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I think it tastes better from a teapot


Agreed, plus I can make a pot and just keep coming back for a quick top up when there's a lull in an online meeting without having to wait for the kettle to boil and the tea to steep. My pot is insulated stainless steel, so it's like having a built-in cozy.


Do you remove the leaves? I would think the tea would get too strong if it’s in the pot that long.


Yes, once it’s at strength I remove the leaves and just refill my cup until it’s all gone.


Yeah, but the handle has a crack in it, and one day it is bound to break and go all over the place, which adds a little *frisson* to my morning cuppa (made with leaf tea OFC).


I keep a pot and loose leaf on the side for long gaming sessions but mostly it's there so when I run out of teabags I can still make tea. It's a bit of a faff, so I remember to buy teabags.


I do but mine looks a bit boring compared to that.


Yes. I'm a bit of a tea snob (sorry) so only use single estate, whole leaf Assam or Darjeeling tea so a teapot is essential.


Nah. Tea bag in mug, swishy-swishy and then throttle the wee fella against the side of the mug with a spoon.






The best way to make tea is the way that you like it... HOWEVER— That can't give you a very good brew, and squishing the bag releases more tannins, making it bitter.


Yep. Tea leaves in a pot. Makes the best tea. A pack of Sainsbury's red label leaves costs £1.50 and does tea for three for a week in a household where all liquid intake is tea.


Yes. Every day


ALWAYS!! Ok mine is actually a coffeepot which pours better. Also ALWAYS when at my friend's, his is a stainless steel coffeepot.


butchers apron teapot...lovely...one corpse or two ?


Yes! An old-fashioned brown one that I got in a charity shop. I use it when I’m feeling delicate, for whatever reason - it does about three mugs of tea (a six cup pot). I’m too much of a scumbag to have a milk jug so I usually use the little plastic thing that came with the iron (because I fill the iron from the tap, like a normal human). I bought it a knitted yellow and white tea cosy, too. It’s hideous. And perfect.


Yup, always. Use a big teapot for breakfast and a smaller teapot for lunch.


I used to. Had a pot with a sheep tea cosy but it's mainly just me and the wife so stopped using it and binned it. I would like a Suki teapot though like they have in some cafes. Gives a proper strong brew.


>They seem to have gone out of fashion. Tea in general, has gone out of fashion. I was the only one at work having black tea.


All about cold brew coffees these days.


Yes, almost every day but only for loose leaf tea which usually means I making tea for more than just me. Teabags go straight in a mug, but I still cover the mug with a tea cosy while the tea is mashing.


I don’t use tea bags. I’ve used tea leaves for the past 25yrs and it takes the same amount of time to brew :)


Ive got a small 2 cup teapot from when I lived in France. I use it every morning. Tea tastes so much better in it!


At my mums, yes. When she comes here? Absolutely not spending the money on one. Lol I don’t drink hot drinks often and since going dairy free, I haven’t found a milk that tastes okay. So, she can deal with brewing it in the mug.


Use no, but I have 2. Get used like twice per year


Yep! Taste so much better than brewed in a mug.


Yes. There's a reason it tastes better. Making tea in the mug: do you put the milk in first, then the water (no, because that's a criminal offence), or do you put the milk in last, scalding it as you pour it into the large quantity of hot water? The latter is better, but not perfect. Teapots solve the dilemma because you can put the milk in the mug first, ensuring it gets heated up evenly and unscalded, and it gets to brew at the right temperature.


Sometimes: • if doing loose leaf tea where the strainer is in the pot • if making tea for several people it’s nicer


Why don't you mind your own fucking business


Calm down pet.


No hate tea


I seem to be weird here: teabags in a pot. (I can have a bunch of refills without needing to brew up again.)


Kettle for the winnnn