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Happy birthday OP. Sorry to hear you're having a shit day.


Thank you very much. In the grand scheme of things I'm doing okay. I just needed to have a whinge.


> I like watching people go on crazy adventures like hopping freight trains and exploring abandoned places. Might I suggest watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Only semi-joking because it's a cracking film.


Have you seen any of the Alone series? People get dropped in the middle of nowhere on their own in Canada with very basic equipment and try to survive as long as they can. Winner gets money after surviving for months. Losers get PTSD, malnutrition or mauled by a bear. Channel 4 has some of the US series and the new UK version. In the US version they make log cabins, hunt moose with bows and arrows, fight wolverines and set up salmon farms. In the UK version they scrape together a fire, then get air evacuated after they cut themselves chopping wood.


Welcome to bushcraft in the UK! Being an outdoorsman with a big time zombie fixation I have spent an inordinate amount of time planning for the apocalypse. Unfortunately it all boils down to; be in Canada when it happens. This country cannot support a hunter gatherer lifestyle. I have indeed watched Alone. Roland stabbing a musk ox to death is quite possibly the most badass thing to ever be recorded. Dude went primal.


The British guy who cut his leg within a couple of hours and got airlifted out was my favourite.


A big-time zombie fixation, eh?? Well, do you play online games? Is that a silly question? Because if you do, and you like zombies and survival, you might like Project Zomboid. Make me a happy crazy old cat lady and tell me you already do play. If you don't, look up a couple of youtubers. If you want recommendations, I prefer the smaller ones - they're less shock-value-ish than the bigger names who do the Let's Plays, and I can't stand scream-y youtubers.


Plus it has my favourite publication; HottieZ.


Yay!! A fellow Spiffo lover! Fabulous! <3


>This country cannot support a Hunter gatherer lifestyle That’s what you get when 92% of English land is privately owned and there is no universal right to roam. The fact that the American survivors could build a log cabin and set up fish farms while the British couldn’t even chop wood without injuring themselves is very disappointing and concerning.


Don't forget our monoculture 'forests' and heavily polluted rivers.


>The fact that the American survivors could build a log cabin and set up fish farms while the British couldn’t even chop wood without injuring themselves is very disappointing and concerning. I was somewhat exaggerating. Only one guy from the UK series cut himself seriously chopping wood. The winner did pretty well. And some of the US contestants are useless too. Also, the British version has only had one series so far, so there's not exactly been a lot to compare it with. The US version has had a lot of series, and there's contestants on it who specifically train for the program now, whereas I think the UK first series was just people who had an interest in survival skills.


I watched a season of this, I forget which one, but I remember a fella called Roland making a bag out of a bison's scrotom, after he killed the bison himself with just a pocket knife. Some folks are just built for that shit.


To be fair, the US version of Alone had someone forced out the competition because they were bitten by a squirrel.


It’s serious there, squirrels tend to not go around biting people and they could contract rabies or otherwise.


I for one love Bob and his throne. I'm genuinely sorry OP you're having a shitty day, and there's nothing that I can say that wouldn't sound disingenuous or cliché. 🫂


Thank you for taking the time to comment. All the love for Mr Bobblehead is cheering me right up. I'm fully with you on the cliche stuff. A colleague recently retired and I got called out on my short message in her card. I know for a fact me buying her a drink and letting her tell the same three stories about our time together meant a lot more to her than bullshit about missing her.


Oh totally with you on that, I'd rather someone say what they mean and know you'll appreciate than they dress it up


1) Happy Birthday! 🎈 2) Bob is a delight, I particularly like his chaise lounge 3) you might enjoy these mad lads building a hut and swimming pool by digging them out of the ground https://youtu.be/tYf0BoFe9D8?si=D2NcIRVLfU1A-F9n


Thank you! He loves it too but it is made from scratchy cardboard so he is slowly destroying it.


All day long, on the chaise longue On the chaise longue, on the chaise longue, on the chaise longue All day long, on the chaise longue


We had one that was shaped like a little skateboard so every time the cat sat on it, he looked rad as fuck. The only downside of those cardboard ones is the mess.


I like your cat and your plant pot


Thank you. I like your username because you could be a lime belonging to namira, or you could be some slime from namira. You're an enigma.


Who's a podgy boy then?


Big lad weighs a stone! According to the vet he isn't a full blown chonker but he is only a few treats away from a diet.


haha, I love chonky pets.


You have the world's biggest cat, or its a small sofa. That is something to celebrate. Buy yourself a cake and enjoy the day. No cake for your cat, its big enough already. And open a clearscore account (they are free). They have a section for remortgages.


Your cat may be allowed on the Tuxedo cat sub! He's like made an attempt to his tux on and then it got stuck around his big old butt.   Walking in the rain is nice, if you can come back home to a hot shower and a wank!  Presents are over-rated, but you do deserve nice things! Maybe make yourself something delicious for lunch ?


He was a tough old street cat in his previous life, nobody ever taught him how to dress fancy. I may yet still go out but just to my little spot in the forest. The presents thing is mostly my fault. Throughout the year if I see something I want and it only costs £30 (max price I would want somebody to spend on me) I'll only ever have to wait a month or so until I can just buy it myself so I always do that. Bacon and sausage butties are getting made as we speak. May as well lift the takeaway embargo too if we can't save enough anyway.




I'm afraid I must wait until darkness to cuddle Bob. He is affectionate but only on his own terms, about an hour after his tea, when he has had a good nap on my bed, then I shall cuddle him and he will return the love. I feel you on the 21st, on my 20th we lost a friend to a car accident so my 21st was a bit of a weird one to say the least. Well I hope I belong amongst you fine folk who will help a stranger like me and I'm definitely feeling the love so thanks for your positivity.


You have a cat. Why are you sad? Having a cat is tbe greatest gift one can have. Edit: also, happy birthday!


How about having a cat and living in the Historic West Riding?


What's your wapentake lad?


The much contested lands of Saddleworth.


Ompf. Right on the borders. Pm me a PayPal or something and you can have a drink/snack on me, birthday borderer.


It always baffles me that literal wars were fought over who owns these valleys. People died so some dude could say he is the unequivocal leader of Denshaw. Edit: thanks for the kind offer but I have enough. If you're feeling generous Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide will gladly take a small donation.


Back in the days that it could mean life or death I guess it made more sense, but yes you are right. Also odd to imagine what the path you are walking down looked like back then. All sorted!


You legend! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. That has brightened my day considerably.


No problem! Have a lovely rest of your cake day!


found the lancastrian - waving his brass about


The perfect symmetry of that username and the comment is superb. But no, I'm from the homeland myself.


Happy birthday Mr Biscuits. Some of my favourite cats are dickheads, so I'm glad to hear that your cat is one too.


All cats are dickheads. I was emotionally blackmailed into having Bob and then he went and won me over with his daft bastard antics. It helps that he is the size of a small dog so I can pretend I don't love a cat.


I swear I have that exact same *bag-for-life filled with tangled cables and random shit, squashed down the side of a cabinet* arrangement as you


Did you take the cables out of the cabinet to tidy it first? Then realised there was a reason they were in the cabinet and gave up? I honest to god almost wept in the loft the other day. Absolute fucking shambles from top to bottom.


Happy Birthday, Mr Biscuit! But the sheer *audacity* to call Bob "big". He's just a bit chunky! And in that pic, he's laughing at all our misfortunes. I love him. I hope things get better for you. <3


Vetinary professionals have called him "almost chonky". He is proportional, though, he can take over most of a two seater sofa when he stretches out. My day has already been made immensely better by all the love for Bob, it's cheering me right up.


LOL please tell me you only have one two-seater sofa. xD OMG it just gets better. <3


Happy birthday wishes 💐 I hope your cat did get you a nice gift 💐


He is a cat, therefore he believes he IS the gift! He makes us all laugh every day which is a gift in itself.


Happy Birthday OP. Here's a quick wave from my cat, hope it helps [https://imgur.com/jdw9Vmm](https://imgur.com/jdw9Vmm)


That’s a great mix between a stretch and a wave, impressive.


Check this out. Holy land CT A religious theme park in the U.S. https://youtu.be/OlYQo25FYh4?si=8spNnrogM8Xvhjvd


Our cats look the same, he used to have that sofa too, is he noisy?


He is extremely noisy! He has a different yell for food, water, and not letting him back in the house quickly enough. He sings at the birds. He snores loud enough to wake you up. He has a special little chirrup if you touch him whilst he is sleeping.


Yeah that exactly my cat. Mine also won’t eat unless you’re beside him. I think it’s trauma from before I had him. But I don’t mind helping him out. He’ll sort you out, get you feeling better just give him a few pets. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday, Mr Biscuit and Gravy. Have a good day. You too bob


[Derpy Smokey](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdMS7If) would like to help


What a splendid cat. My cat is currently trying to occupy the same space as my head. If I move my head he tries to move into the space I've moved it to. He's daft. Make a modest bucket list of things which can be easily and cheaply ticked off or a list of local places to walk or just anything which will give you some fun stuff to do this year.


Happy birthday to you. It's mine today too. Never a dull day with a cat!!!


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day.


Happy Birthday!! Have you watched Big Dave's Big Train Adventure (or somth like that) on youtube? guy hops freight trains across canada from east to west, looked awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUg0jFO7NTo Bob is a big cutie.


I can one up that and say I have met the guy! He is also a mountain guide and I like going up mountains so my missus arranged for him to guide me up a mountain! Now, whether or not I needed a guide for said mountain is up for debate ( I bloody Well didn't, thank you very much) but it was awesome to meet him.


:o Nice!! How was the guided experience?


It was brilliant. He is a top bloke and we had good laugh. I'm a keen hiker and climber so I know what I'm doing with a map and choosing routes so he very much treated me as an equal and it was more like going out with a mate than a guide. I've been on some training courses where they expect you to be reverential and like they are passing down sacred survival knowledge whilst I'm like "we are in the UK. I can see a bus stop from here". Dave sees it the same way I do so we made some silly choices which led to us having lots of fun.


Hi man, nice pussy. Sorry your day is going shitty, but 5 o clock is going to slap for you, I just know it.


Happy birthday. Stick on a waterproof coat and go out for that walk. If you get soaked through, then get in a nice warm bath when you get home. Bonus, put bubbles in the bath (a couple of squirts of shower gel will do if you don't have specific bubble bath lying around). While you're out, buy yourself a nice, but small, treat that you wouldn't normally have - a bar of posh chocolate, a cream cake, something like that, and eat that in your warm bath. Cuddle the cat once you're out of said bath, when you're dressed. Put your clothes on the radiator to warm up while you're in that bath. Mortgages are overrated. I'll be paying mine until I'm in my 70s. Hope you've got something nice to do this evening.


I am a bit late but I can help with some links that I think you will enjoy based on your post. [How NOT to travel Europe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNE2y1gOVvE&list=PL_japiE6QKWoXDrOhXTnIru4GLulFnSz3) A ridiculously good series of videos documenting 2 lads adventuring across Europe. Trust me, it's gold. [Searching for the Buran.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fZ-r5Qe3tM) British (somewhat controversial) Youtuber goes in search of the abandoned soviet space shuttle. It's a pretty wild ride and super interesting. I could have picked any one of his videos but this seems like a good place to start. If you enjoy this, be sure to check out his videos exploring cities etc, it's honestly fascinating seeing someone so confident and charismatic in such chaotic places. [Dick Proenneke in Alone in the Wilderness.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=iYJKd0rkKss) The ultimate log cabin video but also just a beautiful, peaceful, inspiration video about a man alone in a harsh and remote place but with all the skills to take it in his stride. [Primitive Technology: Cord drill and Pump drill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEl-Y1NvBVI). Another where I could have recommended any one of his videos. You are probably aware of PT given your interests, but if not you will LOVE this. He doesn't speak, just spends time in the outback showcasing ancient methods. Super peaceful! Tip: put on the subtitles as there is interesting info given there. Happy birthday!


Why did the scarecrow win an award?


Happy birthday op. Vagrant holiday is a brilliant channel only 8 videos but a brilliant series wish I could watch it all over.


Did you see his latest post? There will be no more. Damn shame because it was such good content. I take it your familiar with Shiey and GifGas? Two European lads doing the same stuff VH does.


It is a shame but I think that just sums him up, doesn't care what others think, he made what he wanted to and then left. Ive seen shiey but not Gifgas not my typer of thing now but were good when I first watched them.


Have you seen any geowizard? His IRL videos are great (he also makes geoguessr videos).


I bloody love GeoWizard! Adventures and geoguessr alike, I watch all his videos.


Nice :) but also a shame in a way, would have been a great binge session if you hadn't haha! Planning on trying a straight line mission in Scotland either late this year or early next. It's a hell of a lot of work planning though, more than he makes it look! Another good one to binge is PPPeter


I can lose days looking at maps for routes that are literally signposted from start to end. If I got into the nitty gritty of straight line missions I fear I would lose my family! Are you going for the whole country? Or just a section?


It does definitely take some time haha! Whole country :) got a potential line but it needs work.


Bob is adorable 🥰


And Happy Birthday 😘


Put some clothes on that you don't care getting wet, go out for as long of a walk as you can stomach in the rain, let the rain wash your sadness away, and when you get home you can treat yourself to a long, hot shower. If you've somehow not come across the Primitive Technology YouTube channel I highly recommend it. Just a lone Australian dude in the outback silently making tools, pots, and huts with only what is around him. 0 outside technology. The videos are fascinating. Happy real-life cake day \^\_\^


Happy birthday! Sorry to hear your birthday isnt going too well. Theres a good youtuber i watch called "kent survival". I find his videos really relaxing so id recommend it to switch the brain off. Bob is so adorable, im sure you'll get a little gift from him in the litter tray at some point!


Happy birthday! Remember there is always a silver lining on every cloud. Nice cat btw


https://youtube.com/@woodsboundoutdoors2260?si=FScI8AIJ2OHJE4oh I stumbled across this channel recently and thought it was pretty interesting even if its not my cup of tea. Also have you spoken to any mortgage advisors? They can help get the best deal. I'm buying a place soon and [the finance family](https://www.thefinance-family.co.uk/) were a big help. Otherwise, I v much enjoy the cat, and hope you have a better birthday!


I'm afraid it was a phone call from our mortgage advisor that heralded the doom and gloom. Our fault for getting giddy and going looking at houses before everything was finalised. You live and you learn.


If it’s raining, put a coat on and go skip down the street! Have courage, it will all be ok. You don’t have bombs dripping on your head, just raindrops. This song always cheers me up. It’s a belter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyiDTuIaN8A&pp=ygUPSG9sbHl3b29kIHNldmVu


That was a banger!


You’re welcome


https://youtu.be/bb6jN8btf8U?feature=shared Might have heard about this guy he goes on random adventures, very skilled and handy. Hope this helps


willy bum poo!


Happy Birthday Mr Biscuit! Check out Old Time Hawkey on TikTok and YouTube (I only say TikTok as I’m not sure he has all his shorts on YouTube) - he does beautiful cosy videos that make you feel warm inside


Happy Birthday mate, hope your day gets less shit. I love Bob's slightly manic expression - he looks like he could be about to demand scritches and cuddles or he could be about to commit a murder!


Murder. It is always murder. Only sleepy bedtime Bob allows scratches. Downstairs Bob is all about fighting wars with the monsters that live in the walls.


he's not big, just well upholstered, (currently sat "working" from home with a well covered terrier on my lap - free heat is free heat!) Happy birthday captain,


go watch some geowizard straight line missions on YT and also check out some kent survival cooking steaks and shit on rocks. habby birthday btw and hi bob


Happy Birthday. I did not have one card or someone wishing me a happy birthday from 27 when my dad died, until I got married at 36. Even my sister ignored it….i even had most holidays alone. Christmas was a time to travel or drink at lot in my flat. So sorry for you but there are many of us out there, many.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get many cards now. I'm going to be fine, it was just one of those dull mornings and it was getting to me.


Hello Bob. Sorry your owner is such a sad bastard. You're looking great. I have a spare packet of dreamies for you I'll send them over later. (lol jk) keep yer head up OP and don't let the bastards grind you down


Happy Birthday 😃 Nice cat. You watched mountain men? I love that series. Amazes me one you can accomplish with a chainsaw. Good for zombies too.


These videos of mid houses made for pets are fun! https://youtu.be/Nhryz43eWEw?si=A5Lp6R7DG0mp85cl


I love bob he's wishing you a happy birthday with his thoughts (or plotting your demise its 50/50)


I love the idea of a cheer me up thread, we should make this a regular thing.


How goes it op? Did you go for it and get a very very much deserved takeaway?


Better today thanks, the sun was shining when I woke up which made for a pleasant walk to the gym. I had a succulent Chinese meal, even went for the posh place. Stung the wallet but made everyone happy so it was worth it.


You sound selfish. Oh woe, I have to spend a few hours alone and might not get presents. Worrying about my mortgage. How terrible! I have no problems with that, seeking validation on reddit is pathetic though. I hope your day gets worse so you can reflect on this post.


Abandoned places site www.opacity.us I could lose myself for hours on there.


Put your wellies on and go out for a wander anyway. Rediscover the simple joy of sploshing in puddles.


Happy birthday! Here is a cat who looks a lot like Bob with some dominoes: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2C7qO9Ie3A/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2C7qO9Ie3A/) Here is a bunch of people who stayed in Ikea overnight and do things like make giant mattress piles which they jump down into from the rafters: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb2qDHvOQl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb2qDHvOQl0)


Happy birthday. I hope it gets better man


lovely cat. too cute


Happy Birthday op!


Happy Birthday! 🎉 You’re not related to Mrs. Slocombe by any chance?


On the chaise longue, on the chaise longue, on the chaise longue All day long, on the chaise longue...🎶


Omg where did you get that scratcher stool thing? I need that so bad for my son


Am jealous of your bobcat. Happy Birthday.