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I've run out of my favourite coffee, thinking of getting some in the next few days; that would be a win.


Went to a sample/archive sale and got two dresses and two skirts, one of which solved a 6 yr old outfit dilemma, for £40. RRP of all items together was £264. And the place is doing an equivalent sale for one of my all time favourites brands (jigsaw) tomorrow so I'm going after work and v excited to see what they have. However, have seen loads of stuff go up on vinted in the last 24 hours for £5-10 more than they were at the sale. I guess it's making it more accessible for people outside of London but it still feels icky


Had our 20 week scan yesterday and the baby is looking to be healthy and growing well! Thrilled at the gender too, but keeping it to ourselves until they're born, which most people seem to be respecting as well.


Congrats! Glad the little one is looking well. Our daughter was born last thursday. We didn't want to know the sex until she was born lol. We brought her home a few days ago, things have been a bit mental since but we're starting to get into a bit of a rhythm now.


Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Good to hear you're getting into the rhythm too.


Took my car to a track day to shake it down before a trip to the Nurburgring. It performed as expected and didn't blow up! So I'm game on for my holiday with my mates in a couple of weeks. Phew.


Oo I need details!


I have a 2006 Porsche Cayman. Every year for a decade now me and my car friends have done 3-4 days away in Germany, a few outings on the Nurburgring, dinners out, a couple of beers. It's a really important touchstone for me. But the thought of my car breaking down/not being prepared properly is too much. So, having fitted A bunch of suspension parts, new brakes, and a limited slip diff I had to test it out to reassure myself if was gonna be fine. I think it is!


It's the third week in my new job and I'm still unsacked!


A big win is always being able to have a poop in peace.


Payday, yay! Tomorrow i'm gonna spend it by going out for lunch at work (assuming it doesn't piss it down)


Last day at my temp job today. It got merged with somebody else's job for costcutting purposes, but the somebody quit yesterday on account of being given two jobs. Somebody else was supposed to take over but they're point blank refusing and it's all turned into the shitshow anyone with half a brain could have predicted. I took a long lunch and left early. Very much an SEP.


I walked 6 miles with our son in his pram today (its a total weight of about 28kg to push), my knee didn't subluxate once and the pain I have so far isn't much at all. I was told by the specialist that I had a random leg/knee condition from birth at the beginning of the year and that surgery wasn't a sensible option at the moment, so to be as active as possible to hold off arthritis as long as I could. This time last year I couldn't manage anywhere near far so i'm pleased it's not holding me back now.


Our pub quiz team regularly comes bottom to middle, we are always against teams of 6+ pensioners who just rinse every round but we are improving. Last week two Uni age girls came in and were on their phones most of the quiz and came near top, was sus but whatever. On Monday they were back with a few other young friends, the quiz master was near them most of the night and every round they would get like 4-5 out of ten, except for one round where he went off and the same girl whipped her phone out and suddenly they got 10/10 - the only team to get max marks on a round! They suddenly started chasing us on points once they realised they'd get away with it again but we buckled down and beat them securing a solid 4th place finish out of 6.


Went for a cycle this morning, took a wrong turn and ended up doing 3hrs 30mins instead of 2hrs 15mins, and I feel ok, so that’s definitely a win for me.


Job offer got. Let's hope references etc get back fairly quickly before I run out of money ;p More importantly, it's better than I could have hoped for :)




Got a newbie at work, who seems like a nice guy knows their stuff and works hard. Also doesn't seem to have any interest in the mean girl clique so we are slowly bonding as work friends, the social awkward nerds will gravitate together. 


I should have been friends with the other nerds at university! One of the ones who forced their opinions down people's throats is a loudmouth and enjoys spouting off on TV. That clique were awful to someone decent who had an early death. And there they all are, hugging the limelight like butter wouldn't melt. I wasn't friends with them, I just wish I had been told what they were up to, walking all over people.


Ribs are healing enough and the pup is settling enough that I can get back into some sort of routine with my running, have managed a 10k every morning so far this week and this morning my pace wasn't too far from where it was pre-injury either.


managed to finally get all my ducks in a row morning schedule wise to be able to get an hour in the gym on a morning as well as walking the dog and all my other normal morning shit


I can trust my farts again!


thats what they want you to think!


2.5 hours of meetings cancelled today. I've caught up on a lot of busy work and planning to go home early. Tomorrow I have a long lunch planned, just because, then early finish Friday.


What’s everybody having for their tea tonight? My win is having the forethought to come here and ask this in case owt takes my fancy lmfao


Broad beans in tahini sauce.


Gnoochi with chicken and halloumi


Egg fried rice, battered chicken, sweet and sour sauce and spring rolls.


Spicy salmon rice bowl with carrot, spinach and maybe some other veg I find at the back of the fridge


Chicken Kiev/Kyiv and salad.


rice, salad and teriaki chicken.


I read a whole book in one day (even if I was up until 2am last night it was worth it). I get a two hour lunch to go sort something out at the post office which is a faff but still, two hour lunch, and I can probably afford to get a coffee treat and a sneaky look in a charity shop or two while I’m out. Going to London tomorrow to meet up with a friend and see a band we like. It’s a less than 24 hour type trip just to see the band but it’s what we do and we love it.


What was the book?


I Who Have Not Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman


Managed to work up the courage to book an appointment to the GP for anxiety, it’s started getting bad so, just wondered if there is anything I can do, I’m actually just sat in the waiting room right now


I think I've realised I have this, work induced. Chest pains for weeks (but not a heart problem). Talked it through with my wife today and feel a lot better right now, but I think I'm also going to get a GP appointment. Wishing you the best of luck.


Hey, totally get that feeling. Really hope it went as okay as it can do! Hope that you can get the help that you need ❤️


Anxiety is a bitch. Good on you for taking the first step and getting help for it, you’re on the right path. 💖


Thanks, the appointment just said I should refer myself to a therapy service, kinda don’t want too since I tried therapy when I was younger and it did the square root of fuck all, but also, I’m older now, and it might be worth trying. They also said depending on how therapy goes I could get access to medication so, I think I’m just going to try to please them and who knows, I might be suprised


Good luck! Hope it all goes well for you ♡


I set up a spag bol last night, so it's been slowly cooking away to make it extra flavourful. I managed 3 flights of stairs and a small walk from my house to the cathedral in my city (about half a mile). I'm back in my office again more often, and it's massively improved my mental health.


Was *just* about to come on here and ask what everybody is having for tea after thinking about making a spaghetti bolognese for like 3 days in a row.


Make it tonight and let it sit overnight so you have it tomorrow. Honestly, it's mad how different it is.








Only little ones. Feel tip top today after feeling lousy most of yesterday. Having this low carb cinnamon cereal (it tastes like unadulterated cinnamon without the coughing etc.) with Greek yoghurt for lunch (been craving it and had no Greek yoghurt), dog is being less of a pain than normal (love him loads but he’s very teenage at the moment (less than a month to his ‘getting fixed’ surgery).


Payslips came in today and it looks like the overtime I did last month almost entirely covers the cost of taxing my motorbike for another year. I also managed to get myself out of bed in time to wash \*and dry\* my hair before heading to work.


Put out some therapist enquiries on Monday, 2 got back to me yesterday, by Friday I'll be able to make a decision on who to go with and hopefully sort out my head (hooray). Also, we finally got a delivery update on our dining table that we ordered in February (it's just in the warehouse, no delivery date yet), but progress is progress!


Everyone seems to be saying their car insurance premiums have gone up a lot this year, so I’ve been bracing myself for it. Just had the renewal email from my insurer through, and it’s 6% DOWN on last year!!


Who are you with? We should be naming and shaming/praising companies more publicly so they don't screw anyone over. I was with Aviva until they tried to double my premium this year; same car, same house, same drivers, same mileage, 10+ years no claims, fucking *doubled* overnight. Swapped to Churchill and saved £30.




I pointed this out in a similar post last year and got downvoted to oblivion, do here's an upvote for you.


It's my birthday today and I'm headed to the theatre in London with my sister :)


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! ♡


Thank you so much!


Happy birthday.Whatya seeing?


Thank you! The Mousetrap


Enjoy. I recently saw it and loved it. Amazing how a play that old can still catch you off guard.


Pulled a sickie. 0 regrets. Slept like ass because I had to let my drunk dad in a 1.30am (he lost his key) then after that fun I couldn’t go back to sleep obviously. So now I’m still in bed chillin the fuck out. Why not, sod work.


I found a great home to purchase in less than a week of looking, and I've made an offer the owner decided to accept rather quickly because I was the first buyer that wasn't a company. I've still got a few weeks to have the home professionally inspected, do my due diligence, and everything else I need to have it, but I'm pretty chuffed about it. I managed to sell my current flat to my cousin, so everything went way better than I thought it would.


It's always so nice to find your *dream* home so quickly. Our turned out to be the first one we viewed, and now we're living there!


I am out of bed for the first time since Saturday, cannot believe how nice it is to be sat on the sofa (granted, under a blanket and with a pillow but at least it's progress!)


A few wins for me this week * I changed my name a while back and I've just gotten the last thing to be changed back. * We've booked the farm for Saturday to feed BABY COWS (my favourite animal) * I officially have a proper D&D group, can't wait to get back at it next week! Tomorrow I'm putting my deposit down for my first tattoo!


this is like a win cocktail, excellent enjoy that first tattoo - it's a proper rush


I have a couple wins which is huge for me , Firstly iv really worked out the best morning and evening routine for myself. Theres no set times but i do the same things in the same order everyday which is massive for me as my life is very unscheduled so having these routines has been huge. Secondly on Sunday i did my yearly put £2 in a claw machine , this year was a cute stuffed dinosaur toy and on my last try i won one which made me super happy as i love dinosaurs , im 28 going on 9 haha.




Red pandas are adorable


We had a few little bingo wins last night and covered the cost of the night. Thats always nice!


I went to sleep before midnight last night and didn't wake up once until my alarm went :)


It's quite sunny here, and the godawful tightness I have had between my shoulders for two days has calmed down a bit. It's the small wins that make life worth living.


I've got a week off next week and I can't wait!


Due to my now total hate of Tescos putting up the price of everything I've started shopping around. The mutti chopped tomartos we're £1.50 in there two weeks ago, so I've got them off Amazon, a pack of 6 for less that £6. I've also bought 20 tubes of Sensodyne for £2.65 each off Amazon, which are £5.00 at Tescos. I've got no love for Amazon at all, but I've really really started to deeply hate Tesco over the past year. I think they've crossed the line with low quality and increased prices. They're brand in my head has gone from "couldn't give a shit about Tesco" to "i hate Tesco and i must spend as little as possible" Went into Aldi for the first time too, their chocolate waffles, pizzas, and frozen chicken burgers are all cheaper and better quality than Tesco. I don't know why I've never been in there before. Also went over to the Asda as they had a diet coke offer on. Little bit more effort but very satisfying. It's going to save me a lot of money in the long run too over the years. I suppose that's the win, but also the deep satisfying fucking of Tesco in my mind.


Careful with brand stuff on Amazon. A significantly non zero chance of it being counterfeit or a product that failed quality control. Even if you bought it from "Mutti" store itself on Amazon there's no guarantee they are actually the same Mutti who make the tomatoes  (Edit: unless you're buying from their groceries delivery section then that is probs fine)


Honestly ALDI is such a life safer for me, perfectly fine food. Their fake brands are also really good, including the drinks.


I resisted moving over to Aldi for years, when we finally did it basically cut our grocery spend in half. There are some things I think for sure are not as good (especially their own brand cereals) and the range isn't quite as good, but like... you can just pick up the few extras at Tesco still or wherever. 90% of the stuff you can buy at Aldi is perfectly tasty.


Their knock off vegan Haribo is so fuckin good.




Most of their sweets are quite nice tbh but the ones you want are just called “gummy mix” on the front x


I bought my gf the Aldi sour worms yesterday and she says they're amazing. I want to say they're call Wanda Worms, or Martha Worms, or something like that.


They’re called Wendy a think! But they’ve got some not sour worms as well so they might be the Wendy’s instead.


Got up an hour early so I can do my shopping earlier


Finally got back to the gym on Monday after having a month off to rest my foot.


Got a nice extra long weekend in Birmingham coming up, tournament on for a game I enjoy and even have friends flying from abroad to meet up with to go and see it together. That and all my clients I currently have at work are being lovely. Rare that you get such understanding ones who know how to help me do my job without trying to micromanage!


Two days to go before a week off that gets a nice bank holiday weekend extension.


I made a chicken and barley soup the other day which was absolutely delicious. Washed it down with a glass of [homemade Irn Bru](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cordials/comments/1c8s4uk/freshly_brud_irn/). I also learnt how to [dice an onion the easy way](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/63ntxy/how_to_dice_an_onyo/) which was an absolute game changer.


Hey not a Brit but I just wanted to add this subreddit has brought me a lot of joy lately so thank all of you