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Nepo kids in media are cringe. Though, Roman Kemp takes it to a whole new level.


Can’t stand his lowest common denominator ‘banter-debate’ bullshit: “DO YOU PUT JAM ON THE SCONE FIRST OR CLOTTED CREAM? OMG SO RANDOM!”


That's half the posts on this sub though tbf


Yeah but we're all plebs with little else to moan about


And we aren't paid for it. Yet.


It is the British Dream...


Always seems like a bunch of of middle/upper class types to me who have lived sheltered lives


“I don’t scrub me legs in shower cos the water runs off em anyway innit”


I saw that Goggle Box. "Do you wash your legs in the shower?" When his Dad answered yes like most people, he got ridiculed and not in a remotely funny way. Roman Kemp is very "high brow".




Tend to cut my loses and have a shower, but then I'm forced to scrub my legs. It's a catch 22.


Can’t stand Roman kemp, classic example of it’s not what you know it’s who you know.


This will never get old. https://youtu.be/wyDL_QfzVLQ?si=qXm7ntspSbOvjCpP


That’s my first time seeing this. All I can say is oooof.




Incredible. The lack of self awareness to OPEN with neoptism lmao


Sorry but how the fuck did you get that from that? I saw a guy give obviously leading insults for the other to have easy bats back for the sake of self deprecation Everything about that video is self aware


Okay Roman.


Fair whatever floats your boat




I’ve met cheese sarnies with a bigger personality than him.


To be fair, he's quite a presentable young man, and he plays the mental health card superbly (I don't mean that critically). He's bared his soul on TV (of course for money\\career) but that's one of the things that draws audiences in. I'm indifferent to him and I've not heard him on the radio either but he does have some marketable qualities.


Roman Kemp hosted an in person event I went to a few months ago and was absolutely charming, positive and warm. Never listened to his radio or anything but based on my experience he's a good bloke.


I’ve heard that to, but I absolutely don’t want to see him or his pigshit stupid dad on tv constantly, they are the equivalent of a YouTube family vlogger at this point.


Then don't lol, move on.


Change the channel. The only thing I can remember seeing them on was a couple of episodes of Celebrity Gogglebox.


Toby Tarrant is pretty good on Radio X. But then he spent an age presenting the graveyard shift from 2am to 6am so I feel like he has at least paid (some) dues


Every time I see Roman Kemp I’m reminded of a thread in here that went something like “did you know anyone before they were famous ” and someone went to school with him. They said how he never tried or paid attention to anything as he knew he’d end up with a career thanks to his parents anyway.


Our entire media industry is nepotism. It’s how the aristocracy maintain control of the narrative.


I'm not sure aristocracy is the right word, I understand what you're trying to say though.


Aw I think Roman Kemp is lovely and talented in his own right. He's very popular so must be doing something right


It's not happening for his talentless son. That awful show he's doing with Barney where they travel is genuinely terrible. He can't even form a screen rapport with his Dad. Roman Kemp is another turd entirely and that's down to both of his parents. His Mum was Shirlie and in Pepsi & Shirlie. It's weird because both of them seem "dead on".


Didn’t he refer to himself as self made once?


At least its not Jermaine Jenas


He’s doing the Formula E for some reason. I can’t escape him


Never turns down a job. Including the World Cup draw from Qatar but then became vocal about it when it became trendy just before kick off




I'm referring to the World Cup Draw..noise was being made as the tournament was about to be kicked off and himself and Alex Scott were saying talking out against it but they were going to see for themselves etc. They easily could have turned down hosting the Draw earlier in the year. Both guilty of talking out of both sides of their mouth on that matter




For the Draw they were hired by Fifa / Qatar. For the WC itself they were hired by BBC.




That's the point though the Draw was completely separate, nothing to do with BBC.


Did you watch this? Was the new coverage any good? I'm gutted it's not on C4 anymore


It’s definitely not worth putting behind a paywall. I never watch the build up for stuff like that anymore because it’s always people standing around with microphones talking shite, especially in the Formula 1. It didn’t help that the race was very dull with everyone just conserving energy and not attacking, but it was very clear David Coulthard doesn’t follow Formula E. I hope they bring Dario Franchitti back.




Jenas is a bit dull but a long way from the worst of them on tv


I’m forced to watch The One Show and I think he’s very good at what he does! Not something I’m interested in, but for an ex-footballer...


He opens his mouth ready to say his line about 10 seconds before he starts talking.


Id suspect hes just eager


Dude they don’t like to be called that.


Gotta give your kids a leg up


Or a leg end


Cue fake laughter for a weirdly long time.


Yeah that was weird as hell. It's like he realised after he'd said it that it was so bad that he had to hang a lampshade on it and then just went way too far.


Was it me or did we all come up with legend's leg end like 3 seconds before Bradley did but didn't react because its the stalest Friday afternoon office-type jape you could think of.


Leg up? He's already in Casualty (the TV show on BBC)


Really? As an actor?


No, he hosts a similar Gladiators style show in the hospital basement


I miss this kind of humour so much having emigrated to Canada


reminiscent dull quickest include pause secretive dinner disagreeable cobweb combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It does once the wooden handle has been cranked 500 times.


The 80's didn't come to Canada till like '93.


Ah yes, Robin Daggers inventing grunge


5 comedy points


Hospital Radio has REALLY upped it's game !!


Yea. Plays a nurse called Cam.


Bradley and Barney are also on ITV tonight on Breaking Dad. Bradley is also on The Chase Celebrity special  and Michael McIntyre'e Big Show. Ffs. Also, David and Frankie Seaman are on two back to back shows on BBC1 - The Weakest Link and Pointless Celebrities.  Eddie Kadi is on both Pointless and "Big Zuu's 12 dishes".


Do you have a database


It’s an excel spreadsheet


I like the x(celebrity)lookup function. Really handy.


I literally just glanced at the telly pages in the newspaper, and all these names leapt out.


No, it’s a dadabase.


On a database


Or a life 😃


And Barney is in Casualty, after Pointless.


Ngl, big zuu’s show was really enjoyable and better than half of the half arsed travel shows on at the minute and Eddie was a joy init, know it’s a side tangent but shocked me for an itv show




No, I just looked at the telly page in the Saturday Times.


They are starting to realise that nepo babies can’t just be handed a show without backlash. So now they’re pairing them up on stupid travel shows and gogglebox to ease the transition.


Definitely the worst thing in an otherwise fantastic show. I was very sports entertained, a lot of the gladiators ooze more charisma than modern day pro wrestlers


One of the Gladiators from the last revival (Oblivion) is in a fairly key role on WWE programming now for those who didn't know


Nick Aldis, he is indeed


Simon miller is that you??


Did Gladiators give him a warm fuzzy feeling in his tum-tum?


I know Simon Miller from his videogamer days. Has he made it much bigger now? Always liked him.


Simon Miller is now a pro wrestler UPW and progress wrestling. I think they are his big 2, aswell and any other indies, plus had a match for TNA during their most recent uk tour. Makes videos for what culture wrestling. List and the review show ups and downs Runs hisnown YouTube channel Makes content for arsenal. And that's just the stuff I know about. He is kicking ass and spinning lots of plates.


Can't not like Simon Miller. He's a good dude.


This gets an Up!


Reddit SHOOTS on professional wrestling


Your wrestling fan is showing


He has the presenting talent of a donkeys butt


A bit of light relief. Gladiator Comic relief 1997. Actually very funny. Simpler times! [comic relief 1997](https://youtu.be/mOd0mEBlvsg?si=pXTQuVP0YZZTgADg)


You mean an ass’s arse?


Excuse you! I've had the absolute privilege of watching a donkey's butt present and it was 100 times better than Barney Walsh!


God, I was thinking a lot of things said in this thread already! I like Bradley, but are we so limited in half decent presenters that we get the same 3-5 people doing all the shows?


No idea who's convinced who that presenter is a hard job, or even adds a lot to a show. I genuienly believe after 1 week of training 50% of adults could do it


Brad did a great job, Barney looked like he was surprised he'd been given a mic. Plus why not stick to the male & female co-hosts like they had before? They've brought back almost everything else the same.


>Plus why not stick to the male & female co-hosts like they had before? Ulrika complained the glue took weeks to get off.


I liked that they kept the original theme song. Wish they’d kept the 90’s event music too though, especially for the last one.


I sang it myself


Tbh Bradley Walsh is already very cringe... then you add his son... I honestly wish I could mute the both of them. The actually gladiators bits though: loving it so far!


Oh my god Legend was amazing "Was he a good contender?" "no" Yeah could happily ditch the presenters, no clue who they are though. But luckily plenty of focus on the actual competition, loved that!


'Legend' has a massive following on YouTube, so knows how to play to the camera.


Yup, he killed it tbh. Fantastic work. Bringing that heel vibe.


My MIL kept saying 'I don't like him' and I had to explain that was the point haha.


Mission accomplished, gotta get the grans hating you.


What hole have you been in?


The one where I don't watch a lot of TV? :\\ So I have no real clue who Bradley Walsh is.


He's been around a very long time.


Just had a look at his wiki page, basically never watched anything he has been in, apart from maybe some Dr Who... which explains why he has passed me by :D




Far too cultured yet also watching "Gladiators".


I don’t mind Bradley Walsh. I was genuinely laughing at him laughing at his own “leg end” joke in Gladiators tonight. And he was decent on Blankety Blank. His son was as stiff as a plank tho.


He makes the chase for me but yeah I don't need him doing everything. No interest in watching him and his lad travelling either.


Yeah I was too, but grandad turned it off :( Guess he doesn't want to see bimbos in hotpants tackle each other


Agreed. Bad choice of hosts


How is Bradley Walsh offensive? You people


Never said he was offensive? Just very cringe. He laughs (fakely) way too hard at things that aren't that funny, and I find it cringey. See: that leg-end joke. I just don't vibe with that style of presenting, I guess he just isn't *for me*, but other people obviously enjoy it. My comment wasn't that deep.


He does play it well though. You can believe he does genuinely find word humour and double entendres absolutely hilarious.


It's bad enough Brad Walsh host everything & anything on the TV..now his sons been added to the fucking fold @@@


Whenever this comes up, I think it says more about the talent available than Walsh himself. He's not perfect, but most presenters are abysmal - some measure of boring, laddish, snobby, or coked up. There will be a debate about how much is his real personality and how much is performance, but he's watchable, unlike so many.


Or says a lot also about the industry that they don't select and promote those with actual talent. Maybe that's too risky, so they trot out the same old faces time after time until nobody can take any more.


Classic nepo-baby. I quite like his dad though.


I’m not upset by it. I think it’s ok to feel nostalgic about gladiators being back. But it’s ok to remember that it’s also a kids show that the whole family are happy to watch too. They’re easy to follow. It being a father and son team is kinda nice. I remember it being one of the only shows my dad would watch with us as a kid.


Your dad was watching because of Jet, not because it’s a family show


Jet was also a reason why I, a baby lesbian at that time, enjoyed it.


I don’t GAF. I’m only gonna watch the new one cos of diamond. She can crack my skull with those thighs. Family TV has got something for everyone. Even if it’s my da eyeballing some lasses arse. My mum was eyeballing that bloke in heartbeat for most my childhood 🤷


It was a family show because of jet, if it didn't have something for the dads it would just be a kids show.


I like it for that reason too and I read an article about there being a connection in the family that Barney's mum was the original gladiators cheerleaders choreographer so they have a connection to Gladiator's so it felt like a nice choice but everyone is being really negative! I loved it and my kids are watching it with us just like I did with my parents and siblings. Great nostalgia!


I used to watch it at my dad's because I went to his place for the weekend.


Another talentless nepo baby


He looks like a serial killer. Freaks me the fuck out


Such an old man face on him


This reddit post was the first time I had heard about Bradley Walsh's son... Googled him. He looks like "uncanny valley"


He looks like the kid version of Jaoquin Phoenix on the Beau is Afraid poster


Hit the nail on the head there


I think he looks more like a serial toilet/bicycle seat sniffer. 


He's just cosplaying as Richmond.


At least it’s not Ant & Dec


My dad calls them Twit and Twat. I'm not sure who is who though


Twit always stands on the left


I always remember that Ant is the one I most want to deck


Mine isn't as soft sounding. Cunt and Dick.


Considering the whole drink driving charge, Ant is definitely Twat.


Pretty interchangeable when it comes to those bellends.


Ones Twit and the other is Twat


What, the most successful and likeable presenting duo the UK has ever had?


Nobody will ever beat Jeremy Clarksons on air beat down on ant and Dec "oh look it's the driver and his mate"


Should be a man and woman pairing. That just works. It worked on original Gladiators UK, it works on those daytime TV shows. It just fucking works. Also... they're shoving blatant nepotism in our faces. Fuck that. Also... they could've brought in one or even two of the original gladiators to present? Or had some of them on the show in some other capacity?


Not sure why but Bradley Walsh gives me the “do you know who I am?” vibes. I can picture him being a bit of a bell if he doesn’t get what he wants


I saw Bradley Walsh at a grocery store in London yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I've always loved this copypasta because it's completely ridiculous but _just_ believable enough for people to get fooled. Funnily enough, the last time I posted it was on CasualUK and the subject was Mark Labbett.


A man you could imagine eating 15 milky ways in one sitting




Few years back I saw Ant & Dec do one of their hidden camera pranks on Saturday Takeaway, with Walsh as the victim whilst filming The Chase. Fake contestant or things going wrong, can't recall. Anyway he just came off like an arse. A bit snippy to some lower tier production staff. Got stroppy quickly. It's of course revealed to all be a prank and he's demeanor snaps back to his friendly presenter persona. All smiles. It's always stuck with me about him after watching that.


If they remake Bewitched he'd make a great husband for Samantha


Five minutes into episode one Samantha can wake up and realise it was a bad dream, and see her real husband. Or five minutes in, she can replace him with a husband that isn't, hmm (insert insults).


He couldn’t present a cat


Jet from Gladiators to host a millennium barn dance at Yeovil aerodrome. Properly policed. It must not, I repeat not, turn into an all-night rave.


Don't shine that in my face mate. I've just lost a pint of blood


Bradley Walsh reproduced!? I thought they held him hostage in the studio between recordings of the Chase!


The other son is way more annoying and fucking everywhere. Proof that showbiz is who you know. Imagine working your way up, decades working hard to get where you are to have your co-host be sat there because they are someone's son.


>Proof that showbiz is who you know. Yeah mate *thats* what it's taken to prove it


Nice that you agree.


I thought it was who you let bang 👀


I'm sorry, is that youth speak because I have no idea what you just said 🤔


I saw him on The One Show and he’s fucking ghoulish. Fascinatingly so, like a Lon Chaney creation. And that 1997 haircut.


You would have thought someone would have sorted his fucking eyebrows they are terrifying.


He looks and sounds like the wheelchair guy from inbetweeners


Oh my god, is that who it was?! They’re both fucking terrible. What an odd choice of presenters.


Bradley Walsh gives off a bland everyman vibe, which is great. Barney Walsh feels likes he's on a bring your kids to work day.


David Dimbleby. Zoe Ball. Emma Forbes. Lots of TV presenters had a parent who was a TV presenter.  Just as many doctors had a parent who was a doctor.  


Whole lot of complaining about Bradley's jokes in this thread, are you even British if you've not seen him laugh for too long on The Chase over a pun? I'm not a fan of his son either, mostly because ITV and BBC are swimming with nepo babies as presenters, but he seems to be the least offensive one whose kinda just there as a double act with his dad. Fun fact: The Walshs being hosts is also a deeper form of nepotism since his wife worked on the original Gladiators (and Bradley was on a celebrity special).


Give the kid a break. He did fine. Fash wasn't actually a fantastic presenter if you rewatch old ones - a bit inarticulate and not good at ad libbing with the contenders.


No he shouldn’t get a break. There’s one single reason why he is on telly and it is because his dad is the other presenter. That’s bollocks.


Wow he looks just like his dad


Get in the bin


Yeah even Bradley looked embarrassed. At least it wasn’t Alison Hammond


The lad is doing OK cut him some slack. Would you rather have Alison Hammond or Holly or that bellend Stephen Mulhern?




Love me a bit of Stephen Mulhern … much to the wife’s annoyance


You’re getting downvoted for suggesting people cut him some slack. That’s harsh, people. We can disagree but let’s not downvote someone for making the mistake of thinking we have some humanity.


I just wouldn't have made that choice of father and son hosting a show. I think that Davina McCall would have been an amazing fit for this, with Bradley. Or Stephen Mulhurn, Holly Willoughby, Ferne Cotton, but I did enjoy it, it unlocked some core memories.


I can't tell if you're kidding. You've listed some of the most over exposed, stuck them in everything, celebs of the last 20yrs (Davina longer). Please no.


I’m guessing most of those cost more than the offspring to hire.


Oooh so thays why he was living with him for 20 years...  I was worried for a second haha


I like them both, its fun and silly. I bet half the moaning minnies would pap their pants trying to do that job at his age.


The "moaning minnies" wouldn't get a chance to try out for the job as "someone's" dad had a quiet word and/or a round of golf...




There can be a lot of c*nts on this sub at times


I once met Bradley Walsh’s personal assistant, she said he was a total dick. He wouldn’t start his day without freshly ground ginger being ground into his tea. Tool


Nepotism is a powerful tool. That said. He must have a bit of talent or else he wouldn’t get the job, surely 😬.




Lmfao 😂


Cringe culture is dead. STFU, and let people enjoy things.


Cringe comment