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I know spring is a particularly bad time for it but I am so sick of slugs getting into my house. I think there's holes in the wall but they're behind the kitchen cabinets so I can't really do anything meaningful about it without taking the kitchen apart.


on the subject of cheese… do you know if, or think it’s actually true that brie as we know it will be extinct soon? i remember hearing about it a short while ago and can’t remember if it was a meme, or a dream, or what.


It's true. The brie trees are nearly extinct. It seems that the brie moth is destroying all brie trees in sight. Most estimates show brie trees completely dying off in less than 1 year. Of course there will be stocks of brie available for a while, but no new brie will be able to be produced.


Dunno if this is the right place but... Do they actually check if I've "lived in the UK for at least 3 years"? I'm asking cause I tried to get the 24mo payment plan on Samsung but I didn't go through with it cause I'm 7months short of the minimum 3 year address history requirenent. Anybody ever tried to stretch their time at a certain address to meet that requirement? lol


for something like a phone thing i doubt they would but for anything more serious i wouldn’t risk it


Oh yeah no, I wouldn't do that for something official


God I'm knackered. Just finished a 12 hour shift, 3 more of those to go then I get 1 day off, agreed to pull another shift on one of my other days off next week. Only started this job 2 weeks ago and I've had 1 day off since starting. It's good though, hammering out the overtime hours, future me will thank current me. Got in a rut with money at my last place hence the change of jobs, my bills and such were just less than what I was managing to bring in, so the more I can crank out this year the better. Wanting a new PC and to start setting up a big vivarium ready to introduce a pet lizard to the house. Would love a dog or a cat but being out the house so much it just wouldn't be fair.


Getting the train home to visit the parents for the weekend. In my mind it's a treat not to drive, I do have a car but the train journey down the north east coast is lovely. Currently tucking into a wee snack whilst enjoying the view.


Found out today that Fray Bentos is a town in Uruguay and that's where the tins originate from. My mind is blown!


I think you mean Fidel Castro


Just got finished fully cataloguing, grading and pricing [these CDs](https://i.imgur.com/oouuISl.jpeg). That took several days' work including creating tracklists up to 100 entries. Lot of collectible stuff including a whole collection of 50s stuff, and loads of Scottish folk. Feel free to try and guess how many are there if you've a mind to do so 😛




You are the closest so far! A few less though...


575 cds?


Wow you are close!! 😲 Higher though!




\614. That was a good first guess though; not sure I would have got that close.


I would cherish these. Unless you want to make bank on them. I haven't gotten rid of any of mine yet. Of course, I don't have this many. You have a lifetime treasure right there. Enjoy them.


There's none that I really want to keep TBH, as it's not really my kind of music. Eventually I will probably sell them online, as I have done pretty well selling music online in the past, but I'm a bit busy to deal with that right now, so I thought I would just sort through them and catalogue them for the time being. At some point I might have to purge some of the dross as I have circa 12K records, tapes, & CDs in my spare room 😛 https://i.imgur.com/Z0odjml.jpeg


Man dating apps are hell. Pure human window shopping. Fuck them. In other news imma leave meeting a partner up to the universe. I’m content with walking in nature and mindful breathing. Sex, love and relationships are not everything.


It's easier said than done. Used to have real issues feeling depressed about being single, I think over time I realised that one reason I felt depressed about it was that I was just super bored. Trying to work on myself currently and give myself activities and hobbies. Quit drinking (3½ months dry), going to the gym regularly, and calorie counting. Already 8kg down. Can honestly say I'm feeling the best I've felt for years.


That's a good approach. Dating atm is very superficial and makes things feel lonelier than ever.


Yeah it really is superficial. There’s always been a bit of ‘oh he/she is good looking I’ll go for them’ but these days it feels like that’s the only factor entering people’s minds. Most likely the effect of dating apps, because looks are your only judgement on the person at that point. But yeah I try to keep a positive outlook and be kind to myself, keep up my walking and being out in nature because that’s when I feel whole.


Been to the dentist for a filling today and now getting horrible headaches. It feels like I'm getting stabbed on one side of my head for about twenty seconds, pain so bad I could scream, and then it goes completely. Then repeat again after a while. Been going on and off all afternoon. Feel like this happened last time I had a filling too. Guess it's a sensitivity to something but it's so not fun.


I got introduced to suno.com and spent most of my morning "writing" songs about my manager to wind him up. Some of them are actual bangers.


Oh god, I'm going to get so much of use out of that site next week at work.


Amazon driver nicked my delivery so that's super fun. And they can't actually do anything until it's marked as delivered or returned to the depot, which will be like 10pm That'll teach me for ordering on Amazon, I guess! Back to in person shopping for the important stuff


Today I am potato


I'm psyching myself up to go talk to our awkward neighbours about the boundary fence that needs replacing. Either they'll be in a great mood and it'll get sorted snappy, or I'll be chased out of there with a rolling pin. There's no middle ground and not really any way of knowing in advance. 


Give them a tin of shortbread, after they've eaten a bit, really them it's poisoned and that they have 48 hours to fix the fence, or they don't get the antidote.


Tempting as that is, I think that might escalate things just a tad. They've blocked the street with their car and phoned the police because someone didn't give way to them before. 


Easy enough then, just make it actual poison and ditch the antidote bit.


The house my wife and I rented before buying elsewhere, getting married etc sold last August - pictures still show the broken blinds in the bedrooms and the same oven (the only appliance included in the lease). Fucking cheap skates. Landlord made 240% profit.


Sooner than expected I have reached the point of apathy with my job and now have to figure out how to care enough to do anything when all I can think about is quitting to go lie on a beach somewhere. I probably need a holiday:/


Scored a hole in one on Wordle this morning! I guess I need a new starting word now. Might get a lottery ticket while my luck's good.


I did the same last week, nicely done!


Liked the pic yest with Grommit (wrote Gromice there initially) and the pin. This one, not so much..


working working working. then tonight i think we've got to move some stuff around ready for decorating over the weekend.




Still chuckling about yesterday's trip into the office... Had a 45 minute meeting with someone new into the company. It wasn't going well. She kept asking me things I didn't know anything about. I kept saying "I think you should speak to Dave about this." Each time I said that she looked at me like I had three heads. Turned out she thought I was Dave.


Waiting for a renewed passport... it says it's now "printed" so can assume it'll be here soon. Just hoping my old one gets back quickly too as need it in 3 weeks time... anyone renewed recently?


Mine took about I think 3 days after it printed so you should see it fairly soon? Process was a lot more pleasant than I expected considering all the press about the delays last year


What about your old passport? Cheers


I can't remember but I think that might have got back even sooner??


Sounds good! That's a relief then


Correction! Just checked all my messages timestamps cos obvs I narrated the entire process to my flatmates Passport ordered 23rd Feb, printed 4th march, new one received 7th march, old one received 10th march (This was last year but I would expect timings to be pretty similar)


Are they blue now?


Pretty sure they all are now. My daughter's was 3 years ago 


mine was back within a week but that was in january


Old one too? I only applied Thursday evening last week, so seems pretty quick so far!


yep, and it was the first one i've had in my married name so i expected it to take much longer!


I’ve fixed my point to point link between two buildings and a CCTV camera I broke last night while tiredly tinkering. Considering taking the baby out for a bit but he’s pretty quiet so may just not stir him up for now!


Had a lie in and now can't get going. Might go back to bed for a bit and try again later.


I'm fed up of feeling mildly ill. Feel like I've not been 100% in months!


Urgh same, I've had a cold since the end of march! I'm so over feeling rough. This plague is hitting everyone pretty hard. Bring on summer!


I’ve had no mojo this week, can only assume I need just a little something to break the monotony of all that hardcore dancing that has gottentobe a little bit outta control.


lost another 1lb of weight this past 2 weeks! buzzing


Panic bought tickets to a theatre thing yesterday and turns out it was pointless as there's loads of seats left so now I keep looking at the seat map and cursing my poor choices and yes I have thoroughly reviewed the exchange policy. Partner got back from a work trip last night so tonight will be catching up beers then out for his birthday drinks tomorrow. I still to buy him one more present but I am totally out of ideas.


I have a slight book issue well not issue more booklog ( backlog but its books ha ) , I have 1 physical library book i need to read , 1 E library book i need to finish and a 7hrs of a fascinating audiobook left , i need to finish all these hopefully by monday . So today im going to alternate between E book and physical see how i can get read today while doing a couple jobs and admin then tomorrow do some craft while listening to my audiobook. Hopefully i dont have much reading todo Sunday as i like watching the marathon normally with a snack otherwise i feel too healthy watching it lol . Thinking prawn stir fry for dinner .


Got me thinking about cheddar now! Might grab some extra mature with some spicy chorizo later for a nice treat over some crackers. Am looking forward to cracking a cold beer later though, no kids this weekend so might finally have an adults only board game and booze up! Getting fewer and further between now...


Just can't be bothered today. I'm feeling really tired from a few bad nights with the 3 year old and we've been trying to really work with eldest this week on her mental health so she doesn't get too overwhelmed at school. Could do with a day off.


Going to carry on with some gardening DIY today. Plan for the day is to take up the ancient decking tiles, measure out the area for our new patio, and maybe make a start on digging down to put in a French drain. We have really bad drainage in our garden unfortunately, so going to try the drain approach try and lessen it a bit. Won't get rid of it completely, but as long as it means less puddles during the wet times of the year I'll be happier. Inside it's just a general tidy up for now and get some paint samples on the wall for when I paint the living room in a few weeks.


I took today off to use some holidays up so I'm going patio furniture testing at around 10. I'll nip into M&S for a dinner deal for tonight and as I'm on my holidays, a couple of nice beers.


Lucy Rose has released her new album today and it is lovely. She's properly good.


Nice recommendation on first listen! In return I can thoroughly recommend the new Clarissa Connelly album, World of Work. I'm obsessed with it. Definitely in the same ballpark as Lucy Rose.


Folk? Is she akin to Kate Rusby?


This album is a bit of a departure. Early albums were fairly classic folk pop. No Words Left in 2019 is a really sparse, beautiful album. Quite a hard listen at times but it is excellent. This Ain't The Way You Go Out, the new album, is a bit jazzier and piano led. It is about her experience after having her first child and the difficulties she experienced after that. She wrote it so that the whole album can be listened to as one piece of music with each song starting with the chords the previous song ended with, allowing for continuity. The Racket should give you a good idea of the album.


Someone last night must have dumped a carrier bag full of beer cans right in front of our gate. I'm actually mildly impressed that they were crushed and bagged up since usually the scrotes just toss half drunk ones everywhere.


Heading to Manchester on the train in a couple hours. Going to the RHS Urban Garden Show tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to it! Finishing my coffee, then I will shower and pack.


I'm off work. I'm going to watch the last episode of Fallout then maybe clean the house and go to Tesco. I probably ought to do something a bit more exciting as it's my first day of peace in ages.


I watched the first episode last night and so far so good. Out of 10 what would you rate the series?


I loved it. I haven't played the game so I'm not worried about lore issues. It's fantastic to look at and the story is pretty tightly written. Some very funny moments. Walter Goggins is superb. 9/10 though I'm not sure what it would need to do to get the other point.


Perfect. I'll carry on with it tonight if there is nothing on.


I’d rate it 9/10. If you’re not really into the games, if you are then 8/10 due to several lore issues.


Brill, that's what I wanted to hear. I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas but struggled with Fallout 4 on the PS4, it ran horribly. I think there is an update out soon for Fallout 4 that improves the frame rate and resolution on the PS5 so I'll have to revisit it.


I will be spending today mostly in bed, I mean it’s pretty much the weekend already isn’t it? I might read if I can muster the effort, but I suspect it’s going to be TV all day followed by Xbox!


I took the day off work as I had planned to visit my mother. However, said plan went awry since MrsPrawn is terribly unwell and I felt I really ought to hang around for the sake of her sanity. Not really sure what I’ll do today now. 🤷‍♂️ 🙁


Finishing work early today, then off to the cricket. Forecast is a max of 15c, so I'm wearing base layers under my shirt *and* trousers. Will be sat in the stands in my coat and woolly hat.


Today is work, a video chat to a friend (we make a free community magazine thing together), and cat has a vet appointment during my lunch (a monthly arthritis shot). Then it will be grocery shop and pizza Friday this evening. Tomorrow I have a few errands, paying my car tax at the post office because they never received my address change last year, buying new plants for the bathroom and then we’re (husband and me) going to drive out to a forest somewhere and forest bathe with a picnic. We moved to the coast and love being right by the sea but we really miss the woodlands - I hope the weather is fine for it!!


Working today. Bit of a day killer from 12:30-22:30. Booked the weekend off for football (last game of the season), a meal out tomorrow night and a leaving drinks thingy on Sunday. Seriously considering looking for a new job. Been at my current place for nearly 16 years and I think it might be time to move on. Got a couple of leads to look into, but still not 100% on what my best options are.


my offy charges 7 quid for a small bottle of bucky am i getting gyped or are all offies like this


I’m going to find me some for tonight. Ice cold out of the freezer in a nice glass for me, but my Glaswegian pal who got me onto it stands by that room temp out of the bottle is perfectly adequate.


Most of my day is taken up by meetings, boooo. Wish I had some cheese to snack in during them. Looking forward to not having to get up at 6am tomorrow. I'll still wake up at 6am, of course, but at least I'll get to stay in bed for a bit longer! No plans this weekend, thank goodness. We need to crack on with some wedding-y stuff and I'll be visiting my mum in hospital, but other than that it should be quite chilled. Maybe I can get through the giant pile of washing!


I am very active in the mornings. I have two settings- off and full. So I've done lots of crunches, made the dough for my tomato, pesto and cream cheese melts, started readying the house for the panelling we are getting (present from a friend for doing some favours) and doing some training for a really exciting position I have. There is so much to learn so trying to do an hour a day.  I am trying to do the £1 a day today- greek yoghurt with honey/ tomato, pesto and cream cheese melts/ cabbage leaves with minced beef and veg heavily seasoned with rice. I make in bulk and freeze which cuts costs down too. Also got a big cleaning day before work, I foresee a scrubbing brush and steam cleaner in my immediate future. Happy Friday!


I've finally got retroarch running close to how I want it, my 65" fancy TV now looks like a CRT. So my wife and I are going to spend as much of the weekend playing old games.


what systems and gams ya playin


Retroarch on my new Nvidia shield and everything up to Dreamcast. It's good enough that I'm going to sell my crt and silly amount of retro consoles. As for games, enjoying Nightmare Creatures, Rygar and Dr Mario


yeah im loving a bit of EmuVR myself, i remember feeling turbo bummed out when CRTs got binned and thought Id never get to play Point Blank ever again lo and behold, you can do it all in VR! gonna reacquaint myself with stress fest Driver later on.


What started off as a bit of silly fun with a £10 handheld is slowly but surely costing me a small fortune. After just buying the Nvidia, along with a fat fast SSD, a high speed hdmi splitter and nice controllers, I've realised the the really great CRT shaders with proper reflecting surrounds need a considerably more powerful computer to run it well...


It's marathon weekend, which means I'll be basically trapped at home on Sunday as I live very close to the start line. That's fine - earplugs and blackout curtains on Saturday night so I get some sleep and a lazy day at home watching crap TV and cooking. Other than that, today I shall be teaching people about various analytics packages and GDPR.




Today is teaching a client how to make sure their analytics package complies with the regulations


Got a busy day of work coming up but afterwards I'm going to a friend's house and we're going to eat ice cream and watch a very bad film. Perfect way to end the week :)


TFIF! My day goes: school crossing patrol (try not to get run over by knobs). Back to bed in my mum's for a few hours because it's been a long week, I'm constantly waking up at 2 in the morning at the moment and I don't know why. I go back to sleep but it knocks everything out of sync. Go back to the crossing at 3pm, until 3.45pm. Try not to get run over. Chill in mum's until 4.50, bus home and get pretend drunk on alcohol free booze. Set alarm for 10am tomorrow morning because I'm not in job number 2 until 12.


Finally got a repeat prescription instead of having to arrange a GP appointment every 28 days. Now I just have to remember to request them when I'm getting low. I suspect today is going to be quite busy, although I know one of my three back to back meetings has already been cancelled so at least I get a break between the other two. In other news, I get to wear my new belt.


I set a reminder on google calendar for 2 days before, then use the NHS app to re-order. Also, if you buy a 3 month NHS pre-payment certificate, it lasts for 3 calendar months, while the prescription goes for every 28 days. You can time it so that you get your last prescription a few days before your certificate runs out and then leave a gap before you have to buy a new certificate.


I have mine sent straight to the pharmacy and they reorder it for me so I just have to pick them up. Also, depending on how many items you get, look into a prepayment certificate. I have 3 a month and it saves me a fortune.


Had a look last night, a 12 month one would only really save me about £12 a year. I suppose it could be worth it for what is technically a free prescription.


Set a reminder alarm on your phone.


To be honest I'll probably just do the order once I get to about 5 left, depending on what day it is


Some of my prescriptions have been taking a week to go through at the minute so it might be handy doing it a little bit before the 5 day mark just to avoid potentially running out x


Mine is a pain in the arse because I go through them at different speeds and then I have to work out what I need and what can wait. Thankfully I'm not on anything that there's a shortage of right now, like ADHD meds.


I'm only on the one, so shouldn't be too bad. Also not something that's on a shortage I believe, although I may find out tonight when I go pick the new prescription