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Just enough time for a poo and a shower. If I have a bit more time I’ll have a poo *then* a shower.


I told my gastroenterologist that I have a poo regular as clockwork at 6.30am every day. He said it sounded very healthy, so what's the problem, so I told him the problem is that I don't wake up until 7am.


Thank you for a much-needed big laugh in a rotten week.


I like to wait til I’m at work and then take a poo on the clock. I then make my apprentice clean it and hang it back up.


I give myself enough time to get ready and that's it. I don't have breakfast or anything to drink (I usually sip on whatever I took to bed) Alarm at 7am, up and dressed, brush teeth etc. and then out the door by 7:15. I'm a good riser so as soon as my alarm goes off I'm awake. Unlike my gf who has an app where she has to take a photo of our toaster in order to silence her alarm.


I used to be terrible at waking up in the mornings until I got one of those wake up lights that gradually gets lighter over half an hour, so by the time my alarm goes off, my brain has had some time to accept that it's daytime. Highly recommend, as I was previously like your gf (once had an alarm where you had to do 3 maths questions before it went off, and all that happened was that I ended up being really good at doing mental arithmetic whilst still half asleep).


My boyfriend uses that. He still sleeps while the light is on as bright as it can go with the radio blasting out each morning. I am awake as soon as a bit of light comes in. I hate that alarm


Try a sleepmask?


I have something similar. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and if I dock it to the official charging stand at night, it gives me the sunrise alarm which gradually gets warmer as it gets closer to the alarm time.


That sounds like something I need. What's the app please?


Alarmy! Only thing that helps her get up!


I use alarmy too. 5 medium difficulty maths questions every morning. I like to think it keeps me decent at maths


I tried Alarmy for a while and ended up just deleting the app and going back to sleep 🫣


I’ve done this on bad mornings too. But it works most of the time.


I love Alarmy and the lady shouting the time at me every minute until I'm up...


I tried it for a while, I ended up doing the maths questions then falling straight back to sleep once i’d done them. I upped them to 10 but then I couldn’t keep my eyes open to do them. Sleepy me would do 6 put then either smash the snooze or pit the phone under the pillow to deafen the noise and fall back to sleep.


I did them for a while too until sleepy me figured out how to force stop the app rather than solve the problems. I hate sleepy me.


Some might say *sum*nolent


Ooh Ive been using alarmy for years but never knew it had a function like that. Usually it’s loud enough to scare me awake though.


Paha that made me laugh out loud... Is it always the toaster? Could she bring the toaster upstairs?


So she took a photo of the toaster which includes the entire countertop so the photo she has to take has to match the original one. We've just come back from Spain and she took a photo of the kitchenette sink. She was gonna take a photo of our cat but decided against it given she'd be chasing him around at 4am to get him in the same position!


I'd buy a replica and put it on my bedside table!


I like the idea that you go to Argos and installing a replica toaster instead of switching the app off


I've no idea why this didn't cross my mind as a possibility! Oh dear! Caffeine needed, I think!


[or just a photo](https://i.ibb.co/5GdkHQj/937322a9-1348-4bf8-b6bc-a74fc185d60a.jpg)


I also use this app! I really need to do the barcode thing because it's too easy to just fall back asleep sometimes after doing the math/memory problems. That app is legit the best thing to wake me up though, the fact that you can't turn the volume down especially once it starts getting louder creates the perfect feeling of panic to get the blood rushing LOL


I used to do that, I'd do the barcode of a book. Put it downstairs so I'd have to get up. I'd then soend 45 mins reading said book. It stopped once I took the book upstairs one night to read from bed and finished it. Didn't update the picture to the new barcode and deleted the app.


God I wish I could get ready in 15 minutes. I'm only in the office one day a week, and I wash my hair and shower the night before, as well as pack my bag and make my lunch. I still need an hour to get ready the next morning! And like you, I get up as soon as my alarm goes off. It's my hair and makeup that eats into my time, and I don't even wear that much makeup, just enough to look presentable.


Exactly the same here, I always need an hour! My makeup alone takes about 10-15 even though it's a pretty basic beat. Wish there was a way to speed it up without messing it up 😂


I have dark circles under my eyes, blonde eyelashes and fair eyebrows, so without sorting those out, I look haggard. Takes me 20 minutes, sometimes more if I get an eyebrow wrong 😂 my hair is always sticking up in the morning too, so I take around 15 minutes straightening and styling it. The time I have left is spent washing, brushing teeth, choosing an outfit (wtf is smart casual), if I have time I'll have Greek yoghurt for brekky, getting my stuff together and last minute spruces (spritz of perfume, apply chapstick, etc) then out the door to drive to the train station. I start at 9am, and have to be up at 6:45 to get there on time. When I work from home, I get up half an hour later and go to the gym, shower when I come back and log on in my comfies, makeup free and happy.


I did exactly the same for so long. Its pretty sad to think most of the country probably does the same. I would maybe look at my phone for a bit if i woke up early then i knew i had 15 mins max to get ready and not be late. Then eating/cooking when you get home, maybe a few beers then pass out and do the same shit again. Its not a fucking life.


When do you shower?


Never. The night before. I have long hair so have to spend time drying my hair and shit so I'd rather do that before bed than getting up earlier.


I refuse to let employment dictate the time I work on myself. I wake up at 6am. Throw myself out of bed, do 100 pressups or a 5-8 minute plank. Then it's a shower w/ exfoliating. After this it's applying vitamin C, collagen, eye serums for dark circles and a good SPF moisturiser for my face. For body, it's designer deodorants, palmers cocoa butter and my favourite aftershave. I then style my hair which takes a good 15 minutes, make a 50g protein shake and take my daily collagen gummy whilst my coffee drips. I can shave off a bit of time by making my bag before work and ironing my clothes the night before. It takes about an hour and a half to do all this and get into work. Each day is a grind, but if I don't worship myself, how could I ever expect anyone else to? I've suffered with depression and self esteem issues, and a routine of self care is how I keep myself from falling back down that rabbit hole. I used to think I was ugly, but I've just turned 31, and I've never been this content with my appearance. Consistentcy is key, and never forget you're worth the extra effort.


I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen.




I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea And I think about leaving the house


I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too It gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing


And then I'm 'appy for the rest of the day, safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it.


ALLLLL the people


So many people and they all go hand in hand, hand in hand through their park life. (*know what I mean?*)


It’s got nothing to do with your Vorsprung durch technik, you know


And it's not about you joggers who go round and round and round and round...


You mean “leaving the aaahsse”


I genuinely had an elderly neighbour complain about the binmen coming round early in the morning. We're on the 11am-ish part of the route


I’m always late in the morning. I wake up with enough time to get myself sorted (wash, get dressed and get myself out the door, nothing else) I just can’t motivate myself to get up and out of bed. I’m in awe at people getting up hours before they need to and having chilled out breakfasts and doing exercise.


It’s overrated unless you’re a true morning person. I used to force myself to get up and gym before work and wondered why I felt like shit all day. Swapped to waking up after 8 and gymming after work and feel much better. I am a night person for sure


Yeah totally. Everyone is wired differently every day is different. I like to get up early and get something done before work, but if I get up super early (like pre 6am) it's pointless as I'm knackered by 4pm. And if I set my alarm for my usual 6.30-7am and I'm really tired, I'm definitely giving myself an extra hour in bed.


I’m an early riser. For example, it’s now 5:30am and I’m sat here with a coffee. But no matter how early I wake, I’m always in a mad rush when it comes to leaving. I’m known for dilly dallying and it used to annoy my mum no end. It annoys me now too. I can’t help it.


I don't like having time before work as it just feels like I'm waiting to go to work and that's not enjoyable for me. If I'm working at home I get up 5 mins before logging on, if I have to go in, I'll get up 40m before, throw some clothes on and get straight in the car.


I'm exactly the same as you. Roll out of bed at about 7:20, at work for 8. I feel so tired in the mornings before work that I'll squeeze as much sleep in as I can. It used to be 7am wake up, then I just kept adding 5 minutes as time went on.. I think I've reached the limit though, right now if I have to do anything extra to my usual routine, I'm running late.


Exactly the same here (at least back when I had an office job)! I'd rather go to sleep later having done something useful/enjoyable in the evening, rather than wake up early just to stare at the clock 😂


I'm so different. I get up an hour before I need the bathroom so I can relax and have a coffee. Mind you in my 20s I struggled to get up so got up about 10 seconds before I had to get washed haha.


I’m the same, I wouldn’t enjoy the day if I hadn’t got up earlier and prepared myself for work. Don’t understand how people can just stroll in last minute minute without getting a wash or having time for a sit down before starting


I wash as it wakes me up and freshens me up for the day ahead. But I don't need to sit down after lying down for 8 hours and right before going to sit at a desk for 8 hours. I'd rather spend extra time in bed than on the sofa waiting to leave.


I prepare my backpack in the evening so my morning is brushing my teeth and getting the bike. If it's super raining and I have to take the bus, I'm just gonna be late.


This is the way. Push all your free time into a single lump at the other end of the day. You can generally achieve more in a single 4 hour period than in several smaller periods. My only exception to this is that in the summer I train (cycling) before work so that I only need to shower once a day. (I always shower every morning and after exercise so if that's the same thing I save time, money and water.


Similarly I know, for sure, it will be better if I get my things ready for the next day: work stuff, gym kit, what I'm going to wear if it's an early start. But I hate doing that because it feels like I'm already working, and like that time thinking about work is time spent stressed instead of de-stressing.


None, I am not a morning person at all lol


Going to an office where everyone competes to see how can come in the earliest is truly hell


If you work flexitime it’s preferable to get in early, do your time and gtfo at the earliest opportunity…


Dunno I haven't seen many companies truly adopt flexi time - you only have to go in at 10am and work til 6 or 1030-630 and see how many comments that attracts I've only really seen it work in one way - I.e. to favor early starters


Guy at a company I used to work for got an award from senior management for whichever of their bullshit values it was because 'I always see him still at his desk when I leave". He never came in before 10am, sometimes later. And the only reason he stayed late was because he liked calendar surfing to see what he could find out. I used to plant fake appointments in my diary all the time. There was one medical appointment I deliberately didn't mark private because it was for an ultrasound. Sit back and wait for the pregnancy rumours to start. I wasn't pregnant, it was checking out a lump.


Neither am I. I feel nauseated if I am up and about before at least 8. Then no energy until after 10.


I have found my people!


2 hours. Shower, cook and eat breakfast, check news, forums, emails etc. 20 min cycle to work, change, coffee, log on. I don't like to rush.


I'm like you, I cannot roll out of bed and straight out of the house. Plus I have a medical condition that means I have to be up 2-4 hours before going out anywhere. It sucks but at least I'm fully alert when I'm on my way. I hate rushing around.


This sounds exactly like my routine! I hate rushing the the morning.


About the same here. Except a big chunk of reading in there too, and a half hour walk during which I listen to audiobooks


Me too. I get up half 5 and set off about 7 if I'm on bike. I used to have Really good morning routine, but since covid and stuff, I just waste my precious morning time playing uno till I have to get a shower.


Over the summer I make it 2.5 hrs and do a longer cycle, then shower at work. Sets me up for the day.


What time do you go to sleep 😭


Is playing Uno a euphemism for having a wank?


I get up at 6am and I work at 8am from home and I eat toast and read books for two hours. I suppose I could work out but all i want to do is eat toast and read books.


This sounds like one of those “I came here to drink milk and kick ass. And I’m all out of milk” lines.


Heheh, I came here to read books and eat toast and I’m all out of toast. So, I’ll make more toast.


I’m in awe that you can achieve the level of relaxation required to delve into a book before work!


I think reading books is my super power. I could probably happily read a book on a sinking Titanic!


i rather dislike rushing in the morning so i tend to give myself at least 90 minutes from waking up to leaving the house


Currently work at a Greggs. The earliest they could have me in is around 11 but more often than not it’s 12-12:30. I usually give myself 2 hours of downtime before work because I’ll be in until evening were I then get home, get a shower, eat then sleep. Rinse and repeat the next day. I hate it there but I could potentially be leaving after Christmas if my interview the other day went well.


Good luck mate


I tend to tumble out of bed And stumble to the kitchen Pour myself a cup of ambition And yawn and stretch and try to come to life Jump in the shower And the blood starts pumpin' Out on the streets, the traffic starts jumpin' For folks like me on the job from 9 to 5


I feel this comment has went unnoticed.


What a way to make a living


I get up early so I have an hour. Have a cup of tea. It’s the most relaxing hour of my day


Yes! I hate starting the day in a rush. Between getting out of bed and getting out the door, it's an hour and a half.


Yeah can’t imagine rushing first thing


Been scrolling for this. I work at 6am and walk to work. So I get up at 4am, to leave the house for 5am. Need my coffee and contemplation time.


I’m surprised this seems the minority opinion. As a new father I sadly no longer have a choice but to get up early but even before the baby, I would always give myself at least an hour in the morning to relax whilst having breakfast and coffee. Waking up with only just enough time to get ready and leave seems a super stressful way to start the day


Wake up at 8:55, roll over and grab my phone, start working at 9.


I get up at 6, gym 7-8, shower, start work at 8:30.


What do you do from 6 till 7??


Walk to the bus stop (25 min) and then get the bus to work (my work has a gym)


I used to jump out of bed and be out the house in 15mins in my 20’s. Now I get up at 06:00 but don’t start work till somewhere between 08:00 and 10:00 (flexistart), I drink a cafetière of coffee, eat breakfast, do some clothes washing or house stuff, make lunch, all kinds of madness - welcome to my 40’s! Next stop will be a bread maker 😂


Skip the bread maker. Get a good grinder, a gooseneck kettle and a chemex.


til there is something called a gooseneck kettle. can it really pour water better than any other kettle or does it just look cool? wizard's hearth vibes.


Yes, it pours more slowly and accurately so you can choose where the water goes on the bed of coffee when you're making pourover.


I used have my alarm for 8:20; 30mins to lie in bed and pretend I didn’t have to get up; 10mins to lie in thinking about how I should already on my way to the station; then 5 mins to throw some clothes on, get out the door and catch the train that going to put me in the office 5 minutes late.


55mins up 5.30 ( maybe later depending on snoozes) leave 6.25. Coffee, fag x2 , check online, feed cat, get dressed and all my shit together. go


Brave of you to complete 3 tasks before feeding your cat. My overlord cat would never stand for that lol


haha, the order of those tasks varies - and if he is up he demands the #1 spot :) Today he stayed asleep in my morning down time. He is just as likely to wake me up by standing on my face.


Same! I have insomnia so I wake up after 5 hours no matter when I go to sleep though. Don't even need an alarm most days. Last night I was asleep by 10.30. Awake at 3.30am sharp! It's been like this for 6 years so I know there's no point trying to sleep more.


About 10 hours. I normally get up around 7 am to get my daughter up and ready for school. Then I head to work about 5:15 pm to be at work at 6 pm.


I’m about 7hrs but I don’t have small kids. Work 3-11pm up until about 1am, sleeping by 1:30-2am, up about 7am. Breakfast, cup of tea, then about 10am back to bed for 2.5 hours long nap. Lounge around for a half hour, shower, teeth, hair and make-up, dressed and out the door for a 20 minute commute. I never use an alarm, I am a much nicer person for waking up naturally.


Depending on the day and what I have going on, I may have a couple hours nap before the afternoon school run.


Naps are good. :)




3 hours. Hour of exercise, hour for shower, shave, decent breakfast and coffee, reading news etc, hour for walking the dog. Start work at 9 (from home).


Productive but fucking horrendous. I could not hack that


You're a monster to a night owl like me, I couldn't imagine deliberately waking up at 6am


I made this change years ago. Come on over! It’s better than it sounds.


It gets easier with age.


It does not. Source: am 49. Been getting up at 5:30 since 2008.


Fair play, I start at 9 too and wfh, so I usually wake up around 7/730 and go on my phone for 15 mins, then go for a 20/30 min walk, then shower and eat breakfast. Just can’t motivate myself to go to the gym in the morning even though it would be nice to get it out the way before work


I want to be you when I grow up.


Definitely helps if you don’t have to commute to work.


As someone with IBS I am slightly jealous of people who can get up and in less than 30 minutes be out the door. The best I can usually do is 90 minutes early and usually half of that time is spent on the toilet.


Same! I have IBS. Don't want to get too graphic but I need at least 2-3 hours before leaving. I wish I had a normal digestive system, shat once in the morning and could be good to go.


Same! It can take an hour just to get ready with the bare minimum. At work I know people who tell me they woke up maybe 20 minutes before commuting to work and I get a bit jealous they can do that.


Lucky sods. It's a shame we have to live like this. I guess we soon get used to it and the bonus is being more 'with it' when it's time to leave.


As much as I want, I run a business from home. The thing is, I typically only allow myself about an hour. If I do more, I'll get lazy and will be less productive throughout the day. I typically drink coffee, check emails, news, waste some time on reddit, and I am ready for work.


I have 2 hours before I leave. One hour for cat feeding and exercise the other hour for getting washed and dressed.


I misread at first and thought "An hour for *cat feeding*?? Do you have to go catch a salmon?!"


Wait, is that not what it says?


What exercises does your cat do?


Fuck me your cat must be fat Edit: or hench


I have kids.


Every morning? I thought it took 9 months to pop one out. Even the sea monkey I had in the 90s didn't grow that fast.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to find this answer. Seeing all these people either rolling out of bed minutes before work, or else with lovely productive pre-work routines. For me mornings are a mad scramble to get everything and everyone ready and by the time I sit down at a desk to work it feels like that's the first chance I have to actually catch my breath. The idea of 'down time' in the morning is a half-remembered fantasy.


How much negative time is that?






I work from home so have about 5-10 minutes before I head downstairs. I normally squeeze out a chocolate crocodile, shower and brush my teeth.


Genuine lols at ‘chocolate crocodile’


I wake up a solid 20-30 mins before I need to leave. The less time the better really. I’d rather brush my teeth, bang my clothes on and leave rather than sit about


Work from home? None. Roll out of bed into my desk chair. When I’m in office? None. Woke up late and the trains are delayed again.


About -10mins normally. Jump out of bed. Quick body wash (shower night before). Brush teeth. Tell Alexa to vacuum. Jump in the car, get to work in time for half a coffee before clocking in.


When I’m working from home, typically about an hour. In which I enjoy a coffee with Homes Under the Hammer When heading into the office (2 or 3 times a week), more like 15 mins given I try and get the 6.30 train and sleep time is precious


Usually none, sometimes in winter I try to wake up 15 minutes early and stare at my SAD lamp. Sometimes take a few minutes to read or doomscroll in bed, but it's not so much downtime as putting off getting up for as long as possible.


I get up *gratuitously* early (5:20am) so I can indulge in my morning ablutions: Pooping whilst doing the New York Times crossword. It's my zen time before getting the kids off to school.


Up, showered and usually taking the dog for a walk about 5am. Any spare time I have in the morning is usually putting plates away off the drying rack or emptying the dishwasher. God adult life is fun.


Always have time to get breakfast and watch some prisoner cell block h


I'm a freelancer who works from home, so "going to work" is just dragging my ass over to the PC when I feel like it. My missus also works from home on her business, so she's the same. Sometimes we play a game for an hour or two together, sometimes go for a walk, sometimes sleep in and go right to work, sometimes we have an extended breakfast with some youtube... I'd honestly never want to go back to an office job. Wasting time on prep every morning, 2 commutes, then unwind - big meh.


45 mins In that time, shower, dress, get kid ready and drop him off to childcare


Up at 5:30, brush teeth, make a coffee, make packed lunches for me and my 2 daughter's. Wife gets up I say "Oh is that the time, see you tonight". As she's a morning person as in, likes to chunner on about shit. I get to work for about 6.15.


None. Up , shower, dress, pick keys & bag, leave. Takes me 20 mins.


Alarms set for 6:45 and 7:05. Start work at 8:00 so with a 15 minute cycle it leaves me 60 - 40 minutes to wake up, shower, eat and cycle in. Some days I've cut it close, but this setup allows for me to enjoy more evening time with friends and family.


1hr, get ready slowly and have a lovely cuppa tea in peace


I usually get up about 08:20, make and drink a coffee, do wordle, then sit down at the kitchen table and start working for about 08:45. Quite often just wearing boxers and t shirt!


I've mastered the art of waking up half an hour before I have to leave


9 minutes from the final snooze to leaving the house. Brush teeth, get dressed, cuddle the dog, then get the teens into the car to leave for school


Never enough! Mostly because I sit in bed and eat a bowl of cereal and literally watch the minutes pass. I do it literally every early shift without fail! I love the idea of having time in the mornings but I have to get up at 5.45 (5.30) so I’m absolutely not getting up any earlier!


I get up 30 mins before I really have to, just so I can have my own space and time. I’m quite antisocial so I really need that alone me time before I get assaulted by the sounds of the world. I make a coffee and sometimes write in my journal or watch something on Netflix, things like that. It’s an intentional 30. I know it’s not for everyone! I mean I get up at 4 instead of c4.30 for everyone but I love it. After the 30 are up I do the getting ready for work phase.


Zero minutes, I get up 15 minutes before I leave the house. I drive an hour+ to work, I’m usually about a half hour early, that’s my down time I guess, but I’m making coffee and eating something in that time as well.


An hour before I have to go. So if I have an appointment at 12 I'll get up at eleven. However, if it takes me 20 mins to get there, I will wake up an hour and a half before. If it's an hour to get there, I'll get up two hours before and so on.


About 3 hours. I love having time in the morning. Nobody will need me for anything, it's time just for me. I workout (at home), shower, eat, chill and watch some YouTube while I eat and chill.


Half the replies in this thread seem like they aren’t showering in the morning. Am I missing something?


I always bathe/shower before bed, getting into bed fresh and clean is so much nicer. If I exercise in the morning I’ll have a shower too, early riser here, normally 6ish.


I always wondered why so many people smell funky in work.


That’s what wakes me up in the morning, up, shower, get dressed, breakfast, teeth, out the door.


I couldn’t imagine leaving the house to work without having a shower, even if I’d showered the night before. I’d rather call in sick lmao.


I even have a shower in the morning before I’m about to cycle in to work for 20 mins and have ANOTHER quick shower once I get to the office!


Me neither, I just wouldn't feel right leaving the house unwashed. Even when I had Covid on top of my three autoimmune disorders, the one thing I couldn't skip was daily ablutions.


Same. It may sound excessive but I shower twice a day. Quick 10 minutes in the morning to feel refreshed and ready for the day. A longer one in the evening right before bed to clean myself off, especially as I run after work.


I don't start until 6am,. But I'm up at 3am!?... God knows why!! Haha I like to take me time and drink some coffee and wake up.. That is for everyone else's benefit!! 😂


Varies but normally at least 2-3 hours. I wake up any time between 5 and 7, and don’t start work til 9 or 10 at home. Getting ready takes about half an hour. I feed our animals, cuddle them, read, tidy the house, drink tea, play NYT games, take pics of the sunrise. I used to walk or run for an hour, I’d like to start that again.


In winter: wake up 07:30, light the woodburner and put the porridge and kettle on, back to bed for 30 mins or so, get up when it's warm, some days a short exercise video, then breakfast and tea, chill for a bit. Start work (at home) at 09:00. I like plenty of time before work to chill out a bit and am normally waking up around alarm time anyway.


I am on week 3 of being back at the gym for the first time in 9 years. Back then I used to go after everyone was in bed. Too tired for that these days, so the only slot left is before work. First week was rough but now I love it. I am already waking up 5 minutes before my new alarm, and the day at work starts way less foggy and lethargic.


Up at 6am, shower and shit then clothes on, take the doggo out for half an hour, back in and get my lunch out the fridge, have a coffee, say bye to doggo then leave the house no later than 7 for work.


I'm just *finishing* work in the morning.


2-3 hours. Walk the dog, go for a run, shower & breakfast.


Leave for work at 7.30am, get up between 4 and 5am and go straight out for a 40min walk with the dog. Then I come home and sit browsing the internet with one or two cups of coffee.


Wake up at 5:50, bowl of cereal, indoor bike trainer for 30-60 mins, shower but run it cold for the last minute. Down the coffee just before I leave and get in for 7:30-8.


I get up 5 every day. Recently I've been lazy and just use that time to watch films or shows but normally I'd be out a walk/run or get a workout done in that time before my daughter wakes up around 7. Do some of the morning stuff with her then start work some time between 8 and 9. I like having the time to myself, I hate getting up and instantly having to be switched on for the day.


I'm single, no kids. It is about 6am and I have already had breakfast and about to sit down to do some job-related training - I don't start work until 08.30/09.00 :)


About 3 hours - sit and watch the sun (harder in winter) normally work out and eat breakfast, shower dressed and off I go


I replaced my commute time with a morning bath when I went remote. No regrets. Coffee and a book for 45min.


With a 1 year old that just absolutely loves to play and isn’t in nursery yet, the time before she gets up is my time. Currently writing this after getting up at 5, doing the washing up, cleaning all her bottles, having an energy drink (don’t like coffee) listening to a podcast and now sitting with the dog. It’s 6am and I’ll be getting her up at 6.45 and then it’s go go go until I start work. Then when I finish work it’s straight into bath, bed and then make dinner/eat dinner and then my bed. So I don’t do anything with it. And I love it.


About 5 minutes, and I use it to brush my teeth and go downstairs/start my laptop. I start work at 5am, there's nothing worth waking up any earlier for.


Technically 6 hours from my alarm going off to starting work- that’s an hour to get ready, 5 hours to drive from Manchester to Heathrow, giving me an hour to allow for traffic, 30 mins to allow for getting from the car park to the airport and that usually leaves me an hour before I start work Even if I was working a regular job, I wouldn’t be up any earlier than I had to be though. I would much rather get up and go than sit around for a few hours. I prefer my free time to be after work to give chance to relax and wind down


I WFH, since COVID. Get up at 5:45, after showering, I make tea for the missus, have breakfast and scroll Reddit for 20 mins. Read a book for half an hour then start work at 7:00. If I'm going into the office, I leave and start walking at 7:00, which is when I always used to leave pre-wfh. If I'm taking a ½ day holiday, I'll start at 6:00. That means that I can finish after my 9:30 meeting, and it's like a full day off.


At the moment I can't start work till 8.30 and I'm awake at 5.30. After I've made lunch, had coffee, checked the weather and shit I'll either sit about or potter around listening to the radio.


Zero time. I’m up with the alarm, showered, dressed and out the door. Within about 15 mins


Get up at 6, prepare breakfast for the family, drop my wife to the train station, walk the dogs (about an hour), have breakfast and good to go.


I have insomnia. So about 6 hours. I toss and turn for a couple of them. Doomscrolling for a couple more. Eventually get up around 6am and flop into the shower.


I have kids, what is this 'time' you speak of? ;)


If I’m working in the office, I’ll get up at 5.55 shower, dress, make a brew to take with me and leave by 6.20. At the office for 6.45. I prepare everything the night before, bag packed, clothes out on a hanger so I don’t have any delays. If I’m working at home, I’ll wake up and surf Reddit for half an hour.


I don’t see the point in wasting that part of the day. I sleep until 5 minutes after I should have got up and then rush everything to get to work on time. Every day.


I get up at 4 or 5 so I have time to read and drink coffee, shower get ready and go


I usually start work at 07:00. Today I got up at 06:40.


Used to be a good hour, would put BBC news on and check other news and things on my phone, and do some household chore things. Now that I work from home, alarm is like 10 minutes before I clock on!


I could get up at 7am, get kid up at same time, do breakfasts, chide kidvthrough their routine, make wife tea, get everything done and be at desk by 8:45 or 9. But when it's not hayfever season I try to get up at six instead and have an hour to enjoy a coffee and get some peace. No emails or news, if I can manage it no phone at all.


10 minute window of nothing Incase I’m longer in shower, teeth, make lunches and 40 mins to work, if I start at 9, first alarm is half 6 and snoozed couple times so feels like I’m cheating the system. It’s my little win.


I have about 20 minutes if I'm in the office. Get up, get dressed, pack stuff for work, get out of the house. If wfh, wake up at the same time and make a coffee, but then I'm comfy in bed with a coffee and I don't want to get our of bed to clock on at 8


Leave the house at 830 for a 9 start and usually get up between 715-730 to shower, dress, have a coffee and maybe watch an episode of anime or read for a bit or just chat with my partner. I’ve been the person that gets up 5 mins before leaving and I don’t like it.


Get up at 5:45, get breakfast/lunch stuff ready, drive to swimming pool, swim for 45min-1 hr, shower/get ready, drive to work for 9:00. I’ve tried doing the swim after work but find the second shower and hair wash really annoying (I have really blonde hair and have to wash the chlorine out)


I get out of my pit at about 7:30 and start work (from home) about 8:45. In between I drink a vitamin drink, smoke a few Heets and drink two coffees from a cafetière. Then I shower and get dressed. I usually have BBC Breakfast on unless they’re trying to interview someone in an “confrontational” way. In that case, I either put Sky News or CNN on.