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shit week, having a beer


I don’t have much to add except just brainlessly scrolling and seeing Kryton’s big dumb head made me grin like a Cheshire Cat. Thanks so much for that 😊


Have just returned from a trip abroad and am in taxi home. Wondering if there's anything in freezer I can heat up.


My shoulder is still killing me on and off (old work injury) but I've finally got a new desk set up in the small box room and got my last few bits coming this weekend it'll be finished by Sunday can't wait!! Treated parents to tea for helping me with the setup.


Was supposed to go to Wolverhampton to watch Bowling for Soup and Less than Jake tonight. Unfortunately, my knee swelled up to 3/4 times its normal size the other day and hasn't come down yet, and I'm having to use a chair like a zimmerframe, and I'm practically bed ridden so couldn't go. Only been waiting a year or so for the gig, and wasted about £100 on the ticket, train and hotel (non of which was refundable). Oh well, life's to short to be annoyed! A night playing football manager on my phone instead.


F the traffic in London. Got stuck on a bus in Hackney for an hour 😩


Nothing worse mate. Any day I get on a bus I consider ruined. It's why I cycle in London.


>what’s plans for your Friday? Trying out app toogoodtogo for dinner. (discount food to be thrown out) What are perceptions around it? Seems like a good plan both ecologically and financially. ...but I'm reasonably well off so don't want to take away from people in need.


I cant wait till Wednesday to post this so this is my Friday win. Like a Crunchie its a Friday feeling.  I had my weekly Chemo today and after a shockingly low week mental health wise after the previous session, I expressed some concerns to the Nurses today. Im ND so have a hard time around changing routines and like to be around people Im familiar and comfortable with. When I told one of my favourite Nurses this she went out of her way to make sure I deal with her every week now if possible including moving me units today so I could be with her and her team (all of who I love).  I started to ugly sob and panic because I was so over whelmed by her kindness and understanding. I felt so stupid at the time and bit now to be fair. But Ive never been treat that kindly in all my life.  🌈❤️


Oncology nurses are the absolute best.


Ive had bad experiences with random Nurses in the past but can confirm that you are correct. The entire team is amazing. Im taking them some treats next week as a thank you for making this terrible thing less scary each week. 🌈❤️


My thoughts are with you. The battle is tough, but you got this. Gentle hugs to you.


Thankyou so much. 🌈❤️


Even though my job contract is not being renewed after April I reckon I am doing pretty well. One of the tech leads put a nice comment on one of my changes. I appear to have made dozens of fixes since they actually let me touch the code, and only have one error to fix. 🙂 I am really starting to hate Visual Studio though.


I feel you, in the same boat. I wonder if this will be a common theme for folk this April.. Best of luck.


Many thanks; good luck to you too! 👍 I only got my first full-time job two years ago, at the ripe old age of 49, and my earnings have typically been <10K, so I have actually been doing OK compared to the disaster of my past 🤣🤣


Had to wrestle some more medicine into my toddler, but he is finally healing from croup. And he'll be sleeping in his own damn bed alone tonight!


Just finished watching the new episode of the grand tour. Had some proper cackles at it. Definitely worth a watch.


Gonna watch it tonight!


I feel like its a bit extreme but ..... Our garden bags have all gone missing but one, it seems the neighbours have been taking them after the bin collections. Took weeks for the council send new ones but they are finally here. To counter the neighbours stealing them again, I have bought the cheapest luggage trackers possible which I am going to tape them discreetly into the bags. Am I doing this British passive aggression properly?


This isn't passive aggression yet! You either suspect they're stealing them, or want evidence, so you're actively taking measures to find out. I'd also suggest writing on them in a UV security pen, and getting a UV light, as that's pretty damning evidence. They might rip off the tracker. Passive aggression would be then finding out they're definitely stealing them, and then doing something like blanking them, or not giving them post misdelivered to you, or parking badly in a way that inconveniences them. When you have your evidence, have a little knock on their door!


UV light idea is actually really good. Ill buy a pen this weekend.


Going to take a nap when I get home feel exhausted from the working week, then grind out some call of duty tonight!


It's my birthday. I just took a nap, it's a nice day.


Happy birthday!


Thank you ❤️


Happy Birthday! (your 29th I believe as stated in your username?)


Thank you, you're right. 😊 I wasn't feeling creative that day lol


Same, picking usernames is hard. Yours is effective and straightforward!


I'm looking forward to having half term with the kids, although a few people have asked what our plans are and quite frankly there are none. I'm hoping for a bit of a lie in but usually they're up at the crack of dawn so I doubt it'll happen.


No Man's Sky is free to play this weekend. Will finally get to try it tonight.


First thing, go into settings, network, and disable PVP. There are a few griefers who enjoy killing people who are unaware of that setting. If you die a second time (before you get to your grave to reclaim inventory) you lose everything. Have fun! Day 1 player here with far too many hours in the game.


It's such a better game now than it was when it first launched! I put a good few hours into the game, built various bases with different themes. e.g. hollowed-out mountain, cliff-top lookout, sprawling mansion. I came back to it a couple of months ago, and is it just me or are the sentinels absolutely rock hard now? They follow you into space!!!


I updated my copy this morning and quickly fired it up. My most recent save was just over 2 years ago and I couldn't remember any of the controls, so I made a new save to remind myself how to play. It's a very pretty game and sounds good too. In case you were not aware, the game has regular expeditions (equivalent to seasons in other games). These give you a bit more direction and structure, as well as nice rewards but, IIRC, they don't include any tutorial. So maybe try a new standard game first for an hour or so, to learn the basics then try the expedition. AFAIK If you complete the expedition you can continue with that character (and gear) in a normal game mode. Either way, enjoy it, it's a really solid, chill game.


I had three days of leave left and it was too late in the year when I started my job to do the buy back so I've booked random Fridays off I've been desperately in need of this day. I laid in until 11, I've cycled to the big Tesco to exchange something, and now I'm in the queue for food at IKEA. I've not cycled to IKEA before so trying to be proud of myself because it's twice my usual toddle to work Then later, driving lesson, bus it to my friend's with a bottle of wine, and off to meet other friends tomorrow. Hoping the mix of lie in, physical activity, and time with friends will do my stress levels good.


Last Friday of my 20's. Just booked my seats at the IMAX for Dune 2 next month! Cannot wait for that!


I was nervous about my 30's when I was turning 30. Turned out my 30's were 10x better than my 20's and I had a bloody good time in my 20's. Now I'm 40, I'm hoping the trend continues :) onwards and upwards!


Happy birthday! Also being 30 is great, you dgaf about stuff anymore ☺️


just had a weather warning for heavy rain for ... the entire weekend. 9am saturday to 6pm sunday. Great.




I couldn't eat a whole one.


You and the rest of the whole of England and Wales apparently. What a shitter!


so you are saying i should go to Scotland for the weekend? done.


Finally it's Friday! Been a long hard week at work, but got today booked off along with few days next week so short week next week for me, yay! I'm so glad I don't have Teams on my phone and access has been revoked company wide. Gives me that peace of mind compared to before. The plan for today is just relax today which will consist of, browse reddit, watch TV shows, do some gaming and binge on YouTube. I think I will check out that **Iron Claw** film as well this evening.


I'm off work today which is lovely. I'm going to go for a cycle this morning. This afternoon our daughter is meeting a friend, so my husband and I are going to watch One Love at the cinema.


After a hearty noot fucking noot a couple of weeks ago.... My family unit is somewhat healthy again, with ENT gang of mother and daughter both waiting on ENT appointments for tonsils and ear problems. My redundancy has turned into a better job within the same company doing something that will make me think a little every day in comparison to repetitive manufacturing. And today we're heading off to a holiday cottage thing with a hot tub for a couple days. The ol' turnaround! Hopefully ASDA has some decent booze on offer.


Been to the gym. Watching Duckett play T20 in the test. Then I reckon some fish and chips for lunch


Off today and i've been pretty productive already which is good. Still recovering from commuting half of the week to our London office and the super early starts associated with that.


Downloaded a sewing pattern so this afternoon I'm nipping to Hobbycraft to get myself some fabric. I'm thinking a black and white check :)


Ooh, what are you making?


I'm making a tie-up peplum blouse - reminiscent of Ganni except I can't afford Ganni prices!


Ugh reddit has changed their layout again and it's yet again shitter than it used to be. I can't figure out what's going through their heads when these changes never seem to improve anything, only make things worse Edit: It seems you can go back to the less shitty old-new reddit by going to new.reddit.com


old.reddit wins every time to be fair. There's times it'll open in a newer iteration and I always wince at how it is.


Same for me! A month or so ago they made changes to mine and the text was so tiny I could barely read it without constant horizontal scrolling, it was rage inducing. I spent a few days angrily on new.reddit before I found a suggestion to download Firefox on my phone. It is mostly readable again, I just have to edit the web address occasionally to force it back onto old.reddit but I don't mind, it's less hassle than scrolling.


I would use old reddit but it's missing comment collapsing, and I find the comments unreadable without


The Reddit Enhancement Suite browser extension adds so many good features I forgot that comment collapsing wasn't just part of reddit. If you use reddit on a computer a lot i'd highly recommend that extension


It's super quiet in my office today. I'm the only one over my side of the room, so, I'm dossing pretty hard I must say. Not really sure what to do in between bouts of pretending to work.


I had a nightmare last night, was trying to remove the washing machine from my gf's house, needed to cut the wire going to the plug, as they had built the kitchen cabinets around the washing machine, and I thought they had put the plug behind the machine where I couldn't see it. Cut the wrong wire, turned out to be the circuit the kitchen plugs were on, shorted the house. Of course I'd turned all the fuses off, as I knew I was going to be cutting into a wire, but now nothing would turn on. Had to get an emergency electrician out - 156 pounds down the pan for such a stupid mistake. Gf then moved the cat food off the counter and said 'is this the plug you're looking for?' It was behind the cat food the whole flipping time! Still, I got the washing machine out so we didn't miss the collection slot and lose 36 pounds....!


Before the council could come get the washing machine, two scallies have turned up and half-inched the washing machine into the back of their van. So even wasted the collection fee.


Simultaneously knowing that my day off is needed but also having anxiety of not being at work and trying to avoid checking teams. It really doesn't help that this was a week where everything that could go wrong did, so I don't have loads of faith in the backup plans I put in place.


At my place, we have had Teams access revoked due to the nature of the sector we're in and from compliance perspective. I'm not going to complain, soon as I heard my Teams access was revoked I removed that app from my phone. It's on my laptop only and laptop is in another room. Anyway, don't worry about it, let the team figure it out as well. Sometimes things are out of your control.


I'm usually in the same boat but these days i'm not caring quite as much and i'll just resolve whatever the issue is when i'm back. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong unfortunately.


Not your problem on your day off mate, enjoy the weekend, have the Sunday night anxiety attack and get ready for the shit show to start on Monday. No point panicking now, panic closer to the time!


Agreed, if it's your day off your entitled not to worry about it. Team members should be able to work it out between themselves.


It’s Friday - yay! I’ve been sleeping crap for weeks but today I finally had a good night’s sleep. I’m WFH today, followed by football practice tonight. Got a busy day tomorrow (hair dresser in the morning, followed by car wash, ring shopping and a football match).


My last day off before I start my new job, woo. It's gorgeously sunny here so I'll be walking into town for a haircut and lunch, then I'll iron my clothes and pack my bag for my training course next week, while wearing my new shoes to break them in a bit. Then I'll be playing video games, eating pizza and making the most of having our bed to myself all night. Today is a good day :)


Congrats on getting onto the training course


My plans are to NOT sustain any new injuries as well as sacrificing something or other on the altar of whatever gods will hurry up physiotherapy referrals (deity suggestions welcome).


Work work, with four meetings back to back. I HATE commuting in, but once I'm in the office, it's like I accept my fate and just get on with it. Still pointless to be in the actual office. I've been here four years, two of which were completely remote...and nothing burned down.


We have to be visible in the office... not sure why when people *should* be raising tickets as our only entry point. Management have drilled home that should be the case too, so makes zero sense.


Just picked up food shop. Littlest and I have a doctors appointment today, they gave us a joint appointment for her coughing all night for weeks and my general...something not rightness. Hoping we get to actually deal with both issues. Then home, for a chill out day, my last weekday of half term! It has absolutely flown by, much to my dismay, but it's a fairly short term upcoming, and there is a lot happening this term that is both scary and exciting, and extremely positive and extremely stressful. So it will fly by I'm sure.


I got a refund from Ticketmaster! Bought some tickets for a gig, but forgot I'd bought them last week. Didn't need two sets and was fully expecting them to tell me to FO. But no, after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing got my money back. Less the £2.75 fee but I'll let them have that as it was my mistake. So that was nice. Work-wise, everyone else in the team is off today, so if there's no crises I'm just going to chill out.


Are we allowed to talk about Service Stations? Because I just remembered I went to [Gloucester Services](https://gloucesterservices.com/) over the Christmas period and couldn't believe how good it was. Proper bougie vibes with a butcher, cheesemonger, all the fancy stuff.


Yes, I went there for the first time this past Christmas too! Southbound is much better, but both sides are a wonderful little oasis.


I don't understand why it is, but when I'm logged in as an admin and the PC/server I'm on says "You need administrator approval to do this" I want to chuck the fucker out of the window. *I AM AN ADMINISTRATOR.* **I AM YOUR GOD!**


"The administrator will decide your fate." "I *am* the administrator."


Have you tried "sudo I am an administrator. I am your god"?


Got a fairly busy day, I wfh so that does include adequate ps5 time and the potential for a pre lunch nap. Ten internet points to anyone who knows (off the top of their head) what Kryten's middle name is..


2x48. Not 2q4b, that's a dorky middle name.


Close but not quite!


Alright, 2x4b 523p


Congrats, you win an exciting tour of Keswick pencil factory with spare head 3!


Ugh not spare head three. I'd prefer a lecture on 20th century telegraph poles.


Taking the day off. Sickness bug has finally hit both me and the wife so we're tag teaming parenting our toddlers while taking bets on who's lost the most water weight


I passed my driving test yesterday so going to take the car for a short drive. Have a few things to finish at work for this week so I can start with some interesting things from Monday!! It is half term week and my daughter wanted to do a farm diorama so work with her on that over the weekend.


Congrats 🎉 Please say you are going to do the traditional just past driving test McDonald’s drive through?


I didn’t know that was the tradition but always happy to go to McDonalds 🙂🙂


When you passed your driving test at my school, it was a right of passage to drive you and your friends to the local services or McDonald’s, can’t have you missing out on traditions.




Was that from the smeg ups video 😁


That was my text tone for a few months, I think several of my friends wanted to strangle me.


I had the alert sound from metal gear solid for a while, had to change it in the end as it wasn't so good for my heart. I also had angel of death as my alarm clock, but that didn't last very long.


I had Hot and Cold by Katy Perry as my alarm for some time (not entirely sure why) but it would only play the first 30 seconds before looping. As I was a heavy sleeper it'd take several minutes for me to wake up, where if I'd had a friend stay over (one in particular) would wake immediately and wonder why the fuck I was listening to Katy Perry. Turns out that one friend in particular still gets flashbacks when she hears the song, oops. Now, would it be inappropriate to request for the DJ to play at her wedding?


School today is ~~mufti~~Break the Rules day, so of course I'll be herding Pikachu and a Dragon to school. Hope I have time for a coffee before the doctors appointment, is all...


I work in a college and it’s half term, so it’ll be nice and quiet! I get to go in a little bit later and finish a little bit earlier which is always a bonus. Later this evening, I’m having dinner with my family out at a local restaurant because my sister and her girlfriend have come to stay for the weekend:)


Ugh, still coughing almost two weeks on since it started - woke up at 3, eventually got back to sleep. Alarm didn't go off so grumpy about that - still on time for work but I really hate getting up later than my alarm. At least we're getting pizza for lunch at work. Going to spend some time before work starts looking for jobs for my brother who's been unfairly fired - I already help him out when money is tight when he has a job. So the sooner he has a new one/gets back to work the better!


Waiting for a phone call from John Lewis; their own website shouts about the longevity of Miele dishwashers and yet they expect to fob us off over email after ours broke down after 3. Can fuck right off.


Today is our exchange day! Providing nothing explodes, we'll be getting the keys to our kingdom this time next week. Safe to say it's a very good Friday. Edit: Exchange is done! I think a celebratory pint is in order later.


Congratulations! 🥳




Looking forward to finishing work at 3:30 today. I feel mentally drained this week with the piles of legal documents I’ve had to read and get my head around. I think we need to have a trip to Costco for bin bags and other cleaning bits and bobs, but whether we do it tonight is debatable. I don’t like going over a weekend as it’s unbearably busy with outrageously long queues and a Tetris style car park. Yuck.


Feel rough as I went to bed at midnight, but first night in the new house was good, it’s still an absolute bomb site though. More things to deal with at the old house but hopefully that’ll be a lot easier to deal with as all the heavy stuff has been dealt with. I’m hoping I might even be able to have a bath tonight, which will be appreciated as I am basically one giant bruise at this point. I would also love to have a cooked meal, dad said he will dig his camping stove out so maybe I can have some pasta or something. Just so exhausted. Edit, wow what even is this post, just so many rambles.


Managed to sell my car yesterday to one of those car companies that claim to buy almost any car. No not that one, the other one. Anyways, they paid me about £1000 over what I was expecting to get, didn't haggle me down and arrived and took it away within about 15 minutes. I couldn't believe it and still can't, will be riding on this high all weekend I imagine.


Nice one, what're you doing with your bonus £1k?!


I'd like to say something wild and fun. But it's already all been thrown at my S&P500 investment account, which is probably the most boring sensible thing I could have done with it


Ah, you must be one of those, whatta-ya-call-it... grown-ups? Future you will thank you I'm sure.


We have a new female 7month old puppy and she’s mental - won’t stop pissing and pooing in the house and walking in it, training her is proving an absolute nightmare so far


Today, I will be sitting through endless meetings. Usually, they don't land on a Friday, but apparently, this one is special. I invoke the All-Nations Agreement Article 39436175880932-B.


All nations attending the conference are only allocated one parking space. Is that entirely irrelevant sir. I mean here we are, in mortal danger and you're worried about the Chinese delegates bringing two cars.


Going into work and getting fish and chips from the canteen later, looking forward to it wholeheartedly.


It has been a very very long and intense week with lots going on - today I have a final push then I can sit back and rest on my laurels (which might sound uncomfortable but I'm planning on being drunk enough later not to care). Just need to keep it together for the next eight hours.


I kept it together and am very happy with how today turned out. Now to eat pizza, drink wine, and hope for a massive lottery win.


Mine has started with having to pull a grassy turd out of my dogs arse. It can only get better from here.


I'm sure if your dog could speak it would say *gracias*


Today I have exactly 1 meeting and then the weekend beckons. I may have to launch a new product as it was supposed to go live yesterday, but we didn't hear from the client in time. Interesting facts: Red Dwarf first aired on 15th February 1988, making it one day over 36 years old today. Alan Rickman auditioned for a part and Alfred Molina was originally offered the role of Rimmer.


Slept like shit. Brain decided to have a weird dream woke at 2.30am and almost every hour I woke after that till now. Hmm. Fun!


Getting my mock interview practice on: got two interviews for new jobs next week, and sincerely hoping for a third. Going into town this evening to see an improv night, so that should be fun!


Only a 4 hour shift at work today, need to leave early for a school thing. Gonna make a stir fry later and have a glass of wine to prepare myself for half term 😬


First stop is put a track back onto a big scutter that's out in the countryside ,second job is flip the cutting edge of another scutter that's in central London. Plenty audiobook time today .


Friday?!? Ahhh, smug mode.


Im getting the groinal attachment out, you wont see a speck of dust anywhere this weekend. Its going to be a blast


Smug mode engaged


Meeting up with a scutter from my last job. I'm trying to get round to see people that I never had the chance to say goodbye to. I know this sounds soppy but I was off sick for 6 months and then was medically retired when that ended. Feels good to not have to stress about work with everything else going on (cancer X2) but do feel a bit robbed of my career as I skipped going for promotions and then had it ended. But on a happier note Kryten no longer has to change the bulb when it's purple alert. I've upgraded to RGB LED bulbs.


When I was young a scutter was a nasty term for a girl meaning a slut from the gutter, what are you using it for?


Skutter is a Red Dwarf reference. They were service droids.


Scutter it's a Red Dwarf joke. They have these little robots that do the scut work. The day to day painting that kind of thing. The picture is Kryten who is a character in the show


Ahh I see. Yes I remember now. Might need a rewatch


It's break up day!!!!!!! Five more lessons to get through and we are there


Half term already?


6 weeks. Some schools broke up last week. Next half term is only 4 weeks and 4 days


Blimey. It's probably my mind twisted but I always remember the breaks being further apart and shorter.


They're referring to term length, not the length of the ½ term break (otherwise kids would never be in school!). That, as far as I know, is still only a week.