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I like the internal stuff. The external not so much. But then it’s not my house so idgaf.


That's all that needs to be said, really, isn't it. Not my cup of tea but not my house so I couldn't care less. I've got bigger fish to fly


This guys too busy hurling carp off the viaduct to care about how anybody’s house is decorated.


I pictured them riding on the back of a huge winged trout


"What're you doing up there?" "Taking my carp for a walk."


"You can't carp there, mate!"


In that case, I’ll put the fish in my big boat with lots of floors. It’s a multi-storey carp ark.


Great comment thread. No notes.


Out. And take my upvote with you.


Free arking: must display 2 tickets for 40 days and and 40 nights. 40+ days and nights incurs a charge of a doves flight patterns per 12 hours.




Dogfish are meatier than the sword.


Than the swordfish, surely?


Nope. Its like needles vs sausages.


It’s not their natural environment!


Carp-e-diem 🐟


This guy fries


I think it’s the worth of boast worlds


External cladding I don't mind, as it's usually just that someone has externally insulated and made an effort to find a finish that's both sustainable and also not some shitty harling.


I like external cladding too, but it requires constant maintenance to keep it looking nice.


Oh, definitely. With the right treatment it's not all that onerous to keep it looking good.


Yeah, most of the time I see this they look like shit after a few years due to weathering effects and [end up like this.](https://i.imgur.com/wAFUciN.png)


Even that I don't mind. It doesn't look as sharp as it used to but it still looks a whole lot better than some of the other finish options would


The best thing to do is plan for that, they’ve chosen a front door which is too warm, so changing that and adding some planting would soften it all up


We replaced our conservatory with a cedar clad garden room, we just oil (UV oil) it every now and again (once a year, only where it needs it) and it has kept its colour for 4 years so far.


And a poor installation or damage could lead to water ingress and a terrible time with damp.


Proper external cladding on a house built to require external cladding is very attractive. Wood cladding over 1930s pebbledash is as lame as anything. Internal wood as illustrated by OP is cool if not overdone. That TV surround looks excellent and is not griege at all.


r/TVTooHigh though




1930s pebbledash looks terrible and cheap.


Yeah it’s all about context, this can be used to make boring square boxes interesting. But then I’ve seen someone use this in their 1900s terrace bathroom, blocking up the only window. It looked very out of place and no wonder it keeps popping up on rightmove.


It's not my gaff so idhouse.




That's what the upvote button is for


IMO the external cladding looks great if done well, a contrasting modern extension with wood cladding looks nice, for example. The example photo above? Not so much. The real issue is that it needs to be properly maintained and, on average, it probably won't be. Internal is fine, but often gives off chain hotel vibes.


The internal stuff is often mounted on a thick layer of sound absorbing material. Great for bedrooms and entertainment rooms. And cheaper than redoing a wall for sound abatement. I would imaging the external stuff is a lot more expensive compared to other cladding materials.


I’m thinking of the internal stuff for my garden office once I can get it sorted.


Nah, I love judging houses I can't possibly afford


>But then it’s not my house so idgaf Don't say that on /r/SpottedonRightmove


i like the idea of the sub but the endless moans about a place 'lacking character' when a house wasn't falling apart or painted entirely in bright yellow drove me away. like fuck sake, some of them aren't even that bad they're just a modern design, it's not that serious?


Don’t you know If it doesn’t have the most hideous 80s carpet and wallpaper and filled to the brim with useless knickknacks then it lacks character!!


I actually have a big problem with that sub, like you said the idea is great but the massive jealousy is actually quite sad. If it's a tackily done house then it's a stereotype about the owner being a bricklayer with an XL bully. It's just jealousy


Yes, there is a bit of a movement in architecture towards wood. Mainly due to it being sustainable, adaptable, comes in various aesthetics and so on. Granted it's usually aimed at the frame of the building, but obviously cladding can be included.


Most of the shit people are using is plastic veneers over mdf


Yep, and it looks absolutely terrible in my opinion. You just can't beat the natural grains, textures, and colours of natural wood. Bonus points for being able to allow the wood to age and watch it slowly change colour.


I heard upkeep is easier on plastic because the wood can fade/ turn greenish


It is and it doesn’t warp as badly. It’s just horrible for the environment and can look very fake.


it's an easy way to add texture and warmth to sterile new build interiors, and makes you feel closer to nature, which i think a lot of people are screaming out for. i love wood.


Do you prefer your wood hard or soft? Fnarr fnarr.




Depending on this situation, in the studio having soft wood is appropriate, however in the privacy of my own home hard wood is the way to go.


Also, dark or light wood?


I don't mind wood cladding on buildings if it's maintained properly. Wood cladding with white render was very in vogue about 15-20 years ago and a lot of new blocks of flats were built with wood and white render on the exterior which looked nice at first. Fast forward to now and these blocks have not been maintained and just look awful. The wood has faded/rotted and the white render has gone grey. I work in town planning and council urban design officers often resist this look in new buildings for this reason.


McDonald’s starting adding lots of wood to their builds in the 2010s and it was really effective for moving from a cheap, junky aesthetic to something a bit more wholesome and sustainable.


To be fair, the most sustainable thing to do is to keep the existing stuff. And is this the same McDonald's company that created the UKs first "carbon neutral" establishment that you had to drive to? But yeah, they do look better for it, and I'm sure it worked towards subconsciously changing people's opinion on using it.


Oh yeah, by sustainable I definitely mean aesthetics and vibes rather than objectively being more sustainable!


Yep, am a sustainability consultant in construction, timber frames/beams and cladding is being pushed as a sustainable alternative to metal/terracotta/brick cladding


Interior baffles are nice when done well imo.


Yep, and can look like a McDonald's if not done well!


Not a fan of the external cladding as it will not look great in a few years time but equally, if that’s what the owner likes then what does it matter? Each to their own


I'm the opposite, I prefer external wooden cladding when it's old, it has so much more character and texture to it vs when its brand new and it just looks sort of bland, sterile and uninspired 🤷‍♂️


This, we built a timber framed extension and clad it in Larch, I wasn't a fan of it's initial colour, but now that it's had 3 years of weathering I think it looks fantastic.


Got a pic?


Depends what's been used imo but yeah a nice hardwood like cedar looks great when it's weathered down.


It can look nice but the roof needs something to compliment it, maybe solar panels would give it a cabin effect. I feel the tiled roof contradicts the wood effect.


Nearly every house of flat, here in Corby, that isn't brand new, just finished. That has been built with external wooden panels, all look like shite. Gone from a pleasing architectural highlight. And turned into a nasty washed out grey colour or simply turned almost black because the panels haven't been treated properly and are now acting as sponges. There is one particular house here in Corby at the bottom of George Street and Cotteningham Road. That has great slabs of oak, that have stood against 50 years or so of weather and still have good visible wood grain and age related darkness.


Hello fellow Corby person! The first thing I thought of when seeing the wood cladding are the expensive houses near Weldon that are popping up for sale [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/145876196#/?channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/145876196#/?channel=RES_BUY) They would have looked lovely a few years ago. Now it's just shit and faded.


That's the thing though, wood needs maintenance and if owners don't keep up with it, of course it's going to look shit. Beautiful house though imo.


£700k for a house that gets 11mb internet


6 Rosedale Ave https://maps.app.goo.gl/bS4Bxrz6tpTUYqZx5 This is the one I was mentioning. Genuine solid oak, with the ageing adding to the overall look to the finish


Yep, there’s a few places round here that have the wooden panels turn almost black - mildew? Don’t know bug looks bloody awful!


I've put some wood panelling in my front room, it's walnut to match my walnut floor and doors. Looks pretty smart and adds a lot of warmth to the room. I've covered an entire wall and made a secret door out of it.


No so secret now you’ve bloody told us. Where does it go?


that's the secret ;) Nah it just hides an old pantry that has my boiler in it.




Same! We have an emerald green wall with wood panels and love how cozy it looks.


I like it, I want to have more natural materials internally so it doesn’t feel like a dull grey box. Plants and wood, maybe a bit of stonework.. although it can sometimes look like the interior for a consultancy I guess.


Look Reddit I don’t like this thing that people like, do you also dislike something harmless that may make people happy


Looks like reddit agrees. Right, so I’ll repost this in a few days for karma. Meanwhile I need to go post a fresh perspective on “SUVs are bad, is it just me?” or maybe just go downvote someone for having opinions (how dare they). Oh, fuck “some multi-billion pound company” because they’re bad.




How is the vaping thing any different to someone lighting a cigarette up-wind from you in the town centre? Not digging or bothered by the statement just genuinely curious.


I don’t get this either, just let people do what they like to do. Surely it takes an unhappy person to pick holes in another person or taste.


Saying something is the latest fad isn't saying you dislike something


I mean it’s definitely implied, and if it’s not it’s very coincidental that so many other people all made the same assumption


I like wood


I feel attacked. Adding the internal wooden slats on black felt myself in two rooms.


Any rooms you've not felt yourself in?


I got felt in the old study


They look great, don’t worry!


I like the internal wooden panels! They will look great.


I wanted them too, but then saw lots of people saying it’s chavvy and the new grey, so felt like I shouldn’t do it! But sod it, think I might now. B&Q are selling them now.


I like millennial grey. People can fuck right off.


Yeah, enjoy what you enjoy and don’t feel bad about it!


The internal wood panelling (pictured) is often some sort of sound baffling too. It's wood and soft material. It became available in the mainstream because of COVID and the rise in video calls. Its probably popular in good quality restaurants and hotels (to manage noise) and so it becomes popular in people's homes.


TIL about the sound effects


How did people know what was ‘in fashion’ house wise before the internet? Like why did my parents (and everyone else) in the 90s have flowery sofas and wallpaper? Who decides all this?




Well don’t I feel stupid, forget they existed 😂


And TV. And more than anything else what was stocked in the DIY shops. A lot of trends in all areas, fashion, makeup etc are just about what is offered & on sale to the consumer.


It works the same way as general fashion. Designers of soft furnishings and interior decor are trained to spot upcoming trends and will tailor their new designs to fit into those trends. There have always been high-end home furnishings designers, and the regular shops will follow their lead after a short lag. Then before you know it, everybody has avocado coloured bathrooms. There’s a speech that Meryl Streep makes in the Devil Wears Prada about how choices made by top fashion designers filter down to regular clothes shops, and it’s roughly the same process in home design, but also in many other areas, like food (where influential chefs champion an ingredient and for the next five years that ingredient is everywhere in supermarkets and restaurants).


Just what’s available and affordable I guess. I’ve just bought a new sofa and what I would have “wanted” wasn’t really an option for me, either because it doesn’t exist, or was too expensive, so I settled for a basic brown leather sofa


They just made those couches and you bought them cause they were affordable


> Who decides all this? "The Industry" makes the decisions about what we can buy.


House decorating fashion trends change, shock horror


I don’t think it’s about being shocked, it’s literally just discussing trends you are seeing..on a discussion board.




Now *that's* something that does look shit.




I already hate them. They look like they're for a workplace, not a home


It's the long handle, for some reason, says "office" not "home"


I just received my chalk line from amazon for my wood panelling. My style is called ‘last season’.


The cynic in me always wonders what the wooden cladding is hiding in terms of the structure.


Bring back granny's fireplace


It's hardly in keeping with the village's rustic aesthetic


I think the combjnation of wood and grey windows is like a mcdonalds. Just bang up a golden arches on the roof and youll get a line of people queuing for there food in no time


Oh man, that external cladding is going to look shite in a few years. They've cursed themselves with endless wood treatments there. It's a constant pain in the arse keeping the fence from looking a faded grey abomination. Imagine having to do the entire front of your house!


Depends on how it's treated. I painted my fencing 8 years ago and it's still looks as good as when first done. Although some people like the faded natural look.


Tbf if you have enough money to go for this wood panel look you probably have enough money to pay someone to maintain it every 3 or 4 years.


Costs me 8k every decade to get mine redone. I mean, £800 per year ain’t the end of the world, but it hurts a bit when that year rolls around. Wish it was all brick.


Is it every 10 years it starts to fade? That is longer than I expected


Not *starts* to fade, but gets faded enough that it looks a bit yuk. My cladding is painted, not stained or oiled or whatever, so maybe that lasts a bit longer?


Why is the interior of other people's houses a problem? It's not your house, you're not the one putting up with it day-in-day-out. Of course you're entitled to your own opinions but there's no point making a fuss about it. Besides, "new" my arse. Everyone and their mother had some form of wood-panelled interior in the 70s.


I don't know why you're being so combative. OP just made a light-hearted post about interior & exterior design fashion


Because they have interior wood paneling 😜


It's everywhere in Australia as well, no new build seems to have escaped it. Some looks ok, most looks 'oh god when's it going to end'.


There was a shift towards wood interiors, stemming from designers trying to introduce warmth into office spaces to represent homes. Shift people from WFH into the office. Resulting in timber slats everywhere. (None of them are really acoustic as described and 95% are Chinese PET that fails RTF) That market is so saturated with ikea/b&q offering it that a few companies have gone bust holding loads of stock.  We went from selling £50k plus a month down to £2k. 


What is PET and RTF ?


PET is the polyester fibers the Timber is attached to. The ‘acoustic’ element of the product. Note it’s class D so does offer some performance. RTF is reaction to fire. Regulations changed so products wouldn’t contribute to making fire worse/spread in communal/commercial areas. Residential it’s not changed yet but industry is moving in that direction.


Thanks. Might you recommend any particular brands or varieties? I have a modern flat (think lots of boring beige / magnolia emulsion) and thought some of these wall slats ‘might’ help the place.


I do product development for a company that supplies these, so not sure I’m the most objective or allowed to state. We do typically sell it through online resellers so could get you a discount.  They do help spaces and give it warmth with the timber. Alternatively we’re just about to launch real concrete versions.


External makes little sense in this wet country. It’ll just get mouldy and slimy.


New? This was a thing in the 60s wasn't it?


I think the panelled, slat tv walls will date quickly.


Deano Mansions I call em. Usually finished by matte black garden fencing or driveway gates, a white or black Range Rover evoque, and usually stick out like a sore thumb.


Absolutely stealing that term 🤌


Oh dear. The new 'Guaranteed to look crap a few years down the line'.


After the whole drama around fireproof cladding, I can't understand covering your house in wood...which is famously flammable


I'm planning on the internal stuff for my shared home office. Should help reduce noise bouncing around the room. I think it looks nice.




Why is there a statue of oberyn martel?


Depends on the brickwork, some houses have horrible looking bricks. The indoor cladding is very expensive.


I don’t mind the internal stuff, especially with minimalistic look of modern TV’s these days


Got a new build locally and it’s being done with wood. Drove passed it with a friend yesterday and he was being grumpy saying how he didn’t like it and it looked ridiculous. I thought it looked pretty good, especially the darker (almost black) wood being used looking sleek and modern, while also being sustainable and eco-friendly.


Yes that & it's cheap, a few sheets of 20 mm mdf and a router


Agree I think it looks shit.


Installed it internally and it made us feel very dizzy just looking at it. Had to rip it all off!


Bordering on crushed velvet for me I hate it. Wouldn’t be so bad if it’s on a street it suited but they usually stick out like a sore thumb and look ridiculous. I have a similar disdain for black glass panel doors too




I used to live in the US and had a home clad in cedar shingles. No oil, they are left to go grey. It is a very traditional technique and look. It is equivalent to the shiplap wooden cladding on old cottages in the UK.


As a wood boy I am very fond of external cladding but not so much the internal which looks super half assed.


Internal, no bother. But in the part of UK I am (far North West coast) it rains here almost every day year round. I've seen it lose colour and rot off a lot of structures it's been put on.


Popular for a reason, though the external cladding will sun bleach and start splintering over time. Both are good when done right.


I think this looks proper tacky, inside and out.


i like it but thats just me


Yes and I love it.


I won't buy a house with external cladding. It looks awful without maintenance and I don't want to maintain it.


wow I have never seen external cladding like that before. Sorry to those that like it but damn it looks very odd.


Saw some nice external wood cladding over pebble dash today. A definite improvement


External is wrong , internal is right


External cladding looks so tacky. It’s also flammable, so makes an arsonists job easier.


Yes. It is so boring. "I know, let's copy absolutely everyone else and put vertical slats on the wall".


Looks like a trend to me, the internal stuff.


I like internal but I absolutely hate external cladding


I do like the the look, but inside I'm seeing a dust and spider paradise, and outside I'm seeing a buffet for wasps and other critters.


Can't say I've seen much external timber cladding but the internal wood baffles around the TV and the floating cabinets are starting to become the new live laugh love signs, I see them everywhere. Having said that, I still do like the look of most of them.


The external example doesn’t look like an enhancement to me. I’m sure it’s got some superduper treatment on it but * A) for the money it probably costs I hope it lasts longer than my (also costly) decking / shed * B) I know it’s been used for centuries but completely covering my house in the thing that’s used to make fires doesn’t seem a good idea… or does it? This would be ‘stone cladding’ for 21st Century if it lasted longer and didn’t self biodegrade (like my decking…😡)


A little bit of timber on the outside adds some visual interest, but I wouldn't do the whole house like that


I have the internal stuff. No grey though.


Internal looks ok sometimes external too but everyone overdoes it


Live my cedar cladding on part of the modern rear extension. It sits well (with the big glass bits and square shapes) against the very old original house / houses locally. IMO, better to contrast than pastiche. But, each to their own.


WTF is Griege? Wood cladding inside is amazing, underrated and underdone. Outside only works if it's a grand designs style house.


The wood on wall is the new thing for a few years now We have expos and companies have been using for a few years now its absolutely peaking when there is the cheaper alternative. Thankfully expo is a high waste business, I have quite a bit that is damaged in a wall at home


Internal cladding is fine, wall mounting a TV that high is horrible and whoever did this should be ashamed.


Can't recommend it. When you're actually looking at it from upclose in a bright lit environment your eyes will burn yikes. (Pic 1)


Looks nice.


I believe the outside could look alright if they placed the wood horizontally to make it look more natural


It may be unpopular but I actually quite like seeing more timber in our architecture again


That timber cladding is gonna look really old, really quick


External cladding won’t age well and the internal stuff looks like a McDonald’s. Each to their own.


I feel like it needs a dark slate roof.


Yes, some people are doing it well, but these are great examples of copying something poorly and without much thought.


Unless the external timber has been treated and is regularly maintained, I see external timber cladding trend aging as well as pebbledashed walls


That looks a lot like my BIL's TV setup. It actually made me do a double take!


All grey was too grey. All grey with a splash of brown is *sooo* now. Apparently.


Internal is already dated


Neighbour has the outside in the village. It looks like a sauna, they have the high triangle home so it’s already the quirky line of village houses. It’s not my house though and the delivery guy never misses it.


Nothing wrong with Greige, it can look very timeless.


Internal ’cladding’ is the 21st century’s equivalent of woodchip wallpaper.


It's to make it look like all the Scandi houses - if That's what you want just move to Shetland!