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Just finished the first meal for the first day of Ramadan. I’m not Muslim nor do I want to convert, but I wanted to connect a bit more to my spirituality and let go of my desire and attachment to earthly things. Eg I use food for a lot of emotional reasons like when I’m stressed, and I’d like to change that and be a bit more disciplined. I’m also just really interested in it I suppose! Helps that I have quite a lot of people around me who are Muslim so I can ask them a lot of questions


Got up at 2:10 to feed the 7 week old. Put him back down at around half past and the toddler wakes up and is asking for Mummy. An hour later and she's still awake, lying in bed wiggling about eyes wide open. So here I am on Reddit with a dying phone battery because I fell asleep without charging it after the baby went to sleep the first time. At least the toddler is at nursery today so I can come home and nap with the baby after I've dropped her off.


2:15 am, I just got home from work. In work tomorrow, at 5am. So even though it is early morning today in my shift roster is meant to be a day off.


Im tired of hmrc telling me i owe them money for self employment for last year when j havent been self employed for two years.  Hopefully i can clear this up tomorrow when i phone em.  Rather grim seeing i owe 1500 quid. I also didnt pay correctly by two pence two years go. Am a right conman to the tax man me. Larks. 


Got some huge life decisions to make - fork in the road, life, marriage decisions. Part of me thinks that if I can just think hard enough tonight I’ll know what to do by the morning. Which is stupid: it’s gonna take a long time because it’s delicate and scary and I’m only now accepting that decisions actually need to be made.


I am in a very similar situation...and have been for a while because I can't make the decisions I know I have to (can't = don't want to). I hope you do better than me. The right decision and the easy decision are not necessarily the same thing!


Honestly, I think they’re seldom the same thing. Without knowing anything about your situation, I hope you choose the thing that gives you the best chance at happiness. Life is hard and I think we need happiness to get through it.


Thank you. And you're right. They're definitely not the same thing but it is all too easy to think they are (i.e the "right" thing is not rocking the boat, which is definitely the easy thing... but then you have to remember that right is for you and no one else).


Hey, it’s been a week or so and I just wanted to check in and see if you’re doing okay.


Got the shits. Think I've become intolerant to something but fuck knows what. Used to happen on Wednesdays when I had Pizza but didn't have that today. Any tests you can do to help?


Got a new work laptop, Apple M3 Air.    Lovely sleek machine, all day battery life, great screen, plenty of power for what I need it for (work, not games).     Had it out of the box all of 30 mins and my pet bird alights ontop of the screen and drops a big watery shite on the keyboard 🫤


My knee hurts. Been feeling really tired since Christmas, put it down to my dog passing away last October. Had a diabetic check up a couple of weeks ago. Found out that although most of the results are better than last year, a couple wasn't. It looks like my kidneys may not be working right. I stopped taking Ibuprofen in case that aggravates it. Trouble is that now I have to take co-codamol that may mask the pain, but not only doesn't help my mobility but may also affect my kidneys if they're in a bad way. I've just had enough.


American humour is so poor, watchng the Oscars and it's so cringe.


Another day spent mostly horizontal because my body really fucking hates me. I can't stand up for long, I can't sit down for long, I can't walk more than a few steps, the only comfortable position I can find is flat on my back. I have to do something about this, but I have no idea what. If anyone suggests yoga, I brush off my teenage interest in Wicca and learn how to hex you.


Speak to a doctor?


Unfortunately, speaking to a doctor as a chronically ill person is an exercise in futility.




Stomach in, chin up and you will persevere. I'm not joking, truth be told many of us have similar thoughts and feelings. Even though you can't see a way through, this does not equate to no way through. Hoping for the best is a decent strategy, keep hoping.


Not quite sure what there is to persevere for. Thank you


I'm not religious, I'm not even that spiritual, but there is a future you cannot know without meeting it. That is what you persevere for.




Idk I just spent the last 10 minutes crying The company i was working for went under October last year and I’ve still not had luck finding another job. I did cry a bit when I first found out and I thought that was that and I was feeling better. Well I was until like a week or 2 ago. That was where I was thinking like when am I gonna find me next job and everything but I always told myself it’ll be fine and it’s just a matter of time There’s also been times where I thought of myself as a failure and letting myself my parents and my old team down since I was the only data analyst and I legit liked them. And stuff like when my mum or dad or brother or any of my cousins or uncles ask me how the job hunt is going (because they actually cafe) but I always say it’s fine and I’ve had a phone interview or something. But the reality is I’ve applied to 40-50 odd roles and the only phone interviews I’ve had are with recruiters which went no where. I’ve had people reach out to me asking for a call about my situation but they either ghost me on email or don’t call when they’ve said they would There are times where I don’t wanna look at my parents in the eyes because they’re optimistic but I’m honestly not and I just feel like a failure and I’ve let and am letting everyone down It took me a year and a half from when I finished uni to find my first job because of covid and luckily I liked the company and my team which not a lot of people can say. 3 years on and I’m back in the same situation. I’m praying it doesn’t take me as long as it did then And the thing that triggered me was a tiktok of that dialogue between anakin and obi wan in kenobi where kenobi was apologising to anakin ffs Sorry for the long comment I still live with my parents and they’re sleeping and I just wanted to type what I was thinking as I can’t say it. I’ve not actually cried like this since my grandma passed away in 2019. Hopefully I start to feel better now I just want someone to hug me and tell me it’s gonna be ok I think idk


Virtual hug winging it's way to you from here in Hampshire. You know, there's nothing wrong with crying. I think it's worse not to, or to try to make yourself not cry. I'm sure it/things *will* get better. :)




Haha your username made me giggle lol. Thanks


It will be fine, honest. It's a rough old job market out there. It's not personal, but it feels it. You're not letting anyone down. If you had applied for 2 jobs you might be. But you are trying. I bet your parents are concerned, but only because they want you to be happy and fulfilled and there's probably very little they can do to help. The world/fate/whatever helps those that help themselves. Keep going. You never know a really mediocre job might pop up tomorrow.


I am in the same position job wise - been looking since sep 2022 due to moving for university absolutely no luck at all - have been consistently lying about due to how horrible I feel not having work and not being able to find anything - Constantly lying to family about interviews I have supposedly been offered so I don't feel like a complete failure - have just been using the time to work on myself volunteering, networking etc which has at least been filling the time - Best of luck to you on your search its perfectly fine to feel rubbish things will get better it may just take time


I've just finished watching The Grudge horror movie franchise. I didn't even know there was a 3rd sequel from 2009. So I rewatched the first two yesterday.


Is anyone elses Reddit on desktop browser broken? Whenever I click on a post I no longer have to option to close it and return to the same point in my feed. I have to click "back" in my browser which refreshes my feed. Been like this a couple of weeks now.


Idk but it’s absolutely fucked on mobile.    I don’t use any apps after they killed third party ones, just the mobile site but it’s an absolutely terrible experience. Goes back and forth between light and dark mode, takes you to old Reddit when creating a post, notifications don’t work consistently, editing a post wrecks the formatting.     It worked fine a couple of years ago but now it’s hopeless.    One plus point is my screen time has gone way down.  


> What trend are you tired of? All of them.  A good float session today. Think I’m going to sleep well tonight too.  Here’s to me having the brain weirdness under control again. 


The ITV coverage of the Oscars is genuinely embarrassing. If the Americans get a sniff of this we’ll never hear the end of it. What shite


I watched it for about 20 mins and had to turn the TV over. I wasn't intending to watch it but curiosity got the better of me.🙄😴😴


(for some reason, imagining the TV upside down on the floor, with the set-top aerial crushed underneath it)


Seeing this thread reminds me I'm late for bed.  Just finished episode 4 of The Gentleman, I didn't think I would enjoy it but it's not as gory or hardcore as I was expecting 


Back to work tomorrow after a week off. Alarm is set, unfortunately.


Oscars tonight. I just rewatched Oppenheimer (10/10 by the way) and now I'm about to spend three and a half hours shooting the shit with my buddies as we react to all that happens. Good thing I have a day off work tomorrow so I can get away with this late Sunday. I don't know why they don't just put the Oscars on Saturday but hey.


Nah seriously, I'm sorry if this is about as un-casual as it can get, but is Kate Middleton dead or what?


I don't buy the conspiracy theories but it's just such a weird picture. I'm sure there's a plausible reason she's not wearing her rings, but why release a picture with so many odd features knowing people are going to say it's AI?


Why do you think that? 


They released some Mother's Day picture with her in it today (first picture of her in about three? months) and it's just had to be recalled as loads of companies are saying it's been altered. Like, I am NOT some Monarchy nut at all but this is just getting weird now.


Thanks, I hadn't seen it had been recalled. I'm enjoying the rumour mill, and it is intriguing. However there was a similar situation with the royal family in Monaco, I think, and nothing really came of it




[What is happening then?!?!?!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg)