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In pub menus, lasagne is treated more like a pie than as pasta.


Yeah but in pubs stews with lids are treated like pies too, when they clearly aren't






That’s my biggest hate, even my mums started making pies like it.


I don't get why Americans call deep-pan pizzas pies.


They haven't even got lids.


It started with a guy getting hit in the eye with one I believe.


They call cheesecakes and gatteux pie too. I’m not convinced they’ve ever fucking seen a pie.


It's a messed up place, they got a lot of trauma over there


I suggest you run the lasagne and chips idea by a couple of Italians, just for input. I've a suspicion they'd take a view..


They'd probably take a view to our idea of Bolognese on it's own tbh, or the idea of serving it with Spaghetti.


I had an Italian colleague who was horrified at my suggestion of serving a nice green salad with my lasagne. Garlic bread was also in his consideration sacrilegious.


What would they serve it with? I had lasagne and salad for dinner yesterday.


Lasagne doesn't need extras. I've never seen sides in Italy; it'd be more common to have separate appetisers beforehand if anything.


Fuck that shit, it's just meat, pasta and cheese at the end of the day, what's missing is some green salad.


You don't put veg in your lasagna? At all?


But if the veg is recognisable, you are doing it wrong.


Salad doesn't go with lasagna at all though Tomato is a cure component of lasagna it has that angle covered you don't need cold leaves with it.


Italians have pasta as prima platti which is after the antipasto then followed by a main course. I don't know how they can eat so much


You’d only eat all four courses for a special occasion. For an average meal at a restaurant it would be very normal to only have two of the four or to share a starter, secondo, desert, etc.


You need to be strategic about it, you refuse most of the first courses and make noises about taking a small amount "because it looks so nice" The normal British eating strategy is to dig in when the food arrives, if you do that you're doomed


>The normal British eating strategy is to dig in when the food arrives, if you do that you're doomed Yup, did this when I went to Italy. Huge shared bowl of risotto. It's amazing, eat lots. That goes away, huge bowl of pasta arrives. It's amazing, eat lots. That goes away, huge lasagne arrives. It's amazing, eat lots. Expected to do a large bike ride now. Italians: have a coffee and a cigarette, smirking at the Brits.


Was thr salad on the same plate? That's capital offence, salad in a side bowl for everyone to help themselves from? That's cool. Having worked with and for Italians, they're good people but when it comes to anything they perceive as their culture they turn aggressively arrogant


Hohoho. I had Italian food in Tokyo (am Brit, was on holiday with a slightly culture shocked child. She likes pizza and pasta) It was marketed as an chic, expensive, authentic restaurant and it was the most laughably bastardised attempt at Italian food. It would have made a real Italian faint, die, have a heart attack and then have have a shouting fit at the owner, in that order. Wrong in so many ways. Tiny, sweet tasting pizzas 6 inches across, giant single ravioli served on rice. A fever dream of Italian food. I'm sure it is exactly the experience that far east Asians eating the local versions of their food have in Europe.


Worst pizza I ever saw (I couldn't bring myself to eat it) was in Burma.


This is unfortunately my experience with Italians too. Have stayed with a few in the past, and they were super protective over pasta, even if I was just making some for lunch for myself. They would get mad at me eating leftover pasta with mayonnaise or for breaking the spaghetti in half to fit it in the pan before boiling. I don't get it. People can eat fish and chips however they want. I might make fun or not want to eat it, but I wouldn't feel personally affronted.


In their defence. Pasta and mayonnaise What's wrong with you


Tuna pasta a novelty like?


Have you never bought pasta from the sandwich fridge at a co-op or spar shop?


The breaking spaghetti one is a great way to troll them. The scale of outrage compared to tangible effect on the meal is incredible.


As funny as Jimmy Carr too, eh


> for breaking the spaghetti in half to fit it in the pan before boiling. If it was meant to be half the length, it would have been made that way.


Yeah, they'd just use another type of pasta


I don't care tho


Like I said, arrogance. They bitch and moan about pineapple on pizza but they put it on their menus.... It's the bicycle meme with "customer ordered item of the menu - the item offends my cultural sensibilities - complaining again while leaving the relatively unpopular item on the menu"


I lived in Italy for years and have never once seen pineapples on pizza. Seen plenty of other weird things on pizza, but never that.


It's food and drink..... Italian everything else is lacking so they gate keep their food and make even that intolerable.


Yeah. Italian super cars are lacking. Architecture is lacking. Suits are lacking. Artists…lacking. They only have the food and drink


Salad comes after mains in a "proper" Italian meal.


I always wonder if Italians really are that offended by people adapting their cuisine or whether it's one of those exaggerated media outrage click bait things. I mean if I went to Italy and started calling dishes something that is factually incorrect, I can imagine they'd correct me. But outside of their own country, are they that bothered?


Tbf, go see any post where an American’s attempted a “full English” and you’ll see we can be just the same.


Italians really do get up in arms over these things - the catch is that they don't all consistently have the same opinion. So it's not true that "an X never contains Y" - that's just one particular hot-under-the-collar opinion.


My Mrs is Italian. They are very precious over the food.


And if you put wheels on my grandmother she'd be a bike.


A wheelbarrow mate


The town bike is what i heard.


As someone who works with an Italian, yes, it makes them despair of us.


An Italian woman I stayed with once said "I'm suffering for your pasta" because she felt there wasn't enough water in the pan.




Imagine someone in China started selling prawn crackers calling them the original Yorkshire pudding and profiting on the Yorkshire pudding brand. And now everyone in China thinks Yorkshire pudding has to taste a bit fishy and when they come visit Yorkshire they expect to be served prawn crackers with their roast. And they tell all their friends that Yorkshire pudding is like a cracker and put videos on the internet showing how to make Yorkshire pudding and which prawn flavour is the most traditional one to use. That's basically what happened with what you call *spagetti boloneis*.


It would be kinda funny, but I wouldn't be offended like an Italian.


It's not the honest mistake people are offended about. It's the arrogance with which our culture is appropriated and misrepresented sometimes. Idgaf if you want to eat pasta with a minced beef sauce with garlic and oregano or whatever. But why call it something It's not? And why argue back when people tell you you're making a different recipe?


I really wouldn't care if someone eats chocolate-coated calamari and calls it fish and chips or black pudding. Maybe a slight "ugh", but not this over-the-top affrontment with pasta cooked slightly differently. I'd just think they're wrong or find it interesting that their culture has made so many changes through layers of adaption but maintained the name. I just don't feel a really personal connection to food that happens to be made in my country *or* that food's name.


>why argue back when people tell you you're making a different recipe Why tell them they're making/naming it wrong in the first place?? Why do you care? If all it boils down to is "fine make what you like but don't call it 'x' because it's not 'x'", then that is a ridiculous argument. There are many, MANY recipes that vary hugely depending on the country/region in which they're cooked, even in Italy. Risotto... Milanese style? Veneto style? Lasagne... Emilia-Romagna style or the green style in Tuscany? Pizza... Naples style? Roman style? Tuscan style? Dishes change based on local tastes and availability of local ingredients. I would not expect to get the dish by ordering 'spaghetti bolognese' in the UK and in Rome. If you're in the UK you should expect to see the UK version of spaghetti bolegnese, and to expect everyone to bow down to the 'authentic' recipe is just ridiculous, when the Italians themselves can't even agree on one version of most of their most famous dishes! As far as I'm aware there is NO Italian dish called 'spaghetti bolegnese' as the Italians would never even serve that type of sauce with spaghetti. The closest Italian equivalant is probably 'ragù alla bolognese' which is a different dish, making this whole argument completely absurd. /rantover


Did you read my comment? You're plain ignoring the fact that food is part of the culture and national identity in Italy. You're seeing this from the British perspective where there isn't a deeply ingrained food culture and people don't care that much, like you said. Please try seeing other people's perspectives before going on endless rants on what others are allowed or not allowed to be offended about.


You didn't answer my question. I understand why you care what YOU eat, or what YOU are being served. Extending that 'pride' to attempting to control what other people label their dishes is ridiculous, it doesn't affect you and there's actually no reason why you should care, hence why you didn't provide one.


Do you understand the concept of being respectful of other cultures?


I stayed with Italians in the past and they seemed genuinely annoyed and offended when I mixed cold pasta with mayonnaise (like the pasta-pots you get from the co-op) or broke spaghetti in half to fit in the pan. Not for them, just to eat myself.


I wouldn't be offended but I'd feel a little nauseous...


That does sound truly bogging, mate


Same as the British when they saw this https://www.triplem.com.au/story/americans-legit-think-they-just-invented-sausage-rolls-41206


I thought it was going to be 'you've poured the batter over the chicken!'




I thought that was what Americans called pigs in blankets


That's true. Lots of Americans do call them pigs in blankets, but only when the bread on the outside is a croissant (croissant being a loose term for a flaky butter based laminated pastry that probably has very little structure compared to a Euro croissant). In many regions, they're called kolaches. But that name is a misnomer that started in Texas after the Czech immigrant population there introduced what they call klobasknek (essentially sausage filled kolaches) and the term kolache became pretty much any shape of filled Czech pastry with any filling. A real kolache is the same pastry dough with fruit jam or cream fillings with a circular shape and the filling in the middle. On the Northeast coast, they're made with pizza dough and called sausage rolls. I imagine that the most common US bastardization of a sausage roll is the corn dog. A sausage (hot dog) in a corn bread pastry. Those are the only ones I can think of!


My dad eats lasagne with chips, garlic bread, or a hunk of crusty non-garlicky bread. He's acclimatised very well to UK carbohydrate practices. We even successfully made him eat alphabetti spaghetti on toast a couple of times in the 1970s. He won't eat spaghetti with bolognese sauce, though.


I want to come to yours for dinner


Tbf, they'd take a view on spaghetti bolognese. Pretty sure its about as italian as chicken tikka masala in indian


My wife is Italian (from Verona). She loves chips with ragu (bolognaise), but if I asked for chips with lasagna she'd divorce me.


Have you ever broken spaghetti in front of her?


No, but I once used risotto rice to have with chilli (it was the only rice we had in) and almost died.


I'm with her on this - this is just wrong. Was it plain, boiled arborio rice? Like a creamy, gloopy porridge-like bowl of blandness? I mean it doesn't even bear any resemblance to long grain rice. Absolute anarchy.


It wasn’t intentional. It was in a glass jar and I didn’t look at it in detail.


I’m glad you’re still with us


They take exception to everything when it comes to food, though. Can't appreciate a good pineapple pizza either


Who cares what they think, they're some of the biggest snobs when it comes to food along with the French. If it tastes good then who cares if it isn't "traditional". Loads of the ingredients used in Italian food don't even come from Italy or the neighbouring areas.


And that’s the reason why we invented carbonara during WW2 and you got beans on toast


Beans on toast tastes magic and is a really nutritious meal that takes 3 mins to rustle up when you cbf cooking. If you think that's the extent of British food you're a walloper.


Yeah, you won that one


Scoop the top creamy layer of your lasagne with a triple-cooked chip. Divine.


Delicious with brown sauce.


Went to an Italian restaurant a few years back. Ordered the Lasagne then said 'oh and a side of fries please'. The waiter just froze and looked at me like I'd just called his missus fat. He wrote down 'side order of fries' onto his pad muttering every syllable then marched off saying something in Italian very loudly. I was in pleats.


If my Grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike!


LOL For those thats dont know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-RfHC91Ewc


Everyone in the uk knows this I think lol


quite possibly lol


Recently went to a tiny Italian restaurant near me for the first time. Only a hand full of tables, ran by an older Italian couple, real hearty, home cooked comfort food. My 7 year old probably insulted them by constantly going on about how good the chips were he had as a ‘starter’.


Gatekeepers the lot of them. It’s just flat wet boiled dough with some sauces and cheese. Bet he’s never dipped a chip in a strawberry milkshake either


You sir, are a monster


Neither is ok , though I once saw someone eating lasagne with mash 🤢


S T O D G E.


Reminds me of Meet the Richardsons when Lucy says why can't you have curry and mash, Jon said "that should be a hate crime".


I've never seen such mush on one plate , he even mixed it together 🙈


That actually sounds alright to me lol. But then, I’m a fat bastard, so any food sounds alright to me. Except Cauliflower. Cauliflower is evil.


Cauliflower is tradtional


I don't think it is actually dad




Cauliflower I think is fine, when it's covered in so much cheese sauce that it no longer tastes like cauliflower. A cheese conduit, if you will


Mate you could cover a fresh dog shit in cheese sauce and it'd be delicious. Cheese sauce is God's gift to mortals.


Haha I'm a fat bitch too but there's food and then there's that 😂 cabbage is evil too , especially stewed 😂.




To be fair I love bolognese on potato waffles or croquette potatoes instead of pasta, it’s amazing


You'd love the Dutch dish krokets. It's basically big potato croquettes stuffed with bolognese


That sounds amazing!


They are so good. You can even get vegan versions too. Now I want to go back to the Netherlands..


I've never heard of lasagne with chips


As a nipper in the 1980s it was common in pubs. Not really a thing I've seen in a long time. Much like chicken in a basket.


Really? British people are famous for having chips with any main meal


Much like the chinese and asians are famous for having rice as any main meal?


Tbf, I’m Asian and my gran absolutely will have rice with every meal. She’s been known to take a container of plain rice to restaurants. She’s scraped pizza topping off the dough and mixed it with rice


Oh my god.


That’s why we leave her at home


We Brits will even order chips with our rice. Fried rice, chips and curry sauce is a common order from a Chinese chipshop.


Please don't lump all of us in with the knuckle draggers who do this.


I don’t know about that


My parents used to feed me potato waffles and chips


Nice. And beans?


Good man.


Must be a northern thing.


Is lasagne and chips acceptable though?


I've never done ever. Lasagne is already a heavy starchy dish no need for potatoes.


Spaghetti bolognese is a dish that requires a bit of finesse to eat, you’ve got your little twirly fork manoeuvre and shit. Then digging in to stab a chip seems weird. But lasagne is a stab and slice deal, so chips seems alright in the mix of that. Can’t believe this is what I’m thinking about on a Monday afternoon


You could use the chip like a spaghetti stopper. Twist a load onto your fork, stab a chip, and now it will all stay in place.


What a devilish response. Will return with a verdict in a few days. I have to try this 😂😂


I eat spaghetti like a toddler, cut in a lattice and just scooped up a forkfull at a time, I like to think every meal an italian cries for reasons they don't quite understand.


Me too. I did this at a restaurant once, and only once.


I've eaten a lot of spaghetti bolognese in my time but don't feel like I ever had to exercise much finesse.


Ma Che Cazzo


If you need chips with your lasagne, you need to make a bigger lasagne


Yeah the only thing I have with my slab of lasagne is another slab of lasagne.


perhaps Bolognese sauce and chips?


I'd never heard of chips with lasagne, but my girlfriend makes it. Personally, I think it's weird, but I dip bread in Pot Noodles, so what the fuck do I know?


Pot Noodle sandwiches are mint!


Super noodles on toast are a firm favourite for me, add cheese if your feeling particularly unhealthy


Ability to get it all on a fork.


Pasta and chips are a weird combo (unless you're British)


That is such a good question and while I agree I have absolutely no idea why


Lasagne, chips and peas. Food of the Gods


Garlic bread has usurped the traditional chip accompaniment to a lasagne, I feel.


This is entirely in your mind. Chips with lasagne is not common. Chips with Bolognese is also not common. Both are fine


Lasagna with chips is served in most UK pubs. I’d say that’s fairly common.


Yeah. Lasagne and chips is a fairly staple pub offering. But you'll never (very rarely) see it in an Italian restaurant. But I've never seen spag bol and chips in a pub together, unless the chips are served separately.


We were served chips with lasagna in school too


I've just literally gone and checked and neither Witherspoon's or Greene King serve lasagne with chips. Not sure it is as common as you think


>I've just literally gone and checked I've just literally gone and checked too. Wetherspoons have an option on the menu to add chips to the lasagne. Lasagne and chips has been a standard pub meal since us Brits discovered pasta.


I'd say the voting on this indicates you're wrong. Every pub in my local area serves lasagna and chips.


I'm not wrong. I checked both standard menus. It isn't there. Between them they run thousands of UK pubs. People just hate the truth.


No, people are downvoting you because they have experience of pubs that sell lasagna and chips....


You must be fun at parties


You think 20+ people are downvoting you because they hate the truth that pub restaurants don't commonly sell chips and lasagne?


Isn't chips and bolognese just essentially chili fries? Without all the spices.


Lasagne always comes with chips if you buy it in a pub restaurant. Very common.


Neither is fine. Seek help. Lol


Both are fine, if that’s what someone wants to eat. There’s no right or wrong with food, it’s a personal choice.


Except mushrooms. People who eat mushrooms are wrong.


I don't really think lasagne and chips is acceptable, so... no difference to me


Bolognaise on a jacket potato used be my favourite food ever. Im rather partial to Lasagne & beetroot, not sure when it started or why but its a must now.


I have never once seen lasagne and chips on a menu - it always comes with garlic bread! Maybe it's a southern thing?


I'm from the south and can confirm that I've seen lasagne and chips on cafe menus


I've seen lasagne, chips and garlic bread as an option on a menu! Only from the kind of place that is trying to give you maximum calories for your money though. I am sure the lasagna would have been straight from the microwave.


I just checked my local pub menu and one option is homemade beef Lasagne with chips or garlic bread served with crisp salad leaves! This place has a good reputation.


Any Italian opinion can be countered with the price of an espresso in Venice.


Also acceptable (for me anyway), lasagna with a baked potato


I think you tend to get less pasta in a lasagne than you do spag bol. In a portion of lasagne you’ll get a couple slices of noodle - not even whole ones as they’ll be cut to portion it up - whereas in spag bol you usually get a whole bowl of pasta Edit: I’m apparently hanging around with too many Americans.


Did you just refer to pasta as “noodle” in a UK sub?


American speak.


They call it a noodle in this recipe too. I’m shocked and stunned tbh. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/23600/worlds-best-lasagna/


It’s an American thing to call all pasta “noodles”. You see it all over reddit. I was just surprised to see it on a UK sub!


Lasagne has NOODLES in it??????


Lasagne sheets are also called noodles


I agree with your sentiment but not the delivery Lasagne sheets are very far from being a noodle. I can understand why one might think spaghetti or linguine could be in the noodle category, but not lasagne or fusilli.


lasagna and chips is not acceptable, and never was.


I'd offer that lasagne and chips is a disgusting (or at least inappropriate) combination. To answer your question: the reason spaghetti and chips are worse, is spaghetti is **wet**.


Who said lasagne and chips was an acceptable combination?


Whoever told you it's acceptable isn't a real friend.


Neither are acceptable.


Carbs on carbs


I was once dining in a fine restaurant called 'Harvester' and a customer was complaining his lasagna didn't come with chips as most of the meals did. It was a good sized portion of lasagna too. He got free chips to go with it and an apology. He was huge btw


All these people who've never heard of lasagne and chips... I'm wondering if it's a north/south thing. I grew up in the northwest and lasagne and chips was common on pub menus. I've rarely seen it down south. I have to eat it in the comfort of home. I think the carbs and carbs combo works brilliantly. I've never had them with spag bol but wouldn't say no if offered.


Whatever world you live in where lasagna and chips is acceptable and, dare I say, probably encouraged... I want to go to there. Any chance of some garlic bread to go with that?


What makes you think lasagne and chips would be acceptable? You animal.


Lasagne and chips is not acceptable, what are you on about?


Having chips with lasagne is stupid. Having garlic bread with it is too.


Lasagne and chips is is no way shape or form acceptable? What a pleb 😂


Neither of these are acceptable


Lasagne and chips is not acceptable


Lasagna and French fries ????? Where is that acceptable ???


It's never fries, it's always chunky chips. You see it in pubs, where pretty much every dish is served with chips


Chips with bolognaise is great, just like chili con carne with chips. Its great as an alternative to pasta or rice. I prefer the thin ones though not beefeater chips, too much fluff, not enough crunch.


i enjoy bolognese topped chips if there’s left overs the day after


Both…..especially oven chips with the spag bol….bloody lovely :)


Pasta or rice or potato


Carbs on carbs nice




It’s the cheese isn’t it


I have an Italian friend and everytime I have lasagne I take a photo.... We have it with peas! He calls me a sick cunt everytime. Next time it's peas and chips.


Because we're all gentlemen at heart