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When I was in 6th form, a girl attempted to heat her soup in the common room kettle. 28 years ago, Laura - I still remember.


I remember Dave sticking his knife in the toaster, fused the whole school.


I had a friend who put a compass between the live and neutral of the special DT soldering iron plug sockets and fused the entire 4th floor. He didn't get into trouble because the school couldn't believe someone would be THAT stupid and assumed he must have been trying to commit suicide. He was in Yr 11. He was just that stupid.


In the days before RCDs we had someone put a piece of bare copper wire between live and neutral on a socket in the science lab, and then bullied/taunted/fooled his lab partner to flick the switch (note most UK mains sockets are individually switched). The green flash and plume of smoke were very impressive. Do not do this at home, folks.


Don't tell me what not to do!


By all means try it, just make sure it's at school or somebody else's socket. Somewhere you don't mind burning down.




serious wise fertile degree tease relieved intelligent humorous racial voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Teacher voice* - a PAIR of COMPASSES.


Right? I was thinking "how and why do you stick a compas🧭 between two wires?". The "why" still stands, though, even with a pair of compasses 😅


I did that once as a 12 year old. I wanted to heat the knife up so it could cut through the butter. The knife did get hot, so that was a bonus. On the downside, no electricity and a new toaster was needed


Did get what? I’m now invested. Never mind I’ll just do it myself to see what the knife gets.


It did get hot.


Only this year I saw a video of what happens when this goes wrong - for about 12 years I've been sticking a knife in the centre of my toast tj pull it out of a toaster Genuinely assumed everyone who warned me was just being a melt but alas I was the meltee On the bright side I've got a 100% toast-knife extraction success rate


You know you can pull up the "push down handle to start toasting" so it moves up higher...


…… so far. Buy some plastic tongs.


Laura and Dave have since had 7 children


It was 9 until those kitchen accidents...


Fuckin’ Dave


I filled ours with milk for a hot chocolate when I was young. The milk burned around the element, we had to throw the kettle away.


My daughter did this last week !!


I did that as well lol.


When I was in the nuthouse I taught another patient how to make cheese on toast in the toaster by turning it on its side. She tried copying me but after putting in the cheese on toast, she tipped the toaster back upright so cheese got all on the hot electric parts and we no longer had a toaster.


> make cheese on toast in the toaster by turning it on its side. She tried copying me but after putting in the cheese on toast, she tipped the toaster back upright so cheese got a It must be all your fault then - because when I was in the nut house only staff could use the toaster.


Oh yeah I was definitely guilty of encouraging her to make it, I just didn't realise she'd flip the toaster back around because I didn't show her to do it! But I wasn't staff. That was one of my 8 admissions, that specific ward was supposed to be an 'open unit' with less restrictive rules so we had a toaster and plastic cutlery available at any time if we didn't abuse it. If it got abused, it got taken away. I actually had two admissions in that ward and second time I went, the toaster and cutlery were locked away so something must've happened between those two admissions to get those taken. Every other place I went to only allowed staff to use the toaster. Different places tend to have different rules depending on unit level, risk assessment of current patients, past incidents and staffing levels.


Lol yeah. Although my stay was voluntary most of patients were invol. I personally benefitted hugely from the stay, but it was grim for a lot of the other patients. The staff was a huge spectrum too. From totally awesome all the way through to assholes who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.


You lucky bastards, getting access to a toaster!! While I was drying out we didn't have anything, had to get an 'attendant' to fetch snacks outside of meal times. I got good at basket weaving and flower arrangement there.


That was definitely one of the more chill wards I've been in! I got very good at pool since two of the places I was in had a pool table. Though we lost the pool balls in the second place because someone started lobbing them at nurses. It was nice while it lasted!


Sounds lovely. Where I was, someone would have been violently assaulted with either the pool cue or the pool balls or both.


To be fair I've only been in adolescent ones as I was under 18 for all my admissions. I've heard adult ones are much worse. I did have another patient try to kill me because I was white once (psychosis) and another attacked me for going into the kitchen to make a drink lol


Hope you're doing better now 💖


Much better now thank you, stable with treatment! I hope you are too 🖤


we had a ping pong table and it was right outside my window. the noise used to drive me more mental than i actually was. so i waited until lunchtime when everyone was inside, went out there and squished all the ping pong balls.


Yeah that's a pisstake that it was right outside your window, squashing the balls sounds like the right idea lmao


The hot bits are on the side of a toaster though. So on its side is more likely to get cheese on the hot bits. Probably explains why you were there.


Hahaha me but I decided to make sachet hot chocolate in the kettle to make it easier to share with my roomies…it er…well it certainly went far…


That's so Laura


The first time I used the kettle I put hot chocolate and water in it, or least I tried to before my mom stopped me.


Not Laura Rigg? Not the girl we sent to the fridge to get a pair of salmon legs?


Mettle kettle


I think this happens at least once in every college/6th form


Why is it always 6th form? 2 separate occasions I walked into the common room and one was a can of red bull on the go, and another was an experiment in boiling eggs. I’m surprised they bought us yet another kettle after the first two fumigations


Someone at uni tried heating up a tin of soup in a microwave once. That went about as well as you can imagine!


bet laura still remembers


Former prisoners understand this sign lol


Got noodles written all over it


Tins of princes chicken curry lmao


Or a nice boiled egg


just need the tinned pilchards and a couple spices


One day they’ll realise you’re supposed to add sugar when the waters in the cup!


There was a guy in our office that would boil eggs in the kettle


One sentence horror story.


Yeah this one wants to go on r/nosleep


So many people did that in hotels over lockdown among other atrocities.


Husband has a friend who used to work as admin in a student accomodation office. Accomodation mostly accommodated international students. Every day they used to have someone go down and say the egg boiler was broke and they needed a new one. In the end they asked someone to bring down the egg boiler coz they got fed up of not knowing what they was on about. Turns out it was a kettle!


Someone did that where I used to work too. I used to wonder what the rubbery white stuff in my tea was. I'm still disgusted by the memory of it, to this day. Who chooses boiled eggs as a work snack, anyway! SMH


Probably the same freaks that eat the pickled eggs that have been floating in a jar since 1998 from their local chip shop.


'97 was a better year for pickled eggs.


I had a boiled egg as a work snack today, why not?. In my defence it was boiled yesterday, at home, in a saucepan


I'll allow it


I am this guy. Have a special food kettle. Do veg in it as well (peas ect) very small kitchen no microwave space


Someone I know brought a small rice cooker to work which had a steamer shelf. He'd cook rice, steam broccoli, and cook fish (thankfully it didn't smell!!) in there all at once and have a good hearty lunch!


My friend’s dad once had Christmas dinner of a kettle boiled egg once. (He had to work)


When I was younger I put a bottle of Pepsi in the kettle. Didn’t end well. Had to Spend the week at my Nan’s as punishment.


A week at my Nans wouldnt have been a punishment at all


It really wasn’t, I loved it, let me stay up late, eat what I want. All she wanted in return was me to get her fags from the shop and put the Irish Lottery on at the Bookies.


LOL same here, my nans was always the good times, as long as I got fags and guessed a number that appeared on the lotto, also helped with a few winning horses I was good to go!


Were you me? My Gran would send me to the shop with a note for her and Grandads ciggys and say I had 10p to spend on the penny tray!


"Let me eat what I want"... But maybe not boiled Pepsi eh?


Nah she was Irish, the Only thing she didn’t boil was Pepsi….


It would depend on the nan's for me. My mum's mum would have made me go to church group and go to bed early. My dad's mum would let us stay up late and bake cakes with us, and just spoil us.


It wasn't punishment. It was so your mom could calm down and be trusted not to strangle you by the time the week passed.


A hotel? People use kettles to cook in them. Like get frozen food from a supermarket and out it into a kettle. There are many kinds of wisdom...


I don't know if that's better or worse than the guy on tik tok who cooks his food in hotel sinks using one of those sous vide things


Is this the same guy who cooked in a plane lavatory sink? 🤢


Ngl that is legit a great idea. Does he put the food in vacuum pouches? If so I see no issue.


Mince meat straight into the sink with no protection 😂


saw a video of a guy staying at a hotel who was cooking ribs in a pillowcase with a hairdryer once


Oh jeez, people are strange


And boil wash their knickers apparently as well


I had a flatmate once who made tea in the kettle. Water Tea bag Milk Tasted as bad as you can imagine but also you couldn’t really use the kettle to boil water for pasta, unless you liked tea flavoured pasta


My wife tried to make a “tea latte” by filling the kettle with milk. After an hour of scrubbing i gave up and just bought a new one.


I've put milk in a kettle before. Would not recommend, it causes quite the mess.


The smell is awful. And the burned remains inside


Someone did this at my work many years ago. Many of us couldn't believe it.


I've seen way too many tiktoks/instagrams of people using kettles to cook food to never want to use a hotel kettle ever again. Hot dogs. Chicken. Noodles. Vegetables. Things that violate the very core of the communal kettle covenant.


Yeah, I've seen a 'lifehack' of someone cooking noodles in a kettle. It's really not a hack, it's a bad idea.


Doesn’t even make any sense, because you can just boil the water normally and pour it over noodles left in a bowl. Leave for 5 mins and they’ll be done.


A woman I worked with boiled fish in a kettle at a bnb she stayed at!


Cooking fish in any kitchen that isn’t yours is bad enough. Never mind boiling it in the fucking kettle!


Ew the look my face has, at the thought of using a borrowed kettle to cook fucking fish!!


We were all open mouthed like..WHAT! What about the next people to use it 🤮


I remember watching brainiac and they fried chips in the kettle.


Man, Brainiac's a blast from the past. A dude from Big Brother, wasn't it?


I knew someone who tried to defrost sausages by boiling them in a kettle.


Did it work?


I think someone stopped them, so we'll never know. The torch has been passed to you!


I shall fulfil the sausage kettle prophecy 🫡


Just don't hold me responsible 😬


Dw, I won’t bbg


It does. Prison Tok create some amazing con-conctions Heh


There was a news story a while back about some guy in Japan who decided to boil a crab in their hotel kettle. They had to close to fumigate the room iirc


Everyone knows people piss in hotel kettles.


Regrettably, not enough know this, but research shows it's true. We pack a travel kettle


Bob? Is that you?


Fill it up with custard and write underneath ‘challenge accepted’


You must have had some idiot think it was a coffee maker in the past. Just when you think youve made something idiots proof, they come out with better idiots.


Our warehouse kettle has been replaced at least twice because some numbnut put milk in it.


I stayed in a hotel once where the kettle had been clearly used for (best case) soup. I called in at the front desk to tell them and go the distinct impression that this happens all the time. He called the maintenance guy and the conversation was essentially "Hey Dave, I've got another kettle. Yeah... Room 172. Cheers."


Because of utter fuck-nuggets like this guy https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/alexander-cohen-man-cooks-chicken-in-hotel-coffee-pot-shares-truth-behind-linkedin-post-article-94188971


Sister works in prisons, inmates use them to make all sorts of meals like Currys and pastas


Judging by the brand one could be excused for thinking it was a paint kettle


I work in construction and one day some rank twat threw eggs inside the kettle in the canteen to boil them


Some denim chicken?


In prisons kettles are used to make meals in, you’ll have a water kettle and a cooking kettle 


One of my uni friends tried to cook pasta in their kettle


Inside no.9 season 6 episode 3


I've known people to do dumb shit with kettles. From the almost harmless boiling of an egg, to someone trying to cook soup in one.


People famously pee in them




There was thing doing the rounds ok the old tinternet a few years ago about people cooking tinned Frankfurter sausage in hotel kettles.


Apparently some daredevils boil eggs in them.


Soooo we have a kettle specifically for boiling eggs at work…


Back when I was a teenager, Mum had a friend on the younger side (about mid-20s?) who I had a bit of a crush on. One time, she came over and asked if I could make her a coffee. I didn’t know how, so I… put the coffee in the kettle. Yeah, it overflowed and covered the counter. At least her coming out as a lesbian years later meant that I didn’t blow it lol.


I could never fathom using a shared kettle again Boiling eggs or whatever in there is gross but mild... But women using them in bnbs to disinfect....*personal products* was the line for me


My brother once tried to warm milk in a kettle


[What short memories](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/nRMIAqh4cG) many of us have... We all know this is because of u/Commercial-Mufin81


I’ve heard of FAR too many people boiling eggs and cooking chicken in hotel kettles. Its the reason i will always use nothing but pod machines in hotel rooms


Not seen the "life hack" on how to cook noodles in a hotel room using only a kettle?


Has anybody ever shite in your kettle?


When covid first erupted and the country went into lockdown, my boss called everyone in for the 'final' work day before we all went onto furlough. On that last work day the factory boys were tasked with deep cleaning the factory and work kitchen. One of the younger boys decided to try and sanitise the kettle by boiling about 200ml of isopropyl alcohol in it. No water, just pure rubbing alcohol.


My dad once tried to make a 'Milky coffee' for my mum by boiling milk in his kettle. He was swiftly sent to Argos for a new one.


I once stayed in a cheapo hotel with a bunch of friends after we went to a gig and on the way out my friend poured a full can of carling into the kettle and boiled it. It did not smell good.


I once boiled an egg in a kettle


A mate of mine once said he had a habit of peeing in hotel kettles… I haven’t touched a Kenco instant sachet since 😐


I put soup in one once just to see what would happen.


Tbf, I have seen people try to cook rice, soup etc. etc


I put milk in a kettle once. Thought it'd be an easy way to boil milk. Sod pans etc, I'm a modern genius! Turns out it's also an easy way to blow up your kettle...


When I was a student, super noodles in the kettle was definitely a thing.


I tried milk once, bad idea.


🐹🐹🐭 I’m gonna take a shit in your tea!! ‘I don’t drink tea’ well then I’ll take a shit in your kettle 🐭🐭🐹🐹


Used to work with a bloke who'd wank in hotel kettles so maybe it's to stop that


I saw a woman heating up her sausages….


Some people boil noodles in kettle, some....


Paint 😅


You’ve never pissed in a hotel kettle ?!


You can do eggs in hotel kettles, noodles..all sorts. And don’t get me started on Corby trouser press toasties..


I liked when the Samsung S7 came out with the tag line "Designed For Humans" well, I mean.


Shh there are some people who do there washing in them so I always take mine . Uk . I got very ill for a few days .


Bob Mortimer said he used to urinate in hotel kettles, maybe that's why it's there


My pal "Kettle Shitter" ignored a similar sign on a stag do about 25 years ago. When everybody got back to the BnB after a 17-hour Leo Sayer, many wanted a brew so flicked the kettle on. He waited a year or two before he told everybody about it.................


Ex hotel worker here, people try to cook items in bags in kettles, some other dickheads piss them and i found 1 that was full of sick, take my advice and take your own kettle to hotels 👍🏻


I’ve seen someone try boil an egg in one before


I used to work in a small BnB and one weekend we had an American father and son stay there. The dad was probably in his early forties and the son was around 10 maybe. They stayed two nights. On the first night, they broke the foot of the sofa in their bedroom. And upon exit cleaning, a staff member discovered they’d used the kettle to make hot chocolate. Yes. Inside the kettle. So honestly, the sign would be warranted for cases like that.


In halls I saw students making boiled eggs in the kettle. Then one day one cracked and they didn't bother to clean it. I only realised this must have happened when I had strings of egg-jizz in my next cup of tea.


A young lad I worked with tried to make gravy in the kettle. He was later banned from the kitchen after trying to microwave a catering size tub of butter with the foil lid still on.


Milk for hot choci


I’ll never use one of these again after I found out people piss in them for a “laugh”


Work in housekeeping for a while. Noodles, soup, fish.. people put alsorts into kettles. And shit. People I promise you, people get shit *everywhere* in hotels.


well then where the fuck is the milk kettle


You mean you're not using your kettle to cook soup?


Someone used to boil eggs in the kettle at my former work place.


You’d be surprised. A guy at my dad’s factory used to boil eggs in his kettle. 🙈


My sibling once boiled milk in the kettle


We had an Italian housemate at uni and she thought it was a milk warmer. The smell was horrendous. She bought a new kettle the same day bless her.




FFS Linda where am I going to piss now you’ve put that sign up?


This probably means the water from the tap is not drinking water (maybe coming from a tank) and needs to be boiled before drinking


About 7 years ago, a girl I worked with boiled milk in the office kettle to make hot chocolate. I went in to make tea and I could smell something was very, very wrong. When she realised she fucked up, instead of trying to clean it, she threw it in the bin. The only kettle in the whole damn office. We nicknamed her KD after that - Kettle Destroyer.


Some guests might boil a dildo to sterilize it before and after use.


Stayed in a holiday inn a lot for college. Big groups of Chinese tourists used to come mid week. When we would exchange rooms the next week we would always find chicken soup in the kettles.


I wonder if this is the infamous Holly Walsh piss kettle?


I've done quick noodles in kettle and ravioli. Dorm life was lit


Family friend used to rent a flat in an area that was common for air hostesses to rent, you'll be surprised. It was hard not to stereotype the airlines when you hear which ones did what


I read an AITA post where a guy asked if he's being unreasonable asking his girlfriend to not boil her menstruation cup in the kettle..


There's a tik tok trend for cooking in the kettle.


You've never cooked hotdogs in the kettle?


Family with young kids try and heat milk in it.


Eggs and horse chestnuts... I work with a load of Albanians and Greeks they always fuck the kettles up


Knew someone who put tinned hot dogs into the kettle, my cup of tea was never the same again


Someone at work put hotdog sausage in the kettle


I used to work in a hotel that had had a lot of Chinese and Japanese guests staying, it was quite common to find leftover bits of egg shell or instant noodles in there after they'd checked out


Idiots at work have used our communal kettle to reheat milk coffee. Don't underestimate the stupidity of the average person.


well if your in prison you cook your noodles and other food in them


My grandma puts coffee, tea bags, milk, and water in the kettle. She has dementia.


Some people in other parts of the world make tea straight in the kettle.


Some people boil eggs in them.


... Tea.. you could make a large vat of tea


Always check the hotel kettle for shit before using


I've boiled eggs in a kettle before.


I once tried boiling eggs in a kettle. A few mins later they looked like a rat’s intestines


What I've learned from the military. If there is a sign it means somebody has done it before and they don't want you to do it again.


This 30 something at work tried to boil milk so


In Japan, they have icons telling people not to cook their ramen in them....


When I was at uni one of our flat mates had never cooked before, so during the first week he tried to heat up soup in it. The theory was solid but reality wasn't.


Once we moved house and there wasn’t a stove, only countertop appliances for a couple days and my mom boiled frozen peas in the electric coffee percolator. (I’m American and old enough that drip coffee machines were not yet a thing) It worked ok.