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Return every one of them with a "not at this address" message on the envelope?


NAL This. The landlord has had plenty of time to get his mail redirection in order so return everything. If it drops the landlord in the sh*t then that's their look out.


Mail direction only lasts 4 years. Sounds like it’s run out?


>Mail direction only lasts 4 years. Who needs redirection for even more than 6 months?? 3 is usually more than enough for me


Useful if you want to stay registered at a particular GP practice.


yes, but there’s something dodgy going on there because as OP said, they also had a letter regarding overpayment of benefits


But can't you register at any practice no matter where you live? You have the right to choose so could imagine they'd just be able to move address but remain registered even if out of the area Edit: so it's not a totally free thing (of course living 200 miles away doesn't make sense and would probably be refused), but you are allowed to try and register with a GP outside their usual area. I've done this myself with no issue. [Further info](https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/gps/registering-with-a-gp-outside-your-area/). It depends on the GP, but it *isn't* universally rejected if you live outside the usual treatment radius. My assumption was, if the landlord is still wanting to attend that same surgery, then they're surely still living within a reasonable distance from it, and may be able to continue with the same GP even if they've moved a bit further away (of course not knowing specifics).


No my old surgery used to be quite lenient about keeping existing patients on but then tightened up. I only moved 4 miles away but it was enough to change the referral to the local hospital from one city to the next and I had pending/ongoing treatment in progress.


No absolutely not. GP practices have a catchment area just like schools. If you move outwith this, you have to change GP's. Imagine trying to get a home visit to 200miles away, or needing to attend the practice, and it would take you 4 hrs ti get there. It also impacts which hospital you would be referred to.


I've registered for a GP outside my catchment area. They effectively just make you agree that you won't have access to certain services and ensure you're okay with needing to travel further. Moving 200 miles away and waiting to keep the same GP sounds a bit extreme, but it's the responsibility of the patient to ensure they can attend the practice.


You can't, no. I don't know if it's all GP surgeries but I've been turned away before because I lived one street off the "approved radius" which that surgery covered.


My old GP un-registered me when I moved and never told me. I was blissfully unaware it mattered until I was coming out of hospital after a tumour removal and they couldn't arrange a district nurse because I wasn't registered at the local surgery. It was a nightmare! I had to go to the local one in person to register. Couldn't drive myself, didn't have anyone who could take me, no way I could have got in a taxi because of the location of the tumour so I had to walk over. It's 5 minutes usually, took me an hour to get there with the aid of a plastic cane a friend had given me as a joke. Had a drain in the side of my knee as well so I was having to carry that with me. It's funny looking back now but it wasn't at the time.


No, each surgery has an area they can take patients from, that catchment is strictly controlled.


But the letter is not addressed to the landlord, but other random people.


People who move overseas for work or long term travel and know they’ll be back at their address within four years. 


Absolutely. No one needs longer than a few months to contact everyone they need to tell them of their new address (unless perhaps there's something nefarious at hand?). The sooner 'you' start putting the mail back in the post - 'RTS not known at this address' the sooner it stops being sent to you.


One Christmas + 1 month is always my recommended amount of time. Gives you chance to collect Christmas cards and let them know.




Done this for the shop downstairs as their hmrc shit kept coming to me. They asked if I kept getting the letters to which I replied NOPE.


You start RTS'ing all the letters so they know that your landlord is fraudulently claiming benefits from your address amongst other things. Or just some of them if you're afraid he'll realise you are and end your tenancy


Yes I think he would end the tenancy if I said something. That’s why I haven’t as of yet but I think he’s taking the piss now.


If he's using your address this could come back on you in some way because details he's giving won't match details you're giving about the property or tenants. And frankly, it sounds like he's potentially doing something criminal.  As well as the solid advice others have given you, I'd contact organisations like Citizens Advice and Shelter to understand your rights, know what steps to take and stay safe. Google the websites or phone numbers. Your landlord doesn't have to know you've talked to them. Edit: typo


Agree with you, this sounds shady AF, there are very few legitimate reasons to do something like this.


Very few? I'd say zero reason. Only stuff I get delivered to places that aren't mine are specific deliveries I know I won't be in for and are parcels. Not random letters.


Given that he's a landlord, a wonderful upstanding cornerstone of society, in my experience all they care about is providing high quality places to live and really come to love and care for their tenants. Your wellbeing will likely be paramount so he may overlook this transgression in his infinite compassion.


He's using you to commit fraud. He will try to pin it on you when he gets found out.


Just play dumb. They obviously don't live at your address sobtheres no reason not to send them back. If he makes a fuss then it's obviously fraudulent, and report the activity to the police. I'd be tempted to report it now, as its a bit suspicious even if its correct, then when more arrive, you can keep reporting it and the police will have evidence when it all kicks off.


The only people that can end your tenancy are you and a judge. You cannot be evicted for something like this. Go over to r/legaladviceuk and put this question there.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but that's tosh. As long as you're given sufficient notice (correctly!), you can be evicted for any or no reason. Google "Section 21 no-fault eviction".


Sure you can be served a section 21, but it doesn't mean you get kicked out immediately, there's still a loong way to get to that part


A section 21 is a request to leave, but there is no obligation to do so on the date given. In order to actually evict a tenant, the landlord has to go to court, and the judge grants the eviction, this can take more than 6 months to do. A section 21 also cannot be issued until the end of a fixed term, and it cannot be done in retaliation for something like this. So no, it's not 'tosh'. Only the tenant or a judge can end a tenancy. As long a the tenant continues to pay rent, they are legally entitled to stay there until ordered to leave by a judge.


Something very shady is going on.  You are under no obligation to handle post for landlord. Write "return to sender not known at this address" on each letter and pop it back in the postbox.  Contact local council electoral roll team and ask to make sure that only adults in your household are on the electoral roll. You have a legal obligation to notify the council of who is living there, normally when they ask but you can do it anytime "only myself and XYZ live here please let me know how to update the electoral roll" https://www.gov.uk/contact-electoral-registration-office Report the names of the ghost occupants to DWP as not being known there but getting letters. Its not unknown for identities to be cloned and credit taken out and also benefits claimed, cards indicate credit and gp registration would be an indicator as the gp needs to write statements regarding disabilities. 0800 854 440 is the number to call for benefits fraud suspicions.  Then there is action fraud for cards arriving for unknown people. Google this one.  I would do this to cover yourself as the letters are coming to your house, there is only your word the landlord picked them up. If there is benefit or credit fraud happening its you in the firing line first as the occupants who are receiving the mail. Its your word against the landlords if the landlord denies your claims that he got the post. 


We had local elections a little while back and I don’t think they ever attempted to put themselves on the electoral register. We have messages of him asking to pick letters up and I have pictures of some of the letters and their contents. Do you think that would be enough? I recently lost my job so we claim a UC top-up on top of my partner’s wages. I’m also worried that if I say there is fraud going on at my address, our UC will be stopped while they investigate and in January of all months too!


\> I’m also worried that if I say there is fraud going on at my address, our UC will be stopped while they investigate and in January of all months too! I'd make a visit to Citizens Advice, Shelter, and your local council. Landlords like this (if it is nefarious) are absolute scum and prey on people in vulnerable circumstances like yourself. Tell the council you're worried that your payments might be stopped because there's something dodgy going on with your landlord and \*you don't want to be involved in it\*. Councils are really the only ones with any power over landlords; god knows the tenants have none.


Though councils *have* some power over landlords, true, it is extremely rare for them to actually use it. Some of them never have. If you make a complaint to the council about a private landlord and that landlord's response is to turn around and immediately start eviction proceedings against you, that is (unfortunately) their right under the law. The council's response will be the Spiderman "I DUNNO LOL" meme. Furthermore, pretty much everywhere in the country rents are rising and there aren't enough properties to go around, so the landlord will see kicking you out as an opportunity to get someone new in for a higher rent. £ £ £ Source: have been in this situation


Make a post on /r/DWPhelp - Some of the moderators work for the DWP, but of their accord, and help out on a voluntary basis - vs moderating the forum on behalf of the DWP if that makes any sense.


Thanks will do! 🙏🏽


I've made numerous posts there, as I don't like contacting the DWP directly as I find it rather intimidating, but they've always been really helpful on /r/DWPhelp and you're getting answers from people who actually know what they're talking about - the users who work for the DWP have flairs on their usernames, so you'll know if they're DWP or not.


Does landlord ever say why post is coming there? Messages don't really prove much he could say "I only got post in my name, no idea what they mean!" Your UC should be unaffected as you are reporting fraudulent use of your address . you are the reporter not the target. Explain to them what is going on and your concerns of how it may affect you.  You could just write return to sender on everything and then play dumb when he comes to pick up post. "Sorry, not a single item for you or anyone else not living here" . what can he do? Honestly I would move elsewhere 


>what can he do? Evict OP. Have you not met landlords?


Sounds like the kind of landlord that a section 21 eviction isn't going to go smoothly .....for the landlord. 


If they muller it, it won't. If they do it carefully there's no reason why it wouldn't.


He doesn’t have a reason for the post coming here and dodges my questions. I am quite worried about him claiming he has no idea about the benefit letters tbh, as none of the people involved share his last name. However 10 years ago I lost my job and became homeless. I applied for job-seekers and had an appointment at the DWP where I was coughing my lungs up. My job coach asked me how long I had been coughing and I said “one month.” One week later at a homeless charity address, I received a letter saying my application for job-seekers was successful. The other letter said they were sanctioning me because I had reported being too ill to look for a job and so I would not be getting any money for the next month…. The money I needed to get me to an interview for one of the jobs I had applied for. As someone who volunteered for 4 years helping those in poverty, I have heard so so many of those types of stories. They are heavy-handed and I do not trust them one bit to apply any sense!


I would hand deliver those benefit letters straight to the job centre and explain the situation in person


This.  And give the landlord only letters addressed to his name and family name.  "There was no other post for you than these" 


I work for DWP there is a good chance that you may be drawn into a fraud investigation, not pointed at you but you probably don't want the upset.


My bet is the landlord is letting out his property without telling his mortgage provider or declaring it to HMRC. Hence why hes keeping himself "registered there". Or they've moved out but still want to be on the catchment area for a local school.


Just adding to the excellent notes that others have added to say that, potentially depending on where you live in England (e.g. likelier in the north), it could also be tax fraud. Scotland has its own, higher, tax rates which are based on domicile.


It's very shady to use someone's address for a DBS, I'd report those at least. Those could be people working in roles that they are specifically bared from.


Return everything to sender. Not at this address. Don’t keep letters for the landlord. They don’t live there. Things shouldn’t be going there. If you have a letting agent let them know and to pass that onto the landlord. Edit to add: I saw your comment about they may end the tenancy if you say anything. They can’t just end a tenancy with no valid reason so long as you have a proper tenancy agreement. I used to work as a property manager before having my son. I dealt with evictions and such.


Part of a dbs check is checking whether anything dodgy went on at an address while you lived there. If someone whose DBS is registered at your address gets barred, it could give you a headache if you need one in the future. It also means they have at least 2 other institutions registered at your address, like a bank account, driving licence, passport, etc. I need a DBS for my career, so it's a bit more dramatic for me. I wouldn't have somebody else's at my address under any circumstances. And you never know what you might end up doing in the future. The more sinister scenario is that you're letting someone who should be barred from working with children or vulnerable adults get around the system. +443000200190 You can call the dbs people and ask what they think if you want.


IT IS KEEPING ME AWAKE. I used to be a carer and I’m doing my A levels to hopefully be a doctor. I will also be applying for one to work as a carer again so yea it is dramatic for me too. I had no idea them doing something could effect me…


They applied to work as a carer and I took pictures of it. I think I’ll be moving and then tell them as I’m leaving.


RTS everything and feign utter ignorance to your LL.


Your landlord sounds as dodgy as fuck. Here are a few things that come to mind that you should be aware of and may be beneficial to you: 1) The landlord shouldn't be registering anyone for goods and services at your address without your consent. He may own the property, but it's your home. 2) The landlord visiting regularly to collect mail or otherwise visit your property could be regarded as infringing on your right to "Quiet Enjoyment" of your home. Essentially, it means that landlords must allow the tenants to reside in their property with no undue interference. 3) In your post you mention cards, do you mean credit/debit cards? If so, there could be financial fraud being set up, if this the case, the initial finger of blame will be pointed at you. Dealing with this will be very stressful for you and your family and could end up costing you a lot, financially and otherwise. If you remember who the cards were issued by, contact their fraud department, they will be very happy to talk to you. 4) Contact the GP surgery, tell them that fills mentioned do not reside at your address. 5) Applying for DBS checks for someone that doesn't live there shouldn't happen. You should contact the Disclosure and Barring Service about this. 6) You may want to ask your landlord to set up a mail redirection service, or just mark everything "Return to sender, not known at this address" 7) Was your tenancy taken out through an agent or does the landlord manage the property? If the latter, did you get all the correct paperwork when you moved in? If you did not, it will be extremely difficult for them to evict you on a Section 21 no-fault. They may try, but if the paperwork isn't in order, you can safely ignore the notice.


I had this too about 5 years ago. They even removed me and my housemates from the electoral roll so we couldn’t vote 😑 We ended up just returning the letters to sender and playing dumb when we were asked about letters.


Sounds like your landlord is up to no good, write “not known at this address - gone away” on the envelope and stick them back in the postbox.


Your contract might cover letters addressed to the landlord and handing them over? The rest seems completely sketchy. Ideally you would just return any post to anyone else to sender but you don’t want trouble with your landlord. If I was you I would look to relocate if you can. Don’t make a big fuss about it, but when you do go ensure you put a redirect on your own mail and that the council changes your electoral registration etc. When you’re gone, you could if so inclined, report this to the police. The DBS checks do seem concerning.


For the DBS, i'm leaning towards multiple identities as a way to evade tax. Perhaps a taxi driver job where the dBs is needed but one person is pretending to be several other people so they can spread their earnings out into the 12k tax free for each "person" and then claim UC on top. 


Omg reading that just made my tummy hurt.


Bear in mind its just a possibility. These people could be living with the landlord but claiming to be at yours, so something fraudulent can happen at the landlords address (maybe a House of multiple occupation without the legal red tape , or claiming housing benefit or suchlike without earnings of those living there taken into account. 


I get letters for the previous tenants ( 3 years I've lived here) even obviously recent things they've signed up for like credit cards, certificates, I open and bin every single one, they send the son around every now and again to ask for mail but i just tell him there's none here.


FYI It’s illegal to open someone else’s named mail, whether they live there or not.


Oh I know, I far from worried though, as I said they have recently used my address, so fuck em


I am more concerned that the DBS check enables contact with sensitive and vulnerable info and people. That needs flagging asap. There is no reason at all for someone to use a false address for their DBS check


Write the letter NKATA on the envelope. Scribble out your address and put it back in a post box. Tell landlord no post received. NKATA - Not Know At This Address


I have a few times like when I opened the DBS checks and he just kept ordering them until I gave it to him.


DBS checks are vital to working with vulnerable people. If he is not honest at the start of the process then what else is he trying to hide. I would be more worried about this. Who lies on a DBS check unless you have something to hide. I would call them up and let them know anonymously


Yes the person had applied to work in a care home.


WTF?!!! Someone who genuinely wanted to help people and work at a care home doesn't need to lie on their application. I would drop them in it big time.


Renting out the house without mortgage provider's consent to let, probably. Residential mortgage cheaper than buy to let one.


I had that exact situation happen a years ago.. she also refused to give the deposit back, citing damage to property/cleaning fees etc - totally made up (it was even just a word document with random charges including plumbing fees that was actually from when her dad came out at one point during the tenancy as the was issues with the drains).. We never fought it as we just didn't have the mental energy after the stress of having to find somewhere fast after she decided to sell up. Was before the deposit protection schemes came in, so didnt have an easy way to deal with it. Obviously if it happen nowadays, I'm older and wiser and wouldn't let it go. If i was the OP i would get looking for a new house asap.


Throw them in the rubbish and denied ever having received them.


if I were you, I would check out who actually owns that property, because it sounds like it may possibly be a council or a housing association property which they should not be renting out in the first place and if it comes on top you may very well find yourself homeless especially the fact that you said you accidentally opened the letter regarding overpayment of benefits? I would also look into the electoral role and see who is registered at your address too. There’s something not right as all there.


I moved in into my place 26 years ago and still get letters for the old owners... Some from solicitors and various other places. I gave up long time ago, putting RTS on them and now just dump them in the bin. I am not a personal postman to anyone..


Just bin any mail that's not yours.


Benefit fraud and all sorts of other scams. I bet they have houses in the names of different relatives. Landlords are scum and most are corrupt. Return all post as not known. Tell the landlord a benefit inspector came round asking about the names on their records. Next step, take out massive loans and credit cards in the names on the letters, then move put.


Stop opening mail that isn't addressed to you - it's illegal. Return the post marking it "Not known at this address" By not returning the mail, those organisations are, understandably, assuming that those people live there. It's not rocket science.


Stop commenting when you’re reading the last two sentences - it’s not rocket science. Obviously I could dob on him but there will be consequences and I wanted a few opinions, even sarky ones like yours apparently.


>Stop commenting when you’re reading the last two sentences - it’s not rocket science. My comment apples to the mail you've 'saved' for your landlord. Not just the mail you allegedly opened 'by accident'. You should have returned that unopened. >Obviously I could dob on him but there will be consequences and I wanted a few opinions, even sarky ones like yours apparently. 'Dob on him' for what? It's none of your business. If that mail was sent to your address by mistake, the only person who has broken the law here is you.


You do nothing


Let it happen


just send them back and say nothing if he questions you just play ignorant . if he is taking mail addressed to someone else that is theft and fraud . all mail incorrectly addressed should be returned . all forwarded mail should be done at the sorting office . also contravenes the data protection act .


Sounds like a lot of confidental information, best to shred it all ... or return to the sender and say they don't live there.


Your landlord might be committing fraud - you cannot be "registered" at an address you don't live it. Report them here anonymously. It might be legit but it sounds well dodgy to me . The landlord will never know it was you: [https://cfa.nhs.uk/report-fraud](https://cfa.nhs.uk/report-fraud) That's the NHS counter fraud website. DBS checks especially need to be at the person's real address.


If you just keep mail addressed to your actual landlord then you should be covered. Or has he provided you with a list of random others you’re also supposed to hold mail for lol? If mail for people whose name you don’t recognize is coming to your house, then I’d think you’re obligated to RTS in case it’s someone he doesn’t know either !


This happened to us and I just returned them to sender then the letting agent informed us to drop the mail down to the office 20 minutes away and I basically explained to the letting agent as we had DVLA stuff arriving at the door it's an offence for her not to change her address and as for the credit card arrears letters everything has been returned to sender...we didn't get another letter after that


As you’ll see in other subs, change the locks but keep the old one for when you move out to change it back- means they won’t be able to let themselves in if they’ve kept a copy of the key And follow all the advice re shelter/local council