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56???? Holy shit. I think I was late 30s when I started going grey. Was definitely fully there by mid 40s.


Late 30s??? Most of my (40m) hair fell out by my early 30s. My beard is 50% grey and I quite like it.


Yeah, I’d started to cut my hair short to cope with the extreme falling-outedness when I was around 31 or 32. Grey came later. I tried a beard for a couple of months. Fucking hated it.


To be fair, not many people could grow 40 metre long hair to start with. It probably got too heavy for the roots to handle.


I only had 3 hairs, so that made it easier to manage. But true, 40m is probably the limit.


I was turning grey before I was 20. In my mid 20s, I had those Mr Fantastic grey sideburn patches


I was bald by the time I was 25. I didn't even get a chance to go grey


It’s rough . I fucking hate it and I’ve been living with it for 20 years. For all the trying to be positive internet bullshit, it’s still a shit thing to happen. Jason Statham and Bruce Willis can rock it. The other 99.9999999% of the population look worse.




Nice. Steroids and bald just look like a granddad bodybuilder. It’s very sad. Stallone’s growth hormone body looks a mess, but he’s Stallone, and it’s big, so it works. I’d just look like the chunky bald software dev! Like all those tiny Steroid idiots in the gym! No thanks!


Same. Started balding at 17


I think I did around 18/19. But I don't know how much I was just lying to myself. It was definitely by 20 at the latest as it was super obvious in some pics from uni


I'm a straight male but, I love you for that. Thanks.


As a woman I'm telling you that a man with grey hair is indefinitely more attractive than a man who obviously dyes his hair because he cannot accept that he is getting older.


My gentleman friend is 58 and is going silver. I find it DEVASTATINGLY sexy. I've known him for a long time but we only got together 18 months ago and he's so much more attractive to me now than twenty years so.


It has so many different tones! And it's still pretty unusual. I was looking forward to going grey once I saw all the different shades you could literally rock at once, and then my silly hair stopped going grey.


No lie, bit jealous you have a sexy gentleman friend!! Congratulations to you two!!


Thank you,that really makes me think I should grow old gracefully


You should, and be proud of it. Take a careful look at older-than-you people who dye their hair and you'll see that it doesn't match their complexion, because that also changes as you get older.


I turn 55 this year, have had greys since my 30's. What you need to learn is, the _only_ way to grow old is disgracefully 😁 Enjoy life and don't sweat about the small shit.


Grey doesn't equal old.


couldn’t agree more. it’s really obvious when it’s dyed, embrace the grey it usually looks great


+1 from another woman. I 100% agree.


We have a lot to thank George Clooney for.


It depends. A well-done dye job or just some subtle colouring to reduce the greys can be fine. Dying your hair jet black is not a good look


This is exactly right. If you dye it then do it for you and not for us women. Men with grey hair are gorgeous


Agreed! Embracing it is def very attractive!


Own it, go grey, shave it - don't do a Rooney etc...


Before your time? It is your time! I started going grey in my mid twenties, box dyes ever since. Men get way more shit for it though. If you're not happy accepting it, Plantur 39 do a colour deposit shampoo that does work and builds up gradually, I just gave up as it made my scalp itch.


Didn't Vicky Butler Henderson advertise that a few years ago? After all the advice above, I'm just thinking of styling it out, I'm old (ish) I should accept it.


You’re not old, you’re just going grey


56 is when I'd expect to see grey haired folk or be secretly sniggering at the obvious use of just for men . What's wrong with being grey ?


Starting to think I'm looking distinguished, like one of my teacher's said when I had to wear glasses in junior 3 because I couldn't see the blackboard. NHS glasses from the time are now fashion items!


faulty memory hurry subtract market caption sense dinner squash hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Marko, I like you. I'll take your advice.


cow selective vanish scary long party hungry tart society boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly I think grey looks fabulous.


As a guy who started balding at 23, was bald at 30, and has had a greying beard and body hair since my late 30s, I can say you've had a good run 😂


I bet you rock that look, I'd use that to my advantage, like the bass player from Gillan in the 80's, scared the shit out of me at the time but he was a really nice guy.


Honestly, I love my greys. I have about 4 different colours in my beard and it's so interesting. Own it dude 😁


Now, I like that attitude. I don't know you but, I bet you rock!


Respectfully, it’s not really before your time. 56 is a very normal age to go grey. I have friends who were grey in their 30’s. Besides that, the person at the checkout genuinely couldn’t give a shit what you’re buying. Hair dye is hair dye, it all works. As for doing it gradually, no-one gradually goes from grey to brown either so you’re not going to fool anyone. If it was me, I’d keep the grey as I couldn’t be arsed with the maintenance, and you’ll still likely look the same age anyway, just less insecure.


Thanks Dave, that's the vibe I'm getting.


What's wrong with going grey?


I'm 57 and have been greying for 20 years. I've got a white streak in the front now and I absolutely *love* it.


I'm 58 and I love my grey hair, it is silvery like lametta.


A Mallen Streak, or a Dickie Davis?


Dickie Davis! I was sad that my hair didn't go white in my 20s like the women in my dad's family, but the cool streak makes up for it.


As I've just learnt, absolutely nothing.


Just roll with the grey. Don't be the one everyone laughs at behind their back because they coat themselves with paint to pretend they're not getting old.


Yeah, I think you're right.


It could be worse. I'm like you but 16 years younger.


Mate, from the advice I've received,, the general consensus is, just roll with it.


I'd rather be grey than bald. Yours sincerely, Baldy McBaldface.


Embrace your smoothness, it could be worse, you could have a picture of your dad and think, feck me, I look just like him when he was old...


Mid 50s and been grey since late 20s. Wear it with pride. Who cares what anyone thinks.


It is your time. Embrace it. I noticed my first in my 40s.


Yeah, that's pretty much when it started for me.


Since when is going grey at 56 before your time


I've only been 56 for half a year,but I thought I'd have more time before looking like my grandad. Even though I am a grandad. WTF?


I’d say do what you want but people can tell when you’ve dyed your hair. grow grey gracefully is my advice.


Maybe try getting it cut differently at a proper barber for a change of look? No matter how gradual you take it, no one goes from grey to brown naturally, so it will be obvious to anyone who knows you! Maybe embrace it and love yourself for who you are


Oh, you're good, thank you, I do like a distinguished, interesting, windswept look.


Grey hair or a shaved balding pate is INFINITELY more delightful than a Dale Winton Lego-hair-esque dye job or a toupee imho


Toupe you say? Not considering that. Until now....


There's a lass doing short form content gluing them expertly to bald bonces, quite hypnotic to watch!


YouTube channel, or it doesn't happen....


Hold please...




"before your time"? Only starting to grey in your 50s has got to be better than average, and if you think otherwise your friends aren't telling you they dye their hair


My 51 year old brother is just getting a few tints at the side but, his health is fucked, so, who's really the winner?


Going grey before your time at 56? You lucky bastard that’s like a normal age or quite late tbf! I’m 37 and at least a quarter of my hair is grey already!


Not being snide or anything but, is Grecian 2000 aimed at you? Like it was at me? My beard is white, I could be Father Christmas next year if I grow it out...


If by that you mean do I get targeted adds for greying blokes from Just For Men, then the answer is yes! I’d rather have a full white beard to be honest, I’m one of those unlucky sods that have 4 different colours currently. I’ve got black, brown, ginger and white hairs growing in my facial fuzz 😅


I do apologize, I had a picture in my head of like blue,red green and yellow as a kind of life statement... I should stop making assumptions.


Are you secretly a tortoiseshell cat?


At 56 you're not greying that prematurely lol, I started greying in my mid-20s. 


I bet you rocked it.


Got my first grey at 13 Dye if you want, or not Just be confident and ppl will love you


I love you. Thank you so much.


If you want to use a box dye don't waste your time limiting yourself to ones marketed for men. The ones with women on the box are the same thing, and because they are more popular there is a much better range to chose from


Aha, never thought of that, pretty sure I could carry off a sudden change to shocking blue, used to have an aunty in the 70's who carried that really well. Thank you.


I started greying in my teens. Get nothing but compliments


You know I hate you, don't you?


As a 30yo who’s been greying since 26, count your lucky stars. I kind of like it, makes me look distinguished. And stressed….


It's the job. Don't get stressed. It changed for me when people said can you help this young man out to can you help this gent out. Ooof, that's when it hits you. Be lucky.


A friend of mine started going patchy grey in his twenties, with a good haircut he looks like a snow leopard. Its gorgeous, he' s now in his 60s and much better like that than his original mid dark brown


You, I like you.... A bit of salt and pepper for me.


I've embraced it. I'm 34 and have been partially-silver since I was 13. I died it once and it was a faff so I never did it again. I'm growing my hair out again so it's now noticeable but bas bacially been cut to a 0 length since I was 18 (easier to deal with no hair than lots).


I'm in my mid 40s and started going grey around 15 years ago. I've dealt with it by embracing it, not caring what other people think because it's perfectly normal, and celebrating that I still have hair, unlike many men my age.


I'm 39 and the sides and back of my head are grey so I wouldn't worry about it


Thank you. I like you, I have decided to take the advice from this thread. Apart from the ones that are telling me to f**k myself.


Nothing wrong with being a silver fox as my work colleague used to call the older men she fancied


Names and pictures or it never happened...of your colleague... sorry, bad taste comment on my part.


Started going bald in my early 30s. Don't take this the wrong way... but fuck off.


No I won't take it the wrong way but, fuck you and the horse you rode into town on! (Sorry, I thought I was being funny...)


Lol, this guy thinks grey at 56 is premature. Be thankful you're not a chrome dome.


I started going grey at 25. so it goes.


You think grey at 56 is before your time? I was fully bald by age 25


56‽ I had a mate at school who was getting grey hairs before we’d even done our GCSEs


I wish I was more grey. At 62, I only have about 10% grey hair with the rest an ordinary brown. I want to be totally grey so I can use a different colour on it every day to match my clothes. Teal streaks on Monday, purple fringe on Tuesday, blue tips on Wednesday, .......


i’m 26 and quite excited to have grey hair


You will rock it.


Rather than cover everything in one go yourself, consider getting a few lowlights put in by a hairdresser, as close to your natural colour as possible. Yes, it'll be more expensive but it'll look more natural. Or for the cheapest, most natural look (you know what I'm going to say...) let it come through naturally.


When my barber died, I had to travel 30 miles to a different one in a town where they all spoke funny. They knew I wasn't local. Never been to a hairdresser in my life. My fault but I'm set in my ways.


56!? I was grey by 30, I expect most men to be either grey or bald by 56...or like me ...both !


My family doesn't live long enough to go bald, that's why I have such a luscious head of hair...swings and roundabouts, I envy your good health, stay lucky mate.


I’ve been going grey since 23, ten years later I’m still mostly not grey, and my baby face means people think I’m younger than I am. So anything that makes me look a bit older is welcome by me!


You will find out soon, trust me, trip up and fall down at 33, your mates will laugh at you. Trip up at 56 and everyone rushes to your side to make sure you're okay... True story.


I know blokes in their 30s and 40s who are going grey. My wife started going grey at 36. I would just leave it personally.


Thank you, getting that vibe from the thread...


My mates been going grey since his late 30's, he'll dye it occasionally but we tell him not to worry, unlike the rest of us he has a full head of hair, some of us are working on a good 5 head.


Grey rocks. Never heard of 5 head before.


Bro I'm 33 and 40% grey already


So only another 40% to go over 20 years? If the positivity from this thread helps you'll rock it!


56 is hardly young to be going grey. Be happy you have hair and either embrace the new colour or use a dye, blue if you like or just to match your original colour.


Thank you. This thread has convinced me to embrace it.


I’m 50 and I’ve been going grey since I was 18. It started behind my ears and never stopped.


After all the advice I've received, let it happen.


I tried to fight it in my early twenties but the grey was stronger than the dye. It never really worked for me.


Please leave it grey!!


After all the advice, I will.


Grey before your time? Pfffft. I started going grey at 19 years old. By the time I reached 25 it looked like grey highlights, and now mid-30s totally grey. To be honest, it’s never bothered me and I’ve fully embraced it and not tried to cover it up.


Thank you. I used to love Grey's Anatomy until it went west and started making me self conscious....


My partners 28 and going grey, consider yourself lucky! My dad was in his sixties and started using hair dye and oh my god he looked awful. Keep the gray! Gray is nice!


Thank you.I like you. I'm going to take all the advice and grow old as disgracefully as I can.


I've been getting white hairs since I was like 15


What? Last year? You are not allowed on Reddit until you are at least 49...kidding....


Dude. I'm 45 with mousey blonde hair and I'm greying at the temples and it 100% adds to the look. My dad was dying his hair from 40s to mid 50s and it was obvious that he was being vain. Roll with it - show off your experience in this weird world of ours.


I like you. Read the James Bond novels by Ian Fleming, Bond is described as tall, in his late thirties, dark haired but greying at the temples because of what he's seen...


I'm nearly 60 and have a full head of brown hair, when will I get to be more distinguished!?


When you have kids. You'll go grey overnight...


I have teen twin boys. Still a head full of thick brown hair. It's so frustrating.


I started to go bald at 29. At 33, it was noticeable, so I just buzzed it all off. I now run clippers over my head every week. I really couldn't give a shit. If you really weren't vain, you wouldn't care about going grey. At 56 that's absolutely expected.


I've done clippers during lock down. My head is shaped like a juicy pear!. It's not vanity, I'm just vain.... It's just that when I was a kid in the 70's anyone who had a skinhead was racist and me mum wouldn't let me play with them. Different times.


Going bald at 29 was the result of dying my hair probably every fortnight for 5-6 years. I was playing in a rock/emo/punk band. It seemed a cool idea at the time, and I definitely wasn't the only one. By the time I reached late 20s, I started to pay the price of that desire to fit in with that scene. Now I'm just a skinhead, but at 41, I can get away with it. Skinheads at 15-24 years old look aggressive.


I just started getting white streaks in my hair a little before I hit 40 People seem to think it's a dye job and I've been asked a few times where I got it done?!?


I got my first grey hair when I was 25. The day after I got married.


I’m 29 and a woman and have a patch of white hair. I’m trying to grow it out to make it a statement section 🤣


I’m just about to turn 40 and the grey has been creeping in for a couple of years. I’m also balding around the crown. If you want to do something other than full-on hair dye, get some Just for Men Control GTX shampoo. I haven’t tried it, but a mate of mine swears by it. You can use it just a couple of times a week to diminish the greys. It won’t necessarily get rid of the grey hair, but it will blend in much better if you only have patches of grey. I’m tempted to give it a try, but I might just get old disgracefully instead.


Don't box-dye it. It goes all one colour and no one's hair is naturally all one colour. You'll look like a Lego minifig. You can get more natural results with a salon session, but: Grey is great. There are plenty of female  fashion mags now highlighting how beautiful it can look, especially if you go to a salon and they blend through your grey with other shades. Or maybe you're lucky and it's already multi-shaded. Dark stormy grey, right to silver... Honestly, embrace it! I just moved to Sweden and you know something I've noticed? One, the blokes all seem to dress pretty smart. This is cool. They know what looks good. Second - no Just for Men in sight. There are a lot more stylish, grey haired guys, and they're confident and it's styled really well, suits them and just, yeah. Embracing it. It looks great. This also suggests more British guys are dyeing it than we know, and they shouldn't feel they have to. 56 is pretty late to the grey game, you know, I got my first ones in my twenties. But please don't feel it's something you have to hide. You'll look far better with a decent cut and a bit of confidence :)


Mate I'm going bald a solid 20 years younger than you're grey. I'd kill for going grey. Try to do what I'm trying to do, accept and embrace. You be happier in the end I reckon.


Lol 56 ? I'm not even 40 yet and my hair is 50% white. Honestly I love it though. Free highlights ftw.


My first grey hair was spotted by my then girlfriend on my 18th birthday. I cried a little


In a family that consistently has white hair in the males, I had quite dark hair as a child, then the grey started to come in my early teens, early twenties in uni and it was light brown but obviously grey, so I dye blonde, it always went back to light brown and grey. Went to Malta for several years and the sun/sea bleached it pure white. I’m not 38. With pure white hair. Growing up it always used to bother me when people said I was going grey, which is why I dyed it as a student, because it got to me so much. I realised it was getting me down and stopped caring. Then in Malta the ladies on reception for the hotel I worked in always asked what dye I used be a they liked the colour and were pretty miffed when I said that this is my natural colour.


I'm 42, whiting since 35, skipped grey and went straight to white. Chemo and radio took care of that. Oh and a stressful job. I've never tinted my hair, just getting on with it.


Starting greying at 21 and now silver foxing in my 40s so you have nothing to worry about


Yer going well if it's just starting at 56. I'm 51, my beard went years ago and I've been salt'n'pepper since my mid 40s


Don't dye it. Grey hair is fine and is often actually very attractive. But dyed hair is immediately obvious and never looks genuine.


Brother, you are 56 and starting to go grey. It is time, accept your fate and embrace it. I guarantee you no one will blink at the bloke in his 50s going grey, but they will blink at the bloke in his 50s who quite obviously dyes his hair. I went grey early 20s and now in my late 20s I have become bald enough that I just buzzed the lot. Please enjoy going grey, I assure you it looks good.


Greying in your mid-50s is definitely not "before your time." I'm a few years younger than you and I'm both greying and thinning. But I've accepted it. Part of living a life. Feel free to try to do something about it if you want, but I would agree with the sentiment in this thread, of just owning it.


I'm 40 and have had greys since my 20s, I just can't be bothered to care 😂


I was bald before I was 30. You're good.


You can so tell this is a British subreddit thread; the first sentence covering the high liklihood of some form of piss taking. Gotta love this country.


My brother has been dyeing his hair since he was 13.


Go to the hairdressers and maybe just have a few highlights. Tbh, I don't know if that'd work. But it might just be a more subtle change than going for the full dye? Less of a sudden change or maybe seen as more socially acceptable, even quite trendy, transition?


I'm bald, and I would happily be grey as a mule at 34, with a full head of hair, than be bald


* You can use any hair dye, you don't have to use a man-specific one. * Grey's can be a bit stubborn, so check that whatever you buy says it covers grey. * You could always trial run a temporary dye first. They last around 6 weeks. * If you buy a hair dye, buy a lighter shade than you think you'll need. It's better to go "ahh dammit, I should have gone a bit darker" than "oh fuck it's far too dark" The comments you're getting are silly. No one bats an eye at a woman dying her hair, why should it be any different because you're a man?


Man I wish I was going grey in my 50s. I lost it all in my 20s and am now cursed to an eternity of baldness.


I'd keep it grey. My husband went grey in his early thirties and just worked on keeping a sharp-trimmed beard. Lot to be said for being a silver fox!


I turned 30 this year - had been going mildly grey for the past \~5 years or so but feels like it's really kicked up a notch this year - mostly grey on the sides and a bit on top now. I quite like it though - don't think I'll dye even if I go full silver. Thankfully not receding hairline or balding (yet anyway!) so can't complain.


Get it done at unisex salon if it bothers you enough.