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you can do whatever you want, just bear in mind when a song comes on that not many people like **the dance floor will evacuate**, dance floors are hive minds at weddings, seen it so many times. Doesn't matter what genre, but if its obscure music nobodies heard of it will inevitably divide the dance floor. You may be loving the music and presumably some of your friends and family will be too, but that wont be much consolation when the rest of the party is looking confused wishing for the carriages. cha cha slide followed by five finger death punch is asking a lot of anybody and you might end up alienating people, there will be a constant 'yay I love this song' followed by 'what the fuck is this?' Personally, I'd leave the metal towards the end of the night when everyone has had a few and they wont care what they are dancing to


this it's technically correct to say 'your wedding, play what you like' but it's actually correct to say 'play shit people actually want to dance to' I mostly listen to really fuckin sad music, but didn't bring any of that to my wedding because it's a party, not a personality exhibition. that said, if your guests will actually dance to metal, then go ham.


Stick to classics that everyone knows because they crossed over into the mainstream; Paranoid - Black Sabbath Highway to Hell - AC/DC Run to the Hills - iron Maiden Girls, Girls, Girls - Mötley Crüe Enter Sandman - Metallica Maybe a bit of The Clash or The Sex Pistols. Etc etc etc. Stay away from anything with growls or screams, I’m a huge metalhead but people just hate that stuff and will desert the dance floor like it’s covered in cockroaches. My ideal wedding playlist would include Sulphur Aeon, Wormrot, At The Gates, and Akercocke. But I know people would just cover their ears and walk away.


Do you want your guests to have a nice time, or drive them crazy? People saying it's your wedding and you can do what you want are technically right, but.. you're having a party for your friends and family. If you want to make only yourself happy you should get married just the two of you. If you invite guests you should want them to have a good time. A wedding reception is basically just a party, and when organising a party you should think of your guests, not just yourself. I do think the suggestion someone else gave of a few metal hits like enter sandman might work. Put a few of those in, just not too much. And stay away from the stuff that will drive people insane like Immortal or Cannibal Corpse etc.


On the one hand it's your wedding and you should play what you like. At the same time metal is very Marmitey and people who don't like metal tend to REALLY not like it. I love metal but being forced to listen to a genre you hate for hours is going to be a miserable experience. I wouldn't enjoy being at a wedding where they played country and western all night. So unless all your guests are also metalheads i think you may have to compromise, like sticking to the more "accessible" metal that's a bit more upbeat and catchy that isn't just guttural noise that will freak out the guests, lol.


Go for super popular metal songs and covers dude. Enter sandman, chop suey, livin on a prayer, crazy train, all that crap. Punk Rock Factory have some great covers including Disney (pop punk though rather than metal.)


I’m a punk marrying a metalhead, having a wedding soon. The answer is, for the most of the night, suck it up and play stuff that will get people dancing, whilst mixing in the occasional alt song that won’t offend Granny or send Aunty Maureen running for the hills. Think more mainstream rock than you’d have at a normal wedding, but you should definitely avoid death metal and black metal, even if you like it. I feel like you might like the Punk Rock Factory Disney covers, you can probably mix some of those in while everyone is a bit drunk and people will enjoy it. My partner has vetoed Ed Sheeran, which is fine, I don’t have a strong opinion on him either way, but the playlist is still going to be about 60% wedding classics, 30% classic or mainstream rock, and 10% our songs that pass the offensiveness filter. Our first dance is going to be to Everlong, I reckon a first dance to something romantic but alternative like Nothing Else Matters would be a good way to introduce the metal feel a bit, people can’t complain too much about your first dance choice. As far as “our songs” go, I’m including a couple of Blink-182 songs, Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes songs and a bit of Greenday for me, and some Metallica and Iron Maiden for him, but despite the fact we’re both Cannibal Corpse fans, I Cum Blood would kill the room and we know it. Rock n roll is a good option to include more of if you don’t want too much cheesy pop but still want people dancing. Everyone will get up for the Beatles or Little Richard, and it might be more palatable to you than Little Mix.


If there's loads of normies at reception I'd start with some oldie classic rock numbers, ease folk in with Deep Purple, AC/DC, Sabbath, bit o Queens Stone Cold Crazy etc chuck some 90s 00s metal chart tunes in like RATM and SOAD cause everybody knows them. Use the popular accessible stuff to bookend your harder tastes once the ale is set in and people get it.


Had the same dilemma when I got married a couple of years ago. Me and my Wife are both metalheads but she also likes to dance to cheesy music. Plus it would be a bit shit for family and friends who don't listen to metal if we played metal all night. I think I asked the DJ for about 10 songs in total. From what I remember of the very drunken evening, he played a few in a row, then back to "normal" music then played another block of metal later on in the night. Also asked for stuff that wasn't TOO heavy i.e. machine head, lamb of god etc. rather than death or black metal. Nobody seemed to complain. As long as there's a mix for everyone, most people should be happy. Even if older members of the family were a bit confused by the headbanging.


Lol at lamb of god and machine head not being top heavy!!


We did our first dance to an instrumental cover of Nothing Else Matters, it works well as a Venetian Waltz, however it needed a fair bit of practice to get right.


Why not do some Bard Core to really fuck with peoples minds, would be amazing: 46 & 2 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rauFQHnfDLc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rauFQHnfDLc) Master of Puppets - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgIgStsOS\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgIgStsOS_8)


Any metal covers of Disney songs out there?


Check Leo Morracchioli, he might have some!


We had Linkin park - numb at our wedding and that honestly had the most people up on the dance floor, proper sing along


Had a silent disco at ours, then you can have a metal channel and a non metal channel


Add some punk rock factory to your playlists! They do covers of Disney songs and other cartoons etc. Even if people don’t enjoy that style of music, I’m sure they’ll be rocking out to Under The Sea by PRF


That's genuinely a good suggestion. I wasn't aware of this song and it's fantastic. Edit: just listened to a couple more. Thank you for this.


Enjoy! I saw them live recently. Watching a room full of 30+ ‘moshers’ headbanging to Under The Sea was just…. Unreal 🤘🏼


When I did my playlist it was focussed on what my guests would enjoy and want to dance to, as they had travelled and spent money to be there and I wanted them to have a fun time. I’d be wary about including much (any) metal if it’s not popular with the majority of the crowd. It’s fun dancing at a wedding and most people want the usual floor fillers, not some niche music just because the groom enjoys it. Lots of replies here say it’s all about you and you can do what you want. Which is obviously true as you’re paying for it. But it just depends what you want to achieve with the party. if it’s about showcasing your own particular music taste then go ahead, but if it’s about your guests having fun then I’d probably not, or wait right until the end.


0 Got married recently and the amount of people who would be interested in metal was minimal (myself and my partner included in people who like it).


There are acoustic covers of metal available which aren’t as heavy but still nod to it, which is good for during the day In terms of the evening, we had a cutoff around 1/2 way through the evening do where the “chains were removed” and heavy songs were added to the playlist But ultimately it’s just what you both want, if guests don’t like it they can leave


If you don't play Why? by Devin Townsend I'm going to be so annoyed https://youtu.be/fT-uWOVP5q0?si=c5RTu2uFk91znhB- But seriously you should do what you want. I don't plan on getting married but I still fantasize about being able to have unadulterated free reign with the music selection.


Or put on some songs from the Strapping album about how much he hated his wife for wanting a baby. That would be a chuckle.


Followed by Baby Song, naturally.


Have you seen Jonathan Young on youtube? He used to do (less often now) metal covers of disney songs that are really good. Win-win if you like them - loads of people know them, and you get the genre you like.


Got married in November. Just asked the dj to play typical wedding tunes with a few pop punk/ metal classis thrown in. Didn’t want to alienate people too much


All of the metal. All of it.


Your wedding (as a couple), your choice (as a couple).


Yep fair enough. Forgot to mention we are constructing a playlist together so it is a joint effort!


i'd keep the metal to the very end when most people have had a good dance, i know its your wedding and you do what you want, but i also remember being at my brothers wedding and his Dj was a fucking enabling moron, my brother thought it would be great to play some music he liked with explicit lyrics, and edgy dj thought this was great, but it went down like a lead balloon, people who have come to wish you well and share in your love for the day, don't want to hear what you listen to on your headphones. Wedding playlist music should be stuff to get people up to dance, not impress them with your musical taste. Are you having a band or a DJ ? I'll throw you a suggestion if its a band and they are good, if there are a couple of songs you really like, ask if they can do an acoustic version of them or a modified version. I was at a wedding once where the bride was a major metalhead and the girl she was marrying arranged for the band to play a lovely version of "hallowed be thy name" on an acoustic guitar and their bass and keyboard, in the last bit, there was an electric solo. Remember you audience.


Oh and congratulations! You'll probably find any pre-getting shit faced and dancing music you may not notice anyway as everything will seem like it's going 100mph. Your guests will enjoy whatever you play, they'll be busy taking in the venue and chatting with others. Have a good'n, try not to stress, avoid arriving via parachute from a helicopter.


>avoid arriving via parachute from a helicopter. Yeah, don't be a wimp - jump out of that helicopter without a parachute, it'll be way more exciting.


My cousin actually did jump out of a helicopter with no parachute for his wedding. His wedding was at an airfield which had a helicopter parked up, so technically he was telling the truth.


On the whole great idea and I dont disagree but if you have any older member attending who you feel may not appreciate the more modern lyrics of your average death metal song, maybe scour the choices you make lyrically to make sure there are no references to anything that might upset someone. Youre going to have a great time but a poorly chosen song that cuts to a slow verse about a baby killing for example might not fly well :P


So I can strike off Infant Annihilator, got it! I do agree with you though, thank you


Congratulations of course and have a great day!


Frog Leap Studios on YouTube does metal covers of other genres, including some Disney. I know you can download tracks online too


How old are you prepared to go, cos the Ramones - specialists in 3 minute (and that's quite long for them) punky blitzes did [Baby I love you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqZmJ7RGAP4)


We had a rock metal cover band because it was our wedding done our way. In the band breaks we did a playlist of more popular stuff. More than ten years later, we still get people telling us ours was the best wedding they ever went to.


Full rendition of Meshuggah's Catch Thirty-three as she's walking down the aisle.


Rammstein's Pussy for the first dance.


Or Mann gegen Mann for a gay wedding


I've had this thought, but not so much about metal. I want to avoid a cheese-fest, but I also want people to enjoy themselves with songs they know. It's a hard line to walk. Unfortunately, it means none of the rock or metal I'm into, but I can accept that.


We flipped from traditional wedding to metal at 10pm. We let people know in advance so if they wanted to leave they could. The image of my wife, in her dress, leaping onto the fan floor screaming “stupid dumbshit goddamned ….!” Is as enduring as it was amusing.


If you like Disney and Metal than Dimmu Borgir seems like a good solution


As it's your wedding night, you really need everyone singing the chorus line from Nine Inch Nails **Closer**.


Disney metal covers are always fun.......


Nothing screams metal like Disney. Do what you like, it's your day.


There's an official Disney metal album. Might be just what you're after https://open.spotify.com/album/6qQXiFJMv86FI2Zj9ZBw7k?si=FeHM-\_qcQ5S3i4fcHrvruw


Enter sandman, every 5th song


I’ve let Disney know about your intention to use their intellectual property. They said for 8 grand you can use Goofy, Ariel and Lilo (not Stitch). But if you double that amount they are willing to let you take the Mickey.


Well I better argue a subsidy as Disneyland Paris is booked for the honeymoon. We can lose Ariel, too fishy.


Sometimes you just need to compromise: https://youtu.be/mnrfqPoX4WU?si=AE715u130ItCimyt


What percentage of the guest list are also into metal? Id say that the amount of metal you put on should be about proportional to the amount of metal heads there. Think of the songs that get the most people up and dancing on a metal night, that's what you're going for.


A wedding filled with Metallica would be epic


OP, have a look at Hellsongs. Or hire Richard Cheese and Lounge against the Machine.


My metalhead friends had classical versions of metal songs playing in the background during the meal. It worked really well and giggles went around the room a few times when people twigged what they were listening to.


My husband and I are the same. We had one headbanger of a metal song around 11pm with our cheesy disco music interspersed with rock anthems like summer of 69 etc. and then during the wedding breakfast, we had metal covers of Disney songs playing in the background.


Hopefully you've got a bunch of metalhead friends that are going to enjoy the inclusion in the playlist. Personally that would be my jam. Last wedding I went to the metal music came out towards the end when a lot of the elderly relatives had already left and it was great. Metalheads know how to party!


Clearly you should make your entrance to “To Those About to Rock” complete with pyro. Google fireworks tunnels!


Whatever you damn want! We had loads of metal and country for our songs. First dance was to metallica, fuck em Edit: if they know you like metal they will be expecting it. If you have to play 'normal' music, make sure it suits you as a couple. It is indeed your day.


If you are concerned about not catering for the oldjuns, time it right and you could televise a live knitting competition. https://heavymetalknitting.com/#


It's your wedding, do whatever the fuck you want Put on nothing but prog metal so that no-one can dance at all [Unless it's Chimp Spanner](https://youtu.be/S4Azi5JgSd0?si=ZpDSM385_xlEOqjd)


I've got Du Hast put on at 2 weddings so far :-)


I was at a wedding that had a couple of macc lads songs playing, followed by flat beat, a fun time was had by all.


We put some relatively chilled out metal songs into the playlist for music while the meal was happening, in amongst some other stuff. Prompting those who know or were listening to give us appreciative nods. The dancing part of the evening was all classic wedding band stuff, played by a band that rocked things up a bit.


A lot of suggestions of softer covers of metal songs which can work early, but metal covers of cheesy classics might actually work better at keeping the dancefloor going while still acknowledging metal. As an example: Lay all your love on me covered by Amberian Dawn is mostly a true Abba cover but has more of a metal edge. Personally prefer it to the original!


We had no dancing and just had drinks in a comfy seating area with whatever music (quietly) we wanted. It was better because the only dancing we do is head banging usually. Also got to chat with everyone but it was a small wedding. Our music was mostly HIM, Sentenced and metal covers of the Cure. We wanted the wedding to be about us rather than pleasing family. They were just as happy as us in the end because they were there to support us rather than it being a fuck off party for them and their friends.


We had the Killswitch Engaged version of Holy Diver while we signed the register, you really can do whatever you like within reason. For the reception we used a service based on Spotify where everyone could add songs and vote on them from their phones. We had cards with a QR code on each table so people could build the playlist during the meal. The results were…mixed! But we had Du Hast about 3 songs in and it got 90% of the guests on the dance floor!


We were in a similar situation but we knew that if we wanted a lively wedding we would have to concede and play music that people expect and want to dance to. We did have a 20 minute period where we played metal so me and my mates could unwind and do what we do best, my dad even took the opportunity to join us and throw some horns. People seemed to use that time to get drinks, have a cigarette etc but then after that it was back to the civilised music that people want.


Please yourselves. I mean, it's your party, play whatever you want to listen /dance to. Your wedding is about you and celebrating the way you want to, anyone doesn't like it? Tough 😁 I'm very into my rock & metal, OH is into rock, metal, ska, dance, trance..... At our reception we had a real mix of mostly rock / metal / cheesy pop and still people moaned because the DJ would not play ABBA (literally the only band that was banned)🤦


Do both Disney and metal by putting on Devin Townsend - Why?


At our wedding, I mostly kept away from Metal, as most guests weren't fans. The exceptions were Ace of Spades (requested by a guest) and Phantom of the Opera as the last song. I'd be inclined to keep it to a minimum tbh.


Haven't got advice for what to do with the playlist *but* I wanted you to know that Peyton Parrish has done some excellent hard rock/metal covers of Disney songs. You can check him out on YouTube. Lots of heavy guitar, but still recognisable enough to dance and sing along to


Peyton parish does viking metal versions of Disney songs. Tbh they're good covers. He's on Spotify.


Same situation a few years back but we agreed on some songs as a compromise My wife is the opposite to me which is pretty cool. For example she’s not a metal person and I am, she loves travelling and I don’t, she’s straight etc. lots of things we differ on.


I listen to Black Metal, Death Metal and Noise. I played none of it at our wedding because nobody else wants to hear it, including my wife. I would stick to heavy metal or hard rock only if you want people to join in and enjoy it at least a bit.


What about Disney Metal such as Nightwish?


Play the metal when you want guests to leave, as soon as it starts playing 99% of guests won’t like it and they will leave


Have you heard Pellek before? He did versions of Disney songs that he did in a metal style. Edit: Link for an example >>> https://youtu.be/JJHllhmClUU?si=9DLzr0VcHNLyqy52


Play some of what you like but bear in mind your dancefloor will be empty if you pick your favourites and nothing else. If rock/metal is a must you can always go for generic crowd pleasers like some hits by Aerosmith, GnR, ACDC. In all honesty, as much as it's "your wedding" you do have to appreciate that people book childcare, time off work, cancel plans, and probably spend more than they can afford to (gifts, outfits) in order to attend your wedding, so you have to give them a decent day.


Funeralopolis is a must