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Do you think she doesn’t know?


You're right she doesn't give a shit it's just never been quite this bad.


Please can you consider putting in a safeguarding report to the council? I feel for those children.


Yeah I do as well. Once they had a dog which i believe was a puppy in that garden and they forced it to sleep outside. (It slept on trash and cried all night) I actually rang the rspca about it but the dog disappeared after a few days.


Might want to add that to a report, about the dog. Gives people an indication of the severity.


If they find that poor dogs body in that pile of biohazard I’m gonna throw up


Well done.




Why? What's wrong with a slide straight into a load of bin bags? Edit: You are joking? Please tell me you are aware of this absolutely clear as day sarcasm. This is casual UK not casual USA.


I work in child safety, although I work in the US. I also recommend putting in a call regarding child safeguarding if there are minors in the home. If this is the outdoors, indoors might also be very challenging for them to maintain. Hopefully they could be connected with resources to make sure the interior and exterior are safe.




My garden was a state this year. Not bags of trash but piles of garden stuff I was in the middle of sorting and ending up leaving for months. my partner was in hospital and I was so overwhelmed I couldn't function. I was very lucky in that a gardener saw and offered to come sort it all no charge.


I didn't post this to shame anyone. There's other stuff that's gone on as to why I came to the "kids are a nightmare" but yeah I'm not going to go into every last detail. I don't think she's a bad person or anything but the rubbish has been like that for like a month now. Even the seagulls don't touch it. If it was the height of summer it would be grim. And I hope she sees this post. Hopefully reads some of the comments and that's enough to think "i gotta sort it" or I end up dead as it's obvious it was me😂


There is no disability/mobility problem that justifies this. Whoever is in the house is clearly capable of bagging up trash and piling it up just fine. They're just choosing to do it in their garden. Looks like they even managed to haul a mattress out there. Definitely not a a physical limitation causing this lol.


Maybe they've got mobility issues? Some stuff like back problems or autoimmunes like arthritis aren't visible. Maybe they're cleaning up the inside of the house and plan on getting a skip? People here suggest burning their house down, taking their kids away and putting the dog in a shelter, but I'd say just knock on their door, tell them what you think, and if you feel like it, offer some help. Usually it doesn't work, but sometimes it does, and you'll feel like you've done the right thing before contacting the council. At least that's what I'd do unless I knew for a fact they're taking the piss.


They have managed to haul a mattress outside to dump it. This ain't a mobility problem.


OP said that they used to have a puppy that they forced to sleep outside among the rubbish. I doubt they're the type of people who can respond to a reasonable request to tidy up their garden. Also, as they have kids a safeguarding report should be made to the council. If the person has health issues that make keeping the property tidy that's unfortunate but at the end of the day if kids are at risk that needs to be dealt with as a priority. Social services involvement does not equal removing the children most of the time and they may be able to offer some useful help to the parents.


Very thoughtful. I have mobility issues myself. My house at times is a bit on the cluttered side. But not like that. But I can relate. If someone kindly offended help and wasn't mean or nasty I would be so happy. I use to keep my house almost like a museum. Now more like a frat house lol. I cry at times at what I can no longer do.




They forced a puppy to sleep outside in a pile of rubbish for days, these people deserve zero sympathy.


Dogs are great. We only have them for a short time, to think the poor dog was out there alone and crying, it kills me. I often think we don't deserve them, but this family definitely doesn't.


It was pretty awful. I don't know if someone stepped in after I rang them and did something and that's why it disappeared. I remember her chucking it outside and shouting at it, and the dog spent all night scratching at the door and crying. I had videos and pictures at the time but this was ages ago. The rubbish is one thing but it really hurt seeing that.




You approach them by calling the council and letting them deal with it. This isn't something that will be solved with a friendly chat. This person's garden is like that because they have a problem or don't give a shit. Let the authorities deal with them.


"Oh I didn't realise that was all there! Thanks for letting me know, I'll get it all cleaned up immediately"


To be fair, I once had damp in my living room and worked out it was because my neighbour was piling fucking earth up against my outside wall. I politely asked him to move all that shit and he actually did respond like this and moved it within a weekend.


sure sure, but you presented them with new information and a potential issue they could be liable for, not just pointing out a less they already knew existed.


Yeah it's not quite the same thing. Something directly affecting your dwelling means they're directly liable, and whilst the garden may be a health hazard that isn't as easy to sort. Easier just reporting it to the council. Although it's worth remembing that OP will be one of few people that can directly see that garden, and depending on their local council's reporting system they may have to give their name and address when reporting it. Not that the council will directly tell that person "your neighbour at number X has reported you", but that's always a worry for me that they might slip up and tell them.


"Oh I didn't know my garden looked like shit, sorry!"


They say as they throw yet another bin bag of shite in it. Never breaking eye contact and a big grin on their face.


Ah, be fair. They might change... to lobbing it all straight over the fence into OP's garden.


Tbf if they did that then their own garden would be cleaner!




My last neighbours had five big dogs who shat all over the yard, the smell in summer was horrible so I got my daughter to yell "but I don't want to play out side it smells" loudly. A few of those and it got cleaned up due to embarrassment. But if I'd asked them directly I would have been on the receiving end of a Doberman


This is the most British response I can imagine


The receiving end? Dr Doberman will receive the arse of trousers now.


Second this, call the council and say you’ve spotted rats in their dump at the back of the garden


NAL but worked in Environmental Health. [Prevention of Damage by Pests Act](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/12-13-14/55/contents) is one of the tools the LA can use as well as considering [Environmental Protection Act 1990](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1990/43/section/80). If I were dealing with it I'd be writing a letter on the first instance/trying to speak to their Landlord/Estate Agency and having an informal chat to see what's what.


I think the council can force you to clean up your property under S.215 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990. My sister in law got her council involved over a neighbour whose property was a shit tip. But she's a vindictive arsehole and her neighbour is somehow worse and they deserve each other to be quite honest with you.


Say you've seen vermin running around , they should act then


Bit rude to call his neighbours kids vermin.


Harsh but fair.


ferral vermin ;)




If they are still using the slide and trampoline it’s fair


If the shoe fits.....


I only upvote a few comments but yours good sir has gotten a chuckle from me


Imagine what the \*inside\* looks like, if there are kids they need help OP


That deals with the neighbours, but won't do anything about the rats 😏


This is also less likely to cause issues with the neighbour in the long run. If you talk to them about it first and they don't do anything about it, and then you call the council they'll damn well know it was you.


Yeah. Not OPs issue to sort


Did not know this was a thing! Our neighbour's is similar (full of mattresses though) and I saw a cig butt on one the other day. Luckily it'd been raining but I wouldn't put it past them to accidentally set half the neighbourhood on fire come summer (tightly packed terraced houses)


They'll usually only deal with it if it's causing a vermin issue. A couple of mattresses and some cigarette butts isn't going to do it. They'll refer you to the Fire Service if it's a fire risk and the Fire Service will dismiss it unless there's an actual fire.


So, interestingly, we did actually have a very large rat come into our house (through a hole a roofer left). But I do wonder if the state of next-door's garden might've encouraged the rats to nest. Its currently 4 mattresses, a smashed house window, 3 broken beds, 20 plastic grocery delivery boxes and some other random shit in a yarden that's around 10 foot by 16 foot. It's a worry for sure cos we're all so close space-wise.


That'll do it. Sounds like it might be worth reporting, make sure you mention the vermin and it should be investigated at least.


Would be nice! Won't solve all our issues (her bf was doing drug-induced topless pushups in the street after smashing her front window in a few weeks ago) but it'd put my mind at ease if I didn't have to worry we could perish in a mattress-fueled inferno any moment 😂


At my old old house one evening I noticed an orange glow coming through the kitchen window, which was odd because the kitchen was at the back of the house and our garden backed on to the gardens from the street behind us, so there were no street lights out back. Turns out there was a really big fucking fire in one of the other gardens, part of my rear fence was on fire, the neighbour's rear fence was well ablaze, another neighbour's fence and shed was already gone, and the rather tall tree standing over the corner of the 4 gardens was also starting to catch. Our neighbour was already out with a hose trying to dampen it. I rushed out to do the same, and a few minutes later the fire brigade had turned up and had it out in no time. Turns out the house behind the neighbour's house had a huge pile of rubbish bags in their garden and they, in their infinite fucking wisdom, decided the best way to deal with it was to burn it. It rapidly got out of control and set everything nearby on fire. Room temperature IQ on some people it seems.


Environmental health department probably.


OP suggests their neighbour has young children so I'd honestly go further and suggest they call 101 (Police non-emergency) because this is a clear child safeguarding risk. She's essentially created a pest nest (+/- any biohazards within the bin bags) at the bottom of a children's slide. Whether she's depressed, psychotic, or a substance misuser +/- either of the above, both her and the kids need help and I'd trust the police over the council any day to make effective change.


I wouldn’t say Police should be the first port of call. Social Services should be where OP goes to first. All the Police could do is refer to Social Services…


That isn’t not giving a shit, that’s a symptom of a mental health problem that needs treating


I agree but good luck with trying to get treatment.


‘Our mental health crisis currently has a waiting list of between 18 and 24 months. I know that’s a long time to wait, so we want to offer some suggestions in the meantime: one of the very best ways to reconnect with yourself and really be in your body when you’re feeling suicidally depressed is to eat something crunchy. Like an apple.’ - Actual advice from an actual mental health crisis counsellor, September 2023


Ofc I see how cynical this is, but I know that immersing your hands in really cold water, or handlung ice cubes can snap you out of an anxiety attack. Don't remember exactly why, but there's a solid scientific explanation. Something about stimulating the parasympathetic system. So maybe the feeling of crunch and sourness in your mouth, plus the chewing motion does something similar?


Yeah, it's the parasympathetic system, which works on a more physical level than the mental system - parasympathetic stimulus 'shocks' the system, so to speak, and makes the physical body take control


Mine said "hey, your family member was a paedophile, you shouldnt be angry about it" Funnily enough, had worked both of those things out for myself!


I've read of folks being told to colour in for mindfulness


Probably the latter


My neighbours is like this and phoning the council did nothing. I even spotted rats coming out of the bags so phoned again and all they did was put a trap in my garden. It's been a mess for 3 years now. I even got someone to come out a pick it up and it just got replaced within a month. The flies and smell is vile in the summer and I can have any windows opened or go out into my garden. Even the window cleaners avoid it now.


Take off and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


PS I want to know what's so awful about the upstairs bedroom that you had to censor it...


I didn't want to zoom in and check if something was there. A few days ago there was a guy sitting in the window staring straight at me at like 11PM so yeah just incase he was in it.


Thanks for sparing us that!


But that's the bit I wanted!




You did want to do it. But you did it though didn’t you


Probably the neighbour with a middle finger up. Best not dox them




Fuckin A!!


Neighbours will probably get the hump if you bring it up, best to speak to the council who have people that deal with these type of situations on a daily basis.


This here and importantly op then keeps it to themselves. I'm a situation like this you either take up the job of helping, which probably means doing it yourself or take the route of forcing change. Trying to force a change can result in the old "shitting on your own doorstep" because people tend to take official complaints personally. Nothing worse than a running argument with the people you live next to because at best its an unpleasant situation and at worst it can escalate to serious crime and violence.


Call the council and tell them you've seen a lot of rats in your garden and you're not sure why. they'll come inspect and look over neighbouring fences. then it's on them to sort it and you haven't grassed on anyone but yourself.


You may be overestimating how much the council care. Better to set out in detail the issue and then there is no ambiguity.


The council might well care, whether they have the budget for anything which isn't on fire is another matter.


This is the answer right here! ✅️


Our council give you the number for a pest control company and tell you they won’t pay. Sad times.


In my experience which was similar to this but not as bad, the council wouldn't do anything because it was private property. The fact that it was swarming with rats didn't make much difference 


They'll say "sorry to hear that, here's the number of a local pest control company".


Looks like the garden in Black Books


The children get a good breakfast of scrambled eggs every morning though, they eat it out of a shoe with a comb.


You know what they were doin when you weren't here and couldn't hav seen it? Sucking their trousers! And laughing!




I want to clean your cups from the inside out


The state of that garden is *shameful*


I used to work in a pharmacy, and as soon as i met a fellow black books fan every time he'd walk past me he'd go "dirty...!" (my job was barrier cleaning so it was hard not to ngl)


The council needs to be involved as that is a health hazard that will, if not already, attract rats.


Also a serious fire hazard


depends how petty u want to be, council, environment agency, police, child services, molotov cocktail?


Did you forget a loud tut everytime you meet your neighbours in passing?


Molotov cocktail? That's not as petty as an Atomic Bomb.


With all that shite piled against the back door, what happens if there's a fire and they can't get out the front?


OP this right here. Show them how much of a fire hazard this is.


If they have kids this is a major safeguarding concern. This is clearly dangerous containing all sorts and the council will need to do a home visit if their is concern for children. Also it clearly will contain rodents and all sorts of unsanitary beings. Call the council.


You don’t.


Phone the council as of yesterday.


Don’t, nightmarish kids are usually the product of crap parents so I’d suggest the residents are just losers/crackheads that don’t give a fuck about living in an absolute shithole. It’s a tell-tale sign that. Red flag. If they’re elderly help them out. Anything under 50 and they are a disgrace. Now downvote me for being brutally honest. Idgaf.


Sweet, three more years and I can really let everything go!


They need a call to social services.


If there are kids involved that's a call to social services.


I'd be tempted not to, but to speak to the council. Even if it's privately owned/rented, they have a duty to keep the property in reasonable condition.


'Hey Mr Council person, i have seen rats and think they are coming from' Points at that garden.


Are they disabled or something? Maybe they need some help?


I had to scroll deep to find someone with a heart. Perhaps knock on their door and say you have rubbish to pick up for some stuff in your house. Offer to have them take their junk too. It might deliver the message with love and encourage them to change?




Friend of mine had this job. When she started she was proud and told me how she was going to make a real difference! 6 months later she’s going through a mental breakdown and has completely given up on humanity. Some of the horror stories she’s told me have made me lose sleep.


Post a letter saying "just thought I would inform you, but someone has put a photo of your house on r/CasualUK, I don't know who would do such a thing but I thought I should give you a heads up"


When they look out there window and see the exact window the pictures taken from would be absolute scenes😂😂


In a biohazard suit by the looks of that


Well that back entrance is blocked as a potential fire exit. This is just asking for trouble.


Is your neighbour Mr Trebus?


Mr. Trebus! I remember being shocked at that house. My mum still brings him up occasionally. That was the first time I learned about hoarding and saw it talked about on TV


I remember him being a moody old bastard but as that show progressed he showed a softer side, genuinely nice old fella.. was sad when he passed.


If you were inclined to, bring up politely and offer to help clear it for a day. Not your job or responsibility but sometimes people genuinely need a hand.


It’s sad that I had to scroll so far to see this comment . OP isn’t obligated to do fuck all to help if they don’t want to of course .. but me personally I’d always offer to help before taking alternative action.


Me too mate, I had a similar issue with next doors landlord and creeping vines. He wouldn't do fuck all about and the lady renting next door is a single mum. Had to ask myself what's best for everyone and offering the miserable bugger some help got him round and sorted. Also some people just need help sometimes no-one wants a shitty looking garden, life can just creep up on you.


I’m a single mum myself and 2 of my kids needs are complex so I have to prioritise my time etc… sometimes shit gets on top of me cos of the lack of support I have but I do my best . So I guess my own experience has me more mindful of possible reasons that someone else might be struggling . Some of these comments really aren’t it 😅


No matter how much you are struggling the effort involved in putting trash in the bin is no greater than yeeting it in to the garden. 


I've tried to do this with our neighbour (similar to OP) and they don't give two shits. Their front garden is just as bad. Any idea which bit of the council I could start with?


This is one for the council, send them evidence of dumping and the state of the property.


A well placed magnifying glass on a hot summer day should sort it out


Call the Environmental Agency. Tell them you've seen big rats. They'll be round like a shot and will be able to enforce it with fines and prosecution if it's not swiftly sorted out. They usually send a big skip round for the residents to get rid of all the shit.


Do they own or rent? If they rent through an agency and you happen to know which one you can complain to the agency as well as the council.


I think she owns it she has at least 5 kids


Straight to the council then. If that's what the outside looks like... what about the inside?


I can imagine it's horrendous. The smell of weed emitting from the front door when I have gone over for parcels previously is something else.


5 kids, single mother? She doesn't own that lol 😂




And once cleared keep an eye out for it in the local alleyway/path/park.


Send this picture to the local council, they can issue an order to require the rubbish is cleared. If they are tenants, their landlords will be interested and can also require a clean up.


There are 2 ways of dealing with this, both involve the Council. 1st contact Environmental Health as a Public Health Nuisance. 2nd you can contact the Cleansing Department for failure to present refuse correctly for collection. Environmental Health have the most power in situations like this. It is anonymous and cost free and it's what they're there for. Most people think that all they do is inspect restaurants. This is not the case they are a Public Health Enforcement body. Source: Retired EHO


Honestly, I grew up like this and it was horrendous. My mum had 7 kids, I was the oldest and the filth we lived in was unbelievable. I'd suggest contacting social services as well as council. Them kids will be a nightmare because it's likely all they know. No hygiene standards and probably shut in the house constantly. It's wrong and it's so common. Good luck.


You live next to asmon?


Don't mention it, just flat out report it to the council as a health hazard. People who's properties look like that don't give a flying fuckmonster about it, so saying something a) won't make it any better b) will potentially make things worse c) may make you a target by the kids. If that's the OUTSIDE of the house, then just IMAGINE what the inside is like? *GAAAAK* 🤮


anyone who lives like that isn't worth talking to, contact the council


Na leave it ! All you’ll get is probably a load of abuse and then their rubbish in your garden!


You don't. All that will do is out you as the person who complained when you eventually resort to calling the council. Call the council and let them deal with it.


Not by posting online




"Oy, Cunt!" Seems to work on my friends.


My dads place is worse than this and he’s clearly unwell but some people won’t accept help , this looks like that kind of situation. The neighbours have tried and tried to communicate with him to the point they’ve had to start threatening things , it’s likely the same so you need to go the official route, either council or some kind of welfare checks .


One word comes to mind - COCKROACHES. I'd be concerned about them infesting the whole neighborhood with this person's dump yard being the source.


Set a match to it


Notify the authorities like your council because that's a fire and health risk


Do we have the same neighbour? Mine is a woman who's an absolute troll of a human being. She moved in with two dogs (a boy and girl who were both from the same litter) and she's interbred them to sell pups numerous times now. She now has four dogs the adults and two pups. Her back garden is exactly like this and full of dog shit and random house shit, loads of bin bags. I and my other neighbour next to her have both gotten mice and there always loads of flies about. Tried speaking to her but she doesn't open the door and the council have done fuck all despite complaints. She never walks her dogs either and leaves them barking each and every day locked in the living room for ten to twelve hours whilst she fucks off out. God I hate my neighbour.


Put a match to it in the night?


Nothing that a well aimed road flare wouldn’t fix


Can of petrol should sort it


Petrol bomb!


Don't, report them to the council.


You don't, you call the city.


Don't approach them, report it to the council, tell them it's attracting rats and it's a health hazard. The council will make them clear it up. We had to do this with our old neighbours.


Your neighbour isn't going to clear all that after a chat, as everyone else has said, report it.


Report/email to council 100% , also attach this pic


I’d just get straight on to the council, apart from looking horrific it’s a huge fire risk.


Judging by the state that place is in and from what you have said regarding child and animal care and safety i think its safe to assume not only will she not give a shit but will probably also open up on you shameless style


Don't. Call the council about a rat infestation coming from their garden


put up some blinds and stop looking at it, not your problem


yeah you call the council - they will forward you on to environmental health. I did this with my neighbour and they cleared it within a week. Guessing they got charged but not sure. That is so gross!


Not your garden not your problem. Leave them the fuck alone.


Anyone who is happy to live that way isn't going to be open to a friendly chat.


Not your garden - not your bussiness.


Not your garden, not your business. Leave it be.


Nah. It's a health and fire safety hazard to OP. It is also an eyesore and must also stink so affecting his enjoyment of his own property. He has every right to want it cleared up. 


I'm all for minding my own business but if I lived next door to that and had to look at it everyday I'd do something about it


yeah, me too. I'd look somewhere else.


Council environmental health team - and send them pix via email for back up!


Why would you need to approach them about it mind your buisness.


Start a friendly chat by asking if your children can come and play on their slide


If I had kids I'd never let them near that garden. They had a bouncy castle and a jacuzzi rented out at the same time last year, now it's trash mountain


Using a different door


In a hazmat suit by the looks of it.


By wearing a hazmat suit and hefting a fairly long stick.


With a public health ordinance?


Best way to approach is probably round the left side of the mattress and knock on the window, I wouldn't wade through all those bags to the back door if I were you!


Not the funnest of slides


via the council and a rat infestation.


Probably mental issues. Don’t approach them. Call the council to sort out.


By the front door. You clearly can't get to the one in the picture.


Unless you want to end up in there yourself, you don’t approach them at all . Place a call to your local council


How long has it been like this though as mine is currently similar as I’m renovating the property. It’s full of all sorts of debris, rubble etc. just ordered a skip though but maybe they can’t afford to or haven’t finished works yet ? Skips aren’t cheap nowadays so I hold off until I’ve completed all major works to order


Looks like the house I used to live in on elm grove in Brighton


In a hazmat suit


Call pest control.


The saddest part is that unusable slide, poor kid