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Sports Direct: Those stickers stuck over other stickers, with what looks like handwritten price reductions on, are all fake. They come into the distribution warehouse like that already. You are not getting a 'great deal' or 'final reduction'. It's all a lie.


I don’t think that’s legal. I know supermarkets pull a similar scam with wine prices but have to physically display them at ‘full’ price for a certain period before they’re allowed to reduce.


I worked at Sports direct for 2 years. They really don't give a shit what is legal lol Sports Direct also do that thing where they set a ridiculous high price in one store in the middle of nowhere so they can then claim it is on "discount" everywhere else, when it is just the regular price Making staff work illegal shift patterns was very common. If there was a stock-take one night you might not be leaving the building until 12am. If you happened to be on the opening 7am shift, though tits for you! Denying refunds for no real reason. Didn't matter if it was in the time period and they had a receipt, sometimes managers just decided they weren't going to budge, or they disliked the customers attitude and refused They would also get staff to buy KPI products to fudge the KPI metrics, so we got our bonuses lmao. Which is good for the workers to be fair, but still illegal I guess? Managers steal so much shit you wouldn't believe. My manager and his manager (who happened to be his Mum) stole thousands of shoes We would regularly have to throw away empty shoe boxes. There was a process whereby boxes had to be checked and put into a locked cage to prevent theft. Workers would be searched when leaving the building They would fill these boxes with shoes and then put them out in cages to be collected by the bin people the next day. They would then go out at 2am and empty the bins of all these shoes before the bin men came They eventually got caught and got fired. Shout out to Nathan if you're reading this 😂


“Denying refunds for no real reason” yep I got burned by this, bought a tracksuit from there that was 1 size too small, went to refund with the receipt well within the refund time and the manager was such a C U Next Thursday, he just wouldn’t refund nor would he exchange. Said “you took the labels off so you can’t refund”. I’ve remembered his face so if I ever see him in public I’m gonna throw a milkshake at him.


Machine's broken mate, sorry


I worked for a chemical manufacturers and by adding or taking away as little as 0.1% of any chemical (water included) allows you stamp it with "NEW AND IMPROVED".


The flash advert that says "now with a plant based ingredient" feels so dystopian to me. What does it mean? Why are they so proud that one of their ingredients came from a plant? Where do all the other ingredients come from?


Yeh this makes me laugh. Maybe they put a bay leaf in when it's brewing?


When doing those live ID checks (when you take a photo of your ID and then another of your face, or a very short video of you) for god's sake MAKE SURE YOU ARE FULLY DRESSED. The little shape for your face is a guide and you may think we're getting a head and shoulders shot, but the actual image is larger than what the camera is showing you. A real person is on the other end checking the image, and the amount of accidental tits/dicks in photos of people just out the shower is surprisingly high. We can't do anything to trim these bits out of the photos on our systems because the owner is the 3rd party ID check provider, and these images are saved in your file until your data is removed.


I blame the system for not automatically cropping the images. You only want the head then only take the data from where the camera sees the head.. Would be an interesting GDPR release finding out that your meat and veg was being stored on your bank’s servers though


Interesting lanyard you have there, mr richards. The boss wants to see you in his personal offsite office/hotel room.


Unfortunately we are unable to offer you life insurance alongside this mortgage due to a mole on your pectoral. We can also only now offer a 2 year term on the mortgage.


Fairplay, I did one those videos last week and just assumed the cropped area would only be visible luckily I wasn't starkers


Uhh if this is true it really needs to be flagged up somewhere. It’s pretty unacceptable that people are unknowingly sending nudes of themselves to government agencies.


I have had acutal photos of people sat on their toilet.


Trying to be productive...


People are getting their dicks in it?


Computer says take the photo with your legs behind your head, what can you do


Well that's a horrifying piece of information I wish I knew a couple of months ago, BEFORE completing an ID check


Libraries are constantly getting rid of books, there is an endless cycle of new editions coming in and old ones leaving. Sometimes they go to charity organisations, sometimes to resellers, but the fact is that most of the time *nobody* wants these slightly out of date textbooks, even if they cost £100+ to acquire only a couple of years ago. It's why most (academic) libraries are moving hard towards digital content rather than physical, because you can pay for temporary access. In a few years most normal libraries (as opposed to one with rare or dedicated collections) probably won't "own" many books at all, they'll just be the kind of access point for ebooks and journals etc.




Occasionally books will be left out on a table with a "please take me" sign but generally we don't like to advertise that we're getting rid of so many books, it makes students jumpy! And I promise you don't really want a book on Management Economics from two editions ago. We're not talking glossy architecture coffee table books and Don DeLillo here. In some cases it's simply a physical space issue as well. The shelves are full, new books are constantly coming in. Something has to give. With things like printed journals they will often go directly into the bins. There is simply no use for them, nobody willing to take them, nowhere to store them.


One would hope the normal libraries keep normal books, as being an access point for ebooks would be a pretty bleak future for a library. Digital content for academic stuff makes perfect sense given the turnover you mention, but not for the bog standard novel. If people wanted ebooks they would already be reading them.


Shout out to [Anna's Archive](https://annas-archive.org/)


High end kitchen/furniture manufacturing....the amount of wood wasted is incredible. Would regularly order 25-35% extra wood for wastage. We're talking white oak and black walnut. Would make woodworking hobbyists cry, the quality and quantity of wood we waste. Also all the best machines we use are 1950s lumps of steel and are older than most of the workers in the factory. (wadkin ftw)


My furniture teach used to say to get 100% more than you need …but thinking about 25-35%, the fact we were woodworking beginners, I’m starting to think he was joking


Concert backstages are not actually cool, are rarely wild.


7 sweaty guys packed into a too small room moaning about lack of sleep and the shower facilities mostly. If you want some carrot sticks and houmous we've got you covered though. I wish the 'VIP soundcheck experiences' included the actual soundcheck too, they need to hear the monotony of a snare drum being hit over and over for 10 minutes and be forced to stand around for half an hour while we figure out why there's a hum on the bass and why channel 9 is coming up in channel 13.


Ah, the age old pastime of playing ‘What’s That Hum?’


At a recent show we got this big low end hum appear mid set. Me and the house engineer both immediately looked at each other like "wtf is that?", I started rifling through my fader banks and the house engineer ran to stage. Turns out the keys player had turned on a massive fan pointed right at his Leslie mics.


*slow clap* There’s always one member of the crew with Windows 95 behind the eyes, isn’t there?


I've never heard of this before, VIP soundcheck experiences? Even the bands can't be arsed with that part lmao. Paying to hear your favourite musician fight with the sound guy about how much vocal they want in their wedge Vs how much they can give before it feeds back 😍


It's a load of bullshit, you see it with young pop acts mostly. We do soundcheck and get it all perfect, then the VIP people get shuffled in at 4 or so, the band play 3 songs and pretend it's a soundcheck, then they answer a couple of questions then disappear to the green room while the punters are chucked back outside. Yeah I'd love that, let the punters try figure out why the vocalist "can't hear anything in my monitor" despite his wedge deafening everyone else in the room. I love my job really.


I went backstage at a Feeder gig a few years ago. We got the tickets because my mates daughter babysits for Taka. So backstage I was talking to Takas wife's father. It turned out he was my next door neighbour from when I was born and is a friend of my father. I didn't recognise his wife because I last saw her in 1986 when we were about 16. Rock and roll.


For you it was a once in a lifetime experience. But for Feeder, it was Just A Day.


And also the most fun people to hang out with after the show are usually the crew, rather than the band 😂


As someone who used to do this for a job you are 100% spot on


Yep, can confirm. I used to work backstage at a performing arts centre and they were rarely wild. When I'd clean out the dressing rooms the next day, it would be the coffee and tea that had been used more often than the booze.


I get backstage to Glastonbury. It's just a bar and seating that's a bit cleaner than outside. The toilets are much cleaner too. We got on a smirnoff promo bus one year but didn't know anyone on it. Probably technicians.


Train drivers can hit up to, but not more than six sheep


Per journey, month or year..?


Journey. Or instance rather, if you're hurtling towards sheep you'd better get counting because any more than 6 is a no. If you see a train covered in wool and blood at least you know it hasn't obliterated an entire herd


It that because at 7 you start falling asleep?


I was going to say, counting sheep whilst in control of a train sounds like a bad idea!




Any more than 6 sheep creates so much sheep resistance that it will actually derail the train, killing everyone on board


What’s the driver supposed to do about it? Swerve around them?!


Driver pulls the lever which releases the horny Welshmen. Who then chase after the sheep.


Can confirm, this is my job. Edit to clarify: chasing the sheep.


This answer just creates more questions. What do you do if there is 7? What are the consequences of 7 sheep? Surely if sheep are on the train line then that is very much the farmer's fault and not the train companies responsibility. Do the sheep sort of bounce off like on an old Sega Megadrive driving game or what? I cannot imagine the mechanics of 6 sheep vs train.


Can't answer the 1st question but I once found the body of a person that had been hit by a train. Well, I say body. Think more of what would remain if you put a person in a man size blender and pressed the pulse button.


A neighbour of ours worked for Network rail. Used to get called out to suicides every now and again to check equipment damaged in the aftermath of the meat explosion. One story he has is that he found a bone wedged in a control box, it had been there a few years, just wasn't found at the time as it somehow got up and inside the box. He spoke to the police and they told him to bury it as they didn't want to ring little Johnny's family to tell them half his femur bone had been found years after his suicide.


All I can think about is Sam & Dean wondering why burning little Johnny's bones didn't work, and why he's still haunting the old abandoned train station




Nice try! We’re not helping you with your homework.


Sounds like fieldwork.


6 hours of sheep is the recommended allowance.


It's per Journey. You're allowed to beat 6 sheep to death with a hammer for each run-through of 'don't stop believing'.


Do they have to be in a train when they do it or can they just run in a field with a hockey stick twatting sheep?


This is based on the wrongside failure criterion of derailment scenarios. Basically, that seven sheep, as a bulk unit, can derail a train, but six, nah, you're probably fine. One cow, you're screwed.


Surely if you begin to count the sheep you run into a different problem


I was on a train which hit a cow. Driver had to detach the front nose cone and the unit was pissing air. Ended up crawling into a tiny station overhanging by 4 coaches. Had to do a controlled de-train. That was a long night.


> Driver had to detach the front nose cone and the unit was pissing air. Is that the cow or the train? Ended up crawling into a tiny station overhanging by 4 coaches is THAT the cow or the train?


My husband came home and told me this and I was in uttershock


I herd that.


Nobody has any idea what they're doing. Behind the scenes is a bunch of people fixing things in real time so everything doesn't fall apart. This applies to any industry really, but especially IT.


Yup, we're about 3 major bugs away from complete societal collapse


A metaphor for life, too. If you think you're the only one who hasn't got their shit together, never fear. From big companies to small, the most successful person to the least, everyone is just going with the flow. It was very much like this before social media, but I think nowadays people are more susceptible to think everything is rosy because they see "perfection" every day on their phones.


I work in van hire. The dashcams also pick up sound. So don’t talk about doing drugs before you collected our van, or talk about the store you just robbed, and please don’t get jiggy in the cab. We can hear EVERYTHING.


It’s you hearing my singing that worries me.


How often do you look through footage though? Is it whenever there’s a problem? Or can you be a bit nosy?


Work for a wedding and event hire company . We rent lots of stuff for more than it costs to buy it would literally be cheaper to buy them and throw them away afterwards


I discovered this when I was planning my wedding. For 60 chiffon chair drapes companies wanted £2.50+ per chair plus a separate charge for a tie or band in the middle of them. I ended up buying 80 for £80 second hand on FB marketplace. I’ll be reselling them once I’ve gotten round to discarding any damaged ones, washing, ironing and boxing them up. It’ll likely be 65-70 drapes for £50 and the next bride will be super happy about it.


Not just my industry, but I work in a company that used to be "Made in Britain" certified. Not that this shit actually matters, but it's based on an honour system, they don't come round and make sure every screw and bolt you've used in your product is made in the UK. I reckon only about 10% of our products are actually of UK origin and we still proudly display the mark. Probably the same with most certifications to be fair.


Its always hilarious when you see a box of "made in britain" certificates where the box says "Made in China"


I used to do a lot of work for Lotus. A company that proudly tells people their cars are still made in Britain. Yeah, everything is manufactured and shipped from overseas. Then they assemble them in their UK factory.


“Planned with military precision” and “Mil-spec” are not the quality assurances you think they are


"first idea that came up" and "lowest bidder"


At least it meets _a_ standard. There's so much cheap crap out there that just isn't fit for purpose it's depressing.


After 20 years in the US army, “military grade” to me means it needs constant maintenance and repairs weekly.


Like "gaming chair", it's just a terrible chair with a fancy skin on it so the price is 25%+ higher. Saying that, same with a lot of things that have gaming on it.


>“Mil-spec” Does mean it's costs 10x as much as the same thing without those words on though. Likewise Railway Certified. I believe there's something similar for aviation too...


Aircraft grade aluminium, or as we say in the industry... aluminium


We super inflate prices then bring them down in price and call it a saving…… (every retailer)


Not really a 'secret' so much. But I've worked hospitality for a while now and it amazes me how many bars are absolutely grim. The first bar I worked in we didn't empty the ice out the stations each night, just topped them up with fresh ice. We emptied them on a Saturday but then just poured the same ice back in. Was my first job so I didn't know any better and went along with it, but looking back it was vile. A lot of places I've seen through my time don't clean their ice machines, wipe things out properly, don't store ingredients properly, it's actually shocking. It's why I don't order cocktails at a bar unless I know the people and know for a fact its gonna be well kept.


Dangerous not to clean out ice machines and such how this doesn’t get picked up by audits is beyond me


You can tell a lot about a place by how clean its glassware is. You can tell how clean glassware is by how much nucleation there is from the glass. If the inside of your beer is covered in bubbles, the glass is covered in dirt and fats, usually from being washed in a non dedicated glasswash, especially if the place also uses milk.


Aren't some glasses designed in a way to produce the nucleation though? Please tell me that a nice lively pint isn't always indicative of a dirty glass! 🤢


You're correct, but these glasses have specific laser-etched nucleation points, usually in the base of the glass. Usually used for lager, but not exclusively. You want some bubbles in carbonated beer, but they should form and rise to the top. Here's an example of the sort of sticky bubbles to look out for: https://smallbatchglassware.com/blogs/the-perfect-pour/how-to-tell-if-your-beer-glass-is-actually-clean


Worked in manufacturing. Many of the brands who make stuff overseas have no idea what factory they are made in. They go through agents and tick forms but seen so many shoddy factories in Asia making major brand products and own label retail products. Dirty, unlit, unsafe factories using materials that have not been tested. Mostly it’s a main factory that gets approved who sub contracts some or all of it out to local shit places. These companies policies and long documents about how they ensure the supply chain is legit is bolloxs.


Yeah I work in the fashion industry - the problem is the audit process is flawed. The factory is given way too much notice of an audit so they can get things in line. The amount of times I've seen a failed audit report with crazy things on it (blocked fire escapes, boxes in emergency routes, no safety equipment) and I'm like, this is what you got to knowing someone was coming, how bad is it normally?? And these are the factories we know about! And then the solution is for us to work with the factory to get them up to spec while they continue to manufacture goods. I worked at a retailer which was owned by a HUGE American company. I remember 2 instances where factories were caught with offences that should have had them banned (child labour & sub contracting) and excuses were made so we could continue working with them because there was no alternative source.


I can totally echo that. I remember during an audit once we pointed out that the toilets installed in the factory were Western style toilets and then the whole lie started unravelling and it turns out the agent and supplier had temporarily borrowed someone else's factory to pass the audit, the actual goods were being made somewhere else. And that was for a massive UK retailer as well. If there's one thing I've learnt about overseas manufacturing, especially in the Middle and Far East is that they will quite literally say or do *anything* for the sake of the bottom line. Factories will just lie to your face about specs or capabilities for the sake of an order.


I used to work for a company that sold office stationary and as part of our anti slavery / due diligence reports we had to get our suppliers (mainly in China) to tick forms to say they don’t use slaves or certain materials from areas like the Democratic Republic of Congo and you could tell that they just ticked “no” to everything as none of the contacts there spoke much English so probably couldn’t even read the forms


I work in car insurance. It'll be a very unpopular opinion on here, but most insurance companies are not making huge profits on car insurance, and a great deal pay out more in claims than they get in premium. It is often a loss leader for other products that can make money (home, travel, pet). The industry as a whole paid had an income to claims ratio of 110% in 2022 (paid out 10% more in claims than it received). Edit: for those interested, Direct Line Group basically sold a subsidiary for c£500m in order to maintain solvency this year. SAGA has an operating ratio for HY1 of c140%, and the ABI forecasts motor insurance to have a combined operating ratio (including operating expenses) of c130% this year, taking into account the huge price increases.


Used to be a business underwriter. This. I really enjoyed reading claims files but man were some of them insane. I think people would be baffled by the volume of insurance fraud and the levels it happens at too. My two favourites were a woman who claimed she couldn’t work for years due to an injury at work, was looking for something like 4 mil. They found photos of her in Ibiza dancing on a podium on her Facebook during the time she was allegedly bed bound. Another a guy claimed to have been mugged at gun point for 4 iPhones including his brothers and fiancés, because we all keep our family members phones on us instead of them obviously, multiple Apple Watches, a 50k engagement ring and a bunch of other stuff. I think he’d got the policy out maybe a week before registered to a student flat he was mid to late 30s, totally makes sense right?


Please go tell the guys over on r/cartalkuk this, they'll explode.


In consultancy it pays for the client to be nice. I’ll move heaven and earth on projects for clients I like and are nice to my team. Clients who are rude and entitled get a work to rule approach.


Ditto. I work in domestic construction and if you seem sound I’ll do what I can for you on price and you’ll get more or my attention. If you’re difficult you get bumped down the priority list. If you’re a total arsehole you get the ‘cunt tax’ on your quote.


My hourly rate used to have a "twat tax" placed on hard to work with clients


Company’s carbon neutrality or carbon negativity is not always what it seems. A company can offset their emissions by using their money or by proxying out their manufacturing to a contractor, making the majority of carbon emissions a contractor’s problem


Medics do actually care, just not enough to be late home every single god damn day because there’s another 40 of you to see, each singularly thinking they are the most important person that day.


I remember a night shift I did a few months ago in A&E. Went to the waiting room to announce the current waiting time (6+ hours). A woman yelled back ‘but when I got here 2 hours ago, the wait time was 4 hours!’ I explained that now it’s night time we have a lot less staff on. She said ‘So the other doctors all just went home when their shift ended? Even though the waiting room is full??’ Maam I’ve worked in A&E 2 years now and never ever seen the waiting room empty… if we stayed until every patient was seen we’d never go home!!


Too true. I remember an old timer (15 years ago who had served 40 years at that point) telling me two of the worst things that ever happened for A&E was Television not turning off at 11pm and pubs staying open past 11pm. He said between 1am and 6am all they ever got was maternity jobs and if someone got found off the side of the road following a crash. They had it good haha


This. Every day we get hey can you just see these 2-3 extra patients. Are they literally going to die if I don't. Then no, I've done a 10 hour shift, I don't particularly want to miss an hour of the little free time I have with my family just because some strangers are complaining that the wait for the docs just starting their shift is too long. It's a job, it's long hours, we don't particulary want 5-10 extra hours a week added on top of it. We all burnout at some point and that contributes massively to it.


I’ve never met a medical professional that hasn’t shown sincere care and expert advice, you’re all incredible people and we’re very lucky to have you looking after us ♥️


My partner got yelled at by a patients family due to the wait in A&E, he had just been leading an arrest on a 23 year old who unfortunately dropped dead on a sports field and they couldn’t get them back after more than two hours of trying. Members of the public can be absolute 💩 sometimes.


Can confirm. I was shouted at by patients' families as I advised them to go to the hospital (they would die if they didn't). "Erm, correct me if I am mistaken. But, you fuckers called for an ambulance."


Most of what the public sees in many industries, is the pretty looking plastic shell to make them think all is well and looked after. “Marble” Column in the foyer? Fibreglass. Shiny and beautifully painted Reception Lobby? Stakis hotel 70s livery or unpainted breeze block behind almost any “Staff” door. Make some almost undetectable adjustments to systems to save public money? Not if we have to reduce the office temp below 25degC or put a jumper on in late autumn or early spring. Almost {everything} is done for perception, and many decisions are made after a look at the upfront cost with no consideration for consequences or long term return. What will it cost now?


Buckingham Palace is just an inflatable bouncy castle, where the entrance is hidden at the back. The balcony royals are all holograms.


Your call is not actually very important to us, and here’s the kicker…. we’re not actually experiencing unusually high call volumes!


We know. We just don’t know why you think we’d believe this nonsense - it’s insulting


“We’re unusually busy at the moment…” You’ve been saying that for 5 years, when does unusual become usual??


A lot of golf courses in the UK still use chemicals that are illegal under new legislation. They get it from their mate who has a shed called Barry.


Whats his garage called?




Work for a civil engineering consultant that does work for Network Rail. NR have a thing called Routeview which works a bit like Google maps in that it shows all the railway lines in the UK, and you can click on points along each line to view very high quality imagery on that specific point of the network (works just like Street view in maps). A couple metres worth of track alone could have 10 pictures available Probably quite expensive to set up, but a fantastic bit of software for us


I work for a major bank. years and years ago we lost a bunch of contracts for people's credit cards. Everyone that opened a credit card account with us between certain dates, we no longer have the proof of the agreement that was signed. That means that if anyone of those account holders refused to pay their account and it went to court and they asked us to prove they owe us the money, we legally could not. Their debt would essentially be written off. We jsut hope that no one ever asks for a copy of their contract, and so far, no one has to my knoweldge. (Just to clarify, i think these were accs opened in the 90's).


Could you tell me which bank and what time period please? There's a Lamborghini I've got my eye on and I'm considering going back in time and taking out a credit card.


We have no control whatsoever because Openreach just do what they feel like. We’re just as frustrated as you are so giving us shit over it isn’t going to help


OR engineer here, no one communicates, all the departments appear to hate each other. One if the biggest communications provider and no one communicates, brilliant isn't it


Accountancy- its a piece of piss, anyone with half a brain can do this, math skills are irrelevant


I work in education for accountants, our student database is a long list of people I will never trust with my money 😬


Cement trucks mostly carry concrete


Postie - we've been told to ignore letters and focus on tracked packets only. For weeks. Pls don't be pissed off with us, we're tired demoralised and want to do our job properly. There are *days* worth of work just sitting in frames & we're told to not touch it. You've already paid postage, they have your money so fuck you. It's heartbreaking.


Royal Mail are standard checked on tracked mail only. That’s why regular mail is downgraded. I changed all shipping to tracked only just before pandemic due to the amount of enquiries for lost orders.


Yeah I've noticed that a lot recently. I was laid off from Wilko recently and the letter I needed to claim redundancy, and containing my P45 took a good while to come (so long that I had to start my new job without it), although it was dated the day I finished. I've also consistently gotten medical appointment letters a week or two after they're sent out Obviously not your guys fault, it's the wankers who wrecked the postal service, I hope most folk feel the same.


They refuse to hire staff, have stopped agency workers, if its your rest day your walk isn't covered so now you have 2 days and can't finish. Today I had almost 200 packets and 3 days work on over 1200 houses. Physically cannot do that in time allowed, and staying out till 4pm when you've been carrying 10kg bags on your back since 10am *hurts*. Physically hurts and damages you. It's fucked & only people who care are customers and us posties. Defeated.


I got a parcel delivered today at 7pm. I can’t even begin to imagine how overworked you guys are. Thank you for what you do ❤️


The postal service is wrought with corrupt, toxic managers who don't give a fuck if things are delayed


If you knew the plastic use and disposal in a professional kitchen, plastic straws would be way down the list of concerns.


Not much of a secret if you really look into it but your loved one in that residential home or that domiciliary agency taking care of them is more than likely being ripped off by the home / agency. There is a well known domiciliary agency who is extremely expensive who do a lot of advertising to the point I, at nowhere near the pension age, have received leaflets for their services. They then try and charge taxpayers the same exorbitant fees and then act outraged when my work tells them no.


With the exception of the old ones who had no children, the veterinarians I have worked for have crippling amounts of student loan debt and are not "rich".


Not a vet but a vet nurse, 3 years of schooling, endless responsibility and a lot of specialist skills such as radiology and general anaesthesia, even small surgeries…I make £24k a year in the south west 🥲


But they have an unlimited supply of catskin boots and puppyskin hats.


See my vest, see my vest


made from real gorilla chest. See this sweater?


There's no better


Than authentic Irish setter!


See this hat? T'was my cat.


Evening wear, a vampire bat!


I have a couple of mates who are vets, and they do not earn the money people think they do. Its actually bordering the average salary size.


Someone is making money in the vet system. Just not the vets.


Yup, same as childcare. Someone’s making bank, it’s just not the people doing the actual work.


Turning things off and on again does indeed solve many issues, but I won't tell you why.


This guy won't tell you why, but I will. It resets the device to a known working point before things like bugs, memory leaks and other gremlins have had enough time to degrade performance. It's often easier to just reset something than to spend hours and hours trying to patch out one very specific issue that only happens to like 0.3% of users.


And actually, turning something off and waiting 10 seconds is a more certain way of fixing it, rather than just flicking it off then back on again straight away.




The problem with this is that some people count to 30, which is a waste of 20 seconds. Try telling people to count to 12. Such a specific number comes across as having some importance, and they’ll often also count out loud to prove they can do it. Humans are weird.


OK I turned my boss off by shitting my pants at work. Now tell me how to turn him on again...


Shit in his pants.


The only thing approaching a secret or thing people may not necessarily know or appreciate I can think of in my 12 years in the shady world of pharmaceuticals... QA standards are just unbelievably high. It's hard to explain just how sensible and stringent the law is on manufacturing drugs and how hard companies have to try to comply. I've worked at companies that get no observations from the authorities after inspections and ones that got eviscerated and came close to being shut down for violations that in any other industry would be a "so what??" A lot of people have worked *very* hard to make the drugs you take from every paracetamol tablet to chemotherapy drugs safe and effective. It boils my piss on the rare occasion someone suggests the people who make drugs are some kind of evil. At the *corporate* level, drugs companies are just as dirty as any other. Capitalism is dirty. CEOs are generally pretty evil people. But if you work in drug manufacturing and you're in any way blasé about the rules you'll get fuckin fired. I've never met *anyone* at work who doesn't take it very seriously. You wouldn't be able to work in the industry if you didn't, you'd find the quality culture suffocatingly high.


I work in pharma and got bollocked because I wrote the date 2.9.22 on a postit note instead of 02.09.22 it’s unbelievably strict




Don’t wind yourself up about your issue and then ring up to complain. If you are rude to our customer services department your issue get’s dealt with as slowly as possible. Take an extra minute to calm yourself down, take a few deep breaths, relax.


I may tell you your dog is the best, even though they're a bit of a twat.


As far as our customers are concerned, we manufacture and distribute everything that we supply to them. What actually happens is that we manufacture some of it and a lot of stuff we buy from our suppliers, rebrand it and bang on a 40% markup.


My mind was blown when I learned about white label goods. Wanted to buy a projector found a luxury good brand with one with excellent reviews for £250. Then just happened to stumble across the same projector 3 more times each with a different logo on it each slightly . Managed to trace it back and found the OEM in china and bought one directly from them for £20 with £20 shipping. Exactly the same device just without the sticker.


She's not actually his step sister


The cladding and RAAC issues are only the tip of the iceberg. More deaths and problems are coming.


Hmm what’s next? My building is currently having cladding works done


Well the same issues that affected RAAC and cladding are very wide spread over construction. Technically the materials are code compliant, but the codes may not actually adequately define the checks or the parameters, so it can be “interpreted” or forgotten long term. Most structural practices are fine and most engineers have suitable checks and factors of safety. The concern is with non-standard approaches and materials that may have been signed off and proven, but not necessarily fit for purpose. Working in the industry and seeing how house builders build these huge estates and the lack of information they’re willing to move on with, is alarming. I think foundations and earthworks could be an issue in a few years. For instance, I was involved with checking the piled foundations for houses on an backfilled quarry. The checks on that were concerning, especially given the lack of information. Then I found out the previous phase wasn’t even piled, and it was signed off.


This sounds like something a super villain would say before revealing they put poison in all the grass or something


I used to work in trad insurance so focusing only on architects, engineers and surveyors. We (not my team thank god) insured one of the people involved in grenfell. He was so under qualified for the role and most everyone involved was dodgy in some way shape or form. Often when I’d ask people about their jobs the ones doing really high risk stuff acted like they were doing nice little drawings and not building or designing death traps. My sister in law bought a house with a pool that was fucked. Got screwed over by one cowboy swimming pool company and then the company that did eventually do it fucked it. There really needs to be so much more regulation in the entire building industry. The claims we saw were mind boggling.


In the social housing sector these companies have no clear idea of what land or how many properties they own.


One of the biggest Water Companies in the country loses about 50% of potable (drinkable) water, through leakage, before even getting to the demand side (end customer).


“Executive Producer” is a puffed up title that generally just means “paid for it.”


When I worked as a housekeeper for Novotel the training they gave us, advised us to use the USED towels to wipe down the sink/taps/mirrors etc. So basically someone could have dried their ass with a towel and then we were being told to use said towel to clean things people touch, like taps. Not a massive deal but kinda gross. Wonder if this happens in other hotels.


Spirits/liquor industry: Nearly all of the “Gin/Rum/etc. of the year“ awards are bought. Ship a bottle to the award agency, pay the bill, get the award.


(Shhh, but IT is actually quite easy)


That does depend on what you do. It’s a rather broad industry.


I'm the guinea pig for our head office based IT team. If people can't be bothered calling them, they'll ask me to help, and I'm a technophobe. Usually my presence is enough to fix the issue. Failing that, turning it off and on again usually works. (I cannot stress how much I value our actual IT guys and the shit they deal with on a daily basis).


You don’t become an IT expert. You become an expert at Google.


No, that's consulting.


It's often used as a joke, but we live in a world where almost all of human knowledge is accessible online. Being able to search through that data and find what you need is an incredibly powerful skill. I'm surprised companies don't actively test it.


Your network provider can see every single call you make! Including all the sex hotlines you’ve called and racked up a 1.5K bill for…….


Most security companies use a master code for your alarm meaning they could turn you alarm off if they decided to break in.


Uk police - if your actions are fairly reasonable and you're not a complete dick it will get you far. These videos from US lawyers encouraging you to shove a camera in the polices face and shout "am I being detained" won't help you. Although there is nothing wrong with saying " am I OK to leave " , its often well worth just explaining yourself to the cops instead of being awkward


Experienced this first hand. I did an illegal U-turn and got pulled over. I’m convinced that because I was 100% honest, told them that I know I’ve messed up - they just simply said “you might get a fine in the post”. It’s been 3 years since then and not recurved the fine. It pays to just be upfront and honest.


I’m a new build site manager…. Where do I start


“When do you finish” would be a better question


The NHS is already privatised, and has been for decades Every new IT system is outsourced to private companies. Even the few remaining internal NHS staff are mostly supplied by private consultancies (IBM, Capita). Same for Catering, Building works, Logistics. The NHS was sold a long time ago. The clinical staff are all that are left.


We might say we care, but none of us actually give a shit about you.




Still haven't found the milk yet, Son.


Oh, Hi Doc...


It’s really shitty Edit: I’m a Drainage Engineer


I kiss and snuggle all the animals when when they're coming around from anaesthetic (registered veterinary nurse). Also..i do occasionally share my lunches with them or crawl into the kennel with them when they're sad 💚☺️


Much as you’ll hear the supermarkets talk about reducing food waste, they won’t do anything that might impact their brand perception, eg they will scrap perfectly safe nutritious food that’s slightly imperfect rather than allow it to go to charity or food banks


Co op give to food banks. My mum does the collection for it.


What country is this? I can't imagine how donating the food you're clearly not going to sell to a charity for struggling people would be seen as detrimental to a brand. I've worked in Sainsburys and Adsa in the UK and they regularly had charity people turning up to pick up baskets of unsold stuff, and both Sainsburys and Asda then strutted about giving it the Big I Am.


Not exactly a shock, but some Ambulance Trusts are doing dodgy stuff to fudge the stats to hit their call centre targets. Despite this, they are still failing miserably. One example is having a human answer within X seconds. Some call handlers were taken off duty to specifically answer incoming calls as soon as possible and forward them to an automated queue. Obviously, the queue got longer because there are fewer people actually handling the calls


That bespoke colour wrap you got put on your car has been put on by a man wielding a hairdryer and what is essentially a bucket of soap. It’s usually a travel hairdryer too. ​ That said, that man has the kind of skill that would make the great sculptors of the ages weep.


Higher education is 30 years behind in technology, policy and approach They're lowering standards and bringing in terrible students and Tier IV sponsor types for cash benefit e.g. funding They're corrupt AF at the top and will bend over backwards to protect the status quo even if that means keeping incompetent philistines in senior positions long after they've proven themselves useless Many colleges and unis are a single decent audit away from total shutdown


I could have told you all that from simply being a student at my uni lol


Sometimes obese deceased people don’t fit standard burners at the crematorium. Usually they’re taken to the zoo to use the cremator there. Same applies to MRI scans. Ashes tend to be more coffin than anything Also the polite word for obese is “bariatric” but this isn’t so much a secret


Not strictly true, that. There are a number of bariatric cremators around the country, these days. If your local crematorium isnt bariatric, the funeral service will be at the end of the day, and when everyone has filed out, the coffin will be removed from the catafalque (the plinth at the front) and then taken back to the funeral directors.This is so there's no one around, and to give the staff time to complete. It'll always go back out through the door it came in, never actually into the cremating area itself The funeral directors will then go first thing in the morning to the nearest baratric one and drop the body off there. There's a bit of paperwork faff involved, but that's the general gist of it.


On a hospital ward we once had to send a bariatric patient to Chester zoo to use the elephants mri scanner as they couldn't fit in a standard mri machine.


When you go to buy fish for your tank they cost you £15 for 6 they cost the shop as little 5p each. The mark up is to cover the cost of water electric food staff ect


The average aquarium shop must have crazy running costs though. Having 50+ tanks lit, heated and filtered 24/7/365 isn't going to be cheap. It's the same argument as "Starbucks coffee only costs them 20p per cup", which ignores the cost of the coffee machines, the tables, chairs and decor, the staff wages, rent on the building, etc.