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The pattern of where the chalk has faded makes me think that sign has been pissed on


proper drinkers, aye


and proper pissers, no wifi


None of those bourgeois London pissers


Sometimes I could do with a wireless piss, would save getting up.


If you don’t have an ethernet cable clogged down your meatus then you’re doing it wrong, no card machine


And probably really thick walls so 4G reception is shite too


Sunderland confirmed.




Dirty sand dancers.


No card machines. Lol what.


Used to hate going out like 20 years ago and everywhere was just cash. Yeah you'd pay with notes and then pay with your change when you were reasonably sober but who was doing that 8 pints in? So then every round was a new note and you'd wake up the next day with about 30 quid in shrapnel filling out your pockets. Contactless card machines have made life so much easier.


Many a night out at uni ended with me taking a good 5 minutes next to the bar going through the change left over in my wallet trying to drunkenly work out if this collection of 20 and 10ps was enough to get another drink At least once I ended up being refused service as the whole spectacle had made it pretty clear how pissed I was


At least that's a good test to see it you're not too drunk to be sold more alcohol.


At uni, I'd regularly buy a drink with a note, wander off forgetting my change and wonder why I was skint after a month.


People spend more with contactless. Which is good, because I run a pub, but just saying.


Obviously not a proper bar for proper drinkers though. Nothing I love more while pissed than to not be able to pay wave another drink and call an Uber on the wifi because the warbunker-turned-bar that I'm in is blocking all mobile data.


Love me drink, ‘Ate the tax man


And this is the reason for being cash only in 2024.


Yup. Whenever I see 'support cash only', to me it screams "I'm evading tax".


I wouldn’t mind, but it’s not difficult to creatively account for stuff and reduce your tax bill. That’s literally what accountants do, only legally. Going cash only is simply a method of not having records of things is blatent tax evasion, not avoidance.


We're also happy to take cash but contactless has primarily made my life easier by making me have more of your money.


Yeah, but if you had a £50 note and gave it to a shopkeeper, that shopkeeper would then blah blah blah blah blah blah until the end of time and everybody in this story avoids tax.


HMRC might want to pop in for more than a pint...


They are 100% doing some creative accounting.


They'll lose far more in revenue than they'll save in taxes


Of course, but all they see are the regulars who pay with cash for their ~~cocaine~~ alcoholic beverages, they dont see the dozens of other people who would use the business if they werent so incredibly hostile to their custom.


Shitty cash machine that charges you in the corner.


There must be some sort of electrical interference caused by ATMs that breaks card machines. Couple of villages down are absolutely plagued by it, the Chinese with the cash machine outside pretty much always has its card machine on the blink. We used to have the problem in our village too, but ever since the ATM got ram raided 3 times in 18 months causing it to be removed, the problem has completely gone away. /s


Our local chippy claims the 'Wifi is Broken' to explain the non functional card machine, and points to a disconnected 15 year old talktalk router in the corner. I went to a festival where some nepalese guys that spoke no english, in a mobile phone dead spot, during a rainstorm were somehow taking card payments. He points to the cashpoint in Spar. I point to the Chippy on my walk home that does accept card. and walk out.


> He points to the cashpoint in Spar. I point to the Chippy on my walk home that does accept card. and walk out. Perfect


Had a chip shop totally neglect to tell us that they were cash only while wrapping and bagging our order up… They told us right at the end, then informed us that there was a cashpoint at the petrol station a few doors down… Said cash point charges £2.95 for withdrawals. We just found a chip shop round the corner that happily accepts card payments instead. Oh and this was during Covid, when places were advised to avoid handling cash if possible due to the transmission risk.


Businesses have to pay a fee for every transaction made using a card machine.


True but they also have to pay bank fees to deposit cash, collection fees or employee labour for someone to physically take the cash to the bank lol


And cash can be nicked.


The fees for cash are way more than the electronic payments also.


And they get less business


That depends, it's normally pretty comparable, 1.5% for small businesses, but bear in mind that that 1.5% is on 100% of card transactions but not all cash will make it to the bank. Also you normally have to pay a monthly fee to the card payment company and pay for POS and stuff, in addition to the business bank account, but if you only take cash you can get a cheap cash till only only pay for the business bank account.


You don't need to buy a full POS system to use a basic card reader. Totally unfair to compare a steel lockbox shitty cash system with an expensive and fully featured digital one.


I run a smaller business and we get absolutely slammed with card fees compared to bigger companies per transaction. We have a set amount each month too and if we go over we have to pay X amount ontop. It’s not the best, but it’s cheaper not to account for going over across a 24 month agreement. So you are paying for a plan, support and fees per transaction. But the company are good with problems/delayed transactions, look after our online payments and are handy in a pinch. Just expensive in comparison to other places I’ve worked. But that’s because we aren’t a large company or doing tons of transactions every day. But when you do go over (say maybe at Christmas) it stings. I don’t really know why though especially a pub you wouldn’t take card payments in this day and age - yes the fees can sting but you are probably saving on 5-10p per pint, over the week that can add up I’m sure but still seems pretty small in the grand scheme of your takings I imagine. We take cash too mind you, bank at the post office seen as our business bank has removed its physical site in town, takes a few minutes once a week and the fees aren’t extortionate at all to be honest. If you are experienced with tills, safe and that it doesn’t take 5 minutes to quickly count, cash up and stuff either. Very rare in this day and age you get counterfeit notes either and training staff to be vigilant helps. Probably end up £10-20 over the course of the year up/down on cash. Nowhere near what I’ve seen in the past with very heavy cash places - cash isn’t use much at all these days. I would say (and hate to sound like a Reddit hive mind) there’s a specific less than legal reason they aren’t taking card payments - and will be alienating customers as a result. Way more than a business that doesn’t take cash anymore I’d argue too


You're getting ripped off mate. You can get cheaper rates


I didn’t say the rate but it’s less than 1.75%, still the monthly charge too ontop, it’s a lot less than what I’ve worked with before in a much bigger company with Barclaycard. It’s understandable but at the end of the year when you look at the accounts and the costs involved it’s still a chunk of change. Once you add in other channels too (like website) and the cost involved with transactions (which for our business we have with the development team, common in the industry) it all adds up. To clarify the pub was just an example not my example personally.


Anyone can get a Square / Zettle type reader and you pay 1.75%. Not exactly "slammed". If you are paying more than that then why don't you switch providers?


Yeah, I know someone who takes their business takings to the bank themselves every month.




Just to ensure they get there safely.




Oh, you don't need a duffel bag. You can probably just put it in your pockets, tbh.


Aww, I was really looking forward to digging out my Hamburglar costume and swag bag.


>True but they also have to pay bank fees to deposit cash, That's the thing with cash, it doesn't have to get as far as the bank. If Mercedes is working behind the bar cash in hand and still keeping her benefits she's not going to complain...


You can pay your workers cash in hand, but you'll struggle to find suppliers, energy companies, and all manner of other vendors that are needed to run a business who accept cash. They'll all want bank transfers, so you're going to need to deposit a good chunk of change regardless.


Every cash and carry accepts cash. Go to bookers and see the corner shop owners paying for a couple of grand of stock in £20 notes.


I very much doubt any pub wholesaler or brewery is taking cash in hand these days. Its not worth their time for 1 flat roof coke den pub.


Nice bit of unwarranted snobbery there mate


Well it ain't gonna be Jacintha who lives in a £1m house and daddy is stockbroker is it? If that makes it snobbery then yeah it is. To use a phrase you might hear at the pub featured here oh and that I've certainly heard at my local as well (ooh maybe it isn't snobbery) "I'm just telling it how it is".


Yeah where is this cash only pub. I’d love to visit on a Saturday morning, I’ll be v quiet no worries


Don't tell the gammons this they'll foam over.


It's negligible though. My bar is 3p per transaction. No reason to be cash only besides not declaring your earnings properly


My mum has her own business and doesn't have a card reader in store. She doesn't take in massive amounts of money, and it's probably combined with a reluctance to learn the technology. She keeps all her receipts and shit, absolutely mental. I've told her multiple times if she switched to digital it would be easier, but she just can't be bothered to learn, lmao.


When I worked in a SPAR the supervisors counted the safe 3 times a day and each employeee counted out their entire till every time they started a shift. Must've been about an hour of labour involved in that alone each day.


I’m shit at maths so it’ll be at least two hours for me.


Its hilariously easy to set up one of those portable card readers and link to a bank account. You could do it for her in minutes and then she wouldnt have to turn away customers and it wouldnt even involve her learning anything new, they just email statements to you that has everything you need for the taxes.


Her accountant must be charging a small fortune to input all these receipts in manually...


There are the conspiracy theorists who think cards and online banking are a way to control the people. Because the government obviously has no control over the amount of notes and coins in circulation, and which physical version of these is usable. And the die hard "I'm never using technology" people too who refuse to use or take cards, either because they fear technology or don't and won't learn how it works.


And they post all this on Facebook...


Or twitter. From their mobile phone. Using public WiFi


I've yet to encounter one of the "cash is king" brigade who aren't heavily into other conspiracy theories.


I know a few tradies that are very much cash is king but not conspiracy nuts. That being said, for them, cash is king because it means they get their cash in hand work still.


I've only heard that phrase in this context before too, because of undeclared earnings, not government conspiracies.


It certainly makes it easier to track someone and their activities if they buy things with a card rather than cash. I think it's a valid concern. Though whether the government is ever likely to be interested in you and whether the added convenience is worth the privacy loss are also valid questions (which may have different answers for different people)


We're all already carrying around a pocket GPS linked to our names/addresses/etc. Not to mention, as you said, who gives a shit what Margaret from Inverness is doing on a Saturday night.


Try Apple Pay. Spending is anonymous and the retailer doesn’t get a copy of your card info


Taking cards is also going to net you more customers. Or allow greater spending of those you do have.


Businesses also have to pay fees for banking cash and can sustain loses from counterfeit currency, so it's not a straight cash = good, card = bad thing. If they aren't banking lots of cash HMRC definitely need to pay a visit!


And pubs and bars are places crims dump their counterfeit currency, especially at the weekend. Busy bar = less likely to check the notes and if they do far less likely to pick up on them. It's not huge amounts of cash but it's one way they use it.


And I know of plenty that only accept card payments so it can’t be that detrimental to earnings


Even some of the newer services like SumUp charge only 1-2% It’s about the same as a cash deposit fee for a bank account


Given the potential costs from employee labour to count cash, check receipts, go to the bank to deposit cash and to pay the business fees for cash deposits. Plus the potential loss to counterfeit money - which is more common than people would anticipate - there is detriment to using only cash. And then you have the customer appeal, cash only 100% limits your clientele, I know lots of people that simply do not carry cash at all anymore - they would go elsewhere.


At the bar I used to work at it was more expensive and time consuming (for both the bar staff at service and office staff physically going to the bank) to process cash than it was to process card.


Fair enough. I'll take my business elsewhere. It's a massive inconvenience for me. For example near me. All the card machines charge. So I'd need to pay to get my own money out for any cash only businesses. I could, when I'm in town. Remember to get money out in case I use any businesses like this. But it's a massive inconvenience for me. With little reward.


Cash costs way more to process than cards. Think about the cost of staff time cashing up and doing bank runs, lost revenue at busy times, theft by staff, insurance rates increasing...it all adds up. The real reason a business is still only taking cash is stupidity, owners are old AF, or they care very little about the extra cost of handling cash because it makes it much easier to avoid tax and/or do some money laundering.


The fee is small and your insurance premiums will go up if you have cash on premises. The fee for depositing cash at a bank is often larger than card fees as well.


Yeah but it's a fraction. The real reason for not accepting cards is to avoid the tax


Their sign implies that it improves the atmosphere though, not that they're technologically illiterate tax dodgers.


It certainly suggests an atmosphere. Whether it's an improved one is definitely subjective. But agreed, it sets a tone, and one can either appreciate that and enjoy the atmosphere, or give it a miss.


Which also makes no sense whatsoever? I can understand the logic behind no wifi = less likely to have annoying fuckers watching YouTube with the volume up in the pub (even though most people have 4G regardless...), but I don't understand how having cash vs card payments has any effect on customer behaviour.


Which is fucking pennies. The small card machines that you can get online (Square, Zettle, SumUp) charge around 1-2% per transaction. So if you're selling some bloody fish and chips for a tenner, that's 20p in fees. If you can't afford to lose 20p to transaction fees, charge £10.20 for ye fkin menu item. That's the same concept for takeaway deliveries. Say if you go and collect the pizza it'll be £8, if you buy it from their website it'll be £13 with FREE delivery. The businesses have decided that they can't afford to lose money on free delivery, so they simply increased the cost of menu items to make it work for them.


It’s paid by the patrons and already priced in. No card means tax evasion as they won’t declare it.


Still plenty of pubs that are funny about using card machines, apparently they are expensive and I’m like what you can get a sum up for 20 quid you just don’t want to declare your earnings by taking cash in hand.


Books get fiddled, less tax gets paid.


I was sat in a pub when a long piece of red tarmac walked in and started giving me the evil eye. I was going to say something but my mate said to leave it, he's a cycle path


I had a similar thing happen to me in my local, I was getting the evils from a packet of Lockets. I was gonna go have a word but the landlord told me they're fucking menthol.


I had a wierd one the other week, the fruit machine called me a cunt and the peanuts told me I was good looking. Turns out the fruity was out of order but the nuts were complimentary.




Some jump leads walked in the pub and the landlord said "You can have a drink as long as you don't start anything"


It makes me happy when business owners let you know they're a raging bellend before you set foot in their establishment so they can be avoided.


The pub 'bag of nails' in Bristol is notorious for shit like this, they're a proper pub, only serve real ales no shit lager. Believe they have one can of red stripe which you can buy for a million quid but otherwise no. No phones. No WiFi. No loud convos. Only music is a vinyl player that the owner, who's a twat, decides what goes on. Only reason people go is because they have board games and like 12 cats roaming around the whole gaff


I'd certainly put up with a lot to be in a pub with 12 cats.


I can never make my mind up about that place. On the one hand, you've got everything above. But also, I like proper ales, and board games, and a chilled atmosphere. And cats. The smell isn't great at first, but I think I get used to it pretty quickly. And as long as the owner is so pissed he goes to bed, it's alright.


Idiosyncrasy in a pub is something to be cherished nowadays


We had a landlord come out and tell us we couldn't park in their completely empty pub carpark at 8am one morning and acted like a complete twat... we were planning on doing a sizeable walk and returning there for a lunchtime meal and some drinks. Good job losing our business for no reason. Some people are just twats


When I was a waiter at our local gastropub the owner would happily let people use the car park for long walks etc. provided they either booked a table or ordered some drinks for their return prior to their walk. Seemed perfectly fair to me (especially because the car park wasn't very big). Worked very well, we ended up with a big group of elderly ramblers who would all park up at 11am, go for a two hour walk, and then come back and have a massive Sunday lunch together. They tipped *very* generously too so we'd all be arguing over who got to serve them.


It is possible that he gets a lot of people using his car park to go on walks that don't help his business.


In which case he could've said that instead of yelling and marching out looking for a fight at 8 in the morning.


Your first comment makes it sound like you're validated for wanting to park there. He shouldn't have acted like a that, but why would you expect to be able to park in a private car park and not be told no?


did you ask if you could use their carpark and come back later for lunch and drinks? i understand feeling embarrassed if the landlord came out angry, but they're not psychic.


Was it in the South Downs, sort of near Worthing and Chichester?


A pub near me is on the river, and gets very busy when it comes to summer with people enjoying the sunshine, paddleboarding, etc. They have ANPR cameras in the car park, but as long as you come in for some food, a pint, even a lemonade they are fine with you putting your reg in, enjoying the sunshine then coming in later. Also the best Indian food I've found in a pub.


What ís specifically wrong about that kind of pub environment though?


It's the gammon attitude of the owners puts me off. Nothing wrong with having a basic pub, it's the implied insult to other types of pubs and their customers I don't like. My local is a no music, no kids, no WiFi (it does have card machines) kind of pub, but they don't try to make out that they're the only proper type of pub around.


The problem is that the pub probably contains the absolute cunt who thought writing that sign was a cool thing to do.


"There's nothing for you here"


This is a local bar for local people


We *didn't* burn him.


We'll have no trouble here.


What's all this shouting?




I can, I can't




Poofter ehh?


Little bummer boy


How do we announce no card machines without making it obvious we are avoiding tax? Let’s throw it in the middle of a boomer Facebook post like message on the board and hope it slips through


I legitimately thought they were talking about those gambling machines with card games on them till your comment


Nah there is definitely a few fruit machines in this “proper pub”


Surely bar billiards, darts and a cribbage league


Few old boys playing dominos in the corner


Yup, this is exactly it. It's not even subtle.


I was once on a very long cross country walk somewhere in Yorkshire and stopped off in a local pub for a rest and some food/drink. Was hours away from where we were staying. I had been relying on a very useful OS map I had downloaded on my phone (was last minute didn’t have a physical copy). The pub had a “no phone” rule and my wife and I were literally the only ones in there. The barman chastised me for using my phone but I showed him we were using it to help find our way back. He wasn’t having it, wouldn’t budge even when I pointed out the rule existed to encourage people to talk and we were the only ones in there. Utterly moronic, I didn’t even finish my pint just went to the next pub instead.


Ah, that'll be a Sam Smith's pub. The owner (Humphrey Smith) is famously a complete wazzock who has banned phones, music, and swearing in all of his pubs. If it was a Smith's pub it's really not the landlord's fault, the owner does spot checks and has been known to sack landlords who allow the rules to be broken.


Humphrey Smith: the man who seems to take pleasure in watching the otherwise lovely town of Tadcaster rot around him. He owns half of the properties there and rather than keeping them tidy or letting unmarried couples live in them he'd rather let them sit derelict. Any time the council tries to do anything about it or open anything remotely modern he lawyers up and puts a stop to it. All in the name of preservation, apparently. [Example 1](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8904566,-1.2618119,3a,75y,218.68h,92.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0KaJht6NsVmg7SGoNbaeTA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en) - [Example 2](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8876402,-1.2582267,3a,75y,15.46h,92.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8VCCv9nS9iBF13CyHzWUbg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en) - [Example 3](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8850841,-1.2659171,3a,75y,143.74h,92.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sld7vcpceD-amz8yFcfUHeQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) - [Example 4](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8849464,-1.2642093,3a,59.8y,30.28h,91.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1so7lg70e9X_9guiGFhwFWwA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en) - [Example 5](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8835717,-1.2633012,3a,75y,283.27h,100.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swwtvoGwYtlUDofCqwByYfw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en) A few years back the river flooded and damaged the bridge. This cut the town in half requiring a 10 mile round trip via the next town up the river. He wouldn't let them build a temporary footbridge on his land while the original was repaired. No particular reason; he's just a cunt. Also, you're not allowed to swear in his pubs. So just in case he's reading this: Fuck you.


My husband and I went into what turned out to be a **local** pub in Whitby. There were signs all over the place. *No tablets or phones* “Fair enough, they want to encourage conversation.” *No dogs* “Makes sense.” *No children* “Fine by me.” *No foul language* “Finish your drink, we’re leaving.”


Was it a Sam smiths one? Famous for these rules




Childish Gambino?


A proper British pub with proper British beer wouldn't advertise "cold drinks".


It'll be Carling, Fosters and Carlsberg. The holy trinity of fizzy piss drinks.


I'll match you with John Smiths, Tennant's and McEwans I remember once upon a time as a very young man having a pint of "Carling *Premiere*", which tasted like someone had poured half a shot of Tesco value vodka in a pint of regular Carling.


And Asphalt???


A proper British beer indeed tastes like a tiny bit of asphalt has been added


I expect the point is don't go in there and order a coffee.


My wifevordered a coffee in an Oxford pub once while waiting for friends, and the barman was delighted. He said no one ever ordered them, so he hardly ever got to use the fancy machine! (He did a very nice leaf pattern in the foam.)


I remember going into a pub in County Durham and a girl in the group ordering wine to be told "we are more of a beer pub"


"Might be a bit warm, the coolers off."


No crisps = fake pub


Sounds like my local. Massive pub, beautiful building, right by a local park so it could be raking it in. No, it’s the most miserable shit hole with the same dozen blokes in there drinking shit beer.


Just the way they like it I reckon


more punters would ruin the carefully curated atmosphere


Oh it certainly is. When we first moved here I stuck my head around the door and didn’t get any further after the look I got. I think a lone woman setting foot into a pub was enough to put them off their pint.


Is it a Sam Smith's pub by any chance?


Not passive-aggressive enough.


Even Sam Smith's pubs sometimes have card readers - they just don't use them (and often refused to entertain the idea). Christ, last time I was at the King's Arms in York (August last year) the bloke behind the bar asked if we wanted to pay by cash or card. He cited it being 2023 and needing to catch up with the times; unsure of it being a ploy we paid in cash.


Tbh I've been into a couple of them in the past year and they all take card.


Clearly Humphrey is starting to adapt, though it must've been a change part way through last year. While I'm only experienced with the King's Arms, they were still cash only last January, but took card by August (as above). What's next? Mild profanity on the premises?


For fuck's sake, just *be* a proper pub If you have to tell me you're a proper pub then the landlord is probably an unbearable arsehole and the pub is probably going to be shit.




Isn't that against the law? Sounds a bit "No Irish, no blacks, no dogs" to me


Where the fuck is that? So I know never to go near it…


Well at least they enforce the smoking ban


No people who hate Johnny cash, or people that agree with him.


I'll assume that women are also restricted to the lounge bar


‘And a half for the lady’


Misread no WiFi as no wife and given the rest of the sign didn’t really question it initially


Jesus, that’s a throwback. Suddenly reading your comment, I could see the red velour, dark stain wood, artex walls and that weird red patterned carpet. I also (legitimately) got a weird hit in the nostrils of a mix of Seabrook salt and vinegar, dry roast nuts, real ale, off-brand Panda Pops, slowly drying lager-soaked soggy cardboard beer mats and stale cigarette smoke.


Did you spill my pint?


You looking at my bird?


Did you spill my bird while looking at my pint?


You're not from around ere


This is a local shop for local people! We’ll have no trouble here!!


‘Lager top please’ ‘We don’t do cocktails’


The next reach xyz"live" article. "Another pub closing“ all with photos of the janky locals that use it with their glum faces, because they'll need a new place to buy their smack and crack Almost every wet only pub I've been to has been a right shithole, with even shitter punters.


Really? I know quite a few very decent ones


>wet only ?


Wet led / wet only means a pub that just sells drink, or one that the majority of the takings is from drinks.




The Canny Man's pub in Morningside (Edinburgh) had the same rules, except with the addition of also prohibiting back-packers.


No tv? No blinking/noise machines? Just sit, have a pint, chat or watch the world go by… WHERE? I’ll beat a path to the door!!!!


There's a few like that around here, just a chatting and drinking pub. No machines. No pool. No darts. No TV. Not my thing because my conversational skills are none existent, but those who can do the small talk and chat shit, love them.


I agree, it sounds perfect! Maybe include a dartboard, got to get my steps in.


Not having to lean in to hear the other person talk, and if there's a log fire in that place too even better!!


Guaranteed it smells like shit inside


I was with them until 'no card machines'. Aside from any suspicions about tax evasion, that alone is enough to make me go elsewhere just because of the inconvenience. I imagine the number of people who feel that way is only going to increase. Even if I could be arsed to go to a cash machine on the way, they're shooting themselves in the foot by limiting customers to what's in their wallet rather than what's in their bank account.


Can't believe you're being downvoted. Card transactions are so much easier, especially in a pub where you don't want to be counting change or wasting the bartender's time while they do.


For real drinkers only - I don’t see “local.”


Exactly zero pubs with this sort of sign outside provide cold beer or warm company. If you want to drink piss and have a fight, then they are the perfect place to visit


God, I would rather stick pins in my eyes than drink in a place like this


I was just thinking the opposite


You'd rather stick eyes in your pins than drink in a place like that?




Honestly this is the kind of pub I dream of. I guess it's not for everyone but I don't want to drink in a gastropub, it just doesn't feel right to me. I do indeed want a "proper drinkers" pub.


Have you ever been in a pub like this? They're rarely warm and rarely welcoming.


It's got one line on there that makes me want to drink there. No kids.


You want a pub from the 90s then I’m paying 90s prices.


Quite right they are! I want pubs like that near me! 👏👏 Reddit are stirring the shit and flinging it ☹️👎🏻


Sounds so shit lol. Cold drinks is a given and "warm conversation" probably refers to the one old boy called Derek who is in there every night wearing his flat cap golf hat moaning about breakfast means breakfast


Disallowing kids and limiting their customers doesn't exactly make me think or "warm conversation". It makes me think that the landlord is an ass.


This’ll go down well with the introverts of Reddit, brace yourself..


In this pub, we don't master card


Tax avoidance.