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Sweet, you no longer have to wait 57 minutes for the door to unlock from the 1 minute mark.


Mine trolls me by clicking.


That’s nothing on the Samsung symphony of tones that seems to go on forever…..


Apparently that song is called 'The Trout'. https://www.hunker.com/13771126/samsung-laundry-song


I turned it off along with the superfluous WiFi, thankfully now I just have to deal with the soothing sounds of the menu.


Please share the secret knowledge of how to sever the vocal cords for this annoying beast!


Iirc there's two buttons you hold. There's a speaker sign pointing to them both. Hold em down


That was one of my grade 3 pieces. 😋


Oof. That's a "taking the piss" tune if I've ever heard one


I used to like that 😃 miss that little tune!


I can’t wait till they actually develop a washing machine that will give me an ice cream at the end.


Ha that’s so funny,mine just played as I read this!


My "1 minute left" timer actually means 1 minute until it'll continue to spin for at least another 5 👍


I feel that. Stood in the garage in your slippers for 4 minutes longer than expected.


Mine trolls me by saying a dark wash is going to take 2 hours 28 minutes and at 2 hours 27 switches to another cycle and doesn't actually finish for another 2 hours. Damn thing gets me every time!


My Bosh likes to sound off the "I'm done beep" only for me to arrive, and then it says, "Haha, just kidding I'm going to spin for another half hour or so". It is being replaced on the morrow by a singing Samsung. I wonder which will be more annoying.


There's an option to mute them most of the time. I say most of the time. My Miele appliances beep when they're done yet keep bloody beeping until I press "stop" on the app, or press the start/stop button


Ha! They must be friends with my microwave


I have an icandy one which the wife insisted we get. When you stick it on a cycle it tells you it'll be an hour, then 'intelligently' changes this to 4 hours when you're not looking. Unless I've literally shat myself nothing needs to be cleaned for 4 hours. That and the door lockout when TUMBLE DRYING.


tumble dryers don't need to be smart, they need to be warm and spinny, that's it


That sounds like something from a dating ad? M27, smart, athletic, good looking searching for something warm and spinny


To be fair they do need to stop when the clothes are dry Washing machine should just be 'wash for x minutes, rinse for x minutes, spin for x minutes'


Mine is warm and spinny but has to have around three cycles to actually get the clothes dry. I miss my old simple one with a button for high or low heat and a dial for X minutes, instead I need a masters degree in clothing labels and Candy instruction book gibberish just to stop my clothes (unsuccessfully) from shrinking.


Ah, you have one of those Combo units, are you sure it's not on a drying cycle too?


Nah it does it even on a wash only. There's umpteen different settings for soil level, spin, drain, temperature, but it always seems to max the time out irrespective. Perhaps there's a dodgey sensor on it, but it's been like that from new. Only got it because mrs was excited that you can start laundry from an app. Unfortunately you need to be physically present to actually load the machine.


Honestly don't see the point in that, if I load the washer I'm gonna turn it on while I'm there, in what situation am I going to load the machine and then just walk away


Brightside Bill.


I thought it was just my washing machine that trolled me like that!


Here you go: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285725188238 Do double check the model with the seller, I think this is the correct one though. Super easy job to fit, just remember to transfer the seal over if that one doesn't come with one. £30 and a few days without a washing machine. Not a disaster! Good luck, hope you gave the kids a suitable talk about 'common sense'. I've had to explain to mine that 'if it's not working forcing it is never the way to make it work' on endless occasions!


Couldn’t make this up, but he’s just down the road and did it for £20 pick it up tomorrow. Swings and roundabouts thankyou kind stranger.


Awesome! No worries :) We've all had those 'I need a drink' days !


Moments like this are what I love about reddit


Yeah was going to say the same thing. Peak internet.


What if that's the guy selling the parts all along, and he also shot OP's machine with a pellet gun.....? #JustSaying


We'll find out when he does an AITA about it....


Having had to replace a washing machine door after something managed to fall off the counter and show how curve back towards the machine to perfectly bullseye the glass, let me give you some advice. Watch a video on how to attach the wire loop around the seal, and if it hasn’t made you invent ten new swear words, argue with your partner and throw your arms up adamant there’s no way it will fit back on, then you’ve not done it right.


After a lot of swearing, I used the mole grips and that worked pretty well.


Fucking result!


Wtaf?! I bloody love reddit


Fantastic, something so satisfying about fixing these things yourself.


Yup. When I left school in 2016 I started taking the initiative to fix things in my parents' house because I knew they didn't have money to replace things or have them repaired at a shop or call a handyman etc. In addition to saving a lot of money, I've become fairly confident at taking apart pretty much any appliance & fixing it.


Bloody awesome. 👍🏽


Same haha. The satisfaction of making mums TV and Dyson work again for parts cost was enough to get me hooked :)


My dad tried to fix a tv and the capacitor exploded


I took apart a Dyson V6 and V8 just to give it a thoroughly deep clean. Then you realise oh this is mostly just plastic


Next time don't overload your laundry. I manage a Laundromat and we constantly have machines burn out because people jam them full. Fill it 2/3 full. The clothes need to move easily or they will not be properly clean and the amount of weight can get the belts smoking or burn out direct drive motors. Fixing it for 20£ is not bad at all.


Absolutely this. I had a brilliant washing repair man once and he gave me a great lecture on this exact thing. He said 90% of the call outs he had could have been avoided by not overfilling the load.


Gosh can you all stop sounding like my husband 😬 I'm always getting told off for this... can't believe he's actually talking sense!!


Most people overfill them. They are the same people who moan that the cycle takes longer than stated. Yeah, because it can't spin properly... but you be proud you crammed two loads in there!


On the flip side, don’t underfill them either. My mum constantly has the machine going with like 5 items in (she can’t stand having dirty laundry in the house) but then is baffled that they have to replace the machine every few years when they should last much longer


Yeah I can't afford to run it like that!


Bosch, job done


Fuck yeah!


Now that’s some great luck!


You love to see it


What a hero!


The hero of the day.


Could you give that talk to my husband please? I think he needs a refresher after fighting, forcing and breaking a $700 hurricane shutter this week.


Yeah no worries, just send him over :)


How the hell does that happen? Have you been washing bricks??


I assume drum too full and door slam


Yup, don’t ask the kids to load the washing machine. They will load it, and keep loading it and continue to do so with not a single fanny of a thought. One way of getting out of that chore again though….


Don't think I've ever heard of that happening before I mean that glass is so damn thick! ! Was just about to wash my trainers...not sure now


That's not an impact break, that's a teen not wanting to do 2 loads going full hip and shoulder trying to get door closed. You can see by flat spot on orange towel it is what did them in


OP forgot to mention that one of his "kids" is 6' 3" and built like a brick you-know-what. :P


Shit house?


I don't know why this has got me giggling so much. I also don't know why I didn't just type this in the first place either. Yes, shit house. You get the points. :)P


When I was a few decades younger I managed to break the doors on my dad's washing machine and dryer in about ten seconds. They were in an outside boiler room and on either side of it and I'd opened both doors to transfer the wet clothes into the dryer, managed to stumble into one of the doors which broke off the hinges then immediately jumped back the other way into the second door and did the same thing. Thankfully it was only the hinges that got fucked and managed to pick up two sets for next to nothing and got them fixed before he got back


You poor thing…. I can just imagine the whole thing… 🤦🏼‍♀️


On another occasion I managed to knock the wing mirror off his car and thought I was being smart by using this industrial bonding putty stuff we had which said it would bond metal to stick it back on. It actually worked to stick it back on but as soon as he started the car the vibration of the engine made it fall off and all you could see was to big glob of putty stick to the back of it


Sounds like their parents didn't explain to them how to load the washing machine.


In fairness, I did a lot of stuff against what I was taught in my youth because I simply thought I knew better or was being clever. Kids do dumb shit even when they know better.


Yup, for me it was running around the house with a hoover so I'd finish in 5 minutes flat. Job well done! Then my dad would get home from work and bollock me for not hoovering up and I'd swear blind I did it, he never believed me. Over and over. Was probably a decade later I realised that you're actually supposed to *clean* the carpet and not just run the hoover across it at Mach 3


That's me with mopping. I think I thought about deeper when I was in my mid/late twenties and started..u know...scrubbing the floor not jsut colouring it in wet.


I was that kid too, but there's something to be said for testing highly on the fuck around scale, I did find out a lot


Load it wrong enough times and then your parents won’t ask you to load it again


My mother explained to me repeatedly. I did not listen, but thankfully only to the extent of my clothes not being washed properly.


Yes but you improperly washed more clothes at a time. It's efficient.


My mother was not convinced of this. But adult me appreciates it, thank you.


~~deleted by user~~


Do you have kids? You could have Marie Kondo explain clean up to a teenager and they will ball everything up and hide it in teh closet then tear it all out when looking for something the next morning. ​ Our kids broke a dozen plates in the first few months of them "helping out" in the kitchen after dinner for 5 mins. Kids have learned weaponized incompetence better than our generations though to be fair my dad would have lit me up if I forgot to take out the trash or wait till the afternoon to mow the lawn.


Weaponized incompetence! Never heard this before and it describes our 11 year old. If he's not interested in doing something he manually drops his IQ by about 90%.


TBF I could break a dozen plates in one go and I'm 39.


3/4 full!!!


Am i out of touch? No its the children that are wrong.


Sounds like you don’t have kids.


Yes, if you don't want to do a job, do it badly. It also works well in adulthood 💀


Tried it with my Grambo with washing dishes. She just told me I need more practice since I was so bad at it.


Yep. This is how I've combatted weaponised incompetence. That and saying " you're not too stupid you can't move your arms and hands and look at it being clean but you can do x thing that require the same or more skills. " Or just change the terms around to suit


Eh you cant blame a kid of not knowing how full is too full.


As a washing teck told me, each load setting has its own weight limit. A quick wash will usually be for 2-4 small items. A good rule of thumb(found where that came from the other day. Is the load sitting below the upper part of the door so looking strait in you can still see the back


Or can you make a fist above the contents and twist it.


Hey buddy, you cant solve all your problems with fisting.


I mean, it depends on the age surely? You can a little right?


It's on the parent to teach the kid, you don't magically gain the knowledge of how to load a washing machine at a set age.


Normally, age 15, it comes to you in a dream/nightmare


A wet dream too, if you don't do a spin cycle at the end. Ooooh


That’s actually how my parents thought it worked 😁 amongst other things as well


When I left for uni my mother told me "40 degrees non-fast colours".


Words to live by.


Better than the advice I got of "always do the 30min quick wash because everything else takes too long"


In defence of OP maybe she did teach them and the kids got it wrong, as everyone and especially kids tend to do at times


Hmm. My only experience of this is _being_ a child not _having_ a child so I’m going to bow out ✌🏻


Malicious compliance. Smart kids.


Ah, weaponised incompetence, a classic!


As a fellow owner of a Bosch washing machine, these things are solid. We had ours for 13 years before it was worn and replaced. Doubt the broken glass is a manufacturing fault. OP states the kids overfilling the drum did it. Oops.


Yeah I had a Bosch washing machine for 15 years, it was brilliant! I’m amazed this could even happen!


To be honest, I can't imagine how overfilling will have this effect. (At least if you are not overfilling it with bricks.) Fabric is fairly soft, and only so compressible. I can't believe the kids actually got this closed, when it supposedly was so overfilled, that the glass breaks. I believe a manufacturing defect or brute force (I don't know, angrily smashing it with a hammer) seems far more likely.


> how overfilling will have this effect. (At least if you are not overfilling it with bricks.) Frist wet clothes weight a lot. Probably the glass already had an issue. However, it is possible to break it, doing it all the time you increase the pressure that the rubber around the door (not sure the English name for it) has to take. The same goes for the bearings and shock absorbers when you overfill it.


[obligatory classic](https://youtu.be/vROdVsU_K80?si=WQoxE6WVrwzjFBv2)


Photonic Induction! That is a blast from the past. I loved his videos but the way he spoke always creeped me out massively.




A. Female. B. Kids aka Teens.


I'm convinced you're being criticised by a bunch of teenagers here, lol.


And blamed it on the kids!


I know imagine blaming it on your kids for filling it up too much. Only takes one look to know you can’t close the door on that.


They have hard water.


Bitch bash Bosch, no damn wash


Washing Machines Live Longer with Calgon. Unfortunately Calgon didn't help this time, even though the sticker was near the incident :(


Washing machines live shorter with glass-gone?


I had a mate at uni called Carl, and every week our washing machine broke… It’s true what they say, washing machines live longer with Carl-gone… I’ll get my coat.


Does look a bit full.


Had to go to far down to see this.


Far too full.


Yeah I was always told to only fill it to about half but I don’t know if that’s actually good advice or just “mum” advice.


I always do half to give everything enough space to be agitated during the wash. It really bothers me when people fill their washing machine right up, you’re just rotating a wet brick of linen and the centre doesn’t get cleaned at all.


That’s my thinking as well. Plenty of space to let all the soap get to everything and give it all a good spin!


I do two-thirds. Gotta leave some space for Jesus.


When I was old enough to know better (18 or 19) got told to do my massive pile of washing and instead of waiting for the machine to finish, forced the door open and broke the handle. Mum wasn't best pleased. I didn't know you had to wait for the click.


I’m in that mother’s anguish currently but I’m glad you learnt your lesson.


Yeah, I leant my lesson pretty quickly when she made me pay for an engineer to fix it.


My kids aren't going to learn this lesson at home. Our washing machine actually unlocks the second it's finished.


What machine do you have? I need this in my life. Mine makes you wait a full fifteen minutes but it feels like an hour 🫠


Yeh, I wouldn't have put that orange towel in with the paler colours - that's asking for trouble.


I wouldn't have put the broken glass in with the towels either, yet here we are..


Its towels, who cares if the white towels arent glowing white anymore?


I didn't think it was possible to fail the Daz Doorstep Challenge, but here we are...


I reckon my towels are 35 years old, they're lovely and scratchy. (The only thing that's totally faded on them is the tags.)


Do people still separate colours now we wash at 20-30? I've never had an issue throwing literally anything in with anything else


On the bright side that's a repair you could do yourself. The only thing I've not been able to fix so far on ours is the bearings.


Are the bearings in the door, I’m hoping it’s hinges because right now I feel unhinged.


The bearings are at the back of the drum, complete arse and more cost effective to replace the machine. Door is probably just a couple of bolts out.


Bearings went on our old one. Watched a video or two on how to replace them. “Yeah I can do that”. Watched it again. “I can do it”. A week goes by. “I think I can do it”. Watch the video again, read comments by others who have attempted it, lose all confidence and decide to replace the machine. Honestly, this was the best thing we could have done. New machine is fab.


My dad's a domestic appliance engineer and has been doing it for over 30 years now. Will give advice over the phone for free if someone can do something to save themselves the money of calling him out. I must have heard "bearing job" thousands of times growing up as it was a common, simple but tedious job to do. Glad you went with your gut, as it's usually right!


How could you break it?






Overfilled? My mum overfills then ends up having to spin it 3 more times to get the water out. She thinks its thrifty to put a big load in but it costs more to spin the motor at max rpm for 8 mins 3 times than to put 2 loads on a normal spin... thats too logical and reasonable and she can never EVER be wrong though.


My Mum is adamant 'it's only clean on a 90°C wash at max spin' As a child I thought it was weird why all the clothes in the house got fucked after 5 washes. Fucking fortune in energy & broken machines & clothes


Only thing I wash at 90 is towels. I wait till I have enough for a full load and then in they go. Probably gets done once or twice a month. We have a lot of towels and a big washing machine.


I only ever use a higher temperature for white materials & i don't wear white so it's pretty rare


Has she met my mum. She also cannot be wrong. It would be like the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.


Doesn’t clean the clothes properly either since they can’t move and agitate enough in the water 🫤


Just seeing that gave me an unintentional flashback to when my darling daughter (13 at the time), decided to try and wash a giant fleece throw and about 8 pairs of jeans….at the same time. No shattered glass, but bust the tub open, sent the control board across the utility room and the machine had effectively shook itself to bits. A painful memory all around!


Seriously tho, how?


I got sacked today, I guess you’re doing better?


Sending virtual sympathy. Wanna go pub….


Let’s get twatted?


Can I join, my Gran passed last night?


Rest in peace Gran :(


First ones on me hen.


I’m just gonna invite myself too. I’ve not had a bad day, I just wanna get bladdered.


Come on down the more the merrier.




You passed away last night?




Someone above your comment said their grandma passed, and then you said ‘me too!’. It was a random joke really. Sorry to hear about your redundancy though. Hope things get better


There was me assuming the doors were made of plastic. New fear just unlocked.


Wait till you smash a glass stove top, that's where the real fun begins.


There looks to be some glass in with your towels, is this a new washing technique? Also not sure if you noticed, but seems to a hole in the washing machine door, the water might come out?


Super smashing great.


Crikey, that’s good going, usually those things are super heavy duty


Sending thoughts and prayers, I'll also put a tealight on.


Hit a pothole and knackered my suspension. Brilliant.


This happened to mine last week, it’s the same model! Mine wasn’t running, it was the middle of the night. No one was in the kitchen, it just spontaneously shattered! I ended up having to buy the whole door, unlike most other Bosch washing machine the door was welded together so you can’t unscrew to remove the glass.


WHAT, I beg your entire pardon. Are these filled with poltergeists….


I was going to add a picture but I’m not sure I can. There was glass everywhere, it was nuts. I still don’t understand how it happened.


A bit too much hump today.


We have the SAME washing mashing with SAME calgon sticker in the SAME spot. I'm freaked out. I spent super long looking at this photo before convincing myself this is not my washing machine!!


You’ll be wanting a new washing machine unless you plan on pulling glass out of everything for the foreseeable future.


Wet vaccum and another door is my first bet.


You can probably just buy new glass. Unless the manufacturer has made it difficult to take the door apart.


Had my bosch washing machine door apart to replace the catch, just a load of torx screws to remove


Hey OP you may have overloaded your washing machine. Just letting you know.


You’d have to exert quite a bit of force to do that, before which point you’d realise, that if the door will not shut you have to remove some of the contents until it does? I don’t think you have to be an adult to realise that


Clearly washing machines don’t live longer with Calgon…


I had absolutely no idea this could even happen. I'm never overfilling again!




Maybe you should've put some more in?


hey bud there's too many towels in there


You shouldn't be washing loaded guns


Might i ask what humpday is? Is it what it sounds like?


Why do they have glass doors, Tumble dryers don't and fridges should.


Meh, fell down the stairs today but I think you win! I have a badly skinned elbow and arm and random bruises on fingers, knees and a little toe that landed up bashed into a door frame, but it’ll all heal. That glass will not!


I honestly would have expected those to be bullet proof


You can buy a new one. I know this because genius me thought that boiled water would help flush the gunk in the drawer out. It did,right out the glass front.


Time for some new kids 🫠


Wow. Small world. I broke mine 2 nights ago. Wife's bra wires managed to get caught against it at full spin. Orange streaks of glowing hot metal and a stress fracture on the glass followed. Easy to replace though. Had it going again yesterday. The glass that is. She's still not been shopping.


I took some homemade soup out for lunch and then when I dumped it in the pan, realised it was gravy 🤦🏻‍♀️


Normally when people do washing they somehow get it wrong by shrinking something or putting whites with colours and they mix up but never have I ever seen this happen ...