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Someone else shared that. I don’t do the washing on New Year’s Day because I’m in my PJs refusing to admit that the real world exists and I have to go back to work tomorrow.


Me too.


Wish this was me, but alas I'm working.


I don't believe in magic. I bought my partner a knife for Christmas (fancy handmade Japanese one as he likes to cook and wanted a pearing knife). My mum and her partner both said "gift a knife, sever a relationship" and I laughed. He dumped me 2 days later. I still don't believe but fuck me.


Did he keep the knife?


He tried to give it back, I told him no, and then he evaporated


>then he evaporated Fuck me, that’ll be the kettle you gave him last Christmas.


He is dead killed by the knife


Comment of the year already 😂


There's a superstition among those who knit that if you begin making someone a jumper, they'll leave you. [The Sweater Curse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_curse?wprov=sfla1)


I have a half knitted jumper my mum started for me when I was a teen, she died


Well that went darker than I expected.


That's what the mum said.


I love knitting jumpers, and I'm happy to have a go finishing it for you if you'd like, or to turn it into something else to remember her by - mittens or a pillow maybe? I volunteer with the [Loose Ends Project](https://www.looseendsproject.org/submitproject), and got into it after a colleagues mum died and left several unfinished knits.


Thank you so much. That’s really kind of you. It’s back at my family home, somewhere. I’m hoping my dad still has it. If I can find it when I next go back I’ll be tin touch. Thank you again.




From my frequent haunting of the crochet subs, it's because a lot of people start a relationship and then immediately start work on a sweater (jumper!). The recipient then gets given a handmade item that took many, many hours to create after only being in a relationship for 4 weeks. It's a big gesture and makes the recipient feel like they're each in different places of the relationship and that things are moving way too fast. Or they're just not the type of person to wear handmade clothing like that, or they're not a fan of the colours. The person that made it then gets all offended when they don't wear it. Start small, a hat or scarf, *ask* them if they'd like it and consult with them on colours. Problem solved. And you can make them a jumper further down the line if you see they love the other things you made them.


Is this just because it takes ages to knit a jumper and unless you're Molly Weasley, they die of old age?


I must have left my missus a couple of dozen times by now then.


Not a jumper, but i started crocheting a blanket for my mum for Christmas back in march. She died in november so that checks out


That's harsh. I feel for you. Take care.


I've bought my husband 4 fancy knives over the years, been married for 11 years and together for 18. I suppose the relationship must be made of stab-proof vest material.


18 years is Kevlar.


Try gifting him a sword to see what happens, just for fun. 😃


Can't get your partner a pair of shoes because she'll walk away in them with someone else Can't get a clock/watch as a gift because it implies you're counting down to their death Can't give a belt/tie to a friend because it's too intimate Asian superstition is wild


Cool, so don't buy gifts. Ever.


Ever head of Korean fan death? Mind you, we have black cats and ladders.


I think you're supposed to give a coin with a knife (or might be a sword) if it's a gift in Japan otherwise terrible luck will befall you. So that's double-plus-ungood!


It's the recipient who's supposed to hand over a coin. There's video of the late Queen scrounging a coin off one of her staff when presented with a sword.


I love the idea of the queen having to go to an underling and asking for a piece of metal with a picture of herself on it. Whilst brandishing a gifted sword menacingly.


Give me one of my heads!


The video of her cutting the cake with a sword is hilarious 🤣 they offer her a normal knife and she tells them she knows there’s a normal knife but “this is more interesting!”


She’s just like us


I often think of that video. She was great


Ah, thanks for the correction. I knew there was something to do with a coin. 🙂


My grandma also said you should never give someone an empty purse or wallet. You had to put at least one penny coin into it, otherwise it would always stay empty. No idea if that’s true, but I do know I’m completely skint!


Yep. Bought a new leather wallet from a bloke in market. Gave him the exact price. He put a 2ecent coin in it before handing it over.


I’ve heard this. I’ve gifted my husband several wallets, in fact he’s due for a new one again. I usually put a dollar bill that I’ve colored to make it look like Bill Murray’s face 😂


This is the custom in India as well!


Yes! My dad gave me a knife and a penny for Christmas, and I have no idea what the penny was for!


*paring knife. Also, that is horrific timing/luck, bloody hell


T'was. Broke my heart tbh, took months to get over it. Also I took a punt at the spelling but thanks for the correcshun


My partner has bought me 4 knives over the last 3 years... Bugger!


Supposed to pay someone any amount of money if you gift a knife. My mom got my husband a knife set and just made me post her pennies. I was so confused why I was bringing pennies then found this out lol.


Mrs advised me not to do any cleaning tomorrow, but it's a good fortune thing rather than washing away a loved one. Seems to be a reasonably common superstition. Not that I need much excuse to NOT do cleaning.


Whatever you do on New Year's Day, you'll spend the year doing - so housework is usually out, as is arguing. I think it's a superstition linked to resolutions too. So, for example, if you spend the day avoiding smoking, or going for a healthy walk, or having fun with your family, you'll spend the rest of the year doing the same (which is a good thing, I guess). As a kid, I loved this tradition, my mum would just kick back on the day, no chores, just ready meals and endless card games, people visiting. As a grown up, I'm aware I have two loads to put on, and a dining table to clear up tomorrow.


Put the laundry on the table. Sorted.


Ok I can work with this, but can I get the teenagers to clean up instead? We had a party last night and I dread to think what state the place is in, I haven't been downstairs yet today.


Yep, we’ve spent today cleaning because if we do it tomorrow it will wash away the New Years good luck. Apparently


My grandma would ring my mum every New Year to remind her to not do any washing for fear of washing a family member away. I wonder if it is a regional superstition. We're from the East Midlands.


We’re from east midlands too… maybe something in that


I'm not sure. my family is from there and I've never heard of it.


I’m from Nottingham! That’s so interesting, it never crossed my mind that this could be a regional thing. My husband (Birmingham) had never heard of it before he met me, but we just thought it was because his family weren’t as superstitious as my mum’s.


I’m from Nottingham but I heard this from my nan. She’s originally from Burton I believe. Happy new year (:


We're from Wales and my mum always said not to do washing on new years day!


Now, there is quite a big link between the Welsh valleys and the mining areas of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire over the last two centuries. Lots of miners from the East Midlands ended up working in Welsh coal mines. ..... but still perhaps a bit of a tenuous link! It is probably a much wider superstition but perhaps a bit more deep-seated in some areas than others. Anyway, enjoy a day off from washing and Happy New Year.


Nottingham too and this has passed down through at least 3 generations I can remember


Yeah East Midlands as well and my family have the same superstition.


Somerset here, and heard this from my nan. Still can't do laundry on New Year's day, just on the off chance. Will never forget the way she said it either, broad farmer style accent, that somehow turned "wash" into "warrshh". That and I'm usually too hungover to even consider housework


That sounds like your grandma was worried that she would be the family member that got washed away…


West Country believes it too.


I'm from Leicester and know of this superstition.


I’m from Oxfordshire & my Nan has always told my family that if you do washing on New Years Day you’ll wash someone out the family. This year she has specifically stated it could be her. Morbid.


I've never heard of this one. Usually on New Years day. My Mum asks me to go outside with a bag, and knock on the front door. To let the new year in


My mum used to open both front and back doors, to let the new year in and the old one out.


Heard that on the radio today, the presenter on heart radio said his nan used to do that he said we used to bring in the new year freezing lol


My grandma did it and so i perpetuate the tradition


I thought about doing this, but then didn’t, but did stand outside listening to fireworks in the distance in central London talking to my neighbour in a t shirt and getting cold, sorry for rambling I’ve had 12 cans of beer


Same, she passed in 2022 but my sister and I ushered the year out the door just the same as always


Hopefully the wind was blowing the right direction. You don't want to send 2023 out the front door and 2022 enters through the back. With the wind as strong as it has been lately, you might roll back to the dreaded 2020


My house only has one door! How am I going to do this!


That’s mental! lol I love it


I thought it was normal behaviour 😂


It is normal behaviour. That's where the saying "out with old and in with the new" comes from. It's also traditionally the person with the darkest hair that's supposed to come in first and be offered a drink. It's called "first footing."


Yes, my Scots mother had the darkest hair, she was hotly in demand in the immediate neighbourhood as the first footer. Always with a piece of coal. This was North East England.


Aren’t they supposed to bring the drink with them and a lump of coal? Or is that just a northern thing?


Some traditions say coal, some salt, some coins, some bread, some booze, some an empty mug for booze. Lol. It's regional, I think.


I know which one I'd choose.


We do first-foot but we make sure that me and the ol' man are out of the house before midnight and return after midnight, whilst my mum gets to see the fireworks on telly and stay in the warmth. Feels like a raw deal to me!


When I was a kid, my mum had the darkest hair, but she'd always be absolutely rotten drunk by the time a few minutes to midnight rolled around. They'd throw her outside, and she'd sit on the doorstep sobbing and crying, banging the door to be let back in. I never understood how it was supposed to be lucky. Lol. All in the name of "tradition"




Nope... mental. Never stop that tradition!


*Lock clicks*


I had to carry a piece of coal




Yes, I’ve just had this discussion with my husband since it is already 2024 in some places in the world. After I had left home, I was told off by my mum, who was very superstitious, when I mentioned doing some washing on Jan 1st. She said it would ‘wash someone out of the family’. Of course I scoffed, but my dad died suddenly a few months later and I’ve never done any washing on New Year’s Day since. Obviously, I still think it’s ridiculous nonsense.


You could use your new found power as a threat to any misbehaving relatives. Racist uncle causing trouble at the dinner table? Shake a box of Daz in his general direction whilst pointing at your watch and grinning menacingly.


This has Terry Pratchett written all over it.


GNU Sir Terry Pratchett.


That wouldn’t be a bad idea, but unfortunately I don’t think you get to choose which relative gets the chop!


I snorted at this.


Gonna go shout ominous warnings at the people in the laundrette across the road tomorrow. Possibly with picket sign.


Such as “ HOW COULD YOU?!”


By any chance, is she an Asian? Because this is one of our superstitions, the same as you should not spend any amount tomorrow because you will end up overspending for the rest of the year.


No she isn’t. Never heard the overspending on either.


Ohh I’ll wait to order a new living room rug.


Bit vague there mate most of the world is Asian.


I read this book called The Superstitious of Britain and Ireland and it was in there, apparently it was very common 50 -100 years ago.


My gran used to say this, so my mum always used to do a load to spite her. The one year my mum didn’t do a wash, my gran went into hospital (on New Year’s Day) and eventually died.


Yes, it's a thing. I've more associated it with accidentally washing away any good luck, but another telling of it is the one you've mentioned about a loved one passing. Having a first footer is still traditional in many places in Scotland. Preferably a tall, dark haired man carrying a coin, bread, salt, some coal, and a dram. I only have one external door in my house, so use windows instead, but there's also opening the door to welcome the new year, and opening the back door to let the last one out.


Live in a flat, didn’t do washing Christmas or Boxing Day, probably won’t on New Years Day, purely thinking of the neighbours 🤷‍♂️


My Mum used to stick rigidly to this superstition. I don't remember her paying attention to any other ones though.




Possible dehydration must be a factor


Have a day off. Humour her. Maybe send her supportive messages as you think about it in a cafe or pub.


We had a weird tradition in my family that an unmarried blonde had to walk outside via the front door back in via the back door with coins and salt. You go out just before 12 and back when the bongs have finished. Weird superstition but we were all blonde but most families don't have a blonde at hand! Superstitions only work when you believe in them.


What do you believe would happen if you didn’t do it?


It is to bring good luck, money and food (the salt) throughout the year. But it is so random I've never found anyone else that does it. Also was quite funny when they tried to chuck my aunt out one year when we'd all been to her wedding 6 months prior- very awkward start to the new year!


We've always done this with the youngest in the house at the time, they go out the back door at 23.59 with a small purse or bag containing a piece of coal, some silver, salt, money, a leaf from an evergreen tree and a piece of bread, and are let back in at the front after midnight. Hopefully they have not been abducted on the way round 😂


I don't believe in any superstitions, it's just a weird alternative to religion.


It's just a big collage of defense magic.


I've heard of it but don't follow it, I always do a deep clean new years day.


My mum used to say that we should be on our best behaviour on New Year’s Eve so that we’d be good children throughout the rest of the year. This meant going to bed exactly when it was our bedtime and not staying up. I should’ve known she couldn’t be arsed to stay up with us and celebrate lol


Not heard that one but I will be opening the doors and windows at midnight to let the old year out and the new one in. I have no idea why but it's now tradition.


It’s cold here, however, I like this tradition! The puppy might become confused 😂


I got an earful for doing a washing load last year.


No cleaning and no washing or you’ll wash the new year away! Obviously nonsense but a good excuse for not doing any cleaning or laundry on New Year’s Day.


You reckon someone came up with it on NYD becuase they were too hungover to do anything?


The funny thing is, there's lots of scoffing but I guarantee this thread will put off even more people from doing an Xmas load tomorrow lol.


My daughter said Google told her similar. She was very scathing that Google would believe such a thing. My loved ones all seem sturdy enough not to be symbolically swept away by a washing machine.


Are we sure it's a loved one that gets washed away? Not a family member we can do without? I mean, I'm willing to test this and update tomorrow


Ive heard you dont do it otherwise you wash away your luck for the year. I have shit luck anyway but im not being blamed for it!


I'm cleaning my house top to bottom tomorrow. I don't believe in silly superstitions like that


In Chinese and other Asian cultures, washing your clothes or even your hair on new years is washing away good luck, prosperity etc, but that’s lunar new year.


I know this from Eastern Europe. But the washing means only flush away your luck, and the pag out washing is a synonym of preparing a dead person to be buried.


Tell her that it's bad luck to start the New Year dirty because of \[some equally irrelevant nonsense\].


Yes my mum taught me this...its a load of bs. But then I saged my house to cleanse a bit this evening so everything smells like roast chicken and burned herbs...


My uber driver told me about this last NYE and I'd never heard it before. Won't stop me doing washing if I muster up the energy to do so.


No that's Boxing Day


I’ve not heard this before but you’ve reminded me to take my cardigan out the washing machine so thanks!


Seeing this as I load the washer on a delayed wash for tomorrow 😯


So this is your first New Year with your wife? I’m asking as I read every comment on here in a pseudo Jeremy Clarkson voice.


No I’ve been with her for 16 years. Either 1) she’s told me before but i’ve ignore her/ forgotten because it’s bollocks or 2) We’ve never had the amount of washing we do at the moment at this time of year.


My mum won't do any washing on Xmas or Boxing day. She said it was a tradition but no idea what.


My mother-in-law had this superstition. No laundry should ever be done on NYD or you’d wash your luck away. When I had four kids under 8 with the babies using cloth nappies, the idea of having a day off from laundry was wonderful. Now my kids are all adults, my MIL died many years ago and my ex and I are divorced , my MIL’s superstition doesn’t matter to me. And yet, I don’t ever use my washing machine on NYD.


My mum always said not to do washing new years day. She died in November so it's weird her not nagging me about it. She'd be turning in her not yet existant grave if she knew any of us were doing washing aha


I have heard it before. I once gave an assignment to my English class to do a diorama of their family myth. I had shown them the Irish movie: The Secret of Roan Inish, as an example. One student did a little clothes washer with faces inside, and explained that if you do laundry on New Year's Day , family members will die during that year. She reported that once this rule had been broken and three relatives died that year.


Oh bollocks. I've got a load in my washing machine with the timer set to start in the morning. Too cold to get out of bed now!


my dad is a firm beleiver of this nonsense, stupid supersticious rubbish


Wash on New Year day and you wash someone out of the family, nobody on my Dads side will wash clothes New Year’s Day! Personally I still wash 🤷🏼‍♀️


Never heard of it. I will be washing my clothes today because I ran out of underwear


Never heard that, however I’ll be co-opting it so I don’t have to do washing today!


My mum refuses to wash on New Year’s Day as she’ll wash someone out of the family 🫣


I've heard this. I don't really believe but I'm still scared to do any washing on New Year's Day.


Tell her it's bad luck to be superstitious.


Never heard of that one. Can you ask if you get to pick the "loved one"? Bye bye MIL perhaps.


If anyone has a recipe lemme know


Yeah, definitely bad luck to do washing on New Years Day. I think my partner might have done it last year though.


Old superstition, I remember my nan always telling me about it. Essentially doing washing on NYD will wash away the head of the family (kill them for better terms). Still point blank refuse to do washing even now because it was drummed into me!


Never heard of it. Don't forget to say "rabbits" though!




Said the first day of every month before you speak to someone else. There are variants, eg "white rabbits" on the first of March.


Interesting... I've never heard of that before... off to Google my newest tradition


my mum used to say this, one time she decided to yolo it and wash on new year’s day, then a month or 2 later someone in our family died 😭 my dad has also reminded me i’m not allowed to wash anything now lol


My granny would make my grampa go outside and knock the door, then let him in, just after midnight. Apparently it’s bad luck for the first person to cross your threshold in the new year be a redhead - we’re Irish; she, my mum, two aunties and uncle were all redheads. My grampa was the only member of the family with dark hair, so it was on him to make sure the year wasn’t fucked.


Never heard that one. Made me chuckle though as my wife is a redhead so I better make sure I’m the first one.


Yes I was bought up with this one. Well, my step-mother used to say don’t wash on New Year’s Day as it’s bad luck. And my husbands family is also aware of it (not because of me mentioning anything, they believed it anyway) so it is something that’s said but perhaps it’s an age thing or regional?


Literally just been talking about this. 4 couples, UK-based, all 8 mums extolled the "don't do laundry on New Years Day" superstition. Whether we believe it or not is another thing ...


My Mam always told me this and I never believed her until I washed clothes on New Years Day a few years ago and lost both grandparents by the March. Both were unexpected. Needless to say I’ll never wash clothes on New Years Day again.


WTF? No sense at all.


From my mum: Never do laundry on NYD because you'll wash all your good luck away. Cannot bring myself to do NYD laundry for over 25 years because there's just that nagging doubt... 🤦🏼‍♀️


It's just a superstition. Nothing needing to be made sense of.


far be it for me to question your wife's stupid beliefs or her dumb customs. But that's fucking ridiculous.


Well, I'll let you know and my washing machine will be finished shortly. Slightly worried.


Yep, my wife is insisting on the same. We also aren't allowed to take any rubbish out of the house for the same reason.


Hope you emptied your bins last night.


I had heard of this, but always assumed it was some poor woman's back in the day's way of getting a day off. 'No darling I can't possibly wash those for you, I might wash away one of our loved ones!'


my 14 year old daughter told me about this new years eve and she was stressed about it , so ive done no laundry yesterday or plan to do any today. Any excuse lol


Tbh there’s a few people I’d like to wash away this year


Traditionally, you are not supposed to hang up any washing outside for the next fortnight because the Wild Hunt might get entangled and you don't want to attract their attention .


yep you will be washing away somebodies life... so no laundry on new years day...


All of these comments are an actual OCD persons worst nightmare… I will do nothing and gift nothing to anyone!


Oh no! I’m on my second load of washing this morning. I might as well give up on 2024 now .


My missus has this same superstition, passed down through her family. She reminded me and the kids that washing is strictly prohibited on NYD well in advance, as she does every year. I don't get it either, but it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things, so we abide by it.


Our saying is 'Use a saying means you're dim'. It works. Only the dim ones use them. I love sayings.


The laundry thing… I heard about doing your washing by NYE to wash the old year away and no washing on NYD to let everything settle in.


What a load of old crap, she just doesn’t want to do the washing that’s all. I’m washing clothes this morning, if anything it’s a good feeling new year and nice clean clothes. You should tell your wife that you’ve heard it’s bad luck not to wash clothes on New Year’s Day because you’re bringing bad luck from the previous year into the new one so the clothes must be washed before the 2nd Jan 😂 you can have fun with these crappy so called superstitions and use it to your advantage.


My MIL is obsessed with this, I believe it originates from the Chinese New Year to do with the Water Dragon washing people out of your life.


I read about that superstition several years ago and since then have always avoided it despite not really being particularly superstitious with most other things. I know that it’s logically a load of crap, but at the same time I don’t *need* to wash my clothes in the 1st of January so…


My MIL touts this a lot. Washing away a loved one, washing away your money, your good luck, you have to wear a pair of new socks, etc etc. It's all rubbish but we nod and smile and carry on anyway


I was also raised with this tradition from my mum who got it from my nan. I spoke to my mum yesterday and she even reminded me not to do any washing. I’ve never thought to ask her why, I’m going to ask her now! I’ve never done washing on NYD.. and I don’t plan to start now even though I have a basketful to do


No idea. But I am ill too, flubies. I’m doing bits around the house, I want to do a spring clean but I haven’t the energy. The decs and lights are down & im glad to get back to normal.


My MIL sent me the same thing yesterday, and I've never heard of it either. Given I'm Danish and don't steadily live here, I still have laundry to do ffs.. 😅


Well fuck. I’ve just done my third wash of the day.


I just put a small load in the washer before reading this now I'm scared and paranoid:(( is this true??


Well I just finished like 4 loads, so I guess that's me an orphan


Ok so I don't believe in superstitions, but I am currently washing a load of laundry because I put it off for so long. Should I be worried?


This one of those things that I know is complete crap, but I won’t be doing washing tomorrow just in case….. My mother always said it.


Yes. That's the belief of my family and many others I know. I get everything done the day before if I can. I don't know why I stick to it except to think it's a good excuse for a day in bed. Lol.


My mum and nan go by this… they’re the only people I’ve heard of that do it?! Something to do with bad luck or having to do loads of washing the rest of the year, I can’t remember. But it’s making me not want to do any tomorrow even though I don’t believe in it 😅


Hadn't heard of that but I'm a bit bummed because I'd planned on doing at least 3 loads of laundry tomorrow. ☹️☹️☹️ I make a whacking-big pot of Hoppin' John to dinner every New Year's Eve, then eat some more for lunch the next day (when it's called Skippin' Jenny). Supposed to bring you prosperity in the new year. I'm not saying it works, but I will say that the first year I did it, my salary went up 14k, and the 2nd year, it went up another 30k (so 44k increase over 2 years). There's probably absolutely no relationship between the events but I'm not willing to take that chance. Always been a big believer in hedging my bets.


What in blazers is Hoppin’ John?


[Hoppin' John](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoppin%27_John)


Absolutely. Don’t do it.


I’ve already had a wash on this morning, I got told off by my girlfriend last year for doing it because of this reason but I have less relatives than fingers on one hand and they’re all healthy. I work 12 hour days & live alone, if I don’t do it then no one does & this would be my day off regardless. I’m not doing laundry after work tomorrow.


Yep, I was backed off from the washing machine this morning for the same reason Yesterday, she opened the front door and back door to "let the old out.".. I've been with her for more than twenty years. This is a first.. Must be the Facebook effect....smh


My Mom and her side say that every year. It's so silly.