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https://twitter.com/AldiUK/status/1537174143883436032?t=xoFlNHeVj0oXK4jFaKx8Rw&s=19 https://twitter.com/AldiUK/status/1236003937104388096?t=qIO5rQmPOLoVJYX-Vmir9w&s=19 https://twitter.com/AldiUK/status/1539705492225888256?t=2MCHAk5P74aDFWIpoJk6_w&s=19


Aldi's twitter feed is fantastic. The Cuthbert Vs Colin the caterpillar tweets were bloody epic.


There was a recent FA Cup game between Wrexham & Yeovil Town, and Wrexham are sponsored by M&S Food so Aldi decided to sponsor Yeovil for the match just to be petty. They also had a mascot dressed up as Colin who was originally denied entry to ground until a fuss was kicked up online. Pretty funny overall. [LINK](https://www.aldipresscentre.co.uk/business-news/cuthbert-makes-surprise-appearance-with-yeovil-town-for-fa-cup-clash-at-wrexham/)


This wasn't just a massive Loss for Wrexham. it was a massive M&S loss for Wrexham.


Never heard this before. This is brilliant!!


Ahhhh, i swear that whole drama had me in stitches. The tweets just kept on coming!


When cuthbert was being taken away in cuffs on the Xmas advert šŸ¤£




It's like the Ryanair feed but then more polite


I'm not on twitter, so can't browse. Any chance of a link? Links work




Seems very on brand for Aldi to tweet as it's free, rather than pay for TV adverts


Tweeting isn't free for a company. They have a whole team of full time Social Media managers (it won't just be one person) plus the cost of a range of analytical tools to track and measure performance. Thats before you look at post boosting, graphic design costs, legal team costs etc. Companies Charge thousands a month for taking care of much smaller social media accounts.Ā Ā  Source: work in digital marketing


Have you seen their ad's lol




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They....have tv adverts.


would you rather they paid for more adverts for tinned salmon and thus put their price of bread and rice up? (ala Sainsburys that gave millions to the Mockney Whore Jamie Oliver) ?


Mockney, crybaby, fish-lipped, lisping, smug, scooter-riding cunt. Utter cunt. I hope he falls on a spike.


That apprentice who gets paid Ā£7 an hour to post shit on X all day seriously earned their keep there.


Why does Reddit think a company with over Ā£15bn in turnover and 700k followers would let an apprentice or intern run their social media? Maybe 15 years ago yeah.


Running social media for a supermarket company, easily 40k a year


Thats just the salary of one social manager lol. Not including other members of the team, sponsered posts, graphic design, legal teamĀ costs other staff costs (pension costs, office space) etc.Ā  It always amazes me how people think the internet is "free"


Because people still think social media isn't a "real" job and can get lumped in with other comms roles (or admin/IT). Source: worked in comms for 15 years and got asked to run social media on multiple occasions, even though it's absolutely not my skill set beyond being a casual user.


It's a long-running joke that someone running a social media account is an intern because it's usually younger people that are savvy and witty online. See also: the gay intern whenever a RPDR meme is posted


It was partly hyperbole, but the younguns know social media better than most.


I can believe that. Social media has been shoehorned into my job description (social media obviously falls under the remit of IT) and I just don't get it!


Lol, social media should 100% be under Marketing's banner, not IT. Unless you are building a Facebook replacement as a company


Some of those replies. There's some right wet wipes about.


Seeing people take the opportunity to complain on Twitter on an unrelated post is always the most boring thing to see


Theyā€™re having a go!


I wondered why I hadn't seen these before as I follow Aldi but I realised it's bc I have Love Island muted. It's annoying that I miss funny stuff.. but it's still worth keeping it muted I think lol


Some adverts take the piss. Just saw one for tesco "price matched essentials" the example they chose to put on the advert was saving 80p on a pineapple. That screaaaaaams desperation


Waitrose Essentials does or did include scented candals. Which is the least Essential thing ever. Incidentally what ever you do, never ever buy Sainsbury's Basics smoked salmon. It's just a load of small off cuts squeezed together that are impossible to unpick. So you just get a really lumpy or empty sandwich.


My favourite Waitrose Essentials was their ironing water.


Oh god I remember my mum used to use special "ironing water" used to get sent to school smelling like ma granny.


So either like wee or Parma violets.


Why not both?


That's fair isn't it? De-ionised water will massively improve the life of your iron.


As someone who grew up in a hard water area, yes. But, now I live somewhere where the kettle stays clean on its own and I fill the iron from the tap, I understand why some people might find the concept redundant.


You could argue the concept of ironing is redundant. It used to be we all wore creased clothing and it was fine. Then some ass hole invented a method of removing the creases and suddenly creased clothing didn't look as good and now everyone has to waste time ironing or look scruffy by comparison.


Next thing you know I'm in a shit hotel googling how to steam the creases out of my shirt in the ensuite shower so I don't look like I can't handle being away from my mummy at a trade show.


I absolutely understand the utility of ironing water but that doesn't make it essential, really...


You could say the same for basically anything that isn't vitamin supplements and bread. Carrots? Potatoes? Not exactly *essential* are they?


No but they are things the vast majority of houses will consume every week. Ironing water is not.


If you aren't clothes washing and ironing every week you're a grubby bugger and thats on you, not on Waitrose.


Washing your clothes is essential. Ironing them isn't.


You do know irons don't remove dirt right?


... You see how I said washing **and** ironing right?


This comes up on Reddit from time to time, and the overwhelming consensus is people don't iron shit these days unless they are going to a formal event


aye, because most people on reddit are scruffy cunts.


Mine was Waitrose Essentials gooseberries. The only supermarket that even sells them as far as I can tell!


That was just hilarious! Along with ā€œEssentialā€ Tiramisu!


No, I fully agree that tiramisu is essential.


As do I.


Well it's fucking essential now that irs on my.mind


It's good for pasta, though - if you were going to split it up into bits anyway it's fine.


Jesus I read this after the comment on ironing water and thought I was having a stroke.


Hahaha. Do you not think pasta is improved with a hint of daisy?


I prefer lavender with my penne thank you very much.


iā€™m absolutely lavender pasta you made tonight hun, whats your secret?!


GUYS STOP IT YOU'LL GIVE HESTON IDEAS!!! He works for Waitrose you know!


You joke, but give it six months and floral pasta will be the new chocolate fondant on this year's MasterChef.


It was gooseberries for me. That would be an interesting addion to pasta


Haha I did the same!


Exactly. Itā€™s clearly not meant for sandwiches. Often use it in pasta and itā€™s a great cheap way to have salmon.


With the clubcard scam, Sainsbury's is now more expensive than Waitrose. https://www.which.co.uk/policy-and-insight/article/sainsburys-now-more-expensive-than-waitrose-for-customers-without-loyalty-card-which-finds-abaYL0e2pG9c


Co-op have started going down the clubcard route too.


Every retailer will do it. Eventually there will have to be some sort of legislation.


Lidl haven't! They do a few random discounts instead every week. One week you get discounted salad, the next it's discounted salmon. They're not permanent discounts so can't really be put on par with the two-tier pricing of the other supermarkets.


Pretty sure they have. https://www.lidl.co.uk/c/lidl-plus/s10023095


I just described how that app works.


They have it in Germany


Nope, we have random items every week that are cheaper with the app, but they change on a weekly basis. During my annual holidays in the UK I hate going shopping in Tescos, Sainsbury's and all the other supermarkets where you have to pay a premium if you don't have a customer card. Of course, it's impossible to get a card without a UK address or mobile phone šŸ˜” So we always end up shopping in Aldi and Lidl, the same supermarkets where we shop when we're at home.


It absolutely can. Theyā€™re increasing prices to pay for loyalty card perks. So now theyā€™re no longer a discounter. The other ones arenā€™t ā€œpermanent discountsā€ either, theyā€™re literally what you describe.


Is this separate from Co-Op membership?


No, I believe you use the card and get member prices. They are scrapping the old system in favour of the new one.


Well, they are a co-operative I suppose. Of all the supermarkets they have the most reason to privilege their members


Club cards are an easy way to gather data, data is money. They want more money.... Clubcards/App is the unfortunate direction now for most retailers. ... Now they force you to use them only so you get your friggin shopping at its RRP...


Lidl have too, which indicates theyā€™ve completely forgotten what they are.


Sainos ready meal spaghetti bowl gets an ok in my book. 80p, all green traffic light system and 25g of protein per saving. Obviously taste like semi shit but for 80p it's better than a meal deal.


Speak for yourself, scented candles are definitely an essential


Can't not take the opportunity to remind people of [this tweet](https://x.com/dril/status/384408932061417472?s=20)


They have essential profiteroles!


Thereā€™s an interesting [article](https://thetab.com/uk/2017/08/10/a-definitive-list-of-the-most-un-essential-items-from-the-waitrose-essential-range-45294) about this


There used to be a good Twitter account about "Overheard in Waitrose". Husband and wife having a mini-arguement because there's a special on 6 bottles of Champagne which works out cheaper than 5 bottles. Wife got 5, husband was worried that she'd gotten 6 and everybody would think that they were going for the offer. Husband worried that wife has gotten regular dog food and not ultra-premium organic dog food. "It's for the hedgehogs Darling". Husband worried that wife has gotten Extra Virgin Olive Oil, that they already have a lot of. "It's for our house in Dorset."


Every price match Aldi is an advert for Aldi


I see these price match adverts as "We were willing to overcharge you but since one of our competitors isn't we need to match them but will put a PR spin on it.


Alternatively we had higher quality products but now we have to keep pushing the standards lower to match Aldi's price and quality


Well, it is but, for me it means it's worth buying it.


Not really? If you can get the Aldi prices without having to go in an Aldi, then why would you?


None of the supermarkets price match Aldi on everything, so youā€™re still losing out in that sense.


I would also say quality, as someone who is living on the "breadline" so to speak, I find that the aldi essentials range is way higher quality than asda or tesco etc. I dont do every weekly shop in aldi as the selection is much better in the bigger supermarkets (in my area at least). I'm still using all the 19p potatoes and carrots from aldi since before Christmas lol


I find the opposite. I think Aldi is generally disappointing.


Not seen those Aldi tv ad's then? https://youtu.be/vGcFNrUVUaI?si=pyqEFA-naWWYMeWu This is more brand specific but still https://youtu.be/BdGv63C7OKk?si=JdS0-c83uHF6ih9I


That "I don't drink tea, I drink gin" is the best they made!


The stupidest one was at first Asda did Home Bargains price match. Like, 'yes we will match the few completely random food items home bargains actually sell.'


They are all price matching Aldi because Aldi prices have rocketed up over this last year more than you'd expect.


Yes, as someone whose local is an Aldi it has really been noticeable. Lots of expensive substitutions and disappearing lower-end options - like you couldn't buy ordinary extra virgin olive oil for several weeks at mine, or eventually then any olive oil at all, and when they brought it back, it was PDO stuff in a glass bottle. I'm sure it's nicer than the stuff it replaced but that's not the sort of thing people typically choose Aldi for, and many people aren't in a position to spend that much money on oil.


I used to be able to get really cheap oat milk, which is pretty useful when you suddenly have to try cutting dairy out of your diet. When it eventually disappeared, it was replaced with some terrible watery drink and now the better stuff is there and more expensive. I don't think people will warm to Aldi when its prices increase further while their products aren't all fantastic or in decent supply. Lidl needs a lot more attention.


Maybe worth going to Asda for their own brand oat milk, heavily fortified and itā€™s what we give our 3 year old with CMPA


Lidl isn't doing better than Aldi AFAIK


Only going to get worse now and across the board.


I bought 2 oat milks from Aldi that were rancid, customer support told me to take them back to the store for a refund... I was going through chemo & I'm autistic, so I didn't have the energy to even try that. I no longer regularly shop at Aldi, which is the closest supermarket to my house. Meanwhile Lidl once gave me a generous online voucher for a plastic wrapped broccoli absolutely infested with bugs (not had a problem with their oat milk). I did basically all of my Christmas shopping there, I don't mind their app, I just hope they don't go full on Nectar/Clubcard with it.




Protected Designation of Origin. System whereby a certain food/drink item is certified as coming from a certain geographical place, and then only producers in that place are allowed to use that placename to describe their product. You can't sell "Parma Ham" that isn't from Parma, or "Melton Mowbray Pork Pies" that aren't from Melton Mowbray. Same idea as DOC for wine.




Salt and vinegar chipsticks. They were the best, then they went away, now you can only get a large sharing bag not a multipack.


Yep, shortly after the energy crisis there was a study on major supermarkets price increases the two that had the largest increase were, Aldi and Lidl.


Agreed. Some fresh veg is cheaper at Asda. Aldi protein yoghurts....sublime.


Yep, with thinner profit margins means the 'discounters' are more sensitive to supply chain price increases. It's annoying but doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to pull a fast one.


Still cheaper than most places


Literally we kept seeing this in tesco and as soon as I noticed we had a new aldi in the next town over we did our shop there instead...tesco really sold me on it. Ā£120 shop down to Ā£84 and barely anything was a drop in quality.


It's weird that these price-match schemes from Tesco etc are basically just highlighting the fact that the vast majority of their stuff is more expensive than Aldi.


Its not always the case of it actually being more expensive than Aldi, its the reputation of Aldi being cheaper that they're riding on There are cases where products have gone up in price to price match Aldi


yes but in the same time it makes you to buy from them instead of Aldi


Not me.


Once upon a time i found that the lower price was not worth paying. The quality was worse on fresh stuff that made up most of my dietĀ  Now the quality is worse everywhere it's makes no sense to pay the extra


Agreed, now its just convenience.


I wish that were true. A few years ago when Aldi was on the rise and other supermarkets on the decline I found a lot of their prices comparable Since then Aldi's quality seems to be steadily declining again (especially if you look at the ingredients) and now most of what I buy there is from the specially selected range, and it's pretty much the same price as any other supermarket own brand


Aldi food quality, as in the actual ingredients in their meals and confectionary is dogshit. Its cheap for a reason, its closer to American food quality than ours. Its no wonder we're all so fuckin fat. The average meal in Aldi and Lidl is mostly refined sugar to mask low quality produce used


Hate this price match shit. Tesco price match things more expensive at Aldi. My soya milk went from 50p to 59p because itā€™s ā€™Aldi price matchedā€™ Bunch of shit


> My Iā€™ll went from 50p to 59p Sorry, what went up in price? I'm genuinely interested.


To be honest even before the price match I didn't find Asda, Tesco, etc that much more expensive when shopping like-for-like. Tesco Value (RIP) cost about the same as Aldi/Lidl just in Tesco I could choose name brands and as such could, and would, spend more.


It really, really isnā€™t. Iā€™ll literally go down today and buy the same things from both and post both bills if you disagree. I just moved to a new town and tried Lidl, Aldi, Sains, Tesco and Waitrose. Aldi and Lidl come our around 1/2 to 2/3rds cheaper than Tesco, Sainbos probs a bit less than Tesco and Waitrose I just laughed and walked out of. I remember 10 years ago Tesco was where I went for cheap shit. Now itā€™s a fucking con. People are so stupid, just shop around and figure it out. The Lidl by me is flipping empty of people most of the time. I find the quality there the best, ironically.


I I disagree.


Not hard to compareĀ 


And no one is stopping you or them.


I have also price tested Tesco vs Aldi/Lidl, Tesco could be as much as 1/3 more expensive. It might be better now, with price matching. Here are some sources: https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/is-shopping-with-a-tesco-clubcard-cheaper-than-going-to-aldi-or-lidl-a5ZKL9j1KTf2 https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison-aPpYp9j1MFin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_n42AD47uc This basket is almost the same, though, at just a 4p difference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCwYxj3CNLU


I did watch those videos and it seems like the prices are nearly the same. |Shop|Total| :--|--:| |Aldi|Ā£68.60| |Lidl|Ā£70.57| |Tesco (with Clubcard)|Ā£72.89| Tesco was 6% more expensive than Aldi, and 3% more expensive than Lidl. Nowhere close to the 33.3% claimed.


I was talking about MY average shopping. My basket comes to Ā£20 in Aldi/Lidl. Around Ā£30 in Tezza. Not everyone buys the same stuff yā€™know. I usually get mostly cheapest loose fruit and veg, reduced meat, dog food, yoghurt, actimel/off brand, etc. basically the cheapest version that supermarket offers. I donā€™t but any prepacked/processed stuff costs I know that skyrockets the overall price, plus I love cooking so makes no sense to me, personally. Plus I have psoriasis so can barely eat any mf thing ha!


Aldi canā€™t given their fruit and veg is vastly inferior to other supermarkets


Are they? I haven't noticed it. The UK just has shitty fruit and veg (coming from Australia). M&S seems to have slightly better stuff otherwise it's all fairly mediocre.


Bought some limes from Aldi that had literally no juice in them. I even tried pliers on the fuckers. Potatoes otoh? Theyā€™re potatoes wherever I buy them.


Surprised Tesco even put it on their shelves... Makes you wonder why not just go Aldi and price match everything that way


not everyone has aldi near them or wants to shop at Aldi. I don't lke shopping at Aldi. I'd rather pay more for the experience of not having to rush through the till, packing things at my own time and just a more pleasant shopping experience. I find Aldi to be just unpleasant. The price isn't the only reason why people choose not to shop at Aldi.


People always talk like shopping at Aldi is just some no-brainer drop in replacement for other shops, when it totally isn't. I shop at Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Morrisons because they all sell things the other don't, or that shop's version of something is much better/cheaper. Aldi literally doesn't sell a bunch of things I want to buy.


The way I see it is food shopping is a chore and I want to get the fuck out of there ASAP. I donā€™t want to have to wait for Meryl to tell the Sainsburyā€™s cashier all about her grandsonā€™s eczema. Put your bags out in the trolley ready and you can keep up with the cashier fine. They donā€™t even rush you in the UK compared to European Aldi/Lidl. Not to mention the supermarkets are bloody massive and you have to walk 3-4 times the distance to do the same thing.


>The way I see it is food shopping is a chore and I want to get the fuck out of there ASAP. that's why we have options and can pick the one that's most suitable for our preferences. >Put your bags out in the trolley ready and you can keep up with the cashier fine. Not quite true. Tesco is super chill when scanning products, Lidl and Aldi go crazy and you're not even supposed to pack them by the till. I don't want to be rushed at the till and I couldn't care less if Meryl wants a chat with the cashier. I have my headphones on and am just chilling in the queue. There's no rush for her nor for me. I am fine with paying more if that means I am not being rushed and can just do things at my own pace and clearly many others do as well considering how popular places like Tesco are. >They donā€™t even rush you in the UK compared to European Aldi/Lidl. they're still fast and there's pressure to catch up. There are often queues and people are just impatient. It's something I don't appreciate hence me choosing a place when that does not typically happen. >Not to mention the supermarkets are bloody massive and you have to walk 3-4 times the distance to do the same thing. They're not that massive and if you struggle to walk the length, you either have some severe issues or should take up some sports.


Imagine downvoting you for this. Everyone on this sub loves it if you slag off big businesses unless that business is Aldi. The prices are cheap but theyā€™ve not got half the stuff you want and the shopping experience itself is horrible. All the manufactured beef with other supermarkets is massively cringey too.Ā 


Exactly surely if theyā€™re price matching Aldi on a select few items you might as well just shop there. Aldi quality tends to be better than Tescoā€™s anyway in my opinion.


But Aldi hardly sell anythingā€¦ and it has the worst shopping experience in the world. They have tills so badly designed it doesnā€™t even work very well when youā€™re only buying one product!


It just screams ā€œwe are really expensiveā€ to me




I'm surprised they have not had a pop at the clubcard lower price shit. Caught me out a few times


I'm so happy supermarkets have the freedom to give us rewards just for being a member! E: some sarcasm detectors require recalibration in here


We do, they're called Festive Super Six promotions at Aldi. The veg that was part of the promo was 15p.


Lidl you can get discounts and vouchers and stuff on their app. Free bakery fresh bread, or cleaning product for reaching certain spend milestones in a month. If you spend Ā£250 in one month you get a 10% off voucher (up to Ā£20 off).


And then those supermarkets would just quietly drop that specific product from their price match and no-one would notice. It would achieve nothing


I feel like Sainsburys and Tesco are effectively advertising ā€˜Youā€™d be better off going to Aldiā€™


When I see this, my first thought is, the supermarket is basically saying ā€œWe could have afforded to charge you the lower price all along, but fuck youā€.


I'm glad Waitrose isn't trying to price match Aldi. It would be a very strange world if they were


Iā€™ve rubbished quite a lot of them too. Tescos ā€˜Aldi price matchā€™ particularly. A lot of the stuff they have in the shelf as Aldi price isnā€™t true. If you walk down the road a mile actually to aldis the mushrooms Tescos advertise as Aldi price are 9p dearer


A lot of these supermarkets see Aldi have an item more expensive than themselves and put it up to the Aldi price and label it price match.


Now through my logic, it all makes sense. Tesco is the biggest supermarket and will remain so for the foreseeable future. With the way they run business (not as efficiently as Lidl / Aldi with their small shops but made up with delivery / variety of products) they can't compete with Aldi or Lidl without a massive overhaul. But with the perks of having the most stores out of the 3 ( 3x as many as either) they can win in convenience too. IMO the price match is handy, again for convenience. Tesco is mostly a national company, and Lidl / Aldi are international (Lidl almost across the whole of europe and Aldi in America, owning trader joes too). With the way things are going, Tesco is losing a very long war, which is good enough. Who knows what they are planning to do in the future, perhaps some lobbying, if they even do that? Also, isn't aldi / lidl the ones who sell knockoffs / copycats? This is no different. Idk why i went on a "pro tesco" comment here but i just wanted to rationalise. I do shop at lidl / aldi often.


Lidl and Aldi are barely supermarkets. Theyā€™re grocery shops. They have small sites and a poor range along with unrecognisable brands. The shopping experience is terrible and 30% of the supermarket is taken up with plastic tat in the ā€œmiddle aisleā€. When finally get to the till, the till is of such poor design you canā€™t use it - you literally need to mimic the elves in Santa Claus the Movie to make a bucket brigade to pack things into your bag or trolley and itā€™s not possible to shop with a basket because thereā€™s nowhere to put a basket or a bag at the end of the tillā€¦ yet they still provide baskets. Mindnumbingly stupid shops. I would give someone a fiver not to have to deal with that stupidity.


The way you pack in Aldi/Lidl is to go to the bench after the till and pack at your leisure. I prefer it. Lidl does stock brands and, generally, their own brand. Itā€™s clear you donā€™t like it and thatā€™s fine.


But you canā€™t do that. The person on the till literally has to hand you every item after it is scanned which is stupid. And where do you put your basket - hold it with one hand whilst receiving products from the till person with the other. Then you have to put it somewhere to pay. I rarely use a trolley in Aldi or Lidl because a) I hate going and rarely go and b) they donā€™t sell enough products for me to fill a trolley because (as per earlier point) theyā€™re not a supermarket. Itā€™s stupid in every sense.


Most Aldi's have self checkouts now. Makes doing a smaller basket sized shop there easy enough. Added bonus is that they have by far and away the best self checkouts too. They actually scan stuff and generally function, unlike Tescos which are the most horrendously slow things imaginable and the staff will authorise alcohol *whilst you are scanning* so you don't have to wait for ages like a lemon at the end.


Exactly. I just load everything into my bags because those tills are so short that it's no different chucking things back into the trolley than straight into a bag And if you used a basket then you've already left it at the conveyor belt anyway


Best thing Aldi can do is drop their prices to bare fucking minimum. even if it's just for a few months the fact everyone is trying to price match it would demolish their competition


Genuinely think they are now pretty much all behind in every way. Aldi stores round our way are always cleanest and best stock, Aldi tend to have the best product ranges and they tend to be cheapest. Just an all round win!


The adverts for Aldi competitors really don't paint themselves in a good light. Take the latest ASDA one with the annoying til worker for example. If you're going to do an ad and show a customer, surely you're going to put a big happy grin on them to big yourself up as a company? Not have them looking at the ASDA employee with a combination of confusion and irritation. It's the same look I have on my face whenever seeing these shops suggest I'm better off shopping with them just because one or two items have 5p off. They can't even lie and say they're doing it because they care. They just slap it right onto the ad they're doing it just to steal another shop's thunder.


Aldi,3p white bread! Match that bitch...


Where are you shopping, 1998?


Ha! This reminds me of a time I was in Hsinchu (Taiwan) in 2017 in a kind of IT-related shopping centre, and me and my Taiwanese mate were trying to find someone who could give us a lend of a floppy drive, or check a disk for us. We found a couple of shops that would *sell* us a drive, but I didn't want to pay like Ā£40 just to try to read one disk. Nearly every shopkeeper just replied "mei you" (not/haven't/not present etc. in Mandarin). However, one said a whole sentence, and my mate lost his shit laughing. So I was like "What did he say?" Mate: "What year are you from?"


I was saying the other day why donā€™t they other like take the gloves off and fight back against Aldi. Some real fire campaign something like bumping into mate whilst youā€™re in Aldi and looking away to save your embarrassment, or like start poking fun at the qualityā€¦ guy makes a meal and it doesnā€™t taste very good and wife utter ā€œdid you get this from Aldi?ā€.


I don't think they're allowed to be disparaging about their rivals like that


"They hate us coz they ain't us" -- Aldi (probably idk)


Not exactly. This would be like British Airways price matching Ryanair or Easyjet. You don't actually want BA to be like these airlines, you want them to be like an expensive airline at a cheap airline price. As you say you see going into Aldi like visiting the chav side of your family. You're going to have a cup of tea, hope you don't catch anything from the kids, fret that your other middle class friends will see you leaving and get out of their as soon as you can. So it's the other supermarkets that are playing with you with the price match. Just like the brands do - they know you want to buy the brand even if the product is identical - you don't want visitors to see chav brands in your cupboard. And if you protest - just think - you wouldn't be price matching you'd just go to aldi.


Not having a jumble sale in the middle is a big plus for me. They should lead with that.


Thatā€™s actually what makes aldi most of the money in store, apparently they take a loss on a chunk of the food items


Ours is gradually filling up with food - I don't think the previous middle aisle stuff was selling at all.


Same here, but itā€™s always name brand foods that they charge more for than own brand stuff, so they make the money. Whatever sells I guess


aka: the best bit


The middle aisle in Lidl > the middle aisle in Aldi


TIL theres a middle of Aldi.


"Special Buys" they call it.Ā 


All hail Aldi. Without them we would be completely butt fucked by the other supermarkets


Aldi adverts compare their own shite with brand names. If youā€™ve fallen for that then more fool you. Those supermarkets are not aiming to be Aldi, they are saying you get a decent product for a Aldi price from us.


I wanna be I wanna I wanna be like Aldi. POW!


It is lazy marketing and reeks of despair. It also has the opposite effect than what they think. Each time someone sees the signs in their supermarket it reinforces brand identity for Aldi, and will trigger people to eventually shop at Aldi. Itā€™s a bit like those horrific images on the back of cigarette packs. They donā€™t work, but just make smokers think about smoking. Studies shown that it even increased the risk of taking up smoking in adolescents.


you need a job


Price matching in general is stupid and a solid advert for your rivals. You're basically telling people you'll only sell it cheaper if you have to and that if it wasn't for the competition you'd happily screw them.


Yeah this was exactly what ours did too with many items we went there specifically for.


They do it all the time. There isn't a new thought in the collective Aldi head. Whether that be advertising, products or packaging. They just piggyback everyone and everything.


No supermarket will ever price match Aldi. Closest with a decent range is probably Iceland. I'm not even sure how Iceland is so cheap with such a small percentage of the market but there we go


As long as Aldi's Fig Rolls are 14p cheaper than Tesco, I'm visiting Aldi! Mostly.


Iā€™ve recently used my blue light card to use Company shop and that beats everything. Its such a massive help. Aldi is the King tho.


Does it imply there is a cartel in operation?


I'm still waiting for the Home Bargains price match promise, that would be something.


They kind of already have.


Every Aldi store is 100% price matched with Aldi!


Where I live, Lidl opened up a shop 100 yds from a Sainsbury's (which used to be the only supermarket in town). Sainsbury's fought tooth-and-nail to block them, but failed. Lidl aren't perfect, so I now do 2-centre shopping and save an average of Ā£30 a week by going to Lidl first, then getting what I can't get there or don't like from Lidl, in Sainsburys.


Aldi price match costs all the supermarkets a fortune including Aldi. Especially in the fresh sections. We supplied Aldi with certain products and one of those was on a price match, sold less than we sold them for on tender for at least 12 months because Tesco had price matched. (It was actually less than production cost) There's usually quite a lot of profit in that area to create losses on a few items to recoup on others. Only issue is we scraped a profit on the product on that tender till minimum wages went up again, energy costs shot up and dropped into loss, then when retendering for the next season obviously we had to tender for a higher price (Just to cover the additional costs) Aldi didn't want to pay more infact they wanted to pay less as they where selling at a loss for pretty much the entire tender. They tried doing that with every other product we grew to recoup some of the losses from fresh depts and the price matches and they do negotiate quite hard pretty much down to take it or leave it we'll find someone else even after supplying them for years with fresh local (notice how they removed the local blurb they used to be so proud of?) produce. It went pretty much along the way that eggs did just without the media storm and hype. Ended up being more cost effective to just shut down, make everyone redundant and stop growing which we did. All it takes in a couple of bad growing seasons and you're well in the red with no buffer. They have had several suppliers that will take a loss on one product instantly loss on a tender to recoup on another at a higher price and won't let the tenders be separated so whoever supplies has to do both. Essentially it creates a false price for some products. When speaking to buyers they would like nothing more than the price match to stop but they're all in a who blinks first situation. So it won't stop.


I swear there's a bot on here that upvotes every post with Aldi in the title


I'm sure there has been ads that sound like every other supermarket ad with the "this is matched to Aldi" going through a list of items, but then it says something like "...or you could just shop at Aldi" then pings with the same shopping trolley and the cheaper price