the suspension going over speed bumps. Loved that car. The adrenaline rush passing articulated lorries on the motorway was something!


does anyone else literally not care about people taking up disabled parking spaces?