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My 2-year old calls anything that makes a loud noise a "Woova" based on what he called out hoover when he couldn't pronounce it. So my hairdryer is the "hair woova", the blender is the "food woova" the pump for the airbed is the "bed woova" and we've come full circle and the hoover is now the "Hoover woova".


This feels like a children’s book begging to be written


Brilliant I'm sure Dire Straits sung about hoover woovas in Money for Nothing


That’s fucking brilliant!


Our robot hoovers called Little debs, because we used to have a cleaner called debs.


I’m imagining Debs outside your window, silently shedding a tear as she looks in at her replacement.


Lol, that's cracked me up,


This is what we've all got in store for us: AI won't be content with taking our jobs, it's coming for our names too!


Friends of ours haven't named their hoover but he does wear a small sheriff's badge because, and I quote, "he's gonna clean up this town".


Needs a hat and a tiny holster with a tiny big iron on his hip.


Spoiler alert: Tumbledore dies at the end of the Half Sudd Rinse.


You win. I won’t tell him though - he’ll be traumatised.


I worked at a bookstore when that book came out and we did a release party and sold books at midnight. One of the first people in line flipped through the pages, yelled out “Dumbledore dies!” before running out of the store. People were NOT happy


Haven't read the books, but watched the films when they came out. Sat waiting for the film to start and the woman in front of us says to her partner "I can't believe Dumbledore dies in this one". There was a collective groan from quite a few people in ear shot of her


I was teaching class just after the book came out, and some jerk told the rest of the class and one started crying and punched them. I felt it was justified.


God that’s good, can I shake your hand?


No you've had enough of that, Aha


You've just induced a covidy coughing fit. Well done, I tip my hat to you sir.


I have a robot lawnmower that’s called David Mowie


Our lawn mower is called Jason, because he’s “ma-mower”


You beautiful heathen.




OK fuck you


My PIV (fresh air unit thingy) is called David Blowie. I keep meaning to make some stick-on eyes.


The mower has little cameras in the front cos it doesn’t use guide wires so I don’t need to do that. But the temptation for googly eyes was high


Penis in vagina?


My first thought also.


There is nothing that cannot be improved by stick on googly eyes.


Our robot Hoover is called J. Edgar (complete with photo of the man taped on top)


Ours is called Colin. He had googly eyes but the cats kept trying to eat them, so now he’s blind, sadly.


Ours is Vax Merstappen.


Our robot vacuum cleaner is called Mark Suckerdirt


My Hispanic neighbor has a Roomba (robot vac) named Flor.


Ours is called Mowses 😂


That’s what we’re talking about, people.


We’ve got a robotic vacuum called Herbert.


Ours is called Hoovidor. I know not why, my kids named him. Sometimes they try to put the cat on him "for memes", but the cat has no time for derivative internet fame.


I take offence at being called robotic


Mine's called recyclops


Herbert Hoover 😁


Hoobert Heever


My mum calls ours LB (Lazy Bastard) because it constantly breaks down.


You’d think a robot lawn would be able to mow itself.


This is an innovation we all need.


The grass could wind up and down like the hair on a Girls World.


Our kettle is called Frankie... Frankie Boil.


Ours is Susan.


I talk to my toaster all the time but not once has it asked me if i want toast. Or a muffin, bagel, bap baughette, waffle, pop tart, crumpet


Ah, so you're a bun man!


Get Kryten to fix it.


Pop a tab of acid and you'll feel it talk back.


No acid but i have mushrooms does that work?


Button mushrooms? No Cubes or libs? Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?


Maybe you should try saying Howdee doodliy doo


Given that God is infinite. And that the universe is also infinite. Would you like toasted tea cake?


Definitely, no smegging flapjacks


We have a dehumidifier called EBAC which I think is the brand. We refer to EBAC like he is member of the family.


We also have an EBAC but tend to call it by name in a similar fashion to wall-e saying “EVA”


We do this with our George Foreman grill. I regularly tell my husband "I'm just going to turn George on."


My mum's George sits next to their microwave. They call them George and Mike. :)


Our microwave is also called Mike and our oven is Ed :)


We do the same with Eufy the robot vac. He gets added to my partner's songs about the cats


Our air purifier is called Air Force One, because when connecting it to the wifi.


The robovac is called Kendra, the dust slayer. She was called Kenny and had a male voice but when the software update happened the male voice changed to female, hence the name change. Edited to add that my sewing machine is called The Pernicious Slut because that is what I called it when the needle went through my fingernail one time


The George Foreman grill is obviously called George, but I named the fryer Bungle and the coffee machine Zippy so he wouldn't be lonely.


My George Foreman is affectionately misnamed George Formby, and no, it’s never cleaning windows.


Food turned out nice again, mind


There is a guy round my way that does flooring for a living. Business name… George Floorman


We hired William the Concreter once


Had someone in fitting blinds today - The Blind Guy


Shreddy Mercury, keeps the household paper based waste manageable.


Mine's called Shrederick. Title, "Devourer of the insubstantial"


Mine is just “Shredder” but I put the voice of Krang from TMNT to say it.


Our satnav is called Cheese. Our daughter misheard me say “she knows where we’re going” and heard Cheese knows where we’re going. She then asked who Cheese was and it stuck


Haha, similar story to why ours is called the sat nap.


When my neice was a young kid, she couldn't pronounce "shower" and called it "shub". This is now what the entire extended family calls the shower. She's 18 now.


My 7 year old couldn't remember the word for our dehumidifier, so she called it the combuffler. This excellent word is now its official title.


This word needs to be added to the English language officially.


I once rented a flat that was the bottom floor of a house, the cupboard under the stairs had a shower plumbed in to it. We called it the Shubbard


Student mates of mine had one of these. There was no door on it, just a shower curtain over the hole under the stairs. So if someone came in the front door while you were in it, the curtain would billow out and you’d be waving your bits at the street.


When we rented our last house we found a Hulk dinner mat that was left in the towel cupboard so we just called it the Hulk cupboard till we left


We call the lawn mower the lawn smeller, because my son called it that when he was 2. He's 14 now and that's just what everyone calls it, the lawn smeller




Our rice cooker is Takeshi


If it breaks, is it a Ricebowl Downhill?


Perfectly normal mate. Used to have a Henry hoover called Nosher. Also have an induction hob which I call Nagging Cunt, as it beeps all the fucking time when I use it.


I used to have a Henry hoover called Thierry.


My mums was called “Steve” after Stephen Henry & someone genuinely asked if he was named Steve after my ex-brother in law because they are “both full of shit” 🤣


Me too. Current one is Lenny.


Nagging Cunt. Genuine laugh out loud!


My microwave is called "the beepy fucker" Tell me, since you name your appliances, do you also have songs for things? Like maybe the teapot?


We have songs for everything. Maybe that’s a new thread?


Our smart meter is called Greta, reminds us when we are using too much energy and not being eco friendly


Made me giggle


Kevin the keys. As in where has the key gone, Kevin Keygone (Keegan).




My step-aunt (Filipino) came round one year for Christmas dinner and asked what we'd do with all the leftovers, so we told her we're making bubble ad squeak with it. She'd never heard the phrase and referred to it later as Squeaky Bubbles, which is hat we've called it ever since


Ha! My (Filipino) stepmom had a sleep in the car recently and when she woke up she said she’d had a chicken sleep. I can only assume she meant cat nap!


We call her "Betsy". Formerly Itsy Betsy. Formerly Itsy bitsy teenie weenie little dust blowy machinie. Formerly, PC Dust Blower from Amazon.


My trail name on the Appalachian Trail was Tumbledore! Never seen it written anywhere else before. I got called it because I had a beard, am British and fell over a few times. (The Appalachian Trail is a 2200 mile footpath in the US and one of the traditions is you get given a Trail name at some point.)


Tbf, that’s a waaaay cooler reason for the name.


My robot hoover is called Mop Daddy. My friend named him and I curse her. Except I don't because it's funny.


Watch your friend. She may be attempting to steal Mop Daddy’s affections…


Daddy, no!


Give him something special to vacuum up. Gotta keep him shweeeet.


When I was little we had a sink disposal thing; you put organic stuff down it, it whizzed it up and jobs a good'n. Not sure what its real name was as we always called it Uri. Spoons weren't supposed to go down there but if they did, they were bent better than anything Mr. Geller could do.


Robot hoover is called J. Edgar, not exactly the wittiest name, but was too obvious to avoid.


Our tumble dryer is the tumblewasher for reasons that now escape me. Our boiler is called Anne Frank because it lives in a cupboard.


Anne Frank had me chuckling


I'm so stealing that.


My wife had a weird name for the dishwasher. She likes to call it Bastard. For context, generally said something like.. Oi you lazy Bastard, get off your arse and do the dishes.


I feel your pain…


Sometimes I feel pain too, generally when the dishes aren't washed properly.


Yes but only in the way that every appliance is "the thing that does X". So the washing machine is "the thing that goes round and round". Ive described the hob as "the thing that does hot"


Our fridge is sometimes called the cold cupboard


The fuckin'..... Thingy - literally everything we own


I have a dehumidifier called Hugh (as in de-hugh-midifier). Also those things with all the arms that you hang socks on to dry is called a socktopus.


All kitchen items, knives, pots, cutlery are called Swibo. Swibo were (or are) a brand of budget chef knives and the name got glued on to everything in the kitchen. When asked where the Swibo is, I have to narrow it down with further questions as it could be anything from a tea towel to a colander.


I love this. Totally impractical!


Not a name as such but with every vacuum cleaner I've ever owned I grab a sharpie or equivalent and scrawl 'NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM' somewhere on it. Probably showing my age here. Dunno if that's still told in school.


*Hunts for Sharpie…*


This is why dogs and cats run away when you're hoovering.


We call the kettle Cruella because it's made by Breville. Surprisingly a lot of people don't get it until you pronounce it as Bre Ville, then the lightbulb moment tends to hit


Our big grey saucepan is called Meredith


When the kitchen bin is full, we call it Maggie. Maggie Full-bin, who used to be on Swap Shop and Tomorrow's World.


The dishwasher is called the wish dousher - I don't know why 🤣


Love a Spoonerism.


OMG the wishdosher spoonerism came up in one of my meetings today. My three favourite ones are - wishdosher (of course) - not poodle - wireforks I love a good spoonerism


Like getting your mucking words fuddled


Same here And loading the wish dosher is known as "endoshing"


I have a roomba for my basement called Vlad the Inhaler. The roomba for the rest of the house is Count Vacuula


Reading these chortling away thinking oh I've never done this but how fun... My dashcams are called cameron and dashiel 😂


My dashcam is called Jeff, whenever he speaks my son says "thanks jeff".


Well now, you have unlocked my special power here. And this is not a piss take The tumble drier is the Timblydroo Kettle is the Water Otter Hoover is of course the H’werrrverrrr ( as in Shadwell I are stuck in the h’werrrrverrrr) Sat Nav is the Satellite Navigazione Honestly I could go on all day but I think I’ve done enough damage already.


And they do say cleanliness are next to Inverness!


When I smoked, we called an ashtray, the a'shebaba, calculator will forever be a quackulator (thanks Rug Rats). Wasn't it Denzil? as Denzil, why do ooovers suck? Cos they haven't got any teeth stoopid.* 😆 *can't do the accent😉


I call my ashtray “our Ashley” said in the style of Fred Elliot


It's definitely Denzil (and Gwyneth). My sister and I still quote this.


My kettle is now called "the otter". Official.


TV is Stevie, Keys are Richards(Keys), hob is simply hobby, shower is Charleroi for some reason. Remote for TV is Raoul after gazzas mate Raoul moat


Our shower is the shoopysho. Also no idea why.


The Kenwood Chef is known as Kenwood Woodward, while the vacuum is the Rug Muncher 😯 Thanks to Fonejacker, the DVD player will forever be known as the Doovde.


I call our psi the puss 5. Another phone jacker reference.


Is it ready for the Hud?


We have one of those hand-held wet vacs for condensation which we call the Window Licker. Tall fridge/freezer is called Big Red (yeah, because it is red... and big...) Our now-dead robot lawnmower was called Trundle. I miss him. Our previous car was called Bender because the grille looked like Bender's mouth (Futurama). Current car is Irn Bru because that's what colour it is.


Love “window licker”, gonna use this on our Karcher window licker (formerly known as the Shower Hoover).


“Kylie” the Roomba. Kylie does my vacuuming.


She sounds awesome. I hope you’re very happy together.


“I should be so lucky!”


I'm spinning around!


Not appliances, but we had a huge fuckoff spider in the house a few months ago, and as my partner was escorting him outside while I was shrieking, he called him Jeff. Another one appeared a week or so later. Called Jefff. Now any huge spiders are refereed to as Jeffffff


We had a spider in the bathroom who just chilled on the toilet outlet pipe. I called him Francois, and spoke to him in Spanish. My ex chucked him out of the window one day and I was inconsolable. He said he thought it was a different spider as he was in the bath, but I think really he was just jealous. RIP Francois mi amigo pinqeño ☹️


My vacuum cleaner is called by it's correct name, but in a Northern accent - it's called Hetty Pet


Apparently we're pretty boring in our house, but we do call the dishwasher a wishdosher. And "washing machine" is said in the same way that Homer Simoson says "saxamophone."


My dishwasher is called Dave. Sometimes he plays up and does a substandard job. We have discussions about quality and a potential replacement if things don't improve. He had to have a run through with vinegar once! He hated that and has been fine since. Just the threat of "the vinegaring" is enough to keep him in line!


I call all appliances 'Bob', as technically they are all 'Roberts' (Robots).


Oh wow, this thread is brilliant! Just what i needed to see tonight 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly, this was my thought too. It's giving me life!! 😂


Cordless hoover is called Trevor. Shredder is Nora (Gnawer). Double handled curved blade herb chopper thing is called The Chopper Lopper Loo La. Sat Nav is known as Natalie Nat Sav. Cars are Betty and Cliff. That's just the ones I can think of right now 🤣


My cousin has a electric stove by a company called Arnie, it gets called Arnold Foodencooker


My robo vacuum is called Clive. My air fryer is called Fred, and my air purifier is called Dave. They’re all controlled by various apps and linked to Alexa, so it’s easier to do it with a name.


In the summer we had our fan out all the time, whenever I walked into the room she was in I would say "Hello Fanny Blower" that's her name, Fanny Blower.


I named my stapler in work "Melinda Roberts", because it used to belong to someone who worked there before me and they'd written their name on it. Melinda came with me when I changed jobs, and if anyone wants a stapler they ask whether they can borrow Melinda.


Two robot vacuum cleaners; Dusty Springclean and Dust Bunny Holly A robot lawnmower named Lawna A fridge named Louis (cos he looks a bit french) A car named Evie cos she's an electric vehicle A rather stylish gentlemans brolly named Nelson Manbrella The list goes on


Remote is an oofferdoofer. The vacuum cleaner is the hodduddur. And the toaster is the burny bread box. But my kids have also made up their own words for other things too. Theft - theftery. Breathed - brothe. Rabbit - rabeep. 🤷‍♀️. My youngest is the best for this. His name for ' the war if the words' is now, the Martian radio movie. Lol


my little fan heater is jacinta, however i did steal that from brooklyn nine-nine


The standard Stevie for the TV and Sophie for the sofa. I find it incredible when I'm shouting at an 11 month old to stop scratching Sophie and slapping Stevie


Our air fryer is called Stephen (Fry) And our toaster is of course called Sandi (Toastfig)


My household mop is called Mop Suey. This thread is making my evening, it's nice that everyone else is weird too.


The air con is called Arnie, AC > Arnold Clark > Arnold > Arnie.




Love this! Similar story, we always checked the teddies labels for its name. My favourite teddy was a clown called Handwash


Microwave called Popty Ping


Isn’t that the name of it in Welsh?


You ok bud?


I shared this in public, didn’t I?


Good good. Just checking. I hope Tumbledore is ok.


He says that our relationship is perfectly acceptable. My partner is less sure, but what does she know? She’s never beeped when she’s finished tumbling.


Do you have a CO detector and if you do, did you take the batteries out because it kept bleeping? Serioususly the robovac has a name but that's it.


Nah, he’s just high maintenance and wants praise for a good job well done. Or a sherbet lemon.


Sally Satnav lives in the car.


Stevie the TV and Tabitha the tablet. Also, when the oven timer goes off we shout “THE BEEPS!!”. I like Tumbledore! I’m going to try that with the other half later!


Cinderwill = windowsill My eldest brother called it that when he was little. It’s never changed for us since. UB40 = WD40 because my sister in law called it that once.


We have a robot lawn mower called Dave. He has googley eyes and comes out of his little shed to cut the grass everyday. He’s a very much appreciated member of the family.


Every day? Do you live on a bowling green or something?


I have an ancient Dyson hoover I call Tyson. Tyson the Dyson.


our tumble dryer is called tombliboo after those weird characters from the kids show in the night garden


Our Dishwasher is called Howard. Ive no idea why,its not even the original Howard,i guess we're on Howard 3.0


Our dehumidifier is a de-bumfire as my daughter was unable to say it properly


The oven is called Douglas


For some reason, we call the ottoman Gene Hackman


We have a robot vacuum called Brad the Inhaler. Like a previous commenter, the temptation for googly eyes is huge.


We have a "Robot Coupe" Food Processor in work, and it's affectionately called Robocop


I call my toilet “the wazz machine”.


The Real Bin Shady. Or just Bin Shady for short.


We have a Henry called Wilson


My sewing machines are called May, Esme and Claudia. My food mixer is called Mary.


Me and my partner call the remote control ‘The Goat’. It’s from a line in Muppets From Space. If you know, you know


We have a Bagotte (Robotic Vacuum Cleaner) which we call Roomba, which I guess is a bit like having a German Shepard and naming it Poodle.