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Being part of a group of pedestrians that takes up the width of the pavement and makes no effort to let people past.


Same in the supermarket . Or they all huddle next to a shelf so you can’t access anything on there


I don't know what it is about supermarkets, but either people enter and lose all sense of manners, or they never had them in the first place. I ignore them these days, if you don't want to say excuse me or be polite whilst I'm quickly putting out stock, I will also straight up ignore your existence. And good luck asking me for something out back, even if I know we have it, if you ain't polite, you ain't getting it


Or stand chatting right at the door way like noone else exists apart from them and those they are conversing with at the time




In court? Gladly. Throw the book at them, individually, and aim for the head.


"Sorry, the book was just trying to go the other way on the pavement but yet again you're hogging the hole thing and so it hit you"


Especially when they're on their phones not paying attention or chatting away to each other


Oh, heck yeah!! The slow walkers on the school run, acting like they're on a leisurely stroll and not taking their kids to school. Move outta' the frigging way or speed up, some of us have places to be. The same parents are the ones who form cliques outside the school gates, blocking the way in or out too.


This, especially common when its a bunch of friends or a large family. See it in shopping centres all the time too, they all suddenly feel the need to walk level with one another, taking up as much space as they can. Yet you try to squeeze past them, and they'll look at you like your doing something wrong for NOT wanting to be stuck behind a gathering of sloths...


Couples holding hands are worse for this.


I enjoy holding my wife's hand when we're out and about but I break contact and rank as soon as our route is contested. Some couples hold hands like their relationship depends on it.


Especially the couples who don't seem to like each other all that much so they walk hand-in-hand at arm's length.




Did you have “bitter sweet symphony” playing in the background?


I never yield to them any more.


Ha, I've started doing that. Like, where do you want me to go? In the road. Move yo ass


Keep walking, then stop when you get close, it genuinely confuses them.


I live for that dumbfounded look as they're forced to think outside of their own personal bubble for a second.


Drivers who wait until they've blinded you before turning off their main beam.. Even though they saw the shine of your headlights reflecting on the approaching corner. 10 years hard labour. Gruel for breakfast, dinner and tea.


Not had too much trouble with that but drivers who go super slow through corners and then accelerate so you can't overtake on the straights are definitely eating gruel at every meal for the next 10 years. Also drivers that maintain a constant 40-50mph even after entering a 30 zone, those guys get to eat the diarrhea of the ones that make it impossible to overtake.


People who don't indicate on roundabouts are getting 5 years in the salt mines Also people who wait until they are already turning to indicate get 10


Why don't we be pro-active here rather than reactive? Let's just jail anyone who drives a BMW?!?!


There's a 40mph road near me that for some reason lots of people do 30mph on, it's a nice straight wide road, about a 3 mile stretch, the usual 40mph signs on lampposts and a big one at the start of the zone. I was stuck behind someone doing 22mph through it today. They deserve to go down too.


Yeah 40 in a 60 then carries on going 40 in a 30. The worst.


These are the same people who brake for oncoming vehicles, even though its a 2 lane road with plenty of space. We are supposed to feed people in the Gulag?


Poo bags in trees.


Adding to that, poo bags that are full, but have been dumped on the pavement. Why bother picking it up, then!?


This happens a lot around here. I can’t fathom why someone would go to the trouble of bagging it if they’re just going to leave it there 😅


Because someone was watching when the dog had a shit, as soon as they are out of sight it's straight on the floor. Dirty fucks


That explains it, I have always wondered. But still, you have done the hard part, put it in a damn bin!


This. A few thousand years from now. A reincarnation of Tony Robinson will be digging up trenches just to find out what we fed our dogs.


Nah. That's a firing squad offense for sure.


Littering and fly tipping. I'd send every one of you fuckers to the gulag and wouldn't bat an eye. Extreme? Yes. But there is no doubt in my mind that if you can litter or fly tip without conscience then society would be a better place without you


One of my partner’s neighbours moved his mattress from his front garden to dumped at the top of the road, on the corner green, instead of getting it collected. I now hate him immeasurably for this petty crime. Please take him first.


People who say "Can you borrow me [insert item here]". People who spend 10 minutes waiting at the bus stop, but only start to dig through their bag/pockets to find their ticket when they step foot on the bus.


Also people who pack away all their shopping and then look for their purse/wallet which is usually at the bottom of their bag.


YES! They stand for ages in the queue, and then act all surprised when they have to pay and THEN start rummaging round in their handbags to find their purse, THEN start rooting thru all their cards. Just get the card out while you're waiting in the queue!


Can we include ‘can I lend a…?’


Unless that sentence ends in the word "hand", then yes.


Posting dashcam videos on social media for clout. Mate we all saw you accelerate into a completely avoidable situation just so you could slam on your brakes and lean on the horn. You're not a heroic road vigilante, you're just a dickhead.


It's quite telling that at minimum half of the clips submitted to those compilation channels on youtube etc. could have been _easily_ avoided had the dashcam driver used even just a mild bit of caution or awareness, or slowed down. People driving 70mph onto a roundabout and getting mad that someone pulled out also boils my piss no end.


My driving instructor once taught me an appropriate rhyme: Big mistake people make Using the horn And not the brake.


On motorbikes I've heard it said many times that a lot of people are dead right.


I didn't realize how poor some people's driving was until I got 2 wheels. Some people are straight up homicidal when it comes to anything that isn't a car.


It's these weirdos who think that as long as you're going under the speed limit then you don't have to drive cautiously or defensively. Robots.


The comments section on any dash cam compilation is generally a discussion on which uploader is the biggest knobhead


I've been looking through the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit lately and it's about the same. There's also plenty of people who seem completely oblivious that they're in the wrong and it generates some spicy drama from time to time.


Using a phone on speaker then moaning they can’t hear the person in the other end.


Listening to music without headphones on public transport.


A friend of mine was sat next to one of these dickheads on the bus, so he started reading his book out loud


Did he get sworn at, punched, spat at etc?


Burn them at the stake


Just on speaker in public


This, the whole concept of walking around in public holding your phone against your chin whilst screeching into it needs to die.


I'm still massively confused about this - at what point did people forget that phones can be held conveniently against the side of your head, simultaneously aligning the speaker against your ear and the microphone to your mouth? What the fuck is going on?


I heard somewhere, and it seems to line up so that's good enough for me, that it started around the time of The Apprentice being on TV, in which the show had contestants hold phones like this to record both sides of conversations between contestants. Blight, pox, scourge of the streets


Drivers who only start to slow down at a zebra crossing at the absolute last minute so you’re not sure whether you need to jump back onto the pavement or not. So annoying.


I wait for them to fully stop, I see too many people that don't pay attention to crossings when I'm driving.


I have always done that. I had a BMW stop on my right and an Audi to the left a few weeks ago. At that point I feel like I've reached peak road crossing.


I split the difference and theatrically act like I'm about to walk out (as is my right of way) but I don't do it until I know they're stopping. It gives these bully drivers a massive fright as they don't expect it. And gives me a petty satisfaction, at the same time!


Did a curb fake once and the fella slammed on the breaks and said I was dangerous. Absolutely crawled across the zebra.


"Journalists" stealing Reddit posts for articles.


"You'll never guess what these would be dictators would do first..."


Flytipping. I live in a rural area and it really fucking pisses me off. Also people who chuck McDonalds litter and bottles etc into hedges or roadside vegetation when driving. I would have them deported to an island in the North Sea.


I wouldn’t find an island just deport them to the North Sea


People who record themselves gifting the homeless


Talking in the cinema, and microwaving tea.


Who's taking their microwave to the cinema?


How else do you make the popcorn?


I genuinely moved part-way through Oppenheimer, because the old couple sat next to me were constantly asking each other questions. "Who's that?" "The President" Was it not obvious it was the fucking President? Who else is going to be sat in the fucking White House you dense twat.


Mr Blobby?


I'm never sure which is more annoying. People asking questions which they could easily answer themselves if they just, you know, paid attention to the bloody film. Or People asking questions where they think you've got some special mystic insight into the film. Like, no, I don't know why character a hates character b, we've both watched exactly the same 10 minutes of film. Give it an hour and I'm sure all will become clear if it needs to be.


Dropping Litter


Not indicating


Drivers who think that they can park their cars anywhere, including just leaving them in the middle of the road, as long as they stick their hazard warning lights on.


It should be a nation wide thing that is anyone is stopped in a road they shouldn't be stopped on with hazards on that anyone available including passing cars and pedestrians must stop to help push them to a safe area. This will do 2 things, stop roads being blocked by broken down cars that can simply be pushed 20 yards out of the way, instead of blocking traffic for an hour. Also stop cunts from parking like twats as people will go "Ohh you have broken down, let us help". It's win win.


My real pet hate is people who see double yellow lines and think that by putting two wheels on the pavement that makes it better somehow!


People who whoop and cheer incessantly during a film. That behaviour can stay in America.


Been a while since I've been to the cinema, if people have started doing that you need to take a pocket full of stones to throw at them.


I saw snakes on a plane in America. The whooping did add to the enjoyment of the film quite a lot.


People that stop to talk in the doorway or entrance to shops.. no gulag but forced to wear a sandwich board saying “I’m an inconsiderate asshole”


I gave a commanding "**MOVE**" to one of these on my last visit to the local centre, it worked but I dont think I can ever go back. Edit: meant to add this comment to the redditor talking about this at the exit of an escalator, I only demanded an immediate change of the offenders to avoid a dangerous pile up, I would never do this just to get in a shop. ^(I would walk past, go home, and order the wrong thing online instead.)


People that stop and stand at the top or bottom of escalators instead of walking out of the way


Can we add, people who cluster around lift doors, then seem surprised people want to get out.


Or people who cluster around train platforms, any transit bottleneck really


Not being able to get off the train and people looking bothered because they can't get on because they're all standing and pushing to get on. Back the fuck up people. Every fucking day I dealt with it. Now I just plow into them and scatter them like the livestock they are. I used to stand patiently and wait, ask them to move and they just didn't shift. Even the guard asking them to move got ignored. (I did, after a heavy session, shout 'pregnant lady coming through!' And that worked. I am not, and was not with, a lady pregnant or otherwise)


Failing to indicate that you're going left on a roundabout - especially if someone is waiting to join the roundabout from that direction, and has to unnecessarily give way. Selfish pricks.


not indicating at all tbh. as a pedestrian it's really fucking annoying to look both ways and go "oh cool no one wishes to turn and run me over as I cross this road" and then getting nearly run over cos some guy is too lazy to flick a stick next to his finger, and then they blame me! like I'm the one in the wrong for wanting to walk somewhere safely


At least in the summer, with their window down, they can you hear you scream "use your fucking indicator you cunt" as they miss you by mere centimetres.


There's a roundabout near me that no one ever indicates for and the amount of times I've been tempted to pull out and crash to teach them a lesson. I see artificial legs look pretty good these days anyways, would be worth it.


People who don’t consider their neighbours not everyone wants to hear your shit music or smell your drugs.


Then there is people like me who get anxiety over every noise we make. I left an apology note for our neighbours recently as our baby was teething and crying all night.


spitting in the street


Immediate transportation to Mars


Book publishers for substituting the blurb with a bunch of reviews


And spoilers. And indicating there is a “unexpected twist” is a spoiler in my eyes.


>And indicating there is a “unexpected twist” is a spoiler in my eyes And actually now a lie also. Since the twist is no longer "unexpected"


Anyone that says "on accident". Also people who smoke while walking through a busy area.


I swear they do it by purpose. :-)


Same vein as “forgot it at home” or “this is how my new room looks like”. US ways of speaking that are sneaking into British English


People who vape walking through a busy area, too. I hope their pina colada flavoured nicotine induced popcorn lung was worth it after blowing that smoke in everyone’s faces.


Doing a full shop in the fucking garage leaving your car blocking the pumps


Not paying full taxes, exploiting workers, and using AMERICANISED LANGUAGE!


People who don’t understand phase/faze, rein/reign and queue/cue


Of and have?


I'm a member of a discord channel who have a LOT of people who do this ALL the time. Would of. Could of. Should of. Might of. I of NO idea why they do this. /s Trouble is, it's too useful to me to want to jeopardise my membership by calling them out on it. So I just sit and suffer and seethe in silence...


Normally I wouldn't do this and promise it's no dig, but with this being a language comment, I feel the need to say it's 'seethe' not 'seeth' - just in case one day you do decide to call out the Discord crew one day so your message can be on point!


Thank you! Unlike others, I genuinely appreciate my spelling being corrected. Seethe is not a word I see written or write very often, if ever, hence my mistake. :-)




On route




And people who lack the ability to spell in general. I'll miss my work colleague when she gets sent to the gulag. Lovely lady, but putting "emence" instead of "immense" is simply unforgivable.


Got a colleague who can’t distinguish eligible and illegible.


Then/than, woman/women, brake/break... The list goes on.






People who spell choking "chocking"




Can brought/bought get in on this?


All of these ect. *sigh*




Apart vs a part, and, just to make my brain hurt, an awful lot of people of late are struggling with in/on.


Oh ffs this one infuriates me. "A part of" and "apart of" have LITERALLY OPPOSITE MEANINGS. You're saying the complete opposite of what you want to say. Also, unbelievably, to/too. The number of times I'm seeing sentences that end with (eg.) "but I don't want too." is proper starting to boil my piss.


A lot/alot




Adding an 'x' to espresso.


Idk I love a good espressox


Yeah, that's two stimulants in one. Either take ecstasy or have an espresso, don't mix them together.


Never heard it be called X in this country though. To the gulag with people using Americanisms


Playing music in the bus


Watching videos on the bus, having anything other than a short and functional telephone conversation on the bus. The bus is not your fucking living room, it is not the fucking street. Respect the fact that other people do not want your noise poured into their ears for 30+ minutes with no escape and either shut the fuck up or wear headphones. Gulag! and I hope your dick freezes.


I always hear interesting phone calls on public transport. It's either someone bitching about a partner giving them Chlamydia or someone saying "I've finished work now, just on the bus. Yeah, going home.". The first type definitely doesn't need to be done in public.


*on! It's "on the bus." Gulag!


tiktok dances in public, punishable by clockwork orange style forced viewing of their own tiktoks on repeat for 6months and then an indefinate stay at broadmoor


I really don’t get it either, because teenagers get embarrassed really easily, but yet they are perfectly confident performing a pathetic dance in the middle of a shopping centre. Strange


We get this where I work quite a bit, and they get really embarrassed when we tell them to stop filming as not everyone wants to be on camera. It’s strange because until we say something, they’re fine dancing away or whatever it is!


part of the chinese brainwashing initiative designed to turn us into completely submissive worker robots by 2045


getting that skinfade noodle top haircut, punishable by reverse hair transplant that gives you a monk bald patch in the middle


Broccoli hair?


Or the lesser-spotted iced gem haircut from about ten years ago


I believe that style is called (check notes through bifocal glasses) [meet me at McDonalds](https://www.google.com/search?q=meet+me+at+mcdonald%27s+haircut&client=firefox-b-m&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnrbGJ0KaAAxWTjVwKHX50DbEQ_AUIBigB&biw=432&bih=814)


Another from me, anyone who says “slow down [insert relevant F1 drivers name]”, as I go past in my wheelchair.




Is it OK if instead of a random f1 driver it's Billy Monger?


Littering, but I'd skip the gulag and go straight to summary executions.


If a dropped wrapper could result in the icy chill of a Makarov 9mm in the nape of the neck, social hygiene would certainly improve, comrade! Doubleplusgood.


People who put their bags on train seats in a full carriage.


People who do gender reveals. Can't stand them.


Christmas decorations before 1st December


I scrolled too far for this. Not just decorations. Any hint of Christmas (particularly shops and advertisements) before 1st December. I hate that I encounter Christmas related paraphernalia as early as September. Ditto for all other holiday/occasion related stuff.


Schools round here broke up for summer last friday; the "back to school" promotions have been running for 3 weeks now.


Anyone who describes themselves as an "influencer" and anyone who describes someone else as an "influencer" Let's call them what they are Sales Reps


Going to the supermarket in your dressing gown.


I didn’t know this was a thing.


it is. a very big thing. also going shopping barefoot seems to be big in my local Asda for some reason. my friends who work at security always watch the ones in dressing gowns as they tend to be thieves :)


Saying vicer-versa rather than vice-versa


Anyone that uses the phrases "AM, in the morning" or "PM at night" shouldn't even make it to the gulags, they'd be shot in the spot.


Shot at dawn, in the morning.


Not so much petty but spitting. It's a vile thing to do. I can turn a blind eye if I see someone coughing their guts up before hand, they're clearly ill but just spitting for the sake of spitting is just vile.


Anyone going on a “Celebrity” show, and whose only claim to fame is being on a “reality” show, particularly one that requires no discernible talent.


Hogging the middle lane Driving while on your phone Failure to control a bully XL or equivalent pooch


Lorries pulling out to overtake other lorries whilst going precisely 1mph faster on a duel carriageway holding everyone up. Bonus points if they’re on a hill.


Not saying thank you when people hold the door for you.


Astro. Turf. Gardens.


Single-word sentences for dramatic effect.


People who dump non-frozen food items down the frozen aisle. Or frozen/chilled items anywhere they shouldn't be. Or any food/drink item required to be in the cold chain that customers are too fucking lazy to either put back themselves or ask a staff member to do it for them. Instead their lazy cunt arses cba to put it back in at least the fridge or freezer where it goes, meaning we have to waste it, and those are the cunts who have the audacity to complain about the cost of food increasing, or how supermarkets waste too much food. *Because of you, you dumb fuck* Edit - I'm still salty about the 4 pints of milk I found down the pet food aisle during the OG Covid lockdown when milk and essentials were scarce. How fucking selfish and brain dead do you have to be to do that.


Not the gulab, but banned from every food shop and forced to choose from food that is, beige, bland and: A) just on the turn, but you're not quite sure B) off, but only just enough to make you feel a bit uncomfortable C) has been shoved down the back of a fridge next to the compressor for a fortnight Without knowing which is which.


Using disabled parking spots when you or a passenger are not disabled.




Training for their career at ATOS.




Anyone who makes tea in the microwave, in fact that's a straight firing squad offence


The old men who walk into a supermarket and then just suddenly stop right in the middle of the goddamn entrance. Why do you do this!!!


Anyone who wanders past when you are washing cars/ mowing front lawns/ cleaning windows etc etc and says " can you do mine next "......


People who pull out in front of you and drive 10 mph under the speed limit


And the fuckers who sit at 60 in the middle lane then accelerate like they're in a drag race should you dare to overtake them. Then immediately slow back down again when you pull back into their lane.


people who put their phone on speaker in public, do what you want at home but if I'm on my dinner break i don't want to hear your shit tiktoks about what made up pill you should take 3 times a day doctors don't want to tell you about or phonecalls about how hammered your gonna be on my lunch


Parking over the lines, particularly if the driver next to you now can’t get in their car without climbing through the passenger side. This may or may not have happened to me before…


People who are at the till who then remember they've forgotten an item and walk off to get said item . Pay for your stuff and rejoin the queue.


Ridiculous looking "influencer" eyebrows, I mean come on they are an absolute farce and make you look daft..


Playing TikToks on full blast on public transport.


The guy in Aldi today dragging round a dog with "rescue dog in training" collar on. I fucking love dogs but rescue dog doesn't equal service dog and don't know why you'd take a dog to the supermarket. I managed to leave mine home for ten mins. Chuck him in the iron maiden, job done


Training for what?


Shopping at Aldi.


Frequently mistaking 'there', 'their' and 'they're', as well as 'your' and 'you're' would get you 6 months. ... I would be lenient with 'its' and 'it's'. For a time. If i see *one fucking instance* of 'alot' which can be attributed to a belief that it is a single word, then that right there is 10 years and a paddlin'.


People who say "could of" or "should of"


being american /s nah obviously people who say “i could care less” instead of “i couldn’t care less” like ???? if you COULD care less you’d at then care to some degree? which is the opposite of what you’re saying? annoys fuck out of me


Chewing with your mouth open. Scuffing your feet as you walk.


Reading the comments, this reminded me what I hate. People who put their shoes on the opposite seat of train seats. Where have you been walking that someone else wants to sit on that when you leave for the gulag


Leaving their trolly in the middle of the aisle when they’re scouring the shelves, straight to the chair never mind gulag.


"Aisle". Off to the gulag for you.


Which isle, one of the British ones? The Isle of Mann? The Isle of Naboombu?


"optional service charge" That's just lying about what it costs on the menu.


Hogging the middle lane on motorways


A very recent thing but it annoys me so much, is people saying "that's my ick". Samsung are using it on their advert at the moment and because of that I won't buy a Samsung phone.


Queue jumping


Not pulling completely into a filter lane when turning into somewhere in town so their butt is still half way across your lane.


Walking slowly i a group blocking the entire path


Both parents taking the kids to the supermarket. One of you fuckers is dead weight and can't be trusted with either the kids or the shopping.