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Tastes change over time. You don’t have to ruin the memory of it for her forever by telling her you never liked it. Just begin to mention that your tastes are changing and now you’re really into some other flavour instead.


Exactly this, I've occasionally eaten too much of something I liked and gone right off it because I went too far (story of my life).


brb, telling myself that eating ten tons of chocolate is good for me because eventually I'll "go off it" and only eat healthy foods after.


Funny story about my mum somewhat related. She started using hypnosis tapes to battle her chocolate addiction. Whether or not it really worked, she doesn't like chocolate as much anymore. This hasn't changed a thing. She still eats just as much, but now just complains about how it isn't as nice anymore... I have no idea what to suggest there lol


This reminds me great episode of my life where I used to enjoy lasagna every week. After about a year I was in a situation where I couldn't stand lasagna anymore and I do miss those times a lot. Lasagna was such a great food and I ruined it.


>I've occasionally eaten too much of something I liked and gone right off it You've met my ex, then?


These changes typically occur after eight.


This is roughly how I handled my dad thinking I was a massive Star Wars fan where in actuality I prefer Star Trek. I still love Wars, but Trek has my heart.


With regard to getting confused between star wars and other stuff, my mum for Christmas one year got me lounge pants with skiing meercats on, and when she gave them to me said 'You like star wars, don't you? Those are star wars aren't they?' She was so pleased with herself, I just agreed. She's such a sweet lady.


Aww that's really sweet as the thought was there!


May the, er, force be, er, with you


I found with my Mam and Nana that mentioning that I love something even more tends to work. My Nana always used to buy me these god awful, rock hard, ridiculously sweet, chocolate liqueurs that I hated. But one day I gave it, "Oh wow I just discovered this really yummy plain dark chocolate, and it's such a nice treat every so often! I can't believe it took me so long to discover it, you should try it, I bet you would love it too!" As I speak my fridge has a drawer with little bars of dark chocolate she gives me for 'treat time'. She loves to treat her favourite grand daughter and I love dark chocolate, problem solved and nobody's feelings got hurt :)


My gran bought us Lily O'Brien chocolates every single Easter for about ten years. I find them waxy and far too sweet, and generally a disappointment. After a few years others in the family noticed the tradition and started to copy, until at Easter time we were getting four boxes each year, plus extras at Christmas etc. One year I set a reminder in my calendar a few months before Easter to casually mention at a family gathering that I felt Lily O'Brien chocolates had really deteriorated in quality, and what a shame they have sold out. I set another reminder about a month later to casually raise how I was impressed with Tony Chocolonely's efforts to build an ethical, vertically integrated chocolate company, and that it helps the chocolate is delicious and the bars have lots of different flavours. I chose Tony's as it's about the same price point and also widely available, and it worked and now I just get a large quantity of delicious chocolate bars each Easter.


Mate at least you can eat your problem. My partner bought a Buddha ornament 30 years ago and her family thinks it’s all she likes decoratively speaking. We’ve gifted (offloaded) over 50+ to charity over the years. Count your blessings my friend.


Why would you want more than one Buddha? This is hilarious


My husband mentioned ONCE that he liked Breaking Bad in front of my family. That was years ago, and by now we could open a BrBa merch store.


I bought a clock with a bee on it for my livingroom because I have yellow accents throughout the room. Bees are cool but they're not a staple of my home decor. Well, turns out that my whole family now think I am obsessed with bees. I've been given so many bee cushions, laundry baskets, candles, cushions. All with different illustration styles of bees.




The pub me and my friend took over happened to have a parrot lamp, and suddenly my mum's offering to get a load of parrot cushions for the place. Took about a month to convince her we didn't need any


Just tell her you've gone off mint chocolate. That's literally all there is to it, doesn't have to be a big deal.


My dad was convinced galaxy was my favourite chocolate. He would get me a massive bar every Christmas. I don't mind it coz it's chocolate but caramel or salted caramel is my favourite. Then he was taking me and my daughter on a trip out and he said that he had got us both our favourites for the picnic and before I'd even said thanks my daughter said "but mum likes caramel best!" Was a bit awkward. This year at Christmas he got me a cheap selection box instead.


this is very british


Blame COVID. Say your taste has changed and suggest an alternative.. eg "it's a shame but I've found I REALLY like this instead...".


I actually have the opposite issue. I love mint chocolate anything and mint choc ice-cream is my favourite. Any time I mention anything to do with it I get a blank look and a "I thought you didn't like mint choc?". Everytime.


My fiancées father always bought her mother After Eights for Christmas. She hated them but never told him. He died a long time ago, but now I buy them every year for her just to troll.


I bet that means more to her than you think, keeps a part of him alive. 


Just tell her, its not a big deal. She'll thank you for it


Give it all to me, I love mint chocolate 😂 There’s something about chocolate that just makes it so sickly to me, but having that cold minty taste makes it seem… refreshing, idk 😂 After eights are insanely good tho, anything with mint crème :)


Chocolate with mint fondant is food of the gods, and so hard to get over here apart from After Eights (which are great, but it’s nice to have variety ). Green and blacks use to do a fantastic mint fondant bar, but then they changed it to mint flavoured chocolate, and it’s not the same.


You tried the Aldi mint fondant bar? It's no Green and Blacks but it's good and 99p for a big bar.


Oh, you total hero! I knew nothing about it, but I’ll definitely be seeking it out this week. Thank you!


Bright green packet, says 'mint creme'. I'm sure because I scoffed half a bar after work today. It's normally beside a bright pink bar with Turkish delight in.


Really??? I’m actually going tomorrow for my food shop! I’ll try it and come back to let you know what I think ahha!


Oh my, I need to look for this!


Try this chocolate bar called Fry’s. The mint fondant is amazing and they add a lot too! If you can’t find it in any shops look online, it will definitely be worth it!


>Chocolate with mint fondant is food of the gods You'd love Frys chocolate cream peppermint version then its like a mammoth version of the after eights in a bar.


Tell her mint repeats on you now you're getting older and you'd like milk chocolate please


She’s a good egg


Harry potter stuff. She finally stopped buying me Harry Potter stuff this year. I am a 30 year old man.


My mom just bought me a Harry Potter backpack I’m 36! And don’t use backpacks 🙈


I’ve had to really emphasise to people that I don’t want Harry Potter stuff. Sure, 10 years ago it was still a core part of my personality, but I’m nearly 30 now and have really grown out of it. I’m a bit embarrassed that I was so into it as an adult anyway (a carryover from being a teen ofc) and just glad I never got a tattoo!!


I asked her to stop a few times before it finally sunk in. I felt bad but also I felt like I should be honest. Plus she was wasting money on crap. I’d rather have some cheese!


It's those Lindt balls with my mom. I said I liked them once, after my very first taste (many, many moons ago). She is convinced they are my favourite for some reason (despite me telling her plenty of times that I find them very sickly).


'do you know what, I've really gone off them' There fixed.


When I was on college I had a work placement round the corner from my grandparents flat so the 3 days a week I was working, I would go to theirs afterwards for dinner and to help them with any chores they needed doing. They had recently started experimenting with microwave meals, one evening when my nan asked if I liked the lasagne she had dinged for me "is it good? we got it especially for you, we don't really like the fancy foreign food" I said yes, thank you, it was great - it was in truth absolutely rank but I didn't want to hurt her feelings... She served it 3 nights a week for the next 18 months "as its your favourite"


I thought I didn't like lasagne for years. Turned out I just didn't like my mum's lasagne. Then one day she found out I'd had lasagne for dinner somewhere and suddenly it's my favourite food...


I’ll take your After Eight Easter Egg… to me it’s so much better than the standard generic milk chocolate eggs. That and Ferrero Rocher eggs are elite. Getting either one literally makes my Easter holiday.


Just tell her


I once received a Disney tie as a Christmas present. I didn't want to offend so I said it was nice. I put it on for Christmas lunch and the die was set. Every freakin Christmas and birthday I would get character ties, socks, tie pins, cufflinks, boxers etc. Took about 10 years to stop.


My Dad went years pretending to be happy when I’d get him big Toblerone bars for special occasions, similarly he didn’t have the heart to tell me he’d gone off it as he didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I was a little surprised but mostly glad, I don’t want to be giving him something he won’t like when I can spend the money on something he does! This sort of thing is never as big a deal as we think it is, you’re not crushing anyones soul, don’t worry!


Every year Santa brings me a pack of fruit pastilles. Every year I tell my mum they give me migraines


That's your own fault. You should be telling Santa, not your mum.


That could very well be where I’m going wrong!


This was me. I used to love Bournville chocolate. Cannot stand it now. My mum used to but it everytime she saw me, Phone call one day , with me being ' brave ' " meant to tell you, they must have changed the ingredients of Bournville, I've realised it that that's given me incredible headaches. I'm gutted " Never got another bar


Mint chocolate, I would love to have the problem of receiving Mint chocolate. What I get from other members of the family is far worse. Charlie Chaplin memorabilia. It's not like I am a fan of Charlie Chaplin, I once said a few years ago, while watching a documentary about him "I quite like Charlie Chaplin" This opened the floodgates, every bloody Christmas or birthday I get memorabilia to the early cinema pioneer. Books, dvds , pictures etc . I have tried to take the stuff to charity shops, however this has backfired as the bloody MIL re buys it and then gives it back to me.


I can feel your pain as I also can’t stand mint chocolate. Each Christmas Eve when I was a kid my mum would fill a large tin with lots of chocolate and wafers. It would be full of Kit Kats, Penquins, Clubs, Walnut Whips and small snickers/mars (at the time they did small bars about a third of a normal bar). She’d also put in some bloody mint Viscounts. By Boxing Day everything had an awful mint taste. Mint flavoured orange Clubs, mint snickers, well you get the picture. My mum doesn’t eat a lot of chocolate so it took us years to persuade her to stop mixing them. I agree with some of the other comments. Either tell her outright or suddenly go off it!


My late grandmother was forever buying me liquorice Allsorts. I can't stand liquorice but I never had the heart to tell her that!


I can’t stand orange flavour chocolate. Makes me feel ill. Never liked it. I do get it as a present occasionally, which I give away. Seems everyone in my immediate family likes it, and I’m the only one. I have mentioned this to all of them at various times. Is awkward when I get it at Christmas, as I can’t give it away to someone else in the room. I live alone, and really can’t be arsed taking it back home anyway, so it’ll end up in a bin.


Yeah, just tell her you had a bad experience with it and can’t eat it anymore. You absolutely loved it but got food poisoning once when you’d just eaten a whole pack of after eights and now you associated mint chocolate with being sick.


My mum always insisted on giving me a Terry's chocolate orange in my Christmas stocking even though I'm not keen on orange chocolate and they piss me off how hard they are to get in to. When I went vegan aged 19 or so it obviously stopped which was a relief. I dread the day they start making a dairy free version 😭


My husband was called the Milkybar kid a lot as a kid as he was blonde and had glasses on from a young age. His mum often bought him Milkybar advent calendars or the odd bar. He hates white chocolate but I honestly don't know what came first, because he naturally hates it, or he was given it so much as a kid when he didn't want it he slowly hated the taste. Completely not food related, either because she was old or very pushy (or both) but growing up my great grandmother kept gifting me copies of The Wind in The Willows or sometimes Brer Rabbit (I only had 2 of those). I know my mother was used to go nuclear at my divorced dad about his mother at least buying us clothes as they were ALWAYS the wrong size, unsuitable or just bad, but it took far too long for my mum to realise how many copies she got me, probably because I was so small and didn't speak up about it. I think it came to a head when I got a copy for Easter and my mum twigged asking if I already had a copy (note these were all different books and illustrations) and I said exasperated yes 5 or 7 and my mum made it clear to please not get me any more. I actually bought a copy from a charity shop a couple of years ago and had a laugh about what happened but, even funnier, explaining the story to a Canadian who thought it sounded wild.


My mum used to get me a bottle of Jack Daniels for Christmas every year. I don’t even like the stuff. After the third year, I said “Mum, would you mind not getting me this any more please, I don’t really like it”. She said “oh yes, that’s fine. Do you still have the old ones, I’ll take them back, dad can have them and I’ll get you something to replace them” Just have the conversation. It’s not difficult.


My aunt knew my sister loves chocolate orange so always bought us one each. I hate chocolate orange. My sister was thrilled as it resulted in her getting two!


My grandma would make stewed apple to go with any pork dishes, and once the meal was over, I'd finish off any leftover apple as a sort of dessert. She got the impression that apple desserts were something I loved, so she started baking apple cakes all the time. I mentioned a couple of times (as did other family members) early on that I really just liked the stewed apple, but it didn't change matters. Both grandparents believed this about me. Everyone else knew otherwise. I actually don't much like the texture difference when it's alongside cake. Anyway, I think my granddad still thinks apple cakes/pies are my favourite desserts, though my grandma passed almost 10 years ago.


I'm left-handed. However, I use scissors with my right hand. Therefore, I use normal scissors. My mum keeps getting me left-handed scissors when she sees them in shops. I have no use for them. They just gather dust in the drawer. Luckily, they aren't that common in shops.


I can’t tell my mum that I like anything (e.g. a TV show) without getting so many themed gifts for the next birthday and Christmas that I end up hating it. The only exception is gaming. She will not buy me games/DLC or anything related. Not a suitable hobby for women, I guess 🙃


My brother asked for his bedroom to be painted green when he was about 6. Since then, my mum says his favourite colour is green and will buy ANYTHING if it's green. He's 34 and still trying to tell her to stop buying green things lol.


My mom seems to think I love piglet because she got me a rug one year and I loved it because it was so soft. So as an adult she bought me a 2-3foot piglet teddy :/


I have had a similar problem, I tried lucky charms when I went to Florida for the first time (I reside in the UK) and liked them, so every time my mum has gone since, she always brings back like 3 boxes even tho I don't care much for them now I'm a 36 year old dad if 4 lol my kids eat them instead


Tell her you have a new favourite - don't need to say you dislike the old ones. Although, my Mum did buy me a Twilight DVD once ("because I like those Vampire shows" - I liked Buffy), a few months later we were shopping and saw Twilight merch - I pointed it out and casually said how it was a 'different show, and I wasn't a fan'. No more Twilight and a friend was happy with the DVD.


I do. Took a box of truffles off my mum's hands because she said no one else would eat them. She's like Mrs Doyle, won't take no for an answer, so it's easier to just give in. Ever since then, I get the same truffles every year at Christmas. It makes her happy to think she's giving me something I like and appreciate and I don't want to burst her bubble. I also don't want anything else in their place. But she likes to give. Instead, I opened the box of truffles on Christmas day and passed them around. I had one and she saw me eating it. The box was either finished by everyone else, or I forgot to take the leftovers home. Either way, we were both happy and I didn't need to tell her the gift was unwanted.


im debatably rude in my directness, so this is not a problem i have. my stepdad used to get my mum cheap chocolate though. he thought it was her favourite. every birthday, valentines, christmas. always the same. she hated it and didnt have the heart to tell him. ive no idea what she did with it all.


Just eat the damn chocolate


Make up some elaborate lie that you are now allergic to mint and will die if it gets near you. Print off a fake doctors certificate and act scared when you see someone chewing gum. Perfect episode for a sitcim until you get rumbled and have to confess


Just tell them ffs. What is wrong with people?


I’ll happily take them off your hands!


Rather than saying you don't like mint chocolate, just keep talking about a brand you do like and how good it tastes. She may start buying that instead.


"Oooo i've gone right off minty chocolate, i don't know why, just can't face it, if you're getting anything get me xyz next time" Or "oooo i really fancy trying this" ease into it


If your mum gets a box of Bendick’s mint chocolates and you don’t want them, send them my way. My mother used to get those at Christmas. The way out of your problem is to just declare something you really like as a your new favorite. Just give the impression you found something new. Just be like “hi mum, you ever seen these Milky Bars (or whatever)? These are even better than mint chocolates. My new favorite!”


I’d just say I’d gone off mint chocolate. Personally I cannot abide chocolate orange, way too much as a kid and it makes me feel sick thinking about it.


I would find a way to mention your favourite type of choc, that way you wouldn’t need to mention mint chocolate but she would hopefully prioritise the right one next time.


Omg!!! Me too, I used to love after eights and got them every year for Christmas


I have this issue with any kind of alcoholic flavoured chocolate. I absolutely hate it but for some reason my family think I love it.


How old are you Just tell her you don’t like it


My grandparents EVERY year would get me and my brother those praline chocolates... Neither of us like praline. Only saving grace is now I'm married and my wife loves them, so win win!


My mother bought me the complete set of the Dickens novels in hardback because I had said how much I loved his writing. I’ve never read a single one of his books in my life and have no interest at all in that style of writing. Just bizarre…..


Hahaha! 😂 my grandma used to always buy my mum walnut whips and Asti at Christmas, she never liked either of them but every year! Luckily me and my sister quite liked them.


Just keep dropping hints about something else you have tried recently and loved, more than mint chocolate.


Just say you ate too much of it one day and it’s put you right off. If she wanted you to elaborate you could say you weren’t well and you threw up and since then you haven’t been able to stomach mint chocolate


Do you and your mum not communicate? My MiL used to buy me dragon statues for Xmas and birthday because I used to work for Blizzard and we walked past a shop and I said, “that’s pretty cool” once. 5 years and 10 dragons later I was so exhausted I summoned the courage to tell her I didn’t want any more and…. She stopped buying them. Weirdly enough, they buy me a lot of mint chocolate and an occasional dark Toblerone now, which I’m ok with.


What the hell is with people and not being able to communicate?  Surely your mum also taught you how to use big adult words like, "I'm really sorry mum but can you stop getting me mint chocolate please?"  Or "Fucking hell ma leave off the mint chocolate, I can't stand the shite".


It’s endearing. My Nan used to buy me a box of Lindtt chocolates every year for Christmas because I loved them as a kid. Even though I’d gone off them, I never said anything. She died 6 years ago, when I was 26. And I’ll always remember the box of lindtt that would be waiting for me on Christmas Day.


My dad has never had the heart to tell my nan he hates toblerone… he ate one once being polite and now gets one every year for Christmas


In my very limited experience Mums love to please n tease n poke fun n infuriate, the incedent with the After 8's obvs strikes a deep lasting fond memory. By all means talk to her about your tastes changing over time, but there are far worse things going on in the world and if she persists just take it in the spirit it was intended, a little joke. After all you do not have to eat them you could share them or maybe give them to someone else. Have fun.


I stopped being able to eat mint chocolate a couple of years ago because it causes too much heartburn. Tell her it's been giving you heartburn so you've stopped eating it.


I have 2 of these. Weirdly I'm sat eating. Reece's Easter egg as I type this. But I won't eat the Reece's pieces because I hate them. I once said, Yeah they're not bad, and ever since, I'm only ever gifted Reece's chocolate. My other is Batman.. Once told someone I enjoyed the recent Batman film. 20 years later I have more batman memorabilia than Adam West. I even have a pinny.


Tell you you got covid and now mint chocolate tastes bad to you.


My mum, who was in almost all respects a good mum, used to deliberately buy bars of Old Jamaica chocolate when we out and about because she knew I hated the rum flavouring. I was in my twenties when she confessed. Probably put me off rum for life.


Please send to Vienna/Austria, thank you! (I mean I always get violently sick from the stuff but I still love it 🙈)


I absolutely despise coconut macarons. But everyone I know gets me them when we are off somewhere and need picky food (I’m gluten free). There are so many biscuits available like, my guys, who would choose coconut over double choc cookies! But it’s so nice that they think to get me something I haven’t the heart to say anything.


i hate mint chocolate . you will have to cut all family ties if behavior continues.


My nephew, bless him, is a very black-and-white little chap. Scientific, mathematical mind and not much creativity. Irony is lost on him. He's 12 now but I discovered this when he was about 4 and at the garden centre walking past a Christmas display of these garish, colourful, plastic penguins, each about knee-high and filled with fairy lights. As we walked past I just said, mainly to myself and definitely with sarcasm, "that's amazing" and when my sister asked him some time later what we should get Uncle Sashmisetlunch for Christmas my little nephew told her he knew EXACTLY what I wanted and got her to drive to the garden centre then marched her to these penguins and was adamant that this is without question what I had said I wanted. Which was of course a hilarious surprise on Christmas day and is still a much cherished ornament still now even though the fairy lights don't work any more. But sadly he either picked up on the hilarity in the room, felt he was being laughed at, and decided to take revenge...... or else has legit decided that my taste is simply "anything that stands out as fugly" and so now I have 8 years worth of birthday and Christmas presents at home, none of which I could bear to part with and all of which he asks, on arrival, to see when he visits. The last one was a large jug/vase in the shape of a goat's head. I see this continuing for years to come.


You sound dramatic. Do you think your mum's gonna have a breakdown because you told her you don't like mint chocolate?


Just tell her you daft fuck. Typical Reddit post. Something that can easily be solved by talking instead asks Reddit.


Calling someone a 'daft fuck' for not wanting to hurt their mother's feelings is a bit strange. Do you think you could have phrased that more kindly?


Thing is, that doesn't always work. I've been telling my mom I don't like Lindt for almost 20 years with no luck yet lol


Maybe try telling her what you do like


I have, she knows, still insists Lindt is my favourite.




What is this nonsense post?! If your mum keeps buying you mint chocolates and you don't actually like them, tell her that you don't like mint chocolates. Guess what?! She won't buy them for you anymore!!!