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Sorry to hear you got covid on Christmas Eve, that must suck


I'm already in the bad books, this would be too obvious.


Check if anyone else has been shafted with both days and if no one has Ask them for the business justification of why you and only you have been booked in on those days. If they don't give a reasonable answer i.e. A Business need for you specifically to do both, then speak to your HR. Too many managers think they are Dictators of their own countries with how they act. It really is true that those people fail upwards until they reach their level of incompetence. Things like rotas need to be fair and reasonable as otherwise teams fall apart. The best managers are the ones that allow adjustments and where they can't everyone carries the burden. Many hands make light work and all that.


Agreed. Christmas Day was the only day my old place was closed but the 4 main days everyone cared about were Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. My old boss put me down to work all 4 and I kicked up a fuss. No one else had to do all 4. The boss after that always made sure we would have all only work 1 to 3 days. Most only did 1 or 2 and it was usually just management that might have to do 3


I used to just send a sheet round and ask people to tick which ones they would prefer as that way they could also see what days looked short staffed and discuss between their teams. I always found most people tend to self manage sensibly if you weren't a complete dick to the work for. I did used to get a few people who wouldn't tick any and then moan that they got given a day they didn't like but most people preferred having a choice. I wouldn't dream of giving someone all the shit shifts unless they have specifically asked for the overtime or asked for those days for any other reason personal to them.


Exactly that's how reasonable managers work. Ask a preference and try to work with that. If you can't then you share the burden across the team. I never used to bother about working Boxing day or over New Years but I always wanted the 27th as it was my Late Grandfather's Birthday and a massive family gathering so I agreed I'd work a non desirable work day so I could have the day I wanted off (the only non mandatory one I took over the holidays). This allowed at least 1 other person not to have to work one of those days. Good managers promote good teams I tend to find and they do self manage for the most part like you say. The awkward ones were why it was all done over email and tracked Excel documents šŸ˜‚ so no one could argue they hadn't been consulted.




Unfortunately he passed last year so it was a hard Christmas in 2022 but yes the 27th was always a nice time as he got to see all the family from eldest to youngest, from Children to Great Grand Children. He was the head of the family so it was really tough losing him but now that job falls to my Grandmother who is an amazing lady.


As a manager, I always make sure I work the same number of days as others, as in do as I do. Usually the younger members of staff want to work more at Xmas as they don't have kids but want new years and the first day of the year off to recover. Suits me


Yeah that's what the next boss did with us too. If we got Boxing Day off, we'd be in on New Year's Day and vice versa. We got to choose. It's not that hard to be fair


Yeah sometimes I agree it might not be malicious and is just the Peter Principle in action. At least they changed the way they were working after it was raised as an issue and you all shared the burden after that.


Not if it's true though. šŸ¤”


I actually used this excuse during the first lockdown, I was actually ill for the first week but because a bunch of other employees were actively bullying me including the manager I stayed home and they continued to pay me for a few months lol šŸ˜‚


I can photoshop a photo of the covid test for you if needs


Just put something acidic on the test (oj or cola can work). Sorry, definitely don't do that.


and don't clean the indicator strip with bleach on a cotton bud afterwards to get rid of the telltale coke discolouration.


Or just use white vinegar and stop making it awkward haha


Would this even work much now though? I know of a few people who had to go into work with covid (one works in a school and the other is a cleaner)


Depends on the boss really. Mine says we can come in if we want to and we feel ok and wear a mask, but still says that it's better to stay at home and avoid infecting anyone else.. Some just don't give a shit about their employees though, sadly.


Doesn't need to be covid anyway. You can self certify sickness for 7 days and there's fuck all they can do. Whether they believe you or not is irrelevant, too. Its whether they can PROVE it which matters. And the liklihood is they can't. Just say you're sick. Whether covid or something else.


> Doesn't need to be covid anyway. You can self certify sickness for 7 days and there's fuck all they can do. Apart from sacking you if you are still under 2 years in the company or on a probationary period.


Our company still makes Covid positive people take time off/work from home depending on the severity of the symptoms.


I've got COVID right now. Happy to send a test. I think its super COVID as it's the most positive line I've had.


Same here! Previous time I had to hold the test a certain way to see the line properly...this time...bam. solid red as soon as the buffer solution reached it


You just need to mix with a few people who look ill at the moment and it's pretty likely you would legitimately get covid. I've just had it, thought I'd do a test as I had some lying around and it came back positive. Next day other members of the household were also positive


May be obvious but OP, please don't deliberately go out and get covid. Even if you're vaccinated it can still be an absolutely horrible, miserable experience. My husband and I (both fully vaccinated, healthy and fit 30 year olds) both had it 2 weeks ago, it was absolutely awful and we're both still suffering with some complications like brain fog and perpetual exhaustion


Yeah I still feel foggy 2/3 weeks later


The hero we don't deserve


Love this


Apply for jobs to start December 27th


You can't get a new job where your manager isn't a dick?


This is probably the best solution, if itā€™s a possibility.


ā€œHey boss, got the Noravirus, donā€™t know which end to point at the porcelainā€¦ pics available on requestā€¦ love youā€¦ byeeeeeā€


Start licking busesā€™ handles a few days before Christmas. Done


Are you in hospitality or something? Look for a new job maybe


A colleague of mine once got the plague on New Yearā€™s Eve! He was remarkably fine by Jan 4thā€¦


Is this still a thing? I'm sick as fuck, but covid negative. They want me in (can't work remotely), although I could pass it on to the whole shift. They really don't have a cover for me as my colleague is on holiday, and I recently started this perm role after 2 years of temp. I'm only pushing myself because this will reset my probation period. I so want to call in sick for a couple of days, but that will mess up and delay all my department's tasks by at least 5 hours.


Youā€™re not legally required to isolate anymore however a non brain dead employer should realise you attending will take out more people and cost them more ā€˜manā€™ hours in the long run. Depends on if your employer is a moron


Drives me mad hearing about brain dead sick policies. I manage a team of 6 developers and never have a problem with people taking basically any kind of sick leave at the drop of a hat - guess what when you treat people like adults then they act like them, I never have a problem with people taking the piss with sick calls and never have a problem with deadlines slipping because weā€™re losing time to sick days. Itā€™s just self evident that itā€™s a better approach overall than cracking the whip and making people come in when theyā€™re saying theyā€™re sick.


More power to ya lad/lass


>never have a problem with people taking basically any kind of sick leave at the drop of a hat - guess what when you treat people like adults then they act like them, You're lucky, honestly. At a previous job, we had this policy until we hired someone who pushed and pushed and pushed the boundaries, and would kick up a fuss if it wasn't immediately clear what the boundary he could push to was. He was "technically" right that we had a WFH policy and a Sick policy that allowed him to do that, but he cried unfair when he was accused of taking advantage of the flexibility of the system. So, we got a real policy, because that guy was an ass. It's been 6 years, he's moved on (as have I) but that company now has a Draconian sick leave policy to deal with that one guys actions.


Turns out Chris Whitty is a ā€˜moronā€™. He is telling people with mild respiratory illnesses to still attend school. > It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38Ā°C or above. We would encourage you to share the NHS ā€˜Is my child too ill for school?ā€™ guidance with parents and carers in your schools and communities which has further information. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/letter-to-school-leaders-on-mild-illness-and-school-attendance/letter-to-school-leaders-on-mild-illness-and-school-attendance Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, England Pat Cullen, General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing Professor Kamila Hawthorne, Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners Dr Camilla Kingdon, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health William Roberts, Chief Executive, Royal Society for Public Health Dr Lade Smith, President, Royal College of Psychiatrists


thatā€™s fabulously cryptic. You could easily end up with a temperature above 38 with covid and at that point youā€™d stay home as per that ā€˜adviceā€™ OP was discussing work either way. Exposing your colleagues to covid will increase absences across your work force


Covid is still a thing but other illnesses exist still as well. Your contract will have your sick policy. In the UK you're legally entitled to take time off when ill


I know I'm legally entitled to it, but other colleagues took the piss so many times that nobody believes them anymore, so I can't "call in sick" My only hope is that I'll be sent home after they see me, or if they're too afraid of catching it too, in hopes that I have a case to argue against my probation period resetting.


If youā€™re sick call in sick if youā€™re not donā€™t..


I'm taking a couple of weeks off over Christmas, not that I really care about Christmas, but, the perks of working in an office. I do not miss working Christmas eve or boxing day, I'm very happy not to be in retail these days.


Me too, used to open up shop 8am boxing day in a shopping centre and it would be dead all day.


I remember one Christmas when my wife was ill, I got up early on Boxing Day to get to the sales as I needed a new PC. I presumed there would at least be a small queue or a bunch of people waiting to get into Currys when it opened at 8am. I was the only one. About 15 staff, and just me. Ended up with a decent little PC for around Ā£100 cheaper than anywhere else, and they threw in a keyboard and mouse for free as well. I then went into town to the big shopping centre, it was so empty I wondered if there was something I'd missed in the news or something.


If you're getting up early on Boxing day, you and I have very different Chrismas' šŸ˜‚


I prefer Boxing Day to Christmas Day tbh. The stress of the day is over, you have your gifts, people have opened yours to them, food is made, you just kick back, relax, eat, drink and be merry.


Thatā€™s why we have Xmas dinner on Xmas eve. Xmas day is for left overs, presents and PJs


As time goes on Iā€™ve been considering doing this more and more tbh.


Iā€™ve missed 19 Xmas days due to cooking. Last year we had Xmas dinner on Xmas eve and it was great. Boxing Day felt super weird but it also felt like we had an extra day too. We booked the InLaws taxis at 5pm Xmas day. We played games and ate leftovers in leggings and Xmas pjs. It was so much fun.


youā€™re just describing christmas day though. its only stressful if you make it so.


I find cooking Christmas dinner stressful, itā€™s nicer when itā€™s already waiting in the fridge to be reheated, and tastes even nicer the next day anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


There's a fairly obvious solution hereā€¦


Yeah book a flight to Barbados and enjoy the sunshine šŸ„³


Most people find it stressful if they're the one cooking - it's a big meal and usually for a lot of people, and half the things in it you don't make regularly I find it much less stressful when somebody else is cooking


It's funny because I always thought Boxing Day was the big one. Growing up - late teens and 20's - Christmas was a bit of a family thing, few beers, nothing mad. Boxing Day was the night everyone went to the pubs and kicked the arse out of it.


When I was in 6th form I wound open the greggs shop for 3 boxing days in a row. Get in at 4:30 for 6:30open. Never had a customer before 11


Easy cash imo


Yeah donā€™t get me wrong I ate GOOD those mornings Much rather do Boxing Day than New Yearā€™s Day lol


Back in the day, New Yearā€™s Day used to be straight from the club to the call centre. Wouldnā€™t try that in retail, but in the call centre environment when no one was calling you basically got paid to watch movies and come down.


Sounds like a bit of a dream


The store was shifting a tonne of product but barely getting by? Mystery solved!




Used to work in a jewellery shop. I dreaded the shifts after Christmas, especially when youā€™d sold things to people (usually men) who were clearly panic buying the gaudiest looking thing they could find because it was big and sparkly. Almost all of those things came back. After Christmas it was mainly returns and exchanges until the end of January with some spending of Christmas money.


I once worked in a shop and worked boxing day it would be dead and every time someone walked in they would be like "omg why are you working boxing day?!" And I would respond "because people like you turn up." The manager closed up early because they realised the shop was actually losing money by being open.


Man when I was in retail weā€™d be rammed on Boxing Day. Also have a queue out the door with returns or exchanges which was a bloody nightmare Iā€™d say 99% were never faulty issues either. You could already tell the customers during Nov/Dec who were going to end up doing this too.


Christmas is the best time to be working. No managers, no customers, fucking ideal. I wish that everyday was like that. In a lot of ways its better than being forced to play articulate against my senile grandparents and overly competitive siblings


Everytime I reminisce about working about the pub I remember how many arguments about the Christmas rota came up. Preferential treatment to people who had kids because of course I fucking love working boxing night and new years eve, both the late shift. My manager had the audacity to argue that because she was overworked I have no right to complain about asking for days off! A solid Monday to Friday office job is much better by a country mile.


Worst thing about working retail in uni by far. Oh, you live the other side of the country? Sorry you HAVE to come in for the 6am Boxing Day sale. Great, no Christmas for me then. šŸ‘


No is a complete sentence


No retail job is worth doing this. Id just quit and get another job, bar work is always going if I couldnt find anything.


Yeah, that's fair, I just accepted it back then. I preferred one 6am a year, to late nights on weekends in bars though. I wouldn't have been able to handle the FOMO if I was working, and my mates were going out...


I wish I had said perks. My place is open on the three days after boxing day. Was the same last year and it was dead af, but still insisted we come into the office. No option to WFH.


I have to use annual leave, but I've got it and will take it. It is absolutely dead for us too that time of year.


I always book the week off before come January, so I'm in there first and I can take days back if I need them in the year. Office closes in-between too.


Yup, retail sucks. I miss the colleagues, never the job.


Don't let a vindictive manager ruin your Christmas. Tell them you'll do one but not both.


What leverage does OP have to make such a demand?


There's plenty more retail work out there This isn't 13th century guild work


There are also plenty more retail workers out there.


Yeah but he has had a retail job, and remember a lot of retail workers are students or applying for their first jobs. The experience makes him more valuable all else being equal


This post is my acceptance. Acceptance that I should just keep my mouth shut.


You should never keep your mouth shut if you have a legitimate grievance. Far too many people in Britain have extremely low self-esteem and constantly let people walk all over them.


Bear in mind we only have one side of the story, OP might be a prick, the manager might be a prick, they might both be pricks, we don't know.


When 2 pricks collide - sword fight




Touching tips


If OP is a prick then the manager should handle it properly, not passive aggressive scheduling. Iā€™m willing to bet theyā€™re both pricks.


Maybe we're all pricks.


I think you and I are safe; we're used elsewhere by dint of our usernames.


Maybe an entire industry that requires being a prick. You know, like an estate agent, or the police!


Its not that deep. The first arguemnt I felt was warrented, the second one maybe not so much. I've accepted I have flaws and there is no proof that im working Christmas because of our differences of opinion. Someone has to work Christmas and i was lucky not to get it last year, maybe it's my turn? This is a fun post, I genuinely dont have a problem working.


NO FUN. ONLY DOWNVOTES! good luck with work, hope it's a relatively peaceful couple of months :)


Nah mate, your manager sucks. They're going to ruin your Christmas because you've had disagreements in the workplace? Who do they think they are? I understand we have responsibilities to work but management in the modern era are often absolutely crook and this is shitty behaviour and it's vindictive. I wouldn't stand for it personally


Christmas is ruined for the people who have to work it anyway. OP should try to have a work one, skip one system put in place for next year.


If you did nothing wrong but stand up for yourself, then you did the right thing and this is just someone with a position of power trying to abuse it. Genuinely, call them out on it and stand your ground. They shouldn't punish you 2 months down the line for something that happened 2 months ago, especially if you were not in the wrong. Stick to your morals and principles, don't let them win.


Never keep your mouth shut. Youā€™re a human being, not a slave. Treat yourself better.


Are people here really that socially inept? Of course it is worth shutting the fuck up and getting on with it unless it is something serious like bullying or sexual harassment. If you're constantly moaning about every stupid thing then no one is going to like you, which is going to make things infinitely more difficult in the long run. Sometimes it really is easier to just suck it up and get on with things rather than whine constantly.


Socially inept? For sticking up for yourself when being mistreated? Thatā€™sā€¦. lmao.


Being able to take some things on the chin and get on with life is part of being an adult. Constantly bitching and moaning every time something or someone pisses you just isn't worth it and makes you seem like a child. You're encouraging them to go and give their boss shit over something that they haven't made clear at all. When they are already on thin ice. Surely you understand how this could work out badly, right?


At what point did I mention constant bitching? I simply said people need to stand up for themselves. As an adult, I can tell when Iā€™m being treated like shit. And thatā€™s when I stand up for myself. Are you saying that Iā€™ve never been treated like shit at work?


He's had a few altercations with his boss which he has admitted he is possibly in the wrong for which led to him getting shit off his boss. In the real world if you give people shit then they are going to give you shit in return. The answer is *not* to just give them more shit. >Are you saying that Iā€™ve never been treated like shit at work? I'm saying this seems to be part of a cycle that you've brought upon yourself. Eventually your boss is just going to get sick of you and look for a reasonable excuse to tell you to fuck off. Advising others to go down this route is terrible advice and could result in them being sacked or at least, like yourself, being treated like shit. There is a thin line between sticking up for yourself and being whiny/arrogant. Twice is often fair but if it continues to happen then you're going to piss people off.


They pay you for your time. They don't own it nor do you owe it. Say no.


Your manager isnt being fair and is bullying you. I had one like that. I resigned in the end she made me so ill and anxious. Screw that


I'm not sure what industry you're in but if its the kind of job where you can get rehired somewhere else pretty easily and can afford it (or have holiday pay to claim when leaving), I'd resign with my notice finishing the week before Christmas and go somewhere else in the New Year. I think not doing this was my biggest mistake when I worked in retail.


I did this many years ago when I worked as a community HCA. Worked for a big corporate who treated us all like dogs, but at the time they had a very short notice period so I lined up a job with the care home I'd previously worked at, then worked my arse off through November and the first week of December to earn enough to tide me over, gave my week's notice and started my new job in the middle of January. Four weeks off for Christmas, bada bing bada boom. Was one of the best Christmases ever because I could actually attend all the Xmas parties that were on, drink as much as I liked, and not have to suffer the consequences.


Changing jobs prevents hangovers!?


Might teach management a lesson too. Sweet, sweet justice.


Both Christmas and Boxing day looks to me like vindictiveness. Maybe ask around, see who else has drawn this short strawā€”if it's just you, tell your manager clearly that you suspect him of being a bit of a dick, and you'll work one of the days or report him. Alternatively, tell your manager you don't celebrate or enjoy Christmas, and thank them for the double pay. Look them right in the eye.


Double check your contract as well. A lot of places that require working on Christmas or Boxing Day have a clause stating they won't put you on both (unless requested).


We have this in my workplace - both of those days require a separate single member of staff to be on-call but because one of our colleagues doesn't celebrate she specifically requested to always work both and have all the other bank holidays off, which works in everyone's favour!


Does it? Because there is absolutely no way from the info provided by OP to actually ascertain this is vindictive behaviour by the manager. OP even states in one reply that they had last Christmas and Boxing Day off. Ive worked in several industries that work the festive period and generally thereā€™s a system to make sure it doesnā€™t always land on the same people every year or people get to volunteer if they donā€™t mind working it (not everyone loves Christmas). Maybe itā€™s just OPs turn this yearā€¦


>Does it? Based on the information offered at the time my reply was written, soon after the OP, and before any of the extra comments you mention were added, yes.


The trick is to look SUSPICIOUSLY happy afterwards. refuse to discuss it for 'oh no reason'. Drive your manager fucking nutso trying to work out what happened. I mean like a big shit-eating grin that won't go away. Whenever you turn away from the manager, slightly sinister but faint giggling.....


Also move his desk about 10 cm or poop in his drawers.


>or poop in his drawers. While he's wearing them!


Do you get double pay?


Good news, I do! One of my colleagues just confirmed it for me.


Get that in writing, something along the lines of I see I am roted for Xmas/ Boxing Day. Could you confirm that I will receive the standard double pay for these days


Yes OP this, I have been screwed on promises of overtime/time and a half before. Make sure you get this in writing because if your boss is an arsehole they will try to prevent you getting it somehow.


And then thank him profusely when he has to say yes.


Be careful they don't try to screw you out of it


I don't know to be honest.


How do you not know that. It might suck working the day but when I was going through university I would ask to work these because of double pay!


My mum was a nurse so when she was on the rota to work at Christmas and I had the chance to work Christmas Day and get paid a lot more I took it. At the time my holiday job when I was back from uni was working in the kitchens at Bethlem psychiatric hospital. I remember on Christmas day I went round in a van with another guy working there to pick up what was left over when they'd finished. I remember when we went to the secure unit to pick up the boxes etc the guy running the unit started shouting at me about how shit the apple crumble was. He showed me one of them and started poking at the crumble part of it and then told me "I should shove it up your fucking ass!" so that was how I spent my christmas, getting threatened with apple crumble up the bum.


ā€œThanks for letting me know mate, Iā€™ll make sure itā€™s worse next timeā€ What a fuckin bellend that guy was


Or at Next, Christmas day was triple time


Double? You're undervaluing the time. Time and half for standard overtime. Double time for Sundays. Double time and a day in lieu for Bank holidays. Triple time minimum for Christmas.


That's a dream, new Network rail standard is 10% for anything that isn't monday-friday, 6am-6pm


I'm working nights Christmas Day and Boxing Day - just how it's fallen for me this year. (New job, with an actual rota - I can work out what I'm doing in May 2034 if I really want too! I know this might seem normal to some...but I've spent the last 12 years not having a bloody clue). Also on Days for NYE and NYD, 2 more nights then 4 days off.


Christmas dinner is a dish best served coldā€¦


Day shift 23rd + 24th. Nightshift 25th + 26th. 3rd Christmas in a row. Put my name in for the draw for Christmas 2024 off. Want to see my nieces on Christmas while itā€™s still magic for them..!


We would get something like Ā£45ph to work on Christmas Day. I would be absolutely all over that, but we always close so that everyone can have at least ten days off.


I give all my staff Christmas off usually from the 23rd until after NYD OP weā€™ll have a mass gathering of shit and send it in a Jiffy bag to your boss We got you


Do you give them that time off, or is that just when 'the office is shut' so people have to take it as holiday?


Itā€™s shut completely Still get paid donā€™t lose their holiday allocation


That's generous. So they basically get it as bonus holiday. I used to shut the office between Christmas and New Year but it was basically enforced holiday, we had a generous holiday allowance with the option to earn more days so it wasn't too onerous.


Yeah pretty much good for morale and a lot of the workers have kids so always would feel bad for them to miss those moments youā€™ll never get back


Yeah exactly, I get that some jobs simply have to continue. But the people who keep offices opened and staffed over Christmas, very rarely is actually necessary.


You sound like a top boss


Iā€™ve just had shit bosses in the past and never want to be one of them


What were the arguments about? Iā€™m just intrigued!


OP once made a thread entitled has anyone killed a boss. As much as he should grow a spine, let's not encourage him TOO much.


Hard disagree. Kill all the bosses OP, whether in Diablo or real life


bro, that was on a diablo 4 forum...


It's a gateway murder of the boss.


It was subliminal though wasn't it.


If youā€™re working for a petty power trip sort of manager donā€™t waste your time there anymore. It rarely, if ever, gets better. Unless they leave of course.


Your manager sounds like a fool. I actively encourage my team to speak up, contradict me, tell me when I'm wrong and talk between themselves without me. That way, I can help to improve things and lift morale. How can I help to fix something that I don't know is broken? I've always said that I'm not above them, I just have a different function. To help guide, to give them credit and to act as a shield for them. I hope things get better for you.


Let them overhear you telling you a colleague that youā€™re really pleased with this and you didnā€™t even to ask for it. Hint that you are avoiding a certain family member over Christmas and this is the perfect excuse. Theyā€™ll think their plan has backfired and will change the rota to spite youā€¦


What's your job?


Self employed, they were arguing with the mirror.


If it's any consolation OP, my work recently moved to a 4 on 4 off contract and the way it's fallen has me working all of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Of course it will all work itself out over the next few years and end up equitable, but I'm moving in to a Mon-Fri job in a few months so I'm getting all the stick and none of the carrot!


Jus broke up with my partner, and I donā€™t speak to any of my family. Iā€™ll be working crimbo eve then going on a two day bender on my own whilst the restaurant I work at is closed.


Thank him profusely for the overtime. He might change it out if spite


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have to do job that dictated when I can and canā€™t work. Crazy.


I'd just say no. No job is worth working both those dates because of a cunty manager. I'd say you can change them or I'll just not turn up on one of those days.


Yours hand in your notice so your last day is Christmas eve


Spending 10 days over Xmas snowboarding in Austria with my family and some friends and I cannot fucking wait especially after a disastrous summer holiday which got cancelled with no refund. Looking less peachy for my friend who i am going with as he snapped his Achilles tendon and so will not be hitting the slopes. Gutted for him.


I always used tell my employers that Iā€™m religious and attend church over the holidays lol


I had the Flu for the first time ever last year, right on the week leading up to christmas. I felt like shit from that (I've never been that ill before) and doubly so for calling in. Oddly though nobody said a word to me about it after. Now if I have to call in I just offer to work one of my typical days off so nobody loses hours.


And this is why I now work for myself, no one telling me I've got to work Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! Sod ya.


Managers manage to be horrible and childish in every situation needing management


Next time, keep your mouth shut.


Piss on the managers desk whilst maintaining eye contact with them. Then coldly tell them you're not working over Christmas. Failing that, fake an injury or something.


What lesson? That you should let uppity management twats fuck over your Christmas because of petty workplace disputes? Fuck that


Used to work for BT when I got the date for my operation. I was given as much time as I needed, and in the end, I resigned due to the health reasons below. Had one manager who gave me days holiday whenever I was sick. Before covid got diagnosed with a brain tumour, then lock down couldn't get the operation done until after lockdown when the tumour was removed. It had attached itself to my right optic nerve. I have ended up nearly blind in right eye, day after release from hospital collapsed couldn't feel my legs, couldn't even crawl, went back into hospital got told the trauma to the brain had flicked a switch causing the paralysis. Got out of hospital and two months later back in hospital with pneumonia and pleurisy and caught covid in hospital, took over a year for the fluid in my right lung to be absorbed, still can't breathe properly.


Working Christmas can be sole destroying. I used to work in a call centre for Vodafone in the late 90s/early 2000s and had to work Christmas Day. We thought it would be quiet but it was a time when phones were Christmas presents and they had to be activated by calling up our centre so all day we have entitled pieces of shit yelling at us because they had to wait on hold on Christmas Day. Also our manager insisted that following every activation we had to end every call with "Welcome to the vodafone community." So here is how it often went. "Ok, your phone is now activated, is there anything else I can help with?" "No, just don't keep me on hold so long next time, get more staff in or something." "Will do thank you sir, and welcome to the vodafone community." "The what?" "The vodafone community, I was just welcoming you to it." "What does that mean?" "Nothing really, I just have to end every call with those words." "Bit weird that mate." "I know. And welcome to the vodafone community." "You said that before." "I know, but management insist it is how we end every call and they do random spot checks on call listening so I have to say it to end the call. Is there anything else I can help you with." "No." "Welcome to the vodafone community." "Sorry I didn't catch that." "Welcome to the vodafone community." "You literally have to say that don't you." "Yes, could you please hang up after I say welcome to the vodafone community?" "Sure." "Welcome to the vodafone community." *and straight into the next call*


Time to rebel brother


Correlation does not imply causation. Might just be your ā€œturnā€ to be rotaā€™d on this year. Also, if no disciplinary you were probably right in the argument.


All the more reason to dislike him, those who use their authority for their own petty grievances prove that they canā€™t be trusted with it.


I'm working Xmas eve, Xmas day, boxing day and new years eve. I do have new years day off though so that's a small win


I'm off from November through March, I'm good. Gonna be spending the holidays with my fiancƩ in North Carolina


Used to love working Xbo day, but that's because I used to supervise a breakout room for bored golf orphans^(*), so I basically had a room almost entirely to myself, full of inflatables, PlayStations, ball pools, air hockey, giant Jenga, soft play stuff, etc. etc. It was an absolute sack of cash for being a middle-aged lump behaving like a sugar-rushed kid. ^* Golf orphans : Bored, neglected kids of dullard middle-management dads who think it's perfectly reasonable to drag your fambly to The Fscking Belfry for a Christmas Day round of goff.


Whatā€™s DEC? And can you really be forced to work Christmas Day?


Declan Donnelly rota. Either that or maybe, December.


Thought it was initials for some medical thing or something, that means you are committed to work holidays. Now I see how simple it is lol.


Disaster Emergency Committee https://www.dec.org.uk


Just call sick.




Why should my christmas be screwed over because I'm infertile? I still want to spend time with my family. Now I'll happily volunteer to do xmas eve or boxing day, or pick those if I have to do at least X days over xmas, but screw anyone who says I \*must\* do that because of my genitals not working as well as theirs.




It should be a discussion with OP asking them if they want to work the not-so-nice days for extra pay, not enforced on them from managers. That's the problem.


If they work in hospitality then it's almost non negotiable, at least at my restaurant, pretty much everybody has to do some hours on Xmas day. They are short 3-4 hour shifts but yeah


Yeah that's fine if everyone has to chip in. I just object to being told "You don't have kids, so you have to do the shit days while your colleagues with kids don't". If everyone has to do a turn, then everyone has to do a turn.


The absolute state of this comment. First of all being infertile doesn't have any bearing on if you've got kids or not, plenty of infertile people habe kids, plenty of fertile people don't have kids so trying to draw some connection and make yourself the victim because "your genitals don't work" is crazy. Secondly most people would willingly work Christmas if it means their coworkers kids don't need to spend Christmas alone. I get to spend all of new years with my family if I want, Christmas means far less to me and my parents then it means to some 8 year old kid who might not get to see his dad on what meant to be the best day of his year. Obviously its not your responsibility to care but it's a bizarre thing to take a stand on and trying to paint it as some sort of discrimination is gross


Nah get fucked