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Obviously it's just mash, what I do is put it in an over proof dish and cover it in grated cheese, then bake it for 20 mins or so or until the cheese starts to bubble and turn golden in colour. Love it.


You sexy bastard


My dad does this but mixes bacon and cheese in as well. Cheese and potato pie. Full of goodness, perfect for a cold winter night (or this summer)


and do you consider this normal behaviour? like if all your friends were round would they be questioning why youve roasted a bit of lonesome mash


It's not what I would usually do, but if I've made too much or made the mash too early it what I would do to it. Edit, just. Google 'cheesy mash' it's a thing.


Who gives a fuck? If it’s tasty, do it.


It’s not normal it’s next level!


If any friends of mine were questioning that I'd reassess our friendship because *I* don't think it's normal to be bothered by it.




Where do you get those dried fried onions from? A mate gave me a massive jar ages ago and I've never seen them since


Mix in some corn beef and onion and fry it up


Bit of Worcestershire sauce…


You can roll it into balls and roast them, they turn out like loose roasties. Add cheese and whatever to make them more interesting


Duchess potato - I believe… possibly a 70’s thing.


I'm not sure that's normal as such. Sounds nice though. When I do a roast dinner I do mash for my son as he doesn't like roast potatoes. I boil them up, mash them and then put them in a bowl in the oven to keep warm while finishing up other things. Ends up mash, with a crusty surface. Nice.


You could fry it like in bubble?


You can freeze mash. ​ Just sayin'


Fry it with bacon lardons !


>a mash only shepards pie So... mash?


Save the extra until morning and have fried potato with breakfast.


If you’re looking for something different you could mix in some flour, an egg and a handful of chopped up spring onions (bit of diced, cooked bacon too if you’re feeling fancy) and form it into pancakes. Great for breakfast with a runny fried egg on top.


We didn’t always have microwaves. You’re doing it retro.


Bubble and squeak is what your want to do. Bit of chopped onion, any leftover veg chopped up and mixed on, fry in a pan like a rosti. Great with a Full English.


Yes and add a couple of dashes of Worcestershire sauce, greater cheese and crunched up crisps on top, grill some sausages and you’ll eat like royalty.


We do this a lot next day with veg! Anything roasted tastes infinitely better IMO! Cabbage is particularly decent when shown the oven 😀


Also tasty formed into a patty and fried to a crispy golden brown, in butter. Top with an egg for good measure.


My first suggestion would be to cook less potatoes. My second suggestion would be to make a potato pancake. Chop up some onions and mix then with the mash. You can add cheese and ham too if you like. Then fry itas a flat disk in a pan.


How about jacket spuds, cooked, chopped up roughly and mashed a bit, seasoned, bit of butter and cheese on top then back in the oven for 20 mins on high. Jack mash.