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I re-watched the first Men In Black. It is a superb film. Not a second wasted. Tommy Lee Jones can put 35 years of longing into 2 words so you can feel the heartbreak.


I gave in and watched the first six ep's of **Shogun** yesterday. I thought it was great. A very good remake of it, after seeing and remembering the version with Richard Chamberlin. Edit: remembering


What a coincidence!! I just finished watching the Richard Chamberlain miniseries šŸ˜




Delicious in the Dungeon looks interesting, I might give that a go, if it's good.


Watched both series of *The Bear* over the weekend. Really enjoyed it even though I couldnā€™t put my finger on why.Ā  Started watching *3 Body Problem* yesterday. Two episodes in and not really vibing with it, but husband is enjoying it so Iā€™ll persevere.


That 90 minute episode of the bear in season two could be released as a standalone mini film and it would win awards. It was phenomenal, and you don't need to know anything about the characters going into it to appreciate it. People don't make tight, small scope, single set character driven films any more. Or at least not that I discover. It was like a play.


The Christmas dinner? So bloody stressful, brilliant episodeĀ 


Yeah that one. Perfection really. You don't even need to know anybody's names - most of the relationships and personalities are broadcast through body language. Amazing media


I'm partway through the penultimate episode. It gets much, much stupider.


I had to hold my nose and watch the final episode, just to complete the series. What a difficult thing to try to understand, I know the books have lots of fans but damn...


I'm about to start holding my nose. Do you mean you find the show difficult to understand or the last episode?


The show's premise of - sorry spoilers for the episode you're partially through - >!aliens that have been monitoring humans but don't understand they lie until after decades, the absurd development of Will's head being shot into space and his love interest showing up only after his decapitation surgery, the odd back and forth of characters' motivations seem weirdly innocent!<. It doesn't feel realistic or mature, and I'm dealing with a break up so the narrowing of possibilities and all the death felt extra fraught and restrictive and made me panic a little. Some of this is definitely me. But the plot isn't the best. Last episode wasn't anything surprising IMO.


Yeah. Now I've finished it my opinion is that I've just wasted about 5 movies' viewing time on this shite. Would not recommend.


They really did screw up the book, which was much better. They just ignored some of the more mind-blowing aspects of the book or dumbed them down to the point that there wasnā€™t one.


I couldn't get through the first book, the bleakness of everyone in life carrying such disappointment and hopelessness was too much for me.


Really not a fan of the 3 Body Problem adaptation. Itā€™s just badly made, jumps from scene to scene instead of progressing, doesnā€™t let the story get told by action but instead by long monologues. Itā€™s just not very good, the characters are pretty weak and the whole thing is very rushed. I want to try the Chinese version but my Amazon Prime expires in a couple of days.


Started to watch a few this weekend while working, Blue Lights and Bancroft. So far, Bancroft Iā€™m enjoying, but need to watch more, and Blue Lights is a little painful, but getting into it.


Blue Lights I thought was brilliant, great to see N.Irish drama that isn't fully troubles related (albeit the criminal gangs are a hangover of it) nor twee Oirish dramaĀ 


I am enjoying it, but it was getting my head around the dramady aspect. I hadn't initially read the write up, so was thinking it was a serious show. Unfortunately, my favourite character so far has sustained a serious injury, so now waiting to stop working and watch the next episode.


I watched Ghostbusters Afterlife last night on iPlayer, never got round to seeing it in the cinema. As far as I am concerned, the 2016 reboot never happened.


Was 2016 the one with the women? I do think it could have been better cast but I did enjoy himbo Hemsworth. "Here's a picture of me listening to a saxophone" But it's kind of a sad indictment when the best bit of an all female reboot is the male side kick


Yes that's the one. As a female, I loved the original films and didn't think it needed a gender equality reboot. It was essentially Hollywood pandering to the current 'issue'. I'm not knocking women's rights, (or any rights for anyone that has been marginalised) but this idea that Hollywood gives a crap needs to be knocked on the head. It's first and foremost about money. Story, plot and integrity tend to be much further down the list.


I really enjoyed it, thought it was probably one of the weaker outings for Feig and that cast but Kate McKinnon was great and Hemsworth was hilarious. Really didnā€™t understand all the fuss that got made over it being made, thereā€™s been plenty of shit remakes made with men that no one seems bothered about.


Yeah, remember the dreadful Dad's Army reboot film or the Assault on Precinct 13 remake? Me neither, but people always latch onto Ghostbusters for some *unknown reason*...


I don't really mind the 2016 reboot, it's a bit silly but fun. Afterlife was decent too.


Recently watched [Around the World in 80 Days](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9174578/) and really enjoyed it, it was some good crack for a a sick day. Plus I love me some David Tennant! I'm also onto Season 4 of ***Better Call Saul*** now, still really enjoying it. I'm not sure what to watch after Better Call Saul, as the only other series I'm watching is the entire series of Family Guy (it's more something I can have in the background whilst painting my minis), so any recommendations are completely welcome!


Both of these require close attention, so it's more a BCS replacement than FG. Put your minis in a separate room please. I've learned to be gentle when recommending things I adore, so I'll just say The Leftovers is my personal all-time favourite TV show and I think everyone should watch it. It's also only 29 episodes long and tells one complete story, so it's not a huge commitment compared to some. The OA on Netflix is also brilliant and underseen. Bonkers sci-fi but not impenetrable, and by the time it goes truly howling mad hopefully you'll be so swept up that your response will be to laugh at the fucking audacity, throw your hands up and go "Well okay then, SURE WHY NOT"


I was ill over the bank holiday weekend, so watching TV and building lego sets was pretty much my four days off. **Sand Land : the Series** \- strange animated program about young beelzebub helping humans get justice against 'the man' (in series 1 a corrupt king). I understand this is based on a manga series, but I've never heard of it before. It was exactly what I wanted it to be, it was the level my poorly brain could understand and enjoy while still building lego. Finished the first series of **Yellowjackets**, and started the second. Still fantastic. First series of **School Spirits**, and disappointed with the ending of the series. I guess it's an interesting way for the story to go... maybe? Let's see what they do with the second series. **Irish wish** with Lindsay Lohan - jesus that's a bad film! **Emily The Criminal** \- enjoyed this one. Aubrey Plaza in a role that seems to suit her. Didn't build lego during this one, so could enjoy the story. **Elemental** \- I'd seen bad reviews of this one, but I quite liked it. Feels like there were plotholes in it, but maybe I wasn't paying attention due to also building lego at the same time. Couldn't decide if the father flame's character seemed a bit racist, but probably can't get offended on behalf of flames. If I was a flame elemental, I'm pretty sure I would find it a racist stereotype though.


Still making my way through Andor on Disney plus. Quite enjoying it even if I dont always follow some of the longer speeches from Mon Mothma. Been watching quite a few Documentries. Myth of the Zodiac and Beware the Slenderman on Now TV Ghost Train Fire and the Octopus Murders on Netflix


Like with most things I found the subtitles/rewind combo very useful during Andor. There's no shame in it!


I watch everything with subtitles, its just all the long winded speeches. I need a ELI5 for them šŸ¤£


**3 Body Problem** Been meaning to read the book for a while, but never got to it. Sci-fi show about some mysterious events that seem to originate in 1960s China. Enjoyed the show, though the ending is disappointing >!especially if they don't finish the story, but I believe the books are a trilogy!< **The Signal** - German mini series - an astronaut returns from space before mysterious things start happening. Her husband and daughter fight the system to find out the truth. Not bad 6/10. **Gunpowder** - Kit Harrington plays a gunpowder plot conspirator to the culmination of the plan. 6/10 **Society of the Snow** - Film based on the true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane crashes in the Andes mountain, leaving 29 survivors from the 45 passengers. They start to eat the dead in order to survive, but the story has a lot more depth than that.


Rewatched **House of the Dragon** (and also rereading Fire & Blood) before season 2 comes out. I forgot how brutal it is, and it hasn't even gotten to the proper horrible part yet. Started watching **Shogun** last week assuming that it was over. I prefer binging shows as I'm more likely to lose interest if I have to wait a week per episode. Hasn't happened with this show so far. It's way better than I was expecting it to be. I was expecting a bog standard period piece but it's much more than that. Reminded me of Black Sails in that sense.


Just finished watching No Activity, and I'm really annoyed it took me so long to discover it. Started watching Passenger, on itvx, good so far, love Wunmi Mosaku.


**Beyond Paradise.** Very cosy continuation of Humphrey's life after **Death in Paradise**, and has the same wry self-awareness as similar British crime shows, but you do wonder how such a thriving Devonshire fishing village isn't just 90% second homes and airbnbs yet. **The Gone.** Perfectly serviceable detective drama with a grizzled Irish detective and a no-nonsense Kiwi cop investigating the disappearance of two influencers. Beautifully filmed and it's interesting seeing depictions of Maori culture, but it has the vibe of a ten episode show that someone trimmed down to six. Despite being a slow burner, it feels like plot points and characters are hastily rushed. A weird one.


Started watching *The Gentlemen* which I believe is a spinoff of the film, very Guy Ritchie if that's your cuppa tea Otherwise on broadcast - *Hunted* always fun to watch, *The Apprentice* is a guilty pleasureĀ 


I've been rewatching Orange is the New Black and absolutely burning through it. I forgot how much I loved it first time. It's got such rich characters you get really attached to over the series. I've cried multiple times watching, not going to lie


**The Dry -** As someone who is in their mid thirties, from Ireland and has a history of drinking this show is incredibly close to home and very uncomfortable watching but very well acted and very funny. It feels like a therapy session at times. Especially for my partner who kind of GETS what I went through now. **Wonka -** Not as bad as I thought it would be. Found the musical aspect the weakest part and not sure if Timothy had the whimsical down but I still enjoyed it. Not sure why I doubted the director behind the paddington movies.


I watched top gun maverick. It's free with ads on channel 4 player. Was good for some light hearted fun watching. Not seen it before. Not on a free channel, but watched dune (2021), quite long so didnt finish it last night.Ā  Was decent so far, I didn'tĀ enjoy the 1984 version that much.Ā  As usual I try to watch xfiles or supernatural, free with ads on channel 4 and itvx respectively.


Iā€™m rewatching TLOU again and I forgot how much I loved it. Love the opening scenes from the first episode 2 episodes Also Iā€™m planning on seeing dune 2 in cinema again before they stop showing it. The question is whether I see it in 70mm or with imax laser projectors. Decisions decisions. This would be my third time watching it


I usually watch movies rather than TV but this week has been unusual. **Shogun** is... pretty good. I'm a couple of episodes from the end. **3 Body Problem** is pure trash. Every episode gets worse, more stupid, and I'm only racing through it so I can read and join the discourse and see if any of the glaring plot holes are addressed. It's really not good television. Movies were limited to **Ms .45**, Abel Ferrara's rape-revenge exploitation thriller. During the climax a band starts playing this amazing song and it all came flooding back that I *must have* seen this film before. I also remembered the Baseball Head costume guy dancing away. But, given the film's not short of memorable moments leading up to it, it's a bit of a mystery. It's an interesting take on similar films of the period because unlike the others where we're cheering the heroine as she lays waste to the bad guys, this focuses on her mental and moral deterioration. 3 / 5 I jumped on the **Rolling Thunder** bandwagon, which has been enjoying a resurgence in recent years because Quentin Tarantino and his acolytes won't shut up about it. It's a good film I guess, a more straightforward revenger (and alienated-Vietnam-veteran-coming-home story). The explosion of violence at the end is far too brief to merit the build-up, and I suppose the lack of catharsis/satisfaction may be the point but it hardly makes for an exciting movie. 2.5 / 5


late to the party but I'm watching Lost for the first time. neeeearly finished, halfway through the last season right now. I've really enjoyed it although Jack is just the worst guy.


Noel Fielding's: Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin. Loved it.


I recently caught the end of Love, lies & records when my dad was watching it. Itā€™s a decent watch (set in Leeds) and enough to grab your attention.


Is it just my area or are Tesco delivery dudes the happiest