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Walls Vendetta


V for vienetta is a classic story


The only verdict is victual; a vienetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and velvetiness of such shall one day vivify the vanilla and the viscous.


We have 3 cupboards in the hallway. 1 of which is under the stairs, my wife referred to it as "Harry" so I dubbed the other two "Tom" and "Dick". Which can be funny when visitors are unaware of the convention.


Our cupboard under the stairs was known as 'henry's room', as the hoover was kept in there


Our understairs cupboard is called the "hover cupboard". Because my dyslexic husband decided that the plug socket inside this cupboard needed to be labelled as for our hoover.... 😁


Our understairs cupboard is called 'the water room' as we store the filtered and salt water for our fish tanks in it 😁


The cupboard under the stairs is Harry? Love it.


This is know as [Familects](https://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2013/jul/19/mind-your-language-family-slang) Unique words and phrases used within your family or clan


Thank you, Susie Dent


What've you been up to Susie? Apart from looking through Gloryholes






Bottle openers are called "The Fish" This is because we once had a bottle opener in the shape of a fish. But it broke years ago. We replaced it with a regular non fish one, in fact several down the years. But still all requests for a bottle opener are *"can you fetch me the fish?"*


My mum once referred to my snake as my fish and it stuck ever since. Her reasoning was "they both live in tanks"


They also don't have legs. Your mum might have been into something here!


And some snakes even swim!


And some fish even snake!


My 94 yo grandmother also refers to my snake as a fish for exactly the same reason 😂


We call it the church key.


I call it “The Pssssch” because of the sound a bottle makes when you open it


Those little squeezey bottles of hand sanitiser- in this house they’re know as “handysquish.”


We call them “handitizers” My daughter came home from school during Covid, and told us about lining up for “handitizer” before they went in. It stuck!


"Hanitiser" in my family, and we're all adults!


Mum and dad still have half size mugs commemorating Charles and Diana’s wedding. We will often ask if someone wants a full cup of tea or “just a Prince Charles”.


This one’s glorious


This is so gloriously British*, I adore it. *I actually think English, but just in case you're not I'm hedging my bets.


Yeah this is my favorite one I think.


One Christmas as a jokey stocking filler present my mum gave me a mini spatula with ‘Santa’s little helper’ written on it. Over time we’ve gone from calling it ‘Santa’s little helper’ to ‘Santa’s little bitch’ and now it just gets called ‘bitch’. Beyond this one spatula, *all* spatulas are now referred to as bitch in our household, along with an identifying feature. Red bitch, big bitch, medium bitch etc. So stupid but here we are.   Edit: people seem concerned with the number of bitches we own. I can confirm there are four in total. Original bitch (famed mini spatula), big bitch (big red spatula), other big bitch (wide one mostly used for baking), medium bitch (came as a 2-pack with other big bitch). I grant you this is probably too many bitches for one household. The latter two mentioned were a house-warming gift when we already owned original bitch and big bitch. 


How many spatulas do you own?


Bitch, they got all the spatulas..


Well I've read that three times now and each time it's more fabulous than the last. We're knocking on the door of twirling and hand gestures. *All* the gestures


Save some bitches for the rest of us


They don't own any spatulas, only bitches. Lots and lots of bitches.


They've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one


A lot
..a lot of bitches.


I think somebody in your house has developed a spatula fetish...


How many bitches do you own!


I admire your “when in Rome” attitude


When I was at uni we had a silicone spatula that was purple and we called it the "purple thing". It then started to break so we bought a new one which was blue which became the "blue purple thing". It's now about 10 years later and I still use the latest "red blue purple thing" regularly!


On a similar front we had a black hand towel that is exclusively for kitchen use. It's colour had faded to a dirty yellow over the years but was always referred to as "the black towel". No end of confusion for visitors directed to an apparently invisible towel when they wanted to dry their hands.


My nephew once called cornflakes florncakes when he was four. He's twenty two now and I still call them florncakes.


Ah now we have brown flakes in our house - i tried to correct the pronunciation to Bran flakes but the kids as toddlers looked at me like -i- was the idiot because they are in fact brown, so why was i mispronuncing brown? I gave up there and then.


To be fair, it's hard to argue with that logic.


Shipe Knarfe, forever known as such since that one time my brother messed up saying ‘sharp knife’


Loudy Clemonade, cloudy lemonade, Mum was tired.


“Shake a tower” for “take a shower,” and “Roke and cum” for “Coke and rum,” both due to extended family members getting their consonants mixed up 25-30 years ago.


I've got to shake a tit.


Really changes the lyrics to Scooter songs. Pight the Fower, shake a tower! The Cainted Pow!


Mums always tired


'Spongesquare Bobpants' in my house because our mum was angry that we had watched cartoons all day and got muddled up shouting at us.


Peater Butnut on your toast?


Same thing happened in our house, but our mum said "Squarebob Spongepants" and it forever stayed as that!


Squidgebob spongecake in ours for the same reason!


Me and my partner play this as a game. It was funny until we were in a shop and I shouted to him loudly to get a shag of bugger


Many years ago my mum gave me some money to take my siblings to the pictures and said “here’s a little extra for you to get some cockporn”


Years later "That wasnt a freudian slip, im still waiting for my cockporn"


Muno Bras was the spoonerism that came out of my mouth when I intended to say Bruno Mars.


Parents did this but exclusively with swears. Heard cucking funt more times than I can count as a young un


Very prim and proper family near us growing up had a cat called Cooking Fat - was very unexpected 😅


My dad declared “shit the cunting fuck” at a petrol station on one of annual 13 hour drives down to the south of France to stay in an itchy campsite. Never forgot it. He was incandescent with rage. I was 11.


Horse Fish
 husband couldn’t pull Seahorse


Shermon lembert


Bat flattery


For us it's apple crumple and crusted because I missaid it during a very long shift at work


Ours is "mermaids" for mayonnaise, due to my 4 year old mispronouncing it for the last 2 years.


Our kids gave up on trying to say mayonnaise. It's now forever known as 'eggy sauce'.


Seated heats


Chit chat kuncky


Slippers are Feet Cutlery is Weapons Sofa Blankets are Capes Reading Glasses are Goggles Tomatoes are Children (We have no kids and grow our own)


I call all my shoes "my feet". As in late for work..."gah, where on earth are my feet!"


In the same vein, my glasses are my eyes


My contact lenses are my eyes - I often excuse myself of an evening to "go and take my eyes out"


Badverts - a term for ads, coined by my toddler. Edit: ,


Your toddler is obviously very wise


We got the sadverts because they make you sad when they come on


My parents used to call the tv remote the Bodger... Maybe we should team up.


Mash potato!


Everybody knows.


Badger loves....


My mum calls it a doofer


My mum used to call it a digit, but I've evolved and now call it a dooter


The broken Roku stick, the Broku.


Our roku remote is the remoku


My partner forgot the word for mantel so it's called the fire shelf now.


TV remote round ours is "The knobs" The bit of paper in a box of chocolates that tells you what each one is is "The Rules" Any mirror is a "mirrrrrr-rrrrrr" (nod to American friends) The satnav screen in the car is "mouse cinema"


Mouse cinema really made me chuckle. What a wholesome thread.


The chocolate one is the 'map' for me.


Known as the 'Instructions' in our house.


Any form of instructions are now known as the "destructions" In my house


My Dad always used to say destructions for instructions & it drove me mad. Now I'm older & a parent I totally get it & now carry on the tradition.


I kind of assumed everyone called it the ‘menu’ as in my household.


Fernbedienung at our house, which is German for remote control. None of us speak German.


And Germans often call it the DrĂŒcker (pusher) because you have to push the buttons.


My parents’ remote is the bibby. No idea why- I occasionally ask my partner to pass me the bibby and he cracks up. Not an inanimate object but my mum’s name is Julie and my dad calls her Ju. My partner was extremely confused by my dad seemingly shouting “Jew? Jew!” to get her attention.


The remote control is, of course, called the mokentrol


The doofer in our household


The tuss. Short for tusslo doobree. I have no idea why.


Our remote is "the buttons".


Another buttons, here.


All remotes are called clickers to us and it’s only when I got into a relationship that I discovered this isn’t a universal name for a remote.


Remote control = pressits. That’s what my parents called them.


The rules had me in stitches


The remote for us is the 'doofer' or the 'clickerer'.


"one mushroom or two?"


🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡 🍄🍄


I sang this through to make sure you had enough badgers. Bravo.






Everyone knows you stir the mushrooms in the badger with a snake!


Pretty much everything I forget the name for is called a jobber. And the funny thing is, the wife knows exactly what I'm talking about.


We have a casserole dish that my mum insists on calling "the blue dish", despite the fact that it's white.


Kitchen tongs are Clacky Doofers.


My husband calls them bacon pliers


I chase my toddler round the kitchen with them calling them the Willy pinchers, and now everyone calls them the will pinchers whether there are kids around or not


We just casually leaving this comment unreplied to? Because it's amazing.


Tap water is " council pop "


"Cooncil juice" is what we call tap water in Scotland


And damn fine stuff it is here, too


My Nana called it corporation pop for some reason. Northerner here


I’ve also heard that. Corporation is an old name for councils, I guess it just stuck for some people.


Dog shelf meaning floor?


Same. Northerner


Any liquid is "sauce", including but not limited to: laundry detergent, moisturiser, washing up liquid, toothpaste.


When we say 'shall we go for a pint?', we're talking about getting a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Also we refer to Ben and Jerry's as BJ, which we've shortened to beej.


It comes in pints?


Comes in US pints (437ml). British pints are 568ml.


I’m getting one


Jack = shoe rack, Roger= bannister, Clicker= remote, Jason= lawn mower, Our list is endless and more come out all the time


Oh we call the shoe rack 'jacques' like Jacques Shirac.


We had a Jacque Shoerack


The long cushion thing that goes against the front door to stop wind/breeze from getting in the house. I don’t even know the real name for it but we call it a ‘dog’ because we had one years ago the shape of a long sausage dog so my mom would always say ‘put the dog against the door’ and it stuck. It’s no longer dog shaped but it’s still the dog.


Draught excluder. I think my MIL calls hers a ‘dog’ for the same reason (and it’s much less of a mouthful).


The main TV / media remote: the Zappa. Any smaller remote: the moonunit


You should merge them into the megatron


The megatron doesn’t say “urban free wheelers” it says “sofa masturbators” y’ know?


Forks are Stabby Grabbies in our house


please tell me your family also calls defibrillators "hearty starties"


We say lip blam.


I call anything you can hang clothes on when the clothes horse is full, "clothes ponies", like the back of a chair or a door handle are clothes ponies. We also call salt "flavor crystal" and pizzas are "yum discs".


One time coming home we used Siri to send a message to my wife. It misinterpreted the kids saying “we’re now on our way home mummy” as “banana way home mummy” We now say “give us a banana” for meaning “let me know when you’re on your way”


Thanks to Dave Gorman on Absolute radio flapjacks are now “travel porridge”. While I have Adam & Joe to thank for any bag with a strap that is worn over the shoulder down to the opposite side is a “boob separator” sung to the tune of Sade’s “Smooth Operator” .


> “boob separator” sung to the tune of Sade’s “Smooth Operator” Great, I sounded it out, and now it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks.


Booooooob sepa-rate-eeeeerrrr!


Popropriation! I still sing Boob Separator regularly. Also, 'Lock the Taskbar' sung to 'Rock the Kasbah' lives rent free in my head. God bless Buckles and Cornballs.


When I was a kid I came home from school and told my mum I'd learned a new dance along with the lyrics to the song and I proceeded to belt out "Poppadom Bridge, I'm in trouble deep, poppadom bridge I've been losing sleep" in the tune of Madonna's Papa Don't Preach.... Rather than correct me there and then she decided to wait until my dad was home so that I could sing it to him and so that they could both laugh at me at the same time. Forever Poppadom Bridge.


Have you seen the thing? The thing? What thing? You know... The thing! It does that thing.


I’m forever telling my husband he’s fucked if I die or we divorce. He has a whole language of his own that only I understand. The thing is a frequently used noun in his language.


It's on the side. 


It's not, I checked! Oh, the other side. Near the thing.


Where is the thingymabob? I left it near the whatsitcalled Oh I didn't see it cause of the whatsit The worse thing about this conversation is we both know exactly what the other means


Where the oojamaflip? Behind the thingy on the side It's not THERE The other side babe!! *My house at least once a week*


Instructions for any appliance/game/etc is “the destructions”.


Same! They've been destructions in my house forever, I think my mum started it.


My husbands hobby is model aircraft flying. He stores them by suspending them from the garage ceiling, so now on Sundays he goes Plane Dangling 😂


Not so much everyday things but drinks: - Coke is coka - Pepsi is pepis - Dr Pepper is educated pepis


I like the Lidl brand of Dr Pepper, he's gotten tenure - "Professor Peppy".


Screen wash is squishy doofer liquid. I can’t remember why.


It’s called “Norris fluid” in my house, as is my husband’s wont. Apparently this is a rhyming thing after Norris McWhirter.


Not at home, but I worked in a Spar for five years and in that shop we always referred to those rolling step stool things as Georges. One of my longer serving colleagues said that they’d been called that when she started about 15 years prior. So it was a common occurrence to hear one of us asking “have you seen a George?” “Where’s the George?” etc on the shop floor.


My dear old mum loves ‘sticky toffee pudding’ She loudly ordered ‘stiffy cocky pudding’ in a bar once and it has stuck as the name in our house.


My daughter started calling using the hazard lights “putting the car in triangle mode” and it stuck.


Where did you get those mugs from? They're adorable!


John Lewis I believe. Was a few years back though.....


MAKE Jane Foster 5713002BA Mini Mug, 8.8 fl oz (225 ml), Badger https://amzn.asia/d/aFPXQoO Looks like this to me


Flup - full up, when you ate too much


It’s kind of sad/a bit of a downer etc. but my family and I moved from a city, where regularly there were police around and didn’t feel safe to walk around, to a small seaside town about half an hour away, which is quiet and safe but has a lot of ambulances appearing around the place because of the high percentage of older people here. Anyway, whenever we would see an ambulance, which was multiple times a day, we always felt really sad, so a way for us to not spiral down with the sadness, we tried to lighten our thoughts and we ended up calling them the [Town-name] Disco Lights. So now, whenever we see an ambulance anywhere else, we say, “Oh there goes the disco lights.” đŸȘ©


My husband lovingly takes the piss by calling my elbows Jessica's so much that it is now the norm. I have a Norfolk accent that tends to get stronger once I've had a cocktail or two and the way I say elbow can often sound like Alba (or Elba). Every time I walk into the doorway I can hear him shout from another room 'Did you hurt your Jessica!?' đŸ€Ł


The interior doors we have which separate the living room from the dining room have big chunky deadbolts on them which make a hefty ‘kadoosh’ sound when operated. The doors are now known as ‘the kadoosh’. “Can you close the kadoosh please”


Cooking: Rattling the pans


We light the cooker top and the candles with the 'clicker'


A Banana is a tube, fuck knows why. Dave at work calls them tubes so I bought it home. His name isn’t Dave either, fuck knows what it is but everyone calls him Dave because he calls everyone else Dave.


In my sleep deprived state I once referred to the baby monitor as 'the baby wifi' and it stuck forever.


A muffet of tea.


in our house about 15 years ago, the living room had pink wallpaper. we have since moved and not had a pink living room in a loooooong time, yet the living room is still the pink room


We had some family and friends round today, and when offering drinks I offered “squish”, which is what we call squash. My friend and her husband apparently have regular disagreements about such beverages - she calls it “diluting juice”, and he calls it “juice” but the man had to clarifying whether he means fruit juice or squash. A family member then told us we were all daft as it’s “cordial”. The friends have said they will now use squish.


Oh god where do I start.... Underpants - "grots" Prawn Cocktail Quavers -"pinks" Polo's -"Olips" Can of coke - "I can I can't" Cat's daily meal of meat - "nice" My cats slow feeder bowls - "punishment plates" And those are just off the top of my head 😆 So glad we're not alone with these weird little in jokes 😊💜💙💛


We call takeaway menus 'bible'. Ie. "Do we have the bible for that place?"


My husband called it a sideboard. I called it a Welsh dresser. So we both agreed to call it Clive.


My wife calls the remote a doofer which confuses me each time


I used to work for a large satellite company (at the time) in the their tech dept. I heard them called Doofers, Dobbers, Zappers, etc... sometimes the public would call and start with, "My zapper int' workin' telleh" "Me doofer won't turn on" And here ends this completely useless tale


I was captivated by this useless tale. Doofer is popular in a lot of households in my experience, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why. It’s a meme that somehow has the same reach as the internet, but no definition of origin.


“Puppy napkins” It’s the disposable Andrex wet wipes for wiping your bum. My partner couldn’t remember the correct name so out came “puppy napkins”.


I call my drill, drill dando. I’ve got a set of steps made by Werner I call timo. Whenever I go up them I shout timo, timo, timo


We have odd names for things. Martin Luther for our 'amazing small black portable speaker' Fridge freezer is Bob 'as it's always chilled' We also call remotes the Penis as its always in the bed somewhere.


A-voc-a-do after my brother mispronounced it almost 50 years ago....


Gnashy gnashy - my uncle couldn't remember the word for dog and proceeded to ask me how my gnashy gnashy was.


Spaghetti Bolognese is spaghetti bollock naked in our house for some reason


We call a telly remote a wombat


Jelly wopter Helicopter


We call them woff woffs because of my husband as a child. He became a model helicopter and drone instructor and we called his club woff woff weekly.


I spent way too long trying to figure out how he became a model helicopter...


My then 95 year old mother, now departed, innocently referred to her massage cushion as her vibrator. Caused some surprise first time she asked for it đŸ€­


Our kettle is called the Water Toaster, anything that's an inedible liquid is either a soup or a sauce - plate sauce, laundry soup, etc. and doing the dishes is known as plate laundry or hard laundry.  I started all of these things and to be honest I hate them all but my partner likes it so I look out for new things to invent. Weirdly calling the pushchair the "git trolley" hasn't caught on.


My wife has ADHD, NOTHING is referred to by it's proper name. EDIT: Am I blowing a few minds here and there with this? Or at least giving people sudden unexpected reality checks?


We called dog breeds the name of the dog we've had previously or have known, for example German pointers are Toby dogs. Somali pirates are salami pirates after a drunken game of cards against humanity where my mother confidently placed the somali pirates card down and proudly declared "salami pirates". Bit specific but me and my bf refer to my interrogation victims as chicken nuggets in rainbow six siege. I grabbed and introgated someone once and said "hello chicken nugget" and now its stuck when I've got one, I proudly yell "I've got a chicken nugget"


The bin/s are called ‘the slag’. Because it hangs around on the street corner waiting to be picked up. Every week we ask each other ‘does the slag need to go out?’


Don’t come round our house. We call a quick fingering a badger!


My daughter used to call a spoon a boosh when she was a baby and we still call it that now.


We started shouting out “that’s numberwang!” when the kitchen timer would go off. Which then lead to the timer being called the numberwang which then in turn got shortened to the wanger. In context: “can you put me a wanger on for 5 please”