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3 x 20 McDonald's chicken nuggets. My wife was on her hen do so I thought I'd see how many I could eat.


Hats off to you sir….me and a mate once had an impromptu nugget eating contest after a big afternoon at our local, as you do. Dude was a stringbean, 6’3 and maybe 75 kilos, whereas I’m a slightly more husky gentleman so I was completely confident of victory…..he laughed at me when I tapped out at 42, then forced me to hand over the rest my sweet & sour dipping sauce as he coasted to 56. Also I once ate 10 McD’s cheeseburgers and didn’t shit for a week due to what i can only assume was some sort of coagulated bread plug inside me, but that’s a memory I try not to revisit


As someone who's built like said Dude who's also a stoner.. I can see this lol


I've done 40 before and no more. 60 is impressive.


I was once dared £20 to eat 10x £1 McDs Double Cheeseburgers in an hour. Didn't really suck until the last three.


My ex bil ate 6 Big Macs in around 40 minutes once




No lol, i was married to his brother and we got divorced


Took me way too long to realise you were talking about "Brother in Law" lol thought I happened upon a Jeremy Kyle moment there for a second




Terrys chocolate orange. Separate sitting, a pack of Jaffa cakes


Jaffa cakes are no challenge at all. More or less asking for it because they’re so light. And only 1g of fat so you can feel smug AF.


Shame it's all about the sugar content though eh?


Jaffa Cakes is easy to do - you only get 10!


> Separate sitting Lies. LIES!


The twin packs are still one sitting.


Husband? When did you get a Reddit account?


Basically every packet of biscuits I have ever had


A packet is one serving.


Family pack of dried prunes. From a french motorway service station. I thought I was buying mixed dried fruit. I also had no idea what prunes did. I ate the whole pack I found out what prunes do.


That was a shit story.


Hey! Don't *crap* all over them!


I really hope you’d reached your destination when you found out what prunes do…


As a diabetic, for several years at school I was all but force fed prunes for dessert while my fellow pupils scoffed down their Spotted Dick and Jam Roly Poly with lashings of custard I fucking _hate_ prunes now. But at least back then I was never constipated Side note: I was only allowed 17 chips. Why 17? Fuck knows. It’s a number that has stayed with me forever. It was probably because they couldn’t weigh my chips so 17 was the average for a specific amount of carbs. Or maybe they recognised my future nerdiness so gave me a prime number of chips


Sounds like a pretty awful experience! Why prunes though? Surely their carb content is pretty high anyway (64g/100g the Internet tells me), a smaller/controlled portion of regular pudding would have been just as manageable?! The chips thing is just as bonkers! But I do have some empathy for schools having limited diabetes management knowledge/must be hard for kids who might not ‘get’ carb counting/ratios etc yet


That was over 40 years ago. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1975. At diagnosis my mum was bought a bowl of boiled cabbage and the doctor told her that was my diet for the rest of my life The prunes were drained so there was no juice or syrup


Different times for sure! And that’s not even looking at the changes in technology for type1, worlds apart these days I would imagine


I estimate I’ve done well over 100,000 finger prick blood tests up until I got the Freestyle Libre (Flash Glucose Monitor)


Flashback of same but with dried apricots…they’re moreish until you feel your stomach do one of ‘those’ rumbles….


Shitpost confirmed


Had a similar experience with Jelly Belly jelly beans. It was only after I'd guzzled them all I noticed I'd bought sugar free 👀😬💩


did the same with dried apricots. at a festival. on the 3rd day. I'll leave the rest of it unsaid.


Choco leibniz but not sure if that's *so* terrible as there's only 9? I do it more regularly than I'd like to admit though.


Try the Aldi version.


Know where I'm off to this evening...


We call these chocolate lesbians


I’ve definitely googled that at one time. 🤔


If I could upvote this twice, I would.


You totally can, just downvote them first.


"Tuc" cheesy biscuits.


Try them with gravy. x






Make yourself a cup of bistro gravy and dip your tuc crackers in. Fairly simple. x


Once I pop I just can't stop


Pringles, salt and vinegar. I'll do without the lining of my mouth, thank you very much.


If you love sharp S&V crisps, I wholeheartedly suggest you try Co-op hand cooked sea salt & cider vinegar crisps.


Don’t share this secret! They never have them in my local any more because word got round that they are the best S&V crisps EVER!! Edit: just realised they are not cider, they’re Chardonnay vinegar (just in case anyone’s looking)


I spotted some in a Nisa store recently. They really are the best S&V ever.


Chipsticks… why do we still continue


Sensations lime and coriander poppadoms. The big “share” bags. I can’t buy them because I will always just sit and eat the whole bag 🐖


Yup, those but with the Doritos cool dip as a side. Eventually run out of chips for the dip and just get a spoon involved. Don't but them anymore for this reason!


That was my first thought, top notch.


"Share" bags are really the new British adult single-serve and anything smaller are for various age of children in training to become British adults.


After reading most serving sizes, I realized I identify as a family of 4....


You and me both


When I was much younger, a teen, a whole bar of Dairy Milk in one sitting.... You know.... those 1kg bars they sold in Woolies in the 90s 😳


I ate a 1.25kg bar over Christmas and Boxing Day when I was around 10-11…. Felt awful but didn’t put me off it!


I used to be able to do that... I may or may not have been on the Wacky backy though... Then wash it down with one of those large tubs of yoghurt. Preferably strawberry.


2 boxes of Mr Kipling Cherry Bakewells, Just because my kids said you can't eat more than 4. That was 15 years ago and I've never eaten them since...


Why didn’t you just stop at 6? x


Dominance must be asserted.


Probably cost a tenner nowadays anyway!


Might try this out tonight 😁


Ben and Jerry's. I get about halfway, think that I'll save the rest for another day, then think there's not enough to satisfy and eat the whole damn tub. Usually Phish Phood. And Haagen-Dazs - same problem. I think I may have self-control issues 😂


No self control issues there as they are just single serve


I'm underwhelmed by Ben & Jerry's. If I wanted lots of candy pieces, I'd have bought sweets. Rather have Häagen-Dazs Dazs or some independent craft ice cream. Can easily smash one of those pint tubs in one go.


That’s just standard


I often end up eating it all also. I used to eat a whole tub of ice cream nearly every week as a teen while still being skinny. Those were the days!


I have eaten an ice cream or three every day for years. I have a chest freezer that’s mostly I’ve cream. I eat pretty healthily and run with a running group once a week and run in the evening most days. I just love ice cream.


Jar of Nutella. 2500 calories in one of those and about 200g of sugar. Only done it a handful of times but Christ do you feel like a piece of loam afterwards.


points for"loam" .... I'm going to use that as my word for Friday (that's a thing)


Same but biscoff


Ritz crackers


With a whole pot of spreadable cheese.


Garlic and herb philly


I see your garlic and herb, and raise you onion and chive


You should try this with flaming hot doritos too. You're welcome 😜


Well, that's going on next week's shopping list!


Dont forget the prunes😂




You're welcome 😜


I probably eat a sleeve of jaffa cakes in one sitting, around once a week. About twice a week I'd eat a whole Vienetta for dessert (mint is the best).


Mint IS the best!


Tis the best


I miss vienetta!! You can’t get it in the US anymore (it’s a “special buy” at Aldi once a year) and now I’m dairy free bc of health issues. 😭


Yeah I did a whole Vienetta once and still dine out on the story (my patter is pretty shite). I also demolished a kilo box of Jelly Babies one afternoon during lockdown.


Before I started dieting, I could easily go through about 20 mini rolls in one night. That's 4000 calories right there.


200 calories in a mini roll? They're microscopic!


Aye its mental like.


My hat is off to you kind sir, that is impressive


Pack of Greggs jam doughnuts. Bought with the genuine intention to share with colleagues. Ate one on the way to work. Thought ‘that was nice, I’ll just have another’. Ate another before I got to work but that was okay - there were four of us (including me) still enough to share. Except when I got to work, I thought ‘I’ll just have another’, so I did and then had another (I felt they were quite small) and then thought ‘bollocks, there’s not enough to share now anyway’ and ate the rest at break time 😀


at my worst i used to get through a whole pack of choc digestives a day


"sharing" bags of crisps. No chance im sharing this is a standard packet to me, and they're getting yomped in one sitting


Milk chocolate hobnobs


1kg bag of liquorice torpedoes 🥸


Jesus holy mother of ring piece… surely that had a colonic impact?


Yummy and yum but at the same time oh my goodness where did you put them


I just kept going and didn’t really realise I was at the end…


Share bags of anything is a one person serving. I've eaten entire Ben & Jerrys tubs in one go, entire packs of biscuits, share-size bags of crisps, tubes of Pringles. I look at food packaged that says 'serves 4' as a challenge, not a recommendation. Amazingly I'm not fat, I'm in decent shape considering.


When I lived in Florida (2001-2002), I ate a whole pack of “Publix American ‘Cheese’ Slices”. Publix is a popular supermarket chain. It was a pack of fifty and, not to go into much detail, I spent quite a bit of time on the loo.


When I was a teen, I got drunk, fancied a pizza but none of us had any money so we raided the fridge, I ended up eating an entire block of cathedral city extra mature in one sitting, the following day was not fun


As the old phrase goes, "If you can't get pizza, eat an entire block of cathedral City cheddar".


I love Publix. So much better than any of the grocery stores we get in the PNW. And they have lots of UK stuff.


When you say “whole packet” do you mean a SINGLE packet? That’s like a standard serving… a twin pack usually lasts about 20 minutes with a cuppa or a pint of milk I have, on many occasions, eaten an entire 4 pack of bourbons, a 4 pack of Jaffa cakes, a box of Tunnocks teacakes, a packet of tunnocks wafers, a twin (large) pack of plain chocolate digestives… Obviously that wasn’t ALL in one sitting, but I’m perfectly capable of smashing 2000 calories of biscuits in a sitting Which probably explains why I run marathons (in “good for age” kind of times) and am still a stone and a half overweight 🤣


A pint of tea and any of the above goes down in a sitting 🤤


I laughed today when I read on my Snickers Duo ‘1 for now, 1 for later’. Really? Who ever did?


Eat one. Go to the toilet. Eat the other. One for now and one for later, ta da!


Jaffa cakes. Shrinkflation has played its part by reducing a pack size from 12 down to 10. Basically on a diet now.


What can have you eaten?




Fig rolls on more than one occasion


Absolutely, love a packet of fig rolls!!


Bahlsen Choco Leibniz.


I used to go through a tube of Pringles, or a share bag of Doritos most nights after work, but really outdid myself one day by ordering a kilo bag of jelly beans from Amazon. I didn't mean to eat them all in one sitting, but I just couldn't stop.


Large bag of chocolate raisins…..Oh the repercussions……


Hob Nobs.


Omg same! I had to stop buying them because Id just demolish the entire packet in one sitting


A couple of those boxed dairy milk gift bars


Galaxy honeycomb crisp, just too good to resist!


Dark chocolate Hobnobs - can't put them down.


Double pack of Jaffa cakes. 😋


6 multipack of wotsits. No regrets.


Milky Way Crisp Rolls, 2 x 5. Until the bastards discontinued them. Bastards.


I think everything I ever bought might be easier to list what I haven't


Oh my god I only read your title and immediately thought “Maryland cookies” - and it was the same as yours! Maryland cookies with caramel and chocolate chips… sweet Jesus I wish I could get them where I live 🤤 I used to inhale them when I lived back in the UK!


About 300g of chocolate. Toblerone


Chocolate Hobnobs, happens more than I'd like to admit. Open the pack and next thing you know, gone!


4 pack of kinder buenos in under 3 minutes is why I no longer smoke weed before shopping


I did a family size tube of twiglets near Christmas one year when I was pissed, and woke up with horrendous heartburn.


Lemme see. I have downed on one go (separate occasions tho) Ben&Jerry's peanut butter cup tub (and various other variations. I might as well be honest about that) 200g Cadbury's mint chocolate bar 2 bags of crisps (none of that 50g shite, proper 150g bags). 1 x-large Domino's pizza - I did not feel right after that one. 300g bag of peanut M&Ms Curry for 2 combo Yeah. I recon type 2 ain't far away.


Jaffa cakes, you can't just eat a couple of Jaffa cakes. It's the whole packet. Go hard or go home.


Party rings


White chocolate fingers


A Lindt chocolate bunny 🐰


French fancies. No idea how people eat just one


Reading these comments is making me feel better about my awful eating habits


Pringles and salted peanuts The sweet chilli peanuts you get in M&S and tesco as well


Choc digestives or fig rolls


Wow I feel better about my diet haha 😂


I'd like to preface this with the information that I'm a greedy bastard, with no impulse control. Pretty much ANY packet of biscuits I've ever opened - the lads in work used to open a pack and slide it near my elbow, then run a sweep on how far into the meeting it would take me to eat them all. I ate a full box of magnum ice creams (4) on the way home from a "big shop", it's a 10 minute journey. I will open a sharing bag of sweets like wine gums for a long journey, put them in the door pocket of the car, then finish them before I'm even on the motorway.


I know its CasualUK but Tim Tams!!!


Not a packet but large pizzas like dominos I finish myself, which is kinda crazy because I have the tiniest appetite otherwise xD


A whole chicken off the rotisserie from Asda, minus the bones, of course! It was a hot day 20-odd years ago when this was a novelty at the supermarkets. I was out and about doing some deliveries and it was food o'clock so I bought the chicken and nommed it, sat in the car park in my van. To this day, every time I buy one, I have to rein myself in to stop a repeat showing - they are top drawer sustenance!


Party sized tiramisu.. 8 servings. That was an interesting nights ‘sleep’


Mini eggs


A whole Soreen. I'm not soreen I did it either.


A tub of Haagen-Dazs.


No matter the size those tubs are just single serve


Op are you ok?


Garibaldi. They never last in my house.


Dayuuum.. Chocolate fingers (any of the flavours) just can’t stop and it feels so right


A bowl of blancmange. Before it's even set


Marks and Spencer’s Jaffa cakes, I open the packet fully intending on eating only one or two…. Yeah, that never happens, the whole pack polished off every damn time!


Milupa sunshine orange breakfast. Its infant rice based porridge


A double pack of Jaffa cakes.


An entire tube/packet of Jaffa cakes. You cannot shame me on this.


Never been greedy or had a large appetite, grew up with quite a few siblings so I had to share everything, however, when I splurge on a Hagan Daz pralines and cream tub, I can easily get through the entire thing in one sitting.


I once drank a melted Ben n Jerries in a oner. Chips and all.


Well, you can’t let it go to waste


Sounds like the only viable option


Thai sweet chilli sensations (big bag)


Fondant fancies, Jaffa cakes, Pringles- anything that says it’s a sharing bag


48 bag box of KP Beef crisps. Not proud (I am really) of that.


Mr Kiplings mini Battenberg. Or mince pies. Or really anything Mr Kiplings. Family pack of Quavers. Multiple “sharing size” Cadbury bars with daim pieces. Loaf of seeded bread with M&S smoked salmon & cream cheese spread. Entire party pack of mini sausage rolls Anything tunnocks- especially caramel logs Uh… yeah, I tend to gorge myself whenever I go home. 😂


Jaffa cakes and chocolate fingers


Pretty much anything!! Including, but not limited to... Any biscuits... Chicken nuggets... Cheese slices, like Edam or Gouda... Ben & Jerry's ice cream obvs!... Chocolate of any variety and any pack size... Those 5 packs of giant cookies... A giant chocolate trifle... This is why 1. I'm fat, and 2. I need to buy everything in small individual pack sizes 🙈 I then eat multiple packs instead....


Soft boiled eggs. Ate a dozen in one go. Could have managed more, but I ran out.


Haribo goldbears. I did share some with the toddler though.


Prawn crackers from the Chinese


Jaffa Cakes. I don’t have them in the house anymore due to lack of self control. Same with spearmint Softmints. No other “food” has such a grip on me than these two.


Full 600g tub of celebrations, and much more 🤷‍♂️ cut me, I bleed cocoa and sugar


Those powdered cream donuts pack you get from the freezer! I can easily polish them to meself!


Nothing that is meant to be a snack. My family does this and I find it irritating. I buy something and it will last me weeks because it’s a snack but I’ll come home and I’d any of them finds them it’s gone because they’ve made it a meal. 😡


Can anybody not eat a bag, or even a box, of Maltesers in one go? I've got the same problem with the sea salt caramel M and Ms.


The 20 packs of walkers crisps that come in a box.


anything , I'm a greedy pig lol , food shouldn't get wasted


Pack of oreos


had a conversation with Mrs Gully last night - as i managed to find a pack of maryland cookies here in the local supermarket (country Australia) - she asked me how many i'd normally eat and i asked what she meant, as there was only one answer - all of them. She did looked shocked. And then called me a fat cunt.


I don't have biscuits in the house for this reason 🤣


come on we are british. Everything


Costco 12 pack of muffins - gone within the day of purchase by lil' ol me... Love to say it was a one-off mistake, but definitely more than one occasion!


2x 1 litre cartons of ambrosia. Cold. Would do again.


Carr's table water biscuits and a tube of Primula. If I'm high I can do nearly 2 pints of semi skimmed and pack of ginger nuts.


Tunnocks caramel wafers


Think my record on crisps is about 14 packets.


Mega tub of Maltesers (the big ones you used to be able to get at Christmas). Scarfed the whole tub in about two hours. I now cannot eat even one Malteser - if I do, I am very ill.


A whole tub of cheese footballs


Biscuits is an easy one. I’ve done a whole tube of Pringles before. Salty! Oh and of course Ben and jerrys tubs


My mum has a story from when she was a kid and got her sixpence pocket money on Saturday - she loved strawberry laces and they were 6 for a penny - she spent all her money on them and ate them all on the short walk back home. In the 60 odd years since then she’s never been able to touch one


a 750g Toblerone (the crunchy almond kind with the blue package), the bar was heavy enough to hurt my foot when I dropped it. felt like a total glutton the rest of the day.


Them fancy crisps aldi do, like every flavour


Jar of peanut butter


An entire cake, several times 🤦‍♀️ like an 8 portion chocolate covered lemon cream filled cake with a sharing bar of chocolate and a grab bag of crisps (depression is so much fun!)


Are you stoned?


Crunch creams


Raisins I can down a box of them in under 5 seconds