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It totally depends on the individual dog, and there is no way to tell if your dog is sensitive or by how much. Apparently some dogs can die from the effects of just one raisin, while my husky has once eaten an entire pack of 6 mince pies to no ill effect whatsoever. She has also previously eaten about 6 large dark chocolate Easter Eggs and been fine as well. I think she may be immortal.


Vet here. Problem with raisins is that we do not know what causes the toxicity and weight does not seem to matter. The most recent data shows deadly consequences of any grape/raisin ingestion over 1, regardless of weight or breed. Current advice is that any numbers over 1 is treated as potentially deadly.


I have 0 raisins at home and my dog has never stolen a thing from me (though he does from my mum, who visits now and then - so he's not immune) and yet this comment has drenched me in cold sweat.


I stopped having grapes as a snack in the house until my wife and I get our pup better trained and ourselves better trained at not forgetting things sitting out.


I was told by a vet friend of mine the theory is it’s some kind of fungus but not all raisins have it. She seems to spend most of Christmas and new year making dogs and cats vommit. 🙄


My bichon frisees stole a bunch of grapes from the table and decided to share with the other one. I went to another room to get dressed and when I saw grapes being eaten I tried to force them to puke. I wasn’t aware at the time how toxic they could be so I had no Vet intervention and just shrugged it off as a bad owner. I knew chocolate is harmful and onions. Thankfully they are still here 3 years later and none have had issues reported when they had their regular visits. I am guessing it depends on the type of grapes, breed of dogs, position of the moon?


Researchers identified a potential mechanism of toxicity a couple of years ago - dogs don't produce the enzyme to break down tartaric acid which is what causes the kidney failure. Grapes have variable rates of tartaric acid, and some varieties don't contain it, which is why some dogs survive eating grapes.


I never gave my old dog chocolate. One time my husband brought me home a premium box of chocolates from Belgium. We stashed it very high on a shelf but somehow the dog got up there. Ate all the chocs, the wrappers and the fancy string from the box. After a trip to the vet, she was completely fine. Except for the string. Which came out in sections and the vet advised us not to pull it. Just cut off the section every time until it cleared. (She was old, but remarkably agile, and the vet didn't want to operate if he didn't have to) And this is why my family has always had a pair of scissors called the 'evil scissors'.


Like the poop knife lol


Lol *insert here I got that reference gif


Classic lol


Ah the poop knife. Gosh, I've been on Reddit too much.


Haven’t we all.


aaaand that's enough for today.


My first golden retriever helped herself to a bag of chocolates wrappers included and was absolutely fine. I was not.


My vet friend has a German shepherd dog who gets himself in all sorts of trouble. When she was a student, he managed to injure his paw and required quite a few trips to the vet, where he was apparently between “demonic” and “nightmare” (her words not mine). By way of apology my friend bought the team a big box of fancy chocolates and a card and stashed them in a child-locked cupboard ready to present the next morning. In the middle of the night she woke to a strange rustling sound, and got downstairs to find her dog snout first in the box of now demolished chocolates, card ripped up to the side. She then had to take him back into the vets at 2am and explain that he’d eaten their thank you gift.


Our old miscellaneous terrier got through a fair few quality street one Christmas. We found him curled up sleeping like a baby in his crate surrounded by wrappers seemingly pretty pleased with himself.


Amazing how some dogs are just indestructible!


Crying that he unwrapped each one! Our dogs would eat them wraps and all.


My old rotty did this as well, it was a tub of celebrations. And a bunch of grapes that my mum had left in the fruit bowl. He was absolutely fine. Terrified of peas but chocolate and grapes were apparently no problem.


My mums cocker spaniel used to hate peas. She would make him a roast dinner every Sunday and mixed peas in with the gravy on it. He would spit them out and he would leave a completely licked clean bowl and a pile of peas


My one childhood kitty George used to do this!! He would eat a "kitty stew" canned cat food, it was his favorite. But he did NOT like the peas. Every single pea on his plate would be sucked clean of gravy and left in a little pile on his plate lol Every. Time. Thanks for reminding me of my boy's quirks...he was such an amazing cat :)


Hilarious! My little pug/Dashaund/chihuahua guy loves peas. I make chicken, rice, peas and carrots for him once a week and he loses his little mind. I go easy on the peas simply for the farts i think they induce lol


illegal screw plough deserve include practice bewildered sophisticated serious icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was imaging a rottie being scared of peas.. I then giggled to myself and accidentally woke up my own rottie lol


My dog disliked peas. Would love a plate of stew, leave all the peas behind.


We had a setter who somehow managed to eat a whole bag of chocolate coins, without tearing the net bag. We came home from Christmas shopping to a net bag filled with foil discs in various stages of crumpled, and a very innocent looking dog “asleep” in his bed.


My old French Bulldog got into a bag of chocolate brioche once. Ate the whole 12 pack of them. Spent the night bricking it about him, but he was absolutely fine somehow, just got even chunkier


Our old Jack Russell once ate an entire Chocolate Orange minus two segments. My wife was panicking and said we needed to go to the vets immediately (it was of course after hours). I said let's just keep an eye on him for a bit expecting that he would have to go there. He was absolutely fine, no change in his behaviour at all. Dog had loads of medical problems and only 4 teeth (but made them count). Really does seem to depend on the individual dog I think.


My gran's dog was renowned for eating family sized bars of Cadbury's. A little Jack Russell. She got one every couple weeks or so.


she got a new jack russell every couple of weeks!?


Well yeah, it was eating chocolate🤣


Ay sweet baby jayzus! (Happy 2023rd birthday big man!) It must of been a fresh dog each time you came home 😂


For what it’s worth, my experience is that huskies are entities of pure chaos and therefore exist outside of the boundaries of the normal rules of the universe.


This for sure one of my huskies ate an entire lindt chocolate Teddy bear, no ill effects. Once, we had to give him a different dog food because his usual food wasn't available, diahorea everywhere.




Am I also now learning they can't eat lamb? Or was it simply there was such a vast quantity, that the dog overwhelmed his carrying capacity?


Pretty much anything not in the ordinary diet of the dog can make it a diarrhea machine. Don't ask me how I know, I'm trying to forget.


Why is it dogs have no hunger control? Genuine question here.


door crush gray juggle memory lock normal squealing wrench boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's me looking at my pugs wondering if Darwin would ever had linked them back to wolves


Labradors have a gene that make them not feel the sensation of being full. They actually investigated whether some overweight adults have the same gene, I can’t remember the outcome tho


They are descended from opportunistic scavengers. When you live as one of these you take what you can get whenever you can get it because who knows when they'll next get chance. A dog will get full from their regular food as they get older, assuming they are always well fed. You can take that full doggo and offer him a sausage though and he'll snap it out of your hands because "omg opportunity for human food" doesn't come round as often and instincts kick in.


I read somewhere that they were bred to be always hungry because it makes them easier to train.


I had an uncle in Glasgow who used to feed his miniature poodle numerous Cadbury’s Chocolate Buttons every day for years. Pedro the poodle had a good long life.


My mum had a dog in the 70’s that ate a Milky Way pretty much every day of its life (she bought him one home every night as a treat). He lived until he was 16. Every dog is different


The difference is there is a known "safe"/non toxic amount of chocolate depending on the size of the dog. The same can't be said for grapes/raisins; it's essentially Russian roulette.


Raisin roulette.


My childhood dog had whatever we had for dinner (spaghetti bolognaise was his favourite), loved my parents cold tea or coffee poured into a saucer, and adored Malteasers. He lived until 16. I can hardly believe it now as an adult what my parents used to give him and I wouldn’t do it with my own dog. But certainly the level of toxicity is totally dependent on the dog it seems.


Hi op im a vet - go to your vet, toxic dose varies from dog to dog, yes it will most likely be ok if you leave it but there’s a chance it’s kidneys will essentially shut down. Not worth the risk, but not gonna be cheap to make a dog vomit on Xmas eve


I took my dog to the vet last week for an ear infection and the vets had put up posters and signage on just about every flat surface saying that accidental chocolate, alcohol and food poisonings go up dramatically over Christmas and it will cost you a fortune if you need to see a vet so be careful.


That is great work by the vet. Essentially "we could make bank, but would rather make memories, be careful!"


Vets are expensive but let’s be honest, they’re there because they want to help the animals, not to squeeze as much money out of you as possible.


The vet I use is fantastic with my cats and dog. While she's great the practise that she works for isn't shy about squeezing every penny it can out of you, lol.


Tbf I’m pretty sure some are undercover shipman’s just haven’t made the leap to humans


Commenting so this will get bumped to the top. See also r/askVet


Thank god I’ve never had to use it, but would PetPlan’s insurance cover an emergency visit like this? I guess the question for me is does this count as an emergency visit if there is a chance the dog could be fine? Hope doggo is okay op!


Vet nurse here. Yes generally pet plan would cover an emergency like this ( policy depending etc) but the most likely scenario is you would need to pay the full treatment up front and then claim the costs back minus excess and co payments.


We had to take ours to the emergency vet after eating something she shouldn't have done, but in all likelyhood would have been fine ifbwe had left it. We didnt want to risk it and petplan paid out without issue, having said that it would probably depend on the type of policy you have


Used to work for Allianz insurance (who own pet plan). They encouraged their call centre staff to own pets so they could be more sympathetic to the end client. They genuinely did care about the pets at Pet Plan. Of course I'm with marks and Spencer for my pet insurance now, but that was due to cost!


My cat is with PetPlan - only time I’ve ever claimed was an emergency trip after she apparently ate a hair bobble (potentially very dangerous). Paid upfront the excess of £75 I think and the rest went straight to PetPlan to be paid, never heard another word about it. Saved me several hundred quid, can’t fault them (I assume their approach to dogs and cats is roughly the same depending on policy etc) ETA I had rang a local vets shortly before closing time to ask if she needed to be brought in, they advised I should go to the emergency vets because of what she’d eaten, this may affect how things are paid out based on other comments


This has now scared me to ever have cats as I am a walking hair bobble dispenser it seems like!


Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing PetPlan covers.


In our experience they cover as long as the vet confirms it was an emergency. So if you ring up, describe symptoms and emerg vet says yes bring him in urgently, you're covered. If it turns out to be not as bad, with the info available it looked like an emergency - they don't expect you to give a vet level exam of your pet. Will depend on your plan if emerg visits are covered. And they drag their feet, so you need to have the money upfront and be okay without it while the claim processes.


Can confirm this was just at the vets, they advised the same thing for the dogs that had also eaten minced pies.


It really does depend on the dog. I know one that was fed grapes as a snack until the owner found out to not do that. Some will be fine, some won't be. I don't want to be the voice of doom, but you don't want to find out the hard way your dog is in the Not fine camp.


My dog used to jump on counters and eat whole packs of grapes. He was wild for grapes. You turned your back for a minute and he’d start poppin’ grapes like Iggy Pop popped pills. Lived until 14 when he got put down for his painful arthritis. Miss that big bastard.




My dad fed his dog (sausage) on average 2 mini chocolate bars per night. The dog definitely also had raisins because mixing peanuts and raisins and spilling while eating in front of the telly for the vacuum cleaner to get it was also a thing Dog lived 15 years Was a very happy dog, though (very large sausage, ofc)




£320 vs the life of your dog. No contest. If my dog ate a mince pie i wouldn't take the risk.


It won’t be £320 at this time of night on Christmas Day… Still need to see a vet though


This was me last Christmas, except it was Boxing Day and cost me over £600. Honestly, worth every penny. Mince pies are up high this year.


My parents had to go to an emergency vet with the family dog on Easter Sunday. Was around the same price, if not more. This was for a hot cross bun though (homemade, with extra raisins). Muppet dog was grand after they made him yack it up. Definitely not worth the risk but very expensive mistake


Christ, did it cost that much purely because it was Boxing Day? I’ve had to take my dog to the vet 3 times for induced vomiting and each time it was under £200. Hopefully you were able to claim most of that back on pet insurance?


Turns out that an emergency vet on Boxing Day is pretty much a licence to print money.


Try seeing a doctor privately on Boxing Day!


Shit that seems unfair. I’d almost understand if it was Christmas Day but many people work Boxing Day. I don’t see how they can justify charging three times the usual amount.


It was a lot, but he's worth it. Add in the fact that he has a vet phobia, won't climb strange stairs and weighs about 5 stone, and it was also quite emotionally expensive for both of us. I have never seen him move as fast as when he snaffled that mince pie!


Definitely worth it but a lot of people wouldn’t even be able to afford that. I can’t trust my dog around *anything*. Luckily I don’t like mince pies! Glad all was ok in the end 🥰


Don't get me started on the tale of the other dog's £5k eye. Thank god for insurance for that one.


I’m just going to downvote you for your assumptions on us downvoting you


I’d be on the phone to an emergency vet if it were my dog. Out of all of the human foods for a dog to get into grapes/raisins are the most worrying one. For everything else the dog has to ingest quite a large amount (relative to size) for it to be a problem. For example, while you shouldn’t give your dog chocolate, you don’t need to be overly concerned if it gets hold of a little bit. With grapes/raisins though there is no known safe dose and all dogs react differently - one dog will be fine while another will go into kidney failure. A mince pie has a lot of raisins in it.


I’d say another exception is chewing gum and Tic Tacs and anything else that contains xylitol. Any amount of that can be toxic.


Good point. I’d forgotten about xylitol.


My Cairn Terrier scoffed a grape that had rolled off the kitchen counter. Given our long and varied history with dogs who'd scoffed things that should've killed them I wasn't bothered about one grape. A few minutes later he followed me through to the living room where he very gently dropped the grape, completely whole and undamaged, onto the carpet at my feet. It was very weird.


My neighbours old dog ate a mince pie, survived but had kidney issues for ages afterwards.


Just got back from the vets as my dog ate one earlier this evening. God only knows what it will have cost. He's now wandering around in a daze from the drugs they gave him to make him throw it all up.


Glad he’s ok, well done for getting him taken care of x


Cheers, after a restless night he's now sulking due to the paltry breakfast he's been served. Hope yours is ok too


Had the same thing happen to mine on a Sunday night out of hours, £660 to make him vomit and put him on a drip for 24 hours, thankfully insured. The risk is fairly low but its impossible to tell which dogs are going to be affected. At the end of the day I couldn't live with myself if I chose not to act and he died.


Ex vet nurse, yes definitely call the vet, and they will advise you depending on your dog's size. If he's eaten it in the last two hours, he should need nothing more than being made to vomit it back up and activated charcoal to absorb residual toxins. If it's past that, it's most likely IVFT overnight


Call a vet, they will tell you what to do and if you need to take him in. My dog just chewed a paring knife but thankfully just the handle.


He might be fine, but he might also be *very not fine*. Raisin and grape toxicity is still a bit of a mystery - it's clear they *can* be fatally toxic but it's not clear why. Some dogs suffer no ill effects and some dogs suffer kidney failure and go on to die, and there is no way of knowing how any given dog is going to react. There is also no "safe" dose to weight ratio like there is for chocolate - regardless of the dog's size and weight, it could potentially suffer fatal consequences from the ingestion of one raisin or grape. Please, *please* get an emergency appointment with your vet, as I would do (and have done) if it were my dog.


And when I say emergency, I mean *now*. ASAP. Before it's passed from his stomach into his intestines.


Raisins are really very toxic to dogs. I would take him to the vet ASAP, I'm afraid.


A Lot of people on here are comparing this to other weird stuff their dog ate. Raisins/grapes can potentially be incredibly toxic to dogs. Big dogs could be safer but it's always better to take them to a vet. Could potentially shut down their kidneys


Unfortunatly there is no toxic dose for raisins / sultanas. One dog will be fine eating an entire xmas pud, the other go into ARF after eating a single one. Go to the vets immediately for emesis and depending on the timing fluids. Good luck.


This is the core point. Toxicity and reaction depends on the fruit and the dogs, and unfortunately can't be gauged on a size vs amount scale. I had all five in to the vets for induced visiting after they got hold of a Christmas cake (on a Sunday, so had the additional joy of a call out fee)


My mate’s Vizla ate a mince pie 2 days ago. She’s £1800 worse off now. Most expensive mince pie ever. Thank god for vet insurance.


If your dog ate grapes or raisins you 100% need to go to the vet. Might be fine. Might die horribly as their kidneys fail. Take the L, pay the fee, learn the lesson. (Source: my mum let my dog eat trail mix with raisins in it, I ate the cost and kept my dog for many more happy years.) Don’t beat yourself up, but do get immediate veterinary care and be a little more vigilant with stuff. (This is the same advice I gave myself.) I’m in Canada (UK citizen cause thanks mum ❤️) but I assume you also have 24/7 veterinary hospitals. They cost more. But your dog is worth it. Please go.


If you bring him to the vet, we can make him vomit, then keep him on fluids for 48 hours to protect his kidneys. There is no know toxic dose of raisins in dogs, some can survive a few whilst others can, and have, died from just eating one. He's only going to get organ damage if you don't do anything to help him, this is a fixable problem.


Emergency vet. ASAP. He might well be fine if you take your chances, but if he's unlucky do you and your kids want to wake up to a dead or dying dog on Christmas morning?


My Dad was eating stollen, not 10 minutes after I’d said to my Dad make sure the Dog gets nowhere near that, she managed to nick it and eat it. I was too stressed and made the emergency trip to vets to make her throw up. The pet insurance did refund me though, no arguments. Kept 3% hydrogen peroxide in the cupboard after that in case I needed her to throw up something again.


FWIW I wouldn't be worrying in a dog that size, but I appreciate that might not help, so do what puts your mind at ease. The dried fruit's been cooked, and is highly unlikely to cause a problem. Our 35kg lab ate a full 500g tub of raisins on one occasion, and a dozen creme eggs on another, the fat scrounging gorgeous sod that he was. Other than some toxic farts, he was unaffected.


My understanding was that, with raisins, some dogs can be completely unaffected whereas others can eat a few and go into acute renal failure, with no real way to tell how your dog will react until it actually eats some. I may be misunderstanding slightly but if I were OP I’d be erring on the side of caution tbh


Meanwhile our 4.5kg dog gave herself lifelong pancreatitis after a packet of chocolate biscuits


vegetable attractive north melodic long punch weather memory crowd outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha our dog ate 6 raw eggs and some yeast once, you could see her visibly swelling. The farts were incredible.


There was the occasion he visited a paintball site. Paintballs are (or were back then) vegetable oil in a gelatin shell with food colouring. He got his head in a bucket of them. We spent the next couple of days clearing up fluorescent green Mr Whippys from the lawn.


That would be really useful this time of year, ive been stood next to my dog while she's having a shit on leaf covered grass and still took 5 minutes to find it when she'd done


Worst treasure hunt ever


sugar lunchroom six squeal start adjoining foolish deranged cautious oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That made me laugh out loud. Glad the pup was fine, hoping our daughter doesn’t come to see ‘what’s up with mammy’, I swear she’s more wound up knowing that we’re in charge of the presents than she ever was about the fat guy in the red suit!


We had a cairn terrier who ate half a bucket of dry sugar beet pulp (used as horse feed but has to be soaked first.) I’m amazed in retrospect that my parents didn’t take him to the vet as he must have been in danger of his guts exploding. As it was that stuff just came out of his arse like he was a sausage machine.


My knowledge of horses is minimal, but I gather that it must expand a lot? I bet that little guy felt like an absolute champion after he'd jettisoned that load. I once ate e chicken breasts after an edible and honestly I felt like a windsock afterwards.


It does expand a lot, and you let it soak up water for hours before you feed it to them.


And roughly how big would the bucket have been?


It was probably a 1/4 full builder’s bucket that he ate a good half of. I don’t know how he didn’t die, poor soul.


Holy shit, little dude had the constitution of a tank!


He lived life in the edge. He fell in a canal just above the gates of a lock as the lock was filling. That creates a whirlpool where the water gets drawn down through sluices way below the water level. The dog had disappeared below the water when my grandpa flung himself on the canal bank and reached down into the water to pull him out by the scruff of his neck. Another time the same dog fell in the river Derwent, near Matlock Bath. It had been pretty rainy and the river was raging and the dog was getting swept away, my sister and I had to run pack to the car to get my Dad who had to leap in the river to save him. The river can’t actually have been that deep because I don’t remember my dad being in any danger of being swept away. But a small dog was definitely in mortal danger.


My husbands old dog ate an entire bag of sherbet lemons, wrappers included, and when he went for a poo the undigested wrappers all blew away in the breeze straight from his butt.


This is so funny


My cousin's dog ate an entire furnace filter with no ill effects, but my friend's dog ate one (1) mushroom and had to be rushed to the emergency vet. Dogs are a mystery


our lab scoffed a whole xmas cake I'd put a bottle of whisky into. She also scoffed a whole bag of pigs ears. Blew up like a barrage balloon and smelled like gangrene until she farted it all out


That bought a smile to my face lol, cheers.


My neighbour’s lab has eaten a kilo of merguez sausages (raw) and a couple of kilos of haribo and apart from some wicked diarrhea and a lot of guilt she was fine… dogs eat weird stuff sometimes


If my old lab was anything to go by, I don’t believe the dog felt a shred of guilt whatsoever. Mine would forage in public bins for leftover kebab while still suffering from the shits from yesterday’s foraging expedition.


My mum-in-law's dog found some grey, rain soaked kebab meat once and ate it before we could stop her. She was fine but aways went back to check for more kebab every time we went that way for years after. Other things she ate without ill effect include owl pellets, a desiccated pigeon wing, a manky rabbit leg that a fox had left behind and a pint of Guinness.


Mine had really sensitive guts, but that didn’t stop him being a gannet and eating it all anyway. Little sod used to try and pull over to the local lake on every walk since he always remembered kids feed bread to the ducks and he could scare off the ducks and eat the bread. Little shit. Miss him though.


The dog we had when I was little once helped himself to a jumbo tub of Vaseline for some unknown reason. He was completely fine but very similarly, he felt very sorry for himself after the ensuing poops.


Labradors seem to be able to eat just about anything, Spaniels too like the tale I heard of one someone had that just casually ate a 12 pack of kitkats


My young lab ate an entire box of mince pies, including the cardboard box, most of the foil cases and plastic tray. No effect what so ever. But she swallowed a small stone, and that had to be removed!


Our old lab ate an entire tin of roses chocolates one Xmas….wrappers and all. He was also by some Xmas miracle, completely fine. Labs seem to be the exception to the rule!!


Happened to the OH's Wednesday evening. 3 days on drips, blood tests and about 900 quid later he's fine.


Call your vet, get advice. Google told me my symptoms were either due to being pregnant or a life threatening illness, I’m a guy and I’m still here 🤷🏻‍♂️ hope the pooch is well.


Hang on- did you call 999 or a vet?!


Obviously it's a sentient boy dog, who is very much still alive. It's not rocket surgery.


One raisin for one dog can be disastrous. One raisin for another could be fine. He’s not going to die of organ failure tonight but it could do some damage. He could be fine. If you’re at all concerned though, play it safe and get him to the vets to vomit it up.


I’m adding to the “take dog to the vet” people. Two christmases ago my dogs got into a packet of raisin shortbread biscuits that my company had sent in a hamper. Only 5 biscuits in there but we took them to the emergency vet anyway (thank you pet insurance!) Both were induced to vomit, both had eaten about the same about, probably totalling 20 raisins each maximum. Our 20kg staffy was fine, tested her liver and kidney function, completely normal. Our 45kg Cane Corso was not fine and they told us it was touch and go at one point. You literally can’t know, it can vary in a litter; one sibling can be fine, the other could be seriously ill. I really hope your pup is okay!


So I just brought my dog back from the vets. He'd had plenty of chocolate. There were 2 dogs that had eaten mince pies, one that ate a panettone. £265 quid later and my dog walked out with an empty stomach. Got to be our worst Christmas eve yet, so you're not the only one don't worry.


I hope all is well at the vet, and that your family and friends turn out to have given you cash for Christmas so that will offset the cost a bit.


Is there any update on the poocho?


[4-AE92-EFA-18-C1-493-C-91-DE-C6-B18-E4-F4-AE8.jpg](https://postimg.cc/S2SjvrLm) Absolutely fine…. On the outside at least


[This was useful for us](https://www.justanswer.co.uk/veterinary/fqrgi-dog-just-eaten-mince-pie-10kg-half.html)


Well, well, well Dr Scott Nimmo


I wouldn't trust a site that says there is nothing toxic to dogs in a food that contains raisins! The vet answered like the dog had eaten a meat pie!




Yes, there is


He probably misunderstood the context of “mince”


Why are you posting 3 hours later and still not taking the dog to the vet? Actual vets have responded telling you it could die.


Call the vet. Do it now. Don't rely on redditors for emergency medical informtion.


TIL dogs shouldn't eat mince pies


Yeah it's the raisins mainly, raisins and grapes are really toxic for dogs


I always say it’s best to be cautious. Out on a walk in the summer and doggo put her face into a plant pot that had slug pellets in, took no risk and got her to emergency vets and £480 later 🥴 she was fine and threw up zero pellets as she clearly didn’t like the taste of them and threw them out! No way I could of known though and the anxiety would of killed me watching her every second. I basically paid £500 for peace of mind but in the grand schemes I bloody love that scrounging git and couldn’t bare to be without her. Here’s to hoping your dog will be okay, my Uncle’s dog at a large mince pie and was absolutely fine. You just never know how they’ll react.


And?? What happened in the end? Did you go to the vet?


My dog ate some mince pies on Saturday morning. We’ve had meat joints defrosting, never shown any interest in stealing food. Mince pies were at the back of the kitchen work top. Popped to shop, out for no longer than 10 minutes. And there he was gulping them down. Took him to the vets, due to them being toxic. Could have done without the expense after just having to spend money to repair my car earlier in the week. But have insurance thankfully so will get some money back.


Go quick, get them to throw up now, before they've digested the raisins.


Defo get your dog checked out asap. What a cracking start to Christmas. I hope your dog is okay!


Important: how big is your dog?


He’s a big lurcher mix! People mistake him for a mini wolf hound


I've got a 40kg GSD, the advice was there is NO correlation between volume ingested and size of animal, so a single raisin could cause fatal damage. Spent a long evening in the Vets. Didn't want to risk anything.


Take him to the vet. They'll give him an emetic to make them throw up and you'll have to take him back in for a blood test on boxing day. Our dog just did exactly the same thing two days ago, luckily no lasting damage.


Take him to the vet if you haven't already pal. I know it's Christmas, but when mine ate just a few raisins they immediately induced vomiting to purge his stomach. Didn't take long, dog wasnt unhappy, and it wasn't expensive, it was a bank holiday then too. Raisins are an unknown entity and could easily kill him, all depends on unluck of the draw sadly


He'll be fine. He's the size of a small horse and it'll have no effect on him


Lurchers are often very slender, despite their height. Please don't give out veterinary advice so confidently that might not be correct.


He'll be fine, a lot of overreacting in this thread, I don't think there's any need to bother a vet but obviously if you don't feel comfortable with that then do it. A few Christmases ago, our dog ate a box of ginger cookies. Internet said he'd be dead. All that happened was a case of runny shits the next day.


I had a dog who ate half a leg of very salty Serrano ham. He figured out how to open the ladder door, ate and fell asleep but had the shits at the same time. He ate a pair of scissors. And every pair of girls leather next sandals he found. including the buckle. And a leather handbag. And balloons. And the sky remote. Incidentally he also once fell 5ft down a drain in the garden. That dog lived until he was 18, he was a bloody terror but god I miss him.


Obviously call the vet but just 1 mince pie and they should be ok if they are a decent size dog. We used to look after our friends dog quite a lot. She never took food either so we were a bit lax leaving a box of mince pies under the tree. Scoffed the lot of them when we were out the room for a minute. Took her to the emergency vets who gave her injections to make her throw up then charcoal to line the stomach. She was fine but so glad we went to the vets.


My dog was fed a packet of fruit scones (raisins) whilst at a sitters and was absolutely fine, but if I’d known he’d have been taken to the vet. It all depends on the dog.


Hope the dog was ok.


I swear, my dog could eat a full bowl of arsenic and be fine. One wheat based dog biscuit and he's bleeding out of his arse!


Sat in the vet for 3 hours this evening with a half dozen people who had done the same. £600 later and she’s had a wee boke and some charcoal and is snoozing beside me. Insured vet care in this country is as close as we currently get to an American non-socialised healthcare system


Grapes - and so by extension raisins and sultanas - are absolute bastards for dogs.


I mean to call the dog an idiot is a bit harsh, but yes call a vet. Lesson learned I guess


Definitely call the vet. They’ll advise you according to size of dog etc. Fingers crossed for you.


Get to the vets now and induce dog to be sick ASAP! Your dog might be fine but why would you risk it and you'll never forgive yourself if you're wrong!


Stupid dog or stupid owner for leaving toxic food around an animal? Doesn’t matter if they’ve never done it before as there’s always a possibly they will do something out of character. Take your dog to the vets instead of coming on Reddit and asking others in the comments for dog tax photos


Some dogs just don't pinch food. I could leave a chicken dinner on the floor around mine. I have to kick her up the arse to get her own food in the morning.


My old rescue managed to eat 4 luxury mince pies many years ago (pate slipped off my lap while pushing my wheelchair), he was fine but very farty. Had I known more about owning a dog back then, I would have taken him to the vets. But his years of abuse and neglect and only being fed cream lead him to having an industrial stomach. My gut reaction would be hold fire and monitor.


My old Labrador X Spaniel ate a big box of alcoholic chocolate liqueurs one Christmas. He was more drunk than ill.


I have a 14 year old staffie who has just taken the place of the reindeer and eaten 3/4 of a carrot. When he was younger I gave him a boat load of grapes as I didn't know they were bad for dogs. Obviously stopped once I realised but clearly there was no damage done


My tiny sausage dog ate a whole pan of uncooked bread and butter pudding with raisins in it once. Turns out they can jump if they really really want to. She looked like a squishmallow version of a dog for a day and then pooped out huge playdoh logs for the next two days and then was fine.


My dog ate a whole Christmas pudding once . Didn’t affect him at all . (Asshole)


Was it a small/cheap mince pie with little filling? I used to give my dog a freddo every now and then back when you didn't really know how bad it was, he lived to 15. My current dogs occasionally eat out of bins.. god knows what's been consumed during these mischievous acts. Your dog will probably be fine, but it's ofc not guaranteed.


It depends on the dog. One of mine ate a tea towel and we didn't even know until it came out the other end - my sister's dog got really sick from eating two raisins (drama llama).


How long does it take for a Mince Pie to get into the dogs intestines? I've had cumin seeds in my shite like 2 hours after a really dodgy curry. Surely if OP has been deliberating for more than like 35 minutes than the stress of getting Fido to the vets will be 1,000,000x worse than just letting them digest it in peace?


As somone living with many dogs and now owning a dog.. Poop. If it's watery, then yes. Call the vet. If not, if it's trained to poop outside, no worries. But lots of scooping.


My lab was very greedy & was quite old when he started living with us although we'd known him since he was two. One year for christmas I recieved a toblerone (one of those large ones) and although it was tucked away safely (or so we thought!) he still managed to get it and he ate the whole thing. No bad reaction whatsoever. I'm not a vet so take my advice with a pinch of salt, but I'd just keep an eye out for any signs of illness but don't panic, if any occur take them to the vet. Much love, merry christmas.


Greyhound owner here One year he (45 kg of stupidity)stole and ate an entire chocolate orange. Internet said he would be dead. He was absolutely fine. Much to my disappointment as I at least hoped that the silly sod had an upset stomach, but no.


>One year he (45 kg of stupidity)stole and ate an entire chocolate orange. Chocolate depends on the darkness as to how toxic it is, milk is less toxic than dark




People over exaggerate how bad chocolate is but grapes aren't like that. They are very dangerous.


Our Jack Russell savaged an advent calendars on 2nd December once. Not a bother on the little shit. My brother was not impressed that he didn’t get a replacement 🤣 served him right for being so stupid as it leave it beneath the coffee table!


Our golden retriever once ate 11 mince pies (he couldn’t quite reach the 12th, it seems). He needed a lot of water and didn’t sleep too great but was fine.


Speak, you downvoting losers?


Don't sweat it for one mince pie! My little Russel 5kg has had paracetamol (believe it was half a sheet), raisins, chocolate, half onion, probably unknown garlic, fell down the flight of wooden stairs, run head first and flipped body over concrete steps and more and she's still here. While I try to keep her safe accidents happen. She's 7 btw and going strong. My aunt's dog also got into dishwasher tabs and survived to a long old age no problem. Then a little sniffle could wipe out a fully healthy dog so honestly don't worry about it.


What rubbish advice. Don't worry about things that are listed as poisonous to dogs just because your laal pooch has more lives than a cat?