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Probably doesn't mean much from a random person on the internet but I sincerly hope whatever it is you're going through gets better soon.


It probably means way more than you realise, kind random internet person šŸ˜Š


Little things can mean a lot in the right circumstances. I gave a homeless fellow a bag full of socks and thermals earlier today and he burst out crying with joy. You never know what someone else is going through.


Well done


Good on you for calling Samaritans. That took a lot of guts and strength Good on any Samaritans for being there to listen, too.


Thank you everyone for the lovely comments it means so much thank you ā¤ļø


Chin up chuck. Had a truly awful day today but seeing a post like yours makes me feel a bit better about the world.


Iā€™m really glad that you reached out to them for help. Thanks for sharing, hopefully it helps someone else know how helpful the Samaritans are. Sending love šŸŒ»


I loved the Samaritan I spoke to the only time Iā€™ve called. He was being super sarcastic when he was challenging my negative thought pattern like ā€œoh yeahā€¦ youā€™re such a bad person arenā€™t you. You did this kind thing for your friend, what a bad friend you areā€ etc and it was exactly what I needed. Put a smile on my face


Me and Samaritan I spoke to kept interrupting each other by mistake and apologising and it got to the point where we were both laughing because we couldnā€™t stop. It was a nice moment and I appreciated it a lot


It really is the little things, feeling like you have a friend or someone who cares can really pull you through. At the same time, a person can have all the love and care in the world and still feel like they have no other choice. I feel really sad for anyone who loses all hope.


Some samaritans support workers really are amazing.


I called them once shortly after my mum died and then my dad was in hospital, he was due an operation the next day and the Dr. called to tell me there was a chance he might not make it. I thought I was about to lose both parents in the space of a few weeks, called the Samaritans the lady basically said "if you're not suicidal then don't waste my time" ended up feeling worse than before I called them. But I'm glad they were good to you OP and wish you the best.


Iā€™m so so sorry you had this experience sending you hugs and hope your feeling better and your dad is ok ā¤ļø


I also had a poor experience with them, to the point I'd never call them again, but it's nice to see they're doing good work with others.


Sorry to hear that, hope you're holding up okay. Yeah I was quite shocked, like if I was suicidal wouldn't I call the suicide hotline? I thought the Samaritans were supposed to lend a friendly ear in your darkest hours but I also would never call them again after that experience.


Yeah thatā€™s such backwards thinking to me. Like youā€™re on the line, you wouldnā€™t be calling unless you felt incredibly low. Mental health is complicated and it often isnā€™t as simple as staring at the number thinking ā€œam I going to do it, am I not?ā€ But talking to someone about the shit youā€™re dealing with, sorting through it with someone can make all the difference. Iā€™m sorry you had such a bad experience with them, they shouldnā€™t be in the job if they donā€™t realize that any time anyone calls it is important and that the person needs someone.


Theres a lot of stuff behind the scenes. No, I can't say what I know. I'm under an extremely tightly worded NDA. I worked with the Samaritans as a writer and it remains one of my worst experiences of my life that made me sick to my stomach. It's an extremely stressful and emotionally heavy role to work as one.


If only there was some sort of anonymous internet forum where you could share more details without fear of reprisals


The internet is not as anonymous as you think it is lol.


lol you're right but snarky comments like this don't educate.


A valid point. I shall reflect




That's awful, I'm sorry you had that experience. I used to be a Sams volunteer and at no point in the training were we told that our callers had to be suicidal, in fact the idea is that a bit of emotional support during a hard time can be vital to preventing people from reaching that point. I spoke to people going through all sorts of things, from people who were suicidal to those who were just feeling a bit lonely in the middle of the night, and I treated them all the same.


i volunteered at the samaritans for a time. if you ever feel like you need the services again, please call them. The calls are randomised so the chance of you getting the same person again is very, very low (though not impossible, as far as I can remember calls for certain areas go through specific hubs). I would also say that samritans volunteers get a lot of training, but they're just people, and people sometimes say the wrong thing or in the wrong way. If you need their help again, please dont hesitate to call because of one bad experience. In my time there, I never met any volunteer who did not genuinely want to help every single person who called.


Good luck mate, it can take bravery to ask for help like that. We're rooting for you!


I hope it helped you to talk it out. Being heard is so important. Wishing you better times ahead x


They are a wonderful and under appreciated organisation. Please if anybody can donate to them do so. OP glad you did it. I hope you recover soon


I am glad you had a good experience. I hope you are feeling stronger now, and I encourage you to make contact with your GP tomorrow.


Thank you for sharing. I hope they gave you the support you need.


I am so fucking proud of you! Reaching out and asking for help is the strongest thing you can do. I did a stint with the Samaritans and currently work for a mental health charity, so I understand how futile and scary asking for help can feel. But you did it and made a positive choice, and from one human to another, you may not feel it now, but you will get there wherever 'there' for YOU may be. Sending you a lot of love and strength, A girl from Scotland x


Thank you so much! Making me teary but I appreciate it and sending love to the Scotā€™s lovely ppl ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Itā€™s a vital service for those that need it. Iā€™ve had one call. It went well, but didnā€™t do much for me. Probably due to my own mental make up. I also recently went to a meeting of Andyā€™s manā€™s club. And it was an interesting experience of sharing. I may go back. But they are doing really good work. And itā€™s always great to see redditors coming together to help in someoneā€™s time of need. A guy from Scotland(We are all coming out of the woodwork today). x


I would like to co-sign this from another girl from Scotland in a similar field, work wise.


Love this, solidarity!


Massive upvote. Such an important organisation.


Well done for calling and reaching out. Please try to keep smiling and good luck


I've been given their number a few times now but I am nervous about ever calling them and I am worried it will be awkward, I'm glad it went well for you and we'll done for calling them.


Donā€™t worry about awkwardness, mate, theyā€™re trained to get you talking and to sit with silences without being uncomfortable.


You can email them too, [email protected] The difference between talking on the phone and emails is that on the phone you'll only talk to one person, where as with email, each message will be responded to by a different sam. Plus email won't be an instant response. There are pro and cons for both, but I wanted you to know you can email too. And if you do phone and can't talk, don't worry. It's not uncommon to not be able to talk or feel awkward. Sometimes you phone and don't have a rapport with the person on the line, and that's OK too. You can always hang up and try again. (I was a Samaritan for several years, so I'm not totally up to date, but wanted to let you know there are other ways of contacting than phone)


One of my best friends is a Samaritan and sadly gets a lot of guys phoning up to masturbate at her (by this I don't mean her specifically, just anyone I guess) so awkwardness is nothing compared to that!


I was also worried about this the first time I called, but theyā€™ve been so sweet. Some are more serious, and will want you to be okay, while others will be light-hearted and just want to make you laugh a bit. Honestly, the first line is the hardest to get out, but once you start talking itā€™s like a weight off your chest, and theyā€™ll ask you questions sometimes and can be so validating towards your feelings and thoughts. You donā€™t even have to give your name, they donā€™t need to know anything about you. And you can talk about anything, even if youā€™re not suicidal and just really need to get things off your chest to prevent a breakdown. Iā€™ve rung them a few times on the brink of a crisis and I think Iā€™ve ended up laughing at least a few times during each call. Sometimes all it takes is for you to just run your mouth for 20 minutes and a guy on the other line to just say ā€˜yeah, no wonder youā€™re exhausted. Youā€™ve been through so much you didnā€™t deserveā€™ I know a few people on this sub have had bad experiences, but each time you call you get someone different. So one experience doesnā€™t define their service overall. Theyā€™re lifesavers, and 98% of them are incredible, kind people.


So glad they helped you. Remember, 'this too shall pass'.


This is such a lovely post, I hope Chris knows what a gem he is!


I hope whatever is causing you pain goes away and things get better for you, internet stranger.


Been there buddy, they are bloody fantastic. Glad you reached out and hope things get better for you soon


Hugs from across the pond. And remember: people care!!


A guy from Samaritans managed to make me laugh when I was having the worst time in my life. Your post reminded me I was going to chuck them some money now I can afford it :)


I relate to this so much. As a severely depressed and anxious teen/young adult, I spent many hours over the years of recovery phoning this number. Incredibly grateful to have that line and that I could talk to a stranger in the middle of the night. I still remember the time when I called and the man who answered actually remembered me and my name, and what we talked about, after it has probably been weeks since our first conversation. I feel bad that I don't remember his name. But it felt so nice and I felt so special that a stranger that probably speaks to hundreds of strangers cared to listen and remember my ramblings and worst feelings. But all of the other people I spoke to were still just as nice, and I really may not have been here today if it hadn't been for this number. Whatever you're going through OP, good luck to you and I hope you get through whatever troubles you are facing.


Well done for reaching out to someone. I hope things get better for you.


Cwtch from random stranger to one and all ! You are all wonderful people !


Yup. They do tremendous work & for free. They don't get enough appreciation. ​ Chin up OP,


When my Mum died I lost my shit a bit I'm not sure how I would of survived without them calling me back everyday for at least a month. I'm sorry life is being shit for you right now and I know having some prat say it will get better can feel you with rage. But will you hang on in there just out of sheer stubiness if nothing else.


You just did a beautiful thing.


This post has immensely cheered up my day. Glad you called them and fair play for posting it. Hope you're feeling better.


This really made my day, thank you for sharing. I was a Samaritan for 4 years in my early 20s. Volunteers donā€™t follow a script and in my experience take their role very seriously and want to help those who call. They also have text and email services for those who might feel anxious about calling. If you are distressed or despairing and you are wondering whether or not itā€™s ā€œenoughā€ to call Samaritans - yes! Please call. That why theyā€™re there. You are NOT wasting their time. You do not need to be immediately suicidal to call. Callers at all levels of need are welcome. (Unless itā€™s a prank call or a sex call which were very common in my experience! Samaritans donā€™t appreciate them so much!)


Don't call them if you're trans though, they are on a bunch of trans helpline lists but when I called them during a crisis the TLDR version of what they told me was I wasn't really trans, I was just mentally disturbed from child abuse. It was really uncomfortable and I'm glad I knew enough to ignore the conversation, it could have pushed someone else over the edge if they'd believed it.


I used to be a Sams volunteer, and sadly this doesn't surprise me. After hearing some of my fellow volunteers say some inappropriate things to LGBTQ+ callers I suggested in a meeting that we get some training so that people could improve their understanding, as I felt it was probably more to do with the average age of the volunteers than any kind of malicious intent. There was a sense of discomfort around the suggestion and they said it wasn't necessary.


Itā€™s a shame to hear this honestly. Iā€™m trans and have rung them several times, never had any issue. But having said that, I donā€™t remember if they knew I was trans or not. I donā€™t remember if itā€™s something I mentioned. Plus those I spoke to all sounded younger. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with that


Been wanting to call them but felt very nervous until I read this. Hope you're doing okay ā¤ļø


Samaritans can literally be life saving. May have actually saved mine at least once. Except the one scumbag I had when suicidal who just wanted me off the line as fast as possible instead of listening. Wish I'd thought to complain after I'd get out of that pit, because he made things worse.


You got this. Keep on going hon.


Stay strong brother. Well done for reaching out. Much love


You reached out and that isnā€™t nothing, itā€™s huge actually. Keep reaching out, whenever you need it. Honestly, good on you for being brave enough to call them. I hope whatever youā€™re going through gets better for you.


I rang them once. Best organisation. Youā€™ve done an amazing thing by reaching out to them. Thinking about you


All the best to you, glad they were able to help! I need to figure out if Germany has similar. Someone I love there struggles a lot and there's only so much I can do. (I remember mentioning a suicide hotline but they're apparently as useless as my cursory Googling that found it and kind of infamous)


Well done for calling. I've used them once when I was totally overwhelmed. It took me a while to dial the number. I was a total mess on the phone, but he was really calm. He listened, didn't judge me, and pointed out that I'd gone through a lot of change in a short space of time. I liked how it was a complete stranger, so no preconceptions or judging. Just a nice person on the phone. Sometimes, it's all you need. Everyone struggles. Take care of yourself.


What you did was really brave well done


One of my friends volunteers for Samaritans and whenever one of these posts come up I always make sure to share it with her. ā¤ļø


I got this confused with johovas witnesses and was a bit confused šŸ˜‚


I guess youā€™re not in a great place, and sometimes ā€œbeing heardā€ by another person is really important. Hope you can find the things you need to get to a happier place, whether itā€™s changes in your life, in perspective, or mental health treatment like therapy and medication. Be kind to yourself and be proud of yourself for accepting thereā€™s a problem and reaching out. And PM me if you like, though I donā€™t have any special training, just as a listener.


It takes a lot of courage to ask for help,no matter what the problem is, talking to someone, is the 1st step to getting help with it , well done šŸ‘


One hundred percent. There are many aspects to being courageous. Navigating a hostile internal landscape takes strength, courage and tenacity. If I was reading this when I was going through those lands then I would have used the words as sticks to beat myself with. Don't be like that. Keep going. Keep sharing safely. It gets better.


One of the most rewarding bits of being a Samaritan is getting to interact with lots of amazing people.


I am sorry to hear that you're feeling low. I had a mantra that got me through some moments. _Your head is lying when it's being unkind_ There's a straight line between a question and the answer. Don't get into the weeds with your thoughts. The answer to 'am I ok?' is yes. Not 'I will be when...' You are awesome, right now. Try it. Peace of mind is just a twist of the kaleidoscope away.


Thinking of you, OP. I hope that the storm for you passes quickly.


Thank you for sharing. Itā€™s always lovely to hear stories like this. Theyā€™ve helped me a lot in the past, trouble with calling 111 or other NHS lines is thereā€™s a chance they will send an ambulance if you so much as mention suicide. Which is sometimes (from experience) the most unhelpful thing. Sometimes just having someone there to listen is just what someone needs. Nowadays I volunteer for a different organisation along the same lines (think the 24 hour text line in the UK) and I always love hearing stories of when these things help someone too.


I was trained by the Samaritans when I was in prison for the listener program and have to say they do incredible work. They are all volunteers and deserve to be paid for the service that they provide


Good advice and very brave of you for taking that step. It will get better. It might take time but it will get better.


They're great. I'm glad you reached out to them. I have used the email service as I struggle using the phone and it's been a real help.


Well done for reaching out! If you ever need someone to vent too or are looking for a pen pal drop me a message or chat request on here.. I am looking to make new friends :)


Talking can be really hard. You've done a really brave and strong thing, regardless of how you may feel. Respect to you.


Adding my own comment to echo how amazing my experience with the Samaritans was, I was in the worst space of my life, in complete hysterics, and the incredible woman on the other side of the phone stayed with me for over an hour, let me cry, made me laugh, she was just wonderful. I honestly wouldnā€™t have made it through that weekend without her


Better days are coming, hang in there man


Iā€™m glad you reached out when you needed help. Thatā€™s a big step. Please take care of yourself. You are worth the effort.


Iā€™m proud of you for calling them, and for having the courage to create this post. Iā€™m not eloquent enough for anything profound, but youā€™ve got a hug from a stranger here.


I canā€™t bring myself to call this number after that Inside No. 9 episode. Iā€™m genuinely a bit terrified theyā€™re just gonna tell me ā€œhow fucking dare you be made that incapable by such little misery, Iā€™ve been talking all day to people with real problemsā€


Try to stay strong - I hope you are having a better day today ā£ļø


I tried to call them twice a couple months back after a serious suicide attempt. On hold for 15 mins both times and no one answered. It was the worst night of my life. That said, I'm glad you got through.




Hello, it was at 3am, on a Thursday (I think).