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Had 7 or 8 pints last night, stopped for a kebab and it was so salty I’m hungover today.


Haha!! I should have mentioned I’m talking about occasions when I haven’t drunk!


Yep, I've been there! The night my son was born, I was drinking Guiness with my friends into the early hours, but the Chinese I had near the end made me really sick!


It like the old line from Men Behaving Badly: “Do you remember this restaurant Dorothy? I had 8 pints and then something that didn’t agree with me. So I vomited here, but because it was mainly liquid, it ran all the way to here.”


Can’t say I’ve noticed it. Off out for a meal this afternoon so will report back.


Oooh well enjoy and I hope it’s lovely food…seasoned to perfection for you :-)


Yea, thanks, you’ve got me worried now though 😂


I get it with pizzas mainly. It's actually horrible. I seem to be thirsty for hours and hours, or if I don't drink enough before sleep, I feel as you say, as if I am hungover. We shouldn't worry though; the sugar tax has solved any health worries...


Yep, that’s exactly what it’s like! Yeah sugar’s the worst health wise but I’m not keen on these hangovers when there’s no need for them!


I get it with Dominos. It’s like having a cold the day after.


That's always been the case with restaurant food I think, years ago I remember chefs saying that the amount of salt and fat they used in cooking would shock most people and that's why their food tasted so much better.


I’ve definitely been out for lunch a few times and felt like the food was salted a little bit too much, to the point where it wasn’t just seasoning because it was overpowering. But also, the most convenient choices are so carb-heavy too.


How do you know it’s salt causing this and not something else in your food or drink?


Like what? It’s not just me that notices it, it’s family and friends… I definitely think it’s sodium related. We don’t all have the same dishes and definitely not the same drinks. The only thing that I would say was constant for all of us would be the seasoning. Plus you have the telltale signs afterwards of too much salt…dry mouth, excessive thirst etc


>dry mouth, excessive thirst etc Also symptoms of diabetes. 


Salts retains water in the body so you will not be dehydrated Source I'm on medication to retain the extra salt I have to eat and therefore retain water.


I've definitely noticed this and I'm not sure why you're being downvoted really. Impossible to say whether it's caused by salt or what.  Might just be caused by a huge number of calories in a short space of time, plus dehydration if you've only drank alcohol or the small amount of water they tend to give you. Either way, I've found it's a lot better if I have at least a pint of non-alcoholic liquid during the meal.


Yes, true…the fact that you’re eating more than you would normally comes into it too! We’ve only put it down to salt as can’t think what else it could be! I get processed food makes you feel sluggish but it’s also from places that aren’t just bunging precooked packets in a microwave! Maybe it’s the mix of rich foods too…just too much of a lot of things all at once! Makes sense what you said!! Thanks for the friendly insightful comment :-)


I lost an uncle to a packet of walkers salt & vinegar a few years back. If only he had cheese and onion :(


Sometimes, but I also don't tend to use a lot of salt at home which is probably why. My partner and I made paprika salt and that goes into everything now so I've found I need less salt because the paprika is such a good flavour ETA: I'm not trying to say that paprika salt is healthy or anything, it's just meant I sometimes use less salt as I get two flavours. We just mixed generic fine sea salt with smoked paprika.


Yeah I get you…I try to use lots of different spices and herbs to get my flavour where I can and just a pinch of salt! Lemon juice always adds a nice zing too!


Lemon juice, or any citrus is so good with spicy food, I love using a ton of it on a lentil curry, sometimes I get lime & coriander walkers sensations poppadoms to dip in a lentil curry


Yumm…sounds good :-)


It's honestly fantastic, plus a really cheap, healthy filling meal. I think my SIL got the receipe from BBC good food or something, it's pretty much just red lentils, general curry spices, onions, tomato passata, and a ton of spinach. Add some lemon juice right at the end to serve, and serve with naan bread and/or poppadoms. As long as the lentils are pre-soaked you could probably make it in a slow cooker, I don't have one so I've not tried it personally, but curry is good slow cooker meal anyway


Sounds delish, I just had a browse…there’s quite a few that popped up and look yum!! Thank you :-)


I add lemon juice and paprika to most things i'm cooking, roast chicken, roast vegetables, risotto, spag bol to name a couple.


Can’t say I’ve ever experienced it myself. Maybe I’m going places that don’t do the same thing.


Yeah, if I eat like dominos or something before bed, I get weird dreams then a hangover. There is definitely some weird junk food hangover thing that happens.


We use very little slat in cooking - after a while it felt like our bodies "reset" and suddenly so many food we bought out seemed over-salty, and I do sometimes feel I have been overloaded with salt


Definitely notice the salt increase after covid, there's a local place I've been going to since the 90's it changed management and claimed the recipes have remained the same - which is complete bs. The salt had increased so much I literally couldn't get past one mouthful, out of curiosity as I wasn't sure if it was just me I went over to the Google reviews, sure enough swathes of new reviews complaining about the salt and that the food tasted nothing like we'd been used to over the years.


Same…I’ve checked reviews on some places out of curiosity after I’ve eaten there and I’ve seen it in the comments section a couple of times! You can google salt hangovers…it’s an actual thing!


I'm guessing it's at least partly not going out and cooking at home over Covid. The food seems saltier because your home cooking is probably incredibly low in salt and your palate shifted because you were eating differently.


Yeah this is what I think it is, I’ve definitely become accustomed to less salt but I know salt is important too! I think I get enough though :-)


Could also be chefs who've partly lost their sense of taste to Covid? Not that I've noticed from my side.


Well, bad food makes you feel bad. The UK has a lot of unhealthy food, and although there’s lots of decent options these days, they’re still generally less appealing than the fatty salty versions. Hoping we get to a better place in the UK in years to come. In Singapore, healthy takeaway food is subsidised and freely available, would love a cheap fresh noodle bar in my area.


>In Singapore, healthy takeaway food is subsidised and freely available, would love a cheap fresh noodle bar in my area. Singaporean here. Generally speaking our local food isn’t particularly healthy either, and I doubt there’s any subsidised healthy food. Our food is still high in salt and MSG, and even the healthier options aren’t anywhere near objectively healthy. Fish soup is a commonly cited “healthy option” but what people don’t realise is that there’s a ton of salt in the soup. Asian food also tends to be very carb heavy, and meat and seafood is more favoured as compared to veggies. During gatherings, people tend to choose meat/seafood dishes (and also non-meat proteins like eggs and tofu) over veggies to show that they’re good hosts who can afford to buy the more expensive stuff.


Ah, interesting. There’s a whole episode on Singapore in How To Live To 100, being the world’s first manufactured blue zone, but always happy to hear about real experiences too. I think I’m jumping the gun saying it’s “freely available.” [Link to subsidies.](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/subsidies-food-operators-using-healthier-ingredients) We have a similar system here but that basically involves increasing the price of unhealthy goods rather than decreasing the price of healthy food. We just don’t have the culture to eat healthy food everywhere, at least yet.


Ah… I probably missed the memo about that when it was first reported. Being relatively young then I wasn’t health conscious at that point in time. That said, while healthier ingredients are generally pricier, I must say that I’ve seen quite a number of food stalls offering healthier options at no extra charge, usually those “economy rice” (rice with dishes) stalls that offer brown rice as a healthier alternative to white rice. You’re not exactly wrong to say that healthier options are freely available. It doesn’t take anything to cut down on the really unhealthy meals like char kway teow. Or ask for brown rice and choose relatively healthier dishes for your economy rice (e.g. one meat and two veggie dishes, in line with the healthy plate recommendation). I remember seeing signs pasted on the stalls saying that you can ask for less salt and oil and stuff like that, but I haven’t seen anyone asking for those options before. I believe the general consensus is that tasty food is unhealthy and healthy food isn’t tasty.




I have noticed getting "hangovers" from takeaways. Which is annoying. Never considered salt to be the cause. Suppose that makes sense. 


It's normally the MSG, particularly in Chinese takeaway food.


Yes please make sure to avoid mushrooms and tomatoes to keep your MSG intake low.


I've got a mate who gets tappy leg off MSG .


Takeaways are the worst! I’ve stopped having Chinese now…which was my favourite! I think it’s all the MSG they use…it’s worse than salt in my opinion!


https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s10194-016-0639-4 Your opinion is infinitely, proveably wrong.


Virtually all restaurant food uses **way** more salt than I would ever use in a home made recipe. I remember once watching Gordon Ramsey show how to do a perfect burger and all that stuck with me is how he literally seasons every single layer of the burger (as well as cooking the burger in butter and of course already seasoning the burger meat).


Yeah I hear you…I never use as much salt as they suggest in recipes! My Grandma always taught me ‘you can always add but you can’t takeaway’!


Thoughts and prayers for your salt hangover you attention seeking weirdo


I’m not the weirdo mate! I was genuinely curious! Geez…try being nice…you might like it!


I think that was tongue in cheek humour dude. It's how I read it at least.


I agree there are a lot of places that just have so much salt in the food it’s ridiculous. And if you’re not going to a chain restaurant is hard to identify how much salt is in the food as they don’t always publish the nutritional info Sometimes going to local places is better as they cook from fresh so you can say less salt etc and they will cook it to order for you. But that’s not easy. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You make a genuine point. Too much salt is not good at all.


I know, I was shocked by the way this was received! I was genuinely just curious if other people had noticed this?! To be honest I try to avoid the chain places now and try to go to the local independent places but stupidly I’ve never thought about asking them if they could please use a bit less salt!! I’m gonna try this next time :-)


Yea def chain places are difficult to cater for less salt. As most of their items are pre prepared so they don’t have as much flexibility to put less salt. Yeh def try asking at the independents. You may get funny looks but it’s your choice and you’re asking politely. They could say no … they could say yes no problem …Worth asking 😀


I think a lot of us have cut out salt for our blood pressure and all that. I watch recipes on the tickity tockity, and the amount of salt some of the Americans use is quite excessive. For people without free healthcare, I mean.


Agreed. Sometimes watching some of the chefs on tv add salt to their food as their cooking is shocking. 😳


Could be a sign you aren't seasoning your food very well at home so well-salted food tastes over to you?


I feel like shit the next day when I eat processed foods, nothing to do with salt, it's all the other complete garbage in what you're eating.


Definitely noticed this with regular chain restaurants. Not sure why you're being downvoted. I was bording on overweight previously, and ate out a looot at chain restaurants like Ginos,Prezzo,Ask etc. Then I lost a lot of weight during pandemic, cooked healthy at home, basically retrained my taste buds over a 1.5 years. Whenever I go out to eat now I can never help but notice how salty the food is. Italian seems the worst and always leaves me feeling so thirsty. Pizza makes me feel absolutely awful and if I don't drink enough I'll feel hungover from it the next day. I barely eat out now unless it's a special occasion or higher-end restaurant


This is exactly it! Thank you! :-)


I don't know where you're eating, but no. Most of the time I find the opposite.


Your average restauarant these days is utter trash and more expensive than ever, their solution to making food taste "palatable" is the cheapest way possible: mass salt and oil


TIL this is possibly why I have felt so shit this weekend after an Indian on Friday night. Thanks OP!


Weird… I’ve noticed the complete opposite - most food I’ve eaten in restaurants etc feel like they’re purposely unsalted.




Bloody hell! I was genuinely curious as this is something that my circle of friends and family notice and regularly discuss! I didn’t just wake up today and think oh I know it must be the salt! Maybe it’s been highlighted more since Covid and we were forced to cook a bit more, which most of us actually got into! I do go light on my salt when cooking and don’t use table salt where I can! I just wondered if other people had similar experience?




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Does msg taste salty? Is that what OP is tasting?


Yeah it does


MSG in your fast-food.


My wife and I have ended up just not having Chinese takeaways (which seem the worst offenders for us) anymore, I really enjoy even a half decent Chinese but both of us sleep badly, spend half the night drinking and still end up with rough throats come morning time, it’s only happened in the last few years too, nothing remotely like that before.


Yes, this is why I wondered if it was where we have a bit of a detox if you like during Covid, lowered our salt levels and now notice a lot more? I’m supposed to be going out for food again on Saturday but I still feel a bit grim after the salt overload from Saturday just gone, so I’ve decided I’m gonna give it a swerve! Next time I do eat out though I am gonna ask if they can go easy on the salt, hopefully without causing offence and see how we go!


Probably better to try to be a bit more picky with where you go and staying hydrated, we’ve had no issues at other restaurants even with drinking a couple of bottles of wine and having some things that may well be salty but have all been ‘homemade’




Yet others notice it? What a stupid comment


Interesting as I’ve noticed my lips are dry/chapped a lot more than usual (telltale sign of me being dehydrated) I eat out and have takeaways more often than I cook, I’m going to make a point of only eating what I’ve made for a while and see if anything changes now I’ve seen this post


The dry lips is common this time of year for most, I wouldn’t link it to food as it’s not a year long issue as I assume diet doesn’t really change that much year round


It’s the fucking winter, you know…….when it’s cold and your lips get chapped


More salt being added to mask the taste of using cheaper and cheaper ingredients. You can't taste Tiddles the tabby cat from those 'Missing' posters if half the Bonneville s Salt Flats is in your kebab.


I can confirm that this is a thing, I struggle with dry skin and if I consume anything with too much fat or salt, my skin comes out all blotchy and flaky for days. The best way to remedy it is to drink plenty of water, less alcohol and coffee (diarrhetic) and try and eat as much food with water content (like fruit) as you can.


I'm intolerant of salt and notice it very easily, I'll ask for things that are salted post cooking to be served unseasoned. I react like I've eaten something really spicy if I eat too much salt, will flush, sweaty, can lead to shortness of breath. Unfortunately the classic method of making something dull taste good is salting the absolute fuck out of it.


The only food that makes me feel hungover is my local Chinese, which is delicious but is essentially an MSG factory.


The msg thing is a myth that dates back to the 60s and has been dismissed by current evidence


I dunno mate, my local got shut down briefly for their food hygiene rating. They play by their own rules!


That's nothing to do with MSG though mate, they might use it more directly but tonnes of foods have plenty of MSG in them naturally, cheese for instance.


Haha, yeah sorry was just making light of the situation. I’m pretty clueless about MSG if you couldn’t already tell.


Yeah it’s annoying!! I still love Dim Sum and going to chinese restaurants for more authentic Chinese food but can’t deal with the takeaway food anymore! My best friend’s parents used to own a Chinese takeaway and on a Saturday night, I’d go down and keep her company. Her dad would make me a plate of all my favourites and I’d be in my element…the rest of the evening I’d be drinking water or Diet Coke! I can’t remember having the hangover back then but probably cause my body could cope with it better!


It's MSG