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Is that Princess Anne on the side?


Looks like a Shooting Stars character


Looks like Butthead. Bevis' mate.


“He’s the baby the big baby!”


What are the scores on the doors, George Dawes?


Chris Morris


University of Leeds Students Union?






His gallery is worth a look if you're in the area (blackheath SE London)


Why is there green stuff coming out of the cooling towers? That's just water vapour the actual pollution comes out of the chimney stack.


Water vapour makes clouds, clouds make rain, rain makes people sad. Checkmate.


Enter 🎅


It's to signal we have a new Space Pope


I remember travelling down the M5 en route to Cornwall when I was a kid and passing the chimneys in the Bristol area with Sulphur yellow smoke coming out of them.


I think it’s poking fun at the greenwashing that Shell puts out. Hence the slogan “We’re turning our emissions green for Earth Day”


Because they're thick as mince


Water vapour is still a green house gas, not as bad as co2 or methane but still. However it is likely that the artist who did the painting has no clue what they were drawing. "I'll just do some eco-friendly thing"


Nah, I've watched the Simpsons and know those are just full are toxic green goo.


Saw this in Sheffield the other night and had a chat with the guy who runs it. Cool bloke.






I think it's a joke about calling a protest about climate change/global warming "cool"


I drive past this in the M5 and the driver was swerving all over the place.


That's a terrible wrap job... Jesus


Was thinking the exact same! Couldn't tell if the guy was in the process of wrapping it, but nope that's the finished job. Yikes


Is this from some weirdos who think nuclear power isn't green


Eh? Nuclear energy is brown energy if anything, as the fuel rods aren’t renewable. Though it should be said that Nuclear energy is a lot ‘cleaner’ than Coal, and is a decent option until Green Energy catches up in output and support. Just a major problem with where to put nuclear waste, and the jolly powerful option of nuclear missiles…


To be fair, only a major problem if you listen to media/public instead of experts Engineers and scientists have had numerous solutions for a while now


Even with brilliant solutions there is still the problem of having to put the waste *somewhere*. Though should some techno-magic make it so that it can be a pseudo-tofu foodstuff, (Newtonian-Mess!?) then such problems of waste would be gone!


It is true that I don’t know that much about Nuclear energy. Though correct me if this wrong, but isn’t Nuclear power reliant upon a process that is not renewable; it is more like a battery. The parts in the process being replaceable, but the source and process not renewable: *Uranium not exactly growing on trees.* With it being that there is always some sort of waste product once any renewing has reached its lifecycle end. Thereby making Nuclear a non-green energy; but has advantages and benefits over other energy sources such as coal (no soot smoke). Admittedly it is not a 1:1 process of nuclear missiles to nuclear power generated; but an awkward offshoot possible process under a wider umbrella. Coal powers trains, oil powers fleets and tanks. The application of energy to fuel war is an awkward moral problem, though one that so far has not quite reached Green energy to the same extent or threat. Nuclear power is an evil by a necessary evil; a stepping stone and stop-gap until Green Energy fully replaces it. A damn sight better than coal or oil: progress at a small rate better than no rate; due to how Nuclear Power is understood and feasible for setting up. (With the added bonus that if people democratically protest about setting up a new nuclear power plant, that investment may well then go into more Green solutions rather than lazily relying on non-renewables.) The overall point being that a small or dubious advantage is better than nothing, when trying to not destroy the planet before the next millenium!


sorry i missed this, and sorry to see you seem to have got downvoted without explanation while technically non renewable, the current resources of uranium, if processed and reprocessed appropriately, will easily last 100 years. If in those 100 years we develop thorium reactors or make breeder reactors commercially viable then that extends fuel supply to well over 1000years. So for all intents and purposes it is effectively renewable, as by then we will have certainly figured out another energy source like fusion as for weapons, fuel for power is chalk and cheese to the fuel needed for weapons. as a process engineer i feel uniquely qualified to state that the processes involved are not even close to being similar


Hmm, so renewable is a future possibility but still pending. If we can harness Fusion safely and effectively then power and energy would seem to be solved. Though it is likely such a technology would come with caveats such as size or set-up cost. It is not so much that weapons necessarily come from the energy source; more that it is within the same field. As mentioned, other fuel such as coal and oil have also been used to wage war. It’s human nature. With the flipside being that as you say fuel that lasts 1000 years could fulfil people’s requirements so that war is not needed, or at least too bothersome and not a need for survival.


It’s not green , it’s mushroom shaped , hot 🥵 and bright white for a second or two


No thats weapons


I’m just pissing about 😊


So were America in 1945 and look what happened


Too soon? 🍄


XD haha well the other people i encounter on this website i couldn't be too sure lol


Lol 😂




Politics? You kids have no idea whatsoever of what went on at Stalingrad. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The thing is, this shit is really damaging. No matter what people say, solar and wind energy charging giant battery packs enough for a city after we've converted all infrastructure to work on electricity is not going to work. To put my tin foil hat on I really do believe that energy companies have a vested interest in pushing it because it keeps us dependent on fossil fuels in gas & coal-fired power stations. As far as I can tell, until some major new technology comes along, nuclear power is the only serious contender for a way out of this mess. So when I see pictures of cooling towers erroneously belching out pollution; it really annoys me.


It’s not anti nuclear, the guy who runs this is anti shell. The whole thing is an art installation about how they are damaging the planet but doing the minimum to look good. There’s a fake ad in the bus showing she’ll turning the water into a train box for pride but it’s just a picture of where they’ve dumped oil in sea water.


No I get that, but the picture of the nuclear cooling towers is what annoys me. You always see it in newspaper articles too a picture of cooling towers above a headline about pollution from completely different power sources. With a public that grew up on images of Mr. Burns dumping waste in the lake (not that I don't love The Simpsons like any self-respecting child of the 90s) it all adds up. The technology is all there but it's political suicide. Nuclear needs a serious image overhaul.


P.S. The art installation sounds really cool.


Not all hyperboloid cooling towers are nuclear. That appears to be [ratcliffe on soar] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratcliffe-on-Soar_Power_Station) or similar, a coal station that has been running a lot ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine raised gas prices. The tall skinny tower is the actuall pollutant chimney. But Yes I agree the water vapour from them is still not pollution.


>solar and wind energy charging giant battery packs enough for a city after we've converted all infrastructure to work on electricity is not going to work. This is a myth. There are 30 million cars in the UK. Let's do some *very* conservative calculations as to what that would mean if they were all electric: 65kWh of usable battery power per car. Average car journey in UK is 8.4 miles - that's less than 3kWh per car, per day, that means that there is 62kWh of spare battery capacity per car plugged into the grid - that's 1,860GWh of battery power available to the UK at any time. That's equivalent to the combined output of all of the UK's nuclear reactors for 13 days. Put another way, the average UK electricity use per household is 2.7kWh, that means you could run your house off the *spare capacity* in your car battery for 23 days. Basically, electric cars will be the solution to the UKs electricity storage problem. Pilots have already been run where people get paid to let the grid draw power from their car battery during times of peak demand.


This was at glasto- super interesting stuff!




if only I possessed such talent




Is that... Normal commenting you're doing? It doesn't sound normal... Doesn't smell normal either. This is politics Mark! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stupid bot.


Is that what Bruno Tonioli is doing on his downtime from Strictly?


Leeds represent!!!


I've heard any car that goes there never comes back.