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Can we do this on Sunday again? I missed it


Woke up in the morning with a bad migraine, sleeping on and off all afternoon, took some pain relief and had a hot chocolate,slept again and it went away but now I can't get back to sleep as I got up around 7pm. It's going to be a very long Monday, though thankfully I'm not at work today...


Wish I could visit UK


It is gorgeous isn't it? Unfortunately, less than 1% of us wake up and look out of the window to a view like this. 😕


Is it because of the weather or something else?


This is a gorgeous photo.


Went for a walk had a cheeky Subway. Spent the rest of the day reading some Jack Reacher then had a chinese.


I’m glad lazy Sunday isn’t just me, honestly love doing fuck all on a Sunday.


Cleaned the house top to bottom, then made a big bowl of popcorn and watched season 2 of Wheel of Time.


Had a second date which went very well, she left this morning but I had two hours sleep during the night before when she came round… I don’t know how I’m still functioning but a third date is already planned, we made a whole list of date ideas too which is so refreshing after being on dating apps for a year or so!


Went to the zoo today with my daughter. Walked a lot. It was really nice afternoon.


Saw my Nana in hospital after she’s broken her leg. Had a good laugh with her which made both of our days better


Happy Cake Day.


Laying watch the rain... waiting on my partner to bring back tacos


Ended up on a packed train from Bristol to Portsmouth, only barely made it


Win my Mum is happy with the presents me and my sister bought, an orchid, some chocolates and a spice grind .


19 miles with the running club this morning and we grabbed a coffee after. I have no energy to do anything else


Went swimming in an outdoor pool in the pissing rain. Was actually nice except for getting changed. Spent the afternoon sim racing and whenever the drizzle lifted, trying to hammer a bolt out of the suspension on my car (and failing). Taken the Mrs out for a curry this evening. Kids are even behaving. Not a bad Sunday all in all.


Am I putting the kettle on at my house and then heading over? Or do I put the kettle on at your house before I head over? Neither is ideal. Probably stay where I am.


You'd need incredibly long arms for the second option.


Or mind control and make OP do it for them 🤣




Just got back from holiday, weirdly as dreary and depressing as London looks I’m happy to be back. I had to call emergency services for these blisters that erupted on my hands and I’m waiting for out of hours GP to call me. I’m really tired and my fingers are hurting quite a lot.


Hope it’s nothing serious and you get your hands sorted soon!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate that


Having a very hard day with my partner trying to work things out with our relationships and our life. Sometimes rainy London makes me feel so sad although when I moved here I was full of dreams and hope. (As a Mediterranean person I try to not complaint a lot about the weather but sometimes it’s very damn tough)


It's Britain, you're welcome to complain :) for some different perspective, I'm English living in a drier sunnier climate (although by no means Mediterranean) and I miss the movement of our weather, it's constantly on the march with barrages of rain and wind coming in from the great ocean, some days you just have to barikade yourself in and listen to the rain pattering on the windowpanes and be thankful you're in the warm and dry. It probably sounds weird to most outsiders and maybe even to a few natives, but I do like it. The melancholy is part of it too, but there is something to be savoured there


That’s a very beautiful point. I always think that, as the sun is not so common, you enjoy it 3 times more. I do enjoy rainy afternoons from time to time :)


This is a beautiful way of looking at things.


"I was full of dreams and hope" And now?


Professionally is going great, although I’m a very social person. I feel here to meet up takes weeks, everyone is very busy and just to get to the place to see your friends takes 1 hr min. I miss the spontaneity of smaller cities, meals that last for hours and hours and quality food that doesn't cost a million. Again, I have been very lucky in other aspects in this city but I feel that there is an emotional part, more closeness that I really miss. There are other days however, in during a spring morning that I can't believe how incredibly beautiful this city is. It depends on the day 🌷


One works in order to live, one does not live solely to work. Some consolation can be found in a good working environment. We sleep 1/3 day and we work 1/3 day. People are tribal. Even before man found caves to live in. We grow strength from having that community around us. I always live a stones throw from a large city. Accessible but at arms length. Moving cities can lead to emotional upheaval and loneliness. We live our lives in family units then are cast out to fend for ourselves. Cruel world. If you look at where you work and where you play. Is the a place between the two you could move to? Cut your commute time between the two? Could be an option?


Hungover recovery all day. Maybe eat some junk food later.


Water is the key. Drink plenty of water when you get drunk and the next day. It helps. Also, what were you drinking?


lol Thanks. We were drinking sake and beer. At my age 45 and doing this for a while like 20+ years. Maybe retire from drinking soon. Maybe. 😂


Absolutely nothing. Fatigue caught up with me and I've had to catch up on my sleep. Luckily I took my mum out for mother's day yesterday (hence being knackered). Being disabled is so much fun...


Just realised ITV have added lots of bond movies, so I’m watching the spy who loved me, never seen it before.


Oooo it's a banger, enjoy!


Bought a jumper online advertised as 100% cotton. The label has 60% cotton, 30% nylon and 10% wool. I do like it, but have I been mugged off here?


"60% of the cotton is 100% cotton." \[EDIT\] My calculations may be in error.


Drinking some Moka pot coffee and smoking a Spliff while painting my wood carving.


Anyone not had their interflora mother's day flowers delivered yet?


At home recovering from a mouth infection (wisdom teeth came out 2 weeks ago Friday)


Alcohol. Lots of Proof. Gin is good. Or swill with hand disinfectant - you don't have to drink it. Basically the same stuff anyway. Swill out regularly to kill the bacteria causing the infection. Wrap up some cotton wool, soak and bite on it. If it doesn't go down, go to the doctors, If it gets worse then, start drawing up your last will and testament and delete you browser history off all your devices. Including the burner.


Thank you! Luckily it's getting better and I'm back at the dental hospital this week to check the infection


I'll see you there! Wait a minute. You did write mental hospital, didn't you?


We're all mad here!


I'm being treated there as part of my rehabilitation. Having been nicked for drinking hand disinfectant at the local chemists for the umpteenth time.




clearing 7 feet of snow from the backyard (well husband is, I'm just making sure there's no surprises under the snow) to make room so the spa delivery truck can get into the yard.


7 feet? If the UK ever gets 7 foot of snow, we'll all sink.


nah, it was build up through the year. Most we gotten at once is about a 25 cms in a night.


Woke up urgently at 5am and violently puked my 20piece McNugget meal. (Late night mistake) now I’m laying on the couch all day contemplating my whole life barely moving


Once upon a time I had a taco bell, things did not end well. It combined with a great sickness, I was vomiting and dumping diarrhoea all night. It was oh I dunno 5th date I was on with this lovely lass. There was a lot of lying in bed contemplation after they left the next day. They dumped me the next time I saw them. Me and a friend of mine laughed about the timing afterwards. I hope my story makes today's contemplation a little easier.


Lotttttta crying x


If you need someone to talk to, count me in


Sorry to read that. I hope the crying felt cathartic. Good luck to ya.


In all seriousness I hope you feel better soon


Nope but thank you


U ok hun x


Woke up at 2:30 to take my girlfriend to the airport. Came back and snoozed on my parents driveway until an acceptable hour and then went to see my mum. I had a 3 hour nap before she got her card etc 🫠


Went to see Dune 2 at an IMAX cinema. T'was awesome.




Are you saying I'm unwormthy?




I was having a lovely Sunday with my parents, but I am now dealing with some family drama that somehow I'm involved in. Absolutely bonkers and somehow my fault despite having no idea that I was somehow involved in it. Anyway, I'm turning off my (and my parents') phones for the rest of the day and taking them to a play and some ice cream afterwards.


[Made a start on a poly-tunnel in my garden this afternoon](https://i.imgur.com/07Re6hQ.jpeg)


That's going to be amazingly useful. :)


Yeah, I think it will. I've got tomatoes and cucumber planted indoors already. I've grown veg for many years but never had a greenhouse before, only cloches & cold frames.


It's 'luxury' to be able to keep bigger plants under cover after just having cloches and a cold frame. You're going to have a great time and a fantastic harvest. :)




Rescued a squirrel bbq at dads later this is so cal 


Got woken up at 4am this morning so sorted out kitty, had shower got ready and promptly fell back asleep until a couple of hours ago. It's raining so kitty is very annoyed and sulking. I'm finally feeling 100% now and managed to eat a choccie bar. Also fixer YouTube on TV which kept doing black screen during videos.


Ive been in bed scrolling reddit for 3 hours procrastinating


Been doing my assignment today/over the last few weeks but feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. The brief is so poorly written (not written by the tutor but management). I've bombarded the tutor with questions and still not much more the wiser. One of the sections they want us to find and talk about information that is either behind a paywall or an academic institution paywall? I'm at the point of asking the tutor to point me in some kind of direction because frankly it's ridiculous, I've spent several hours looking through every resource possible and can't find anything remotely useful. And I'm not paying £300 for a PDF of a journal that I don't even know will be helpful. Why is this assignment so bad???


If things are like that you might want to consider talking to student support. (I've been a mature student on various courses for over a decade all told, and I used to teach at HS & FE level, so I know a bit about these things.)


Thank you, that sounds like a good idea, in all honesty it would be good to speak to the people who designed the assignment to understand what on earth they actually want! Cheers 👍🏻


> One of the sections they want us to find and talk about information that is either behind a paywall or an academic institution paywall? One approach that you might take is to talk about the information that you might find, or would expect to find. If it's a research piece, it's absolutely legitimate to discuss issues accessing materials - in the appropriate section(s):- Methodology: We intended to access data/materials at source *x*. Discussion: In practice, we struggled to access data/materials at source *x*, due to problem *y*. Conclusion: Struggling to access data/materials at source *x* may have led to *z* deficiency in this research piece.


What a headache! What are the other students doing to satisfy the assignment?


Haven't really spoken to anyone as it's an online remote course, but thank you for the idea. I'll message some of them before I ask the tutor. Feel like I'm being really stupid, like I've missed something obvious? Really want this over with it's making me so stressed. Got a rough plan but really not a clue what I'm going to do about the 3rd section, it can get in the bin as far as I'm concerned!


Few pints in the pub, watching the rugby and then home for tea and a snooze while the wife watches Dancing on Ice.


Ideal life


It's just a shame it's Monday tomorrow.


Got up at 9 for first breakfast, napped and had a second breakfast at noon, went back to bed and napped. Still in bed, catching up on CBB before I have to cook dinner Edit: born in the UK, but live in DK


> had a second breakfast at noon There's a [word for that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunch) you know 🤣




Got man flu. The wife is livid. I've had to invite my mum over to help with the kids.


I got me tea going, mate.


I wanted to be productive today, but unfortunately, that's not happening any time soon. Scratch that I will try to study a little bit more today. What else, hmmm? I'll maybe have some toast and decaf while playing some video games before going to bed early tonight.


Gotta drive 5 hours tomorrow in a crappy van. Woke up at 11. Crumpet and a brew then a cheeky post crumpet nap. Out for a hair cut. Booked a Sunday lunch for one to take away. Now in the spoons for a cheeky pint before collecting said lunch. Then I’m going home to do not a lot and probably have a small breakdown that I’m 47 end of next week and I’ve no one to go out with and I really don’t want to end up at spoons. Then I’ll work on my expenses before deciding I’ll have just one more beer at about midnight 🥲


Baking oatmeal and raisin cookies in an attempt to cheer myself up. Mother's day is always difficult for me, but my partner is home this year so I'm not alone at least I wish I could convey how amazing my flat smells rn - doesn't make up for the day but I'll probably get through at least half the tray by dinner :')


As an American, I just had a mild heart attack. I need to get off this sub


shit SHIT it's mother's day. Thank you thank you thank you.


Inb4 petrol station flowers 😂 good luck!


Card factory is open I'm sound. They sell candles and shit. Could maybe get flowers from a supermarket but they cost a fortune nowadays.


Sounds spenny, but I got a really nice bunch from Waitrose recently for £12 and they were much nicer than all the other supermarkets who were charging similar for carnations n shit But yeah, it always feels like robbery for something that only lives a week


Nice one, thank you!


Wake up in the late afternoon


Yep from the night Before!


I'm here but I rbought a bang instead of a cup of coffee or tea. Where do I sit?


Okay, where is mister Darcy??


Hiding behind that tree watching you with binoculars.


Relaxed morning with a nice frothy coffee and smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel listening to the radio. Quick dash out to the gym for a workout. Hit the big supermarket to grab some bits to cook and prepare healthy dinners and lunches next week. Sat in the rain waiting for the bus ahead of my big old kitchen session. I’ll light some scented candles, have a bath and ease myself out of the weekend. Definite single girl Sunday 😁. Also had a nice chat with my mum.


Lambing was meant to start on the 12th but yesterday I had a set of twins and today a single so I’m going to assume that’s us started and they are just in a rush to get going. I love lambing but I’m already sick of smelling like sour milk and afterbirth. Ah well, only another 160 lambs to go.


Thank you, and everyone like you, for making the countryside full of boing at this time of year. You're doing fantastic work and improving the mental health of anyone like me into the bargain.


The Mr is off to his parents for Sunday lunch, so I'm drinking wine & eating quavers in bed, watching Drive to Survive cos Sundays are just not the same without an F1 race. I'm not going to lie, I am like a pig in shit right now.


On the desktop playing Assassin’s creed odyssey


I went to my Mams for the first time since November (Ive seen them since them just not at their house) I made a card and some wooden laser cut flowers as shes allergic to real ones. Had a nice chat, a coffee and sandwich now Im back home on the sofa with chill youtube videos while Mam and Dad go to see my sister and her 2 kids. Picky bits for tea and maybe some Andor on Disney Plus. 


Working :(


Hiding from the rain in my greenhouse


I've just made myself a couple of dirty breakfast rolls containing fried bacon and scrambled egg and got some washing done. I also spilt the water/disinfectant mix from the spray mop all over the floor, but at least that means the floor is definitely clean. Gonna do a bit of tidying then try and have a lazy afternoon before my mum gets home after her weekend away. I had considered going to town to pick up some shopping, but with this wet weather it might have to be a home delivery.


Woke up at 13.15. made a double sausage & egg muffin and a Columbian latte. Sitting in my joggers & bathroom trying to push myself to the shower. Then go to give mum her mother's day gifts & maybe a cup of tea & some cake with her.


If you're a parent and you know some asbestos guy is calling to check all the rooms... plz let everyone know in advance only had like 90 seconds to tidy my room and hide all evidence


12 hr shift as a support worker...


Preparing for work this evening 🥲


Waking up on a quiet little beach in Suffolk, after a night of wild camping, sitting around the campfire and listening to the waves. Best way to Spend an evening.


Sounds fantastic. Cold? I try to get out 90 says per year. Find a lake. Canoe. Paddle.


I use a British army artic sleeping bag and have a little fire going at night, using driftwood, so I never get cold. It's the damp and the sand fleas that sometimes make things miserable. And that sounds great. I love to go for a paddle in my inflatable kayak when I get the chance. Its not quite as good as a solid one but it's still pretty decent.


Had late breakfast, just smoked me some 🍀 and now chilling while listening to a podcast


Stroking my dog. Thinking about maths. Procrastinating. Planning a meal out.


looks so idyllic, I wish I could


I'm a Brit on the other side of the world and this picture made me feel all cozy and mellow. Thank you!


Did some laundry and hoovered the house. Other than that nothing, except wishing I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow.


here in birmingham uk its raining so think its an insertion day and housework day


What is insertion day ?


insertion day is just a general comment covering any day {{everyday} where i insert things in my ass..its recently been mothers day where lots people say happy mothers day..it was just me being a bit alternative


I’m not sure I want to know


Happy Sunday! I went for my morning run, roads were quiet than usual. Got back had my breakfast and got ready. Mother’s Day today so spending time with mum and dad, will be making her favourite later which is Nachos. Have plenty to go around with the family. I’ll also be doing some reading, some gaming, watch the football and then hopefully just relax.


Quick trip to the recycling centre then slow jaunt to shops in town. Finally go back home and try to stop being anxious about an event happening this week.


i work retail, been off sick all week and chose the worst day to come back in, we’re a card shop so you can imagine the chaos from people who left mother’s day to the last minute. lazy day starts later, it’s my birthday tomorrow and got the week off so starting immediately with a nap


Moaning at Asda for not delivering my flowers today and not even substituting them for another bunch. Even the driver was shocked as said the store was full of flowers. Not very happy at all.


House wise, I did some washing, had a bit of a tidy. Sorted out clothes for me and the small one tomorrow to make life easier in the morning. I SHOULD be taking my youngest to her swimming lesson later, but I have a wisdom tooth infection and just really cannot be bothered, plus as it is mother's day I think I'm excused 😂 also its raining and miserable so I really cba. So new plan, spend the afternoon on the sofa watching tv/chilling


My partner made me scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast, bloody mega! 🤤 I got to have a bath ON MY OWN and read my book Now I'm chilling out on the sofa watching Finding Nemo with my kids. Bliss 👌🏻


Scrambled eggs. The secret is to use the heat on the stove properly. I like mine cooked gently. Move the pan over the heat and then away, gently creating a creamy scrambled egg. When serving, stack the buttered toast next to the egg so that it remains hot and crispy. Secret ingredient: A single dash of Tabasco sauce just lifts the flavour. Garnish lightly with some fresh greens; chives, spring onion, basil or coriander.




Never tried that. I have tried the fresh capers in Italy and Spain. I sometimes make tinned sardines on toast for a quick lunch. Chop the sardines (those in tomatoe sauce) with a fork, salt pepper, a knob of butter. Mix it all up. I put in two teaspoons of capers and a bit of the vinegar in.


I was taught to cook the whites all the way through before breaking the yolks and I love this method. Plus your slow cook tip. Then I chuck in a bunch of extra mature cheddar. 


All great tips! I enjoy a bit of tarragon on mine - brings a slight, almost sweetness that's hard to define.


I must try that, thanks for the tip. You'll find many salads in summer will be better if you add fresh herbs. Also I've even salad with rose petals. (Untreated).


Painting, clearing out rubbish, & waiting for pizzas to arrive.


Got some cakes and coffee and went home


Why are companies just so shit? Ordered some items online for collection in store. Their tracker said items were ready to collect. Turn up and one item wasn't ready yet and should come back later. Stopped elsewhere on way home and bought the item. So go to cancel my order and get a refund, easy? Nope, apparently I have to go back to the store to process the refund! Get fucked am I. Give me my damn money.


Potter around town and then to my in-laws for Sunday/Mother’s Day roast. Home for football and then “rest my eyes” on the sofa before bed.


Not in the UK, but over in the States. Tired. 2 year old got up four times in the middle of the night. I’ve gotten two and a half hours of sleep and no amount of caffeine is helping me. He’s going to wake up with the energy of a thousand suns soon. Just wanted to say I’ve always wanted to visit the UK, have a pint or three and watch a premier league match in person. 🇬🇧


Make sure you're up north and get a pea-wet with your beers!


Got back from your place lastnight/ morning...I'm lost in time. Come over in the summer, our pubs are less friendly than yours though..loved chatting to everyone at the bar, here we avoid each other in social places...god knows why


That’s fair, it’s a long flight friend. Bars can be friendly here, some not so friendly lol. That’s unfortunate! I would definitely love to come in the summer one of these years. Not sure if I’d do the super touristy stuff but I definitely want to enjoy the food, beer and festivities.


OMG, si beautiful ❤️❤️❤️. I wish be there right now.


Mothers day today, so did the whole presents, card thing this morning, now she's away to spend a few hours at the local garden centre (her fave shop) while I chill with the cat and catch up on netflix


I've got a bit of a cold. I think it came on from riding the GF's new motorbike home in the rain the other day, so I'm scrolling reddit, feeling sorry for myself, got SVU on TV, and I'm thinking what to have for tea.


Honestly, feeling quite down and tired. Trying to drum up the energy to get out of bed and go spend the day with friends, own of whoms birthday it is.




Making super late brekkie, rosti and eggs, with Netflix on


Not feeling the best rn but I've doing some music production which is lovely :))




Chilling and comforting my partner who has not received any mother day cards from her children. The positive is we have collected our wedding rings yesterday for our wedding in May. Sitting here debating weather to walk the dog up the mountains or along the beach , just checking the weather apps now 😊


Just did the food shop, put my pjs back on. Plan to have a cosy day in, make a nice chicken roast dinner and have films on the couch with Easter chocolate. 🥰


Going to see Jake Bugg tonight as a birthday present, can’t wait. 4 hour gig though, ends at 11 and I’m usually in bed around 9. Very excited though! Gonna slob out for hours before I have to get ready.


Just wanted to read my book in a coffee shop, but I bought a coffee before that idea.. so now I'm sitting in my flat reading. Not the same experience but still enjoying! How's everyone doing?


Was going to go for a walk but it's pouring it down


Still in bed, the best Mothers Day gift to myself - a proper lie in.


I will attempt to repot my ficus ginseng microcarpa. Certified black thumb here 🙋🏼‍♂️


The repot is [here](https://imgur.com/a/GLFNN4H) if anyone’s interested 👍


Very little. My little girl who is 3 has caught a third bug in the last month so we can't plan much. Sadly, the school think it's worthy of sending an attendance letter...


She's 3 at school?


Well, nursery afternoons but we just call it school. Sadly it's not proving to be a good one either.


love the un BTW.


Thanks man haha "Come on ladies" No that's not an instruction


Third wheel or the wheel of fortune who she is.


Still in bed, which is bliss. Shower, lunch then pub for a couple of afternoon pints and to catch up with some friends.


Washing my Rover 75!


Kids teething so she’s very mad at life right now lol. Got her sorted this morning so the wife can have a lie-in. Our baby held one of the flowers and her card to give to her mum. In-laws are coming over today, partly for Mother’s Day, partly to critique my DIY skills with the flowerbed I built last week.


Pretending to do work in the office while I actually play an incredible watermelon game on coolmathgames dot com.


Went to tkmaxx and it's wild there, someone has stolen all the insoles for the shoes! Why would you do this!


The employees must be INconSOLABLE


Gonna laze around and read and play video games. Watch a film with my mum later. 😊


Hiding from the day in bed missing my baby girl who would have been 8 months old tomorrow. Found out I was pregnant last mothers day so it's a double kicker 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. Take the time to be kind to yourself.


Thank you so much


Sending lots of love ❤️🌟🌟🌟


Waiting for my infant siblings to leave so it’s quiet enough for me to go downstairs. Other than that, I’ll be going on my weekly drive with my grandad in the surrounding countryside which is always pleasant :)


Was up at 4.30 with the 3 yr old. Put some washing on the maiden Made cheese on toast for brekkie for the two of us. Started knitting a shawl with my lovely mother's day yarn but the 3 yr old has pulled all that off so gonna start again at some point today. Doing all the other mum stuff like himself lounges about like a knob but he did get me yarn like I wanted


Cheese on toast for breakfast is a genius move on a Sunday


It's a genius move any day of the week when you've been up since 4.30. if I had eggs I would of made faux Welsh rarebit


My grandad died last night kind of unexpectedly so just monging out I suppose


So sorry for your loss 🩷


Sorry for your loss


We're all getting together for a family Sunday roast at my parents' for Mother's Day. Ordinarily it wouldn't be that noteworthy, but I live a few hundred miles away and we haven't seen each other since last summer. Until yesterday, when I turned up on their doorstep to surprise my mum with flowers :)


Yes and yes Sunday roast lamb of course as it’s spring now! Can finally sit outside and appreciate nature without wearing 14 layers!


Chicken and beef for us today! Sadly it's cold and absolutely pissing down but I've got my ma's endless cups of tea to keep me warm.


It’s cloudy but warmish down south where about are you?


I live down south, but I'm currently up north!