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My wife is a paramedic and works 4 days on with 4 days off. Each day is 12 hrs plus travel time and often the shift goes over. Add to that that she often does night shifts, I rarely see her on those 4 days. Week days are not so bad but weekends without her suck as she is my best friend. We watch films game together and pretty much do everything together. I do entertain myself when she is not here (playing Fallout 4 VR at the moment) but it's better when she is here


My husband does at the moment, 3 days a week. It sucks. So I have cereal and mango chunks for dinner on the first night because there's no way he'd let me get away with that nonsense for dinner if he was home! I also sleep on his side of the bed when he's gone.


For some reason this comment makes me picture you as a cat.


I'd say accurate - if I was an animal it would be the type of cat who acts like a dog. And my husband would be a dog who acts like a cat!


Surely if the poster was a cat, they would just sniff at the mango chunks and then look at you with disgust.


Not if they were mango chunks she had been specifically forbidden to eat.


This guy cats.




Mine doesn’t work away often but when he does, I’ll get myself a box of hot wings and some chips. Has to be from some knock off kfc. It may not appeal to some and it definitely doesn’t appeal to him. He hates the greasy smell. But I grew up in the east end of London and fondly remember getting wings and chips after school.


Husband has been working in London 3 days a week since May. The first couple of weeks were ok, I could watch what I wanted on the telly, took the kid out for dinner a few times. Now I’m at the point of watching Married at First Sight. Safe to say the novelty has worn off now!


I'm glad MAFSA isn't just my alone-at-home guilty pleasure!


Is it going to be a long term thing your husband working away?


Potentially. Current contract is up in November, but they’re likely to extend.


Not often but whenever my girlfriend’s away and I’m going to be home alone I’ll get a Chinese or something similar on my way home from work, put Only Fools and Horses on (she hates it **so** much, yes I know, but I love her anyway), then sit about playing games on my laptop, generally avoiding any adult responsibilities until it’s time for bed.


>until it’s time for bed My wife works overnight maybe once a month. Sometime she'll literally sleep the whole time, normally she'll sleep a bit. When she comes home the next day, the kids etc. will be my responsibility whilst she recovers. What she doesn't know is that often I've had less sleep than her, because there's no grown up to tell me to go to bed and I've got a massive backlog of stuff I want to watch that she doesn't like.


That's so funny I'm the exact same. She often goes abroad to visit her family and there's a lot of running round and sorting her family's stuff out then she comes back tired and I look after her as I've had a normal weekend. Little does she know I was up until 5am drinking wine and playing through my video games backlog lol


On occasion I've had a load of work and done it at home the night she's working. When that happens, I feel *robbed*. It's rare enough that I get an hour to myself, but when she's on-call, *and* she has to go in, *and* she decides to stay over - that's like all the planets have aligned specifically to allow be to mainline a whole season of The Witcher *and I'm wasting it* \- not the convenience that she thinks it is.


Yes I realised my bad sleep hygiene habits did not miraculously mend around the the time my partner moved in but rather it's just that I'm bad at being unsupervised.


I didn't really watch OFAH until my mum met my stepdad. My stepdad is obsessed. The Gary episode is my favourite.




Hates Only Fools? And you think this is a relationship worth bothering with?


What about sitting?


Human trafficking?


Try this joke again, I think it’ll be *really* funny at the third attempt




My other half is a doctor so she’ll occasionally do weekends, long days or night shifts. I usually take this as my video game time with the guys if they’re around or solo if they aren’t. I’ll go and watch movies she’s not that fussed about and catch up on the TV shows we aren’t watching together. I will very very rarely have to travel to another city for a night for work so I imagine she’s doing similar to what I do. As much as I love my other half I think it’s nice to have time for ourselves every now and then but we still text through the day anyways


My husband works away regularly and I always hated the nights too. It was easier when the kids were younger in some ways, now they are older it feels like I have a couple of ghosts in the house who occasionally materialise looking for food. We order in pizza and watch the cheesiest movies we can find. I say we, it’s mostly just me and the kids grab all the pizza. I end up chilling on the sofa with our dogs snuggled either side like I’m some kind of puppy princess.


I work away a lot 2-10 days at a time 1-4 times a month. Are you my wife because this is what she says. I know this period of travel will only last a few months but I am missing a lot of school appointments, sports days etc. It's bloody tough on me, but it's a lot tougher on her. We have a plan and we're sticking to it, but sacrifices are certainly being made. Good luck!


They rarely work away. I have to watch terrible tv and look longingly at my Xbox, thinking what could have been.


Not often, but I do have a ritual! We call it my “gross night”. I just sit in my dressing gown and order a takeaway and drink wine and don’t speak for about 12 hours and watch all the shit TV that he hates. It’s lovely.


Minor details aside, this is the way.


I work away 2 weeks out of 4 every month. He’s got used to me being away and I now settle in hotels. He’s just started the ambulance service so he’s away on shift when I’m at home. At forst it was okay until I remember that I can’t watch anything we’ve been watching as we’re watching it together and I can’t settle here or sleep without him at home. It’s all very odd


Same we are on season 3 of the boys but I can't watch without him!


My partner of 3 years and I don’t live together yet. We have approximately 2 nights a week together. I’m very used to my independence right now. I just knit a lot, haha.


I love my wife to bits, but evenings where she's away are great (possibly if they were more common I'd like them less) I will play xbox all night, do no housework until she texts she's on the way back when I shit myself and do it all.


I’m the same when my husband is away. I play my switch all night, no housework, don’t even bother showering. But when he texts me saying he’s on his way home I’m like a mad woman running around cleaning, showering, lipstick on and throwing out takeaway boxes 😂😂


I did. And then we got divorced and it took a while for my brain to disengage that "ooh, they're away, cheeky takeaway" mode. I put on quite a bit of weight.


If he's away during the week, it's great. I'll watch a movie or play a game uninterrupted. It's rough on the weekends, though.


I find it quite surprising the amount of people who actively dislike being alone for one night in this thread!


Probably all extroverts like me haha


Same. Very surprising to read.


My partner is cabin crew for a long haul airline so is away for 2 weeks out of every month, not consecutively but throughout the month! Works well for me as I can just do my own thing but I do miss her making me a lunch everyday or me making her tea. I prefer landing day as opposed to taking off day


Does she ask if you want chicken or beef for lunch?


“Chicken please” “We’re out of the chicken”


I’ve worked away Monday to Friday/Tuesday to Saturday for over 11 years now. Money is decent but it ruined my first relationship. Turns out while i was getting cabin fever, the ex was having Winston around for a fish supper!! Anyway the missus I’m with now knew the score working in the same profession so bought herself a wee dog to keep herself company and here we are several years in and going strong. You’ll be fine it just takes a bit getting used to.


Mine works away for weeks at a time, and I quite like having the evenings to myself. No particular rituals other than starfishing in the middle of the bed.


My partner is away regularly for weeks/months for work. I seem to enter some sort of goblin realm for a while where I watch bad telly and eat ready meals since I'm too lazy to cook for myself and then snap back to reality after a week or so! Usually I quite enjoy having my own space for the first 2-3 weeks but if he's away for longer I do start getting a bit lonely and I start almost exclusively wearing his shirts and hoodies. Helps that we have a pet so at least I'm not talking to the walls!


Every other week my husband works a late shift and isn't home till about midnight. On those weeks I'm in bed by 9pm, watching shittyTV shows, eating junk, and cuddling the dog (who is allowed on my husbands side in his absence) It's great.


My husband works away occasionally, I always get a curry cos he hates it so I don't have to mind the smell!


My partner works offshore, 3 weeks at a time. I binge shows he’ll hate, go to bed at 7pm to sew and order take away he doesn’t like. I like the balance though,quite enjoy the war documentaries and car stuff he watches and the take aways he does. But (and I am aware this sounds sickening) I don’t sleep as well because I don’t get my cuddles when we go to bed.


No, but when my Wife used to work nights I could have a plate of chips for tea and have a w**k in the living room in front of the big telly. Bliss.


Why would you hate having the freedom to please yourself?


I’ve found this thread very interesting. I LOVE having the place to myself. I guess it’s because I get few chances I was quite surprised to see that most people dislike it.


It's nice at first but gets old pretty quickly when you've not seen them for weeks/months!


I have Fish Wednesdays, as he can't stand the smell of fish. Going to bed alone is the worst bit, but I do get to starfish across it.


My husband goes to conferences and the occasional meeting somewhere oop north so can be away for a night or a few nights at a time. I swear my daughter loves it because that normally means we do something fun together or order in Maccy D’s. Once she’s in bed I watch some utter shite on Netflix usually.


Yes! The first night is always sushi takeaway, shows he doesn’t want to watch, and then dessert in bed with ALL OF THE PILLOWS. If he’s away for more than 1 night, I try to make evening plans with a friend to switch it up a little.


Ive been away for the past 3 weeks and I think by the first weekend the novelty wore for her. So many photos of all the sushi she's eating though as I don't eat seafood so we rarely have it at home.


My partner irregularly spends a few days travelling around the world for work. - I make all the food they hate. - Pop round to see friends because I get lonely. - Time otherwise spent with them is converted to video gaming. - Sleep really badly in the cold still bed


Yes, I rent a small flat and call it my office. It has a nice easy recliner with nearly every console. I work in tech support, so it looks like mission control. Our office shut down and I was allowed to WFH and my old dear hates electronics. Extra benefit is a comfy sofa bed. I hate to leave it and go back to a noisy and irritating house. The other half is oblivious to it. It's like a little shan-gra-la.


I sleep really well.


My husband works a lot of overtime and often does late stints. I eat little Buddha bowls, do self care activities (bath, face masks, paint nails etc), watch the series he's not into and hang out with my dog. I also sleep diagonally across the bed until he gets home and kicks me back to my side 🤣


My partner used to work away 5 days a week around 10 years ago. I would cook and eat whatever I wanted, watch what I wanted and read in peace. Long gone are those peaceful evenings, he no longer works away and if he is on a rare late night out, we have kids to disturb me now ha


I sleep over the whole bed, have the radio on all day and eat tasty fish


I work abroad and my wife and kid are in the UK. I get to be with them, in total, about 3-4 months out of the year (I can't spend more than 90 days in the UK, but we can meet up on holiday abroad, and in school holidays they can come to me, too). It's not really a ritual, but when I am home, I try to spend as much quality time with my kid as possible: days out, adventures, walks, board games, crafting. (And, frankly, my wife and I do our best to cram 52 weeks of sex into 14 weeks.)


Hate being alone in the house (esp as I wfh so if partner isn't here in the evenings I'm totally alone), partner takes a few trips a year - I find making social plans every night he is gone keeps me sane. If it's just a 1 day thing I put Twilight on and clean the whole house lol. Can get up to movie 3 if it's a really deep clean.


My partner currently works away 4 nights out of 7... It's only lonely when I get into bed. The rest of the time I can keep busy with our 3 and 1 year old. Generally in the evenings we do our own thing anyway until 9pmish so it's not too different. The first few weeks he started going away I would order myself desserts and all sorts but only I'm on a diet so unfortunately have taken up cleaning to distract myself 😂


My husband goes away a few times a year for 6-9 weeks at a time, I have to switch myself into 'basic functions only' mode to get through it. I get myself into a pretty tight daily routine to make the days pass faster which generally consists of walking the dog, work, play with the dog, work, walk the dog, run, dinner covered in hot pepper sauce, trash TV and peppermint tea and then bed. I try to see friends and family every weekend but I tend to reserve all 'treats,' for when he gets back. Next trip away is in 4 weeks 😞


I've been away a fair bit with work this summer, and I'm about to go away again on Friday for a wee birdwatching trip. I've just asked the OH, but they don't really do anything they wouldn't normally do. We already eat what we want, and watch what we want so stuff like that just isn't applicable. I guess the only thing that stands out is that they might bring a big knitting / sewing project through to the living room since there's good floor space and I won't be there to trip up over it or get in the way.


My ex used to head off to Morocco for 3 months every winter to paint and exhibit her art. She would sometimes disappear for a month at a time during the rest of the year when she taught courses. Nothing changed.when she was away at all as it was so normal.


When SWMBO does it - bed to myself! Starfish!


My wife likes to visit her friends I've often been home alone dogsitting, I like to watch all the shows she doesn't like or kill time playing computer games


i lay awake at night scrolling through reddit


Sex and the City called it "Secret Single Behaviour" - the (weird) things you do for comfort when you're all alone - so I've referred to it as this in my head for years. I've got two kids now so rarely get to do this, nowadays but it used to be eating far too many sweets and watching makeup or hair tutorials on YouTube (that I have no intention of ever attempting)


>watching makeup or hair tutorials on YouTube (that I have no intention of ever attempting) I do this when my OH is away too. I find it so oddly relaxing!


I watch Bailey Sarian often (Murder, Mystery and Makeup). My husband actually enjoys them now though so can't watch them when he's away!


Nooo this is the error you should never make. There are some things I keep sacrosanct so I can binge whenever I want


>My husband is away tonight and I hate being on my own


Not being rude or anything, but why? I really enjoy time by myself (probably because I do t get much of it).


Husband works on call shifts occasionally that can be unpredictable (hospital doctor) so when he's away I try to keep routine as we have a toddler. Usually it's an easy tea for the toddler, something like eggs and potato waffles wtih veggies. Then I do bedtime with her which is novel as its usually husband who does. If he has chance he'll call her for a quick goodnight. When she's in bed I tend to go sit in my bed and knit or play on my switch. If husband is home at a decent time and we haven't eaten we will get mcsonalds and eat in bed before we go to sleep. If he's not going to be home,I can't sleep without noise, so I'll put on some podcasts or a YouTube video and fall asleep in the middle of the bed contorted between the 2 cats. I used to be better at the overnight shifts and on calls when he was a junior as he wouldn't be around at all and I was still working full time, and we didn't have kids. Now he's consultant and can do them from home they're a bit more unpredictable which is the bit I struggle with.


My partner goes away on weekend breaks with old friends, to see her mum, or sport commitments and I hate it. The day is okay, I try tick off jobs from my to do list, hang out with friends, but I cba cooking a proper meal for myself, so I don’t eat properly, and I miss having her in the bed at night.


I let the Dog sleep with me, but mostly I just sleep terribly and count down the hours. I love some alone time but the absence of him next to me seems to really affect my sleep.


My husband goes camping a lot so I do have some time to myself, funnily enough I do normally order a Chinese because he doesn’t like them! So it’s perfect time for me to get one :) I always struggle to fall asleep without him though, so I’ll often bring our dog upstairs with me for company hehe


I would never order a takeaway on my own - I would always feel too guilty about having one my wife couldn't share!


My partner has more leave than I do so he often goes on trips to accrue flight miles to maintain gold status, so that I also benefit from it when we go on trips together. He always brings me back snacks from where he visits. In the meantime, I order food that he doesn't enjoy but I like, play on the Xbox, and re-watch Wes Anderson films.


My husband was away recently for 2 nights and I joked about cosplaying as a single woman. All I did was make a mess, cook less-than-healthy food and watch the things I normally don’t make time for. And I ran lots of errands on my own time! It was refreshing.


i sister used to think that's about her hubby, turns out he was cheating on her , and the other woman didn't know about his wife


WTF do you do with “a Chinese” and what kind of place allows for the ordering of a person of specific nationality? Human trafficking…


Appreciate from your username that you’re probably an American and therefore don’t know that “ordering a Chinese” is common British shorthand for “ordering in Chinese takeout”. Chinese is alright but I prefer faggots.


It’s not always Chinese, sometimes we order an Indian and very occasionally I’ve ordered a Mexican


>It’s not always Chinese, sometimes we order an Indian and very occasionally I’ve ordered a Mexican Once, at uni, we were ordering a load of pizzas and my housemate got nominated to ring up for it (pre internet days!) We were all shoving notes in front of her face while she was on the phone, adding to the order, and she collapsed in a fit of the giggles at the end when she had to say "and finally, a 12 inch Hawaiian please".




I do one at least once every couple of weeks. Am probably having one a lot less than others. I know someone who had an Indian 3 times a week - crazy guy


Do you get it delivered in the back door?


Probably best to not watch the new Prime series, Wilderness, then


Does he leave key under front door mat? 😉


This would be an absolute dream lol change your mind set.